/* Scanner mode for hping2 * Copyright(C) 2003 Salvatore Sanfilippo * All rights reserved */ /* TODO: * an application-level aware UDP scanner. * add ICMP handling in replies. * The algorithm is far from be optimal, also there isn't a clear * way to delay smaller amounts of time then usleep(1) without * to use a dummy loop. * */ #include #include #include #include #if 0 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 0 #if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) && !defined(_SEM_SEMUN_UNDEFINED) /* union semun is defined by including */ #else /* according to X/OPEN we have to define it ourselves */ union semun { int val; /* value for SETVAL */ struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */ unsigned short int *array; /* array for GETALL, SETALL */ struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */ }; #endif #endif #include "hping2.h" #include "globals.h" #include "hstring.h" #define SEM_MODE 0777 #define MAXPORT 65535 int opt_scan_probes = 8; float avrgms = 0; int avrgcount = 0; /* ---------------------------- data structures ----------------------------- */ /* Note that while we don't use any kind of locking, to access * this fields is safe. the 'retry' field is only accessed by the * sendinf half, while the 'active' field is set by the receiver * and tested by the sender so atomicity isn't an issue. */ struct portinfo { int active; int retry; time_t sentms; /* Upss... added this that requires locking, FIXME */ }; /* ------------------------- shared memory related -------------------------- */ static int id; /* shared memory id */ static int shm_creat(int size) { id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, size, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if (id == -1) { perror("[shm_creat] shmget"); return -1; /* on error -1 */ } return id; /* on success > 0 */ } static void *shm_attach(void) { void *shared; shared = shmat(id, 0, 0); if (shared == (void*) -1) { perror("[shm_attach] shmat"); return NULL; /* on error NULL */ } return shared; /* on success the address */ } static int shm_rm(void) { struct shmid_ds shmemds; return shmctl(id, IPC_RMID, &shmemds); } static int shm_detach(void *addr) { return shmdt(addr); } static void *shm_init(int size) { if (shm_creat(size) == -1) return NULL; return shm_attach(); } static void shm_close(void *addr) { shm_detach(addr); shm_rm(); } /* ------------------------------ locking ---------------------------------- */ /* Note that a mutex can't be used with shared memory (on Linux), the only left * option is a semaphore, but I tried to protect the critical code * using the functions above: the scanner becomes too slow. For now * it's better to have nothing at all, for the future we need something * like a spinlock. (btw, note that the code should be safe on x86) */ /* I left this code here, just in the case it will be useful for testing */ #if 0 static int sem_init(void) { int semid, sem_key; if ((sem_key = ftok("/tmp/hpingscansem", 1)) == -1) { perror("ftok"); exit(1); } /* Semi-safe semaphore initialization from R.Stevens */ /* Try to create the semaphore with EXCL */ if ((semid = semget(sem_key, 1, IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|SEM_MODE)) != -1) { /* success, we need to initialize it */ union semun arg; arg.val = 1; if (semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, arg) == -1) { perror("semctl"); exit(1); } } else if (errno == EEXIST) { if ((semid = semget(sem_key, 1, SEM_MODE)) == -1) { perror("semget"); exit(1); } } else { perror("semget"); exit(1); } return semid; } static int ports_lock(int semid) { struct sembuf op[1]; op[0].sem_num = 0; op[0].sem_op = -1; op[0].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; return semop(semid, op, 1); } static int ports_unlock(int semid) { struct sembuf op[1]; op[0].sem_num = 0; op[0].sem_op = +1; op[0].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; return semop(semid, op, 1); } #endif /* -------------------------------- misc ----------------------------------- */ static char *tcp_strflags(char *s, unsigned int flags) { char *ftab = "FSRPAYXY", *p = s; int bit = 0; memset(s, '.', 8); s[8] = '\0'; while(bit < 8) { if (flags & (1 << bit)) p[bit] = ftab[bit]; bit++; } return s; } static char *port_to_name(int port) { struct servent *se; se = getservbyport(htons(port), NULL); if (!se) return ""; else return se->s_name; } /* ----------------------------- ports parsing ------------------------------ */ static int parse_ports(struct portinfo *pi, char *ports) { char *args[32], *p = strdup(ports); int argc, j, i; if (!p) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory"); return 1; } argc = strftok(",", ports, args, 32); for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) { int neg = 0; char *a = args[j]; /* ports negation */ if (a[0] == '!') { neg = 1; a++; } /* range */ if (strchr(a, '-')) { char *range[2]; int low, high; strftok("-", a, range, 2); if (!strisnum(range[0]) || !strisnum(range[1])) goto err; /* syntax error */ low = strtol(range[0], NULL, 0); high = strtol(range[1], NULL, 0); if (low > high) { int t; t = high; high = low; low = t; } for (i = low; i <= high; i++) pi[i].active = !neg; /* all the ports */ } else if (!strcmp(a, "all")) { for (i = 0; i <= MAXPORT; i++) pi[i].active = !neg; /* /etc/services ports */ } else if (!strcmp(a, "known")) { struct servent *se; setservent(0); while((se = getservent()) != NULL) { int port = ntohs(se->s_port); if (port < 0 || port > MAXPORT) continue; pi[port].active = !neg; } /* a single port */ } else { int port; if (!strisnum(a)) goto err; /* syntax error */ port = strtol(a, NULL, 0); if (port < 0 || port > MAXPORT) goto err; /* syntax error */ pi[port].active = !neg; } } free(p); return 0; err: free(p); return 1; } /* -------------------------------- output ---------------------------------- */ static void sender(struct portinfo *pi) { int i, retry = 0; time_t start_time; start_time = get_midnight_ut_ms(); while(1) { int active = 0; int recvd = 0; retry ++; for (i = 0; i < MAXPORT; i++) { if (pi[i].active && pi[i].retry) { active++; pi[i].retry--; sequence = -1; dst_port = i; pi[i].sentms = get_midnight_ut_ms(); send_tcp(); if (opt_waitinusec) { if (usec_delay.it_interval.tv_usec) usleep(usec_delay.it_interval.tv_usec); } else { sleep(sending_wait); } } } avrgms = (float) pi[MAXPORT+1].active; if (retry >= 3) { if (opt_debug) printf("AVRGMS %f\n", avrgms); if (avrgms) usleep((int) (avrgms*1000)); else sleep(1); } for (i = 0; i < MAXPORT; i++) { if (!pi[i].active && pi[i].retry) recvd++; } /* More to scan? */ if (!active) { if (!recvd) sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "All replies received. Done.\n"); printf("Not responding ports: "); for (i = 0; i < MAXPORT; i++) { if (pi[i].active && !pi[i].retry) printf("(%d %.11s) ", i, port_to_name(i)); } printf("\n"); exit(0); } /* Are we sending too fast? */ if ((!recvd && opt_waitinusec && usec_delay.it_interval.tv_usec == 0 && (get_midnight_ut_ms() - start_time) > 500) || (opt_scan_probes-retry) <= 2) { if (opt_debug) printf("SLOWING DONW\n"); usec_delay.it_interval.tv_usec *= 10; usec_delay.it_interval.tv_usec ++; } } } /* -------------------------------- input ---------------------------------- */ static void receiver(struct portinfo *pi, int childpid) { struct myiphdr ip; char packet[IP_MAX_SIZE+linkhdr_size]; while(1) { int len, iplen; len = read_packet(packet, IP_MAX_SIZE+linkhdr_size); if (len == -1) { perror("read_packet"); continue; } /* minimal sanity checks */ if (len < linkhdr_size) continue; iplen = len - linkhdr_size; if (iplen < sizeof(struct myiphdr)) continue; /* copy the ip header in an access-safe place */ memcpy(&ip, packet+linkhdr_size, sizeof(ip)); /* check if the dest IP matches */ if (memcmp(&ip.daddr, &ADDR4(&local), sizeof(ip.daddr))) continue; /* check if the source IP matches */ if (ip.protocol != IPPROTO_ICMP && memcmp(&ip.saddr, &ADDR4(&remote), sizeof(ip.saddr))) continue; if (ip.protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { struct mytcphdr tcp; int iphdrlen = ip.ihl << 2; char flags[16]; time_t rttms; int sport; /* more sanity checks */ if ((iplen - iphdrlen) < sizeof(tcp)) continue; /* time to copy the TCP header in a safe place */ memcpy(&tcp, packet+linkhdr_size+iphdrlen, sizeof(tcp)); /* check if the TCP dest port matches */ #if 0 printf("SRC: %d DST: %d\n", ntohs(tcp.th_sport), ntohs(tcp.th_dport)); #endif if (ntohs(tcp.th_dport) != initsport) continue; sport = htons(tcp.th_sport); if (pi[sport].active == 0) continue; /* Note that we don't care about a wrote RTT * result due to resend on the same port. */ rttms = get_midnight_ut_ms() - pi[sport].sentms; avrgcount++; avrgms = (avrgms*(avrgcount-1)/avrgcount)+(rttms/avrgcount); /* The avrg RTT is shared using shared memory, * no locking... */ pi[MAXPORT+1].active = (int) avrgms; tcp_strflags(flags, tcp.th_flags); #if 0 printf("%5d: %s %3d %5d %5d %10ld (%2d)\n", sport, flags, ip.ttl, ip.id, ntohs(tcp.th_win), (long) rttms, opt_scan_probes-(pi[sport].retry)); #endif if ((tcp.th_flags & TH_SYN) || opt_verbose) { printf("%5d %-11.11s: %s %3d %5d %5d\n", sport, port_to_name(sport), flags, ip.ttl, ip.id, ntohs(tcp.th_win)); fflush(stdout); } pi[sport].active = 0; } else if (ip.protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP) { struct myicmphdr icmp; struct myiphdr subip; struct mytcphdr subtcp; int iphdrlen = ip.ihl << 2; unsigned char *p; int port; struct in_addr gwaddr; /* more sanity checks, we are only interested * in ICMP quoting the original packet. */ if ((iplen - iphdrlen) < sizeof(icmp)+sizeof(subip)+sizeof(subtcp)) continue; /* time to copy headers in a safe place */ p = packet+linkhdr_size+iphdrlen; memcpy(&icmp, p, sizeof(subtcp)); p += sizeof(icmp); memcpy(&subip, p, sizeof(ip)); p += sizeof(ip); memcpy(&subtcp, p, sizeof(subtcp)); /* Check if the ICMP quoted packet matches */ /* check if the source IP matches */ if (memcmp(&subip.saddr, &ADDR4(&local), sizeof(subip.saddr))) continue; /* check if the destination IP matches */ if (memcmp(&subip.daddr, &ADDR4(&remote), sizeof(subip.daddr))) continue; /* check if the quoted TCP packet port matches */ if (ntohs(subtcp.th_sport) != initsport) continue; port = htons(subtcp.th_dport); if (pi[port].active == 0) continue; pi[port].active = 0; memcpy(&gwaddr.s_addr, &ip.saddr, 4); printf("%5d: %3d %5d (ICMP %3d %3d from %s)\n", port, ip.ttl, ntohs(ip.id), icmp.type, icmp.code, inet_ntoa(gwaddr)); } } } /* ---------------------------------- main ---------------------------------- */ static void do_exit(int sid) { exit(0); } void scanmain(void) { struct portinfo *pi; int ports = 0, i; int childpid; pi = shm_init(sizeof(*pi)*(MAXPORT+2)); pi[MAXPORT+1].active = 0; /* hold the average RTT */ if (pi == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create the shared memory"); shm_close(pi); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i <= MAXPORT; i++) { pi[i].active = 0; pi[i].retry = opt_scan_probes; } if (parse_ports(pi, opt_scanports)) { fprintf(stderr, "Ports syntax error for scan mode\n"); shm_close(pi); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i <= MAXPORT; i++) { if (!pi[i].active) pi[i].retry = 0; } for (i = 0; i <= MAXPORT; i++) ports += pi[i].active; fprintf(stderr, "%d ports to scan, use -V to see all the replies\n", ports); fprintf(stderr, "+----+-----------+---------+---+-----+-----+\n"); fprintf(stderr, "|port| serv name | flags |ttl| id | win |\n"); fprintf(stderr, "+----+-----------+---------+---+-----+-----+\n"); /* We are ready to fork, the input and output parts * are separated processes */ if ((childpid = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork"); shm_close(pi); exit(1); } /* The parent is the receiver, the child the sender. * it's almost the same but this way is simpler * to make it working in pipe with other commands like grep. */ if (childpid) { /* parent */ Signal(SIGCHLD, do_exit); Signal(SIGINT, do_exit); Signal(SIGTERM, do_exit); receiver(pi, childpid); } else { /* child */ Signal(SIGINT, do_exit); Signal(SIGTERM, do_exit); sender(pi); } /* UNREACHED */ }