/* * $smu-mark$ * $name: listen.c$ * $author: Salvatore Sanfilippo $ * $copyright: Copyright (C) 1999 by Salvatore Sanfilippo$ * $license: This software is under GPL version 2 of license$ * $date: Fri Nov 5 11:55:48 MET 1999$ * $rev: 8$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hping2.h" /* hping2.h includes hcmp.h */ #include "globals.h" void listenmain(void) { int size, ip_size; int stdoutFD = fileno(stdout); char packet[IP_MAX_SIZE+linkhdr_size]; char *p, *ip_packet; struct myiphdr ip; __u16 id; static __u16 exp_id; /* expected id */ exp_id = 1; while(1) { size = read_packet(packet, IP_MAX_SIZE+linkhdr_size); switch(size) { case 0: continue; case -1: exit(1); } /* Skip truncated packets */ if (size < linkhdr_size+IPHDR_SIZE) continue; ip_packet = packet + linkhdr_size; /* copy the ip header so it will be aligned */ memcpy(&ip, ip_packet, sizeof(ip)); id = ntohs(ip.id); ip_size = ntohs(ip.tot_len); if (size-linkhdr_size > ip_size) size = ip_size; else size -= linkhdr_size; if ((p = memstr(ip_packet, sign, size))) { if (opt_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "packet %d received\n", id); if (opt_safe) { if (id == exp_id) exp_id++; else { if (opt_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "packet not in sequence (id %d) received\n", id); send_hcmp(HCMP_RESTART, exp_id); if (opt_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "HCMP restart from %d sent\n", exp_id); continue; /* discard this packet */ } } p+=strlen(sign); write(stdoutFD, p, size-(p-ip_packet)); } } }