------------------------------------------- Please, use this form to report hping6 bugs ------------------------------------------- send it to You should include: * The output of "hping --version" * The output of the command "uname -a" * The problem description * The command line used to produce the problem (if possible) * The output of the command line that produces the problem with the additional --debug switch. * A tcpdump trace of the packets, run tcpdump with -s 200 -x The subject should start with [HPING BUG] followed by a short description or none. Example: [HPING BUG] the lookback interface does not work on solaris If you can, before to report a problem, download the developing version of hping using the CVS (see the istructions at http://www.hping.org/download.html) and try it, maybe we already fixed the problem in the CVS version. Also read the BUGS section of the manual page to see if the bug is a known one.