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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// nav_mesh.h
// The Navigation Mesh interface
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), January 2003
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003
// NOTE: The Navigation code uses Doxygen-style comments. If you run Doxygen over this code, it will
// auto-generate documentation. Visit www.doxygen.org to download the system for free.
#ifndef _NAV_MESH_H_
#define _NAV_MESH_H_
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "nav.h"
#include "nav_area.h"
#include "nav_colors.h"
class CNavArea;
class CBaseEntity;
extern ConVar nav_edit;
extern ConVar nav_quicksave;
extern ConVar nav_show_approach_points;
extern ConVar nav_show_danger;
* The CNavMesh is the global interface to the Navigation Mesh.
* @todo Make this an abstract base class interface, and derive mod-specific implementations.
class CNavMesh
CNavMesh( void );
virtual ~CNavMesh();
virtual HidingSpot *CreateHidingSpot( void ) const; ///< Hiding Spot factory
virtual void Reset( void ); ///< destroy Navigation Mesh data and revert to initial state
virtual void Update( void ); ///< invoked on each game frame
virtual NavErrorType Load( void ); ///< load navigation data from a file
bool IsLoaded( void ) const { return m_isLoaded; } ///< return true if a Navigation Mesh has been loaded
virtual bool Save( void ) const; ///< store Navigation Mesh to a file
bool IsFromCurrentMap( void ) const { return m_isFromCurrentMap; } ///< return true if the Navigation Mesh was last edited with the current map version
unsigned int GetNavAreaCount( void ) const { return m_areaCount; } ///< return total number of nav areas
CNavArea *GetNavArea( const Vector &pos, float beneathLimt = 120.0f ) const; ///< given a position, return the nav area that IsOverlapping and is *immediately* beneath it
CNavArea *GetNavAreaByID( unsigned int id ) const;
CNavArea *GetNearestNavArea( const Vector &pos, bool anyZ = false, float maxDist = 10000.0f, bool checkLOS = false ) const;
Place GetPlace( const Vector &pos ) const; ///< return Place at given coordinate
const char *PlaceToName( Place place ) const; ///< given a place, return its name
Place NameToPlace( const char *name ) const; ///< given a place name, return a place ID or zero if no place is defined
Place PartialNameToPlace( const char *name ) const; ///< given the first part of a place name, return a place ID or zero if no place is defined, or the partial match is ambiguous
void PrintAllPlaces( void ) const; ///< output a list of names to the console
int PlaceNameAutocomplete( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] ); ///< Given a partial place name, fill in possible place names for ConCommand autocomplete
bool GetGroundHeight( const Vector &pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL ) const; ///< get the Z coordinate of the topmost ground level below the given point
bool GetSimpleGroundHeight( const Vector &pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL ) const;///< get the Z coordinate of the ground level directly below the given point
/// increase "danger" weights in the given nav area and nearby ones
void IncreaseDangerNearby( int teamID, float amount, CNavArea *area, const Vector &pos, float maxRadius );
void DrawDanger( void ) const; ///< draw the current danger levels
void ClearPlayerCounts( void ); ///< zero player counts in all areas
void DrawPlayerCounts( void ) const; ///< draw the current player counts for each area
// Auto-generation
void BeginGeneration( bool incremental = false ); ///< initiate the generation process
void BeginAnalysis( void ); ///< re-analyze an existing Mesh. Determine Hiding Spots, Encounter Spots, etc.
bool IsGenerating( void ) const { return m_generationMode != GENERATE_NONE; } ///< return true while a Navigation Mesh is being generated
const char *GetPlayerSpawnName( void ) const; ///< return name of player spawn entity
void SetPlayerSpawnName( const char *name ); ///< define the name of player spawn entities
void AddWalkableSeed( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal ); ///< add given walkable position to list of seed positions for map sampling
void ClearWalkableSeeds( void ) { m_walkableSeedList.RemoveAll(); } ///< erase all walkable seed positions
// Edit mode
unsigned int GetNavPlace( void ) const { return m_navPlace; }
void SetNavPlace( unsigned int place ) { m_navPlace = place; }
// Edit callbacks from ConCommands
void CommandNavDelete( void ); ///< delete current area
void CommandNavDeleteMarked( void ); ///< delete current marked area
void CommandNavSplit( void ); ///< split current area
void CommandNavMerge( void ); ///< merge adjacent areas
void CommandNavMark( const CCommand &args ); ///< mark an area for further operations
void CommandNavUnmark( void ); ///< removes the mark
void CommandNavBeginArea( void ); ///< begin creating a new nav area
void CommandNavEndArea( void ); ///< end creation of the new nav area
void CommandNavConnect( void ); ///< connect marked area to selected area
void CommandNavDisconnect( void ); ///< disconnect marked area from selected area
void CommandNavSplice( void ); ///< create new area in between marked and selected areas
void CommandNavCrouch( void ); ///< toggle crouch attribute on current area
void CommandNavTogglePlaceMode( void ); ///< switch between normal and place editing
void CommandNavSetPlaceMode( void ); ///< switch between normal and place editing
void CommandNavPlaceFloodFill( void ); ///< floodfill areas out from current area
void CommandNavPlacePick( void ); ///< "pick up" the place at the current area
void CommandNavTogglePlacePainting( void ); ///< switch between "painting" places onto areas
void CommandNavMarkUnnamed( void ); ///< mark an unnamed area for further operations
void CommandNavCornerSelect( void ); ///< select a corner on the current area
void CommandNavCornerRaise( void ); ///< raise a corner on the current area
void CommandNavCornerLower( void ); ///< lower a corner on the current area
void CommandNavCornerPlaceOnGround( const CCommand &args ); ///< position a corner on the current area at ground height
void CommandNavWarpToMark( void ); ///< warp a spectating local player to the selected mark
void CommandNavLadderFlip( void ); ///< Flips the direction a ladder faces
void CommandNavToggleAttribute( NavAttributeType attribute ); ///< toggle an attribute on current area
void CommandNavMakeSniperSpots( void ); ///< cuts up the marked area into individual areas suitable for sniper spots
void CommandNavBuildLadder( void ); ///< builds a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor
void CommandNavRemoveUnusedJumpAreas( void ); ///< removes jump areas with at most 1 connection to a ladder or non-jump area
void CommandNavPickArea( void );
void CommandNavResizeHorizontal( void );
void CommandNavResizeVertical( void );
void CommandNavResizeEnd( void );
bool IsPlaceMode( void ) const { return m_navEditMode == NAV_EDIT_PLACE; }
void GetEditVectors( Vector *pos, Vector *forward ); ///< Gets the eye position and view direction of the editing player
CNavArea *GetMarkedArea( void ) const { return m_markedArea; } ///< return area marked by user in edit mode
CNavLadder *GetMarkedLadder( void ) const { return m_markedLadder; } ///< return ladder marked by user in edit mode
CNavArea *GetSelectedArea( void ) const { return m_selectedArea; } ///< return area selected by user in edit mode
CNavLadder *GetSelectedLadder( void ) const { return m_selectedLadder; } ///< return ladder selected by user in edit mode
void CreateLadder( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, const Vector2D *ladderDir );
float SnapToGrid( float x, bool forceGrid = false ) const; ///< snap given coordinate to generation grid boundary
Vector SnapToGrid( const Vector& in, bool snapX = true, bool snapY = true, bool forceGrid = false ) const; ///< snap given vector's X & Y coordinates to generation grid boundary
const Vector &GetEditCursorPosition( void ) const { return m_editCursorPos; } ///< return position of edit cursor
void StripNavigationAreas( void );
const char *GetFilename( void ) const; ///< return the filename for this map's "nav" file
* Apply the functor to all navigation areas.
* If functor returns false, stop processing and return false.
template < typename Functor >
bool ForAllAreas( Functor &func )
FOR_EACH_LL( TheNavAreaList, it )
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreaList[ it ];
if (func( area ) == false)
return false;
return true;
NavLadderList& GetLadders( void ) { return m_ladderList; } ///< Returns the list of ladders
CNavLadder *GetLadderByID( unsigned int id ) const;
CUtlVector< CNavArea * >& GetTransientAreas( void ) { return m_transientAreas; }
friend class CNavArea;
friend class CNavNode;
NavAreaList *m_grid;
float m_gridCellSize; ///< the width/height of a grid cell for spatially partitioning nav areas for fast access
int m_gridSizeX;
int m_gridSizeY;
float m_minX;
float m_minY;
unsigned int m_areaCount; ///< total number of nav areas
bool m_isLoaded; ///< true if a Navigation Mesh has been loaded
bool m_isFromCurrentMap; ///< true if the Navigation Mesh was last saved with the current map
enum { HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 256 };
CNavArea *m_hashTable[ HASH_TABLE_SIZE ]; ///< hash table to optimize lookup by ID
int ComputeHashKey( unsigned int id ) const; ///< returns a hash key for the given nav area ID
int WorldToGridX( float wx ) const; ///< given X component, return grid index
int WorldToGridY( float wy ) const; ///< given Y component, return grid index
void AllocateGrid( float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY ); ///< clear and reset the grid to the given extents
void GridToWorld( int gridX, int gridY, Vector *pos ) const;
void AddNavArea( CNavArea *area ); ///< add an area to the grid
void RemoveNavArea( CNavArea *area ); ///< remove an area from the grid
void DestroyNavigationMesh( bool incremental = false ); ///< free all resources of the mesh and reset it to empty state
void DestroyHidingSpots( void );
void ComputeBattlefrontAreas( void ); ///< determine areas where rushing teams will first meet
// Place directory
char **m_placeName; ///< master directory of place names (ie: "places")
unsigned int m_placeCount; ///< number of "places" defined in placeName[]
void LoadPlaceDatabase( void ); ///< load the place names from a file
// Edit mode
unsigned int m_navPlace; ///< current navigation place for editing
void OnEditModeStart( void ); ///< called when edit mode has just been enabled
void DrawEditMode( void ); ///< draw navigation areas
void OnEditModeEnd( void ); ///< called when edit mode has just been disabled
bool m_isEditing; ///< true if in edit mode
Vector m_editCursorPos; ///< current position of the cursor
CNavArea *m_markedArea; ///< currently marked area for edit operations
CNavArea *m_selectedArea; ///< area that is selected this frame
CNavArea *m_lastSelectedArea; ///< area that was selected last frame
NavCornerType m_markedCorner; ///< currently marked corner for edit operations
Vector m_anchor; ///< first corner of an area being created
bool m_isPlacePainting; ///< if true, we set an area's place by pointing at it
bool m_splitAlongX; ///< direction the selected nav area would be split
float m_splitEdge; ///< location of the possible split
enum NavEditMode {
NAV_EDIT_CREATE, ///< manually creating a new nav area
NAV_EDIT_PLACE ///< place-editing mode
NavEditMode m_navEditMode;
bool m_climbableSurface; ///< if true, the cursor is pointing at a climable surface
Vector m_surfaceNormal; ///< Normal of the surface the cursor is pointing at
Vector m_ladderAnchor; ///< first corner of a ladder being created
Vector m_ladderNormal; ///< Normal of the surface of the ladder being created
bool m_isCreatingLadder; ///< if true, we are manually creating a ladder
CNavLadder *m_selectedLadder; ///< ladder that is selected this frame
CNavLadder *m_lastSelectedLadder; ///< ladder that was selected last frame
CNavLadder *m_markedLadder; ///< currently marked ladder for edit operations
bool GetActiveNavArea( void ); ///< Finds the area or ladder the local player is currently pointing at. Returns true if a surface was hit by the traceline.
void SetEditMode( bool isPlaceMode ); ///< sets/clears place mode
void SetPlacePaintingMode( bool painting ); ///< Sets place-painting, if we're in place mode
void SetMarkedLadder( CNavLadder *ladder ); ///< mark ladder for further edit operations
void SetMarkedArea( CNavArea *area ); ///< mark area for further edit operations
CountdownTimer m_showAreaInfoTimer; ///< Timer that controls how long area info is displayed
// Auto-generation
bool UpdateGeneration( float maxTime = 0.25f ); ///< process the auto-generation for 'maxTime' seconds. return false if generation is complete.
CNavNode *m_currentNode; ///< the current node we are sampling from
NavDirType m_generationDir;
CNavNode *AddNode( const Vector &destPos, const Vector &destNormal, NavDirType dir, CNavNode *source ); ///< add a nav node and connect it, update current node
NavLadderList m_ladderList; ///< list of ladder navigation representations
void BuildLadders( void );
void DestroyLadders( void );
bool SampleStep( void ); ///< sample the walkable areas of the map
void CreateNavAreasFromNodes( void ); ///< cover all of the sampled nodes with nav areas
bool TestArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height ); ///< check if an area of size (width, height) can fit, starting from node as upper left corner
int BuildArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height ); ///< create a CNavArea of size (width, height) starting fom node at upper left corner
void RemoveUnusedJumpAreas( void );
void MarkJumpAreas( void );
void SquareUpAreas( void );
void MergeGeneratedAreas( void );
void ConnectGeneratedAreas( void );
enum GenerationStateType
m_generationState; ///< the state of the generation process
enum GenerationModeType
m_generationMode; ///< true while a Navigation Mesh is being generated
int m_generationIndex; ///< used for iterating nav areas during generation process
int m_sampleTick; ///< counter for displaying pseudo-progress while sampling walkable space
char *m_spawnName; ///< name of player spawn entity, used to initiate sampling
struct WalkableSeedSpot
Vector pos;
Vector normal;
CUtlLinkedList< WalkableSeedSpot, int > m_walkableSeedList; ///< list of walkable seed spots for sampling
CNavNode *GetNextWalkableSeedNode( void ); ///< return the next walkable seed as a node
int m_seedIdx;
void BuildTransientAreaList( void );
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > m_transientAreas;
// the global singleton interface
extern CNavMesh *TheNavMesh;
inline int CNavMesh::ComputeHashKey( unsigned int id ) const
return id & 0xFF;
inline int CNavMesh::WorldToGridX( float wx ) const
int x = (int)( (wx - m_minX) / m_gridCellSize );
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
else if (x >= m_gridSizeX)
x = m_gridSizeX-1;
return x;
inline int CNavMesh::WorldToGridY( float wy ) const
int y = (int)( (wy - m_minY) / m_gridCellSize );
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
else if (y >= m_gridSizeY)
y = m_gridSizeY-1;
return y;
// Function prototypes
extern void ApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void );
extern void CleanupApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void );
#endif // _NAV_MESH_H_