mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 09:43:40 +08:00
788 lines
23 KiB
Protocol Buffer
788 lines
23 KiB
Protocol Buffer
import "networkbasetypes.proto";
enum EBaseUserMessages {
UM_AchievementEvent = 101;
UM_CloseCaption = 102;
UM_CloseCaptionDirect = 103;
UM_CurrentTimescale = 104;
UM_DesiredTimescale = 105;
UM_Fade = 106;
UM_GameTitle = 107;
UM_HudMsg = 110;
UM_HudText = 111;
UM_ColoredText = 113;
UM_RequestState = 114;
UM_ResetHUD = 115;
UM_Rumble = 116;
UM_SayText = 117;
UM_SayText2 = 118;
UM_SayTextChannel = 119;
UM_Shake = 120;
UM_ShakeDir = 121;
UM_WaterShake = 122;
UM_TextMsg = 124;
UM_ScreenTilt = 125;
UM_VoiceMask = 128;
UM_SendAudio = 130;
UM_ItemPickup = 131;
UM_AmmoDenied = 132;
UM_ShowMenu = 134;
UM_CreditsMsg = 135;
UM_CloseCaptionPlaceholder = 142;
UM_CameraTransition = 143;
UM_AudioParameter = 144;
UM_ParticleManager = 145;
UM_HudError = 146;
UM_CustomGameEvent = 148;
UM_AnimGraphUpdate = 149;
UM_HapticsManagerPulse = 150;
UM_HapticsManagerEffect = 151;
UM_CommandQueueState = 152;
UM_UpdateCssClasses = 153;
UM_ServerFrameTime = 154;
UM_LagCompensationError = 155;
UM_RequestDllStatus = 156;
UM_RequestUtilAction = 157;
UM_UtilActionResponse = 158;
UM_DllStatusResponse = 159;
UM_RequestInventory = 160;
UM_InventoryResponse = 161;
UM_RequestDiagnostic = 162;
UM_DiagnosticResponse = 163;
UM_ExtraUserData = 164;
UM_NotifyResponseFound = 165;
UM_PlayResponseConditional = 166;
UM_MAX_BASE = 200;
enum EBaseEntityMessages {
EM_PlayJingle = 136;
EM_ScreenOverlay = 137;
EM_RemoveAllDecals = 138;
EM_PropagateForce = 139;
EM_DoSpark = 140;
EM_FixAngle = 141;
enum eRollType {
enum EHapticPulseType {
message CUserMessageAchievementEvent {
optional uint32 achievement = 1;
message CUserMessageCloseCaption {
optional fixed32 hash = 1;
optional float duration = 2;
optional bool from_player = 3;
optional int32 ent_index = 4 [default = -1];
message CUserMessageCloseCaptionDirect {
optional fixed32 hash = 1;
optional float duration = 2;
optional bool from_player = 3;
optional int32 ent_index = 4 [default = -1];
message CUserMessageCloseCaptionPlaceholder {
optional string string = 1;
optional float duration = 2;
optional bool from_player = 3;
optional int32 ent_index = 4 [default = -1];
message CUserMessageCurrentTimescale {
optional float current = 1;
message CUserMessageDesiredTimescale {
optional float desired = 1;
optional float acceleration = 2;
optional float minblendrate = 3;
optional float blenddeltamultiplier = 4;
message CUserMessageFade {
optional uint32 duration = 1;
optional uint32 hold_time = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional fixed32 color = 4;
message CUserMessageShake {
optional uint32 command = 1;
optional float amplitude = 2;
optional float frequency = 3;
optional float duration = 4;
message CUserMessageShakeDir {
optional .CUserMessageShake shake = 1;
optional .CMsgVector direction = 2;
message CUserMessageWaterShake {
optional uint32 command = 1;
optional float amplitude = 2;
optional float frequency = 3;
optional float duration = 4;
message CUserMessageScreenTilt {
optional uint32 command = 1;
optional bool ease_in_out = 2;
optional .CMsgVector angle = 3;
optional float duration = 4;
optional float time = 5;
message CUserMessageSayText {
optional int32 playerindex = 1 [default = -1];
optional string text = 2;
optional bool chat = 3;
message CUserMessageSayText2 {
optional int32 entityindex = 1 [default = -1];
optional bool chat = 2;
optional string messagename = 3;
optional string param1 = 4;
optional string param2 = 5;
optional string param3 = 6;
optional string param4 = 7;
message CUserMessageHudMsg {
optional uint32 channel = 1;
optional float x = 2;
optional float y = 3;
optional fixed32 color1 = 4;
optional fixed32 color2 = 5;
optional uint32 effect = 6;
optional string message = 11;
message CUserMessageHudText {
optional string message = 1;
message CUserMessageTextMsg {
optional uint32 dest = 1;
repeated string param = 2;
message CUserMessageGameTitle {
message CUserMessageResetHUD {
message CUserMessageSendAudio {
optional string soundname = 1;
optional bool stop = 2;
message CUserMessageAudioParameter {
optional uint32 parameter_type = 1;
optional uint32 name_hash_code = 2;
optional float value = 3;
optional uint32 int_value = 4;
message CUserMessageVoiceMask {
repeated uint32 gamerules_masks = 1;
repeated uint32 ban_masks = 2;
optional bool mod_enable = 3;
message CUserMessageRequestState {
message CUserMessageRumble {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int32 data = 2;
optional int32 flags = 3;
message CUserMessageSayTextChannel {
optional int32 player = 1;
optional int32 channel = 2;
optional string text = 3;
message CUserMessageColoredText {
optional uint32 color = 1;
optional string text = 2;
optional bool reset = 3;
optional int32 context_player_slot = 4 [default = -1];
optional int32 context_value = 5;
optional int32 context_team_id = 6;
message CUserMessageItemPickup {
optional string itemname = 1;
message CUserMessageAmmoDenied {
optional uint32 ammo_id = 1;
message CUserMessageShowMenu {
optional uint32 validslots = 1;
optional uint32 displaytime = 2;
optional bool needmore = 3;
optional string menustring = 4;
message CUserMessageCreditsMsg {
optional .eRollType rolltype = 1 [default = ROLL_NONE];
optional float logo_length = 2;
message CEntityMessagePlayJingle {
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 1;
message CEntityMessageScreenOverlay {
optional bool start_effect = 1;
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 2;
message CEntityMessageRemoveAllDecals {
optional bool remove_decals = 1;
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 2;
message CEntityMessagePropagateForce {
optional .CMsgVector impulse = 1;
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 2;
message CEntityMessageDoSpark {
optional .CMsgVector origin = 1;
optional int32 entityindex = 2 [default = -1];
optional float radius = 3;
optional fixed32 color = 4;
optional uint32 beams = 5;
optional float thick = 6;
optional float duration = 7;
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 8;
message CEntityMessageFixAngle {
optional bool relative = 1;
optional .CMsgQAngle angle = 2;
optional .CEntityMsg entity_msg = 3;
message CUserMessageCameraTransition {
message Transition_DataDriven {
optional string filename = 1;
optional int32 attach_ent_index = 2 [default = -1];
optional float duration = 3;
optional uint32 camera_type = 1;
optional float duration = 2;
optional .CUserMessageCameraTransition.Transition_DataDriven params_data_driven = 3;
message CUserMsg_ParticleManager {
message ReleaseParticleIndex {
message CreateParticle {
optional fixed64 particle_name_index = 1;
optional int32 attach_type = 2;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 3 [default = 16777215];
optional uint32 entity_handle_for_modifiers = 4 [default = 16777215];
optional bool apply_voice_ban_rules = 5;
optional int32 team_behavior = 6;
optional string control_point_configuration = 7;
optional bool cluster = 8;
optional float endcap_time = 9;
message DestroyParticle {
optional bool destroy_immediately = 1;
message DestroyParticleInvolving {
optional bool destroy_immediately = 1;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 3 [default = 16777215];
message DestroyParticleNamed {
optional fixed64 particle_name_index = 1;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 2 [default = 16777215];
optional bool destroy_immediately = 3;
optional bool play_endcap = 4;
message UpdateParticle_OBSOLETE {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector position = 2;
message UpdateParticleFwd_OBSOLETE {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector forward = 2;
message UpdateParticleOrient_OBSOLETE {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector forward = 2;
optional .CMsgVector deprecated_right = 3;
optional .CMsgVector up = 4;
optional .CMsgVector left = 5;
message UpdateParticleTransform {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector position = 2;
optional .CMsgQuaternion orientation = 3;
optional float interpolation_interval = 4;
message UpdateParticleFallback {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector position = 2;
message UpdateParticleOffset {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional .CMsgVector origin_offset = 2;
optional .CMsgQAngle angle_offset = 3;
message UpdateParticleEnt {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 2 [default = 16777215];
optional int32 attach_type = 3;
optional int32 attachment = 4;
optional .CMsgVector fallback_position = 5;
optional bool include_wearables = 6;
optional .CMsgVector offset_position = 7;
optional .CMsgQAngle offset_angles = 8;
message UpdateParticleSetFrozen {
optional bool set_frozen = 1;
optional float transition_duration = 2;
message UpdateParticleShouldDraw {
optional bool should_draw = 1;
message ChangeControlPointAttachment {
optional int32 attachment_old = 1;
optional int32 attachment_new = 2;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 3 [default = 16777215];
message UpdateEntityPosition {
optional uint32 entity_handle = 1 [default = 16777215];
optional .CMsgVector position = 2;
message SetParticleFoWProperties {
optional int32 fow_control_point = 1;
optional int32 fow_control_point2 = 2;
optional float fow_radius = 3;
message SetParticleShouldCheckFoW {
optional bool check_fow = 1;
message SetControlPointModel {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional string model_name = 2;
message SetControlPointSnapshot {
optional int32 control_point = 1;
optional string snapshot_name = 2;
message SetParticleText {
optional string text = 1;
message SetTextureAttribute {
optional string attribute_name = 1;
optional string texture_name = 2;
message SetSceneObjectGenericFlag {
optional bool flag_value = 1;
message SetSceneObjectTintAndDesat {
optional fixed32 tint = 1;
optional float desat = 2;
message ParticleSkipToTime {
optional float skip_to_time = 1;
message ParticleCanFreeze {
optional bool can_freeze = 1;
message ParticleFreezeTransitionOverride {
optional float freeze_transition_override = 1;
message FreezeParticleInvolving {
optional bool set_frozen = 1;
optional float transition_duration = 2;
optional uint32 entity_handle = 3 [default = 16777215];
message AddModellistOverrideElement {
optional string model_name = 1;
optional float spawn_probability = 2;
optional uint32 groupid = 3;
message ClearModellistOverride {
optional uint32 groupid = 1;
message SetParticleNamedValueContext {
message FloatContextValue {
optional uint32 value_name_hash = 1;
optional float value = 2;
message VectorContextValue {
optional uint32 value_name_hash = 1;
optional .CMsgVector value = 2;
message TransformContextValue {
optional uint32 value_name_hash = 1;
optional .CMsgQAngle angles = 2;
optional .CMsgVector translation = 3;
message EHandleContext {
optional uint32 value_name_hash = 1;
optional uint32 ent_index = 2 [default = 16777215];
repeated .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleNamedValueContext.FloatContextValue float_values = 1;
repeated .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleNamedValueContext.VectorContextValue vector_values = 2;
repeated .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleNamedValueContext.TransformContextValue transform_values = 3;
repeated .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleNamedValueContext.EHandleContext ehandle_values = 4;
message CreatePhysicsSim {
optional string prop_group_name = 1;
message DestroyPhysicsSim {
required uint32 index = 2;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ReleaseParticleIndex release_particle_index = 3;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.CreateParticle create_particle = 4;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.DestroyParticle destroy_particle = 5;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.DestroyParticleInvolving destroy_particle_involving = 6;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticle_OBSOLETE update_particle = 7;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleFwd_OBSOLETE update_particle_fwd = 8;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleOrient_OBSOLETE update_particle_orient = 9;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleFallback update_particle_fallback = 10;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleOffset update_particle_offset = 11;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleEnt update_particle_ent = 12;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleShouldDraw update_particle_should_draw = 14;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleSetFrozen update_particle_set_frozen = 15;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ChangeControlPointAttachment change_control_point_attachment = 16;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateEntityPosition update_entity_position = 17;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleFoWProperties set_particle_fow_properties = 18;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleText set_particle_text = 19;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleShouldCheckFoW set_particle_should_check_fow = 20;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetControlPointModel set_control_point_model = 21;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetControlPointSnapshot set_control_point_snapshot = 22;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetTextureAttribute set_texture_attribute = 23;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetSceneObjectGenericFlag set_scene_object_generic_flag = 24;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetSceneObjectTintAndDesat set_scene_object_tint_and_desat = 25;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.DestroyParticleNamed destroy_particle_named = 26;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ParticleSkipToTime particle_skip_to_time = 27;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ParticleCanFreeze particle_can_freeze = 28;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.SetParticleNamedValueContext set_named_value_context = 29;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.UpdateParticleTransform update_particle_transform = 30;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ParticleFreezeTransitionOverride particle_freeze_transition_override = 31;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.FreezeParticleInvolving freeze_particle_involving = 32;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.AddModellistOverrideElement add_modellist_override_element = 33;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.ClearModellistOverride clear_modellist_override = 34;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.CreatePhysicsSim create_physics_sim = 35;
optional .CUserMsg_ParticleManager.DestroyPhysicsSim destroy_physics_sim = 36;
extensions 100 to 201;
message CUserMsg_HudError {
optional int32 order_id = 1;
message CUserMsg_CustomGameEvent {
optional string event_name = 1;
optional bytes data = 2;
message CUserMessageHapticsManagerPulse {
optional int32 hand_id = 1;
optional float effect_amplitude = 2;
optional float effect_frequency = 3;
optional float effect_duration = 4;
message CUserMessageHapticsManagerEffect {
optional int32 hand_id = 1;
optional uint32 effect_name_hash_code = 2;
optional float effect_scale = 3;
message CUserMessageAnimStateGraphState {
optional int32 entity_index = 1;
optional bytes data = 2;
message CUserMessageUpdateCssClasses {
optional int32 target_world_panel = 1;
optional string css_classes = 2;
optional bool is_add = 3;
message CUserMessageServerFrameTime {
optional float frame_time = 1;
message CUserMessageLagCompensationError {
optional float distance = 1;
message CUserMessageRequestDllStatus {
optional string dll_action = 1;
optional bool full_report = 2;
message CUserMessageRequestUtilAction {
optional int32 util1 = 2;
optional int32 util2 = 3;
optional int32 util3 = 4;
optional int32 util4 = 5;
optional int32 util5 = 6;
message CUserMessage_UtilMsg_Response {
message ItemDetail {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int32 hash = 2;
optional int32 crc = 3;
optional string name = 4;
optional fixed32 crc = 1;
optional int32 item_count = 2;
optional fixed32 crc2 = 3;
optional int32 item_count2 = 4;
repeated int32 crc_part = 5;
repeated int32 crc_part2 = 6;
optional int32 client_timestamp = 7;
optional int32 platform = 8;
repeated .CUserMessage_UtilMsg_Response.ItemDetail itemdetails = 9;
optional int32 itemgroup = 10;
optional int32 total_count = 11;
optional int32 total_count2 = 12;
message CUserMessage_DllStatus {
message CVDiagnostic {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional uint32 extended = 2;
optional uint64 value = 3;
optional string string_value = 4;
message CModule {
optional uint64 base_addr = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 size = 3;
optional uint32 timestamp = 4;
optional string file_report = 1;
optional string command_line = 2;
optional uint32 total_files = 3;
optional uint32 process_id = 4;
optional int32 osversion = 5;
optional uint64 client_time = 6;
repeated .CUserMessage_DllStatus.CVDiagnostic diagnostics = 7;
repeated .CUserMessage_DllStatus.CModule modules = 8;
message CUserMessageRequestInventory {
optional int32 inventory = 1;
optional int32 offset = 2;
optional int32 options = 3;
message CUserMessage_Inventory_Response {
message InventoryDetail {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int64 primary = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 first = 4;
optional int64 base = 5;
optional string name = 6;
optional string base_name = 7;
optional int32 base_detail = 8;
optional int32 base_time = 9;
optional int32 base_hash = 10;
optional fixed32 crc = 1;
optional int32 item_count = 2;
optional int32 osversion = 5;
optional int32 perf_time = 6;
optional int32 client_timestamp = 7;
optional int32 platform = 8;
repeated .CUserMessage_Inventory_Response.InventoryDetail inventories = 9;
repeated .CUserMessage_Inventory_Response.InventoryDetail inventories2 = 10;
repeated .CUserMessage_Inventory_Response.InventoryDetail inventories3 = 14;
optional int32 inv_type = 11;
optional int32 build_version = 12;
optional int32 instance = 13;
optional int64 start_time = 15;
message CUserMessageRequestDiagnostic {
message Diagnostic {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int64 offset = 2;
optional int32 param = 3;
optional int32 length = 4;
optional int32 type = 5;
optional int64 base = 6;
optional int64 range = 7;
optional int64 extent = 8;
optional int64 detail = 9;
optional string name = 10;
optional string alias = 11;
optional bytes vardetail = 12;
optional int32 context = 13;
repeated .CUserMessageRequestDiagnostic.Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
message CUserMessage_Diagnostic_Response {
message Diagnostic {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int64 offset = 2;
optional int32 param = 3;
optional int32 length = 4;
optional bytes detail = 5;
optional int64 base = 6;
optional int64 range = 7;
optional int32 type = 8;
optional string name = 10;
optional string alias = 11;
optional bytes backup = 12;
optional int32 context = 13;
optional int64 control = 14;
optional int64 augment = 15;
optional int64 placebo = 16;
repeated .CUserMessage_Diagnostic_Response.Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
optional int32 build_version = 2;
optional int32 instance = 3;
optional int64 start_time = 4;
optional int32 osversion = 5;
optional int32 platform = 6;
message CUserMessage_ExtraUserData {
optional int32 item = 1;
optional int64 value1 = 2;
optional int64 value2 = 3;
repeated bytes detail1 = 4;
repeated bytes detail2 = 5;
message CUserMessage_NotifyResponseFound {
message Criteria {
optional uint32 name_symbol = 1;
optional string value = 2;
optional int32 ent_index = 1 [default = -1];
optional string rule_name = 2;
optional string response_value = 3;
optional string response_concept = 4;
repeated .CUserMessage_NotifyResponseFound.Criteria criteria = 5;
message CUserMessage_PlayResponseConditional {
optional int32 ent_index = 1 [default = -1];
repeated int32 player_slots = 2;
optional string response = 3;
optional .CMsgVector ent_origin = 4;