//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==== // // To give an NPC the ability to shoot while moving: // // - In the NPC's Spawn function, add: // CapabilitiesAdd( bits_CAP_MOVE_SHOOT ); // // - The NPC must either have a weapon (return non-NULL from GetActiveWeapon) // or must have bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 or bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK2. // // - Support the activities ACT_WALK_AIM and/or ACT_RUN_AIM in the NPC. // // - Support the activity ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1 as a gesture that plays // over ACT_WALK_AIM and ACT_RUN_AIM. // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "ai_moveshoot.h" #include "ai_basenpc.h" #include "ai_navigator.h" #include "ai_memory.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_bMovingAndShooting, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bNoShootWhileMove, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_initialDelay, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flSuspendUntilTime, FIELD_TIME ), END_DATADESC() #define MOVESHOOT_DO_NOT_SUSPEND -1.0f //------------------------------------- CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay() : m_bMovingAndShooting(false), m_initialDelay(0) { m_flSuspendUntilTime = MOVESHOOT_DO_NOT_SUSPEND; m_bNoShootWhileMove = false; } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::NoShootWhileMove() { m_bNoShootWhileMove = true; } //------------------------------------- bool CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::HasAvailableRangeAttack() { return ( ( GetOuter()->GetActiveWeapon() != NULL ) || ( GetOuter()->CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) || ( GetOuter()->CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK2 ) ); } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::StartShootWhileMove() { if ( GetOuter()->GetState() == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT || !HasAvailableRangeAttack() || !GetOuter()->HaveSequenceForActivity( GetOuter()->TranslateActivity( ACT_WALK_AIM ) ) || !GetOuter()->HaveSequenceForActivity( GetOuter()->TranslateActivity( ACT_RUN_AIM ) ) ) { NoShootWhileMove(); return; } GetOuter()->GetShotRegulator()->FireNoEarlierThan( gpGlobals->curtime + m_initialDelay ); m_bNoShootWhileMove = false; } //------------------------------------- bool CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::CanAimAtEnemy() { CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter = GetOuter(); bool result = false; bool resetConditions = false; CAI_ScheduleBits savedConditions; if ( !GetOuter()->ConditionsGathered() ) { savedConditions = GetOuter()->AccessConditionBits(); GetOuter()->GatherEnemyConditions( GetOuter()->GetEnemy() ); } if ( pOuter->HasCondition( COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) ) { result = true; } else if ( !pOuter->HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) && !pOuter->HasCondition( COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK ) && !pOuter->HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_TOO_FAR ) && !pOuter->HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED ) ) { result = true; } // If we don't have a weapon, stop // This catches NPCs who holster their weapons while running if ( !HasAvailableRangeAttack() ) { result = false; } if ( resetConditions ) { GetOuter()->AccessConditionBits() = savedConditions; } return result; } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::UpdateMoveShootActivity( bool bMoveAimAtEnemy ) { // FIXME: should be able to query that transition/state is happening // FIXME: needs to not try to shoot if the movement type isn't understood Activity curActivity = GetOuter()->GetNavigator()->GetMovementActivity(); Activity newActivity = curActivity; if (bMoveAimAtEnemy) { switch( curActivity ) { case ACT_WALK: newActivity = ACT_WALK_AIM; break; case ACT_RUN: newActivity = ACT_RUN_AIM; break; default: break; } } else { switch( curActivity ) { case ACT_WALK_AIM: newActivity = ACT_WALK; break; case ACT_RUN_AIM: newActivity = ACT_RUN; break; default: break; } } if ( curActivity != newActivity ) { // Transitioning, wait a bit GetOuter()->GetShotRegulator()->FireNoEarlierThan( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.3f ); GetOuter()->GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity( newActivity ); } } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::RunShootWhileMove() { if ( m_bNoShootWhileMove ) return; if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flSuspendUntilTime ) return; m_flSuspendUntilTime = MOVESHOOT_DO_NOT_SUSPEND; CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter = GetOuter(); // keep enemy if dead but try to look for a new one if (!pOuter->GetEnemy() || !pOuter->GetEnemy()->IsAlive()) { CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy = pOuter->BestEnemy(); if( pNewEnemy != NULL ) { //New enemy! Clear the timers and set conditions. pOuter->SetEnemy( pNewEnemy ); pOuter->SetState( NPC_STATE_COMBAT ); } else { pOuter->ClearAttackConditions(); } // SetEnemy( NULL ); } if( !pOuter->GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() ) return; if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { if ( pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget() ) { // Aim at this other thing if I can't aim at my enemy. pOuter->AddFacingTarget( pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget(), pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget()->GetAbsOrigin(), 1.0, 0.2 ); } return; } bool bMoveAimAtEnemy = CanAimAtEnemy(); UpdateMoveShootActivity( bMoveAimAtEnemy ); if ( !bMoveAimAtEnemy ) { EndShootWhileMove(); return; } Assert( HasAvailableRangeAttack() ); // This should have been caught at task start Activity activity; bool bIsReloading = false; if ( ( activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD ) ) != ACT_INVALID ) { bIsReloading = pOuter->IsPlayingGesture( activity ); } if ( !bIsReloading && HasAvailableRangeAttack() ) { // time to fire? if ( pOuter->HasCondition( COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1, false ) ) { if ( pOuter->GetShotRegulator()->IsInRestInterval() ) { EndShootWhileMove(); } else if ( pOuter->GetShotRegulator()->ShouldShoot() ) { if ( m_bMovingAndShooting || pOuter->OnBeginMoveAndShoot() ) { m_bMovingAndShooting = true; pOuter->OnRangeAttack1(); activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1 ); Assert( activity != ACT_INVALID ); pOuter->AddGesture( activity ); // FIXME: this seems a bit wacked pOuter->Weapon_SetActivity( pOuter->Weapon_TranslateActivity( ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 ), 0 ); } } } else if ( pOuter->HasCondition( COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO, false ) ) { if ( pOuter->GetNavigator()->GetPathTimeToGoal() > 1.0 ) { activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD ); if ( activity != ACT_INVALID && GetOuter()->HaveSequenceForActivity( activity ) ) pOuter->AddGesture( activity ); } } } // try to keep facing towards the last known position of the enemy Vector vecEnemyLKP = pOuter->GetEnemyLKP(); pOuter->AddFacingTarget( pOuter->GetEnemy(), vecEnemyLKP, 1.0, 0.8 ); } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::EndShootWhileMove() { if ( m_bMovingAndShooting ) { // Reset the shot regulator so that we always start the next motion with a new burst if ( !GetOuter()->GetShotRegulator()->IsInRestInterval() ) { GetOuter()->GetShotRegulator()->Reset( false ); } m_bMovingAndShooting = false; GetOuter()->OnEndMoveAndShoot(); } } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::SuspendMoveAndShoot( float flDuration ) { EndShootWhileMove(); m_flSuspendUntilTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flDuration; } //------------------------------------- void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::SetInitialDelay( float delay ) { m_initialDelay = delay; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------