//======= Copyright © 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====== // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef VALVEMAYA_H #define VALVEMAYA_H #if defined( _WIN32 ) #pragma once #endif // Maya Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Valve Includes #include "tier1/stringpool.h" #include "tier1/utlstring.h" #include "tier1/utlstringmap.h" #include "tier1/utlvector.h" #include "tier0/interface.h" #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" #include "ValveMaya/Undo.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IMayaVGui; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maya-specific library singletons //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern IMayaVGui *g_pMayaVGui; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Purpose: Group a bunch of functions into the Valve Maya Namespace // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace ValveMaya { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CUndo; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statics //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern const MQuaternion v2mQuat; // Valve Engine -> Maya Quaternion extern const MQuaternion m2vQuat; // Maya -> Valve Engine Quaternion extern const MMatrix v2mMat; // Valve Engine -> Maya Matrix extern const MMatrix m2vMat; // Maya -> Valve Engine Matrix extern const MQuaternion vc2mcQuat; // Valve Engine Camera -> Maya Camera Quaternion extern const MQuaternion mc2vcQuat; // Maya Camera -> Valve Camera Engine Quaternion extern const MMatrix vc2mcMat; // Valve Engine Camera -> Maya Camera Quaternion extern const MMatrix mc2vcMat; // Maya Camera -> Valve Camera Engine Quaternion inline MQuaternion ValveToMaya( const MQuaternion &q ) { return q * v2mQuat; } inline MQuaternion ValveCameraToMayaCamera( const MQuaternion &q ) { return vc2mcQuat * q * v2mQuat; } inline MQuaternion MayaToValve( const MQuaternion &q ) { return q * m2vQuat; } inline MQuaternion MayaCameraToValveCamera( const MQuaternion &q ) { return mc2vcQuat * q * m2vQuat; } inline MVector ValveToMaya( const MVector &p ) { return p.rotateBy( v2mQuat ); } inline MVector ValveCameraToMayaCamera( const MVector &p ) { return p.rotateBy( v2mQuat ); } inline MVector MayaToValve( const MVector &p ) { return p.rotateBy( m2vQuat ); } inline MVector MayaCameraToValveCamera( const MVector &p ) { return p.rotateBy( m2vQuat ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connect, disconnect //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ConnectLibraries( CreateInterfaceFn factory ); void DisconnectLibraries(); MStatus CreateDagNode( const char *const i_nodeType, const char *const i_transformName = NULL, const MObject &i_parentObj = MObject::kNullObj, MObject *o_pTransformObj = NULL, MObject *o_pShapeObj = NULL, MDagModifier *i_mDagModifier = NULL); inline MStatus CreateDagNode( CUndo &undo, const char *const i_nodeType, const char *const i_transformName = NULL, const MObject &i_parentObj = MObject::kNullObj, MObject *o_pTransformObj = NULL, MObject *o_pShapeObj = NULL ) { return CreateDagNode( i_nodeType, i_transformName, i_parentObj, o_pTransformObj, o_pShapeObj, &undo.DagModifier() ); } bool IsNodeVisible( const MDagPath &mDagPath, bool bTemplateAsInvisible = true ); bool IsPathVisible( MDagPath mDagPath, bool bTemplateAsInvisible = true ); class CMSyntaxHelp { public: CMSyntaxHelp() : m_groupedHelp( false ) // Make case sensitive , m_helpCount( 0 ) , m_shortNameLength( 0 ) {} void Clear(); MStatus AddFlag( MSyntax &i_mSyntax, const char *i_shortName, const char *i_longName, const char *i_group, const char *i_help, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType1 = MSyntax::kNoArg, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType2 = MSyntax::kNoArg, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType3 = MSyntax::kNoArg, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType4 = MSyntax::kNoArg, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType5 = MSyntax::kNoArg, const MSyntax::MArgType i_argType6 = MSyntax::kNoArg); void PrintHelp( const char *const i_cmdName, const char *const i_cmdDesc, int i_lineLength = 0U); void PrintHelp( const MString &i_cmdName, const MString &i_cmdDesc, int i_lineLength = 0U) { PrintHelp( i_cmdName.asChar(), i_cmdDesc.asChar(), i_lineLength ); } protected: public: protected: CCountedStringPool m_stringPool; struct HelpData_t { const char *m_shortName; const char *m_longName; const char *m_help; CUtlVector m_argTypes; }; CUtlVector m_groupOrder; CUtlStringMap > m_groupedHelp; int m_helpCount; int m_shortNameLength; }; MString RemoveNameSpace( const MString &mString ); MString &BackslashToSlash( MString &mString ); template < class T_t > bool IsDefault( T_t &, const MPlug & ); bool IsDefault( const MPlug &aPlug ); uint NextAvailable( MPlug &mPlug ); MPlug NextAvailablePlug( MPlug &mPlug ); MObject AddColorSetToMesh( const MString &colorSetName, const MDagPath &mDagPath, MDagModifier &mDagModifier ); MString GetMaterialPath( const MObject &shadingGroupObj, MObject *pSurfaceShaderObj, MObject *pFileObj, MObject *pPlace2dTextureObj, MObject *pVmtObj, bool *pbTransparent, MString *pDebugWhy ); // Returns the first node that is connected to the specified plug as input or output MObject FindConnectedNode( const MPlug &mPlug ); // Returns the plug connected to the specified plug as an input, a NULL plug if no plug is connected MPlug FindInputPlug( const MPlug &dstPlug ); MPlug FindInputPlug( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &dstPlugName ); MObject FindInputNode( const MPlug &dstPlug ); MObject FindInputNode( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &dstPlugName ); MObject FindInputAttr( const MPlug &dstPlug ); MObject FindInputAttr( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &dstPlugName ); // Returns the first found node MObject of the specified type in the history of the specified node MObject FindInputNodeOfType( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &typeName, const MString &dstPlugName ); MObject FindInputNodeOfType( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &typeName, MSelectionList &doneList ); // Creates a deformer of the specified type and deforms the specified shape with an optional component MObject DeformShape( ValveMaya::CUndo &undo, const MString &deformerType, const MDagPath &inOrigDagPath, MObject &origCompObj = MObject::kNullObj ); bool Substitute( MString &str, const MString &searchStr, const MString &replaceStr ); bool SubstituteCaseInsensitive( MString &str, const MString &searchStr, const MString &replaceStr ); bool SubstituteAll( MString &str, const MString &searchStr, const MString &replaceStr ); bool SubstituteAllCaseInsensitive( MString &str, const MString &searchStr, const MString &replaceStr ); void FixSlashes( MString &str, char correctPathSeparator = '/' ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a Maya MMatrix to a Valve matrix3x4_t (transpose) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void MatrixMayaToValve( matrix3x4_t &mValve, const MMatrix &mMaya ) { mValve[0][0] = mMaya[0][0]; mValve[0][1] = mMaya[1][0]; mValve[0][2] = mMaya[2][0]; mValve[0][3] = mMaya[3][0]; mValve[1][0] = mMaya[0][1]; mValve[1][1] = mMaya[1][1]; mValve[1][2] = mMaya[2][1]; mValve[1][3] = mMaya[3][1]; mValve[2][0] = mMaya[0][2]; mValve[2][1] = mMaya[1][2]; mValve[2][2] = mMaya[2][2]; mValve[2][3] = mMaya[3][2]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a Valve matrix3x4_t to a Maya MMatrix (transpose) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void MatrixValveToMaya( MMatrix &mMaya, const matrix3x4_t &mValve ) { mMaya[0][0] = mValve[0][0]; mMaya[0][1] = mValve[1][0]; mMaya[0][2] = mValve[2][0]; mMaya[3][0] = 0.0; mMaya[1][0] = mValve[0][1]; mMaya[1][1] = mValve[1][1]; mMaya[1][2] = mValve[2][1]; mMaya[3][1] = 0.0; mMaya[2][0] = mValve[0][2]; mMaya[2][1] = mValve[1][2]; mMaya[2][2] = mValve[2][2]; mMaya[3][2] = 0.0; mMaya[3][0] = mValve[0][3]; mMaya[3][1] = mValve[1][3]; mMaya[3][2] = mValve[2][3]; mMaya[3][3] = 1.0; } } // end namespace ValveMaya // Make an alias for the ValveMaya namespace namespace vm = ValveMaya; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A simple stream class for printing information to the Maya script editor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMayaStream { public: enum StreamType { kInfo, kWarning, kError }; CMayaStream( const StreamType i_streamType = kInfo ) : m_streamType( i_streamType ) {} template < class T_t > CMayaStream &operator<<( const T_t &v ); // This is a hack so CMayaStream << std::endl works as expected CMayaStream &operator<<( std::ostream &(*StdEndl_t)( std::ostream & ) ) { return flush(); } CMayaStream &flush() { return outputString(); } protected: CMayaStream &outputString() { // Always ensure it's terminated with a newline if ( *( m_string.asChar() + m_string.length() - 1 ) != '\n' ) { m_string += "\n"; } const char *pBegin = m_string.asChar(); const char *const pEnd = pBegin + m_string.length(); const char *pCurr = pBegin; while ( *pCurr && pCurr < pEnd ) { if ( *pCurr == '\n' ) { switch ( m_streamType ) { case kWarning: MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( pBegin, pCurr - pBegin ) ); break; case kError: MGlobal::displayError( MString( pBegin, pCurr - pBegin ) ); break; default: MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( pBegin, pCurr - pBegin ) ); break; } ++pCurr; pBegin = pCurr; } else { ++pCurr; } } m_string.clear(); return *this; } CMayaStream &checkForFlush() { const char *pCurr = m_string.asChar(); const char *pEnd = pCurr + m_string.length(); while ( *pCurr && pCurr != pEnd ) { if ( *pCurr == '\n' ) { return outputString(); } ++pCurr; } return *this; } StreamType m_streamType; MString m_string; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMayaWarnStream : public CMayaStream { public: CMayaWarnStream() : CMayaStream( CMayaStream::kWarning ) {} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMayaErrStream : public CMayaStream { public: CMayaErrStream() : CMayaStream( CMayaStream::kError ) {} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for std::string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const std::string &v ) { *this << v.c_str(); return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for char //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const char &v ) { m_string += MString( &v, 1 ); return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for MVector //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const MVector &v ) { m_string += v.x; m_string += " "; m_string += v.y; m_string += " "; m_string += v.z; return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for MFloatVector //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const MFloatVector &v ) { m_string += v.x; m_string += " "; m_string += v.y; m_string += " "; m_string += v.z; return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for MEulerRotation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const MEulerRotation &e ) { m_string += MAngle( e.x, MAngle::kRadians ).asDegrees(); m_string += " "; m_string += MAngle( e.y, MAngle::kRadians ).asDegrees(); m_string += " "; m_string += MAngle( e.z, MAngle::kRadians ).asDegrees(); switch ( e.order ) { case MEulerRotation::kXYZ: m_string += " (XYZ)"; break; case MEulerRotation::kXZY: m_string += " (XZY)"; break; case MEulerRotation::kYXZ: m_string += " (YXZ)"; break; case MEulerRotation::kYZX: m_string += " (YZX)"; break; case MEulerRotation::kZXY: m_string += " (ZXY)"; break; case MEulerRotation::kZYX: m_string += " (ZYX)"; break; default: m_string += " (Unknown)"; break; } return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for MQuaternion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const MQuaternion &q ) { m_string += q.x; m_string += " "; m_string += q.y; m_string += " "; m_string += q.z; m_string += " "; m_string += q.w; m_string += " ("; operator<<( q.asEulerRotation() ); m_string += ")"; return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for Quaternion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const Quaternion &q ) { return operator<<( MQuaternion( q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for RadianEuler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const RadianEuler &e ) { return operator<<( MEulerRotation( e.x, e.y, e.z ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specialization for RadianEuler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const Vector &v ) { return operator<<( MVector( v.x, v.y, v.z ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < class T_t > inline CMayaStream &CMayaStream::operator<<( const T_t &v ) { m_string += v; return checkForFlush(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // minfo, mwarn & merr are ostreams which can be used to send stuff to // the Maya history window // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern CMayaStream minfo; extern CMayaWarnStream mwarn; extern CMayaErrStream merr; #endif // VALVEMAYA_H