//===== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "enginesprite.h" #include "hud.h" #include "materialsystem/imesh.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include "c_sprite.h" #include "tier1/callqueue.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // Sprites are clipped to this rectangle (x,y,width,height) if ScissorTest is enabled static int scissor_x = 0; static int scissor_y = 0; static int scissor_width = 0; static int scissor_height = 0; static bool giScissorTest = false; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Set the scissor // the coordinate system for gl is upsidedown (inverted-y) as compared to software, so the // specified clipping rect must be flipped // Input : x - // y - // width - // height - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EnableScissorTest( int x, int y, int width, int height ) { x = clamp( x, 0, ScreenWidth() ); y = clamp( y, 0, ScreenHeight() ); width = clamp( width, 0, ScreenWidth() - x ); height = clamp( height, 0, ScreenHeight() - y ); scissor_x = x; scissor_width = width; scissor_y = y; scissor_height = height; giScissorTest = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisableScissorTest( void ) { scissor_x = 0; scissor_width = 0; scissor_y = 0; scissor_height = 0; giScissorTest = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Verify that this is a valid, properly ordered rectangle. // Input : *prc - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int ValidateWRect(const wrect_t *prc) { if (!prc) return false; if ((prc->left >= prc->right) || (prc->top >= prc->bottom)) { //!!!UNDONE Dev only warning msg return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: classic interview question // Input : *prc1 - // *prc2 - // *prc - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int IntersectWRect(const wrect_t *prc1, const wrect_t *prc2, wrect_t *prc) { wrect_t rc; if (!prc) prc = &rc; prc->left = max(prc1->left, prc2->left); prc->right = min(prc1->right, prc2->right); if (prc->left < prc->right) { prc->top = max(prc1->top, prc2->top); prc->bottom = min(prc1->bottom, prc2->bottom); if (prc->top < prc->bottom) return 1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : x - // y - // width - // height - // u0 - // v0 - // u1 - // v1 - // Output : static bool //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool Scissor( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height, float& u0, float& v0, float& u1, float& v1 ) { // clip sub rect to sprite if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) return false; if ((x + width <= scissor_x) || (x >= scissor_x + scissor_width) || (y + height <= scissor_y) || (y >= scissor_y + scissor_height)) return false; float dudx = (u1-u0) / width; float dvdy = (v1-v0) / height; if (x < scissor_x) { u0 += (scissor_x - x) * dudx; width -= scissor_x - x; x = scissor_x; } if (x + width > scissor_x + scissor_width) { u1 -= (x + width - (scissor_x + scissor_width)) * dudx; width = scissor_x + scissor_width - x; } if (y < scissor_y) { v0 += (scissor_y - y) * dvdy; height -= scissor_y - y; y = scissor_y; } if (y + height > scissor_y + scissor_height) { v1 -= (y + height - (scissor_y + scissor_height)) * dvdy; height = scissor_y + scissor_height - y; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pSprite - // frame - // *pfLeft - // *pfRight - // *pfTop - // *pfBottom - // *pw - // *ph - // *prcSubRect - // Output : static void //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void AdjustSubRect(CEngineSprite *pSprite, int frame, float *pfLeft, float *pfRight, float *pfTop, float *pfBottom, int *pw, int *ph, const wrect_t *prcSubRect) { wrect_t rc; float f; if (!ValidateWRect(prcSubRect)) return; // clip sub rect to sprite rc.top = rc.left = 0; rc.right = *pw; rc.bottom = *ph; if (!IntersectWRect(prcSubRect, &rc, &rc)) return; *pw = rc.right - rc.left; *ph = rc.bottom - rc.top; f = 1.0 / (float)pSprite->GetWidth();; *pfLeft = ((float)rc.left + 0.5) * f; *pfRight = ((float)rc.right - 0.5) * f; f = 1.0 / (float)pSprite->GetHeight(); *pfTop = ((float)rc.top + 0.5) * f; *pfBottom = ((float)rc.bottom - 0.5) * f; return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static unsigned int spriteOriginCache = 0; static unsigned int spriteOrientationCache = 0; bool CEngineSprite::Init( const char *pName ) { m_hAVIMaterial = AVIMATERIAL_INVALID; m_hBIKMaterial = BIKMATERIAL_INVALID; m_width = m_height = m_numFrames = 1; const char *pExt = Q_GetFileExtension( pName ); bool bIsAVI = pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "avi" ); bool bIsBIK = pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "bik" ); if ( bIsAVI ) { m_hAVIMaterial = avi->CreateAVIMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" ); if ( m_hAVIMaterial == AVIMATERIAL_INVALID ) return false; m_material = avi->GetMaterial( m_hAVIMaterial ); avi->GetFrameSize( m_hAVIMaterial, &m_width, &m_height ); m_numFrames = avi->GetFrameCount( m_hAVIMaterial ); } else if ( bIsBIK ) { m_hBIKMaterial = bik->CreateMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" ); if (m_hBIKMaterial == BIKMATERIAL_INVALID ) return false; m_material = bik->GetMaterial( m_hBIKMaterial ); bik->GetFrameSize( m_hBIKMaterial, &m_width, &m_height ); m_numFrames = bik->GetFrameCount( m_hBIKMaterial ); } else { m_material = materials->FindMaterial( pName, TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); m_width = m_material->GetMappingWidth(); m_height = m_material->GetMappingHeight(); m_numFrames = (!bIsAVI) ? m_material->GetNumAnimationFrames() : avi->GetFrameCount( m_hAVIMaterial ); } if ( !m_material ) return false; m_material->IncrementReferenceCount(); IMaterialVar *orientationVar = m_material->FindVarFast( "$spriteorientation", &spriteOrientationCache ); m_orientation = orientationVar ? orientationVar->GetIntValue() : C_SpriteRenderer::SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT; IMaterialVar *originVar = m_material->FindVarFast( "$spriteorigin", &spriteOriginCache ); Vector origin, originVarValue; if( !originVar || ( originVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_VECTOR ) ) { origin[0] = -m_width * 0.5f; origin[1] = m_height * 0.5f; } else { originVar->GetVecValue( &originVarValue[0], 3 ); origin[0] = -m_width * originVarValue[0]; origin[1] = m_height * originVarValue[1]; } up = origin[1]; down = origin[1] - m_height; left = origin[0]; right = m_width + origin[0]; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::Shutdown( void ) { if ( m_hAVIMaterial != AVIMATERIAL_INVALID ) { avi->DestroyAVIMaterial( m_hAVIMaterial ); m_hAVIMaterial = AVIMATERIAL_INVALID; } if ( m_material ) { m_material->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_material = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is the sprite an AVI? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CEngineSprite::IsAVI() { return ( m_hAVIMaterial != AVIMATERIAL_INVALID ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is the sprite an BIK? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CEngineSprite::IsBIK() { return ( m_hBIKMaterial != AVIMATERIAL_INVALID ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the texture coordinate range used to draw the sprite //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::GetTexCoordRange( float *pMinU, float *pMinV, float *pMaxU, float *pMaxV ) { *pMaxU = 1.0f; *pMaxV = 1.0f; if ( IsAVI() ) { avi->GetTexCoordRange( m_hAVIMaterial, pMaxU, pMaxV ); } if ( IsBIK() ) { bik->GetTexCoordRange( m_hBIKMaterial, pMaxU, pMaxV ); } float flOOWidth = ( m_width != 0 ) ? 1.0f / m_width : 1.0f; float flOOHeight = ( m_height!= 0 ) ? 1.0f / m_height : 1.0f; *pMinU = 0.5f * flOOWidth; *pMinV = 0.5f * flOOHeight; *pMaxU = (*pMaxU) - (*pMinU); *pMaxV = (*pMaxV) - (*pMinV); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::SetColor( float r, float g, float b ) { Assert( (r >= 0.0) && (g >= 0.0) && (b >= 0.0) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0) && (g <= 1.0) && (b <= 1.0) ); m_hudSpriteColor[0] = r; m_hudSpriteColor[1] = g; m_hudSpriteColor[2] = b; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::GetHUDSpriteColor( float* color ) { VectorCopy( m_hudSpriteColor, color ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::SetAdditive( bool additive ) { SetRenderMode( additive ? kRenderTransAdd : kRenderTransTexture ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static unsigned int frameCache = 0; void CEngineSprite::SetFrame( float frame ) { if ( IsAVI() ) { avi->SetFrame( m_hAVIMaterial, frame ); } else if ( IsBIK() ) { bik->SetFrame( m_hBIKMaterial, frame ); } else { IMaterialVar* pFrameVar = m_material->FindVarFast( "$frame", &frameCache ); if (pFrameVar) { pFrameVar->SetFloatValue( frame ); } return; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static unsigned int spriteRenderModeCache = 0; void CEngineSprite::SetRenderMode( int renderMode ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); if ( pRenderContext->GetCallQueue() ) { pRenderContext->GetCallQueue()->QueueCall( this, &CEngineSprite::SetRenderMode, renderMode ); return; } IMaterialVar* pRenderModeVar = m_material->FindVarFast( "$spriteRenderMode", &spriteRenderModeCache ); if (pRenderModeVar) { if ( pRenderModeVar->GetIntValue() != renderMode ) { pRenderModeVar->SetIntValue( renderMode ); m_material->RecomputeStateSnapshots(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CEngineSprite::GetOrientation( void ) { return m_orientation; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::UnloadMaterial( void ) { if( m_material ) { m_material->DecrementReferenceCount(); } m_material = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::DrawFrame( int frame, int x, int y, const wrect_t *prcSubRect ) { DrawFrameOfSize( frame, x, y, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), prcSubRect); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : frame - // x - // y - // *prcSubRect - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEngineSprite::DrawFrameOfSize( int frame, int x, int y, int iWidth, int iHeight, const wrect_t *prcSubRect ) { // FIXME: If we ever call this with AVIs, need to have it call GetTexCoordRange and make that work Assert( !IsAVI() && !IsBIK() ); float fLeft = 0; float fRight = 1; float fTop = 0; float fBottom = 1; if ( prcSubRect ) { AdjustSubRect( this, frame, &fLeft, &fRight, &fTop, &fBottom, &iWidth, &iHeight, prcSubRect ); } if ( giScissorTest && !Scissor( x, y, iWidth, iHeight, fLeft, fTop, fRight, fBottom ) ) return; SetFrame( frame ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, GetMaterial() ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 ); float color[3]; GetHUDSpriteColor( color ); meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, fLeft, fTop ); meshBuilder.Position3f( x, y, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, fRight, fTop ); meshBuilder.Position3f( x + iWidth, y, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, fRight, fBottom ); meshBuilder.Position3f( x + iWidth, y + iHeight, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, fLeft, fBottom ); meshBuilder.Position3f( x, y + iHeight, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }