//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // ilaunchermgr.h // //================================================================================================== #ifndef ILAUNCHERMGR_H #define ILAUNCHERMGR_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #if defined( USE_SDL ) #include "tier0/threadtools.h" #include "appframework/IAppSystem.h" #if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) #if defined( LINUX ) || defined( _WIN32 ) #include "togl/linuxwin/glmgrbasics.h" #include "togl/linuxwin/glmdisplay.h" #elif defined( OSX ) #include "togl/osx/glmgrbasics.h" #include "togl/osx/glmdisplay.h" #endif class GLMDisplayDB; class CShowPixelsParams; #endif // if you rev this version also update materialsystem/cmaterialsystem.cpp CMaterialSystem::Connect as it defines the string directly #define SDLMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION "SDLMgrInterface001" class CCocoaEvent; class CStackCrawlParams; typedef struct SDL_Cursor SDL_Cursor; class ILauncherMgr : public IAppSystem { public: virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) = 0; virtual void Disconnect() = 0; virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) = 0; // Init, shutdown virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; // Create the window. virtual bool CreateGameWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, int width, int height ) = 0; virtual void IncWindowRefCount() = 0; virtual void DecWindowRefCount() = 0; // Get the next N events. The function returns the number of events that were filled into your array. virtual int GetEvents( CCocoaEvent *pEvents, int nMaxEventsToReturn, bool debugEvents = false ) = 0; #ifdef LINUX virtual int PeekAndRemoveKeyboardEvents( bool *pbEsc, bool *pbReturn, bool *pbSpace, bool debugEvents = false ) = 0; #endif // Set the mouse cursor position. virtual void SetCursorPosition( int x, int y ) = 0; virtual void SetWindowFullScreen( bool bFullScreen, int nWidth, int nHeight ) = 0; virtual bool IsWindowFullScreen() = 0; virtual void MoveWindow( int x, int y ) = 0; virtual void SizeWindow( int width, int tall ) = 0; virtual void PumpWindowsMessageLoop() = 0; virtual void DestroyGameWindow() = 0; virtual void SetApplicationIcon( const char *pchAppIconFile ) = 0; virtual void GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false ) = 0; virtual void GetNativeDisplayInfo( int nDisplay, uint &nWidth, uint &nHeight, uint &nRefreshHz ) = 0; // Retrieve the size of the monitor (desktop) virtual void RenderedSize( uint &width, uint &height, bool set ) = 0; // either set or retrieve rendered size value (from dxabstract) virtual void DisplayedSize( uint &width, uint &height ) = 0; // query backbuffer size (window size whether FS or windowed) #if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) virtual PseudoGLContextPtr GetMainContext() = 0; // Get the NSGLContext for a window's main view - note this is the carbon windowref as an argument virtual PseudoGLContextPtr GetGLContextForWindow( void* windowref ) = 0; virtual PseudoGLContextPtr CreateExtraContext() = 0; virtual void DeleteContext( PseudoGLContextPtr hContext ) = 0; virtual bool MakeContextCurrent( PseudoGLContextPtr hContext ) = 0; virtual GLMDisplayDB *GetDisplayDB( void ) = 0; virtual void GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( uint **ptrOut, uint *countOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendInfoOut ) = 0; virtual void ShowPixels( CShowPixelsParams *params ) = 0; #endif virtual void GetStackCrawl( CStackCrawlParams *params ) = 0; virtual void WaitUntilUserInput( int msSleepTime ) = 0; virtual void *GetWindowRef() = 0; virtual void SetMouseVisible( bool bState ) = 0; virtual void SetMouseCursor( SDL_Cursor *hCursor ) = 0; virtual void SetForbidMouseGrab( bool bForbidMouseGrab ) = 0; virtual void OnFrameRendered() = 0; virtual void SetGammaRamp( const uint16 *pRed, const uint16 *pGreen, const uint16 *pBlue ) = 0; virtual double GetPrevGLSwapWindowTime() = 0; }; extern ILauncherMgr *g_pLauncherMgr; enum CocoaEventType_t { CocoaEvent_KeyDown, CocoaEvent_KeyUp, CocoaEvent_MouseButtonDown, CocoaEvent_MouseMove, CocoaEvent_MouseButtonUp, CocoaEvent_AppActivate, CocoaEvent_MouseScroll, CocoaEvent_AppQuit, CocoaEvent_Deleted, // Event was one of the above, but has been handled and should be ignored now. }; // enum values need to match bit-shifting logic in CInputSystem::UpdateMouseButtonState and // the codes from NSEvent pressedMouseButtons, turns out the two are in agreement right now enum CocoaMouseButton_t { COCOABUTTON_LEFT = 1 << 0, COCOABUTTON_RIGHT = 1 << 1, COCOABUTTON_MIDDLE = 1 << 2, COCOABUTTON_4 = 1 << 3, COCOABUTTON_5 = 1 << 4, }; enum ECocoaKeyModifier { eCapsLockKey, eShiftKey, eControlKey, eAltKey, // aka option eCommandKey }; class CCocoaEvent { public: CocoaEventType_t m_EventType; int m_VirtualKeyCode; wchar_t m_UnicodeKey; wchar_t m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified; uint m_ModifierKeyMask; // int m_MousePos[2]; int m_MouseButtonFlags; // Current state of the mouse buttons. See COCOABUTTON_xxxx. uint m_nMouseClickCount; int m_MouseButton; // which of the CocoaMouseButton_t buttons this is for from above }; #endif // defined( USE_SDL ) #endif // ILAUNCHERMGR_H