@echo off set TTEXE=..\..\devtools\bin\timeprecise.exe if not exist %TTEXE% goto no_ttexe goto no_ttexe_end :no_ttexe set TTEXE=time /t :no_ttexe_end echo. echo ==================== buildshaders %* ================== %TTEXE% -cur-Q set tt_start=%ERRORLEVEL% set tt_chkpt=%tt_start% REM **************** REM usage: buildshaders REM **************** setlocal set arg_filename=%1 set shadercompilecommand=shadercompile.exe set targetdir=shaders set SrcDirBase=..\.. set shaderDir=shaders set SDKArgs= set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9/... fxctmp9/... if "%1" == "" goto usage set inputbase=%1 set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=pc09.00 set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=dx9sdk\utilities if /i "%6" == "-dx9_30" goto dx_sdk_dx9_30 goto dx_sdk_end :dx_sdk_dx9_30 set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=pc09.30 set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=dx10sdk\utilities\dx9_30 goto dx_sdk_end :dx_sdk_end if /i "%7" == "-force30" goto set_force30_arg goto set_force_end :set_force30_arg set DIRECTX_FORCE_MODEL=30 goto set_force_end :set_force_end if /i "%2" == "-game" goto set_mod_args goto build_shaders REM **************** REM USAGE REM **************** :usage echo. echo "usage: buildshaders [-game] [gameDir if -game was specified] [-source sourceDir]" echo " gameDir is where gameinfo.txt is (where it will store the compiled shaders)." echo " sourceDir is where the source code is (where it will find scripts and compilers)." echo "ex : buildshaders myshaders" echo "ex : buildshaders myshaders -game c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\mymod -source c:\mymod\src" goto :end REM **************** REM MOD ARGS - look for -game or the vproject environment variable REM **************** :set_mod_args if not exist "%SDKBINDIR%\shadercompile.exe" goto NoShaderCompile set ChangeToDir=%SDKBINDIR% if /i "%4" NEQ "-source" goto NoSourceDirSpecified set SrcDirBase=%~5 REM ** use the -game parameter to tell us where to put the files set targetdir=%~3\shaders set SDKArgs=-nompi -nop4 -game "%~3" if not exist "%~3\gameinfo.txt" goto InvalidGameDirectory goto build_shaders REM **************** REM ERRORS REM **************** :InvalidGameDirectory echo - echo Error: "%~3" is not a valid game directory. echo (The -game directory must have a gameinfo.txt file) echo - goto end :NoSourceDirSpecified echo ERROR: If you specify -game on the command line, you must specify -source. goto usage goto end :NoShaderCompile echo - echo - ERROR: shadercompile.exe doesn't exist in %SDKBINDIR% echo - goto end REM **************** REM BUILD SHADERS REM **************** :build_shaders rem echo -------------------------------- rem echo %inputbase% rem echo -------------------------------- REM make sure that target dirs exist REM files will be built in these targets and copied to their final destination if not exist %shaderDir% mkdir %shaderDir% if not exist %shaderDir%\fxc mkdir %shaderDir%\fxc if not exist %shaderDir%\vsh mkdir %shaderDir%\vsh if not exist %shaderDir%\psh mkdir %shaderDir%\psh REM Nuke some files that we will add to later. if exist filelist.txt del /f /q filelist.txt if exist filestocopy.txt del /f /q filestocopy.txt if exist filelistgen.txt del /f /q filelistgen.txt if exist inclist.txt del /f /q inclist.txt if exist vcslist.txt del /f /q vcslist.txt REM **************** REM Generate a makefile for the shader project REM **************** perl "%SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\updateshaders.pl" -source "%SrcDirBase%" %inputbase% REM **************** REM Run the makefile, generating minimal work/build list for fxc files, go ahead and compile vsh and psh files. REM **************** rem nmake /S /C -f makefile.%inputbase% clean > clean.txt 2>&1 echo Building inc files, asm vcs files, and VMPI worklist for %inputbase%... nmake /S /C -f makefile.%inputbase% REM **************** REM Copy the inc files to their target REM **************** if exist "inclist.txt" ( echo Publishing shader inc files to target... perl %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\copyshaderincfiles.pl inclist.txt ) REM **************** REM Add the executables to the worklist. REM **************** if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "pc09.00" ( rem echo "Copy extra files for dx 9 std ) if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "pc09.30" ( echo %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\d3dx9_33.dll >> filestocopy.txt ) echo %SrcDirBase%\%DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR%\dx_proxy.dll >> filestocopy.txt echo %SDKBINDIR%\shadercompile.exe >> filestocopy.txt echo %SDKBINDIR%\shadercompile_dll.dll >> filestocopy.txt echo %SDKBINDIR%\vstdlib.dll >> filestocopy.txt echo %SDKBINDIR%\tier0.dll >> filestocopy.txt REM **************** REM Cull duplicate entries in work/build list REM **************** if exist filestocopy.txt type filestocopy.txt | perl "%SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\uniqifylist.pl" > uniquefilestocopy.txt if exist filelistgen.txt if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" ( echo Generating action list... copy filelistgen.txt filelist.txt >nul ) REM **************** REM Execute distributed process on work/build list REM **************** set shader_path_cd=%cd% if exist "filelist.txt" if exist "uniquefilestocopy.txt" if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" ( echo Running distributed shader compilation... cd /D %ChangeToDir% echo %shadercompilecommand% %SDKArgs% -shaderpath "%shader_path_cd:/=\%" -allowdebug %shadercompilecommand% %SDKArgs% -shaderpath "%shader_path_cd:/=\%" -allowdebug cd /D %shader_path_cd% ) REM **************** REM PC Shader copy REM Publish the generated files to the output dir using XCOPY REM This batch file may have been invoked standalone or slaved (master does final smart mirror copy) REM **************** :DoXCopy if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" ( if not exist "%targetdir%" md "%targetdir%" if not "%targetdir%"=="%shaderDir%" xcopy %shaderDir%\*.* "%targetdir%" /e /y ) goto end REM **************** REM END REM **************** :end %TTEXE% -diff %tt_start% echo.