* Added/removed various functions from the following interfaces: IVEngineServer, IServerGameDLL, IServerGameClients, IFilesystem, and IConVar
* Added new functions to ConVar for setting Color values
* Updated SendProp structure with unknown member
* Recompiled tier1 static library for Windows and Linux
* Fixed up some tier0 exports in public/tier0/dbg.h
* Rebuilt tier0 import libary for Windows
* Replaced tier0_i486.so and vstdlib_i486.so with the newly renamed versions: tier0_linux.so and vstdlib_linux.so
rename : lib/linux/tier0_i486.so => lib/linux/tier0_linux.so
rename : lib/linux/vstdlib_i486.so => lib/linux/vstdlib_linux.so
ICvar::FactoryIteratorInternal returns a pointer to this.
This can be used as a replacement for ICvar::GetCommands and iterating the ConCommandBase list.
* Bumped IVEngineServer to version 022
* Bumped ICvar to version 007
* Added/Removed various functions to/from the following interfaces: IVEngineServer, ICvar, IServerGameDLL, IServerGameEnts, IServerGameClients, IFileSystem, IEngineSound, IEngineTrace, IClient, IConvar, and INetworkStringTableContainer
* Added unknown extra int ptr param to IGameEventManager2::CreateEvent
* Added GetDebugEventID to IGameEventListener2
* Added two new members of CGlobalVars: serverCount and baseEdict
* Added new functions to ConCommandBase and ConVar classes in tier1
* Recompiled tier1 static library for Windows
* Updated notes.txt to reflect the nature of this SDK