mirror of https://github.com/alliedmodders/hl2sdk.git synced 2024-12-23 01:59:43 +08:00

Update IMemAlloc

This commit is contained in:
GAMMACASE 2024-01-18 02:58:55 +03:00
parent 731e38ba24
commit a0e5701b26
4 changed files with 182 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ typedef unsigned short MDLHandle_t;
inline MDLHandle_t VoidPtrToMDLHandle( void *ptr )
return (MDLHandle_t)(int)ptr;
return (MDLHandle_t)(int64)ptr;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
//========= Copyright <EFBFBD> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
//========= Copyright <EFBFBD> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: This header should never be used directly from leaf code!!!
// Instead, just add the file memoverride.cpp into your project and all this
@ -54,6 +54,46 @@
#if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE)
enum MemoryState
MemoryState_UnexpectedlyAllocated = 0,
MemoryState_UnexpectedlyFreed = 1,
MemoryState_UnexpectedlyUnrecognized = 2,
MemoryState_Corrupt = 3,
MemoryState_Invalid = 4,
MemoryState_Operational = 5,
MemoryState_Unknown = 6
enum MemoryDebugType : int16
MemoryDebugType_None = 0,
MemoryDebugType_Light = 1,
MemoryDebugType_Full = 2
struct MemoryInfoState
MemoryInfoState( MemoryDebugType type, bool debug = false ) : m_MemType( type ), m_bDebug( debug ) { }
MemoryDebugType m_MemType;
bool m_bDebug;
struct _CrtMemState;
@ -68,6 +108,9 @@ PLATFORM_INTERFACE void CMemAllocSystemInitialize();
abstract_class IMemAlloc
// AMNOTE: A lot of functions in here might be stubbed out and not do what their description tells
// this heavily depends on the allocator implementation and should be taken into account when using this directly!
virtual ~IMemAlloc() = 0;
@ -75,90 +118,134 @@ private:
virtual void *Alloc( size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void *Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void Free( void *pMem ) = 0;
// virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) = 0;
// =================================================================
// GAMMACASE: Interface structure beyond this point is incorrect and any usage of the functions below should be discouraged!!!
// =================================================================
// GAMMACASE: Seems like the debug versions are gone now, or atleast they aren't here anymore
// leaving them all here for future reference, but these shouldn't be used anymore!
// renamed with a postfix "2" otherwise they would be placed near the first functions in the virtual list
// Debug versions
virtual void *Alloc2( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
virtual void *AllocAligned( size_t nSize, size_t align ) = 0;
virtual void *Realloc2( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
virtual void Free2( void *pMem, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
// virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
virtual void *ReallocAligned( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ) = 0;
virtual void FreeAligned( void *pMem ) = 0;
inline void *IndirectAlloc( size_t nSize ) { return Alloc( nSize ); }
// inline void *IndirectAlloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { return Alloc( nSize, pFileName, nLine ); }
inline void *IndirectAlloc( size_t nSize ) { return Alloc( nSize ); }
inline void *IndirectAllocAligned( size_t nSize, size_t align ) { return AllocAligned( nSize, align ); }
// AMNOTE: It's unclear if the functions below are actually a debug variants, as in binaries they are
// absolutely the same to the above functions, but with a different name as they aren't merged together
// in the vtable in the win binaries. So it's mostly a guess, same goes to their params.
// ===============================================================
virtual void *AllocDbg( size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void *ReallocDbg( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void FreeDbg( void *pMem ) = 0;
virtual void *AllocAlignedDbg( size_t nSize, size_t align ) = 0;
virtual void *ReallocAlignedDbg( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ) = 0;
virtual void FreeAlignedDbg( void *pMem ) = 0;
// ===============================================================
// Region-based allocations
// Use MEMALLOC_REGION_* defines for the region arg
// AMNOTE: Region name is mostly a guess!
virtual void *RegionAlloc( uint8 region, size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void RegionFree( uint8 region, void *pMem ) = 0;
virtual void *RegionAllocAligned( uint8 region, size_t nSize, size_t align ) = 0;
virtual void RegionFreeAligned( uint8 region, void *pMem ) = 0;
// Returns size of a particular allocation
virtual size_t GetSize( void *pMem ) = 0;
virtual size_t GetSizeAligned( void *pMem ) = 0;
// Force file + line information for an allocation
virtual void PushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
virtual void PopAllocDbgInfo() = 0;
// If out arg is NULL or "<stdout>" it would output all the info to console,
// otherwise a file with that name would be created at the game root folder
virtual void DumpStats( const char *out_path ) = 0;
// FIXME: Remove when we have our own allocator
// these methods of the Crt debug code is used in our codebase currently
virtual int32 CrtSetBreakAlloc( int32 lNewBreakAlloc ) = 0;
virtual int CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode ) = 0;
virtual int CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem ) = 0;
virtual int CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access ) = 0;
virtual int CrtCheckMemory( void ) = 0;
virtual int CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag ) = 0;
virtual void CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState ) = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub, returns -1
virtual int unk001() = 0;
// FIXME: Make a better stats interface
virtual void DumpStats() = 0;
virtual void DumpStatsFileBase( char const *pchFileBase ) = 0;
virtual size_t ComputeMemoryUsedBy( char const *pchSubStr ) = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub
virtual void unk002() = 0;
// FIXME: Remove when we have our own allocator
virtual void* CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, void* hFile ) = 0;
virtual void* CrtSetReportHook( void* pfnNewHook ) = 0;
virtual int CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile,
int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * pMsg ) = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub, returns false and writes -1 to the ret_out
virtual bool unk003( int *ret_out ) = 0;
virtual int heapchk() = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub, returns false
virtual bool unk004() = 0;
virtual bool IsDebugHeap() = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub
virtual void unk005() = 0;
virtual void GetActualDbgInfo( const char *&pFileName, int &nLine ) = 0;
virtual void RegisterAllocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, size_t nLogicalSize, size_t nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) = 0;
virtual void RegisterDeallocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, size_t nLogicalSize, size_t nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) = 0;
virtual void CompactOnFail() = 0;
virtual int GetVersion() = 0;
// Logs the out of memory message, breaks in the debugger and exits the process
virtual void ReportFailedAllocation( int nSize ) = 0;
virtual void CompactHeap() = 0;
// memset's at the pMem location with nSize bytes of specified type, where:
// MemoryDebugType_None - would do nothing;
// MemoryDebugType_Light - would memset with 0xDD bytes;
// MemoryDebugType_Full - would memset with 0xD8 bytes;
// the input pMem is returned
// NOTE: This would do nothing if the allocator is not in the debug memory mode or if
// state has the m_bDebug set to false
virtual void *MemSetDbg( void *pMem, size_t nSize, MemoryInfoState state ) = 0;
// Function called when malloc fails or memory limits hit to attempt to free up memory (can come in any thread)
virtual MemAllocFailHandler_t SetAllocFailHandler( MemAllocFailHandler_t pfnMemAllocFailHandler ) = 0;
// Returns true if the underlying allocator is using DebugMemoryType different to DebugMemoryType::DebugMemoryType_None
// would also return true if the state argument has m_bDebug set as true
virtual bool IsInDebugMode( MemoryInfoState state ) = 0;
virtual void DumpBlockStats( void * ) = 0;
// If memory is not in the debug mode, returns either MemoryState_Invalid or MemoryState_Operational
// Otherwise a more deep check would be performed
virtual MemoryState GetMemoryState( void *pMem ) = 0;
#if defined( _MEMTEST )
virtual void SetStatsExtraInfo( const char *pMapName, const char *pComment ) = 0;
// Logs a warning and breaks in a debugger if the pMem state doesn't match provided state
virtual void ReportBadMemory( void *pMem, MemoryState state = MemoryState_Operational ) = 0;
// Returns 0 if no failure, otherwise the size_t of the last requested chunk
virtual size_t MemoryAllocFailed() = 0;
// Returns memory debug type of this allocator
virtual MemoryDebugType GetMemoryDebugType() = 0;
virtual void CompactIncremental() = 0;
// Returns previous total allocation size that was used
// Directly limits how much bytes could be allocated with (Re)Alloc* functions
virtual size_t SetTotalAllocationSize( size_t new_total_alloc_size ) = 0;
virtual void OutOfMemory( size_t nBytesAttempted = 0 ) = 0;
// Returns previous allocation limit size that was used
// Directly limits how much bytes could be allocated with (Re)Alloc* functions
virtual size_t SetAllocationLimitSize( size_t new_alloc_limit_size ) = 0;
// Region-based allocations
virtual void *RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void *RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) = 0;
// Writes detailed info about this allocator and settings used
// Example output of a non debug allocator:
// Heap: standard allocator pass-through to low-level
// Low - level allocator : jemalloc
// Example output of a debug allocator with custom settings:
// Heap: standard allocator + mem init + stackstats + light verifier + full mem debug
// Low - level allocator : jemalloc
virtual void GetAllocatorDescription( CBufferString &buf ) = 0;
// Replacement for ::GlobalMemoryStatus which accounts for unused memory in our system
virtual void GlobalMemoryStatus( size_t *pUsedMemory, size_t *pFreeMemory ) = 0;
// Returns true if stackstats is enabled and -memstackstats_disable_pools launch option was used
virtual bool IsStackStatsPoolsDisabled() = 0;
// Returns true if stackstats is enabled for this allocator
virtual bool IsStackStatsEnabled() = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub, returns 0
virtual int unk101() = 0;
// AMNOTE: Stub
virtual void unk102() = 0;
// AMNOTE: Copies data to an unknown struct of byte size 56
// Returns true if data was written, false otherwise
virtual bool unk103( void *out_val ) = 0;
// Calls the lower-level allocator functions directly
virtual void *AllocRaw( size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void *ReallocRaw( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) = 0;
virtual void FreeRaw( void *pMem ) = 0;
virtual size_t GetSizeRaw( void *pMem ) = 0;
@ -217,38 +304,12 @@ inline bool ValueIsPowerOfTwo( size_t value ) // don't clash with mathlib defi
inline void *MemAlloc_AllocAlignedUnattributed( size_t size, size_t align )
unsigned char *pAlloc, *pResult;
if (!ValueIsPowerOfTwo(align))
return NULL;
align = (align > sizeof(void *) ? align : sizeof(void *)) - 1;
if ( (pAlloc = (unsigned char*)MemAlloc_Alloc( sizeof(void *) + align + size ) ) == (unsigned char*)NULL)
return NULL;
pResult = (unsigned char*)( (size_t)(pAlloc + sizeof(void *) + align ) & ~align );
((unsigned char**)(pResult))[-1] = pAlloc;
return (void *)pResult;
return g_pMemAlloc->IndirectAllocAligned( size, align );
inline void *MemAlloc_AllocAlignedFileLine( size_t size, size_t align, const char *pszFile, int nLine )
unsigned char *pAlloc, *pResult;
if (!ValueIsPowerOfTwo(align))
return NULL;
align = (align > sizeof(void *) ? align : sizeof(void *)) - 1;
if ( (pAlloc = (unsigned char*)MemAlloc_Alloc( sizeof(void *) + align + size, pszFile, nLine ) ) == (unsigned char*)NULL)
return NULL;
pResult = (unsigned char*)( (size_t)(pAlloc + sizeof(void *) + align ) & ~align );
((unsigned char**)(pResult))[-1] = pAlloc;
return (void *)pResult;
return g_pMemAlloc->IndirectAllocAligned( size, align /*, pszFile, nLine*/ );
@ -262,84 +323,22 @@ extern const char *g_pszModule;
inline void *MemAlloc_ReallocAligned( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t align )
if ( !ValueIsPowerOfTwo( align ) )
return NULL;
// Don't change alignment between allocation + reallocation.
if ( ( (size_t)ptr & ( align - 1 ) ) != 0 )
return NULL;
if ( !ptr )
return MemAlloc_AllocAligned( size, align );
void *pAlloc, *pResult;
// Figure out the actual allocation point
pAlloc = ptr;
pAlloc = (void *)(((size_t)pAlloc & ~( sizeof(void *) - 1 ) ) - sizeof(void *));
pAlloc = *( (void **)pAlloc );
// See if we have enough space
size_t nOffset = (size_t)ptr - (size_t)pAlloc;
size_t nOldSize = g_pMemAlloc->GetSize( pAlloc );
if ( nOldSize >= size + nOffset )
return ptr;
pResult = MemAlloc_AllocAligned( size, align );
memcpy( pResult, ptr, nOldSize - nOffset );
g_pMemAlloc->Free( pAlloc );
return pResult;
return g_pMemAlloc->ReallocAligned( ptr, size, align );
inline void MemAlloc_FreeAligned( void *pMemBlock )
void *pAlloc;
if ( pMemBlock == NULL )
pAlloc = pMemBlock;
// pAlloc points to the pointer to starting of the memory block
pAlloc = (void *)(((size_t)pAlloc & ~( sizeof(void *) - 1 ) ) - sizeof(void *));
// pAlloc is the pointer to the start of memory block
pAlloc = *( (void **)pAlloc );
g_pMemAlloc->Free( pAlloc );
g_pMemAlloc->FreeAligned( pMemBlock );
inline void MemAlloc_FreeAligned( void *pMemBlock, const char *pszFile, int nLine )
void *pAlloc;
if ( pMemBlock == NULL )
pAlloc = pMemBlock;
// pAlloc points to the pointer to starting of the memory block
pAlloc = (void *)(((size_t)pAlloc & ~( sizeof(void *) - 1 ) ) - sizeof(void *));
// pAlloc is the pointer to the start of memory block
pAlloc = *( (void **)pAlloc );
g_pMemAlloc->Free( pAlloc/*, pszFile, nLine*/ );
g_pMemAlloc->FreeAligned( pMemBlock /*, pszFile, nLine*/ );
inline size_t MemAlloc_GetSizeAligned( void *pMemBlock )
void *pAlloc;
if ( pMemBlock == NULL )
return 0;
pAlloc = pMemBlock;
// pAlloc points to the pointer to starting of the memory block
pAlloc = (void *)(((size_t)pAlloc & ~( sizeof(void *) - 1 ) ) - sizeof(void *));
// pAlloc is the pointer to the start of memory block
pAlloc = *((void **)pAlloc );
return g_pMemAlloc->GetSize( pAlloc ) - ( (byte *)pMemBlock - (byte *)pAlloc );
return g_pMemAlloc->GetSizeAligned( pMemBlock );
struct aligned_tmp_t

View File

@ -288,7 +288,11 @@ int __cdecl _set_sbh_threshold( size_t )
int _heapchk()
return g_pMemAlloc->heapchk();
#ifdef _WIN32
return _HEAPOK;
return 1;
int _heapmin()
@ -422,6 +426,12 @@ void __cdecl operator delete[] ( void *pMem )
#ifdef _WIN32
#define AttribIfCrt()
// This here just hides the internal file names, etc of allocations
// made in the c runtime library
#define CRT_INTERNAL_FILE_NAME "C-runtime internal"
@ -429,31 +439,28 @@ void __cdecl operator delete[] ( void *pMem )
class CAttibCRT
CAttibCRT(int nBlockUse) : m_nBlockUse(nBlockUse)
CAttibCRT( int nBlockUse ) : m_nBlockUse( nBlockUse )
if (m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
if(m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
g_pMemAlloc->PushAllocDbgInfo(CRT_INTERNAL_FILE_NAME, 0);
g_pMemAlloc->PushAllocDbgInfo( CRT_INTERNAL_FILE_NAME, 0 );
if (m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
if(m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
int m_nBlockUse;
#define AttribIfCrt()
#define AttribIfCrt() CAttibCRT _attrib(nBlockUse)
#elif defined(POSIX)
@ -640,7 +647,7 @@ _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT _CrtSetDumpClient( _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT dumpClient )
int _CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag )
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetDbgFlag( nNewFlag );
return 0;
// 64-bit port.
@ -674,23 +681,22 @@ _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetAllocHook( _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK pfnNewHook )
long __cdecl _CrtSetBreakAlloc( long lNewBreakAlloc )
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetBreakAlloc( lNewBreakAlloc );
return 0;
int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem )
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtIsValidHeapPointer( pMem );
return 1;
int __cdecl _CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access )
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtIsValidPointer( pMem, size, access );
return 1;
int __cdecl _CrtCheckMemory( void )
// FIXME: Remove this when we re-implement the heap
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtCheckMemory( );
return 1;
int __cdecl _CrtIsMemoryBlock( const void *pMem, unsigned int nSize,
@ -713,8 +719,6 @@ void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpStatistics( const _CrtMemState *pState )
void __cdecl _CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState )
// FIXME: Remove this when we re-implement the heap
g_pMemAlloc->CrtMemCheckpoint( pState );
void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince( const _CrtMemState *pState )
@ -735,17 +739,17 @@ long _crtAssertBusy = -1;
int __cdecl _CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode )
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportMode( nReportType, nReportMode );
return 0;
_HFILE __cdecl _CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, _HFILE hFile )
return (_HFILE)g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportFile( nRptType, hFile );
return NULL;
_CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook( _CRT_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook )
return (_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportHook( pfnNewHook );
return NULL;
int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile,
@ -757,7 +761,7 @@ int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile,
_vsnprintf( output, sizeof( output )-1, szFormat, args );
va_end( args );
return g_pMemAlloc->CrtDbgReport( nRptType, szFile, nLine, szModule, output );
return 0;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400