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//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Used to fire events based on the orientation of a given entity.
// Looks at its target's anglular velocity every frame and fires outputs
// as the angular velocity passes a given threshold value.
#include "cbase.h"
#include "entityinput.h"
#include "entityoutput.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar g_debug_angularsensor( "g_debug_angularsensor", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
class CPointAngularVelocitySensor : public CPointEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CPointAngularVelocitySensor, CPointEntity );
void Activate(void);
void Spawn(void);
void Think(void);
float SampleAngularVelocity(CBaseEntity *pEntity);
int CompareToThreshold(CBaseEntity *pEntity, float flThreshold, bool bFireVelocityOutput);
void FireCompareOutput(int nCompareResult, CBaseEntity *pActivator);
void DrawDebugLines( void );
// Input handlers
void InputTest( inputdata_t &inputdata );
EHANDLE m_hTargetEntity; // Entity whose angles are being monitored.
float m_flThreshold; // The threshold angular velocity that we are looking for.
int m_nLastCompareResult; // Tha comparison result from our last measurement, expressed as -1, 0, or 1
float m_flFireTime;
float m_flFireInterval;
float m_flLastAngVelocity;
QAngle m_lastOrientation;
Vector m_vecAxis;
bool m_bUseHelper;
// Outputs
COutputFloat m_AngularVelocity;
COutputEvent m_OnLessThan; // Fired when the target's angular velocity becomes less than the threshold velocity.
COutputEvent m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo;
COutputEvent m_OnGreaterThan;
COutputEvent m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
COutputEvent m_OnEqualTo;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(point_angularvelocitysensor, CPointAngularVelocitySensor);
BEGIN_DATADESC( CPointAngularVelocitySensor )
// Fields
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_flThreshold, FIELD_FLOAT, "threshold"),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flFireInterval, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastAngVelocity, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_lastOrientation, FIELD_VECTOR ),
// Inputs
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnLessThan, "OnLessThan"),
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo, "OnLessThanOrEqualTo"),
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnGreaterThan, "OnGreaterThan"),
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo, "OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo"),
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnEqualTo, "OnEqualTo"),
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_AngularVelocity, "AngularVelocity"),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bUseHelper, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "usehelper" ),
// Purpose: Called when spawning after parsing keyvalues.
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::Spawn(void)
m_flThreshold = fabs(m_flThreshold);
m_flFireInterval = 0.2;
m_lastOrientation = vec3_angle;
// Purpose: Called after all entities in the map have spawned.
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::Activate(void)
m_hTargetEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_target );
if (m_hTargetEntity)
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
// Purpose: Draws magic lines...
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::DrawDebugLines( void )
if ( m_hTargetEntity )
Vector vForward, vRight, vUp;
AngleVectors( m_hTargetEntity->GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vForward * 64, 255, 0, 0, false, 0 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vRight * 64, 0, 255, 0, false, 0 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vUp * 64, 0, 0, 255, false, 0 );
if ( m_bUseHelper == true )
QAngle Angles;
Vector vAxisForward, vAxisRight, vAxisUp;
Vector vLine = m_vecAxis - GetAbsOrigin();
VectorNormalize( vLine );
VectorAngles( vLine, Angles );
AngleVectors( Angles, &vAxisForward, &vAxisRight, &vAxisUp );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vAxisForward * 64, 255, 0, 0, false, 0 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vAxisRight * 64, 0, 255, 0, false, 0 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vAxisUp * 64, 0, 0, 255, false, 0 );
// Purpose: Returns the magnitude of the entity's angular velocity.
float CPointAngularVelocitySensor::SampleAngularVelocity(CBaseEntity *pEntity)
if (pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS)
IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
if (pPhys != NULL)
Vector vecVelocity;
AngularImpulse vecAngVelocity;
pPhys->GetVelocity(&vecVelocity, &vecAngVelocity);
QAngle angles;
pPhys->GetPosition( NULL, &angles );
float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink();
if ( dt == 0 )
dt = 0.1;
// HACKHACK: We don't expect a real 'delta' orientation here, just enough of an error estimate to tell if this thing
// is trying to move, but failing.
QAngle delta = angles - m_lastOrientation;
if ( ( delta.Length() / dt ) < ( vecAngVelocity.Length() * 0.01 ) )
return 0.0f;
m_lastOrientation = angles;
if ( m_bUseHelper == false )
return vecAngVelocity.Length();
Vector vLine = m_vecAxis - GetAbsOrigin();
VectorNormalize( vLine );
Vector vecWorldAngVelocity;
pPhys->LocalToWorldVector( &vecWorldAngVelocity, vecAngVelocity );
float flDot = DotProduct( vecWorldAngVelocity, vLine );
return flDot;
QAngle vecAngVel = pEntity->GetLocalAngularVelocity();
float flMax = MAX(fabs(vecAngVel[PITCH]), fabs(vecAngVel[YAW]));
return MAX(flMax, fabs(vecAngVel[ROLL]));
return 0;
// Purpose: Compares the given entity's angular velocity to the threshold velocity.
// Input : pEntity - Entity whose angular velocity is being measured.
// flThreshold -
// Output : Returns -1 if less than, 0 if equal to, or 1 if greater than the threshold.
int CPointAngularVelocitySensor::CompareToThreshold(CBaseEntity *pEntity, float flThreshold, bool bFireVelocityOutput)
if (pEntity == NULL)
return 0;
float flAngVelocity = SampleAngularVelocity(pEntity);
if ( g_debug_angularsensor.GetBool() )
if (bFireVelocityOutput && (flAngVelocity != m_flLastAngVelocity))
m_AngularVelocity.Set(flAngVelocity, pEntity, this);
m_flLastAngVelocity = flAngVelocity;
if (flAngVelocity > flThreshold)
return 1;
if (flAngVelocity == flThreshold)
return 0;
return -1;
// Purpose: Called every frame.
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::Think(void)
if (m_hTargetEntity != NULL)
// Check to see if the measure entity's forward vector has been within
// given tolerance of the target entity for the given period of time.
int nCompare = CompareToThreshold(m_hTargetEntity, m_flThreshold, true);
if ((nCompare != m_nLastCompareResult) && (m_nLastCompareResult != AVELOCITY_SENSOR_NO_LAST_RESULT))
if (!m_flFireTime)
m_flFireTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (gpGlobals->curtime >= (m_flFireTime + m_flFireInterval))
// The compare result has changed. We need to fire the output.
FireCompareOutput(nCompare, this);
// Save the result for next time.
m_flFireTime = 0;
m_nLastCompareResult = nCompare;
else if (m_nLastCompareResult == AVELOCITY_SENSOR_NO_LAST_RESULT)
m_nLastCompareResult = nCompare;
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
// Purpose: Input handler for forcing an instantaneous test of the condition.
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::InputTest( inputdata_t &inputdata )
int nCompareResult = CompareToThreshold(m_hTargetEntity, m_flThreshold, false);
FireCompareOutput(nCompareResult, inputdata.pActivator);
// Purpose: Fires the appropriate output based on the given comparison result.
// Input : nCompareResult -
// pActivator -
void CPointAngularVelocitySensor::FireCompareOutput( int nCompareResult, CBaseEntity *pActivator )
if (nCompareResult == -1)
m_OnLessThan.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
else if (nCompareResult == 1)
m_OnGreaterThan.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
m_OnEqualTo.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo.FireOutput(pActivator, this);
m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo.FireOutput(pActivator, this);