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2012-07-06 20:35:59 -05:00
//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
#ifndef _TREE_SWAY_H
#define _TREE_SWAY_H
// Tree sway vertex animation function. Requires a number of global variables to be defined. See vertexlit_and_unlit_generic_vs20.fxc or depthwrite_vs20.fxc for details.
// Tree sway mode 2:
// Hacks to use tree sway code on rectangular sheets of plastic/tarp attached at the four corners.
// Inverts the sway scale radius to be 1 at (0,0,0) in model space and fall off radially towards the edges of the model.
// The model is expected to be build lying in the xy plane in model space, with its center at the origin.
// Treeswaystrength should be 0 in the vmt.
#if ( TREESWAY )
float3 ComputeTreeSway( float3 vPositionOS, float flTime )
static const float g_flWindOffsetScale = 19;
float flWindIntensity = length( g_vWindDir );
// Model root position is the translation component of the model to world matrix
float3 vModelRoot = float3( cModel[0][3].x, cModel[0][3].y, cModel[0][3].z );
// Transform the wind direction into model space
float3 vWindDirAndIntensityOS = mul( ( float3x3 )cModel[0], float3( g_vWindDir, 0 ) );
float flSwayScaleHeight = saturate( ( vPositionOS.z - g_flHeight * g_flStartHeight ) /
( ( 1.0 - g_flStartHeight ) * g_flHeight ) );
float flSwayScaleRadius = saturate( length( ( vPositionOS.xy ) - g_flRadius * g_flStartRadius ) /
( ( 1.0 - g_flStartRadius ) * g_flRadius ) );
// Used to turn off branch sway and scrumble below the minimum sway height
float flHeightThreshold = step( 0, vPositionOS.z - g_flHeight * g_flStartHeight );
#if ( TREESWAY == 2 )
// Works better for hanging vines
flHeightThreshold = step( vPositionOS.z - g_flHeight * g_flStartHeight, 0 );
#ifdef _X360
// Scale branch motion based on how orthogonal they are
float flOrthoBranchScale = 1.0 - abs( dot( normalize( vWindDirAndIntensityOS.xyz ), float3( normalize( vPositionOS.xy ), 0 ) ) );
// Scale branch motion based on how orthogonal they are
// This is what I want to compute:
// float flOrthoBranchScale = 1.0 - abs( dot( normalize( vWindDirAndIntensityOS.xyz ), float3( normalize( vPositionOS.xy ), 0 ) ) );
// Some NV hardware (7800) will do bad things when normalizing a 0 length vector. Instead, I'm doing the dot product unnormalized
// and divide by the length of the vectors, making sure to avoid divide by 0.
float flOrthoBranchScale = abs( dot( vWindDirAndIntensityOS.xyz, float3( vPositionOS.xy, 0 ) ) );
flOrthoBranchScale = 1.0 - saturate( flOrthoBranchScale / ( max( length( vWindDirAndIntensityOS.xyz ), 0.0001 ) * max( length( vPositionOS.xy ), 0.0001 ) ) );
float flSwayScaleTrunk = g_flSwayIntensity * pow( flSwayScaleHeight, g_flSwayFalloffCurve );
float flSwayScaleBranches = g_flSwayIntensity * flOrthoBranchScale * flSwayScaleRadius * flHeightThreshold;
#if ( TREESWAY == 2 )
// Looks stupid on vines
flSwayScaleBranches = 0.0;
float flWindTimeOffset = dot( vModelRoot.xyz, float3( 1, 1, 1 ) ) * g_flWindOffsetScale;
float flSlowSwayTime = ( flTime + flWindTimeOffset ) * g_flSwaySpeed;
float3 vSwayPosOS = normalize( vPositionOS.xyz );
float3 vScrumblePosOS = vSwayPosOS * g_flScrumbleWaveCount;
float flScrumbleScale = pow( flSwayScaleRadius, g_flScrumbleFalloffCurve ) * g_flScrumbleIntensity * flHeightThreshold;
float3 vPositionOffset = float3( 0, 0, 0 );
// lerp between slow and fast sines based on wind speed
float flSpeedLerp = smoothstep( g_flWindSpeedLerpStart, g_flWindSpeedLerpEnd, flWindIntensity );
float4 vABunchOfSines = sin( float4( 1.0, 2.31, g_flFastSwaySpeedScale, 2.14 * g_flFastSwaySpeedScale ) * flSlowSwayTime.xxxx );
vABunchOfSines.xy = lerp( vABunchOfSines.xy, vABunchOfSines.zw, flSpeedLerp );
vPositionOffset.xyz = vWindDirAndIntensityOS * flSwayScaleTrunk * ( vABunchOfSines.x + 0.1 );
vPositionOffset.xyz += vWindDirAndIntensityOS * flSwayScaleBranches * ( vABunchOfSines.y + 0.4 );
float3 vScrumbleScale = flScrumbleScale.xxx;
#if ( TREESWAY == 2 )
vScrumbleScale *= float3( 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 );
vPositionOffset.xyz += flWindIntensity * ( vScrumbleScale.xyz * sin( g_flScrumbleSpeed * flTime.xxx + vScrumblePosOS.yzx + flWindTimeOffset.xxx ) );
return vPositionOS.xyz + vPositionOffset.xyz;
#endif // _TREE_SWAY_H