2013-06-27 06:22:04 +08:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "cbase.h"
# include "animation.h" // for NOMOTION
# include "ai_motor.h"
# include "ai_navigator.h"
# include "ai_basenpc.h"
# include "ai_localnavigator.h"
# include "ai_moveprobe.h"
# include "saverestore_utlvector.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
# ifdef DEBUG
ConVar ai_draw_motor_movement ( " ai_draw_motor_movement " , " 0 " ) ;
# endif
extern float GetFloorZ ( const Vector & origin ) ;
// Use these functions to set breakpoints to find out where movement is failing
# ifdef DEBUG
void DebugNoteMovementFailure ( )
// a place to put breakpoints
2013-10-07 01:46:15 +08:00
# ifdef _WIN32
2013-06-27 06:22:04 +08:00
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4189)
2013-10-07 01:46:15 +08:00
# endif
2013-06-27 06:22:04 +08:00
AIMoveResult_t DbgResult ( AIMoveResult_t result )
if ( result < AIMR_OK )
int breakHere = 1 ;
switch ( result )
case AIMR_OK :
return AIMR_OK ;
} ;
} ;
# endif
// class CAI_Motor
// m_flMoveInterval (think transient)
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecAngularVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nDismountSequence , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecDismount , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
// m_pMoveProbe
CAI_Motor : : CAI_Motor ( CAI_BaseNPC * pOuter )
: CAI_Component ( pOuter )
m_flMoveInterval = 0 ;
m_IdealYaw = 0 ;
m_YawSpeed = 0 ;
m_vecVelocity = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_pMoveProbe = NULL ;
m_bYawLocked = false ;
CAI_Motor : : ~ CAI_Motor ( )
void CAI_Motor : : Init ( IAI_MovementSink * pMovementServices )
CAI_ProxyMovementSink : : Init ( pMovementServices ) ;
m_pMoveProbe = GetOuter ( ) - > GetMoveProbe ( ) ; // @TODO (toml 03-30-03): this is a "bad" way to grab this pointer. Components should have an explcit "init" phase.
// Step iteratively toward a destination position
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveGroundStep ( const Vector & newPos , CBaseEntity * pMoveTarget , float yaw , bool bAsFarAsCan , bool bTestZ , AIMoveTrace_t * pTraceResult )
// By definition, this will produce different results than GroundMoveLimit()
// because there's no guarantee that it will step exactly one step
// See how far toward the new position we can step...
// But don't actually test for ground geometric validity;
// if it isn't valid, there's not much we can do about it
AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace ;
unsigned testFlags = AITGM_IGNORE_FLOOR ;
if ( ! bTestZ )
testFlags | = AITGM_2D ;
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( ai_draw_motor_movement . GetBool ( ) )
testFlags | = AITGM_DRAW_RESULTS ;
# endif
GetMoveProbe ( ) - > TestGroundMove ( GetLocalOrigin ( ) , newPos , MASK_NPCSOLID , testFlags , & moveTrace ) ;
if ( pTraceResult )
* pTraceResult = moveTrace ;
bool bHitTarget = ( moveTrace . pObstruction & & ( pMoveTarget = = moveTrace . pObstruction ) ) ;
// Move forward either if there was no obstruction or if we're told to
// move as far as we can, regardless
bool bIsBlocked = IsMoveBlocked ( moveTrace . fStatus ) ;
if ( ! bIsBlocked | | bAsFarAsCan | | bHitTarget )
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( GetMoveProbe ( ) - > CheckStandPosition ( GetLocalOrigin ( ) , MASK_NPCSOLID ) & & ! GetMoveProbe ( ) - > CheckStandPosition ( moveTrace . vEndPosition , MASK_NPCSOLID ) )
DevMsg ( 2 , " Warning: AI motor probably given invalid instructions \n " ) ;
# endif
// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
UTIL_SetOrigin ( GetOuter ( ) , moveTrace . vEndPosition , true ) ;
// check to see if our ground entity has changed
// NOTE: This is to detect changes in ground entity as the movement code has optimized out
// ground checks. So now we have to do a simple recheck to make sure we detect when we've
// stepped onto a new entity.
if ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_ONGROUND )
GetOuter ( ) - > PhysicsStepRecheckGround ( ) ;
// skip tiny steps, but notify the shadow object of any large steps
if ( moveTrace . flStepUpDistance > 0.1f )
float height = clamp ( moveTrace . flStepUpDistance , 0.f , StepHeight ( ) ) ;
IPhysicsObject * pPhysicsObject = GetOuter ( ) - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( pPhysicsObject )
IPhysicsShadowController * pShadow = pPhysicsObject - > GetShadowController ( ) ;
if ( pShadow )
pShadow - > StepUp ( height ) ;
if ( yaw ! = - 1 )
QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
angles . y = yaw ;
SetLocalAngles ( angles ) ;
if ( bHitTarget )
if ( ! bIsBlocked )
return AIM_SUCCESS ;
if ( moveTrace . fStatus = = AIMR_BLOCKED_NPC )
return AIM_FAILED ;
// Purpose: Motion for climbing
// Input :
// Output : Returns bits (MoveStatus_b) regarding the move status
void CAI_Motor : : MoveClimbStart ( const Vector & climbDest , const Vector & climbDir , float climbDist , float yaw )
// @Note (toml 06-11-02): the following code is somewhat suspect. It
// originated in CAI_BaseNPC::MoveClimb() from early June 2002
// At the very least, state should be restored to original, not
// slammed.
// -----Original Message-----
// From: Jay Stelly
// Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 3:57 PM
// To: Tom Leonard
// Subject: RE:
// yes.
// Also, there is some subtlety to using movetype. I think in
// general we want to keep things in MOVETYPE_STEP because it
// implies a bunch of things in the external game physics
// simulator. There is a flag FL_FLY we use to
// disable gravity on MOVETYPE_STEP characters.
// > -----Original Message-----
// > From: Tom Leonard
// > Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 3:55 PM
// > To: Jay Stelly
// > Subject:
// >
// > Should I worry at all that the following highlighted bits of
// > code are not reciprocal for all state, and furthermore, stomp
// > other state?
if ( fabsf ( climbDir . z ) < .1 )
SetActivity ( GetNavigator ( ) - > GetMovementActivity ( ) ) ;
SetActivity ( ( climbDir . z > - 0.01 ) ? ACT_CLIMB_UP : ACT_CLIMB_DOWN ) ;
m_nDismountSequence = SelectWeightedSequence ( ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT ) ;
if ( m_nDismountSequence ! = ACT_INVALID )
GetOuter ( ) - > GetSequenceLinearMotion ( m_nDismountSequence , & m_vecDismount ) ;
m_vecDismount . Init ( ) ;
GetOuter ( ) - > AddFlag ( FL_FLY ) ; // No gravity
SetSolid ( SOLID_BBOX ) ;
SetGravity ( 0.0 ) ;
SetGroundEntity ( NULL ) ;
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveClimbExecute ( const Vector & climbDest , const Vector & climbDir , float climbDist , float yaw , int climbNodesLeft )
if ( fabsf ( climbDir . z ) > .1 )
if ( GetActivity ( ) ! = ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT )
Activity desiredActivity = ( climbDir . z > - 0.01 ) ? ACT_CLIMB_UP : ACT_CLIMB_DOWN ;
if ( GetActivity ( ) ! = desiredActivity )
SetActivity ( desiredActivity ) ;
if ( GetActivity ( ) ! = ACT_CLIMB_UP & & GetActivity ( ) ! = ACT_CLIMB_DOWN & & GetActivity ( ) ! = ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT )
DevMsg ( " Climber not in a climb activity! \n " ) ;
if ( m_nDismountSequence ! = ACT_INVALID )
if ( GetActivity ( ) = = ACT_CLIMB_UP )
if ( climbNodesLeft < = 2 & & climbDist < fabs ( m_vecDismount . z ) )
// fixme: No other way to force m_nIdealSequence?
GetOuter ( ) - > SetActivity ( ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT ) ;
GetOuter ( ) - > SetCycle ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetMovementFrame ( m_vecDismount . z - climbDist ) ) ;
float climbSpeed = GetOuter ( ) - > GetInstantaneousVelocity ( ) ;
if ( m_nDismountSequence ! = ACT_INVALID )
// catch situations where the climb mount/dismount finished before reaching goal
climbSpeed = MAX ( climbSpeed , 30.0 ) ;
// FIXME: assume if they don't have a dismount animation then they probably don't really support climbing.
climbSpeed = 100.0 ;
SetSmoothedVelocity ( climbDir * climbSpeed ) ;
if ( climbDist < climbSpeed * GetMoveInterval ( ) )
if ( climbDist < = 1e-2 )
climbDist = 0 ;
const float climbTime = climbDist / climbSpeed ;
SetMoveInterval ( GetMoveInterval ( ) - climbTime ) ;
SetLocalOrigin ( climbDest ) ;
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
// --------------------------------------------
// Turn to face the climb
// --------------------------------------------
SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( yaw ) ;
return AIMR_OK ;
void CAI_Motor : : MoveClimbStop ( )
if ( GetNavigator ( ) - > GetMovementActivity ( ) > ACT_RESET )
SetActivity ( GetNavigator ( ) - > GetMovementActivity ( ) ) ;
SetActivity ( ACT_IDLE ) ;
GetOuter ( ) - > RemoveFlag ( FL_FLY ) ;
SetSmoothedVelocity ( vec3_origin ) ;
SetGravity ( 1.0 ) ;
// Purpose: Motion for jumping
// Input :
// Output : Returns bits (MoveStatus_b) regarding the move status
void CAI_Motor : : MoveJumpStart ( const Vector & velocity )
// take the npc off the ground and throw them in the air
SetSmoothedVelocity ( velocity ) ;
SetGravity ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetJumpGravity ( ) ) ;
SetGroundEntity ( NULL ) ;
SetActivity ( ACT_JUMP ) ;
SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( velocity ) ;
int CAI_Motor : : MoveJumpExecute ( )
// needs to detect being hit
UpdateYaw ( ) ;
if ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetActivity ( ) = = ACT_JUMP & & GetOuter ( ) - > IsActivityFinished ( ) )
SetActivity ( ACT_GLIDE ) ;
// use all the time
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
return AIMR_OK ;
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveJumpStop ( )
SetSmoothedVelocity ( Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
if ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetActivity ( ) = = ACT_GLIDE )
float flTime = GetOuter ( ) - > GetGroundChangeTime ( ) ;
GetOuter ( ) - > AddStepDiscontinuity ( flTime , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , GetAbsAngles ( ) ) ;
if ( SelectWeightedSequence ( ACT_LAND ) = = ACT_INVALID )
SetActivity ( ACT_LAND ) ;
// FIXME: find out why the client doesn't interpolate immediatly after sequence change
// GetOuter()->SetCycle( flTime - gpGlobals->curtime );
if ( GetOuter ( ) - > GetActivity ( ) ! = ACT_LAND | | GetOuter ( ) - > IsActivityFinished ( ) )
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
SetGravity ( 1.0f ) ;
return AIMR_OK ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetIdealSpeed ( ) const
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetIdealSpeed ( ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetIdealAccel ( ) const
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetIdealAccel ( ) ;
// how far will I go?
float CAI_Motor : : MinStoppingDist ( float flMinResult )
// FIXME: should this be a constant rate or a constant time like it is now?
float flDecelRate = GetIdealAccel ( ) ;
if ( flDecelRate > 0.0 )
// assuming linear deceleration, how long till my V hits 0?
float t = GetCurSpeed ( ) / flDecelRate ;
// and how far will I travel? (V * t - 1/2 A t^2)
float flDist = GetCurSpeed ( ) * t - 0.5 * flDecelRate * t * t ;
// this should always be some reasonable non-zero distance
if ( flDist > flMinResult )
return flDist ;
return flMinResult ;
return flMinResult ;
// Purpose: how fast should I be going ideally
float CAI_Motor : : IdealVelocity ( void )
// FIXME: this should be a per-entity setting so run speeds are not based on animation speeds
return GetIdealSpeed ( ) * GetPlaybackRate ( ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : ResetMoveCalculations ( )
void CAI_Motor : : MoveStart ( )
void CAI_Motor : : MoveStop ( )
memset ( & m_vecVelocity , 0 , sizeof ( m_vecVelocity ) ) ;
GetOuter ( ) - > GetLocalNavigator ( ) - > ResetMoveCalculations ( ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : MovePaused ( )
// Purpose: what linear accel/decel rate do I need to hit V1 in d distance?
float DeltaV ( float v0 , float v1 , float d )
return 0.5 * ( v1 * v1 - v0 * v0 ) / d ;
float CAI_Motor : : CalcIntervalMove ( )
// assuming linear acceleration, how far will I travel?
return 0.5 * ( GetCurSpeed ( ) + GetIdealSpeed ( ) ) * GetMoveInterval ( ) ;
// Purpose: Move the npc to the next location on its route.
// Input : vecDir - Normalized vector indicating the direction of movement.
// flDistance - distance to move
// flInterval - Time interval for this movement.
// flGoalDistance - target distance
// flGoalVelocity - target velocity
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveGroundExecute ( const AILocalMoveGoal_t & move , AIMoveTrace_t * pTraceResult )
// --------------------------------------------
// turn in the direction of movement
// --------------------------------------------
MoveFacing ( move ) ;
// --------------------------------------------
return MoveGroundExecuteWalk ( move , GetIdealSpeed ( ) , CalcIntervalMove ( ) , pTraceResult ) ;
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveGroundExecuteWalk ( const AILocalMoveGoal_t & move , float speed , float dist , AIMoveTrace_t * pTraceResult )
bool bReachingLocalGoal = ( dist > move . maxDist ) ;
// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
if ( bReachingLocalGoal )
if ( ! ( move . flags & AILMG_CONSUME_INTERVAL ) )
// only use a portion of the time interval
SetMoveInterval ( GetMoveInterval ( ) * ( 1 - move . maxDist / dist ) ) ;
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
dist = move . maxDist ;
// use all the time
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
SetMoveVel ( move . dir * speed ) ;
// --------------------------------------------
// walk the distance
// --------------------------------------------
AIMotorMoveResult_t result = AIM_SUCCESS ;
if ( dist > 0.0 )
Vector vecFrom = GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
Vector vecTo = vecFrom + move . dir * dist ;
result = MoveGroundStep ( vecTo , move . pMoveTarget , - 1 , true , bReachingLocalGoal , pTraceResult ) ;
if ( result = = AIM_FAILED )
MoveStop ( ) ;
else if ( ! OnMoveStalled ( move ) )
result = AIM_FAILED ;
return result ;
// Purpose: Move the npc to the next location on its route.
// Input : pTargetEnt -
// vecDir - Normalized vector indicating the direction of movement.
// flInterval - Time interval for this movement.
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveFlyExecute ( const AILocalMoveGoal_t & move , AIMoveTrace_t * pTraceResult )
// turn in the direction of movement
MoveFacing ( move ) ;
// calc accel/decel rates
float flNewSpeed = GetIdealSpeed ( ) ;
SetMoveVel ( move . dir * flNewSpeed ) ;
float flTotal = 0.5 * ( GetCurSpeed ( ) + flNewSpeed ) * GetMoveInterval ( ) ;
float distance = move . maxDist ;
// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
if ( flTotal > distance )
// only use a portion of the time interval
SetMoveInterval ( GetMoveInterval ( ) * ( 1 - distance / flTotal ) ) ;
flTotal = distance ;
// use all the time
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ;
Vector vecStart , vecEnd ;
vecStart = GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
VectorMA ( vecStart , flTotal , move . dir , vecEnd ) ;
AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace ;
GetMoveProbe ( ) - > MoveLimit ( NAV_FLY , vecStart , vecEnd , MASK_NPCSOLID , NULL , & moveTrace ) ;
if ( pTraceResult )
* pTraceResult = moveTrace ;
// Check for total blockage
if ( fabs ( moveTrace . flDistObstructed - flTotal ) < = 1e-1 )
// But if we bumped into our target, then we succeeded!
if ( move . pMoveTarget & & ( moveTrace . pObstruction = = move . pMoveTarget ) )
return AIM_FAILED ;
// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
UTIL_SetOrigin ( GetOuter ( ) , moveTrace . vEndPosition , true ) ;
return ( IsMoveBlocked ( moveTrace . fStatus ) ) ? AIM_PARTIAL_HIT_WORLD : AIM_SUCCESS ;
// Purpose: turn in the direction of movement
// Output :
void CAI_Motor : : MoveFacing ( const AILocalMoveGoal_t & move )
if ( GetOuter ( ) - > OverrideMoveFacing ( move , GetMoveInterval ( ) ) )
return ;
// required movement direction
float flMoveYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw ( move . dir ) ;
int nSequence = GetSequence ( ) ;
float fSequenceMoveYaw = GetSequenceMoveYaw ( nSequence ) ;
if ( fSequenceMoveYaw = = NOMOTION )
fSequenceMoveYaw = 0 ;
if ( ! HasPoseParameter ( nSequence , GetOuter ( ) - > LookupPoseMoveYaw ( ) ) )
SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( UTIL_AngleMod ( flMoveYaw - fSequenceMoveYaw ) ) ;
// FIXME: move this up to navigator so that path goals can ignore these overrides.
Vector dir ;
float flInfluence = GetFacingDirection ( dir ) ;
dir = move . facing * ( 1 - flInfluence ) + dir * flInfluence ;
VectorNormalize ( dir ) ;
// ideal facing direction
float idealYaw = UTIL_AngleMod ( UTIL_VecToYaw ( dir ) ) ;
// FIXME: facing has important max velocity issues
SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( idealYaw ) ;
// find movement direction to compensate for not being turned far enough
float flDiff = UTIL_AngleDiff ( flMoveYaw , GetLocalAngles ( ) . y ) ;
SetPoseParameter ( GetOuter ( ) - > LookupPoseMoveYaw ( ) , flDiff ) ;
if ( ( GetOuter ( ) - > m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT ) )
DevMsg ( " move %.1f : diff %.1f : ideal %.1f \n " , flMoveYaw , flDiff , m_IdealYaw ) ;
// Purpose: Set the ideal yaw and run the current or specified timestep
// worth of rotation.
void CAI_Motor : : SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( float idealYaw , float yawSpeed )
SetIdealYaw ( idealYaw ) ;
if ( yawSpeed = = AI_CALC_YAW_SPEED )
RecalculateYawSpeed ( ) ;
else if ( yawSpeed ! = AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED )
SetYawSpeed ( yawSpeed ) ;
UpdateYaw ( - 1 ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : RecalculateYawSpeed ( )
SetYawSpeed ( CalcYawSpeed ( ) ) ;
float AI_ClampYaw ( float yawSpeedPerSec , float current , float target , float time )
if ( current ! = target )
float speed = yawSpeedPerSec * time ;
float move = target - current ;
if ( target > current )
if ( move > = 180 )
move = move - 360 ;
if ( move < = - 180 )
move = move + 360 ;
if ( move > 0 )
{ // turning to the npc's left
if ( move > speed )
move = speed ;
{ // turning to the npc's right
if ( move < - speed )
move = - speed ;
return UTIL_AngleMod ( current + move ) ;
return target ;
// Purpose: Turns a npc towards its ideal yaw.
// Input : yawSpeed - Yaw speed in degrees per 1/10th of a second.
// flInterval - Time interval to turn, -1 uses time since last think.
// Output : Returns the number of degrees turned.
void CAI_Motor : : UpdateYaw ( int yawSpeed )
// Don't do this if our yaw is locked
if ( IsYawLocked ( ) )
return ;
GetOuter ( ) - > SetUpdatedYaw ( ) ;
float ideal , current , newYaw ;
if ( yawSpeed = = - 1 )
yawSpeed = GetYawSpeed ( ) ;
// NOTE: GetIdealYaw() will never exactly be reached because UTIL_AngleMod
// also truncates the angle to 16 bits of resolution. So lets truncate it here.
current = UTIL_AngleMod ( GetLocalAngles ( ) . y ) ;
ideal = UTIL_AngleMod ( GetIdealYaw ( ) ) ;
// FIXME: this needs a proper interval
float dt = MIN ( 0.2 , gpGlobals - > curtime - GetLastThink ( ) ) ;
newYaw = AI_ClampYaw ( ( float ) yawSpeed * 10.0 , current , ideal , dt ) ;
if ( newYaw ! = current )
QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
angles . y = newYaw ;
SetLocalAngles ( angles ) ;
// DeltaIdealYaw - returns the difference ( in degrees ) between
// npc's current yaw and ideal_yaw
// Positive result is left turn, negative is right turn
float CAI_Motor : : DeltaIdealYaw ( void )
float flCurrentYaw ;
flCurrentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod ( GetLocalAngles ( ) . y ) ;
if ( flCurrentYaw = = GetIdealYaw ( ) )
return 0 ;
return UTIL_AngleDiff ( GetIdealYaw ( ) , flCurrentYaw ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : SetIdealYawToTarget ( const Vector & target , float noise , float offset )
float base = CalcIdealYaw ( target ) ;
base + = offset ;
if ( noise > 0 )
noise * = 0.5 ;
base + = random - > RandomFloat ( - noise , noise ) ;
if ( base < 0 )
base + = 360 ;
else if ( base > = 360 )
base - = 360 ;
SetIdealYaw ( base ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate ( const Vector & target , float yawSpeed )
SetIdealYawAndUpdate ( CalcIdealYaw ( target ) , yawSpeed ) ;
// Purpose: Keep track of multiple objects that the npc is interested in facing
void CAI_Motor : : AddFacingTarget ( CBaseEntity * pTarget , float flImportance , float flDuration , float flRamp )
m_facingQueue . Add ( pTarget , flImportance , flDuration , flRamp ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : AddFacingTarget ( const Vector & vecPosition , float flImportance , float flDuration , float flRamp )
m_facingQueue . Add ( vecPosition , flImportance , flDuration , flRamp ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : AddFacingTarget ( CBaseEntity * pTarget , const Vector & vecPosition , float flImportance , float flDuration , float flRamp )
m_facingQueue . Add ( pTarget , vecPosition , flImportance , flDuration , flRamp ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetFacingDirection ( Vector & vecDir )
float flTotalInterest = 0.0 ;
vecDir = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
int i ;
// clean up facing targets
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_facingQueue . Count ( ) ; )
if ( ! m_facingQueue [ i ] . IsActive ( ) )
m_facingQueue . Remove ( i ) ;
i + + ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_facingQueue . Count ( ) ; i + + )
float flInterest = m_facingQueue [ i ] . Interest ( ) ;
Vector tmp = m_facingQueue [ i ] . GetPosition ( ) - GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
// NDebugOverlay::Line( m_facingQueue[i].GetPosition(), GetAbsOrigin(), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.1 );
VectorNormalize ( tmp ) ;
vecDir = vecDir * ( 1 - flInterest ) + tmp * flInterest ;
flTotalInterest = ( 1 - ( 1 - flTotalInterest ) * ( 1 - flInterest ) ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vecDir ) ;
return flTotalInterest ;
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor : : MoveNormalExecute ( const AILocalMoveGoal_t & move )
AI_PROFILE_SCOPE ( CAI_Motor_MoveNormalExecute ) ;
// --------------------------------
AIMotorMoveResult_t fMotorResult ;
AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace ;
if ( move . navType = = NAV_GROUND )
fMotorResult = MoveGroundExecute ( move , & moveTrace ) ;
Assert ( move . navType = = NAV_FLY ) ;
fMotorResult = MoveFlyExecute ( move , & moveTrace ) ;
static AIMoveResult_t moveResults [ ] =
} ;
Assert ( ARRAYSIZE ( moveResults ) = = AIM_NUM_RESULTS & & fMotorResult > = 0 & & fMotorResult < = ARRAYSIZE ( moveResults ) ) ;
AIMoveResult_t result = moveResults [ fMotorResult ] ;
if ( result ! = AIMR_OK )
OnMoveExecuteFailed ( move , moveTrace , fMotorResult , & result ) ;
SetMoveInterval ( 0 ) ; // always consume interval on failure, even if overridden by OnMoveExecuteFailed()
return DbgResult ( result ) ;
// Purpose: Look ahead my stopping distance, or at least my hull width
float CAI_Motor : : MinCheckDist ( void )
// Take the groundspeed into account
float flMoveDist = GetMoveInterval ( ) * GetIdealSpeed ( ) ;
float flMinDist = MAX ( MinStoppingDist ( ) , flMoveDist ) ;
if ( flMinDist < GetHullWidth ( ) )
flMinDist = GetHullWidth ( ) ;
return flMinDist ;
CAI_Navigator * CAI_Motor : : GetNavigator ( void )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetNavigator ( ) ;
int CAI_Motor : : SelectWeightedSequence ( Activity activity )
return GetOuter ( ) - > SelectWeightedSequence ( activity ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetSequenceGroundSpeed ( int iSequence )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetSequenceGroundSpeed ( iSequence ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : SetSmoothedVelocity ( const Vector & vecVelocity )
GetOuter ( ) - > SetAbsVelocity ( vecVelocity ) ;
Vector CAI_Motor : : GetSmoothedVelocity ( )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetSmoothedVelocity ( ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : StepHeight ( ) const
return GetOuter ( ) - > StepHeight ( ) ;
bool CAI_Motor : : CanStandOn ( CBaseEntity * pSurface ) const
return GetOuter ( ) - > CanStandOn ( pSurface ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : CalcIdealYaw ( const Vector & vecTarget )
return GetOuter ( ) - > CalcIdealYaw ( vecTarget ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : SetBoneController ( int iController , float flValue )
return GetOuter ( ) - > SetBoneController ( iController , flValue ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetSequenceMoveYaw ( int iSequence )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetSequenceMoveYaw ( iSequence ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : SetPlaybackRate ( float flRate )
return GetOuter ( ) - > SetPlaybackRate ( flRate ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetPlaybackRate ( )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetPlaybackRate ( ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : SetPoseParameter ( const char * szName , float flValue )
return GetOuter ( ) - > SetPoseParameter ( szName , flValue ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : GetPoseParameter ( const char * szName )
return GetOuter ( ) - > GetPoseParameter ( szName ) ;
bool CAI_Motor : : HasPoseParameter ( int iSequence , const char * szName )
return GetOuter ( ) - > HasPoseParameter ( iSequence , szName ) ;
float CAI_Motor : : SetPoseParameter ( int iParameter , float flValue )
return GetOuter ( ) - > SetPoseParameter ( iParameter , flValue ) ;
bool CAI_Motor : : HasPoseParameter ( int iSequence , int iParameter )
return GetOuter ( ) - > HasPoseParameter ( iSequence , iParameter ) ;
void CAI_Motor : : SetMoveType ( MoveType_t val , MoveCollide_t moveCollide )
GetOuter ( ) - > SetMoveType ( val , moveCollide ) ;