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// Copyright (C) 2016 The GoHBase Authors. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GoHBase.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
// that can be found in the COPYING file.
package gohbase
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// clientRegionCache is client -> region cache. Used to quickly
// look up all the regioninfos that map to a specific client
type clientRegionCache struct {
m sync.RWMutex
regions map[hrpc.RegionClient]map[hrpc.RegionInfo]struct{}
// put caches client and associates a region with it. Returns a client that is in cache.
// TODO: obvious place for optimization (use map with address as key to lookup exisiting clients)
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) put(c hrpc.RegionClient, r hrpc.RegionInfo) hrpc.RegionClient {
for existingClient, regions := range rcc.regions {
// check if client already exists, checking by host and port
// because concurrent callers might try to put the same client
if c.Addr() == existingClient.Addr() {
// check client already knows about the region, checking
// by pointer is enough because we make sure that there are
// no regions with the same name around
if _, ok := regions[r]; !ok {
regions[r] = struct{}{}
"existingClient": existingClient,
"client": c,
}).Debug("region client is already in client's cache")
return existingClient
// no such client yet
rcc.regions[c] = map[hrpc.RegionInfo]struct{}{r: struct{}{}}
log.WithField("client", c).Info("added new region client")
return c
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) del(r hrpc.RegionInfo) {
c := r.Client()
if c != nil {
regions := rcc.regions[c]
delete(regions, r)
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) closeAll() {
for client, regions := range rcc.regions {
for region := range regions {
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) clientDown(c hrpc.RegionClient) map[hrpc.RegionInfo]struct{} {
downregions, ok := rcc.regions[c]
delete(rcc.regions, c)
if ok {
log.WithField("client", c).Info("removed region client")
return downregions
// TODO: obvious place for optimization (use map with address as key to lookup exisiting clients)
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) checkForClient(addr string) hrpc.RegionClient {
for client := range rcc.regions {
if client.Addr() == addr {
return client
return nil
// key -> region cache.
type keyRegionCache struct {
m sync.RWMutex
// Maps a []byte of a region start key to a hrpc.RegionInfo
regions *b.Tree
func (krc *keyRegionCache) get(key []byte) ([]byte, hrpc.RegionInfo) {
enum, ok := krc.regions.Seek(key)
if ok {
log.Fatalf("WTF: got exact match for region search key %q", key)
return nil, nil
k, v, err := enum.Prev()
if err == io.EOF {
// we are the beginning of the tree
return nil, nil
return k.([]byte), v.(hrpc.RegionInfo)
func isRegionOverlap(regA, regB hrpc.RegionInfo) bool {
// if region's stop key is empty, it's assumed to be the greatest key
return bytes.Equal(regA.Namespace(), regB.Namespace()) &&
bytes.Equal(regA.Table(), regB.Table()) &&
(len(regB.StopKey()) == 0 || bytes.Compare(regA.StartKey(), regB.StopKey()) < 0) &&
(len(regA.StopKey()) == 0 || bytes.Compare(regA.StopKey(), regB.StartKey()) > 0)
func (krc *keyRegionCache) getOverlaps(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []hrpc.RegionInfo {
var overlaps []hrpc.RegionInfo
var v interface{}
var err error
// deal with empty tree in the beginning so that we don't have to check
// EOF errors for enum later
if krc.regions.Len() == 0 {
return overlaps
// check if key created from new region falls into any cached regions
key := createRegionSearchKey(fullyQualifiedTable(reg), reg.StartKey())
enum, ok := krc.regions.Seek(key)
if ok {
log.Fatalf("WTF: found a region with exact name as the search key %q", key)
// case 1: landed before the first region in cache
// enum.Prev() returns io.EOF
// enum.Next() returns io.EOF
// SeekFirst() + enum.Next() returns the first region, which has larger start key
// case 2: landed before the second region in cache
// enum.Prev() returns the first region X and moves pointer to -infinity
// enum.Next() returns io.EOF
// SeekFirst() + enum.Next() returns first region X, which has smaller start key
// case 3: landed anywhere after the second region
// enum.Prev() returns the region X before it landed, moves pointer to the region X - 1
// enum.Next() returns X - 1 and move pointer to X, which has smaller start key
_, _, err = enum.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
// we are in the beginning of tree, get new enum starting
// from first region
enum, err = krc.regions.SeekFirst()
if err != nil {
"error seeking first region when getting overlaps for region %v: %v", reg, err)
_, v, err = enum.Next()
if isRegionOverlap(v.(hrpc.RegionInfo), reg) {
overlaps = append(overlaps, v.(hrpc.RegionInfo))
_, v, err = enum.Next()
// now append all regions that overlap until the end of the tree
// or until they don't overlap
for err != io.EOF && isRegionOverlap(v.(hrpc.RegionInfo), reg) {
overlaps = append(overlaps, v.(hrpc.RegionInfo))
_, v, err = enum.Next()
return overlaps
// put looks up if there's already region with this name in regions cache
// and if there's, returns it in overlaps and doesn't modify the cache.
// Otherwise, it puts the region and removes all overlaps in case all of
// them are older. Returns a slice of overlapping regions and whether
// passed region was put in the cache.
func (krc *keyRegionCache) put(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) (overlaps []hrpc.RegionInfo, replaced bool) {
krc.regions.Put(reg.Name(), func(v interface{}, exists bool) (interface{}, bool) {
if exists {
// region is already in cache,
// note: regions with the same name have the same age
overlaps = []hrpc.RegionInfo{v.(hrpc.RegionInfo)}
return nil, false
// find all entries that are overlapping with the range of the new region.
overlaps = krc.getOverlaps(reg)
for _, o := range overlaps {
if o.ID() > reg.ID() {
// overlapping region is younger,
// don't replace any regions
// TODO: figure out if there can a case where we might
// have both older and younger overlapping regions, for
// now we only replace if all overlaps are older
return nil, false
// all overlaps are older, put the new region
replaced = true
return reg, true
if !replaced {
"region": reg,
"overlaps": overlaps,
"replaced": replaced,
}).Debug("region is already in cache")
// delete overlapping regions
// TODO: in case overlaps are always either younger or older,
// we can just greedily remove them in Put function
for _, o := range overlaps {
// let region establishers know that they can give up
"region": reg,
"overlaps": overlaps,
"replaced": replaced,
}).Info("added new region")
func (krc *keyRegionCache) del(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) bool {
success := krc.regions.Delete(reg.Name())
// let region establishers know that they can give up
"region": reg,
}).Debug("removed region")
return success