2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

645 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The GoHBase Authors. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GoHBase.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
// that can be found in the COPYING file.
package gohbase
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Constants
var (
// Name of the meta region.
metaTableName = []byte("hbase:meta")
infoFamily = map[string][]string{
"info": nil,
// ErrRegionUnavailable is returned when sending rpc to a region that is unavailable
ErrRegionUnavailable = errors.New("region unavailable")
// TableNotFound is returned when attempting to access a table that
// doesn't exist on this cluster.
TableNotFound = errors.New("table not found")
// ErrCannotFindRegion is returned when it took too many tries to find a
// region for the request. It's likely that hbase:meta has overlaps or some other
// inconsistency.
ErrConnotFindRegion = errors.New("cannot find region for the rpc")
// ErrClientClosed is returned when the gohbase client has been closed
ErrClientClosed = errors.New("client is closed")
// errMetaLookupThrottled is returned when a lookup for the rpc's region
// has been throttled.
errMetaLookupThrottled = errors.New("lookup to hbase:meta has been throttled")
const (
// maxSendRPCTries is the maximum number of times to try to send an RPC
maxSendRPCTries = 10
backoffStart = 16 * time.Millisecond
func (c *client) SendRPC(rpc hrpc.Call) (proto.Message, error) {
var err error
for i := 0; i < maxSendRPCTries; i++ {
// Check the cache for a region that can handle this request
reg := c.getRegionFromCache(rpc.Table(), rpc.Key())
if reg == nil {
reg, err = c.findRegion(rpc.Context(), rpc.Table(), rpc.Key())
if err == ErrRegionUnavailable {
} else if err == errMetaLookupThrottled {
// lookup for region has been throttled, check the cache
// again but don't count this as SendRPC try as there
// might be just too many request going on at a time.
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg, err := c.sendRPCToRegion(rpc, reg)
switch err {
case ErrRegionUnavailable:
if ch := reg.AvailabilityChan(); ch != nil {
// The region is unavailable. Wait for it to become available,
// a new region or for the deadline to be exceeded.
select {
case <-rpc.Context().Done():
return nil, rpc.Context().Err()
case <-c.done:
return nil, ErrClientClosed
case <-ch:
return msg, err
return nil, ErrConnotFindRegion
func sendBlocking(rc hrpc.RegionClient, rpc hrpc.Call) (hrpc.RPCResult, error) {
var res hrpc.RPCResult
// Wait for the response
select {
case res = <-rpc.ResultChan():
return res, nil
case <-rpc.Context().Done():
return res, rpc.Context().Err()
func (c *client) sendRPCToRegion(rpc hrpc.Call, reg hrpc.RegionInfo) (proto.Message, error) {
if reg.IsUnavailable() {
return nil, ErrRegionUnavailable
// Queue the RPC to be sent to the region
client := reg.Client()
if client == nil {
// There was an error queueing the RPC.
// Mark the region as unavailable.
if reg.MarkUnavailable() {
// If this was the first goroutine to mark the region as
// unavailable, start a goroutine to reestablish a connection
go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
return nil, ErrRegionUnavailable
res, err := sendBlocking(client, rpc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check for errors
switch res.Error.(type) {
case region.RetryableError:
// There's an error specific to this region, but
// our region client is fine. Mark this region as
// unavailable (as opposed to all regions sharing
// the client), and start a goroutine to reestablish
// it.
if reg.MarkUnavailable() {
go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
return nil, ErrRegionUnavailable
case region.UnrecoverableError:
// If it was an unrecoverable error, the region client is
// considered dead.
if reg == c.adminRegionInfo {
// If this is the admin client, mark the region
// as unavailable and start up a goroutine to
// reconnect if it wasn't already marked as such.
if reg.MarkUnavailable() {
go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
} else {
// Fall through to the case of the region being unavailable,
// which will result in blocking until it's available again.
return nil, ErrRegionUnavailable
// RPC was successfully sent, or an unknown type of error
// occurred. In either case, return the results.
return res.Msg, res.Error
// clientDown removes client from cache and marks
// all the regions sharing this region's
// client as unavailable, and start a goroutine
// to reconnect for each of them.
func (c *client) clientDown(client hrpc.RegionClient) {
downregions := c.clients.clientDown(client)
for downreg := range downregions {
if downreg.MarkUnavailable() {
go c.reestablishRegion(downreg)
func (c *client) lookupRegion(ctx context.Context,
table, key []byte) (hrpc.RegionInfo, string, error) {
var reg hrpc.RegionInfo
var addr string
var err error
backoff := backoffStart
for {
// If it takes longer than regionLookupTimeout, fail so that we can sleep
lookupCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.regionLookupTimeout)
if c.clientType == adminClient {
log.WithField("resource", zk.Master).Debug("looking up master")
addr, err = c.zkLookup(lookupCtx, zk.Master)
reg = c.adminRegionInfo
} else if bytes.Compare(table, metaTableName) == 0 {
log.WithField("resource", zk.Meta).Debug("looking up region server of hbase:meta")
addr, err = c.zkLookup(lookupCtx, zk.Meta)
reg = c.metaRegionInfo
} else {
"table": strconv.Quote(string(table)),
"key": strconv.Quote(string(key)),
}).Debug("looking up region")
reg, addr, err = c.metaLookup(lookupCtx, table, key)
if err == TableNotFound {
"table": strconv.Quote(string(table)),
"key": strconv.Quote(string(key)),
"err": err,
}).Debug("hbase:meta does not know about this table/key")
return nil, "", err
} else if err == errMetaLookupThrottled {
return nil, "", err
} else if err == ErrClientClosed {
return nil, "", err
if err == nil {
"table": strconv.Quote(string(table)),
"key": strconv.Quote(string(key)),
"region": reg,
"addr": addr,
}).Debug("looked up a region")
return reg, addr, nil
"table": strconv.Quote(string(table)),
"key": strconv.Quote(string(key)),
"backoff": backoff,
"err": err,
}).Error("failed looking up region")
// This will be hit if there was an error locating the region
backoff, err = sleepAndIncreaseBackoff(ctx, backoff)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
func (c *client) findRegion(ctx context.Context, table, key []byte) (hrpc.RegionInfo, error) {
// The region was not in the cache, it
// must be looked up in the meta table
reg, addr, err := c.lookupRegion(ctx, table, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We are the ones that looked up the region, so we need to
// mark in unavailable and find a client for it.
if reg != c.metaRegionInfo && reg != c.adminRegionInfo {
// Check that the region wasn't added to
// the cache while we were looking it up.
overlaps, replaced := c.regions.put(reg)
if !replaced {
// the same or younger regions are already in cache, retry looking up in cache
return nil, ErrRegionUnavailable
// otherwise, new region in cache, delete overlaps from client's cache
for _, r := range overlaps {
// Start a goroutine to connect to the region
go c.establishRegion(reg, addr)
// Wait for the new region to become
// available, and then send the RPC
return reg, nil
// Searches in the regions cache for the region hosting the given row.
func (c *client) getRegionFromCache(table, key []byte) hrpc.RegionInfo {
if c.clientType == adminClient {
return c.adminRegionInfo
} else if bytes.Equal(table, metaTableName) {
return c.metaRegionInfo
regionName := createRegionSearchKey(table, key)
_, region := c.regions.get(regionName)
if region == nil {
return nil
// make sure the returned region is for the same table
if !bytes.Equal(fullyQualifiedTable(region), table) {
// not the same table, can happen if we got the last region
return nil
if len(region.StopKey()) != 0 &&
// If the stop key is an empty byte array, it means this region is the
// last region for this table and this key ought to be in that region.
bytes.Compare(key, region.StopKey()) >= 0 {
return nil
return region
// Creates the META key to search for in order to locate the given key.
func createRegionSearchKey(table, key []byte) []byte {
metaKey := make([]byte, 0, len(table)+len(key)+3)
metaKey = append(metaKey, table...)
metaKey = append(metaKey, ',')
metaKey = append(metaKey, key...)
metaKey = append(metaKey, ',')
// ':' is the first byte greater than '9'. We always want to find the
// entry with the greatest timestamp, so by looking right before ':'
// we'll find it.
metaKey = append(metaKey, ':')
return metaKey
// lookupLimit throttles lookups to hbase:meta to metaLookupLimit requests
// per metaLookupInterval. It returns nil if we were lucky enough to
// reserve right away and errMetaLookupThrottled or context's error otherwise.
func (c *client) metaLookupLimit(ctx context.Context) error {
r := c.metaLookupLimiter.Reserve()
if !r.OK() {
panic("wtf: cannot reserve a meta lookup")
delay := r.Delay()
if delay <= 0 {
return nil
// We've been rate limitted
t := time.NewTimer(delay)
defer t.Stop()
select {
case <-t.C:
return errMetaLookupThrottled
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// metaLookup checks meta table for the region in which the given row key for the given table is.
func (c *client) metaLookup(ctx context.Context,
table, key []byte) (hrpc.RegionInfo, string, error) {
metaKey := createRegionSearchKey(table, key)
rpc, err := hrpc.NewScanRange(ctx, metaTableName, metaKey, table,
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
scanner := c.Scan(rpc)
resp, err := scanner.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, "", TableNotFound
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
reg, addr, err := region.ParseRegionInfo(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if !bytes.Equal(table, fullyQualifiedTable(reg)) {
// This would indicate a bug in HBase.
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("wtf: meta returned an entry for the wrong table!"+
" Looked up table=%q key=%q got region=%s", table, key, reg)
} else if len(reg.StopKey()) != 0 &&
bytes.Compare(key, reg.StopKey()) >= 0 {
// This would indicate a hole in the meta table.
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("wtf: meta returned an entry for the wrong region!"+
" Looked up table=%q key=%q got region=%s", table, key, reg)
return reg, addr, nil
func fullyQualifiedTable(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []byte {
namespace := reg.Namespace()
table := reg.Table()
if namespace == nil {
return table
// non-default namespace table
fqTable := make([]byte, 0, len(namespace)+1+len(table))
fqTable = append(fqTable, namespace...)
fqTable = append(fqTable, byte(':'))
fqTable = append(fqTable, table...)
return fqTable
func (c *client) reestablishRegion(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) {
select {
case <-c.done:
log.WithField("region", reg).Debug("reestablishing region")
c.establishRegion(reg, "")
// probeKey returns a key in region that is unlikely to have data at it
// in order to test if the region is online. This prevents the Get request
// to actually fetch the data from the storage which consumes resources
// of the region server
func probeKey(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []byte {
// now we create a probe key: reg.StartKey() + 17 zeros
probe := make([]byte, len(reg.StartKey())+17)
copy(probe, reg.StartKey())
return probe
// isRegionEstablished checks whether regionserver accepts rpcs for the region.
// Returns the cause if not established.
func isRegionEstablished(rc hrpc.RegionClient, reg hrpc.RegionInfo) error {
probe, err := hrpc.NewGet(context.Background(), fullyQualifiedTable(reg), probeKey(reg),
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("should not happen: %s", err))
res, err := sendBlocking(rc, probe)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("should not happen: %s", err))
switch res.Error.(type) {
case region.RetryableError, region.UnrecoverableError:
return res.Error
return nil
func (c *client) establishRegion(reg hrpc.RegionInfo, addr string) {
var backoff time.Duration
var err error
for {
backoff, err = sleepAndIncreaseBackoff(reg.Context(), backoff)
if err != nil {
// region is dead
if addr == "" {
// need to look up region and address of the regionserver
originalReg := reg
// lookup region forever until we get it or we learn that it doesn't exist
reg, addr, err = c.lookupRegion(originalReg.Context(),
fullyQualifiedTable(originalReg), originalReg.StartKey())
if err == TableNotFound {
// region doesn't exist, delete it from caches
"region": originalReg.String(),
"err": err,
"backoff": backoff,
}).Info("region does not exist anymore")
} else if originalReg.Context().Err() != nil {
// region is dead
"region": originalReg.String(),
"err": err,
"backoff": backoff,
}).Info("region became dead while establishing client for it")
} else if err == errMetaLookupThrottled {
// We've been throttled, backoff and retry the lookup
// TODO: backoff might be unnecessary
reg = originalReg
} else if err == ErrClientClosed {
// client has been closed
} else if err != nil {
"region": originalReg.String(),
"err": err,
"backoff": backoff,
}).Fatal("unknown error occured when looking up region")
if !bytes.Equal(reg.Name(), originalReg.Name()) {
// put new region and remove overlapping ones.
// Should remove the original region as well.
overlaps, replaced := c.regions.put(reg)
if !replaced {
// a region that is the same or younger is already in cache
// otherwise delete the overlapped regions in cache
for _, r := range overlaps {
// let rpcs know that they can retry and either get the newly
// added region from cache or lookup the one they need
} else {
// same region, discard the looked up one
reg = originalReg
// connect to the region's regionserver
client, err := c.establishRegionClient(reg, addr)
if err == nil {
if reg == c.adminRegionInfo {
if existing := c.clients.put(client, reg); existing != client {
// a client for this regionserver is already in cache, discard this one.
client = existing
if err = isRegionEstablished(client, reg); err == nil {
// set region client so that as soon as we mark it available,
// concurrent readers are able to find the client
} else if _, ok := err.(region.UnrecoverableError); ok {
// the client we got died
} else if err == context.Canceled {
// region is dead
"region": reg,
"backoff": backoff,
"err": err,
}).Debug("region was not established, retrying")
// reset address because we weren't able to connect to it
// or regionserver says it's still offline, should look up again
addr = ""
func sleepAndIncreaseBackoff(ctx context.Context, backoff time.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
if backoff == 0 {
return backoffStart, nil
select {
case <-time.After(backoff):
case <-ctx.Done():
return 0, ctx.Err()
// TODO: Revisit how we back off here.
if backoff < 5000*time.Millisecond {
return backoff * 2, nil
return backoff + 5000*time.Millisecond, nil
func (c *client) establishRegionClient(reg hrpc.RegionInfo,
addr string) (hrpc.RegionClient, error) {
if c.clientType != adminClient {
// if rpc is not for hbasemaster, check if client for regionserver
// already exists
if client := c.clients.checkForClient(addr); client != nil {
// There's already a client
return client, nil
var clientType region.ClientType
if c.clientType == standardClient {
clientType = region.RegionClient
} else {
clientType = region.MasterClient
clientCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(reg.Context(), c.regionLookupTimeout)
defer cancel()
return region.NewClient(clientCtx, addr, clientType,
c.rpcQueueSize, c.flushInterval, c.effectiveUser,
// zkResult contains the result of a ZooKeeper lookup (when we're looking for
// the meta region or the HMaster).
type zkResult struct {
addr string
err error
// zkLookup asynchronously looks up the meta region or HMaster in ZooKeeper.
func (c *client) zkLookup(ctx context.Context, resource zk.ResourceName) (string, error) {
// We make this a buffered channel so that if we stop waiting due to a
// timeout, we won't block the zkLookupSync() that we start in a
// separate goroutine.
reschan := make(chan zkResult, 1)
go func() {
addr, err := c.zkClient.LocateResource(resource.Prepend(c.zkRoot))
// This is guaranteed to never block as the channel is always buffered.
reschan <- zkResult{addr, err}
select {
case res := <-reschan:
return res.addr, res.err
case <-ctx.Done():
return "", ctx.Err()