2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

728 lines
20 KiB

package sarama
import (
// TestReporter has methods matching go's testing.T to avoid importing
// `testing` in the main part of the library.
type TestReporter interface {
Errorf(string, ...interface{})
Fatalf(string, ...interface{})
// MockResponse is a response builder interface it defines one method that
// allows generating a response based on a request body. MockResponses are used
// to program behavior of MockBroker in tests.
type MockResponse interface {
For(reqBody versionedDecoder) (res encoder)
// MockWrapper is a mock response builder that returns a particular concrete
// response regardless of the actual request passed to the `For` method.
type MockWrapper struct {
res encoder
func (mw *MockWrapper) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) (res encoder) {
return mw.res
func NewMockWrapper(res encoder) *MockWrapper {
return &MockWrapper{res: res}
// MockSequence is a mock response builder that is created from a sequence of
// concrete responses. Every time when a `MockBroker` calls its `For` method
// the next response from the sequence is returned. When the end of the
// sequence is reached the last element from the sequence is returned.
type MockSequence struct {
responses []MockResponse
func NewMockSequence(responses ...interface{}) *MockSequence {
ms := &MockSequence{}
ms.responses = make([]MockResponse, len(responses))
for i, res := range responses {
switch res := res.(type) {
case MockResponse:
ms.responses[i] = res
case encoder:
ms.responses[i] = NewMockWrapper(res)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected response type: %T", res))
return ms
func (mc *MockSequence) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) (res encoder) {
res = mc.responses[0].For(reqBody)
if len(mc.responses) > 1 {
mc.responses = mc.responses[1:]
return res
// MockMetadataResponse is a `MetadataResponse` builder.
type MockMetadataResponse struct {
controllerID int32
leaders map[string]map[int32]int32
brokers map[string]int32
t TestReporter
func NewMockMetadataResponse(t TestReporter) *MockMetadataResponse {
return &MockMetadataResponse{
leaders: make(map[string]map[int32]int32),
brokers: make(map[string]int32),
t: t,
func (mmr *MockMetadataResponse) SetLeader(topic string, partition, brokerID int32) *MockMetadataResponse {
partitions := mmr.leaders[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]int32)
mmr.leaders[topic] = partitions
partitions[partition] = brokerID
return mmr
func (mmr *MockMetadataResponse) SetBroker(addr string, brokerID int32) *MockMetadataResponse {
mmr.brokers[addr] = brokerID
return mmr
func (mmr *MockMetadataResponse) SetController(brokerID int32) *MockMetadataResponse {
mmr.controllerID = brokerID
return mmr
func (mmr *MockMetadataResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
metadataRequest := reqBody.(*MetadataRequest)
metadataResponse := &MetadataResponse{
Version: metadataRequest.version(),
ControllerID: mmr.controllerID,
for addr, brokerID := range mmr.brokers {
metadataResponse.AddBroker(addr, brokerID)
if len(metadataRequest.Topics) == 0 {
for topic, partitions := range mmr.leaders {
for partition, brokerID := range partitions {
metadataResponse.AddTopicPartition(topic, partition, brokerID, nil, nil, ErrNoError)
return metadataResponse
for _, topic := range metadataRequest.Topics {
for partition, brokerID := range mmr.leaders[topic] {
metadataResponse.AddTopicPartition(topic, partition, brokerID, nil, nil, ErrNoError)
return metadataResponse
// MockOffsetResponse is an `OffsetResponse` builder.
type MockOffsetResponse struct {
offsets map[string]map[int32]map[int64]int64
t TestReporter
version int16
func NewMockOffsetResponse(t TestReporter) *MockOffsetResponse {
return &MockOffsetResponse{
offsets: make(map[string]map[int32]map[int64]int64),
t: t,
func (mor *MockOffsetResponse) SetVersion(version int16) *MockOffsetResponse {
mor.version = version
return mor
func (mor *MockOffsetResponse) SetOffset(topic string, partition int32, time, offset int64) *MockOffsetResponse {
partitions := mor.offsets[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]map[int64]int64)
mor.offsets[topic] = partitions
times := partitions[partition]
if times == nil {
times = make(map[int64]int64)
partitions[partition] = times
times[time] = offset
return mor
func (mor *MockOffsetResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
offsetRequest := reqBody.(*OffsetRequest)
offsetResponse := &OffsetResponse{Version: mor.version}
for topic, partitions := range offsetRequest.blocks {
for partition, block := range partitions {
offset := mor.getOffset(topic, partition, block.time)
offsetResponse.AddTopicPartition(topic, partition, offset)
return offsetResponse
func (mor *MockOffsetResponse) getOffset(topic string, partition int32, time int64) int64 {
partitions := mor.offsets[topic]
if partitions == nil {
mor.t.Errorf("missing topic: %s", topic)
times := partitions[partition]
if times == nil {
mor.t.Errorf("missing partition: %d", partition)
offset, ok := times[time]
if !ok {
mor.t.Errorf("missing time: %d", time)
return offset
// MockFetchResponse is a `FetchResponse` builder.
type MockFetchResponse struct {
messages map[string]map[int32]map[int64]Encoder
highWaterMarks map[string]map[int32]int64
t TestReporter
batchSize int
version int16
func NewMockFetchResponse(t TestReporter, batchSize int) *MockFetchResponse {
return &MockFetchResponse{
messages: make(map[string]map[int32]map[int64]Encoder),
highWaterMarks: make(map[string]map[int32]int64),
t: t,
batchSize: batchSize,
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) SetVersion(version int16) *MockFetchResponse {
mfr.version = version
return mfr
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) SetMessage(topic string, partition int32, offset int64, msg Encoder) *MockFetchResponse {
partitions := mfr.messages[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]map[int64]Encoder)
mfr.messages[topic] = partitions
messages := partitions[partition]
if messages == nil {
messages = make(map[int64]Encoder)
partitions[partition] = messages
messages[offset] = msg
return mfr
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) SetHighWaterMark(topic string, partition int32, offset int64) *MockFetchResponse {
partitions := mfr.highWaterMarks[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]int64)
mfr.highWaterMarks[topic] = partitions
partitions[partition] = offset
return mfr
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
fetchRequest := reqBody.(*FetchRequest)
res := &FetchResponse{
Version: mfr.version,
for topic, partitions := range fetchRequest.blocks {
for partition, block := range partitions {
initialOffset := block.fetchOffset
offset := initialOffset
maxOffset := initialOffset + int64(mfr.getMessageCount(topic, partition))
for i := 0; i < mfr.batchSize && offset < maxOffset; {
msg := mfr.getMessage(topic, partition, offset)
if msg != nil {
res.AddMessage(topic, partition, nil, msg, offset)
fb := res.GetBlock(topic, partition)
if fb == nil {
res.AddError(topic, partition, ErrNoError)
fb = res.GetBlock(topic, partition)
fb.HighWaterMarkOffset = mfr.getHighWaterMark(topic, partition)
return res
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) getMessage(topic string, partition int32, offset int64) Encoder {
partitions := mfr.messages[topic]
if partitions == nil {
return nil
messages := partitions[partition]
if messages == nil {
return nil
return messages[offset]
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) getMessageCount(topic string, partition int32) int {
partitions := mfr.messages[topic]
if partitions == nil {
return 0
messages := partitions[partition]
if messages == nil {
return 0
return len(messages)
func (mfr *MockFetchResponse) getHighWaterMark(topic string, partition int32) int64 {
partitions := mfr.highWaterMarks[topic]
if partitions == nil {
return 0
return partitions[partition]
// MockConsumerMetadataResponse is a `ConsumerMetadataResponse` builder.
type MockConsumerMetadataResponse struct {
coordinators map[string]interface{}
t TestReporter
func NewMockConsumerMetadataResponse(t TestReporter) *MockConsumerMetadataResponse {
return &MockConsumerMetadataResponse{
coordinators: make(map[string]interface{}),
t: t,
func (mr *MockConsumerMetadataResponse) SetCoordinator(group string, broker *MockBroker) *MockConsumerMetadataResponse {
mr.coordinators[group] = broker
return mr
func (mr *MockConsumerMetadataResponse) SetError(group string, kerror KError) *MockConsumerMetadataResponse {
mr.coordinators[group] = kerror
return mr
func (mr *MockConsumerMetadataResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*ConsumerMetadataRequest)
group := req.ConsumerGroup
res := &ConsumerMetadataResponse{}
v := mr.coordinators[group]
switch v := v.(type) {
case *MockBroker:
res.Coordinator = &Broker{id: v.BrokerID(), addr: v.Addr()}
case KError:
res.Err = v
return res
// MockFindCoordinatorResponse is a `FindCoordinatorResponse` builder.
type MockFindCoordinatorResponse struct {
groupCoordinators map[string]interface{}
transCoordinators map[string]interface{}
t TestReporter
func NewMockFindCoordinatorResponse(t TestReporter) *MockFindCoordinatorResponse {
return &MockFindCoordinatorResponse{
groupCoordinators: make(map[string]interface{}),
transCoordinators: make(map[string]interface{}),
t: t,
func (mr *MockFindCoordinatorResponse) SetCoordinator(coordinatorType CoordinatorType, group string, broker *MockBroker) *MockFindCoordinatorResponse {
switch coordinatorType {
case CoordinatorGroup:
mr.groupCoordinators[group] = broker
case CoordinatorTransaction:
mr.transCoordinators[group] = broker
return mr
func (mr *MockFindCoordinatorResponse) SetError(coordinatorType CoordinatorType, group string, kerror KError) *MockFindCoordinatorResponse {
switch coordinatorType {
case CoordinatorGroup:
mr.groupCoordinators[group] = kerror
case CoordinatorTransaction:
mr.transCoordinators[group] = kerror
return mr
func (mr *MockFindCoordinatorResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*FindCoordinatorRequest)
res := &FindCoordinatorResponse{}
var v interface{}
switch req.CoordinatorType {
case CoordinatorGroup:
v = mr.groupCoordinators[req.CoordinatorKey]
case CoordinatorTransaction:
v = mr.transCoordinators[req.CoordinatorKey]
switch v := v.(type) {
case *MockBroker:
res.Coordinator = &Broker{id: v.BrokerID(), addr: v.Addr()}
case KError:
res.Err = v
return res
// MockOffsetCommitResponse is a `OffsetCommitResponse` builder.
type MockOffsetCommitResponse struct {
errors map[string]map[string]map[int32]KError
t TestReporter
func NewMockOffsetCommitResponse(t TestReporter) *MockOffsetCommitResponse {
return &MockOffsetCommitResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockOffsetCommitResponse) SetError(group, topic string, partition int32, kerror KError) *MockOffsetCommitResponse {
if mr.errors == nil {
mr.errors = make(map[string]map[string]map[int32]KError)
topics := mr.errors[group]
if topics == nil {
topics = make(map[string]map[int32]KError)
mr.errors[group] = topics
partitions := topics[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]KError)
topics[topic] = partitions
partitions[partition] = kerror
return mr
func (mr *MockOffsetCommitResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*OffsetCommitRequest)
group := req.ConsumerGroup
res := &OffsetCommitResponse{}
for topic, partitions := range req.blocks {
for partition := range partitions {
res.AddError(topic, partition, mr.getError(group, topic, partition))
return res
func (mr *MockOffsetCommitResponse) getError(group, topic string, partition int32) KError {
topics := mr.errors[group]
if topics == nil {
return ErrNoError
partitions := topics[topic]
if partitions == nil {
return ErrNoError
kerror, ok := partitions[partition]
if !ok {
return ErrNoError
return kerror
// MockProduceResponse is a `ProduceResponse` builder.
type MockProduceResponse struct {
version int16
errors map[string]map[int32]KError
t TestReporter
func NewMockProduceResponse(t TestReporter) *MockProduceResponse {
return &MockProduceResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockProduceResponse) SetVersion(version int16) *MockProduceResponse {
mr.version = version
return mr
func (mr *MockProduceResponse) SetError(topic string, partition int32, kerror KError) *MockProduceResponse {
if mr.errors == nil {
mr.errors = make(map[string]map[int32]KError)
partitions := mr.errors[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]KError)
mr.errors[topic] = partitions
partitions[partition] = kerror
return mr
func (mr *MockProduceResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*ProduceRequest)
res := &ProduceResponse{
Version: mr.version,
for topic, partitions := range req.records {
for partition := range partitions {
res.AddTopicPartition(topic, partition, mr.getError(topic, partition))
return res
func (mr *MockProduceResponse) getError(topic string, partition int32) KError {
partitions := mr.errors[topic]
if partitions == nil {
return ErrNoError
kerror, ok := partitions[partition]
if !ok {
return ErrNoError
return kerror
// MockOffsetFetchResponse is a `OffsetFetchResponse` builder.
type MockOffsetFetchResponse struct {
offsets map[string]map[string]map[int32]*OffsetFetchResponseBlock
t TestReporter
func NewMockOffsetFetchResponse(t TestReporter) *MockOffsetFetchResponse {
return &MockOffsetFetchResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockOffsetFetchResponse) SetOffset(group, topic string, partition int32, offset int64, metadata string, kerror KError) *MockOffsetFetchResponse {
if mr.offsets == nil {
mr.offsets = make(map[string]map[string]map[int32]*OffsetFetchResponseBlock)
topics := mr.offsets[group]
if topics == nil {
topics = make(map[string]map[int32]*OffsetFetchResponseBlock)
mr.offsets[group] = topics
partitions := topics[topic]
if partitions == nil {
partitions = make(map[int32]*OffsetFetchResponseBlock)
topics[topic] = partitions
partitions[partition] = &OffsetFetchResponseBlock{offset, metadata, kerror}
return mr
func (mr *MockOffsetFetchResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*OffsetFetchRequest)
group := req.ConsumerGroup
res := &OffsetFetchResponse{}
for topic, partitions := range mr.offsets[group] {
for partition, block := range partitions {
res.AddBlock(topic, partition, block)
return res
type MockCreateTopicsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockCreateTopicsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockCreateTopicsResponse {
return &MockCreateTopicsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockCreateTopicsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*CreateTopicsRequest)
res := &CreateTopicsResponse{}
res.TopicErrors = make(map[string]*TopicError)
for topic, _ := range req.TopicDetails {
res.TopicErrors[topic] = &TopicError{Err: ErrNoError}
return res
type MockDeleteTopicsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockDeleteTopicsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockDeleteTopicsResponse {
return &MockDeleteTopicsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockDeleteTopicsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*DeleteTopicsRequest)
res := &DeleteTopicsResponse{}
res.TopicErrorCodes = make(map[string]KError)
for _, topic := range req.Topics {
res.TopicErrorCodes[topic] = ErrNoError
return res
type MockCreatePartitionsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockCreatePartitionsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockCreatePartitionsResponse {
return &MockCreatePartitionsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockCreatePartitionsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*CreatePartitionsRequest)
res := &CreatePartitionsResponse{}
res.TopicPartitionErrors = make(map[string]*TopicPartitionError)
for topic, _ := range req.TopicPartitions {
res.TopicPartitionErrors[topic] = &TopicPartitionError{Err: ErrNoError}
return res
type MockDeleteRecordsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockDeleteRecordsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockDeleteRecordsResponse {
return &MockDeleteRecordsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockDeleteRecordsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*DeleteRecordsRequest)
res := &DeleteRecordsResponse{}
res.Topics = make(map[string]*DeleteRecordsResponseTopic)
for topic, deleteRecordRequestTopic := range req.Topics {
partitions := make(map[int32]*DeleteRecordsResponsePartition)
for partition, _ := range deleteRecordRequestTopic.PartitionOffsets {
partitions[partition] = &DeleteRecordsResponsePartition{Err: ErrNoError}
res.Topics[topic] = &DeleteRecordsResponseTopic{Partitions: partitions}
return res
type MockDescribeConfigsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockDescribeConfigsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockDescribeConfigsResponse {
return &MockDescribeConfigsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockDescribeConfigsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*DescribeConfigsRequest)
res := &DescribeConfigsResponse{}
var configEntries []*ConfigEntry
configEntries = append(configEntries, &ConfigEntry{Name: "my_topic",
Value: "my_topic",
ReadOnly: true,
Default: true,
Sensitive: false,
for _, r := range req.Resources {
res.Resources = append(res.Resources, &ResourceResponse{Name: r.Name, Configs: configEntries})
return res
type MockAlterConfigsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockAlterConfigsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockAlterConfigsResponse {
return &MockAlterConfigsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockAlterConfigsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*AlterConfigsRequest)
res := &AlterConfigsResponse{}
for _, r := range req.Resources {
res.Resources = append(res.Resources, &AlterConfigsResourceResponse{Name: r.Name,
Type: TopicResource,
ErrorMsg: "",
return res
type MockCreateAclsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockCreateAclsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockCreateAclsResponse {
return &MockCreateAclsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockCreateAclsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*CreateAclsRequest)
res := &CreateAclsResponse{}
for range req.AclCreations {
res.AclCreationResponses = append(res.AclCreationResponses, &AclCreationResponse{Err: ErrNoError})
return res
type MockListAclsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockListAclsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockListAclsResponse {
return &MockListAclsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockListAclsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*DescribeAclsRequest)
res := &DescribeAclsResponse{}
res.Err = ErrNoError
acl := &ResourceAcls{}
acl.Resource.ResourceName = *req.ResourceName
acl.Resource.ResourceType = req.ResourceType
acl.Acls = append(acl.Acls, &Acl{})
res.ResourceAcls = append(res.ResourceAcls, acl)
return res
type MockDeleteAclsResponse struct {
t TestReporter
func NewMockDeleteAclsResponse(t TestReporter) *MockDeleteAclsResponse {
return &MockDeleteAclsResponse{t: t}
func (mr *MockDeleteAclsResponse) For(reqBody versionedDecoder) encoder {
req := reqBody.(*DeleteAclsRequest)
res := &DeleteAclsResponse{}
for range req.Filters {
response := &FilterResponse{Err: ErrNoError}
response.MatchingAcls = append(response.MatchingAcls, &MatchingAcl{Err: ErrNoError})
res.FilterResponses = append(res.FilterResponses, response)
return res