2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00

272 lines
6.9 KiB

package survey
import (
Select is a prompt that presents a list of various options to the user
for them to select using the arrow keys and enter. Response type is a string.
color := ""
prompt := &survey.Select{
Message: "Choose a color:",
Options: []string{"red", "blue", "green"},
survey.AskOne(prompt, &color, nil)
type Select struct {
Message string
Options []string
Default string
Help string
PageSize int
VimMode bool
FilterMessage string
filter string
selectedIndex int
useDefault bool
showingHelp bool
// the data available to the templates when processing
type SelectTemplateData struct {
PageEntries []string
SelectedIndex int
Answer string
ShowAnswer bool
ShowHelp bool
var SelectQuestionTemplate = `
{{- if .ShowHelp }}{{- color "cyan"}}{{ HelpIcon }} {{ .Help }}{{color "reset"}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}
{{- color "green+hb"}}{{ QuestionIcon }} {{color "reset"}}
{{- color "default+hb"}}{{ .Message }}{{ .FilterMessage }}{{color "reset"}}
{{- if .ShowAnswer}}{{color "cyan"}} {{.Answer}}{{color "reset"}}{{"\n"}}
{{- else}}
{{- " "}}{{- color "cyan"}}[Use arrows to move, type to filter{{- if and .Help (not .ShowHelp)}}, {{ HelpInputRune }} for more help{{end}}]{{color "reset"}}
{{- "\n"}}
{{- range $ix, $choice := .PageEntries}}
{{- if eq $ix $.SelectedIndex}}{{color "cyan+b"}}{{ SelectFocusIcon }} {{else}}{{color "default+hb"}} {{end}}
{{- $choice}}
{{- color "reset"}}{{"\n"}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}`
// OnChange is called on every keypress.
func (s *Select) OnChange(line []rune, pos int, key rune) (newLine []rune, newPos int, ok bool) {
options := s.filterOptions()
oldFilter := s.filter
// if the user pressed the enter key
if key == terminal.KeyEnter {
if s.selectedIndex < len(options) {
return []rune(options[s.selectedIndex]), 0, true
// if the user pressed the up arrow or 'k' to emulate vim
} else if key == terminal.KeyArrowUp || (s.VimMode && key == 'k') {
s.useDefault = false
// if we are at the top of the list
if s.selectedIndex == 0 {
// start from the button
s.selectedIndex = len(options) - 1
} else {
// otherwise we are not at the top of the list so decrement the selected index
// if the user pressed down or 'j' to emulate vim
} else if key == terminal.KeyArrowDown || (s.VimMode && key == 'j') {
s.useDefault = false
// if we are at the bottom of the list
if s.selectedIndex == len(options)-1 {
// start from the top
s.selectedIndex = 0
} else {
// increment the selected index
// only show the help message if we have one
} else if key == core.HelpInputRune && s.Help != "" {
s.showingHelp = true
// if the user wants to toggle vim mode on/off
} else if key == terminal.KeyEscape {
s.VimMode = !s.VimMode
// if the user hits any of the keys that clear the filter
} else if key == terminal.KeyDeleteWord || key == terminal.KeyDeleteLine {
s.filter = ""
// if the user is deleting a character in the filter
} else if key == terminal.KeyDelete || key == terminal.KeyBackspace {
// if there is content in the filter to delete
if s.filter != "" {
// subtract a line from the current filter
s.filter = s.filter[0 : len(s.filter)-1]
// we removed the last value in the filter
} else if key >= terminal.KeySpace {
s.filter += string(key)
// make sure vim mode is disabled
s.VimMode = false
// make sure that we use the current value in the filtered list
s.useDefault = false
s.FilterMessage = ""
if s.filter != "" {
s.FilterMessage = " " + s.filter
if oldFilter != s.filter {
// filter changed
options = s.filterOptions()
if len(options) > 0 && len(options) <= s.selectedIndex {
s.selectedIndex = len(options) - 1
// figure out the options and index to render
// TODO if we have started filtering and were looking at the end of a list
// and we have modified the filter then we should move the page back!
opts, idx := paginate(s.PageSize, options, s.selectedIndex)
// render the options
Select: *s,
SelectedIndex: idx,
ShowHelp: s.showingHelp,
PageEntries: opts,
// if we are not pressing ent
if len(options) <= s.selectedIndex {
return []rune{}, 0, false
return []rune(options[s.selectedIndex]), 0, true
func (s *Select) filterOptions() []string {
filter := strings.ToLower(s.filter)
if filter == "" {
return s.Options
answer := []string{}
for _, o := range s.Options {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(o), filter) {
answer = append(answer, o)
return answer
func (s *Select) Prompt() (interface{}, error) {
// if there are no options to render
if len(s.Options) == 0 {
// we failed
return "", errors.New("please provide options to select from")
// start off with the first option selected
sel := 0
// if there is a default
if s.Default != "" {
// find the choice
for i, opt := range s.Options {
// if the option correponds to the default
if opt == s.Default {
// we found our initial value
sel = i
// stop looking
// save the selected index
s.selectedIndex = sel
// figure out the options and index to render
opts, idx := paginate(s.PageSize, s.Options, sel)
// ask the question
err := s.Render(
Select: *s,
PageEntries: opts,
SelectedIndex: idx,
if err != nil {
return "", err
// by default, use the default value
s.useDefault = true
rr := s.NewRuneReader()
defer rr.RestoreTermMode()
cursor := s.NewCursor()
cursor.Hide() // hide the cursor
defer cursor.Show() // show the cursor when we're done
// start waiting for input
for {
r, _, err := rr.ReadRune()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if r == '\r' || r == '\n' {
if r == terminal.KeyInterrupt {
return "", terminal.InterruptErr
if r == terminal.KeyEndTransmission {
s.OnChange(nil, 0, r)
options := s.filterOptions()
s.filter = ""
s.FilterMessage = ""
var val string
// if we are supposed to use the default value
if s.useDefault || s.selectedIndex >= len(options) {
// if there is a default value
if s.Default != "" {
// use the default value
val = s.Default
} else if len(options) > 0 {
// there is no default value so use the first
val = options[0]
// otherwise the selected index points to the value
} else if s.selectedIndex < len(options) {
// the
val = options[s.selectedIndex]
return val, err
func (s *Select) Cleanup(val interface{}) error {
return s.Render(
Select: *s,
Answer: val.(string),
ShowAnswer: true,