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2019-04-22 02:59:20 +00:00
* Go implementation of Google city hash (MIT license)
* https://code.google.com/p/cityhash/
* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* I don't even want to pretend to understand the details of city hash.
* I am only reproducing the logic in Go as faithfully as I can.
package cityhash
import (
var (
little bool
func init() {
if IsLittleEndian() {
little = true
} else {
little = false
func IsLittleEndian() bool {
var i int32 = 0x01020304
u := unsafe.Pointer(&i)
pb := (*byte)(u)
b := *pb
return (b == 0x04)
func unalignedLoad64(p []byte) (result uint64) {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(p)
if little {
result = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(p)
} else {
result = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p)
return result
func unalignedLoad32(p []byte) (result uint32) {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p)
if little {
result = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p)
} else {
result = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p)
return result
func bswap64(x uint64) uint64 {
// Copied from netbsd's bswap64.c
return ((x << 56) & 0xff00000000000000) |
((x << 40) & 0x00ff000000000000) |
((x << 24) & 0x0000ff0000000000) |
((x << 8) & 0x000000ff00000000) |
((x >> 8) & 0x00000000ff000000) |
((x >> 24) & 0x0000000000ff0000) |
((x >> 40) & 0x000000000000ff00) |
((x >> 56) & 0x00000000000000ff)
func bswap32(x uint32) uint32 {
// Copied from netbsd's bswap32.c
return ((x << 24) & 0xff000000) |
((x << 8) & 0x00ff0000) |
((x >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) |
((x >> 24) & 0x000000ff)
func uint32InExpectedOrder(x uint32) uint32 {
if !little {
return bswap32(x)
return x
func uint64InExpectedOrder(x uint64) uint64 {
if !little {
return bswap64(x)
return x
// If I understand the original code correctly, it's expecting to load either 8 or 4
// byes in little endian order. so let's just simplify it a bit since we will do that
// anyway..
// https://code.google.com/p/cityhash/source/browse/trunk/src/city.cc#112
func fetch64(p []byte) uint64 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(p)
//return uint64InExpectedOrder(unalignedLoad64(p))
func fetch32(p []byte) uint32 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p)
//return uint32InExpectedOrder(unalignedLoad32(p))
const (
k0 uint64 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127
k1 uint64 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273
k2 uint64 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404f
c1 uint32 = 0xcc9e2d51
c2 uint32 = 0x1b873593
func fmix(h uint32) uint32 {
h ^= h >> 16
h *= 0x85ebca6b
h ^= h >> 13
h *= 0xc2b2ae35
h ^= h >> 16
return h
func rotate64(val uint64, shift uint32) uint64 {
// Avoid shifting by 64: doing so yields an undefined result.
if shift != 0 {
return ((val >> shift) | (val << (64 - shift)))
return val
func rotate32(val uint32, shift uint32) uint32 {
// Avoid shifting by 32: doing so yields an undefined result.
if shift != 0 {
return ((val >> shift) | (val << (32 - shift)))
return val
func swap64(a, b *uint64) {
*a, *b = *b, *a
func swap32(a, b *uint32) {
*a, *b = *b, *a
func permute3(a, b, c *uint32) {
swap32(a, b)
swap32(a, c)
func mur(a, h uint32) uint32 {
a *= c1
a = rotate32(a, 17)
a *= c2
h ^= a
h = rotate32(h, 19)
//return h * 5 + 0xe6546b64
z := h*5 + 0xe6546b64
return z
func hash32Len13to24(s []byte, length uint32) uint32 {
var a uint32 = fetch32(s[(length>>1)-4:])
var b uint32 = fetch32(s[4:])
var c uint32 = fetch32(s[length-8:])
var d uint32 = fetch32(s[(length >> 1):])
var e uint32 = fetch32(s)
var f uint32 = fetch32(s[length-4:])
var h uint32 = length
return fmix(mur(f, mur(e, mur(d, mur(c, mur(b, mur(a, h)))))))
func hash32Len0to4(s []byte, length uint32) uint32 {
var b, c uint32 = 0, 9
tmp := s[:length]
for _, v := range tmp {
b = uint32(int64(b)*int64(c1) + int64(int8(v)))
c ^= b
return fmix(mur(b, mur(length, c)))
func hash32Len5to12(s []byte, length uint32) uint32 {
var a, b, c uint32 = length, length * 5, 9
var d uint32 = b
a += fetch32(s)
b += fetch32(s[length-4:])
c += fetch32(s[((length >> 1) & 4):])
return fmix(mur(c, mur(b, mur(a, d))))
func CityHash32(s []byte, length uint32) uint32 {
if length <= 4 {
return hash32Len0to4(s, length)
} else if length <= 12 {
return hash32Len5to12(s, length)
} else if length <= 24 {
return hash32Len13to24(s, length)
// length > 24
var h uint32 = length
var g uint32 = c1 * length
var f uint32 = g
var a0 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[length-4:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a1 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[length-8:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a2 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[length-16:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a3 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[length-12:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a4 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[length-20:])*c1, 17) * c2
h ^= a0
h = rotate32(h, 19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h ^= a2
h = rotate32(h, 19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
g ^= a1
g = rotate32(g, 19)
g = g*5 + 0xe6546b64
g ^= a3
g = rotate32(g, 19)
g = g*5 + 0xe6546b64
f += a4
f = rotate32(f, 19)
f = f*5 + 0xe6546b64
var iters uint32 = (length - 1) / 20
for {
var a0 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s)*c1, 17) * c2
var a1 uint32 = fetch32(s[4:])
var a2 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[8:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a3 uint32 = rotate32(fetch32(s[12:])*c1, 17) * c2
var a4 uint32 = fetch32(s[16:])
h ^= a0
h = rotate32(h, 18)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
f += a1
f = rotate32(f, 19)
f = f * c1
g += a2
g = rotate32(g, 18)
g = g*5 + 0xe6546b64
h ^= a3 + a1
h = rotate32(h, 19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
g ^= a4
g = bswap32(g) * 5
h += a4 * 5
h = bswap32(h)
f += a0
permute3(&f, &h, &g)
s = s[20:]
if iters == 0 {
g = rotate32(g, 11) * c1
g = rotate32(g, 17) * c1
f = rotate32(f, 11) * c1
f = rotate32(f, 17) * c1
h = rotate32(h+g, 19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h = rotate32(h, 17) * c1
h = rotate32(h+f, 19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h = rotate32(h, 17) * c1
return h
func shiftMix(val uint64) uint64 {
return val ^ (val >> 47)
type Uint128 [2]uint64
func (this *Uint128) setLower64(l uint64) {
this[0] = l
func (this *Uint128) setHigher64(h uint64) {
this[1] = h
func (this Uint128) Lower64() uint64 {
return this[0]
func (this Uint128) Higher64() uint64 {
return this[1]
func (this Uint128) Bytes() []byte {
b := make([]byte, 16)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, this[0])
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b[8:], this[1])
return b
func hash128to64(x Uint128) uint64 {
// Murmur-inspired hashing.
const kMul uint64 = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69
var a uint64 = (x.Lower64() ^ x.Higher64()) * kMul
a ^= (a >> 47)
var b uint64 = (x.Higher64() ^ a) * kMul
b ^= (b >> 47)
b *= kMul
return b
func hashLen16(u, v uint64) uint64 {
return hash128to64(Uint128{u, v})
func hashLen16_3(u, v, mul uint64) uint64 {
// Murmur-inspired hashing.
var a uint64 = (u ^ v) * mul
a ^= (a >> 47)
var b uint64 = (v ^ a) * mul
b ^= (b >> 47)
b *= mul
return b
func hashLen0to16(s []byte, length uint32) uint64 {
if length >= 8 {
var mul uint64 = k2 + uint64(length)*2
var a uint64 = fetch64(s) + k2
var b uint64 = fetch64(s[length-8:])
var c uint64 = rotate64(b, 37)*mul + a
var d uint64 = (rotate64(a, 25) + b) * mul
return hashLen16_3(c, d, mul)
if length >= 4 {
var mul uint64 = k2 + uint64(length)*2
var a uint64 = uint64(fetch32(s))
return hashLen16_3(uint64(length)+(a<<3), uint64(fetch32(s[length-4:])), mul)
if length > 0 {
var a uint8 = uint8(s[0])
var b uint8 = uint8(s[length>>1])
var c uint8 = uint8(s[length-1])
var y uint32 = uint32(a) + (uint32(b) << 8)
var z uint32 = length + (uint32(c) << 2)
return shiftMix(uint64(y)*k2^uint64(z)*k0) * k2
return k2
func hashLen17to32(s []byte, length uint32) uint64 {
var mul uint64 = k2 + uint64(length)*2
var a uint64 = fetch64(s) * k1
var b uint64 = fetch64(s[8:])
var c uint64 = fetch64(s[length-8:]) * mul
var d uint64 = fetch64(s[length-16:]) * k2
return hashLen16_3(rotate64(a+b, 43)+rotate64(c, 30)+d, a+rotate64(b+k2, 18)+c, mul)
func weakHashLen32WithSeeds(w, x, y, z, a, b uint64) Uint128 {
a += w
b = rotate64(b+a+z, 21)
var c uint64 = a
a += x
a += y
b += rotate64(a, 44)
return Uint128{a + z, b + c}
func weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s []byte, a, b uint64) Uint128 {
return weakHashLen32WithSeeds(fetch64(s), fetch64(s[8:]), fetch64(s[16:]), fetch64(s[24:]), a, b)
func hashLen33to64(s []byte, length uint32) uint64 {
var mul uint64 = k2 + uint64(length)*2
var a uint64 = fetch64(s) * k2
var b uint64 = fetch64(s[8:])
var c uint64 = fetch64(s[length-24:])
var d uint64 = fetch64(s[length-32:])
var e uint64 = fetch64(s[16:]) * k2
var f uint64 = fetch64(s[24:]) * 9
var g uint64 = fetch64(s[length-8:])
var h uint64 = fetch64(s[length-16:]) * mul
var u uint64 = rotate64(a+g, 43) + (rotate64(b, 30)+c)*9
var v uint64 = ((a + g) ^ d) + f + 1
var w uint64 = bswap64((u+v)*mul) + h
var x uint64 = rotate64(e+f, 42) + c
var y uint64 = (bswap64((v+w)*mul) + g) * mul
var z uint64 = e + f + c
a = bswap64((x+z)*mul+y) + b
b = shiftMix((z+a)*mul+d+h) * mul
return b + x
func CityHash64(s []byte, length uint32) uint64 {
if length <= 32 {
if length <= 16 {
return hashLen0to16(s, length)
} else {
return hashLen17to32(s, length)
} else if length <= 64 {
return hashLen33to64(s, length)
var x uint64 = fetch64(s[length-40:])
var y uint64 = fetch64(s[length-16:]) + fetch64(s[length-56:])
var z uint64 = hashLen16(fetch64(s[length-48:])+uint64(length), fetch64(s[length-24:]))
var v Uint128 = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s[length-64:], uint64(length), z)
var w Uint128 = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s[length-32:], y+k1, x)
x = x*k1 + fetch64(s)
length = (length - 1) & ^uint32(63)
for {
x = rotate64(x+y+v.Lower64()+fetch64(s[8:]), 37) * k1
y = rotate64(y+v.Higher64()+fetch64(s[48:]), 42) * k1
x ^= w.Higher64()
y += v.Lower64() + fetch64(s[40:])
z = rotate64(z+w.Lower64(), 33) * k1
v = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s, v.Higher64()*k1, x+w.Lower64())
w = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s[32:], z+w.Higher64(), y+fetch64(s[16:]))
swap64(&z, &x)
s = s[64:]
length -= 64
if length == 0 {
return hashLen16(hashLen16(v.Lower64(), w.Lower64())+shiftMix(y)*k1+z, hashLen16(v.Higher64(), w.Higher64())+x)
func CityHash64WithSeed(s []byte, length uint32, seed uint64) uint64 {
return CityHash64WithSeeds(s, length, k2, seed)
func CityHash64WithSeeds(s []byte, length uint32, seed0, seed1 uint64) uint64 {
return hashLen16(CityHash64(s, length)-seed0, seed1)
func cityMurmur(s []byte, length uint32, seed Uint128) Uint128 {
var a uint64 = seed.Lower64()
var b uint64 = seed.Higher64()
var c uint64 = 0
var d uint64 = 0
var l int32 = int32(length) - 16
if l <= 0 { // len <= 16
a = shiftMix(a*k1) * k1
c = b*k1 + hashLen0to16(s, length)
if length >= 8 {
d = shiftMix(a + fetch64(s))
} else {
d = shiftMix(a + c)
} else { // len > 16
c = hashLen16(fetch64(s[length-8:])+k1, a)
d = hashLen16(b+uint64(length), c+fetch64(s[length-16:]))
a += d
for {
a ^= shiftMix(fetch64(s)*k1) * k1
a *= k1
b ^= a
c ^= shiftMix(fetch64(s[8:])*k1) * k1
c *= k1
d ^= c
s = s[16:]
l -= 16
if l <= 0 {
a = hashLen16(a, c)
b = hashLen16(d, b)
return Uint128{a ^ b, hashLen16(b, a)}
func CityHash128WithSeed(s []byte, length uint32, seed Uint128) Uint128 {
if length < 128 {
return cityMurmur(s, length, seed)
orig_length := length
var t []byte = s
// We expect length >= 128 to be the common case. Keep 56 bytes of state:
// v, w, x, y, and z.
var v, w Uint128
var x uint64 = seed.Lower64()
var y uint64 = seed.Higher64()
var z uint64 = uint64(length) * k1
v.setLower64(rotate64(y^k1, 49)*k1 + fetch64(s))
v.setHigher64(rotate64(v.Lower64(), 42)*k1 + fetch64(s[8:]))
w.setLower64(rotate64(y+z, 35)*k1 + x)
w.setHigher64(rotate64(x+fetch64(s[88:]), 53) * k1)
// This is the same inner loop as CityHash64(), manually unrolled.
for {
x = rotate64(x+y+v.Lower64()+fetch64(s[8:]), 37) * k1
y = rotate64(y+v.Higher64()+fetch64(s[48:]), 42) * k1
x ^= w.Higher64()
y += v.Lower64() + fetch64(s[40:])
z = rotate64(z+w.Lower64(), 33) * k1
v = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s, v.Higher64()*k1, x+w.Lower64())
w = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s[32:], z+w.Higher64(), y+fetch64(s[16:]))
swap64(&z, &x)
s = s[64:]
x = rotate64(x+y+v.Lower64()+fetch64(s[8:]), 37) * k1
y = rotate64(y+v.Higher64()+fetch64(s[48:]), 42) * k1
x ^= w.Higher64()
y += v.Lower64() + fetch64(s[40:])
z = rotate64(z+w.Lower64(), 33) * k1
v = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s, v.Higher64()*k1, x+w.Lower64())
w = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(s[32:], z+w.Higher64(), y+fetch64(s[16:]))
swap64(&z, &x)
s = s[64:]
length -= 128
if length < 128 {
x += rotate64(v.Lower64()+z, 49) * k0
y = y*k0 + rotate64(w.Higher64(), 37)
z = z*k0 + rotate64(w.Lower64(), 27)
w.setLower64(w.Lower64() * 9)
v.setLower64(v.Lower64() * k0)
// If 0 < length < 128, hash up to 4 chunks of 32 bytes each from the end of s.
var tail_done uint32
for tail_done = 0; tail_done < length; {
tail_done += 32
y = rotate64(x+y, 42)*k0 + v.Higher64()
w.setLower64(w.Lower64() + fetch64(t[orig_length-tail_done+16:]))
x = x*k0 + w.Lower64()
z += w.Higher64() + fetch64(t[orig_length-tail_done:])
w.setHigher64(w.Higher64() + v.Lower64())
v = weakHashLen32WithSeeds_3(t[orig_length-tail_done:], v.Lower64()+z, v.Higher64())
v.setLower64(v.Lower64() * k0)
// At this point our 56 bytes of state should contain more than
// enough information for a strong 128-bit hash. We use two
// different 56-byte-to-8-byte hashes to get a 16-byte final result.
x = hashLen16(x, v.Lower64())
y = hashLen16(y+z, w.Lower64())
return Uint128{hashLen16(x+v.Higher64(), w.Higher64()) + y,
hashLen16(x+w.Higher64(), y+v.Higher64())}
func CityHash128(s []byte, length uint32) (result Uint128) {
if length >= 16 {
result = CityHash128WithSeed(s[16:length], length-16, Uint128{fetch64(s), fetch64(s[8:length]) + k0})
} else {
result = CityHash128WithSeed(s, length, Uint128{k0, k1})