276 lines
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276 lines
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package feature
import (
// Feature is the feature name
type Feature string
const (
flagName = "feature-gates"
var (
// DefaultGate is a shared global Gate.
DefaultGate = NewGate()
// Spec is the spec of the feature
type Spec struct {
Default bool
// Gate parses and stores flag gates for known features from
// a string like feature1=true,feature2=false,...
type Gate interface {
// AddFlag adds a flag for setting global feature gates to the specified FlagSet.
AddFlag(fs *flag.FlagSet)
// Set parses and stores flag gates for known features
// from a string like feature1=true,feature2=false,...
Set(value string) error
// SetFromMap stores flag gates for known features from a map[string]bool or returns an error
SetFromMap(m map[string]bool) error
// Enabled returns true if the key is enabled.
Enabled(key Feature) bool
// Add adds features to the featureGate.
Add(features map[Feature]Spec) error
// KnownFeatures returns a slice of strings describing the Gate's known features.
KnownFeatures() []string
// DeepCopy returns a deep copy of the Gate object, such that gates can be
// set on the copy without mutating the original. This is useful for validating
// config against potential feature gate changes before committing those changes.
DeepCopy() Gate
// featureGate implements Gate as well as flag.Value for flag parsing.
type featureGate struct {
// lock guards writes to known, enabled, and reads/writes of closed
lock sync.Mutex
// known holds a map[Feature]Spec
known atomic.Value
// enabled holds a map[Feature]bool
enabled atomic.Value
// closed is set to true when AddFlag is called, and prevents subsequent calls to Add
closed bool
// Set, String, and Type implement flag.Value
var _ flag.Value = &featureGate{}
// NewGate create a feature gate.
func NewGate() *featureGate {
known := map[Feature]Spec{}
knownValue := atomic.Value{}
enabled := map[Feature]bool{}
enabledValue := atomic.Value{}
f := &featureGate{
known: knownValue,
enabled: enabledValue,
return f
// Set parses a string of the form "key1=value1,key2=value2,..." into a
// map[string]bool of known keys or returns an error.
func (f *featureGate) Set(value string) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
// Copy existing state
known := map[Feature]Spec{}
for k, v := range f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec) {
known[k] = v
enabled := map[Feature]bool{}
for k, v := range f.enabled.Load().(map[Feature]bool) {
enabled[k] = v
for _, s := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
if len(s) == 0 {
arr := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2)
k := Feature(strings.TrimSpace(arr[0]))
_, ok := known[k]
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("unrecognized key: %s", k)
if len(arr) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("missing bool value for %s", k)
v := strings.TrimSpace(arr[1])
boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("invalid value of %s: %s, err: %v", k, v, err)
enabled[k] = boolValue
// Persist changes
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "feature gates: %v", enabled)
return nil
// SetFromMap stores flag gates for known features from a map[string]bool or returns an error
func (f *featureGate) SetFromMap(m map[string]bool) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
// Copy existing state
known := map[Feature]Spec{}
for k, v := range f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec) {
known[k] = v
enabled := map[Feature]bool{}
for k, v := range f.enabled.Load().(map[Feature]bool) {
enabled[k] = v
for k, v := range m {
k := Feature(k)
_, ok := known[k]
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("unrecognized key: %s", k)
enabled[k] = v
// Persist changes
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "feature gates: %v", f.enabled)
return nil
// String returns a string containing all enabled feature gates, formatted as "key1=value1,key2=value2,...".
func (f *featureGate) String() string {
pairs := []string{}
enabled, ok := f.enabled.Load().(map[Feature]bool)
if !ok {
return ""
for k, v := range enabled {
pairs = append(pairs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%t", k, v))
return strings.Join(pairs, ",")
func (f *featureGate) Type() string {
return "mapStringBool"
// Add adds features to the featureGate.
func (f *featureGate) Add(features map[Feature]Spec) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.closed {
return errors.Errorf("cannot add a feature gate after adding it to the flag set")
// Copy existing state
known := map[Feature]Spec{}
for k, v := range f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec) {
known[k] = v
for name, spec := range features {
if existingSpec, found := known[name]; found {
if existingSpec == spec {
return errors.Errorf("feature gate %q with different spec already exists: %v", name, existingSpec)
known[name] = spec
// Persist updated state
return nil
// Enabled returns true if the key is enabled.
func (f *featureGate) Enabled(key Feature) bool {
if v, ok := f.enabled.Load().(map[Feature]bool)[key]; ok {
return v
return f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec)[key].Default
// AddFlag adds a flag for setting global feature gates to the specified FlagSet.
func (f *featureGate) AddFlag(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
// TODO(mtaufen): Shouldn't we just close it on the first Set/SetFromMap instead?
// Not all components expose a feature gates flag using this AddFlag method, and
// in the future, all components will completely stop exposing a feature gates flag,
// in favor of componentconfig.
f.closed = true
known := f.KnownFeatures()
fs.Var(f, flagName, ""+
"A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features. "+
"Options are:\n"+strings.Join(known, "\n"))
// KnownFeatures returns a slice of strings describing the Gate's known features.
func (f *featureGate) KnownFeatures() []string {
var known []string
for k, v := range f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec) {
known = append(known, fmt.Sprintf("%s=true|false (default=%t)", k, v.Default))
return known
// DeepCopy returns a deep copy of the Gate object, such that gates can be
// set on the copy without mutating the original. This is useful for validating
// config against potential feature gate changes before committing those changes.
func (f *featureGate) DeepCopy() Gate {
// Copy existing state.
known := map[Feature]Spec{}
for k, v := range f.known.Load().(map[Feature]Spec) {
known[k] = v
enabled := map[Feature]bool{}
for k, v := range f.enabled.Load().(map[Feature]bool) {
enabled[k] = v
// Store copied state in new atomics.
knownValue := atomic.Value{}
enabledValue := atomic.Value{}
// Construct a new featureGate around the copied state.
// We maintain the value of f.closed across the copy.
return &featureGate{
known: knownValue,
enabled: enabledValue,
closed: f.closed,