2021-07-24 20:38:05 -07:00

236 lines
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//====== Copyright © 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// A class representing session state for the SFM
#include "movieobjects/exportfacialanimation.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmegamemodel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetrackgroup.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetrack.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmesound.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmelog.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
// Contains export information
struct ExportInfo_t
CDmeFilmClip *m_pMovie;
CDmeFilmClip *m_pShot;
CDmeAnimationSet *m_pAnimationSet;
DmeTime_t m_tExportStart;
DmeTime_t m_tExportEnd;
// Used to transform channel data into export time
static void ComputeExportChannelScaleBias( double *pScale, DmeTime_t *pBias, ExportInfo_t &info, CDmeChannel *pChannel )
DmeClipStack_t channelToGlobal;
if ( pChannel->BuildClipStack( &channelToGlobal, info.m_pMovie, info.m_pShot ) )
DmeTime_t tOffset = channelToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( DMETIME_ZERO, false );
DmeTime_t tScale = channelToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( DmeTime_t( 1.0f ), false );
*pBias = tOffset - info.m_pShot->GetStartTime();
*pScale = ( tScale - tOffset ).GetSeconds();
static void GetExportTimeRange( DmeTime_t *pExportStart, DmeTime_t *pExportEnd, CDmeFilmClip *pShot )
*pExportStart = DMETIME_ZERO;
*pExportEnd = pShot->GetDuration();
// Adds a log layer to the list of logs for export
static void AddLogLayerForExport( ExportInfo_t &info, CDmElement *pRoot, const char *pControlName, CDmeChannel *pChannel )
CDmeLog *pLog = pChannel->GetLog();
if ( !pLog || pLog->GetNumLayers() == 0 )
CDmrElementArray<> animations( pRoot, "animations" );
DmeTime_t tBias;
double flScale;
ComputeExportChannelScaleBias( &flScale, &tBias, info, pChannel );
// Only export the base layer
CDmeLogLayer* pLogLayer = pLog->GetLayer( 0 )->Copy();
pLogLayer->SetName( pControlName );
pLogLayer->ScaleBiasKeyTimes( flScale, tBias );
// Forcibly add keys @ the start + end time
DmeTime_t tStartTime = ( info.m_tExportStart - tBias ) / flScale;
DmeTime_t tEndTime = ( info.m_tExportEnd - tBias ) / flScale;
pLogLayer->InsertKeyFromLayer( info.m_tExportStart, pLog->GetLayer(0), tStartTime );
pLogLayer->InsertKeyFromLayer( info.m_tExportEnd, pLog->GetLayer(0), tEndTime );
pLogLayer->RemoveKeysOutsideRange( info.m_tExportStart, info.m_tExportEnd );
animations.AddToTail( pLogLayer );
// Exports animations
static void ExportAnimations( ExportInfo_t &info, CDmElement *pRoot )
CDmrElementArray<> animations( pRoot, "animations", true );
// Build a list of all controls
const CDmaElementArray< CDmElement > &controls = info.m_pAnimationSet->GetControls();
int nControlCount = controls.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nControlCount; ++i )
CDmElement *pControl = controls[i];
if ( !pControl || IsTransformControl( pControl ) )
bool bIsStereo = IsStereoControl( pControl );
if ( bIsStereo )
char pControlName[512];
Q_snprintf( pControlName, sizeof(pControlName), "left_%s", pControl->GetName() );
CDmeChannel *pLeftChannel = pControl->GetValueElement<CDmeChannel>( "leftvaluechannel" );
AddLogLayerForExport( info, pRoot, pControlName, pLeftChannel );
Q_snprintf( pControlName, sizeof(pControlName), "right_%s", pControl->GetName() );
CDmeChannel *pRightChannel = pControl->GetValueElement<CDmeChannel>( "leftvaluechannel" );
AddLogLayerForExport( info, pRoot, pControlName, pRightChannel );
CDmeChannel *pChannel = pControl->GetValueElement<CDmeChannel>( "channel" );
AddLogLayerForExport( info, pRoot, pControl->GetName(), pChannel );
// Helper to export sounds
static void ExportSounds( ExportInfo_t &info, CDmElement *pRoot, CDmeClip *pClip, DmeTime_t tOffset )
CDmrElementArray<> sounds( pRoot, "sounds", true );
DmeClipStack_t soundToGlobal;
int gc = pClip->GetTrackGroupCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < gc; ++i )
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = pClip->GetTrackGroup( i );
DMETRACKGROUP_FOREACH_CLIP_TYPE_START( CDmeSoundClip, pTrackGroup, pTrack, pSoundClip )
const char *pGameSoundName = pSoundClip->m_Sound->m_GameSoundName;
if ( !pGameSoundName || !pGameSoundName[0] )
if ( pSoundClip->IsMute() )
if ( !pSoundClip->BuildClipStack( &soundToGlobal, info.m_pMovie, pClip ) )
DmeTime_t tStart = soundToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( DMETIME_ZERO, false );
DmeTime_t tEnd = soundToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( pSoundClip->GetDuration(), false );
tStart -= tOffset;
tEnd -= tOffset;
if ( tStart >= info.m_tExportEnd || tEnd <= info.m_tExportStart )
const char *pName = pSoundClip->GetName();
CDmElement *pSoundEvent = CreateElement<CDmElement>( pName, pRoot->GetFileId() );
pSoundEvent->SetValue( "start", tStart );
pSoundEvent->SetValue( "end", tEnd );
pSoundEvent->SetValue( "gamesound", pGameSoundName );
sounds.AddToTail( pSoundEvent );
static void ExportSounds_R( ExportInfo_t &info, CDmElement *pRoot, CDmeClip *pClip, DmeTime_t tOffset )
ExportSounds( info, pRoot, pClip, tOffset );
// Recurse
DmeClipStack_t childToGlobal;
int gc = pClip->GetTrackGroupCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < gc; ++i )
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = pClip->GetTrackGroup( i );
if ( !pChild->BuildClipStack( &childToGlobal, info.m_pMovie, pClip ) )
DmeTime_t tStart = childToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( DMETIME_ZERO, false );
DmeTime_t tEnd = childToGlobal.FromChildMediaTime( pChild->GetDuration(), false );
tStart -= tOffset;
tEnd -= tOffset;
if ( tStart >= info.m_tExportEnd || tEnd <= info.m_tExportStart )
ExportSounds_R( info, pRoot, pChild, tOffset );
// Exports sounds, default implementation
static void ExportSounds( ExportInfo_t &info, CDmElement *pRoot )
DmeTime_t tOffset = info.m_pShot->GetStartTime();
ExportSounds( info, pRoot, info.m_pMovie, tOffset );
ExportSounds_R( info, pRoot, info.m_pShot, tOffset );
// Exports an .fac file
bool ExportFacialAnimation( const char *pFileName, CDmeFilmClip *pMovie, CDmeFilmClip *pShot, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet )
if ( !pMovie || !pShot || !pAnimationSet )
return false;
const char *pFileFormat = "facial_animation";
CDmElement *pRoot = CreateElement< CDmElement >( pAnimationSet->GetName(), DMFILEID_INVALID );
ExportInfo_t info;
info.m_pMovie = pMovie;
info.m_pShot = pShot;
info.m_pAnimationSet = pAnimationSet;
GetExportTimeRange( &info.m_tExportStart, &info.m_tExportEnd, pShot );
CDmeGameModel *pGameModel = pAnimationSet->GetValueElement<CDmeGameModel>( "gameModel" );
if ( pGameModel )
pRoot->SetValue( "gamemodel", pGameModel->GetModelName() );
ExportAnimations( info, pRoot );
ExportSounds( info, pRoot );
const char *pEncoding = "keyvalues2_flat";
bool bOk = g_pDataModel->SaveToFile( pFileName, NULL, pEncoding, pFileFormat, pRoot );
DestroyElement( pRoot, TD_DEEP );
return bOk;