511 lines
16 KiB
511 lines
16 KiB
//========= Copyright © 1996-2001, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_serverbrowser.h"
using namespace vgui;
#define BLACKLIST_SAVE_FILE "cfg/server_blacklist.txt"
ConVar sb_showblacklists( "sb_showblacklists", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "If set to 1, blacklist rules will be printed to the console as they're applied." );
// Purpose: Server name comparison function
int __cdecl BlacklistedServerNameCompare(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &p1, const ListPanelItem &p2)
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr1 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p1.userData );
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr2 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p2.userData );
if ( !pSvr1 && pSvr2 )
return -1;
if ( !pSvr2 && pSvr1 )
return 1;
if ( !pSvr1 && !pSvr2 )
return 0;
return Q_stricmp( pSvr1->m_szServerName, pSvr2->m_szServerName );
// Purpose: list column sort function
int __cdecl BlacklistedIPAddressCompare(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &p1, const ListPanelItem &p2)
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr1 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p1.userData );
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr2 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p2.userData );
if ( !pSvr1 && pSvr2 )
return -1;
if ( !pSvr2 && pSvr1 )
return 1;
if ( !pSvr1 && !pSvr2 )
return 0;
if ( pSvr1->m_NetAdr < pSvr2->m_NetAdr )
return -1;
else if ( pSvr2->m_NetAdr < pSvr1->m_NetAdr )
return 1;
return 0;
// Purpose: Player number comparison function
int __cdecl BlacklistedAtCompare(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &p1, const ListPanelItem &p2)
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr1 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p1.userData );
blacklisted_server_t *pSvr2 = ServerBrowserDialog().GetBlacklistPage()->GetBlacklistedServer( p2.userData );
if ( !pSvr1 && pSvr2 )
return -1;
if ( !pSvr2 && pSvr1 )
return 1;
if ( !pSvr1 && !pSvr2 )
return 0;
if ( pSvr1->m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt > pSvr2->m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt )
return -1;
if ( pSvr1->m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt < pSvr2->m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt )
return 1;
return 0;
// Purpose: Constructor
CBlacklistedServers::CBlacklistedServers(vgui::Panel *parent) :
vgui::PropertyPage(parent, "BlacklistedGames" )
SetSize( 624, 278 );
m_pAddServer = new Button(this, "AddServerButton", "#ServerBrowser_AddServer");
m_pAddCurrentServer = new Button(this, "AddCurrentServerButton", "#ServerBrowser_AddCurrentServer");
m_pGameList = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::ListPanel(this, "gamelist") );
// Add the column headers
m_pGameList->AddColumnHeader(0, "Name", "#ServerBrowser_BlacklistedServers", 50, ListPanel::COLUMN_RESIZEWITHWINDOW | ListPanel::COLUMN_UNHIDABLE);
m_pGameList->AddColumnHeader(1, "IPAddr", "#ServerBrowser_IPAddress", 64, ListPanel::COLUMN_HIDDEN);
m_pGameList->AddColumnHeader(2, "BlacklistedAt", "#ServerBrowser_BlacklistedDate", 100);
//m_pGameList->SetColumnHeaderTooltip(0, "#ServerBrowser_PasswordColumn_Tooltip");
// setup fast sort functions
m_pGameList->SetSortFunc(0, BlacklistedServerNameCompare);
m_pGameList->SetSortFunc(1, BlacklistedIPAddressCompare);
m_pGameList->SetSortFunc(2, BlacklistedAtCompare);
// Sort by name by default
m_iNextServerID = 0;
// Purpose: Destructor
// Purpose: loads the initial blacklist from disk
void CBlacklistedServers::LoadBlacklistedList()
AddServersFromFile( BLACKLIST_SAVE_FILE, false );
// Purpose: adds all the servers inside the specified file to the blacklist
bool CBlacklistedServers::AddServersFromFile( const char *pszFilename, bool bResetTimes )
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "serverblacklist" );
if ( !pKV->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pszFilename, "GAME" ) )
return false;
for ( KeyValues *pData = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() )
const char *pszName = pData->GetString( "name" );
uint32 ulDate = pData->GetInt( "date" );
if ( bResetTimes )
time_t today;
time( &today );
ulDate = today;
const char *pszNetAddr = pData->GetString( "addr" );
if ( pszNetAddr && pszNetAddr[0] && pszName && pszName[0] )
int iIdx = m_Blacklist.AddToTail();
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_nServerID = m_iNextServerID++;
strncpy( m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_szServerName, pszName, sizeof( m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_szServerName ) );
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt = ulDate;
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_NetAdr.SetFromString( pszNetAddr );
AddBlacklistedServer( iIdx );
return true;
// Purpose: save blacklist to disk
void CBlacklistedServers::SaveBlacklistedList()
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "serverblacklist" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Blacklist.Count(); i++ )
KeyValues *pSubKey = new KeyValues( "server" );
pSubKey->SetString( "name", m_Blacklist[i].m_szServerName );
pSubKey->SetInt( "date", m_Blacklist[i].m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt );
pSubKey->SetString( "addr", m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.ToString() );
pKV->AddSubKey( pSubKey );
pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, BLACKLIST_SAVE_FILE, "GAME" );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::AddServer(gameserveritem_t &server)
// Make sure we don't already have this IP in the list somewhere
netadr_t netAdr( server.m_NetAdr.GetIP(), server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort() );
// Don't let them add reserved addresses to their blacklists
if ( netAdr.IsReservedAdr() )
int iIdx = m_Blacklist.AddToTail();
strncpy( m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_szServerName, server.GetName(), sizeof( m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_szServerName ) );
time_t today;
time( &today );
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt = today;
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_NetAdr = netAdr;
m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_nServerID = m_iNextServerID++;
AddBlacklistedServer( iIdx );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::AddBlacklistedServer( int iIdx )
if ( iIdx < 0 || iIdx >= m_Blacklist.Count() )
KeyValues *kv;
int iItemId = m_pGameList->GetItemIDFromUserData( m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_nServerID );
if ( m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( iItemId ) )
// we're updating an existing entry
kv = m_pGameList->GetItem( iItemId );
m_pGameList->SetUserData( iItemId, m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_nServerID );
// new entry
kv = new KeyValues("Server");
kv->SetString("name", m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_szServerName );
// construct a time string for blacklisted time
struct tm *now;
now = localtime( (time_t*)&m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_ulTimeBlacklistedAt );
if ( now )
char buf[64];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %d %b %I:%M%p", now);
Q_strlower(buf + strlen(buf) - 4);
kv->SetString("BlacklistedAt", buf);
kv->SetString( "IPAddr", m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_NetAdr.ToString() );
if ( !m_pGameList->IsValidItemID( iItemId ) )
// new server, add to list
iItemId = m_pGameList->AddItem(kv, m_Blacklist[iIdx].m_nServerID, false, false);
// tell the list that we've changed the data
m_pGameList->ApplyItemChanges( iItemId );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)
const char *pPathID = "PLATFORM";
const char *pszFileName = "servers/BlacklistedServersPage.res";
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pszFileName, "MOD" ) )
pPathID = "MOD";
LoadControlSettings( pszFileName, pPathID );
vgui::HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ListSmall", IsProportional() );
if ( !hFont )
hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultSmall", IsProportional() );
m_pGameList->SetFont( hFont );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::OnPageShow( void )
// Purpose:
int CBlacklistedServers::GetSelectedServerID( void )
int serverID = -1;
if ( m_pGameList->GetSelectedItemsCount() )
serverID = m_pGameList->GetItemUserData( m_pGameList->GetSelectedItem(0) );
return serverID;
// Purpose: opens context menu (user right clicked on a server)
void CBlacklistedServers::OnOpenContextMenu(int itemID)
CServerContextMenu *menu = ServerBrowserDialog().GetContextMenu( m_pGameList );
// get the server
int serverID = GetSelectedServerID();
menu->ShowMenu( this,(uint32)-1, false, false, false, false );
if ( serverID != -1 )
menu->AddMenuItem("RemoveServer", "#ServerBrowser_RemoveServerFromBlacklist", new KeyValues("RemoveFromBlacklist"), this);
menu->AddMenuItem("AddServerByName", "#ServerBrowser_AddServerByIP", new KeyValues("AddServerByName"), this);
// Purpose: Adds a server by IP address
void CBlacklistedServers::OnAddServerByName()
// open the add server dialog
CDialogAddBlacklistedServer *dlg = new CDialogAddBlacklistedServer( &ServerBrowserDialog(), NULL );
// Purpose: removes a server from the blacklist
void CBlacklistedServers::OnRemoveFromBlacklist()
// iterate the selection
for ( int iGame = (m_pGameList->GetSelectedItemsCount() - 1); iGame >= 0; iGame-- )
int itemID = m_pGameList->GetSelectedItem( iGame );
int serverID = m_pGameList->GetItemData(itemID)->userData;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Blacklist.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Blacklist[i].m_nServerID == serverID )
m_pGameList->RemoveItem( itemID );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::ClearServerList( void )
m_iNextServerID = 1;
// Purpose: Adds the currently connected server to the list
void CBlacklistedServers::OnAddCurrentServer()
gameserveritem_t *pConnected = ServerBrowserDialog().GetCurrentConnectedServer();
if ( pConnected )
AddServer( *pConnected );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::OnImportBlacklist()
if ( m_hImportDialog.Get() )
m_hImportDialog = new FileOpenDialog( this, "#ServerBrowser_ImportBlacklistTitle", true );
if ( m_hImportDialog.Get() )
m_hImportDialog->SetStartDirectory( "cfg/" );
m_hImportDialog->AddFilter( "*.txt", "#ServerBrowser_BlacklistFiles", true );
m_hImportDialog->DoModal( false );
// Purpose:
void CBlacklistedServers::OnFileSelected( char const *fullpath )
AddServersFromFile( fullpath, true );
if ( m_hImportDialog.Get() )
// Purpose: Parse posted messages
void CBlacklistedServers::OnCommand(const char *command)
if (!Q_stricmp(command, "AddServerByName"))
else if (!Q_stricmp(command, "AddCurrentServer" ))
else if (!Q_stricmp(command, "ImportBlacklist" ))
// Purpose: enables adding server
void CBlacklistedServers::OnConnectToGame()
m_pAddCurrentServer->SetEnabled( true );
// Purpose: disables adding current server
void CBlacklistedServers::OnDisconnectFromGame( void )
m_pAddCurrentServer->SetEnabled( false );
// Purpose:
blacklisted_server_t *CBlacklistedServers::GetBlacklistedServer( int iServerID )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Blacklist.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Blacklist[i].m_nServerID == iServerID )
return &m_Blacklist[i];
return NULL;
// Purpose:
bool CBlacklistedServers::IsServerBlacklisted(gameserveritem_t &server)
netadr_t netAdr( server.m_NetAdr.GetIP(), server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort() );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Blacklist.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.ip[3] == 0 )
if ( m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.CompareClassCAdr( netAdr ) )
if ( sb_showblacklists.GetBool() )
Msg("Blacklisted '%s' (%s), due to rule '%s' (Class C).\n", server.GetName(), server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString(), m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.ToString() );
return true;
if ( m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.CompareAdr( netAdr, (m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.GetPort() == 0) ) )
if ( sb_showblacklists.GetBool() )
Msg("Blacklisted '%s' (%s), due to rule '%s'.\n", server.GetName(), server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString(), m_Blacklist[i].m_NetAdr.ToString() );
return true;
return false;
} |