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270 lines
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//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/platwindow.h"
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "inputsystem/InputEnums.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#include "inputsystem/AnalogCode.h"
#include <mathlib/vector.h>
#include "input_device.h"
/// A handle to a cursor icon
DECLARE_POINTER_HANDLE( InputCursorHandle_t );
#define INPUT_CURSOR_HANDLE_INVALID ( (InputCursorHandle_t)0 )
/// An enumeration describing well-known cursor icons
enum InputStandardCursor_t
#ifdef _PS3
#include "cell/pad.h"
typedef bool (*BCellPadDataHook_t)( CellPadData &data );
typedef bool (*BCellPadNoDataHook_t)();
/// Main interface for input. This is a low-level interface, creating an
/// OS-independent queue of low-level input events which were sampled since
/// the last call to PollInputState. It also contains facilities for cursor
/// control and creation.
abstract_class IInputSystem : public IAppSystem
/// Attach, detach input system from a particular window
/// This window should be the root window for the application
/// Only 1 window should be attached at any given time.
virtual void AttachToWindow( void* hWnd ) = 0;
virtual void DetachFromWindow( ) = 0;
/// Enables/disables input. PollInputState will not update current
/// button/analog states when it is called if the system is disabled.
virtual void EnableInput( bool bEnable ) = 0;
/// Enables/disables the windows message pump. PollInputState will not
/// Peek/Dispatch messages if this is disabled
virtual void EnableMessagePump( bool bEnable ) = 0;
/// Polls the current input state
virtual void PollInputState( bool bIsInGame = false ) = 0;
/// Gets the time of the last polling in ms
virtual int GetPollTick() const = 0;
/// Is a button down? "Buttons" are binary-state input devices (mouse buttons, keyboard keys)
virtual bool IsButtonDown( ButtonCode_t code ) const = 0;
/// Returns the tick at which the button was pressed and released
virtual int GetButtonPressedTick( ButtonCode_t code ) const = 0;
virtual int GetButtonReleasedTick( ButtonCode_t code ) const = 0;
/// Gets the value of an analog input device this frame
/// Includes joysticks, mousewheel, mouse
virtual int GetAnalogValue( AnalogCode_t code ) const = 0;
/// Gets the change in a particular analog input device this frame
/// Includes joysticks, mousewheel, mouse
virtual int GetAnalogDelta( AnalogCode_t code ) const = 0;
/// Returns the input events since the last poll
virtual int GetEventCount() const = 0;
virtual const InputEvent_t* GetEventData( ) const = 0;
// Motion Controller status
virtual bool MotionControllerActive() const = 0;
virtual Quaternion GetMotionControllerOrientation() const = 0; // Pointer direction
virtual float GetMotionControllerPosX() const = 0;
virtual float GetMotionControllerPosY() const = 0;
virtual int GetMotionControllerDeviceStatus() const = 0;
virtual uint64 GetMotionControllerDeviceStatusFlags() const = 0;
virtual void SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( int nStatus ) = 0;
virtual void SetMotionControllerCalibrationInvalid( void ) = 0;
virtual void StepMotionControllerCalibration( void ) = 0;
virtual void ResetMotionControllerScreenCalibration( void ) = 0;
/// Posts a user-defined event into the event queue; this is expected
/// to be called in overridden wndprocs connected to the root panel.
virtual void PostUserEvent( const InputEvent_t &event ) = 0;
/// Returns the number of joysticks
virtual int GetJoystickCount() const = 0;
/// Enable/disable joystick, it has perf costs
virtual void EnableJoystickInput( int nJoystick, bool bEnable ) = 0;
/// Enable/disable diagonal joystick POV (simultaneous POV buttons down)
virtual void EnableJoystickDiagonalPOV( int nJoystick, bool bEnable ) = 0;
/// Sample the joystick and append events to the input queue
virtual void SampleDevices( void ) = 0;
// FIXME: Currently force-feedback is only supported on the Xbox 360
virtual void SetRumble( float fLeftMotor, float fRightMotor, int userId = INVALID_USER_ID ) = 0;
virtual void StopRumble( int userId = INVALID_USER_ID ) = 0;
/// Resets the input state
virtual void ResetInputState() = 0;
/// Convert back + forth between ButtonCode/AnalogCode + strings
virtual const char *ButtonCodeToString( ButtonCode_t code ) const = 0;
virtual const char *AnalogCodeToString( AnalogCode_t code ) const = 0;
virtual ButtonCode_t StringToButtonCode( const char *pString ) const = 0;
virtual AnalogCode_t StringToAnalogCode( const char *pString ) const = 0;
/// Sleeps until input happens. Pass a negative number to sleep infinitely
virtual void SleepUntilInput( int nMaxSleepTimeMS = -1 ) = 0;
/// Convert back + forth between virtual codes + button codes
// FIXME: This is a temporary piece of code
virtual ButtonCode_t VirtualKeyToButtonCode( int nVirtualKey ) const = 0;
virtual int ButtonCodeToVirtualKey( ButtonCode_t code ) const = 0;
virtual ButtonCode_t ScanCodeToButtonCode( int lParam ) const = 0;
/// How many times have we called PollInputState?
virtual int GetPollCount() const = 0;
/// Sets the cursor position
virtual void SetCursorPosition( int x, int y ) = 0;
/// Tells the input system to generate UI-related events, defined
/// in inputsystem/inputenums.h (see IE_FirstUIEvent)
/// We could have multiple clients that care about UI-related events
/// so we refcount the clients with an Add/Remove strategy. If there
/// are no interested clients, the UI events are not generated
virtual void AddUIEventListener() = 0;
virtual void RemoveUIEventListener() = 0;
/// Returns the currently attached window
virtual PlatWindow_t GetAttachedWindow() const = 0;
/// Creates a cursor using one of the well-known cursor icons
virtual InputCursorHandle_t GetStandardCursor( InputStandardCursor_t id ) = 0;
/// Loads a cursor defined in a file
virtual InputCursorHandle_t LoadCursorFromFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = NULL ) = 0;
/// Sets the cursor icon
virtual void SetCursorIcon( InputCursorHandle_t hCursor ) = 0;
/// Gets the cursor position
virtual void GetCursorPosition( int *pX, int *pY ) = 0;
/// Mouse capture
virtual void EnableMouseCapture( PlatWindow_t hWnd ) = 0;
virtual void DisableMouseCapture() = 0;
// Mouse visibility, tell inputsystem when we hide stuff rather than querying the OS which is expensive on OSX
virtual void SetMouseCursorVisible( bool bVisible ) = 0;
#ifdef _PS3
virtual void SetPS3CellPadDataHook( BCellPadDataHook_t hookFunc ) = 0;
virtual void SetPS3CellPadNoDataHook( BCellPadNoDataHook_t hookFunc ) = 0;
virtual void SetPS3StartButtonIdentificationMode() = 0;
virtual bool GetPS3CursorPos( int &x, int &y ) = 0;
virtual void PS3SetupHardwareCursor( void* image ) = 0;
virtual void DisableHardwareCursor( void ) = 0;
virtual void EnableHardwareCursor( void ) = 0;
#if defined( USE_SDL ) || defined( LINUX )
virtual void DisableHardwareCursor( void ) = 0;
virtual void EnableHardwareCursor( void ) = 0;
/// Reset the current cursor icon. Used to reset the icon in the case of alt+tabs where the cursor has been forced to a different
/// icon because it was outside of the client rect during the reload.
virtual void ResetCursorIcon() = 0;
// read and clear accumulated raw input values
virtual void GetRawMouseAccumulators( int& accumX, int& accumY ) = 0;
// ========================================================================
// Platform Input Device Interface
// This section provides a way to determine what Input/controller setup(s) are available on a
// given platform (PC, MAC, PS3, XBox) and what input device is currently selected/in use on
// the local client
// Modules outside of the inputsystem need this information for tasks such as statistics,
// achievements, and player rankings which take into account what input controller setup the
// player is using on a per-platform basis.
// The platform can be specified because a dedicate server may be running on a different
// platform than the clients connected to it.
// The master list of input devices and platforms used here is located in src\common\input_device.h
// The methods here allow the user to write platform agnostic code to iterate through and
// and process the list of input devices specific to the current (or specified) platform
// without seeing devices not applicable to that platform.
// Terminology:
// Connected Device = Input setup is connected and available for use, can be more than one
// Current Device = Input setup being actively used
// ================================================================
// Input Device Functions specific to the local client and hardware
// ================================================================
// Manage the list of input devices that are connected
virtual InputDevice_t GetConnectedInputDevices( void ) = 0; // returns the bitfield of all connected devices
virtual bool IsInputDeviceConnected( InputDevice_t device ) = 0;
virtual void SetInputDeviceConnected( InputDevice_t device, bool connected = true ) = 0;
virtual InputDevice_t IsOnlySingleDeviceConnected( void ) = 0;
// Access the currently selected Input device
virtual InputDevice_t GetCurrentInputDevice( void ) = 0; // returns the enum referring to the one currently selected device
virtual bool IsDeviceReadingInput( InputDevice_t device ) const = 0; // returns whether the passed in device is the current device. Returns true if no current device is defined.
virtual void SetCurrentInputDevice( InputDevice_t device ) = 0;
virtual void ResetCurrentInputDevice( void ) = 0; // sets the input device to the platform default
virtual void SampleInputToFindCurrentDevice( bool ) = 0; // looks for the next 'significant' button press to determine and set the current input device
virtual bool IsSamplingForCurrentDevice( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsSteamControllerActive() const = 0;
virtual void SetSteamControllerMode( const char *pMode, const void *obj=NULL ) = 0;
DECLARE_TIER2_INTERFACE( IInputSystem, g_pInputSystem );