2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

3829 lines
121 KiB

//========= Copyright 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Defines a group of app systems that all have the same lifetime
// that need to be connected/initialized, etc. in a well-defined order
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#define DONT_DEFINE_BOOL // Don't define BOOL!
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
#include "tier0/dynfunction.h"
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h" // gets pulled in from glmgr.h
#include "appframework/iappsystemgroup.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#define GLMPRINTF(args) printf args
#define GLMPRINTF(args)
@class CocoaBridge;
@class CocoaViewBridge;
class CCocoaThreadMsg;
COpenGLEntryPoints *gGL = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// some Carbon stuff we're using
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
extern "C" uint GetCurrentKeyModifiers( void );
enum ECarbonModKeyIndex
EcmdKeyBit = 8, /* command key down?*/
EshiftKeyBit = 9, /* shift key down?*/
EalphaLockBit = 10, /* alpha lock down?*/
EoptionKeyBit = 11, /* option key down?*/
EcontrolKeyBit = 12 /* control key down?*/
enum ECarbonModKeyMask
EcmdKey = 1 << EcmdKeyBit,
EshiftKey = 1 << EshiftKeyBit,
EalphaLock = 1 << EalphaLockBit,
EoptionKey = 1 << EoptionKeyBit,
EcontrolKey = 1 << EcontrolKeyBit
enum {
kUIModeNormal = 0,
kUIModeContentSuppressed = 1,
kUIModeContentHidden = 2,
kUIModeAllSuppressed = 4,
kUIModeAllHidden = 3,
typedef UInt32 SystemUIMode;
enum {
kUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar = 1 << 0,
kUIOptionDisableAppleMenu = 1 << 2,
kUIOptionDisableProcessSwitch = 1 << 3,
kUIOptionDisableForceQuit = 1 << 4,
kUIOptionDisableSessionTerminate = 1 << 5,
kUIOptionDisableHide = 1 << 6
typedef OptionBits SystemUIOptions;
extern "C" OSStatus SetSystemUIMode ( SystemUIMode inMode, SystemUIOptions inOptions );
void SetFullscreenUIMode( bool on )
if (on)
SetSystemUIMode( kUIModeAllHidden, (kUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar | /* kUIOptionDisableProcessSwitch |*/ kUIOptionDisableHide) );
SetSystemUIMode( kUIModeNormal, (SystemUIOptions)0);
extern "C" uint GetCurrentEventButtonState( void );
int GetCurrentMouseButtonState( void )
// see http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2010/Feb/msg01193.html
// and http://serenity.uncc.edu/web/ADC/2005/Developer_DVD_Series/April/ADC%20Reference%20Library/documentation/Carbon/Conceptual/Carbon_Event_Manager/Tasks/chapter_18_section_10.html
if ([NSEvent respondsToSelector:@selector(pressedMouseButtons)])
return (int)[NSEvent pressedMouseButtons];
return (int)GetCurrentEventButtonState();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Couple of functions for making and freeing AR pools
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void *macMakeAutoreleasePool(void)
return [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
void macReleaseAutoreleasePool(void *_pool)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = (NSAutoreleasePool *) _pool;
[pool release];
// NSWindow subclass
bool s_bBlockWarpCursor = false;
@interface AppWindow: NSWindow
uint dummy;
-(void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
@implementation AppWindow
return YES;
return YES;
[super resignMainWindow];
s_bBlockWarpCursor = true;
NSEvent *event = [self currentEvent];
if ( [event type] == NSLeftMouseDown && [event window] == self )
NSPoint pt = [self mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
NSRect windowFrame = [self frame];
if ( pt.y > ( windowFrame.size.height - 21 ) && pt.y < windowFrame.size.height )
s_bBlockWarpCursor = true;
s_bBlockWarpCursor = false;
s_bBlockWarpCursor = false;
[super becomeKeyWindow];
-(void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event
[super sendEvent:event];
if ( s_bBlockWarpCursor )
if ( [event type] == NSLeftMouseUp )
s_bBlockWarpCursor = false;
else if ( [event type] == NSLeftMouseDown && [event window] == self )
NSPoint pt = [self mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
NSRect windowFrame = [self frame];
if ( pt.y > ( windowFrame.size.height - 21 ) && pt.y < windowFrame.size.height )
s_bBlockWarpCursor = true;
s_bBlockWarpCursor = false;
void __checkgl__( void )
GLenum errorcode = (GLenum)glGetError();
if (errorcode != GL_NO_ERROR)
printf("\nGL Error %d",errorcode);
// some helper functions, relocated out of GLM since they are used here
// this one makes a new context
bool GLMDetectSLGU( void )
CGLError cgl_error = (CGLError)0;
bool result = false;
CGLContextObj oldctx = CGLGetCurrentContext();
static CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] =
(CGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 // list term
CGLPixelFormatObj pixfmtobj = NULL;
GLint npix;
CGLContextObj ctxobj = NULL;
cgl_error = CGLChoosePixelFormat( attribs, &pixfmtobj, &npix );
if (!cgl_error)
// got pixel format, make a context
cgl_error = CGLCreateContext( pixfmtobj, NULL, &ctxobj );
if (!cgl_error)
CGLSetCurrentContext( ctxobj );
// now do the test
_CGLContextParameter kCGLCPGCDMPEngine = ((_CGLContextParameter)1314);
GLint dummyval = 0;
cgl_error = CGLGetParameter( CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPGCDMPEngine, &dummyval );
result = (!cgl_error);
// all done, go back to old context, and destroy the temp one
CGLSetCurrentContext( oldctx );
CGLDestroyContext( ctxobj );
// destroy the pixel format obj
CGLDestroyPixelFormat( pixfmtobj );
return result;
bool GLMDetectScaledResolveMode( uint osComboVersion, bool hasSLGU )
bool result = false;
// note this function assumes a current context on the renderer in question
// and that FB blit and SLGU are present..
if (!hasSLGU)
return false;
if (osComboVersion <= 0x000A0604) // we know no one has it before 10.6.5
return false;
// in 10.6.6 and later, just check for the ext string.
char *gl_ext_string = (char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
// if we failed to init and bind a GL context at all, glGetString can return null
if ( !gl_ext_string )
return false;
result = strstr(gl_ext_string, "GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled") != NULL;
// if we didn't find an explicity extension string try to sniff for it
if ( !result )
// make two FBO's
GLuint fbos[2];
GLuint rbos[2];
int extent = 64;
// make two render buffers
for( int fbi = 0; fbi < 2; fbi++ )
glGenFramebuffersEXT( 1, &fbos[fbi] ); __checkgl__();
glBindFramebufferEXT( fbi ? GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT : GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , fbos[fbi] ); __checkgl__();
glGenRenderbuffersEXT( 1, &rbos[fbi] ); __checkgl__();
glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbos[fbi] ); __checkgl__();
// make it multisampled if 0
if (!fbi)
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 2, GL_RGBA8, extent,extent ); __checkgl__();
glRenderbufferStorageEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_RGBA8, extent,extent ); __checkgl__();
// attach it
// #0 gets to be read and multisampled
// #1 gets to be draw and multisampled
// now test
while( glGetError() ) // clear error queue
// now do the dummy blit
glBlitFramebufferEXT( 0,0,extent,extent, 0,0,extent,extent, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, XGL_SCALED_RESOLVE_FASTEST_EXT );
// type of error we get back lets us know what the outcome is.
// invalid enum error -> unsupported
// no error or invalid op -> supported
GLenum errorcode = (GLenum)glGetError();
// expected outcomes.
// positive
result = true; // new scaled resolve detected
result = false; // no scaled resolve
// unbind and wipe stuff
glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0 ); __checkgl__();
for( int xfbi = 0; xfbi < 2; xfbi++ )
// unbind FBO
glBindFramebufferEXT( xfbi ? GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT : GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , 0 ); __checkgl__();
// del FBO and RBO
glDeleteFramebuffersEXT( 1, &fbos[xfbi] ); __checkgl__();
glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT( 1, &rbos[xfbi] ); __checkgl__();
return result; // no SLGU, no scaled resolve blit even possible
void *VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr(const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, const bool bRequired, void *fallback)
void *retval = NULL;
if ((!okay) && (!bRequired)) // always look up if required (so we get a complete list of crucial missing symbols).
return NULL;
// The SDL path would work on all these platforms, if we were using SDL there, too...
#if defined( LINUX ) || defined( WIN32 )
// SDL does the right thing, so we never need to use tier0 in this case.
retval = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(fn);
//printf("CDynamicFunctionOpenGL: SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(\"%s\") returned %p\n", fn, retval);
if ((retval == NULL) && (fallback != NULL))
//printf("CDynamicFunctionOpenGL: Using fallback %p for \"%s\"\n", fallback, fn);
retval = fallback;
#elif defined( OSX )
// there's no glXGetProcAddress() equivalent for Mac OS X...it's just dlopen(), basically. Let tier0 handle that.
retval = VoidFnPtrLookup_Tier0( libname, fn, (void *) fallback);
#error Unimplemented
// Note that a non-NULL response doesn't mean it's safe to call the function!
// You always have to check that the extension is supported;
// an implementation MAY return NULL in this case, but it doesn't have to (and doesn't, with the DRI drivers).
okay = (okay && (retval != NULL));
if (bRequired && !okay)
fprintf( stderr, "Could not find required OpenGL entry point '%s'!\n", fn );
// We can't continue execution, because one or more GL function pointers will be NULL.
Error( "Could not find required OpenGL entry point '%s'!\n", fn);
return retval;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CCocoaMgr class.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CCocoaMgr : public ILauncherMgr
// Called by the ValveCocoaMain startup code.
void FinishLaunchingApplication();
// Create the NSApplication object. return false if it was already done.
bool CreateApplicationObject();
void WaitForApplicationToFinishLaunching();
// Called from the Valve main thread. Stops the NSApplication's run loop.
void StopRunLoop();
// Called from the Cocoa thread.
void ProcessMessageInCocoaThread( CCocoaThreadMsg *pMessage );
// If we're in the Cocoa thread, this processes the message directly.
// Otherwise, it sends it in to be processed.
void SendMessageToCocoaThread( CCocoaThreadMsg *pMessage, bool bWaitUntilDone );
// Post an event to the input event queue.
// if debugEvent is true, post it to the debug event queue.
void PostEvent( const CCocoaEvent &theEvent, bool debugEvent=false );
// ask if an event is debug flavor or not.
bool IsDebugEvent( CCocoaEvent& event );
void AccumlateMouseDelta( int32 &x, int32 &y );
void ShowMainWindow();
// ICocoaMgr overrides.
virtual bool CreateGameWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, int width, int height );
virtual void DestroyGameWindow();
virtual PseudoNSGLContextPtr GetNSGLContextForWindow( void* nswindow );
virtual int GetEvents( CCocoaEvent *pEvents, int nMaxEventsToReturn, bool debugEvent = false );
virtual void SetCursorPosition( int x, int y );
virtual void* GetWindowRef();
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect() ;
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() ;
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void ShowPixels( CShowPixelsParams *params );
virtual void MoveWindow( int x, int y );
virtual void SizeWindow( int width, int tall );
virtual void PumpWindowsMessageLoop();
virtual void WaitUntilUserInput( int msSleepTime );
virtual void GetStackCrawl( CStackCrawlParams *params );
virtual void SetApplicationIcon( const char *pchAppIconFile );
virtual void GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextDelta );
virtual void RenderedSize( uint &width, uint &height, bool set ); // either set or retrieve rendered size value
virtual void DisplayedSize( uint &width, uint &height ); // query backbuffer size (window size whether FS or windowed)
virtual void GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( uint **ptrOut, uint *countOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendInfoOut );
virtual GLMDisplayDB *GetDisplayDB( void );
// does this need to be virtual? don't think so..
NSPoint ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( NSView *pView, NSPoint screenCoord );
// new to the cocoa launch mgr
virtual void SetWindowFullScreen( bool bFullScreen, int nWidth, int nHeight );
virtual bool IsWindowFullScreen();
virtual void SetForbidMouseGrab( bool bForbidMouseGrab );
virtual double GetPrevGLSwapWindowTime() { return m_flPrevGLSwapWindowTime; }
virtual PseudoGLContextPtr GetGLContextForWindow( void* windowref );
virtual PseudoGLContextPtr GetMainContext();
virtual PseudoGLContextPtr CreateExtraContext();
virtual void DeleteContext( PseudoGLContextPtr hContext );
virtual bool MakeContextCurrent( PseudoGLContextPtr hContext );
virtual void SetMouseVisible( bool bState );
virtual void GetDisplaySize( uint *puiWidth, uint *puiHeight ); // Retrieve the size of the monitor (desktop)
virtual void GetNativeDisplayInfo( int nDisplay, uint &nWidth, uint &nHeight, uint &nRefreshHz );
// Messages piped through from Objective-C objects.
void applicationDidFinishLaunching();
void applicationWillTerminate();
bool BFullScreen() { return m_fsEnable; }
void PostDummyEvent();
bool InternalCreateWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, NSRect *frame );
void SetWindowedFrame( NSRect *frame, bool forEffect ); // *frame goes into m_winFrame unless null. If forEffect = true, window adopts m_winFrame and windowed style mask.
void SetFullscreenFrame( NSRect *frame, bool forEffect ); // *frame goes into m_fsFrame unless null. If forEffect = true, window adopts m_fsFrame and adopts fullscreen style mask.
void ClearGLView( void ); // blacken the m_view (NSGLView) and flush it out
CThreadMutex m_CocoaEventsMutex; // use for either queue below
CUtlLinkedList<CCocoaEvent,int> m_CocoaEvents;
CUtlLinkedList<CCocoaEvent,int> m_DebugEvents; // intercepted keys which wil be passed over to GLM
void *m_application;
AppWindow *m_window;
CocoaViewBridge *m_view;
uint m_renderedWidth,m_rendererHeight; // latched from RenderedSize
GLMDisplayDB *m_displayDB;
bool m_leopard; // true if <10.6.3 and we have to do extra work for fullscreen handling
bool m_force_vsync; // true if 10.6.4 + bad NV driver
uint m_chosenRendererIndex; // zero for now.. use this to drive the generation of the PFA next, and to answer the req for renderer info from GLM
uint m_pixelFormatAttribs[20]; // preferred attrib list for window view context and for drawing context in engine thread.
uint m_pixelFormatAttribCount;
NSRect m_winFrame; // where window is when windowed mode (save it before switching to FS)
NSRect m_fsFrame; // where window goes in full screen (set it before switching to FS)
bool m_fsEnable; // are we in fullscreen now?
ThreadId_t m_nRunLoopThreadID;
CThreadEvent m_AppObjectInitialized;
CocoaBridge *m_pCocoaBridge;
CShowPixelsParams m_lastShownPixels; // we may peek at this to infer what the video resolution of the engine is...
NSOpenGLContext *m_showPixelsCtx;
int m_lastKnownSwapInterval; //-1 if unknown, 0/1 otherwise
int m_lastKnownSwapLimit; //-1 if unknown, 0/1 otherwise
int32 m_MouseDeltaX, m_MouseDeltaY;
bool m_bIgnoreNextMouseDelta;
char *m_windowTitle;
int m_frontPushCounter; // if non zero, bump window to front on ShowPixels
double m_flPrevGLSwapWindowTime;
int s_windowedStyleMask = NSClosableWindowMask | /*NSResizableWindowMask |*/ NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask;
int s_fullscreenStyleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask;
CCocoaMgr g_CocoaMgr;
ILauncherMgr *g_pCocoaMgr = &g_CocoaMgr;
void* CreateCCocoaMgr()
return g_pCocoaMgr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CCocoaThreadMsg is what the REAL code (C++ code) deals with when it passes
// messages between the Valve thread and the Cocoa thread.
// We use NSObject::performSelectorInMainThread to pass the messages back
// and forth, so we have to stuff the CCocoaThreadMsg into an Objective C++ object
// called CCocoaThreadMsgContainer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CCocoaThreadMsg
virtual ~CCocoaThreadMsg() {}
class CCocoaThreadMsg_CreateWindow : public CCocoaThreadMsg
char m_Title[256];
bool m_bWindowed;
int m_nWidth;
int m_nHeight;
@interface CCocoaThreadMsgContainer : NSObject
CCocoaThreadMsg *m_pMessage;
@implementation CCocoaThreadMsgContainer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CocoaBridge Objective-C class. This is the bridge between NSApplication and
// the Valve code in CCocoaMgr. It just forwards Cocoa messages to CCocoaMgr.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
@interface CocoaBridge : NSObject<NSApplicationDelegate>
CCocoaMgr *m_pCocoaMgr;
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender;
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
- (void)ProcessMessage:(id)pObj;
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
- (void)applicationDidResignActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
- (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication
-(void) populateApplicationMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu;
-(void) populateWindowMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu;
-(void) applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
@implementation CocoaBridge
#pragma mark NSApplication delegate
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_AppQuit;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
return NSTerminateCancel;
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- (void)ProcessMessage:(id)pObj
CCocoaThreadMsgContainer *pDispatch = (CCocoaThreadMsgContainer*)pObj;
m_pCocoaMgr->ProcessMessageInCocoaThread( pDispatch->m_pMessage );
delete pDispatch->m_pMessage;
[pDispatch release];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_AppActivate;
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask = 1;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)applicationDidResignActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_AppActivate;
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask = 0;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication
return YES;
-(void) populateApplicationMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu
NSString * applicationName = NSLocalizedString(@"Source", nil);
NSMenuItem * menuItem;
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", NSLocalizedString(@"About", nil), applicationName]
[menuItem setTarget:self];
[aMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Preferences...", nil)
[menuItem setTarget:self];
[aMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", NSLocalizedString(@"Hide", nil), applicationName]
[menuItem setTarget:NSApp];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Hide Others", nil)
[menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask];
[menuItem setTarget:NSApp];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Show All", nil)
[menuItem setTarget:NSApp];
[aMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil), applicationName]
[menuItem setTarget:NSApp];
-(void) populateWindowMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu
NSMenuItem * menuItem;
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Minimize", nil)
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Zoom", nil)
[aMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
menuItem = [aMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Bring All to Front", nil)
// Purpose: called on startup, populates the OS level menus
-(void) applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// NSApplication might not have created an autorelease pool yet, so create our own.
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary *appDefaults = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"NO" forKey:@"AppleMomentumScrollSupported"];
[defaults registerDefaults:appDefaults];
NSMenu * mainMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"MainMenu"];
NSMenuItem * menuItem;
NSMenu * submenu;
// The titles of the menu items are for identification purposes only and shouldn't be localized.
// The strings in the menu bar come from the submenu titles,
// except for the application menu, whose title is ignored at runtime.
menuItem = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Apple" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Apple"];
[NSApp performSelector:@selector(setAppleMenu:) withObject:submenu];
[self populateApplicationMenu:submenu];
[mainMenu setSubmenu:submenu forItem:menuItem];
menuItem = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Window" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Window", @"The Window menu")];
[self populateWindowMenu:submenu];
[mainMenu setSubmenu:submenu forItem:menuItem];
[NSApp setWindowsMenu:submenu];
menuItem = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Help" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Help", @"The Help menu")];
[self populateHelpMenu:submenu];
[mainMenu setSubmenu:submenu forItem:menuItem];
[NSApp setMainMenu:mainMenu];
/* NSAppleEventManager *appleEventManager = [NSAppleEventManager
// Get URL Apple Event ('GURL') is part of the internet AE suite not the standard AE suite and
// it isn't currently supported directly via a application delegate method so we have to register
// an AE event handler for it.
[appleEventManager setEventHandler:self
[pool release];
@interface NSValveApplication : NSApplication
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
@implementation NSValveApplication
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent
//This works around an AppKit bug, where key up events while holding
//down the command key don't get sent to the key window.
if( ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask))
NSEventType type = [anEvent type];
//printf( "Got event %d (%d)\n", [anEvent type], NSKeyUp );
if ( type == NSKeyUp || type == NSKeyDown
|| type == NSLeftMouseDown || type == NSLeftMouseUp
|| type == NSRightMouseDown || type == NSRightMouseUp
|| type == NSOtherMouseDown || type == NSOtherMouseUp
|| type == NSLeftMouseDragged || type == NSRightMouseDragged
|| type == NSFlagsChanged || type == NSMouseMoved || type == NSScrollWheel )
if ( type == NSKeyUp || type == NSKeyDown )
// tell both the high level and us for CMD-Q,W,H,M
int keyCode = [anEvent keyCode];
if ( keyCode == 12 || keyCode == 13 || keyCode == 4 || keyCode == 46 )
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
//printf( "%i\n", keyCode );
[[self keyWindow] sendEvent:anEvent];
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
@interface CocoaViewDelegate : NSObject<NSWindowDelegate>
@implementation CocoaViewDelegate
- (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification *)notification
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Our NSView bridge.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
@interface CocoaViewBridge : NSOpenGLView
CCocoaMgr *m_pCocoaMgr;
@implementation CocoaViewBridge
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
// letting this method do anything was having evil effects on clipping (black portal bug).
// we need a better solution though, or we will get garbage in the window at launch
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonDown;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
theEvent.m_nMouseClickCount = [pEvent clickCount];
if ( [pEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask ) // make ctrl-click be a right click
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags &= ~0x1; // turn off left button press
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags |= 0x2; // and press right instead
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_RIGHT;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_LEFT;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonDown;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
theEvent.m_nMouseClickCount = [pEvent clickCount];
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_RIGHT;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonDown;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
theEvent.m_nMouseClickCount = [pEvent clickCount];
switch( [pEvent buttonNumber] )
case 2:
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_MIDDLE;
case 3:
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_4;
case 4:
theEvent.m_MouseButton = COCOABUTTON_5;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseMove;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
NSPoint orig = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
//printf( "MouseMove: %0.1f,%0.1f %0.1f,%0.1f\n", pt.x, pt.y, orig.x, orig.y );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
int32 deltaX, deltaY;
CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
m_pCocoaMgr->AccumlateMouseDelta( deltaX, deltaY );
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
int32 deltaX, deltaY;
CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
m_pCocoaMgr->AccumlateMouseDelta( deltaX, deltaY );
if ( !CGCursorIsVisible() )
pt.x += deltaX;
pt.y += deltaY;
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseMove;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
int32 deltaX, deltaY;
CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
m_pCocoaMgr->AccumlateMouseDelta( deltaX, deltaY );
if ( !CGCursorIsVisible() )
pt.x += deltaX;
pt.y += deltaY;
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseMove;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
int32 deltaX, deltaY;
CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
m_pCocoaMgr->AccumlateMouseDelta( deltaX, deltaY );
if ( !CGCursorIsVisible() )
pt.x += deltaX;
pt.y += deltaY;
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseMove;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonUp;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonUp;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)pEvent
NSPoint pt = m_pCocoaMgr->ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( self, [NSEvent mouseLocation] );
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseButtonUp;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = (int)pt.x;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = (int)pt.y;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)pEvent
// Store the event in our input event queue.
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_KeyDown;
theEvent.m_VirtualKeyCode = pEvent.keyCode;
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = 0;
if ( [pEvent.characters length] > 0 )
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = [pEvent.characters characterAtIndex:0];
theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = 0;
if ( [pEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers length] > 0 )
theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = [pEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers characterAtIndex:0];
if ( theEvent.m_UnicodeKey & 0x8000 ) // apple set the high bit for "special" characters like arrow keys, so ignore them
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = 0;
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask = 0;
// pick apart modifier key mask
uint modifiers = [pEvent modifierFlags];
if (modifiers & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eCapsLockKey);
if (modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eShiftKey);
if (modifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eAltKey);
if (modifiers & NSCommandKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eCommandKey);
if (modifiers & NSControlKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eControlKey);
// make a decision about this event - does it go in the normal evt queue or into the debug queue.
bool debug = m_pCocoaMgr->IsDebugEvent( theEvent );
//if ( [pEvent isARepeat] && (!debug) ) // dump non debug key repeats
// return;
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent, debug );
// This was used to build a table of virtual key codes to ButtonCode_t's.
//char str[512];
//V_strncpy( str, [pEvent.characters UTF8String], sizeof( str ) );
//V_strupr( str );
//Msg( "{0x%x, KEY_%s},\n", pEvent.keyCode, str );
void CheckModifierDiff( UInt32 diff, UInt32 mask, UInt32 old, ButtonCode_t key, CCocoaMgr *m_pCocoaMgr )
if( diff & mask )
// Store the event in our input event queue.
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_VirtualKeyCode = -1 * key; // use a negative code value so the input system can translate it directly to a buttoncode
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = 0;
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask = 0;
if ( old & mask ) // was pressed, now isnt
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_KeyUp;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_KeyDown;
// make a decision about this event - does it go in the normal evt queue or into the debug queue.
bool debug = m_pCocoaMgr->IsDebugEvent( theEvent );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent, debug );
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)pEvent
// pick apart modifier key mask
uint modifierCode = [pEvent modifierFlags];
static uint s_lastModifierCode = 0;
UInt32 diff = s_lastModifierCode ^ modifierCode;
CheckModifierDiff( diff, NSAlphaShiftKeyMask, s_lastModifierCode, KEY_CAPSLOCK, m_pCocoaMgr );
CheckModifierDiff( diff, NSShiftKeyMask, s_lastModifierCode, KEY_LSHIFT, m_pCocoaMgr );
CheckModifierDiff( diff, NSAlternateKeyMask, s_lastModifierCode, KEY_LALT, m_pCocoaMgr );
CheckModifierDiff( diff, NSCommandKeyMask, s_lastModifierCode, KEY_LWIN, m_pCocoaMgr );
CheckModifierDiff( diff, NSControlKeyMask, s_lastModifierCode, KEY_LCONTROL, m_pCocoaMgr );
s_lastModifierCode = modifierCode;
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)pEvent
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_KeyUp;
theEvent.m_VirtualKeyCode = pEvent.keyCode;
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = 0;
if ( [pEvent.characters length] > 0 )
theEvent.m_UnicodeKey = [pEvent.characters characterAtIndex:0];
theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = 0;
if ( [pEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers length] > 0 )
theEvent.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified = [pEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers characterAtIndex:0];
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask = 0;
// pick apart modifier key mask
uint modifiers = [pEvent modifierFlags];
if (modifiers & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eCapsLockKey);
if (modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eShiftKey);
if (modifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eAltKey);
if (modifiers & NSCommandKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eCommandKey);
if (modifiers & NSControlKeyMask)
theEvent.m_ModifierKeyMask |= (1<<eControlKey);
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if ( theEvent.keyCode == 48 )
if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyDown )
[self keyDown: theEvent ];
[self keyUp: theEvent ];
return [super performKeyEquivalent:theEvent];
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)pEvent
CCocoaEvent theEvent;
theEvent.m_EventType = CocoaEvent_MouseScroll;
theEvent.m_MousePos[0] = [pEvent deltaX]*100;
theEvent.m_MousePos[1] = [pEvent deltaY]*100;
theEvent.m_MouseButtonFlags = GetCurrentMouseButtonState( );
m_pCocoaMgr->PostEvent( theEvent );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CCocoaMgr implementation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
m_application = NULL;
m_window = NULL;
m_view = NULL;
// You cannot make the display DB here.. because it will want to query some CLI args...
// and this constructor happens too early in the program lifetime.
// so leave it NULL, and teach the GetDisplayDB function to do a one-time init.
m_displayDB = NULL;
m_renderedWidth = m_rendererHeight = 0;
m_chosenRendererIndex = 0; //FIXME
memset( m_pixelFormatAttribs, 0, sizeof(m_pixelFormatAttribs) );
m_pixelFormatAttribCount = 0;
m_nRunLoopThreadID = (ThreadId_t)-1;
m_pCocoaBridge = NULL;
m_MouseDeltaX = 0;
m_MouseDeltaY = 0;
m_bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false;
m_flPrevGLSwapWindowTime = 0.0f;
int32 deltaX, deltaY;
CGGetLastMouseDelta( &deltaX, &deltaY );
memset( &m_lastShownPixels, 0, sizeof(m_lastShownPixels) );
// set some silly rectangles for initial win frame and fs frame
m_winFrame.origin.x = 50.0f;
m_winFrame.origin.y = 50.0f;
m_winFrame.size.width = 640.0f;
m_winFrame.size.height = 480.0f;
m_fsFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
m_showPixelsCtx = NULL;
m_lastKnownSwapInterval = -1;
m_lastKnownSwapLimit = -1;
m_frontPushCounter = 3;
m_windowTitle = "";
void CCocoaMgr::AccumlateMouseDelta( int32 &x, int32 &y )
if ( !m_bIgnoreNextMouseDelta )
m_MouseDeltaX += x;
m_MouseDeltaY += y;
m_bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false;
void CCocoaMgr::GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextDelta )
if ( bIgnoreNextDelta )
m_bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = bIgnoreNextDelta;
x = m_MouseDeltaX;
y = m_MouseDeltaY;
m_MouseDeltaX = m_MouseDeltaY = 0;
void CCocoaMgr::ShowMainWindow()
[m_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
void CCocoaMgr::RenderedSize( uint& width, uint& height, bool set )
if (set)
m_renderedWidth = width;
m_rendererHeight = height; // latched from NotifyRenderedSize
width = m_renderedWidth;
height = m_rendererHeight;
void CCocoaMgr::DisplayedSize( uint &width, uint &height )
if (m_view)
NSRect rect = [m_view frame];
width = rect.size.width;
height = rect.size.height;
width = height = 1;
void CCocoaMgr::GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( uint **ptrOut, uint *countOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendInfoOut )
Assert( m_pixelFormatAttribCount > 0 );
if (ptrOut) *ptrOut = m_pixelFormatAttribs;
if (countOut) *countOut = m_pixelFormatAttribCount;
if (rendInfoOut)
GLMDisplayDB *db = GetDisplayDB();
*rendInfoOut = ((*db->m_renderers)[ m_chosenRendererIndex ])->m_info;
GLMDisplayDB *CCocoaMgr::GetDisplayDB( void )
if (!m_displayDB)
m_displayDB = new GLMDisplayDB(); // creating the DB object does not do much other than init it to a good state.
m_displayDB->Populate(); // populate the tree
// side effect: we fill in m_leopard and m_force_vsync..
GLMRendererInfoFields info;
m_displayDB->GetRendererInfo( 0, &info );
m_leopard = (info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0600);
m_force_vsync = info.m_badDriver1064NV; // just force it if it's the bum NV driver
return m_displayDB;
void CCocoaMgr::ProcessMessageInCocoaThread( CCocoaThreadMsg *pInMessage )
CCocoaThreadMsg_CreateWindow *pMsg1 = dynamic_cast< CCocoaThreadMsg_CreateWindow* >( pInMessage );
if ( pMsg1 )
// we could improve this to let the caller pass in a specific frame instead of just centering on the main screen
NSRect screenFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
int sw = screenFrame.size.width;
int sh = screenFrame.size.height;
NSRect newWinFrame;
if ( pMsg1->m_bWindowed )
newWinFrame.origin.x = ((sw - pMsg1->m_nWidth) / 2); // int math to truncate prior to assignment
newWinFrame.origin.y = ((sh - pMsg1->m_nHeight) / 2); // int math to truncate prior to assignment
newWinFrame.size.width = pMsg1->m_nWidth;
newWinFrame.size.height = pMsg1->m_nHeight;
newWinFrame = screenFrame;
InternalCreateWindow( pMsg1->m_Title, pMsg1->m_bWindowed, &newWinFrame );
void CCocoaMgr::SendMessageToCocoaThread( CCocoaThreadMsg *pMessage, bool bWaitUntilDone )
if ( ThreadGetCurrentId() == m_nRunLoopThreadID )
// We're already in the Cocoa thread. Process it immediately.
ProcessMessageInCocoaThread( pMessage );
delete pMessage;
Assert( !"We shouldn't be running in a thread anymore" );
CCocoaThreadMsgContainer *pContainer = [[CCocoaThreadMsgContainer alloc] init];
pContainer->m_pMessage = pMessage;
[m_pCocoaBridge performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(ProcessMessage:) withObject:pContainer waitUntilDone:bWaitUntilDone];
void CCocoaMgr::PostEvent( const CCocoaEvent &theEvent, bool debugEvent )
CUtlLinkedList<CCocoaEvent,int> &queue = debugEvent ? m_CocoaEvents : m_DebugEvents;
queue.AddToTail( theEvent );
bool CCocoaMgr::CreateApplicationObject() // return false if this is already done (i.e. a mod is trying to kick things off again)
//Assert( !m_application );
if (!m_application)
// just do this stuff once
// tell OSX we are actually an app
ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
m_application = [NSValveApplication sharedApplication];
return true;
return false;
void CCocoaMgr::DestroyGameWindow()
NOP baby - you get one window and like it.
[[m_window delegate] release];
[m_window close];
m_window = NULL;
m_view = NULL;
bool CCocoaMgr::CreateGameWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, int width, int height )
// if m_window is already set, we skip this.
if (!m_window)
// Most things with Cocoa objects have to be done in the Cocoa thread
CCocoaThreadMsg_CreateWindow *pMessage = new CCocoaThreadMsg_CreateWindow;
V_strncpy( pMessage->m_Title, pTitle, sizeof( pMessage->m_Title ) );
pMessage->m_bWindowed = bWindowed;
pMessage->m_nWidth = width;
pMessage->m_nHeight = height;
SendMessageToCocoaThread( pMessage, true );
return true;
bool CCocoaMgr::InternalCreateWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, NSRect *frame )
//stash the window title..
if (pTitle)
m_windowTitle = strdup( pTitle );
// Setup an autorelease pool.
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// pick our favorite renderer (presently we just grab 0 in renderer table)
//FIXME allow for other renderers to be selected somehow
GLMRendererInfoFields rendererInfo;
GetDisplayDB()->GetRendererInfo( m_chosenRendererIndex, &rendererInfo );
//- enforce minimum system requirements : OS X 10.7, Lion, and no GMA950, X3100, ATI X1600/X1900, or NV G7x.
if (!CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmnosystemcheck")) // escape hatch
if ( rendererInfo.m_osComboVersion < 0x0A0700 )
Error( "This game requires OS X version 10.7 or higher" );
// forbidden chipsets
if ( rendererInfo.m_atiR5xx || rendererInfo.m_intel95x || rendererInfo.m_intel3100 || rendererInfo.m_nvG7x )
Error( "This game does not support this type of graphics processor" );
// write the preferred attribs
uint *attCursor = m_pixelFormatAttribs;
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFADoubleBuffer;
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFANoRecovery;
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFAAccelerated;
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFADepthSize;
*attCursor++ = 0; // no explicit depth buffer is needed since FBO RT's are made for that
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFAColorSize;
*attCursor++ = 32;
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFARendererID;
*attCursor++ = rendererInfo.m_rendererID;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmnobackingstore"))
*attCursor++ = kCGLPFABackingStore;
*attCursor++ = 0; // "NO BACKING STORE PLEASE" so swaps are possible
*attCursor++ = 0;
// log attrib count
m_pixelFormatAttribCount = attCursor - &m_pixelFormatAttribs[0];
// Create the window.
int style = bWindowed ? s_windowedStyleMask : s_fullscreenStyleMask;
AppWindow *newWin = [[AppWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:*frame styleMask:style backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES];
[newWin retain];
CocoaViewDelegate *delegate = [[CocoaViewDelegate alloc] init];
[delegate retain];
[newWin setDelegate: delegate ];
// Set the title.
// if pTitle is NULL, use previously stashed title..
if (pTitle)
[newWin setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:pTitle]];
[newWin setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:m_windowTitle]];
// Set the content view to be our own NSOpenGLView, using the preferred attribute list.
// **unless** we have a gl view from an old window, in which case we slot that one in instead.
if (!m_view) // one time only...
CGLPixelFormatAttribute *selAttribs = NULL;
uint selWords = 0;
this->GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( (uint**)&selAttribs, &selWords, NULL );
NSOpenGLPixelFormat* nsglFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:(NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute*)selAttribs];
CocoaViewBridge *newView = [[CocoaViewBridge alloc] initWithFrame:[newWin frame] pixelFormat:nsglFormat ];
[ newView retain ];
newView->m_pCocoaMgr = this;
m_view = newView;
if (1)
[[m_view openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
NSRect rect = [m_view frame];
glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) rect.size.width, (GLsizei) rect.size.height);
glScissor( 0,0, (GLsizei) rect.size.width, (GLsizei) rect.size.height );
[newWin setContentView:m_view];
[newWin makeFirstResponder:m_view];
[newWin setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[newWin makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; // -drawRect gets invoked here.
// - there is now a big white window on the screen.
// - black it out and flush it
[ newWin setViewsNeedDisplay:YES ];
[ m_view setNeedsDisplay: YES ];
if (!bWindowed)
[ newWin setLevel:NSMainMenuWindowLevel+1 ]; // move to front of stack
[ newWin setViewsNeedDisplay:YES ];
[ m_view setNeedsDisplay: YES ];
gGL = GetOpenGLEntryPoints(VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr);
// It is now safe to call any base GL entry point that's supplied by gGL.
// You still need to explicitly test for extension entry points, though!
// if you don't sleep, you don't ncessarily get everything flushed to screen before movie player jumps on it..
// If old window exists, scrub it
if (m_window)
[ m_window close ];
[ m_window release ];
m_window = NULL;
// replace with newly made window
m_window = newWin;
// Get rid of the autorelease pool.
[pool release];
// clear current GL context...
[ NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext ];
m_fsEnable = !bWindowed;
return true;
PseudoNSGLContextPtr CCocoaMgr::GetNSGLContextForWindow( void* windowref )
WindowRef win = (WindowRef)windowref;
if (win==[m_window windowRef])
PseudoNSGLContextPtr nsctx = [ m_view openGLContext ];
Assert( nsctx != NULL );
return nsctx;
return NULL; // sorry, no idea
void* CCocoaMgr::GetWindowRef()
NSWindow *pWindow = (NSWindow*)m_window;
return [pWindow windowRef];
void CCocoaMgr::SetWindowFullScreen( bool bFullScreen, int nWidth, int nHeight )
bool CCocoaMgr::IsWindowFullScreen()
return m_fsEnable;
void CCocoaMgr::SetForbidMouseGrab( bool bForbidMouseGrab )
PseudoNSGLContextPtr CCocoaMgr::GetGLContextForWindow( void* windowref )
return GetNSGLContextForWindow(windowref);
PseudoNSGLContextPtr CCocoaMgr::GetMainContext()
PseudoNSGLContextPtr nsctx = [ m_view openGLContext ];
return nsctx;
PseudoNSGLContextPtr CCocoaMgr::CreateExtraContext()
return NULL;
void CCocoaMgr::DeleteContext( PseudoNSGLContextPtr hContext )
bool CCocoaMgr::MakeContextCurrent( PseudoNSGLContextPtr hContext )
return false;
void CCocoaMgr::SetMouseVisible( bool bState )
void CCocoaMgr::GetDisplaySize( uint *puiWidth, uint *puiHeight ) // Retrieve the size of the monitor (desktop)
void CCocoaMgr::GetNativeDisplayInfo( int nDisplay, uint &nWidth, uint &nHeight, uint &nRefreshHz )
GLMDisplayDB *db = GetDisplayDB();
GLMRendererInfo *pRenderInfo = ( *db->m_renderers )[ 0 ];
GLMDisplayInfo *pDisplayInfo = ( *pRenderInfo->m_displays )[ nDisplay ];
GLMDisplayMode *displayModeInfo = (*pDisplayInfo->m_modes)[ -1 ];
nRefreshHz = displayModeInfo->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz;
nWidth = displayModeInfo->m_info.m_modePixelWidth;
nHeight = displayModeInfo->m_info.m_modePixelHeight;
ConVar gl_swapdebug( "gl_swapdebug", "0");
ConVar gl_swaplimit( "gl_swaplimit", "0");
ConVar gl_swapinterval( "gl_swapinterval", "0");
ConVar gl_swaplimit_mt( "gl_swaplimit_mt", "3");
ConVar mac_fsbackground( "mac_fsbackground", "0");
ConVar mac_cursorwarp( "mac_cursorwarp", "1");
ConVar gl_blit_halfx( "gl_blit_halfx", "0" );
ConVar gl_blit_halfy( "gl_blit_halfy", "0" );
ConVar gl_disable_forced_vsync( "gl_disable_forced_vsync", "0" );
void CCocoaMgr::ShowPixels( CShowPixelsParams *params )
// this is (probably) not being called on the main thread
// send a message over for processing.
Assert( m_window != NULL );
Assert( m_view != NULL );
[ [ m_view openGLContext ] makeCurrentContext ];
if (m_frontPushCounter>0)
// we force the window to front after a mode change, on the first blit that comes through
[m_window makeFirstResponder:m_view];
[m_window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[m_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[ m_view update ];
// further, if now in fullscreen mode and SL, we set the frame again in case the user managed to scoot it..
if (m_fsEnable && !m_leopard)
[ m_window setFrame:m_fsFrame display:true ];
// and, reset the swap interval and limit
m_lastKnownSwapInterval = -1;
m_lastKnownSwapLimit = -1;
if (m_fsEnable)
NSInteger targetLevel = 0;
if (mac_fsbackground.GetInt() && !m_leopard) // SL or better, and user asked for FS to be visible as background when non-front app
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate: NO ];
// try to avoid resetting this every frame unless it needs some settin'
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
targetLevel = [pApplication isActive] ? NSMainMenuWindowLevel+1 : kCGDesktopWindowLevel;
if (!CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdebugfullscreen"))
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate: YES ];
targetLevel = NSMainMenuWindowLevel+1;
if ( [m_window level] != targetLevel )
[ m_window setLevel:targetLevel ]; // move to front of stack
[ m_view update ];
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate: NO ];
// in the 10.6 world we go with the assumption that the context that is sending us pixels, was shared off of the
// view bridge's context. So there should be no need at all to create a new context - we can just target the view context
// in the window. This should work whether that context is fullscreen or not.
// about all we need to know is the size of the slab handed us, and the size of the backing store of the view context.
// note that on 10.6, we have the option of the view-context's backing store staying small even though the window/view is
// large.
// first look at the FS state and see if we need to flip
if ( (params->m_fsEnable!=0) != (m_fsEnable!=0) )
// flip it
// honor res changes here by resizing the backing store of the gl view
NSRect screenFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
if (params->m_fsEnable)
// go to FS... save the old windowed frame first?
NSRect oldWinFrame = [ m_window frame ];
SetWindowedFrame( &oldWinFrame, false ); // latch but do not act
SetFullscreenFrame( &screenFrame, true ); // use the latched rect from setup time (or consider grabbing a new one which could be more current)
// go to windowed.
// see if the m_winFrame is the same size as this inbound blit.
// if it's not, construct a new one.
NSRect winFrame = m_winFrame;
if ( (winFrame.size.width != params->m_width) || (winFrame.size.height != params->m_height) )
int sw = screenFrame.size.width;
int sh = screenFrame.size.height;
winFrame.origin.x = ((sw - params->m_width) / 2); // int math to truncate prior to assignment
winFrame.origin.y = ((sh - params->m_height) / 2); // int math to truncate prior to assignment
winFrame.size.width = params->m_width;
winFrame.size.height = params->m_height;
SetWindowedFrame( &winFrame, true ); // use the latched rect from last transition to FS (see above, we save it)
if (!params->m_onlySyncView)
// save old context
NSOpenGLContext *curr = [ NSOpenGLContext currentContext ];
// get target context
m_showPixelsCtx = [ m_view openGLContext ];
// make it current
[m_showPixelsCtx makeCurrentContext];
int swapInterval = 0;
int swapLimit = 0;
if (gl_swapdebug.GetInt())
// just jam through these debug convars every frame
// but they will be shock absorbed below
swapInterval = gl_swapinterval.GetInt();
swapLimit = gl_swaplimit.GetInt();
// jam through (sync&limit) = 1 or 0..
swapInterval = params->m_vsyncEnable ? 1 : 0;
swapLimit = 1; // params->m_vsyncEnable ? 1 : 0; // no good reason to turn off swap limit in normal user mode
// only do the funky forced vsync for NV on 10.6.4 and only if the bypass is not turned on
if (m_force_vsync && (gl_disable_forced_vsync.GetInt()==0))
swapInterval = 1;
swapLimit = 1;
// only touch them on changes, or right after a change in windowed/FS state
if ( (swapInterval!=m_lastKnownSwapInterval) || (swapLimit!=m_lastKnownSwapLimit) )
[m_showPixelsCtx setValues:&swapInterval forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
m_lastKnownSwapInterval = swapInterval;
if (swapLimit)
CGLEnable( CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCESwapLimit );
CGLDisable( CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCESwapLimit );
m_lastKnownSwapLimit = swapLimit;
if (gl_swapdebug.GetInt()) // only touch this with swap debug on for now
GLint maxMPswaps = gl_swaplimit_mt.GetInt();
CGLSetParameter( CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPMPSwapsInFlight, &maxMPswaps );
printf("\n ----- MT swap limit = %d \n", maxMPswaps );
printf("\n ##### swap interval = %d swap limit = %d #####\n", m_lastKnownSwapInterval, m_lastKnownSwapLimit );
if (!params->m_noBlit)
if ( params->m_useBlit ) // FBO blit path - which is what we *should* be using. But if the params say no, then don't do it because the ext is not there.
// bind a quickie FBO to enclose the source texture
GLint myreadfb = 1000;
glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, myreadfb);
glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); // to the default FB/backbuffer
// attach source tex to source FB
glFramebufferTexture2DEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, params->m_srcTexName, 0);
// blit
int srcxmin = 0;
int srcymin = 0;
int srcxmax = params->m_width;
int srcymax = params->m_height;
NSRect dstframe = [m_view frame];
// normal blit
int dstxmin = 0;
int dstymin = 0;
int dstxmax = dstframe.size.width;
int dstymax = dstframe.size.height;
if (gl_blit_halfx.GetInt())
// blit right half
srcxmin += srcxmax/2;
dstxmin += dstxmax/2;
if (gl_blit_halfy.GetInt())
// blit top half
// er, but top on screen is bottom of GL y coord range
srcymax /= 2;
dstymin += dstymax/2;
// go NEAREST if sizes match
GLenum filter = ( ((srcxmax-srcxmin)==(dstxmax-dstxmin)) && ((srcymax-srcymin)==(dstymax-dstymin)) ) ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
/* src min and maxes xy xy */ srcxmin, srcymin, srcxmax,srcymax,
/* dst min and maxes xy xy */ dstxmin, dstymax, dstxmax,dstymin, // note yflip here
// detach source tex
glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); // to the default FB/backbuffer
// old blit - gets very dark output with sRGB sources... not good
bool texing = true;
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDepthMask( GL_FALSE );
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
if (texing)
Assert( glIsTexture (params->m_srcTexName) );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, params->m_srcTexName );
GLint width;
glGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, //target
0, //level,
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
// immediate mode is fine for a simple textured quad
// later if we switch the Valve side to render into an RBO, then this would turn into an FBO blit
// note, do not check glGetError in between glBegin/glEnd, lol
// flipped
float topv = 0.0;
float botv = 1.0;
if (texing)
glTexCoord2f( 0.0, botv );
glVertex3f ( -1.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
if (texing)
glTexCoord2f( 1.0, botv );
glVertex3f ( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
if (texing)
glTexCoord2f( 1.0, topv );
glVertex3f ( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
if (texing)
glTexCoord2f( 0.0, topv );
glVertex3f ( -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
if (texing)
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
[m_showPixelsCtx flushBuffer];
m_lastShownPixels = *params;
CFastTimer tm;
[curr makeCurrentContext];
m_flPrevGLSwapWindowTime = tm.GetDurationInProgress().GetMillisecondsF();
void CCocoaMgr::SetWindowedFrame( NSRect *frame, bool forEffect )
// this function has to do different things depending on whether it's Leopard or Snow Leopard.
if (frame)
m_winFrame = *frame;
if (forEffect)
// ask for window to be bumped to front on next few blits (and scrubbed, if a -drawRect lands on us)
m_frontPushCounter = 3;
if (m_fsEnable)
// -- transitioning into windowed --
if (m_leopard)
// re create window as non full screen
// FIXME need to get proper title
InternalCreateWindow( NULL, true, &m_winFrame ); // NULL means "use old title", bWindowed = true
SetFullscreenUIMode( false );
// SL or later
// change the style mask and layering, then change the frame
[ m_window setStyleMask:s_windowedStyleMask ];
[ m_window setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel ];
// fix the title back..
[ m_window setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:m_windowTitle]];
// also do these tweaks
[ m_window setOpaque:YES ];
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate:NO ];
m_fsEnable = false;
// now set the frame
NSRect frameRect = [ m_window frameRectForContentRect:m_winFrame];
[ m_window setFrame:frameRect display:true ];
// make sure it's in front
[ m_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil ];
void CCocoaMgr::SetFullscreenFrame( NSRect *frame, bool forEffect )
// this function has to do different things depending on whether it's Leopard or Snow Leopard.
if (frame)
m_fsFrame = *frame;
if (forEffect)
// ask for window to be bumped to front on next few blits
m_frontPushCounter = 3;
if (!m_fsEnable)
// -- transitioning into fullscreen --
if (m_leopard)
// re-create the window as fullscreen
InternalCreateWindow( NULL, false, &m_fsFrame ); // NULL means use old title, bWindowed = false
SetFullscreenUIMode( true );
[ m_window setFrame:m_fsFrame display:false ];
// SL or better
// change the style mask and layering, then change the frame
[ m_window setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask ]; // slam the style mask
if (!CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdebugfullscreen"))
[ m_window setLevel:NSMainMenuWindowLevel+1 ]; // move to front of stack
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate: mac_fsbackground.GetInt() ? NO : YES ];
[ m_window setHidesOnDeactivate:NO ];
[ m_window setOpaque:YES ];
// now set the frame
[ m_window setFrame:m_fsFrame display:true ];
m_fsEnable = true;
// make sure it's in front
[ m_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil /*m_window*/];
void CCocoaMgr::ClearGLView( void )
if (m_view)
[[m_view openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
GLfloat clear_color[4] = { 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f }; // near black
glClearColor(clear_color[0], clear_color[1], clear_color[2], clear_color[3]);
[[m_view openGLContext] flushBuffer];
// we should probably ignore this if we're in fullscreen mode
void CCocoaMgr::MoveWindow( int x, int y )
if (!m_fsEnable)
NSWindow *pWindow = (NSWindow*)m_window;
[pWindow setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint( x, y )];
// we should probably ignore this if we're in fullscreen mode
void CCocoaMgr::SizeWindow( int width, int tall )
if (!m_fsEnable)
NSWindow *pWindow = (NSWindow*)m_window;
[pWindow setContentSize:NSMakeSize( width, tall )];
// We don't want to clear on every resize because if we are threaded rendering, this will collide.
// This static just means we only ever clear when our window is created
// This fixes ALT-TAB
static bool firstClear = true;
if (firstClear)
firstClear = false;
int CCocoaMgr::GetEvents( CCocoaEvent *pEvents, int nMaxEventsToReturn, bool debugEvent )
CUtlLinkedList<CCocoaEvent,int> &queue = debugEvent ? m_CocoaEvents : m_DebugEvents;
int nAvailable = queue.Count();
int nToWrite = MIN( nAvailable, nMaxEventsToReturn );
CCocoaEvent *pCurEvent = pEvents;
for ( int i=0; i < nToWrite; i++ )
int iHead = queue.Head();
memcpy( pCurEvent, &queue[iHead], sizeof( CCocoaEvent ) );
queue.Remove( iHead );
return nToWrite;
void CCocoaMgr::SetCursorPosition( int x, int y )
// scale, because screen coords may not match engine's video mode resolution
float modeWidth = m_lastShownPixels.m_width;
float modeHeight = m_lastShownPixels.m_height;
if ( (modeWidth != m_view.frame.size.width ) && (modeHeight != m_view.frame.size.height ) )
// apply scale such that our coords make sense back in the engine's world
// multiply by engine extent, divide by window extent
x *= m_view.frame.size.width; x /= modeWidth;
y *= m_view.frame.size.height; y /= modeHeight;
// Source view coords (y down) -> NSView coordinates (Y up)
NSPoint pt;
pt.x = x;
pt.y = m_view.frame.size.height - y; // Make Y go up.
// NSView coords -> window base coords
NSPoint windowCoords = [m_view convertPoint:pt toView:nil];
// window base coords -> screen coords (Y up)
NSPoint screenCoords = [m_window convertBaseToScreen:windowCoords];
// screen coords (Y up) -> CG screen coords (Y down)
CGPoint cgpt;
cgpt.x = screenCoords.x;
cgpt.y = [m_window screen].frame.size.height - screenCoords.y;
// if you warp the cursor while the titlebar is grabbed (after alt-tab) then the windows goes nuts
// with its positioning, so only warp if we aren't in that state
if ( !s_bBlockWarpCursor )
if( mac_cursorwarp.GetInt() )
CGWarpMouseCursorPosition( cgpt );
NSPoint CCocoaMgr::ScreenCoordsToSourceWindowCoords( NSView *pView, NSPoint screenCoord )
// Go to Window base coordinates.
NSPoint windowBase = [[pView window] convertScreenToBase:screenCoord];
// Convert from Window base to view coordinates.
NSPoint viewCoords = [pView convertPoint:windowBase fromView:nil];
// Flip Y (they're reporting Y going up whereas Source wants it going down).
viewCoords.y = pView.frame.size.height - viewCoords.y;
// scale, because screen coords may not match engine's video mode resolution
float modeWidth = m_lastShownPixels.m_width;
float modeHeight = m_lastShownPixels.m_height;
if ( (modeWidth != m_view.frame.size.width ) && (modeHeight != m_view.frame.size.height ) )
// apply scale such that our coords make sense back in the engine's world
// multiply by engine extent, divide by window extent
viewCoords.x *= modeWidth; viewCoords.x /= pView.frame.size.width;
viewCoords.y *= modeHeight; viewCoords.y /= pView.frame.size.height;
else if ( modeWidth == 0.0 || modeHeight == 0.0 )
// shrug. an event got to us before the first blit, so we don't know how to scale it.
// just slam it to 0,0.
viewCoords.x = viewCoords.y = 0;
return viewCoords;
void CCocoaMgr::StopRunLoop()
// Always have an autorelease pool handy...
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
[pApplication performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(stop:) withObject:pApplication waitUntilDone:true];
// NSApplication::stop only sets a flag telling it to exit the run loop AFTER the next event gets processed,
// so let's generate a dummy event.
[pool release];
static CGImageSourceRef CreateCGImageSourceFromFile(const char* the_path)
CFURLRef the_url = NULL;
CGImageSourceRef source_ref = NULL;
CFStringRef cf_string = NULL;
cf_string = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, the_path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
return NULL;
the_url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, cf_string, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
return NULL;
source_ref = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( the_url, NULL );
return source_ref;
static CGImageRef CreateCGImageFromCGImageSource(CGImageSourceRef image_source)
CGImageRef image_ref = NULL;
if(NULL == image_source)
return NULL;
// Get the first item in the image source (some image formats may
// contain multiple items).
image_ref = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(image_source, 0, NULL);
return image_ref;
void CCocoaMgr::SetApplicationIcon( const char *pchAppIconFile )
CGImageRef imgRef = CreateCGImageFromCGImageSource( CreateCGImageSourceFromFile( pchAppIconFile ) );
if ( imgRef )
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSBitmapImageRep* bir = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:imgRef];
NSImage* img = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:[ bir TIFFRepresentation]];
[NSApp setApplicationIconImage:img];
[img release];
[bir release];
[pool release];
void CCocoaMgr::FinishLaunchingApplication()
ThreadSetDebugName( "CCocoaMgr" );
m_nRunLoopThreadID = ThreadGetCurrentId();
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
// Hookup our delegate.
m_pCocoaBridge = [[CocoaBridge alloc] init];
[m_pCocoaBridge retain];
m_pCocoaBridge->m_pCocoaMgr = this;
[pApplication setDelegate:m_pCocoaBridge];
[pApplication finishLaunching];
[pool release];
void CCocoaMgr::PumpWindowsMessageLoop()
// NSOpenGLContext *curr = [ NSOpenGLContext currentContext ];
// [ NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext ];
bool bWorkToDo = true;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
while ( bWorkToDo )
NSEvent *event = [pApplication nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask
untilDate: [NSDate distantPast]
inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
dequeue: YES];
if (event != nil)
[pApplication sendEvent: event];
bWorkToDo = false;
//[event release]; // 96.5K malloc
[pool release];
// [ curr makeCurrentContext ];
void CCocoaMgr::WaitUntilUserInput( int msSleepTime )
if ( !msSleepTime || msSleepTime < 0 )
// NSOpenGLContext *curr = [ NSOpenGLContext currentContext ];
// [ NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext ];
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
NSEvent *event = [pApplication nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask
untilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(double)msSleepTime/1000 ]
inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
dequeue: YES];
if (event != nil)
[pApplication sendEvent: event];
// [ curr makeCurrentContext ];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Access to private Symbolication framework, for stack crawling
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// this is all pieced together using class-dump and some other references:
// http://seriot.ch/resources/dynamic_iPhone_headers/2_2_1/
// http://seriot.ch/resources/dynamic_iPhone_headers/2_2_1/VMUSymbolicator.h
// http://seriot.ch/resources/dynamic_iPhone_headers/2_2_1/VMUSymbol.h
// http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?StackTraces
struct _VMURange {
unsigned long long location;
unsigned long long length;
@interface VMUAddressRange : NSObject {
struct _VMURange _addressRange;
@interface VMUSymbol : VMUAddressRange {
NSString *_name;
NSString *_mangledName;
void *_owner;
unsigned int _flags;
- (id)name;
- (id)sourceInfoForAddress:(unsigned long long)address;
@interface VMUSymbolicator : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *_symbolOwners;
NSArray *_symbolOwnerAddressRanges;
NSString *_path;
void *_machTaskContainer;
BOOL _isProtected;
+ (id)symbolicatorForPid:(int)fp8;
+ (VMUSymbolicator*)symbolicatorForTask:(unsigned)task;
- (id)symbolForAddress:(unsigned long long)address;
struct _NSZone { };
@interface VMUSourceInfo : VMUAddressRange <NSCopying>
NSString *_path;
NSUInteger _lineNumber;
NSUInteger _fileOffset;
+ (id)sourceInfoWithPath:(id)arg1 addressRange:(_VMURange)arg2 lineNumber:(NSUInteger)arg3 fileOffset:(NSUInteger)arg4;
- (id)initWithPath:(id)arg1 addressRange:(_VMURange)arg2 lineNumber:(NSUInteger)arg3 fileOffset:(NSUInteger)arg4;
- (id)path;
- (id)fileName;
- (NSUInteger)lineNumber;
- (NSUInteger)fileOffset;
- (_VMURange)addressRange;
- (NSInteger)compare:(id)arg1;
- (BOOL)isEqualToSourceInfo:(id)arg1;
- (id)description;
- (void)dealloc;
- (id)copyWithZone:(_NSZone*)arg1;
static id _symbolicator = nil;
#define SYMBOLICATION_FRAMEWORK @"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework"
/* redundant ?
@interface NSObject (SymbolicatorAPIs)
- (id)symbolicatorForTask:(mach_port_t)task;
- (id)symbolForAddress:(uint64_t)address;
- (id)sourceInfoForAddress:(unsigned long long)address;
- (void)forceFullSymbolExtraction;
- (_VMURange)addressRange;
static inline id rb_objc_symbolicator(void)
if (_symbolicator == nil)
NSError *error;
if (![[NSBundle bundleWithPath:SYMBOLICATION_FRAMEWORK] loadAndReturnError:&error])
NSLog(@"Cannot load Symbolication.framework: %@", error);
Class VMUSymbolicator = NSClassFromString(@"VMUSymbolicator");
_symbolicator = [VMUSymbolicator symbolicatorForTask:mach_task_self()];
assert(_symbolicator != nil);
return _symbolicator;
void CCocoaMgr::GetStackCrawl( CStackCrawlParams *params )
params->m_crawlText[0] = 0;
char *cursor = params->m_crawlText;
bool shortenFuncNames = true;
VMUSymbolicator * symbolicator = rb_objc_symbolicator();
NSArray * addresses = [NSThread callStackReturnAddresses];
params->m_frameCount = 0;
for (NSNumber * address in addresses)
if (params->m_frameCount < params->m_frameLimit)
VMUSymbol * symbol = [symbolicator symbolForAddress:[address unsignedLongLongValue]];
VMUSourceInfo *sourceinfo = [symbol sourceInfoForAddress:[address unsignedLongLongValue]];
NSString *funcname = [symbol name];
NSString *funcpath = [sourceinfo path];
NSUInteger funcline = [sourceinfo lineNumber];
char tempname[1000];
char temppath[1000];
tempname[0] = 0;
temppath[0] = 0;
[ funcname getCString:tempname maxLength:(sizeof(tempname)) encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding ] ];
// find the first '(' and term the string there
char *leftparen = strchr( tempname, '(' );
*leftparen = 0;
[ funcpath getCString:temppath maxLength:(sizeof(temppath)) encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding ] ];
Q_snprintf( cursor, sizeof(params->m_crawlText)-(cursor-params->m_crawlText)-2, "%s -- %s:%d", tempname, temppath, funcline );
// log this entry
params->m_crawl[ params->m_frameCount ] = (void *)[ address unsignedLongLongValue ];
params->m_crawlNames[ params->m_frameCount ] = cursor;
cursor += strlen( cursor );
*cursor++ = 0;
// unsure if these need to be freed or not.
//[funcname release];
//[funcpath release];
//[sourceinfo release];
//[symbol release];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void CCocoaMgr::PostDummyEvent()
NSPoint location = {0,0};
NSEvent *pEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined
NSApplication *pApplication = (NSApplication*)m_application;
[pApplication postEvent:pEvent atStart:false];
bool CCocoaMgr::IsDebugEvent( CCocoaEvent& event )
bool result = false;
// simple rule for now, if the option key is involved, it's a debug key
// but only if GLM debugging is builtin
result |= ( (event.m_EventType == CocoaEvent_KeyDown) && ((event.m_ModifierKeyMask & (1<<eAltKey))!=0) );
return result;
void CCocoaMgr::WaitForApplicationToFinishLaunching()
void CCocoaMgr::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
void CCocoaMgr::applicationWillTerminate()
Msg( "\n** CCocoaMgr::applicationWillTerminate\n\n" );
bool CCocoaMgr::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
return true;
void CCocoaMgr::Disconnect()
void *CCocoaMgr::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, COCOAMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return this;
return NULL;
// Init, shutdown
InitReturnVal_t CCocoaMgr::Init()
return INIT_OK;
void CCocoaMgr::Shutdown()
@interface SteamThreadSafetyObject : NSObject {}
- (SteamThreadSafetyObject *) initThreadSafety;
- (void) threadSafetyEntry;
@implementation SteamThreadSafetyObject
- (SteamThreadSafetyObject *) initThreadSafety
// forcing an NSThread to spawn, even for an empty method, will switch Cocoa to thread-safe mode.
self = [super init];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadSafetyEntry:)
toTarget:self withObject:nil];
return self;
- (void) threadSafetyEntry {}
void macMakeCocoaThreadSafe(void)
SteamThreadSafetyObject *obj = [[SteamThreadSafetyObject alloc] init];
[obj release];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// ValveCocoaMain implementation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
CThreadEvent g_AppObjectTerminated;
CThreadEvent g_MainFunctionThreadExiting;
class CAppSystemGroup;
struct MainFunctionThreadArgs_t
CAppSystemGroup *pApp;
int m_nReturnValue;
uintp MainFunctionThread( void *pParam )
void *pPool = macMakeAutoreleasePool();
// Now run the Valve stuff.
MainFunctionThreadArgs_t *pArgs = (MainFunctionThreadArgs_t*)pParam;
pArgs->m_nReturnValue = pArgs->pApp->Run();
// Stop the NSApplication run loop and wait for it to stop.
// Synchronize the Valve thread and the main() thread exit.
macReleaseAutoreleasePool( pPool );
return 0;
extern "C" int ValveCocoaMain( CAppSystemGroup *pApp )
// Spawn a thread for all the normal Valve stuff.
// This is Valve's main() thread as far as it's concerned.
MainFunctionThreadArgs_t args;
args.pApp = pApp;
void *pPool = macMakeAutoreleasePool();
// Create the NSApplication object and run it.
// This will block until the application calls CCocoaMgr::StopRunLoop.
// it will return false if we did this already, in which case we will skip the "finish launching" stuff.
if (g_CocoaMgr.CreateApplicationObject())
//only do this once..
MainFunctionThread( &args );
// Synchronize the Valve thread and the main() thread exit.
macReleaseAutoreleasePool( pPool );
return args.m_nReturnValue;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// GLMDisplayDB stuff which is going to live in CocoaMgr's module from now on..
// GLMDisplayMode, GLMDisplayInfo, GLMRendererInfo, GLMDisplayDB methods
GLMDisplayMode::GLMDisplayMode( uint width, uint height, uint refreshHz )
m_info.m_modePixelWidth = width;
m_info.m_modePixelHeight = height;
m_info.m_modeRefreshHz = refreshHz;
// empty
void GLMDisplayMode::Dump( int which )
GLMPRINTF(("\n # %-2d width=%-4d height=%-4d refreshHz=%-2d", which, m_info.m_modePixelWidth, m_info.m_modePixelHeight, m_info.m_modeRefreshHz ));
GLMDisplayInfo::GLMDisplayInfo( CGDirectDisplayID displayID, CGOpenGLDisplayMask displayMask )
m_info.m_cgDisplayID = displayID;
m_info.m_glDisplayMask = displayMask;
// extract info about this display such as pixel width and height
m_info.m_displayPixelWidth = (uint)CGDisplayPixelsWide( m_info.m_cgDisplayID );
m_info.m_displayPixelHeight = (uint)CGDisplayPixelsHigh( m_info.m_cgDisplayID );
m_modes = NULL;
GLMDisplayInfo::~GLMDisplayInfo( void )
if (m_modes)
// delete all the new'd display modes
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_modes, i )
delete (*this->m_modes)[i];
delete m_modes;
m_modes = NULL;
extern "C" int DisplayModeSortFunction( GLMDisplayMode * const *A, GLMDisplayMode * const *B )
int bigger = -1;
int smaller = 1; // adjust these for desired ordering
// check refreshrate - higher should win
if ( (*A)->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz > (*B)->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz )
return bigger;
else if ( (*A)->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz < (*B)->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz )
return smaller;
// check area - larger mode should win
int areaa = (*A)->m_info.m_modePixelWidth * (*A)->m_info.m_modePixelHeight;
int areab = (*B)->m_info.m_modePixelWidth * (*B)->m_info.m_modePixelHeight;
if ( areaa > areab )
return bigger;
else if ( areaa < areab )
return smaller;
return 0; // equal rank
void GLMDisplayInfo::PopulateModes( void )
Assert( !m_modes );
m_modes = new CUtlVector< GLMDisplayMode* >;
CFArrayRef modeList;
// CGDisplayErr cgderr;
CFDictionaryRef cgvidmode;
CFNumberRef number;
CFBooleanRef boolean;
modeList = CGDisplayAvailableModes( m_info.m_cgDisplayID );
if ( modeList != NULL )
// examine each mode
CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount( modeList );
for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++)
long modeHeight = 0, modeWidth = 0;
long depth = 0;
long refreshrate = 0;
Boolean usable, stretched = false;
// grab the mode dictionary
cgvidmode = (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( modeList, i);
// grab mode params we need
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cgvidmode, kCGDisplayBitsPerPixel);
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberLongType, &depth);
boolean = (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cgvidmode, kCGDisplayModeUsableForDesktopGUI) ;
usable = CFBooleanGetValue(boolean);
boolean = (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cgvidmode, kCGDisplayModeIsStretched);
if (NULL != boolean)
stretched = CFBooleanGetValue(boolean);
if ( usable && (!stretched) && (depth==32) )
// we're going to log this mode to the mode table.
// get height of mode
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( cgvidmode, kCGDisplayHeight );
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberLongType, &modeHeight);
// get width of mode
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( cgvidmode, kCGDisplayWidth );
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberLongType, &modeWidth);
// get refresh rate of mode
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( cgvidmode, kCGDisplayRefreshRate );
double flrefreshrate = 0.0f;
CFNumberGetValue( number, kCFNumberDoubleType, &flrefreshrate );
refreshrate = (int)flrefreshrate;
// exclude silly small modes
if ( (modeHeight >= 384) && (modeWidth >= 512) )
GLMDisplayMode *newmode = new GLMDisplayMode( modeWidth, modeHeight, refreshrate );
m_modes->AddToTail( newmode );
// now sort the modes
// primary key is refresh rate
// secondary key is area
m_modes->Sort( DisplayModeSortFunction );
void GLMDisplayInfo::Dump( int which )
GLMPRINTF(("\n #%d: GLMDisplayInfo @ %p, cg-id=%08x display-mask=%08x pixwidth=%d pixheight=%d", which, this, m_info.m_cgDisplayID, m_info.m_glDisplayMask, m_info.m_displayPixelWidth, m_info.m_displayPixelHeight ));
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_modes, i )
GLMRendererInfo::GLMRendererInfo( GLMRendererInfoFields *info )
NSAutoreleasePool *tempPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init ];
// absorb info obtained so far by caller
m_info = *info;
m_displays = NULL;
// gather more info using a dummy context
unsigned int attribs[] =
kCGLPFADoubleBuffer, kCGLPFANoRecovery, kCGLPFAAccelerated,
kCGLPFADepthSize, 0,
kCGLPFAColorSize, 32,
kCGLPFARendererID, info->m_rendererID,
NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixFmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:(NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute*)attribs];
NSOpenGLContext *nsglCtx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat: pixFmt shareContext: NULL ];
[nsglCtx makeCurrentContext]; // this is a no-op if nsglCtx is null! no context bound.
// run queries.
char *gl_ext_string = (char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
uint vers = m_info.m_osComboVersion;
// avoid crashing due to strstr'ing NULL pointer returned from glGetString
if (!gl_ext_string)
gl_ext_string = "";
// effectively blacklist the renderer if it doesn't actually work; sort it to back of list
if ( !nsglCtx )
m_info.m_vidMemory = 1;
m_info.m_texMemory = 1;
// booleans
// gamma writes.
m_info.m_hasGammaWrites = true;
if ( vers < 0x000A0600 ) // pre 10.6.0, no SRGB write - see http://developer.apple.com/graphicsimaging/opengl/capabilities/GLInfo_1058.html
m_info.m_hasGammaWrites = false;
if (m_info.m_atiR5xx)
m_info.m_hasGammaWrites = false; // it just don't, even post 10.6.3
// if CLI option for fake SRGB mode is enabled, turn off this cap, act like we do not have EXT FB SRGB
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmenablefakesrgb"))
m_info.m_hasGammaWrites = false;
// extension string *could* be checked, but on 10.6.3 the ext string is not there, but the func *is*
// mixed attach sizes for FBO
m_info.m_hasMixedAttachmentSizes = true;
if ( vers < 0x000A0603 ) // pre 10.6.3, no mixed attach sizes
m_info.m_hasMixedAttachmentSizes = false;
if ( !strstr( gl_ext_string, "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object" ) )
// ARB_framebuffer_object not available
m_info.m_hasMixedAttachmentSizes = false;
// also check ext string
// BGRA vert attribs
m_info.m_hasBGRA = true;
if ( vers < 0x000A0603 ) // pre 10.6.3, no BGRA attribs
m_info.m_hasBGRA = false;
if ( !strstr( gl_ext_string, "EXT_vertex_array_bgra" ) )
// EXT_vertex_array_bgra not available
m_info.m_hasBGRA = false;
m_info.m_hasNewFullscreenMode = true;
if ( vers < 0x000A0600 ) // pre 10.6.0, no clever window server full screen mode
m_info.m_hasNewFullscreenMode = false;
m_info.m_hasNativeClipVertexMode = true;
// this one uses a heuristic, and allows overrides in case the heuristic is wrong
// or someone wants to try a beta driver or something.
// known bad combinations get turned off here..
// any ATI hardware...
// TURNED OFF OS CHECK if (m_info.m_osComboVersion <= 0x000A0603)
// still believe to be broken in 10.6.4
if (m_info.m_ati)
m_info.m_hasNativeClipVertexMode = false;
// R500, forever..
if (m_info.m_atiR5xx)
m_info.m_hasNativeClipVertexMode = false;
// if user disabled them
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdisableclipplanes"))
m_info.m_hasNativeClipVertexMode = false;
// or maybe enabled them..
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmenableclipplanes"))
m_info.m_hasNativeClipVertexMode = true;
m_info.m_hasOcclusionQuery = true;
if (!strstr(gl_ext_string, "ARB_occlusion_query"))
m_info.m_hasOcclusionQuery = false; // you don't got it!
m_info.m_hasFramebufferBlit = true;
if (!strstr(gl_ext_string, "EXT_framebuffer_blit"))
m_info.m_hasFramebufferBlit = false; // you know you don't got it!
glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &m_info.m_maxAniso );
m_info.m_hasBindableUniforms = true;
if (!strstr(gl_ext_string, "EXT_bindable_uniform"))
m_info.m_hasBindableUniforms = false;
m_info.m_hasBindableUniforms = false; // hardwiring this path to false until we see how to accelerate it properly
m_info.m_hasUniformBuffers = true;
if (!strstr(gl_ext_string, "ARB_uniform_buffer"))
m_info.m_hasUniformBuffers = false;
// test for performance pack (10.6.4+)
bool perfPackageDetected = GLMDetectSLGU();
if (perfPackageDetected)
m_info.m_hasPerfPackage1 = true;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmenableperfpackage")) // force it on
m_info.m_hasPerfPackage1 = true;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdisableperfpackage")) // force it off
m_info.m_hasPerfPackage1 = false;
// runtime options that aren't negotiable once set
m_info.m_hasDualShaders = CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdualshaders");
// "can'ts "
m_info.m_cantBlitReliably = (m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0606) && m_info.m_intel; //don't trust FBO blit on Intel before 10.6.6
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmenabletrustblit"))
m_info.m_cantBlitReliably = false; // we trust the blit, so set the cant-blit cap to false
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmdisabletrustblit"))
m_info.m_cantBlitReliably = true; // we do not trust the blit, so set the cant-blit cap to true
//m_info.m_cantAttachSRGB = (m_info.m_nv && m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0600); //NV drivers won't accept SRGB tex on an FBO color target in 10.5.8
//m_info.m_cantAttachSRGB = (m_info.m_ati && m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0600); //... does ATI have the same problem?
m_info.m_cantAttachSRGB = (m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0600); // across the board on 10.5.x actually..
// MSAA resolve issues
m_info.m_cantResolveFlipped = false; // initial stance
if (m_info.m_ati)
//Jan 2011 - ATI says it's better to do two step blit than to try and resolve upside down
m_info.m_cantResolveFlipped = true;
if (m_info.m_nv)
// we're going to mark it 'broken' unless perf package 1 (10.6.4+) is present
if (!m_info.m_hasPerfPackage1)
m_info.m_cantResolveFlipped = true;
// this is just the private assessment of whather scaled resolve is available.
// the activation of it will stay tied to the gl_minify_resolve_mode / gl_magnify_resolve_mode convars in glmgr
bool scaledResolveDetected = nsglCtx && GLMDetectScaledResolveMode( m_info.m_osComboVersion, m_info.m_hasPerfPackage1 );
m_info.m_cantResolveScaled = !scaledResolveDetected;
// and you can force it to be "available" if you really want to..
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-gl_force_enable_scaled_resolve") )
m_info.m_cantResolveScaled = false;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-gl_force_disable_scaled_resolve") )
m_info.m_cantResolveScaled = true;
// gamma decode impacting shader codegen
m_info.m_costlyGammaFlips = false;
if (m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0600) // if Leopard
m_info.m_costlyGammaFlips = true;
if (m_info.m_atiR5xx) // or r5xx - always
m_info.m_costlyGammaFlips = true;
if ( (m_info.m_atiR6xx) && (m_info.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0605) ) // or r6xx prior to 10.6.5
m_info.m_costlyGammaFlips = true;
[nsglCtx release];
[pixFmt release];
[tempPool release];
GLMRendererInfo::~GLMRendererInfo( void )
if (m_displays)
// delete all the new'd renderer infos that the table tracks
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_displays, i )
delete (*this->m_displays)[i];
delete m_displays;
m_displays = NULL;
extern "C" int DisplayInfoSortFunction( GLMDisplayInfo* const *A, GLMDisplayInfo* const *B )
int bigger = -1;
int smaller = 1; // adjust these to get the ordering you want
// check main-ness - main should win
int mainDisplayID = CGMainDisplayID();
int mainscreena = (*A)->m_info.m_cgDisplayID == mainDisplayID;
int mainscreenb = (*B)->m_info.m_cgDisplayID == mainDisplayID;
if ( mainscreena > mainscreenb )
return bigger;
else if ( mainscreena < mainscreenb )
return smaller;
// check area - larger screen should win
int areaa = (*A)->m_info.m_displayPixelWidth * (*A)->m_info.m_displayPixelHeight;
int areab = (*B)->m_info.m_displayPixelWidth * (*B)->m_info.m_displayPixelHeight;
if ( areaa > areab )
return bigger;
else if ( areaa < areab )
return smaller;
return 0; // equal rank
void GLMRendererInfo::PopulateDisplays( void )
Assert( !m_displays );
m_displays = new CUtlVector< GLMDisplayInfo* >;
for( int i=0; i<32; i++)
// check mask to see if the selected display intersects this renderer
CGOpenGLDisplayMask dspMask = (CGOpenGLDisplayMask)(1<<i);
if ( m_info.m_displayMask & dspMask )
// exclude teeny displays (they may represent offline displays)
// exclude inactive displays
CGDirectDisplayID cgid = CGOpenGLDisplayMaskToDisplayID ( dspMask );
if ( (cgid != kCGNullDirectDisplay) && CGDisplayIsActive( cgid ) && (CGDisplayPixelsWide( cgid ) >= 512) && (CGDisplayPixelsHigh( cgid ) >= 384) )
GLMDisplayInfo *newdisp = new GLMDisplayInfo( cgid, dspMask );
m_displays->AddToTail( newdisp );
// now sort the table of displays.
m_displays->Sort( DisplayInfoSortFunction );
// then go back and ask each display to populate its display mode table.
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_displays, i )
const char *CheesyRendererDecode( uint value )
case 0x00020200 : return "Generic";
case 0x00020400 : return "GenericFloat";
case 0x00020600 : return "AppleSW";
case 0x00021000 : return "ATIRage128";
case 0x00021200 : return "ATIRadeon";
case 0x00021400 : return "ATIRagePro";
case 0x00021600 : return "ATIRadeon8500";
case 0x00021800 : return "ATIRadeon9700";
case 0x00021900 : return "ATIRadeonX1000";
case 0x00021A00 : return "ATIRadeonX2000";
case 0x00022000 : return "NVGeForce2MX";
case 0x00022200 : return "NVGeForce3";
case 0x00022400 : return "NVGeForceFX";
case 0x00022600 : return "NVGeForce8xxx";
case 0x00023000 : return "VTBladeXP2";
case 0x00024000 : return "Intel900";
case 0x00024200 : return "IntelX3100";
case 0x00040000 : return "Mesa3DFX";
default: return "UNKNOWN";
extern const char *GLMDecode( GLMThing_t thingtype, unsigned long value );
void GLMRendererInfo::Dump( int which )
GLMPRINTF(("\n #%d: GLMRendererInfo @ %08x, renderer-id=%s(%08x) display-mask=%08x vram=%dMB",
which, this,
CheesyRendererDecode( m_info.m_rendererID & 0x00FFFF00 ), m_info.m_rendererID,
m_info.m_vidMemory >> 20
GLMPRINTF(("\n VendorID=%04x DeviceID=%04x Model=%s",
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_displays, i )
GLMDisplayDB::GLMDisplayDB ( void )
m_renderers = NULL;
GLMDisplayDB::~GLMDisplayDB ( void )
if (m_renderers)
// delete all the new'd renderer infos that the table tracks
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_renderers, i )
delete (*this->m_renderers)[i];
delete m_renderers;
m_renderers = NULL;
extern "C" int RendererInfoSortFunction( GLMRendererInfo * const *A, GLMRendererInfo* const *B )
int bigger = -1;
int smaller = 1;
// check VRAM
if ( (*A)->m_info.m_vidMemory > (*B)->m_info.m_vidMemory )
return bigger;
else if ( (*A)->m_info.m_vidMemory < (*B)->m_info.m_vidMemory )
return smaller;
// check MSAA limit
if ( (*A)->m_info.m_maxSamples > (*B)->m_info.m_maxSamples )
return bigger;
else if ( (*A)->m_info.m_maxSamples < (*B)->m_info.m_maxSamples )
return smaller;
// prefer discrete devices over Intel integrated
if ( !(*A)->m_info.m_intel && (*B)->m_info.m_intel )
return bigger;
else if ( (*A)->m_info.m_intel && !(*B)->m_info.m_intel )
return smaller;
// this was not a great idea here..
// check if one has the main screen - is that index 0 in all cases?
uint maskOfMainDisplay = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask( CGMainDisplayID() );
Assert( maskOfMainDisplay==1 ); // just curious
int mainscreena = (*A)->m_info.m_displayMask & maskOfMainDisplay;
int mainscreenb = (*B)->m_info.m_displayMask & maskOfMainDisplay;
if ( mainscreena > mainscreenb )
return bigger;
else if ( mainscreena < mainscreenb )
return smaller;
return 0; // equal rank
/** some code that NV gave us. more generalized approach below..
static io_registry_entry_t lookup_dev_NV(char *name)
mach_port_t master_port = 0;
io_iterator_t iterator;
io_registry_entry_t nub = 0;
kern_return_t ret;
IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &master_port);
ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(master_port, IOServiceMatching(name), &iterator);
if (iterator) {
nub = IOIteratorNext(iterator);
if (IOIteratorNext(iterator)) {
printf("warning: more than one card?\n");
return nub;
void GetDriverInfoString_NV( char *driverNameBuf, int driverNameBufLen )
// courtesy NVIDIA dev rel
io_registry_entry_t registry;
kern_return_t ret;
// Get NVKernel / IOGLBundleName
registry = lookup_dev_NV("NVKernel");
if (!registry) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not find NVKernel IORegistry entry!\n");
CFMutableDictionaryRef entry;
ret = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(registry, &entry, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not create CFProperties dictionary!\n");
CFStringRef bundle_name_ref = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(entry, CFSTR("IOGLBundleName"));
if (!bundle_name_ref) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get IOGLBundleName reference!\n");
const char *bundle_name = CFStringGetCStringPtr(bundle_name_ref, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
if (!bundle_name) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get IOGLBundleName!\n");
CFStringRef identifier = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("com.apple.%s"), bundle_name);
// Get bundle information
CFBundleRef bundle;
bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(identifier);
if (!bundle) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get GL driver bundle!\n");
CFDictionaryRef dict;
CFStringRef info;
dict = CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle);
if (!dict) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get bundle info dictionary!\n");
info = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("CFBundleGetInfoString"));
if (!info) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get CFBundleGetInfoString!\n");
CFStringGetCString(info, driverNameBuf, driverNameBufLen, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
void GLMDisplayDB::PopulateRenderers( void )
Assert( !m_renderers );
m_renderers = new CUtlVector< GLMRendererInfo* >;
// now walk the renderer list
// find the eligible ones and insert them into vector
// if more than one, sort the vector by desirability with favorite at 0
// then ask each renderer object to populate its displays
// turns out how you have to do this is to walk the display mask 1<<n..
// and query at each one, what renderers can hit that one.
// when you find one, see if it's already in the vector above. if not, add it.
// later, we sort them.
for( int i=0; i<32; i++ )
CGLError cgl_err = (CGLError)0;
CGLRendererInfoObj cgl_rend = NULL;
GLint nrend;
CGOpenGLDisplayMask dspMask = (CGOpenGLDisplayMask)(1<<i);
CGDirectDisplayID cgid = CGOpenGLDisplayMaskToDisplayID( dspMask );
bool selected = true; // assume the best
if (selected)
if ( (cgid == kCGNullDirectDisplay) || (!CGDisplayIsActive( cgid )) )
selected = false;
if (selected)
cgl_err = CGLQueryRendererInfo( dspMask, &cgl_rend, &nrend ); // FIXME this call spams the console if you ask about an out of bounds display mask
// "<Error>: unknown error code: invalid display"
// we can fix that by getting the active display mask first.
if (!cgl_err)
// walk the renderers that can hit this display
// add to table if not already in table, and minimums met
for( int j=0; j<nrend; j++)
int problems = 0;
GLMRendererInfoFields fields;
memset( &fields, 0, sizeof(fields) );
// early out if renderer ID already in the table
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPRendererID, &fields.m_rendererID ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPDisplayMask, &fields.m_displayMask ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPFullScreen, &fields.m_fullscreen ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPAccelerated, &fields.m_accelerated ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPWindow, &fields.m_windowed ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPBufferModes, &fields.m_bufferModes ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPColorModes, &fields.m_colorModes ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPDepthModes, &fields.m_depthModes ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPStencilModes, &fields.m_stencilModes ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPMaxAuxBuffers, &fields.m_maxAuxBuffers ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPMaxSampleBuffers, &fields.m_maxSampleBuffers ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPMaxSamples, &fields.m_maxSamples ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPSampleModes, &fields.m_sampleModes ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPSampleAlpha, &fields.m_sampleAlpha ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPVideoMemory, &fields.m_vidMemory ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
cgl_err = CGLDescribeRenderer( cgl_rend, j, kCGLRPTextureMemory, &fields.m_texMemory ); problems += (cgl_err != 0);
// decide if this renderer goes in the table.
// only insert renderers with at least one active display.
bool selected = !problems;
if (selected)
// grab the OS version
SInt32 vMajor = 0,
vMinor = 0,
vMinorMinor = 0;
OSStatus gestalt_err = 0;
gestalt_err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &vMajor);
gestalt_err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &vMinor);
gestalt_err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionBugFix, &vMinorMinor);
//encode into one quantity - 10.6.3 becomes 0x000A0603
fields.m_osComboVersion = (vMajor << 16) | (vMinor << 8) | (vMinorMinor);
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-fakeleopard"))
// lie
fields.m_osComboVersion = 0x000A0508;
if (fields.m_osComboVersion < 0x000A0508)
// no support below 10.5.8
// we'll wind up with no valid renderers and give up
selected = false;
if (selected)
// gather more info from IOKit
// cribbed from http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/VideoHardwareInfo/listing3.html
CFTypeRef typeCode;
CFDataRef vendorID, deviceID, model;
io_registry_entry_t dspPort;
// Get the I/O Kit service port for the display
dspPort = CGDisplayIOServicePort( cgid );
// Get the information for the device
// The vendor ID, device ID, and model are all available as properties of the hardware's I/O Kit service port
vendorID = (CFDataRef)IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(dspPort,kIOServicePlane,CFSTR("vendor-id"), kCFAllocatorDefault,kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents);
deviceID = (CFDataRef)IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(dspPort,kIOServicePlane,CFSTR("device-id"), kCFAllocatorDefault,kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents);
model = (CFDataRef)IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(dspPort,kIOServicePlane,CFSTR("model"), kCFAllocatorDefault,kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents);
// Send the appropriate data to the outputs checking to validate the data
fields.m_pciVendorID = *((UInt32*)CFDataGetBytePtr(vendorID));
fields.m_pciVendorID = 0;
fields.m_pciDeviceID = *((UInt32*)CFDataGetBytePtr(deviceID));
fields.m_pciDeviceID = 0;
int length = CFDataGetLength(model);
char *data = (char*)CFDataGetBytePtr(model);
Q_strncpy( fields.m_pciModelString, data, sizeof(fields.m_pciModelString) );
Q_strncpy( fields.m_pciModelString, "UnknownModel", sizeof(fields.m_pciModelString) );
// iterate through IOAccelerators til we find one that matches the vendorid and deviceid of this renderer (ugh!)
// this provides the driver version string which can in turn be used to uniquely identify bad drivers and special case for them
// first example to date - forcing vsync on 10.6.4 + NV
io_iterator_t ioIterator = (io_iterator_t)0;
io_service_t ioAccelerator;
kern_return_t ioResult = 0;
bool ioDone = false;
ioResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOAccelerator"), &ioIterator );
if( ioResult == KERN_SUCCESS )
ioAccelerator = 0;
while( ( !ioDone ) && ( ioAccelerator = IOIteratorNext( ioIterator ) ) )
io_service_t ioDevice;
ioDevice = 0;
ioResult = IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry( ioAccelerator, kIOServicePlane, &ioDevice);
CFDataRef this_vendorID, this_deviceID;
if(ioResult == KERN_SUCCESS)
this_vendorID = (CFDataRef)IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(ioDevice, CFSTR("vendor-id"), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions );
this_deviceID = (CFDataRef)IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(ioDevice, CFSTR("device-id"), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions );
if (this_vendorID && this_deviceID) // null check..
// see if it matches. if so, do our business (get the extended version string), set ioDone, call it a day
unsigned short this_vendorIDValue = *(unsigned short*)CFDataGetBytePtr(this_vendorID);
unsigned short this_deviceIDValue = *(unsigned short*)CFDataGetBytePtr(this_deviceID);
if ( (fields.m_pciVendorID == this_vendorIDValue) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID == this_deviceIDValue) )
// see if it matches. if so, do our business (get the extended version string), set ioDone, call it a day
unsigned short* this_vendorIDBytes = (unsigned short*)CFDataGetBytePtr( this_vendorID );
unsigned short* this_deviceIDBytes = (unsigned short*)CFDataGetBytePtr( this_deviceID );
if (this_vendorIDBytes && this_deviceIDBytes) // null check...
unsigned short this_vendorIDValue = *this_vendorIDBytes;
unsigned short this_deviceIDValue = *this_deviceIDBytes;
if ( (fields.m_pciVendorID == this_vendorIDValue) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID == this_deviceIDValue) )
// match, stop looking
ioDone = true;
// get extended info
CFStringRef this_ioglName = (CFStringRef)IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioAccelerator, CFSTR("IOGLBundleName"), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions );
NSString *bundlePath = [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"/System/Library/Extensions/%@.bundle", this_ioglName ];
NSDictionary* this_driverDict = [ [NSBundle bundleWithPath: bundlePath] infoDictionary ];
if (this_driverDict)
NSString* this_driverInfo = [ this_driverDict objectForKey:@"CFBundleGetInfoString" ];
if ( this_driverInfo )
const char* theString = [ this_driverInfo UTF8String ];
strncpy(fields.m_driverInfoString, theString, sizeof( fields.m_driverInfoString ) );
// [bundlePath release];
// Release vendorID, deviceID, and model as appropriate
// generate shorthand bools
switch( fields.m_pciVendorID )
case 0x1002: //ATI
fields.m_ati = true;
// http://www.pcidatabase.com/search.php?device_search_str=radeon&device_search.x=0&device_search.y=0&device_search=search+devices
// Mac-relevant ATI R5xx PCI device ID's lie in this range: 0x7100 - 0x72FF
// X1600, X1900, X1950
if ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x7100) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x72ff) )
fields.m_atiR5xx = true;
// R6xx PCI device ID's lie in these ranges:
// 0x94C1 - 0x9515 ... also 0x9581 - 0x9713
// 2400HD, 2600HD, 3870, et al
if (
( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x94C1) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x9515) )
|| ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x9581) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x9713) )
fields.m_atiR6xx = true;
// R7xx PCI device ID's lie in: 0x9440 - 0x9460, also 9480-94b5.
// why there is an HD5000 at 9462, I dunno. Don't think that's an R8xx part.
if (
( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x9440) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x9460) )
|| ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x9480) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x94B5) )
fields.m_atiR7xx = true;
// R8xx: 0x6898-0x68BE
if ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x6898) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x68Be) )
fields.m_atiR8xx = true;
#if 0
// turned off, but we could use this for cross check.
// we could also use the bit encoding of the renderer ID to ferret out a geberation clue.
// string-scan for each generation
// this could be a lot better if we got the precise PCI ID's used and/or cross-ref'd that against the driver name
if (strstr("X1600", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("X1900", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("X1950", fields.m_pciModelString) )
fields.m_atiR5xx = true;
if (strstr("2600", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("3870", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("X2000", fields.m_pciModelString) )
fields.m_atiR6xx = true;
if (strstr("4670", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("4650", fields.m_pciModelString) || strstr("4850", fields.m_pciModelString)|| strstr("4870", fields.m_pciModelString) )
fields.m_atiR7xx = true;
case 0x8086: //INTC
fields.m_intel = true;
switch( fields.m_pciDeviceID )
case 0x27A6: fields.m_intel95x = true; break; // GMA 950
case 0x2A02: fields.m_intel3100 = true; break; // X3100
if (fields.m_pciDeviceID > 0x2A02) // assume ascending ID's for newer devices
fields.m_intelHD4000 = true;
case 0x10DE: //NV
fields.m_nv = true;
// G7x: 0x0391 0x393 0x0395 (7300/7600 GT) 0x009D (Quadro FX)
if ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID == 0x0391) || (fields.m_pciDeviceID == 0x0393) || (fields.m_pciDeviceID == 0x0395) || (fields.m_pciDeviceID == 0x009D) )
fields.m_nvG7x = true;
// G8x: 0400-04ff, also 0x5E1 (GTX280) through 0x08FF
if (
( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x0400) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x04ff) )
|| ( (fields.m_pciDeviceID >= 0x05E1) && (fields.m_pciDeviceID <= 0x08ff) )
fields.m_nvG8x = true;
if ( fields.m_pciDeviceID > 0x0900 )
fields.m_nvNewer = true;
// detect the specific revision of NV driver in 10.6.4 that caused all the grief
if (strstr(fields.m_driverInfoString, " (19.5.8f01)"))
fields.m_badDriver1064NV = true;
if (selected)
// dupe check
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_renderers, i )
uint rendid = (*m_renderers)[i]->m_info.m_rendererID;
if ( rendid == fields.m_rendererID )
// don't add to table, it's a dupe
selected = false;
if (selected)
// criteria check
if (fields.m_fullscreen==0)
selected = false;
if (fields.m_accelerated==0)
selected = false;
if (fields.m_windowed==0)
selected = false;
// we need something here that will exclude the renderer if it does not have any good displays attached.
Assert( fields.m_displayMask != 0 );
if (selected)
// add to table
// note this constructor makes a dummy context just long enough to query remaining fields in the m_info.
GLMRendererInfo *newinfo = new GLMRendererInfo( &fields );
m_renderers->AddToTail( newinfo );
if (cgl_rend)
CGLDestroyRendererInfo( cgl_rend );
// now sort the table.
m_renderers->Sort( RendererInfoSortFunction );
// then go back and ask each renderer to populate its display info table.
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_renderers, i )
void GLMDisplayDB::PopulateFakeAdapters( uint realRendererIndex ) // fake adapters = one real adapter times however many displays are on it
// presumption is that renderers have been populated.
Assert( GetRendererCount() > 0 );
Assert( realRendererIndex < GetRendererCount() );
// for( int r = 0; r < GetRendererCount(); r++ )
int r = realRendererIndex;
for( int d = 0; d < GetDisplayCount( r ); d++ )
GLMFakeAdapter temp;
temp.m_rendererIndex = r;
temp.m_displayIndex = d;
m_fakeAdapters.AddToTail( temp );
void GLMDisplayDB::Populate(void)
// passing in zero here, constrains the set of fake adapters (GL renderer + a display) to the ones using the highest ranked renderer.
//FIXME introduce some kind of convar allowing selection of other GPU's in the system.
int realRendererIndex = 0;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmrenderer0"))
realRendererIndex = 0;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmrenderer1"))
realRendererIndex = 1;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmrenderer2"))
realRendererIndex = 2;
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmrenderer3"))
realRendererIndex = 3;
if (realRendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
// fall back to 0
realRendererIndex = 0;
this->PopulateFakeAdapters( 0 );
int GLMDisplayDB::GetFakeAdapterCount( void )
return m_fakeAdapters.Count();
bool GLMDisplayDB::GetFakeAdapterInfo( int fakeAdapterIndex, int *rendererOut, int *displayOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendererInfoOut, GLMDisplayInfoFields *displayInfoOut )
if (fakeAdapterIndex >= GetFakeAdapterCount() )
*rendererOut = 0;
*displayOut = 0;
return true; // fail
*rendererOut = m_fakeAdapters[fakeAdapterIndex].m_rendererIndex;
*displayOut = m_fakeAdapters[fakeAdapterIndex].m_displayIndex;
bool rendResult = GetRendererInfo( *rendererOut, rendererInfoOut );
bool dispResult = GetDisplayInfo( *rendererOut, *displayOut, displayInfoOut );
return rendResult || dispResult;
int GLMDisplayDB::GetRendererCount( void )
return m_renderers->Count();
bool GLMDisplayDB::GetRendererInfo( int rendererIndex, GLMRendererInfoFields *infoOut )
memset( infoOut, 0, sizeof( GLMRendererInfoFields ) );
if (rendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
return true; // fail
GLMRendererInfo *rendInfo = (*m_renderers)[rendererIndex];
*infoOut = rendInfo->m_info;
return false;
int GLMDisplayDB::GetDisplayCount( int rendererIndex )
if (rendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
return 0; // fail
GLMRendererInfo *rendInfo = (*m_renderers)[rendererIndex];
return rendInfo->m_displays->Count();
bool GLMDisplayDB::GetDisplayInfo( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex, GLMDisplayInfoFields *infoOut )
memset( infoOut, 0, sizeof( GLMDisplayInfoFields ) );
if (rendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
return true; // fail
if (displayIndex >= GetDisplayCount(rendererIndex))
return true; // fail
GLMDisplayInfo *displayInfo = (*(*m_renderers)[rendererIndex]->m_displays)[displayIndex];
*infoOut = displayInfo->m_info;
return false;
int GLMDisplayDB::GetModeCount( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex )
if (rendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
return 0; // fail
if (displayIndex >= GetDisplayCount(rendererIndex))
return 0; // fail
GLMDisplayInfo *displayInfo = (*(*m_renderers)[rendererIndex]->m_displays)[displayIndex];
return displayInfo->m_modes->Count();
bool GLMDisplayDB::GetModeInfo( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex, int modeIndex, GLMDisplayModeInfoFields *infoOut )
memset( infoOut, 0, sizeof( GLMDisplayModeInfoFields ) );
if (rendererIndex >= GetRendererCount())
return true; // fail
if (displayIndex >= GetDisplayCount(rendererIndex))
return true; // fail
if (modeIndex >= GetModeCount(rendererIndex,displayIndex))
return true; // fail
if (modeIndex>=0)
GLMDisplayMode *displayModeInfo = (*(*(*m_renderers)[rendererIndex]->m_displays)[displayIndex]->m_modes)[ modeIndex ];
*infoOut = displayModeInfo->m_info;
// passing modeIndex = -1 means "tell me about current mode"..
GLMRendererInfo *rendInfo = (*m_renderers)[ rendererIndex ];
GLMDisplayInfo *dispinfo = (*rendInfo ->m_displays)[displayIndex];
CGDirectDisplayID cgid = dispinfo->m_info.m_cgDisplayID;
CFDictionaryRef curModeDict = CGDisplayCurrentMode( cgid );
CFNumberRef number;
CFBooleanRef boolean;
CFArrayRef modeList;
CGDisplayErr cgderr;
// get the mode number from the mode dict (using system mode numbering, not our sorted numbering)
if (curModeDict)
int modeIndex=0;
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(curModeDict, kCGDisplayMode);
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberLongType, &modeIndex);
// grab the width and height, I am unclear on whether this is the displayed FB width or the display device width.
int screenWidth=0;
int screenHeight=0;
int refreshHz=0;
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(curModeDict, kCGDisplayWidth);
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberIntType, &screenWidth);
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(curModeDict, kCGDisplayHeight);
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberIntType, &screenHeight);
number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(curModeDict, kCGDisplayRefreshRate);
CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberIntType, &refreshHz);
GLMPRINTF(( "-D- GLMDisplayDB::GetModeInfo sees mode-index=%d, width=%d, height=%d on CGID %08x (display index %d on rendererindex %d)",
rendererIndex ));
// now match
int foundIndex = -1;
FOR_EACH_VEC( (*dispinfo->m_modes), i )
GLMDisplayMode *mode = (*dispinfo->m_modes)[i];
if (mode->m_info.m_modePixelWidth == screenWidth)
if (mode->m_info.m_modePixelHeight == screenHeight)
if (mode->m_info.m_modeRefreshHz == refreshHz)
foundIndex = i;
*infoOut = mode->m_info;
return false;
// if we get here, we could not find the mode
memset( infoOut, 0, sizeof( *infoOut ) );
return true; // fail
return false;
void GLMDisplayDB::Dump( void )
GLMPRINTF(("\n GLMDisplayDB @ %08x ",this ));
FOR_EACH_VEC( *m_renderers, i )