624 lines
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624 lines
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//========== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========//
// STATIC: "SFM" "0..0" [ps20] [ps20b] [PC]
// STATIC: "SFM" "0..1" [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "SFM" "0..0" [CONSOLE]
// STATIC: "CUBEMAP" "0..1"
// STATIC: "WORLD_NORMAL" "0..0" [ps20] [PC]
// STATIC: "WORLD_NORMAL" "0..0" [ps20b] [PC]
// STATIC: "WORLD_NORMAL" "0..1" [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "CASCADED_SHADOW_MAPPING" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "CSM_MODE" "0..0" [ps20] [ps20b] [PC]
// STATIC: "CSM_MODE" "0..3" [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "TINTMASKTEXTURE" "0..1" [ps30]
// STATIC: "TINTMASKTEXTURE" "0..0" [ps20] [ps20b]
// DYNAMIC: "NUM_LIGHTS" "0..2" [ps20]
// DYNAMIC: "NUM_LIGHTS" "0..4" [ps20b] [CONSOLE]
// DYNAMIC: "NUM_LIGHTS" "0..2" [ps20b] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "NUM_LIGHTS" "0..4" [ps30]
// DYNAMIC: "UBERLIGHT" "0..1" [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "CASCADE_SIZE" "0..1" [ps20b] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "CASCADE_SIZE" "0..0" [ps20] [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "STATICLIGHT3" "0..0" [ps20] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "STATICLIGHT3" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// SKIP: ( $SFM == 0 ) && ( $UBERLIGHT == 1 )
// We don't use light combos when doing the flashlight
// SKIP: ( $FLASHLIGHT != 0 ) && ( $NUM_LIGHTS > 0 ) [PC]
// We don't care about flashlight depth unless the flashlight is on
// SKIP: ( $FLASHLIGHT == 0 ) && ( $FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS == 1 ) [ps20b]
// SKIP: ( $FLASHLIGHT == 0 ) && ( $FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS == 1 ) [ps30]
// We don't care about uberlight unless the flashlight is on
// SKIP: ( $FLASHLIGHT == 0 ) && ( $UBERLIGHT == 1 ) [ps30]
// Don't do diffuse warp on flashlight
// Only warp diffuse if we have it at all
// Skip this since it blows ps20 instruction limits
// Only need self illum fresnel when self illum enabled
// SKIP: ( $SELFILLUM == 0 ) && ( $SELFILLUMFRESNEL == 1 )
// SKIP: ( $FLASHLIGHT == 1 ) && ( $SELFILLUMFRESNEL == 1 ) [PC]
// Only do world normals in constrained case
// SKIP: ( $WORLD_NORMAL == 1 ) && ( $FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS != 0 ) && ( $AMBIENT_LIGHT != 0 ) && ( $NUM_LIGHTS != 0 ) [ps30]
// SKIP: ( $CASCADED_SHADOW_MAPPING != 0 ) && ( $SFM != 0 )
// SKIP: ( $CASCADED_SHADOW_MAPPING == 0 ) && ( $CSM_MODE != 0 )
#include "common_fog_ps_supportsvertexfog_fxc.h"
#include "shader_constant_register_map.h"
#include "common_flashlight_fxc.h"
#include "common_vertexlitgeneric_dx9.h"
#include "common_decaltexture_fxc.h"
const float4 g_EnvmapTint : register( c0 );
const float4 g_DiffuseModulation : register( c1 );
const float4 g_ShadowTweaks : register( c2 );
const float4 g_EnvmapParams : register( c19 );
#define g_EnvmapContrast g_EnvmapParams.x
//#define g_DiffuseCubemapScale g_EnvmapParams.y
//#define g_fvDiffuseCubemapMin g_EnvmapParams.z
//#define g_fvDiffuseCubemapMax g_EnvmapParams.w
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
#define g_vCSMLightColor g_EnvmapParams.yzw // squeezing CSM light color here for blending, only remaining free slots for OSX/ps2b
const float4 g_EnvmapSaturation_DecalTextureScale : register( c3 );
#define g_EnvmapSaturation (g_EnvmapSaturation_DecalTextureScale.rgb)
#define g_flDecalTextureScale (g_EnvmapSaturation_DecalTextureScale.a)
const float4 g_SelfIllumTint_and_BlendFactor: register( c4 );
#define g_SelfIllumTint ( g_SelfIllumTint_and_BlendFactor.rgb)
#define g_DetailBlendFactor (g_SelfIllumTint_and_BlendFactor.w)
const float3 cAmbientCube[6] : register( c5 );
// 11, 12 not used?
const float4 g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness : register( c11 );
const float4 g_ShaderControls : register( c12 );
#define g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha g_ShaderControls.x
#define g_fWriteDepthToAlpha g_ShaderControls.y
//#define g_fWriteWaterFogToDestAlpha g_ShaderControls.z
#define g_fEnvMapMaskInTintMaskTexture g_ShaderControls.w
// 2 registers each - 4 registers total when using csm's and ps_2_b, 6 registers total otherwise, (4th light spread across w's)
PixelShaderLightInfo cLightInfo[2] : register( c13 ); // through c16
PixelShaderLightInfo cLightInfo[3] : register( c13 ); // through c18
const float4 g_EyePos_BaseTextureTranslucency : register( c20 );
const float4 g_FogParams : register( c21 );
#define g_EyePos g_EyePos_BaseTextureTranslucency.xyz
const float4 g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors : register( c22 );
const float3 g_FlashlightPos : register( c23 );
const float4x4 g_FlashlightWorldToTexture : register( c24 ); // through c27
const float3 g_vSmoothEdge0 : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_0 ); // ps_3_0 and up (over 32 registers)
const float3 g_vSmoothEdge1 : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_1 );
const float3 g_vSmoothOneOverWidth : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_OOW );
const float4 g_vShearRound : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SHEAR_ROUND );
const float4 g_aAbB : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_AABB );
const float4x4 g_FlashlightWorldToLight : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_WORLD_TO_LIGHT );
sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 );
samplerCUBE EnvmapSampler : register( s1 );
sampler DetailSampler : register( s2 );
sampler BumpmapSampler : register( s3 );
sampler EnvmapMaskSampler : register( s4 );
samplerCUBE NormalizeSampler : register( s5 );
sampler RandRotSampler : register( s6 ); // RandomRotation sampler
sampler FlashlightSampler : register( s7 );
sampler ShadowDepthSampler : register( s8 ); // Flashlight shadow depth map sampler
sampler DiffuseWarpSampler : register( s9 ); // Lighting warp sampler (1D texture for diffuse lighting modification)
#if ( DECAL_BLEND_MODE != 2 )
sampler DecalSampler : register( s12 );
sampler TintMaskSampler : register( s13 );
#if defined(_PS3)
// Needed for optimal shadow filter code generation on PS3.
#pragma texformat ShadowDepthSampler DEPTH_COMPONENT24
#if defined( _PS3 )
// Causes the Cg compiler to automatically produce _bx2 modifier on the texture load instead of producing a MAD to range expand the vector, saving one instruction.
#pragma texsign BumpmapSampler
#pragma texformat BumpmapSampler RGBA8
struct PS_INPUT
float4 baseTexCoord_baseTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD0; // Base texture coordinates in .xy, 2nd (decal) uv set in .zw
float4 bumpTexCoord_detailTexCoord : TEXCOORD1;
float4 vWorldNormal_fogFactorW : TEXCOORD2; // world space normal in .xyz, fog factor in .w
float4 vWorldTangent : TEXCOORD3; // world tangent in .xyz, tangent sign in .w
float4 vWorldPos_linearDepth : TEXCOORD4; // world pos in .xyz, view space linear depth in w
float4 vProjPos : TEXCOORD5; // proj pos .xyzw
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
float4 staticLight0 : TEXCOORD6; // STATICLIGHT3 output basis 0 in .xyz, sun percent in .w
float4 staticLight1 : TEXCOORD7; // STATICLIGHT3 output basis 1 in .xyz
float4 staticLight2 : TEXCOORD8; // STATICLIGHT3 output basis 2 in .xyz
float4 lightAtten : TEXCOORD9; // light attenuation for 4 lights
float4 csmXform0or1_csmXform2 : TEXCOORD6; // csm lightToWorldxformcascade0 or 1.xy in .xy lightToWorldxformcascade2.xy in .zw
float4 staticLight_csmXform0z : TEXCOORD7; // STATICLIGHT3 average rgb in .xyz, csm lightToWorldxformcascade0.z in .w
float4 lightAtten : COLOR0; // light attenuation for lights 0 and 1 in .xy (lower precision for sm2_b/OSX), sun percent in .w
float4 flashlightSpacePos : TEXCOORD8;
#if defined( _X360 )
float2 vScreenPos : VPOS;
#if defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 )
#if ( CASCADED_SHADOW_MAPPING ) && !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
const bool g_bCSMEnabled : register(b0);
#define CASCADE_SIZE 1
#define CSM_ENABLED 1
#define CSM_ENABLED 0
sampler CSMDepthAtlasSampler : register( s15 );
#if defined(_PS3)
// Needed for optimal shadow filter code generation on PS3.
#pragma texformat CSMDepthAtlasSampler DEPTH_COMPONENT24
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
#include "csm_common_fxc.h"
// Accumulate all dynamic lights other than the 0th/CSM light which has already been added to the static lighting term (since it was computed in bump basis space).
float3 PixelShaderDoLighting_STATIC3( const float3 worldPos, const float3 worldNormal, const float4 lightAtten,
in samplerCUBE NormalizeSampler, const int nNumLights, PixelShaderLightInfo llightInfo[3], const bool bHalfLambert,
const bool bDoLightingWarp, in sampler lightWarpSampler )
float3 linearColor = 0.0f;
if ( nNumLights > 1 )
linearColor += PixelShaderDoGeneralDiffuseLight( lightAtten.y, worldPos, worldNormal, NormalizeSampler,
llightInfo[1].pos.xyz, llightInfo[1].color.rgb, bHalfLambert,
bDoLightingWarp, lightWarpSampler );
if ( nNumLights > 2 )
linearColor += PixelShaderDoGeneralDiffuseLight( lightAtten.z, worldPos, worldNormal, NormalizeSampler,
llightInfo[2].pos.xyz, llightInfo[2].color.rgb, bHalfLambert,
bDoLightingWarp, lightWarpSampler );
if ( nNumLights > 3 )
// Unpack the 4th light's data from tight constant packing
float3 vLight3Color = float3( llightInfo[0].color.w, llightInfo[0].pos.w, llightInfo[1].color.w );
float3 vLight3Pos = float3( llightInfo[1].pos.w, llightInfo[2].color.w, llightInfo[2].pos.w );
linearColor += PixelShaderDoGeneralDiffuseLight( lightAtten.w, worldPos, worldNormal, NormalizeSampler,
vLight3Pos, vLight3Color, bHalfLambert,
bDoLightingWarp, lightWarpSampler );
return linearColor;
float Luminance( float3 cColor )
// Formula for calculating luminance based on NTSC standard
return dot( cColor.rgb, float3( 0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721 ) );
float4_color_return_type main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
bool bCubemap = CUBEMAP ? true : false;
bool bDiffuseLighting = DIFFUSELIGHTING ? true : false;
bool bDoDiffuseWarp = LIGHTWARPTEXTURE ? true : false;
bool bSelfIllum = SELFILLUM ? true : false;
bool bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask = NORMALMAPALPHAENVMAPMASK ? true : false;
bool bHalfLambert = HALFLAMBERT ? true : false;
bool bAmbientLight = AMBIENT_LIGHT ? true : false;
bool bDetailTexture = DETAILTEXTURE ? true : false;
int nNumLights = NUM_LIGHTS;
float3 vWorldNormal = i.vWorldNormal_fogFactorW.xyz;
float3 vWorldBinormal = cross( vWorldNormal, i.vWorldTangent.xyz ) * i.vWorldTangent.w;
float4 baseColor = float4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
baseColor = tex2Dsrgb( BaseTextureSampler, i.baseTexCoord_baseTexCoord2.xy );
float4 detailColor = tex2D( DetailSampler, i.bumpTexCoord_detailTexCoord.zw );
baseColor = TextureCombine( baseColor, detailColor, DETAIL_BLEND_MODE, g_DetailBlendFactor );
float specularFactor = 1.0f;
float4 normalTexel = tex2D( BumpmapSampler, i.bumpTexCoord_detailTexCoord.xy );
float3 tangentSpaceNormal = normalTexel.xyz * 2.0f - 1.0f;
if ( bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask )
specularFactor = normalTexel.a;
float flDirectionalShadow = 1.0f;
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
if ( g_bCSMEnabled )
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _PS3 ) && defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
flDirectionalShadow = CSMComputeShadowing( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, i.csmXform0or1_csmXform2.xy, i.csmXform0or1_csmXform2.zw, i.staticLight_csmXform0z.w );
#elif defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
flDirectionalShadow = CSMComputeShadowing( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz );
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
float3 diffuseLighting = float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
float3 worldSpaceNormal = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if ( bDiffuseLighting )
worldSpaceNormal = Vec3TangentToWorld( tangentSpaceNormal.xyz, vWorldNormal, i.vWorldTangent.xyz, vWorldBinormal );
#if ( defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0) )
worldSpaceNormal = normalize( worldSpaceNormal );
worldSpaceNormal = NormalizeWithCubemap( NormalizeSampler, worldSpaceNormal );
float4 staticLighting = float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// static lighting
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
float3 dp;
dp.x = saturate( dot( tangentSpaceNormal, bumpBasis[0] ) );
dp.y = saturate( dot( tangentSpaceNormal, bumpBasis[1] ) );
dp.z = saturate( dot( tangentSpaceNormal, bumpBasis[2] ) );
dp *= dp;
staticLighting.rgb = dp.x * i.staticLight0.rgb +
dp.y * i.staticLight1.rgb +
dp.z * i.staticLight2.rgb;
float sum = dot( dp, float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );
if ( g_bCSMEnabled )
float flSunAmount = i.staticLight0.a + i.staticLight1.a + i.staticLight2.a;
if ( flSunAmount > 0.0f )
// explicitly add direct term from the CSM light
staticLighting.rgb += g_vCSMLightColor.rgb * ( dp.x * i.staticLight0.a + dp.y * i.staticLight1.a + dp.z * i.staticLight2.a ) * flDirectionalShadow;
staticLighting.rgb /= sum;
staticLighting.rgb = i.staticLight_csmXform0z.rgb;
float flSunAmount = i.lightAtten.w;
float3 direct = flSunAmount * g_vCSMLightColor.rgb;
// add direct term
staticLighting.rgb += direct * flDirectionalShadow;
if ( bDoDiffuseWarp )
float fDiffuseScale = 0.5 * length( staticLighting.rgb );
staticLighting.rgb *= 2.0 * tex2D( DiffuseWarpSampler, float2( fDiffuseScale, 0 ) );
// dynamic lighting
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
diffuseLighting = PixelShaderDoLighting_STATIC3( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, worldSpaceNormal, i.lightAtten,
NormalizeSampler, nNumLights, cLightInfo, bHalfLambert,
bDoDiffuseWarp, DiffuseWarpSampler );
#elif defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
// work around overlapping registers c17. c18, since we're using those slots for csm data
// and would like to avoid adding a number of extra protos using PixelShaderLightInfo [2] instead of [3]
// copy to local
PixelShaderLightInfo lightInfo[3];
lightInfo[0] = cLightInfo[0];
lightInfo[1] = cLightInfo[1];
lightInfo[2].pos = float4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
lightInfo[2].color = float4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
diffuseLighting = PixelShaderDoLighting_STATIC3( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, worldSpaceNormal, i.lightAtten,
NormalizeSampler, nNumLights, lightInfo, bHalfLambert,
bDoDiffuseWarp, DiffuseWarpSampler );
// static lighting in linear space (see VS) so okay to add here
diffuseLighting.rgb += staticLighting.rgb;
// dynamic lighting only
// First local light will always be forced to a directional light in CS:GO (see CanonicalizeMaterialLightingState() in shaderapidx8.cpp) - it may be completely black.
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0 )
diffuseLighting = PixelShaderDoLighting( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, worldSpaceNormal,
float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), false, bAmbientLight, i.lightAtten,
cAmbientCube, NormalizeSampler, nNumLights, cLightInfo, bHalfLambert,
bDoDiffuseWarp, DiffuseWarpSampler, flDirectionalShadow );
#elif defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B )
// work around overlapping registers c17. c18, since we're using those slots for csm data
// and would like to avoid adding a number of extra protos using PixelShaderLightInfo [2] instead of [3]
// copy to local
PixelShaderLightInfo lightInfo[3];
lightInfo[0] = cLightInfo[0];
lightInfo[1] = cLightInfo[1];
lightInfo[2].pos = float4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
lightInfo[2].color = float4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
diffuseLighting = PixelShaderDoLighting( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, worldSpaceNormal,
float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), false, bAmbientLight, i.lightAtten,
cAmbientCube, NormalizeSampler, nNumLights, lightInfo, bHalfLambert,
bDoDiffuseWarp, DiffuseWarpSampler, flDirectionalShadow );
float3 albedo = float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
float alpha = 1.0f;
albedo *= baseColor.xyz;
if ( !bSelfIllum )
alpha *= lerp( 1.0f, baseColor.a, g_EyePos_BaseTextureTranslucency.w );
int nShadowSampleLevel = 0;
bool bDoShadows = false;
float2 vProjPos = float2(0, 0);
// On ps_2_b, we can do shadow mapping
#if ( FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS && (defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0) ) )
vProjPos = i.vProjPos.xy / i.vProjPos.w; // Screen-space position for shadow map noise (projPos.xy / projPos.w)
worldSpaceNormal = Vec3TangentToWorldNormalized( tangentSpaceNormal.xyz, vWorldNormal, i.vWorldTangent.xyz, vWorldBinormal );
#if defined ( _GAMECONSOLE )
float4 flashlightSpacePosition = i.flashlightSpacePos;
float4 flashlightSpacePosition = TransformFlashlightWorldToTexture( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, g_FlashlightWorldToTexture );
float3 flashlightColor = DoFlashlight( g_FlashlightPos, i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, flashlightSpacePosition,
worldSpaceNormal, g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.xyz,
g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.w, FlashlightSampler, ShadowDepthSampler,
RandRotSampler, nShadowSampleLevel, bDoShadows, vProjPos, false, g_ShadowTweaks );
float4 uberLightPosition = mul( float4( i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, 1.0f ), g_FlashlightWorldToLight ).yzxw;
flashlightColor *= uberlight( uberLightPosition.xyz, g_vSmoothEdge0, g_vSmoothEdge1,
g_vSmoothOneOverWidth, g_vShearRound.xy, g_aAbB, g_vShearRound.zw );
#if defined ( _GAMECONSOLE )
diffuseLighting += flashlightColor;
diffuseLighting += flashlightColor;
#if ( DECAL_BLEND_MODE != 2 )
float3 decalLighting = diffuseLighting;
// Optionally use inverseblendtint texture to blend in the diffuse modulation (saturated add of g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha turns this on/off)
float4 tintMask = h4tex2Dsrgb( TintMaskSampler, i.baseTexCoord_baseTexCoord2.xy ); // use g channel since common use will be mono or dxt1 (greater precision in g).
// g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha will be 0 in this combo so that tintMask.g has an effect, or -1 if notint is set in the material
diffuseLighting *= lerp( float3( 1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h ), g_DiffuseModulation.rgb, saturate( tintMask.g + g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha ) );
specularFactor = g_fEnvMapMaskInTintMaskTexture ? tintMask.r : specularFactor + 0;
// Optionally use basealpha to blend in the diffuse modulation (saturated add of g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha turns this on/off)
diffuseLighting *= lerp( float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), g_DiffuseModulation.rgb, saturate( baseColor.a + g_fInverseBlendTintByBaseAlpha ) );
alpha *= g_DiffuseModulation.a;
float3 diffuseComponent = albedo * diffuseLighting;
#if !FLASHLIGHT || defined ( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( bSelfIllum )
#if ( SELFILLUMFRESNEL == 1 ) // To free up the constant register...see top of file
// This will apply a fresnel term based on the vertex normal (not the per-pixel normal!) to help fake and internal glow look
#if ((defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0)))
float3 vEyeDir = normalize( g_EyePos - i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz );
float3 vVertexNormal = normalize( vWorldNormal.xyz );
float flSelfIllumFresnel = ( pow( saturate( dot( vVertexNormal.xyz, vEyeDir ) ), g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.z ) * g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.x ) + g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.y;
float3 selfIllumComponent = g_SelfIllumTint * albedo * g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.w;
diffuseComponent = lerp( diffuseComponent, selfIllumComponent, baseColor.a * saturate( flSelfIllumFresnel ) );
float3 vEyeDir = g_EyePos - i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz; // this should be normalized, but we're out of PS2.0 instructions, and we should never be running this path for CSGO anyway
float3 vVertexNormal = vWorldNormal.xyz;
float flSelfIllumFresnel = ( pow( saturate( dot( vVertexNormal.xyz, vEyeDir ) ), g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.z ) * g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.x ) + g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.y;
float3 selfIllumComponent = g_SelfIllumTint * albedo * g_SelfIllumScaleBiasExpBrightness.w;
diffuseComponent = lerp( diffuseComponent, selfIllumComponent, baseColor.a * saturate( flSelfIllumFresnel ) );
float3 selfIllumComponent = g_SelfIllumTint * albedo;
diffuseComponent = lerp( diffuseComponent, selfIllumComponent, baseColor.a );
float3 specularLighting = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
#if !FLASHLIGHT || defined ( _GAMECONSOLE )
if( bCubemap )
float3 vEyeDir = g_EyePos - i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz;
worldSpaceNormal = Vec3TangentToWorld( tangentSpaceNormal.xyz, vWorldNormal, i.vWorldTangent.xyz, vWorldBinormal );
float3 reflectVect = CalcReflectionVectorUnnormalized( worldSpaceNormal, vEyeDir );
specularLighting = ENV_MAP_SCALE * texCUBE( EnvmapSampler, reflectVect ).rgb;
specularLighting *= specularFactor;
specularLighting *= g_EnvmapTint.xyz;
float3 specularLightingSquared = specularLighting * specularLighting;
specularLighting = lerp( specularLighting, specularLightingSquared, g_EnvmapContrast );
float3 greyScale = dot( specularLighting, float3( 0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f ) );
specularLighting = lerp( greyScale, specularLighting, g_EnvmapSaturation );
#if ( DECAL_BLEND_MODE != 2 )
float4 decalColor = tex2D( DecalSampler, i.baseTexCoord_baseTexCoord2.zw );
decalColor.rgb *= g_flDecalTextureScale;
diffuseComponent = TextureCombineDecal( diffuseComponent, decalColor, decalLighting );
float3 result = diffuseComponent + specularLighting;
float flVertexFogFactor = 0.0f;
flVertexFogFactor = i.vWorldNormal_fogFactorW.w;
float fogFactor = CalcPixelFogFactorSupportsVertexFog( PIXELFOGTYPE, g_FogParams, g_EyePos_BaseTextureTranslucency.xyz, i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.xyz, i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.w, flVertexFogFactor );
alpha = fogFactor;
#if ( ( defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0) ) && WORLD_NORMAL )
// Vertex normal
return float4( normalize( vWorldNormal ), i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.w );
float4_color_return_type vOutput = FinalOutput( float4( result.rgb, alpha ), fogFactor, PIXELFOGTYPE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR, g_fWriteDepthToAlpha, i.vWorldPos_linearDepth.w );
#if ( defined( _X360 ) )
vOutput.xyz += ScreenSpaceOrderedDither( i.vScreenPos );
return vOutput;