2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

319 lines
10 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( CLIENT_H )
#define CLIENT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <qlimits.h>
#include <utllinkedlist.h>
#include <convar.h>
#include <checksum_crc.h>
#include <protocol.h>
#include <cdll_int.h>
#include <globalvars_base.h>
#include <soundflags.h>
#include <utlvector.h>
#include "host.h"
#include "event_system.h"
#include "precache.h"
#include "baseclientstate.h"
#include "clientframe.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
struct model_t;
class ClientClass;
class CSfxTable;
class CPureServerWhitelist;
#define MAX_DEMOS 32
#define MAX_DEMONAME 32
struct AddAngle
float total;
float starttime;
class CQueuedEntityMessage
bool operator==( const CQueuedEntityMessage &val ) const
return this->m_msg.ent_index() == val.m_msg.ent_index();
CSVCMsg_EntityMsg m_msg;
// Purpose: CClientState should hold all pieces of the client state
// The client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every server signon
class CClientState : public CBaseClientState, public CClientFrameManager
typedef CBaseClientState BaseClass;
typedef struct CustomFile_s
CRC32_t crc; //file CRC
unsigned int reqID; // download request ID
} CustomFile_t;
void ResetHltvReplayState();
public: // IConnectionlessPacketHandler interface:
bool ProcessConnectionlessPacket(struct netpacket_s *packet);
public: // CBaseClientState overrides:
void Disconnect(bool bShowMainMenu);
virtual void ConnectionStart( INetChannel *chan ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ConnectionStop() OVERRIDE;
virtual void FullConnect( const ns_address &adr, int nEncryptionKey ) OVERRIDE;
bool SetSignonState ( int state, int count, const CNETMsg_SignonState *msg );
void PacketStart(int incoming_sequence, int outgoing_acknowledged);
void PacketEnd( void );
void FileReceived( const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool isReplayDemoFile );
void FileRequested(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool isReplayDemoFile );
void FileDenied(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool isReplayDemoFile );
void ConnectionCrashed( const char * reason );
void ConnectionClosing( const char * reason );
const char *GetCDKeyHash( void );
void SetFriendsID( uint friendsID, const char *friendsName );
void SendClientInfo( void );
void SendLoadingProgress( int nProgress );
void SendServerCmdKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues );
bool SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable = false, bool bVoice = false );
void InstallStringTableCallback( char const *tableName );
bool HookClientStringTable( char const *tableName );
bool InstallEngineStringTableCallback( char const *tableName );
void StartUpdatingSteamResources();
void CheckUpdatingSteamResources();
void CheckFileCRCsWithServer();
void FinishSignonState_New();
void ConsistencyCheck(bool bForce);
void RunFrame();
void ReadDeletions( CEntityReadInfo &u );
void ReadPacketEntities( CEntityReadInfo &u );
void SendQueuedEntityMessage( int iEntity );
void RemoveQueuedMessageForEntity( int iEntity );
// In case the client DLL is using the old interface to set area bits,
// copy what they've passed to us into the m_chAreaBits array (and 0xFF-out the m_chAreaPortalBits array).
void UpdateAreaBits_BackwardsCompatible();
// Used to be pAreaBits.
unsigned char** GetAreaBits_BackwardCompatibility();
int GetHltvReplayDelay()const { return m_nHltvReplayDelay; }
float GetHltvReplayTimeScale()const;
void StopHltvReplay();
public: // IServerMessageHandlers
virtual bool NETMsg_Tick( const CNETMsg_Tick& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool NETMsg_StringCmd( const CNETMsg_StringCmd& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_ServerInfo( const CSVCMsg_ServerInfo& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_ClassInfo( const CSVCMsg_ClassInfo& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_SetPause( const CSVCMsg_SetPause& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_VoiceInit( const CSVCMsg_VoiceInit& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_VoiceData( const CSVCMsg_VoiceData& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_FixAngle( const CSVCMsg_FixAngle& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_Prefetch( const CSVCMsg_Prefetch& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_CrosshairAngle( const CSVCMsg_CrosshairAngle& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_BSPDecal( const CSVCMsg_BSPDecal& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_UserMessage( const CSVCMsg_UserMessage& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_PaintmapData( const CSVCMsg_PaintmapData& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_GameEvent( const CSVCMsg_GameEvent& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_TempEntities( const CSVCMsg_TempEntities& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_PacketEntities( const CSVCMsg_PacketEntities &msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_Sounds( const CSVCMsg_Sounds& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_EntityMsg( const CSVCMsg_EntityMsg& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_HltvReplay( const CSVCMsg_HltvReplay &msg );
CNetMessageBinder m_SVCMsgHltvReplay;
float m_flLastServerTickTime; // the timestamp of last message
bool insimulation;
int oldtickcount; // previous tick
float m_tickRemainder; // client copy of tick remainder
float m_frameTime; // dt of the current frame
int lastoutgoingcommand;// Sequence number of last outgoing command
int chokedcommands; // number of choked commands
int last_command_ack; // last command sequence number acknowledged by server
int last_server_tick; // same update pattern as last_command_ack, but with server ticks
int command_ack; // current command sequence acknowledged by server
int m_nSoundSequence; // current processed reliable sound sequence number
int m_nLastProgressPercent; // last progress percent sent to server
// information that is static for the entire time connected to a server
bool ishltv; // true if HLTV server/demo
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
bool isreplay; // true if Replay server/demo
CRC32_t serverCRC; // To determine if client is playing hacked .map. (entities lump is skipped)
CRC32_t serverClientSideDllCRC; // To determine if client is playing on a hacked client dll.
unsigned char m_chAreaBits[MAX_AREA_STATE_BYTES];
unsigned char m_chAreaPortalBits[MAX_AREA_PORTAL_STATE_BYTES];
bool m_bAreaBitsValid; // Have the area bits been set for this level yet?
// refresh related state
QAngle viewangles;
CUtlVector< AddAngle > addangle;
float addangletotal;
float prevaddangletotal;
int cdtrack; // cd audio
CustomFile_t m_nCustomFiles[MAX_CUSTOM_FILES]; // own custom files CRCs
uint m_nFriendsID;
char m_FriendsName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
CUtlFixedLinkedList< CEventInfo > events; // list of received events
// demo loop control
int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos
char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // when not playing
CUtlVector< CQueuedEntityMessage > queuedmessage;
// If 'insimulation', returns the time (in seconds) at the client's current tick.
// Otherwise, returns the exact client clock.
float GetTime() const;
bool IsPaused() const;
float GetFrameTime( void ) const;
void SetFrameTime( float dt ) { m_frameTime = dt; }
float GetClientInterpAmount(); // Formerly cl_interp, now based on cl_interp_ratio and cl_updaterate.
void Clear( void );
void DumpPrecacheStats( const char * name );
// Public API to models
model_t *GetModel( int index );
void SetModel( int tableIndex );
int LookupModelIndex( char const *name );
// Public API to generic
char const *GetGeneric( int index );
void SetGeneric( int tableIndex );
int LookupGenericIndex( char const *name );
// Public API to sounds
CSfxTable *GetSound( int index );
char const *GetSoundName( int index );
void SetSound( int tableIndex );
int LookupSoundIndex( char const *name );
void ClearSounds();
// Public API to decals
char const *GetDecalName( int index );
void SetDecal( int tableIndex );
// customization files code
void CheckOwnCustomFiles(); // load own custom file
void CheckOthersCustomFile(CRC32_t crc); // check if we have to download custom files from server
void AddCustomFile( int slot, const char *resourceFile);
INetworkStringTable *m_pModelPrecacheTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pDynamicModelTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pGenericPrecacheTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pSoundPrecacheTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pDecalPrecacheTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pInstanceBaselineTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pLightStyleTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pUserInfoTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pServerStartupTable;
INetworkStringTable *m_pDownloadableFileTable;
CPrecacheItem model_precache[ MAX_MODELS ];
CPrecacheItem generic_precache[ MAX_GENERIC ];
CPrecacheItem sound_precache[ MAX_SOUNDS ];
CPrecacheItem decal_precache[ MAX_BASE_DECALS ];
WaitForResourcesHandle_t m_hWaitForResourcesHandle;
bool m_bUpdateSteamResources;
bool m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress;
bool m_bDownloadResources;
bool m_bDownloadingUGCMap;
bool m_bCheckCRCsWithServer;
float m_flLastCRCBatchTime;
int m_modelIndexLoaded;
int m_lastModelPercent;
// This is only kept around to print out the whitelist info if sv_pure is used.
CPureServerWhitelist *m_pPureServerWhitelist;
int m_nHltvReplayDelay;
int m_nHltvReplayStopAt;
int m_nHltvReplayStartAt;
int m_nHltvReplaySlowdownBeginAt;
int m_nHltvReplaySlowdownEndAt;
float m_flHltvReplaySlowdownRate;
// Note: This is only here for backwards compatibility. If it is set to something other than NULL,
// then we'll copy its contents into m_chAreaBits in UpdateAreaBits_BackwardsCompatible.
byte *m_pAreaBits;
// Set to false when we first connect to a server and true later on before we
// respond to a new whitelist.
bool m_bMarkedCRCsUnverified;
}; //CClientState
extern CClientState &GetLocalClient( int nSlot = -1 );
extern CClientState &GetBaseLocalClient(); // The player in the first slot (all split users depend on this one)
extern CGlobalVarsBase g_ClientGlobalVariables;
extern bool g_bClientGameDLLGreaterThanV13;
#endif // CLIENT_H