632 lines
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632 lines
21 KiB
//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "matsys_controls/mdlpanel.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Frame.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "matsys_controls/matsyscontrols.h"
#include "vcollide.h"
#include "vcollide_parse.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "renderparm.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "game/client/irendercaptureconfiguration.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Keeps a global clock to autoplay sequences to run from
// Also deals with speedScale changes
static float GetAutoPlayTime( void )
static int g_prevTicks;
static float g_time;
int ticks = Plat_MSTime();
// limit delta so that float time doesn't overflow
if (g_prevTicks == 0)
g_prevTicks = ticks;
g_time += ( ticks - g_prevTicks ) / 1000.0f;
g_prevTicks = ticks;
return g_time;
// Constructor, destructor
CMDLPanel::CMDLPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName )
SetVisible( true );
// Used to poll input
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
SetIdentityMatrix( m_RootMDL.m_MDLToWorld );
m_bDrawCollisionModel = false;
m_bWireFrame = false;
m_bGroundGrid = false;
m_bLockView = false;
m_bLookAtCamera = true;
m_bAnimationPause = false;
m_iCameraAttachment = -1;
m_iRenderCaptureCameraAttachment = -1;
Q_memset( m_iDirectionalLightAttachments, ~0, sizeof( m_iDirectionalLightAttachments ) );
m_flAutoPlayTimeBase = GetAutoPlayTime();
m_bCameraOrientOverrideEnabled = false;
m_bCameraPositionOverrideEnabled = false;
// Scheme settings
void CMDLPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetBackgroundColor( GetBgColor() );
SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder( "MenuBorder") );
// Rendering options
void CMDLPanel::SetCollsionModel( bool bVisible )
m_bDrawCollisionModel = bVisible;
void CMDLPanel::SetGroundGrid( bool bVisible )
m_bGroundGrid = bVisible;
void CMDLPanel::SetWireFrame( bool bVisible )
m_bWireFrame = bVisible;
void CMDLPanel::SetLockView( bool bLocked )
m_bLockView = bLocked;
void CMDLPanel::SetLookAtCamera( bool bLookAtCamera )
m_bLookAtCamera = bLookAtCamera;
// Lock the camera position and angles to an attachment point
void CMDLPanel::SetCameraAttachment( const char *pszAttachment )
// Check to see if we have a valid model to look at.
SetLookAtCamera( false );
CStudioHdr studioHdr( g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() ), g_pMDLCache );
m_iCameraAttachment = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, pszAttachment );
// Set the light render capture camera position and angles to an attachment point
void CMDLPanel::SetRenderCaptureCameraAttachment( const char *pszAttachment )
// Check to see if we have a valid model to look at.
CStudioHdr studioHdr( g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() ), g_pMDLCache );
m_iRenderCaptureCameraAttachment = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, pszAttachment );
// Set the directional light attachment point for direction animation
void CMDLPanel::SetDirectionalLightAttachment( int idx, const char *pszAttachment )
// Check to see if we have a valid model to look at.
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_COUNT )
CStudioHdr studioHdr( g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() ), g_pMDLCache );
m_iDirectionalLightAttachments[idx] = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, pszAttachment );
// Sets the camera to look at the model
void CMDLPanel::LookAtMDL()
// Check to see if we have a valid model to look at.
if ( m_bLockView )
float flRadius;
Vector vecCenter;
GetBoundingSphere( vecCenter, flRadius );
LookAt( vecCenter, flRadius );
// FIXME: This should be moved into studiorender
static ConVar r_showenvcubemap( "r_showenvcubemap", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_eyegloss ( "r_eyegloss", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // wet eyes
static ConVar r_eyemove ( "r_eyemove", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // look around
static ConVar r_eyeshift_x ( "r_eyeshift_x", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // eye X position
static ConVar r_eyeshift_y ( "r_eyeshift_y", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // eye Y position
static ConVar r_eyeshift_z ( "r_eyeshift_z", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // eye Z position
static ConVar r_eyesize ( "r_eyesize", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // adjustment to iris textures
static ConVar mat_softwareskin( "mat_softwareskin", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_nohw ( "r_nohw", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_nosw ( "r_nosw", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_teeth ( "r_teeth", "1" );
static ConVar r_drawentities ( "r_drawentities", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_flex ( "r_flex", "1" );
static ConVar r_eyes ( "r_eyes", "1" );
static ConVar r_skin ( "r_skin","0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_maxmodeldecal ( "r_maxmodeldecal", "50" );
static ConVar r_modelwireframedecal ( "r_modelwireframedecal", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar mat_normals ( "mat_normals", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar r_eyeglintlodpixels ( "r_eyeglintlodpixels", "0" );
static ConVar r_rootlod ( "r_rootlod", "0" );
static StudioRenderConfig_t s_StudioRenderConfig;
void CMDLPanel::UpdateStudioRenderConfig( void )
memset( &s_StudioRenderConfig, 0, sizeof(s_StudioRenderConfig) );
s_StudioRenderConfig.bEyeMove = !!r_eyemove.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.fEyeShiftX = r_eyeshift_x.GetFloat();
s_StudioRenderConfig.fEyeShiftY = r_eyeshift_y.GetFloat();
s_StudioRenderConfig.fEyeShiftZ = r_eyeshift_z.GetFloat();
s_StudioRenderConfig.fEyeSize = r_eyesize.GetFloat();
if( mat_softwareskin.GetInt() || m_bWireFrame )
s_StudioRenderConfig.bSoftwareSkin = true;
s_StudioRenderConfig.bSoftwareSkin = false;
s_StudioRenderConfig.bNoHardware = !!r_nohw.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bNoSoftware = !!r_nosw.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bTeeth = !!r_teeth.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.drawEntities = r_drawentities.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bFlex = !!r_flex.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bEyes = !!r_eyes.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bWireframe = m_bWireFrame;
s_StudioRenderConfig.bDrawNormals = mat_normals.GetBool();
s_StudioRenderConfig.skin = r_skin.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.maxDecalsPerModel = r_maxmodeldecal.GetInt();
s_StudioRenderConfig.bWireframeDecals = r_modelwireframedecal.GetInt() != 0;
s_StudioRenderConfig.fullbright = false;
s_StudioRenderConfig.bSoftwareLighting = false;
s_StudioRenderConfig.bShowEnvCubemapOnly = r_showenvcubemap.GetBool();
s_StudioRenderConfig.fEyeGlintPixelWidthLODThreshold = r_eyeglintlodpixels.GetFloat();
StudioRender()->UpdateConfig( s_StudioRenderConfig );
void CMDLPanel::DrawCollisionModel()
vcollide_t *pCollide = MDLCache()->GetVCollide( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() );
if ( !pCollide || pCollide->solidCount <= 0 )
static color32 color = {255,0,0,0};
IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParser = g_pPhysicsCollision->VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( pCollide );
CStudioHdr studioHdr( g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() ), g_pMDLCache );
matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
m_RootMDL.m_MDL.SetUpBones( m_RootMDL.m_MDLToWorld, MAXSTUDIOBONES, pBoneToWorld );
// PERFORMANCE: Just parse the script each frame. It's fast enough for tools. If you need
// this to go faster then cache off the bone index mapping in an array like HLMV does
while ( !pParser->Finished() )
const char *pBlock = pParser->GetCurrentBlockName();
if ( !stricmp( pBlock, "solid" ) )
solid_t solid;
pParser->ParseSolid( &solid, NULL );
int boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( &studioHdr, solid.name );
Vector *outVerts;
int vertCount = g_pPhysicsCollision->CreateDebugMesh( pCollide->solids[solid.index], &outVerts );
if ( vertCount )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW );
// NOTE: assumes these have been set up already by the model render code
// So this is a little bit of a back door to a cache of the bones
// this code wouldn't work unless you draw the model this frame before calling
// this routine. CMDLPanel always does this, but it's worth noting.
// A better solution would be to move the ragdoll visulization into the CDmeMdl
// and either draw it there or make it queryable and query/draw here.
matrix3x4_t xform;
SetIdentityMatrix( xform );
if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
MatrixCopy( pBoneToWorld[ boneIndex ], xform );
IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, GetWireframeMaterial() );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, vertCount/3 );
for ( int j = 0; j < vertCount; j++ )
Vector out;
VectorTransform( outVerts[j].Base(), xform, out.Base() );
meshBuilder.Position3fv( out.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color4ub( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 );
g_pPhysicsCollision->DestroyDebugMesh( vertCount, outVerts );
g_pPhysicsCollision->VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( pParser );
// paint it!
void CMDLPanel::OnPaint3D()
// FIXME: Move this call into DrawModel in StudioRender
StudioRenderConfig_t oldStudioRenderConfig;
StudioRender()->GetCurrentConfig( oldStudioRenderConfig );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( vgui::MaterialSystem() );
// We want the models to use their natural alpha, not depth in alpha
pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, 0 );
if ( IsPaint3dForRenderCapture() )
// We are rendering into flashlight depth texture
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( false ); // disable shadows since we should be using DEPTH_WRITE material
else if ( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() )
// Setup shadow state that we configured
// NOTE: flashlight shadow is added post bone setup
// flashlights can't work in the model panel under queued mode (the state isn't ready yet, so causes a crash)
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( false );
ITexture *pMyCube = materials->FindTexture( "engine/defaultcubemap", TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
if ( HasLightProbe() )
pMyCube = GetLightProbeCubemap( vgui::MaterialSystemHardwareConfig()->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE );
pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( pMyCube );
if ( m_bGroundGrid )
if ( m_bLookAtCamera )
matrix3x4_t worldToCamera;
ComputeCameraTransform( &worldToCamera );
Vector vecPosition;
MatrixGetColumn( worldToCamera, 3, vecPosition );
m_RootMDL.m_MDL.m_bWorldSpaceViewTarget = true;
m_RootMDL.m_MDL.m_vecViewTarget = vecPosition;
if ( m_bDrawCollisionModel )
if ( IsPaint3dForRenderCapture() )
// We are finished rendering into flashlight buffer
else if ( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() )
// Clear all shadow state that we configured and used now
StudioRender()->UpdateConfig( oldStudioRenderConfig );
void CMDLPanel::OnModelDrawPassStart( int iPass, CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int &nFlags )
if ( IsPaint3dForRenderCapture() )
else if ( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() )
void CMDLPanel::OnModelDrawPassFinished( int iPass, CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int &nFlags )
void CMDLPanel::OnPostSetUpBonesPreDraw()
bool bFlashlightPosKnown = false;
Vector vecPositionFlashlight;
QAngle anglesFlashlight;
bool bCameraPosKnown = false;
Vector vecPositionCamera;
QAngle anglesCamera;
if ( m_iRenderCaptureCameraAttachment >= 0 )
matrix3x4_t camera;
if ( GetAttachment( m_iRenderCaptureCameraAttachment+1, camera ) )
Vector vecPosition;
QAngle angles;
MatrixPosition( camera, vecPosition );
MatrixAngles( camera, angles );
bFlashlightPosKnown = true;
vecPositionFlashlight = vecPosition;
anglesFlashlight = angles;
if ( m_iCameraAttachment >= 0 )
matrix3x4_t camera;
if ( GetAttachment( m_iCameraAttachment+1, camera ) )
Vector vecPosition;
QAngle angles;
MatrixPosition( camera, vecPosition );
MatrixAngles( camera, angles );
bCameraPosKnown = true;
vecPositionCamera = vecPosition;
anglesCamera = angles;
if ( IsCameraPositionOverrideEnabled() )
vecPositionCamera += m_vecCameraPositionOverride;
if ( !bFlashlightPosKnown )
// DEBUG: move light off from the actual camera
Vector basisUp, basisRight, basisForward;
AngleVectors( angles, &basisForward, &basisRight, &basisUp );
float flCycle0to1 = ( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.m_flTime - floor( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.m_flTime ) );
float flDistance = 1.0f + ( flCycle0to1 - 0.5f ) * ( flCycle0to1 - 0.5f ) * 4 * 9;
vecPosition += basisUp * flDistance;
bFlashlightPosKnown = true;
vecPositionFlashlight = vecPosition;
anglesFlashlight = angles;
if ( IsCameraOrientOverrideEnabled() )
anglesCamera.x += m_vecCameraOrientOverride.x;
anglesCamera.y += m_vecCameraOrientOverride.y;
anglesCamera.z += m_vecCameraOrientOverride.z;
if ( bFlashlightPosKnown && GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() != NULL )
CRenderCaptureConfigurationState *pFlashlightInfo = reinterpret_cast< CRenderCaptureConfigurationState * >( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() );
// Update flashlight position
pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_vecLightOrigin = vecPositionFlashlight;
AngleQuaternion( anglesFlashlight, pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_quatOrientation );
// Build world to shadow matrix, then perspective projection and concatenate
VMatrix matWorldToShadowView, matPerspective;
matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
QuaternionMatrix( pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_quatOrientation, matOrientation ); // Convert quat to matrix3x4
PositionMatrix( vec3_origin, matOrientation ); // Zero out translation elements
VMatrix matBasis( matOrientation ); // Convert matrix3x4 to VMatrix
Vector vForward, vLeft, vUp;
matBasis.GetBasisVectors( vForward, vLeft, vUp );
matBasis.SetForward( vLeft ); // Bizarre vector flip inherited from earlier code, WTF?
matBasis.SetLeft( vUp );
matBasis.SetUp( vForward );
matWorldToShadowView = matBasis.Transpose(); // Transpose
Vector translation;
Vector3DMultiply( matWorldToShadowView, pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_vecLightOrigin, translation );
translation *= -1.0f;
matWorldToShadowView.SetTranslation( translation );
// The the bottom row.
matWorldToShadowView[3][0] = matWorldToShadowView[3][1] = matWorldToShadowView[3][2] = 0.0f;
matWorldToShadowView[3][3] = 1.0f;
MatrixBuildPerspective( matPerspective, pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees,
pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_NearZ, pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_FarZ );
MatrixMultiply( matPerspective, matWorldToShadowView, pFlashlightInfo->m_renderMatrixWorldToShadow );
for ( int j = 0; j < ( int ) MIN( m_LightingState.m_nLocalLightCount, Q_ARRAYSIZE( m_iDirectionalLightAttachments ) ); ++ j )
if ( m_iDirectionalLightAttachments[j] >= 0 )
matrix3x4_t camera;
if ( GetAttachment( m_iDirectionalLightAttachments[j]+1, camera ) )
Vector vecPosition;
QAngle angles;
MatrixPosition( camera, vecPosition );
MatrixAngles( camera, angles );
Vector vecForward;
AngleVectors( angles, &vecForward );
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[j].m_Direction = vecForward;
if ( IsPaint3dForRenderCapture() )
Assert( bFlashlightPosKnown );
CRenderCaptureConfigurationState *pFlashlightInfo = reinterpret_cast< CRenderCaptureConfigurationState * >( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() );
SetCameraPositionAndAngles( vecPositionFlashlight, anglesFlashlight );
Camera_t &cameraSettings = GetCameraSettings();
float flZnear = cameraSettings.m_flZNear, flZfar = cameraSettings.m_flZFar;
cameraSettings.m_flZNear = pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_NearZ;
cameraSettings.m_flZFar = pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState.m_FarZ;
SetupRenderStateDelayed(); // Configure view with the updated camera settings and restore Z planes
cameraSettings.m_flZNear = flZnear, cameraSettings.m_flZFar = flZfar;
if ( bCameraPosKnown )
SetCameraPositionAndAngles( vecPositionCamera, anglesCamera );
if ( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() )
Assert( bFlashlightPosKnown );
// Add the shadow we rendered in previous pass to our model
CRenderCaptureConfigurationState *pFlashlightInfo = reinterpret_cast< CRenderCaptureConfigurationState * >( GetRenderingWithFlashlightConfiguration() );
g_pStudioRender->AddShadow( NULL, NULL, &pFlashlightInfo->m_renderFlashlightState, &pFlashlightInfo->m_renderMatrixWorldToShadow, pFlashlightInfo->m_pFlashlightDepthTexture );
// called when we're ticked...
void CMDLPanel::OnTick()
float flCurrentTime = GetAutoPlayTime();
float flMdlTime = flCurrentTime - m_flAutoPlayTimeBase;
m_flAutoPlayTimeBase = flCurrentTime;
if ( m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetMDL() != MDLHANDLE_INVALID && !m_bAnimationPause )
m_RootMDL.m_MDL.AdjustTime( flMdlTime );
for ( int k = 0; k < m_aMergeMDLs.Count(); ++ k )
if ( m_aMergeMDLs[k].m_MDL.GetMDL() != MDLHANDLE_INVALID && !m_bAnimationPause )
m_aMergeMDLs[k].m_MDL.AdjustTime( flMdlTime );
// input
void CMDLPanel::OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code )
float flRadius;
Vector vecCenter;
GetBoundingSphere( vecCenter, flRadius );
LookAt( vecCenter, flRadius );
BaseClass::OnMouseDoublePressed( code );