2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

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//========= Copyright © Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: interface for the Portal2 puzzle maker within client.dll
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
// QT needs to think these are QStrings, and the engine needs to think these
// are CUtlStrings, but we're going to define QStrings as a derived class in
// puzzlemaker_internal later
#if defined (QT_DLL)
#define CUtlString QString
struct PuzzleFilesInfo_t
CUtlString m_strPuzzleTitle;
CUtlString m_strDescription;
CUtlString m_strPuzzleFileName;
CUtlString m_strMapFileName;
CUtlString m_strScreenshotFileName;
CUtlString m_strSteamIDPath;
uint64 m_uTimeStamp_Created;
uint64 m_uTimeStamp_Modified;
uint64 m_uFileID;
bool m_bIsCoop;
enum PuzzleCompileSteps
enum PuzzleMakerQuitReason_t
#if defined (QT_DLL)
#undef CUtlString
#if !defined( QT_DLL ) && defined( PORTAL2_PUZZLEMAKER )
#include "vgui_controls/frame.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystemutil.h"
// forward declarations
enum ButtonCode_t;
class CBaseGameSystem;
struct GLGlobalState;
class CPuzzleMakerFrame;
class CPuzzleTexture;
class CPuzzleModel;
class QString;
class IQEvent;
class QKeyEvent;
class CQP2EditorMainWindow;
class KeyValues;
class IGameEventManager2;
// The Client DLL imports g_pPuzzleMaker from the PuzzleMaker DLL
// The PuzzleMaker DLL exports g_pPuzzleMaker
// g_pPuzzleMaker is linked directly via the PuzzleMaker static LIB
typedef void(*ScreenshotCallback_t)( const char * );
// IPuzzleMaker is the puzzlemaker interface for client.dll
abstract_class PUZZLEMAKER_CLASS_EXPORT IPuzzleMaker
// 'AppSystem lite' Connect function, to set up global interface pointers for the PuzzleMaker DLL:
virtual void Connect( IFileSystem *_g_pFullFileSystem, IVEngineClient *_engine, IMaterialSystem *_materials, CGlobalVarsBase *_gpGlobals,
IMDLCache *_g_pMDLCache, IVModelInfoClient *_modelinfo, IVModelRender *_modelrender, IStudioRender *_g_pStudioRender,
vgui::ISurface *_g_pVGuiSurface, vgui::IInput *_g_pVGuiInput, vgui::IVGUILocalize *_g_pVGuiLocalize,
IProcessUtils *_g_pProcessUtils, ICvar *_g_pCVar, IGameEventManager2 *_g_pGameEventManager ) = 0;
// Call this from the parent frame's 'ApplySchemeSettings' to set up the puzzlemaker's UI (fonts, etc)
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) = 0;
// Show/hide the puzzlemaker
virtual void Show( bool bShow ) = 0;
// Returns FALSE if the puzzlemaker is fully inactive (invisible), otherwise TRUE
virtual bool IsVisible( void ) = 0;
// Update state once per frame (only render the puzzlemaker if this returns TRUE)
virtual bool FrameUpdate( bool bIgnore = false ) = 0;
// Puzzlemaker render calls, in the order in which they should be called:
// 1. Render the puzzlemaker's main 3D view (optionally with shadows)
// 2. Render geometry to be highlighted with a screen-space glow outline
// 3. Render the UI and localized UI text (call this from the parent frame's 'Paint')
virtual void RenderPuzzleMaker( FlashlightState_t *pFlashlight = NULL,
CTextureReference *pDepthTexture = NULL,
CTextureReference *pColorTexture = NULL,
VMatrix *pWorldToShadow = NULL) = 0;
virtual void RenderPuzzleMakerGlow( void ) = 0;
virtual void RenderPuzzleMakerUI( int xOrigin, int yOrigin ) = 0;
// Should the main in-game world be rendered? (sometimes returns true even while the puzzlemaker is visible)
virtual bool ShouldRenderWorld( void ) = 0;
// Call this after rendering the main in-game world, so the puzzlemaker can update the full-frame texture
virtual void UpdateSnapshot( ITexture *pTexture ) = 0;
// Get the parameters for the shadow camera (returns FALSE if no shadows desired):
virtual bool GetDepthShadowState( FlashlightState_t &flashlightState ) = 0;
// Input-handling
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
virtual void OnMousePressed( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
virtual void OnMouseReleased( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed( ButtonCode_t code ) = 0;
virtual void OnMouseWheeled( int delta ) = 0;
virtual void OnCursorMoved( int x, int y ) = 0;
// UI communication
virtual void NewPuzzle( bool bFromGameMenu ) = 0;
virtual void LoadPuzzle( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void SavePuzzle( bool bGenerateFileName ) = 0;
virtual void CompilePuzzle( void ) = 0;
virtual void CancelCompile( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsCompiling( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetActive( bool bActive ) = 0;
virtual bool GetActive() const = 0;
virtual bool HasUnsavedChanges( void ) = 0;
virtual bool HasUncompiledChanges( void ) = 0;
virtual bool HasErrors( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsOverLimits( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsSaving( void ) = 0;
virtual void TakeScreenshotAsync( void(*pt2Callback)( const char * ), bool bUsePuzzleName, bool bAutoSave = false ) = 0;
virtual const PuzzleFilesInfo_t& GetPuzzleInfo() const = 0;
virtual void SetPuzzleInfo( const PuzzleFilesInfo_t &publishInfo ) = 0;
virtual bool CanShowInGameMenu( void ) = 0;
virtual void RestartSounds( void ) = 0;
virtual void StopSounds( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetCurrentCompileProgress( int *pnFailedErrorCode, CUtlString *pstrFailedProcess, PuzzleCompileSteps *peCompileStep ) = 0;
virtual void GetTagsForCurrentPuzzle( CUtlVector< const char * > &vecTags ) = 0;
virtual bool RequestQuitGame( PuzzleMakerQuitReason_t reason ) = 0;
virtual bool CanQuitGame( void ) = 0;
virtual void QuitGame( void ) = 0;
// CBaseGameSystem hooks (should be called by a wrapper gamesystem)
// NOTES: PostInit must happen after all other VGui initialization (i.e after InitGameSystems).
// Assets are loaded on entry to puzzlemaker mode and unloaded on exit to the main menu.
virtual void PostInit( CPuzzleMakerFrame *pFrame ) = 0;
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity( void ) = 0;
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity( void ) = 0;
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity( void ) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Methods for development-only concommands (non-UI backdoors for Load/Save/Export/Compile/Publish):
virtual void LoadPuzzle_Dev( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void SavePuzzle_Dev( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void ExportPuzzle_Dev( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void PublishPuzzle_Dev( void ) = 0;
virtual void AutoSave_Dev( void ) = 0;
virtual void UpdateSaveFileVersion( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char* pFileName ) = 0;
virtual bool IsInCoopSession( void ) = 0;
// Global puzzlemaker singleton (exported from the PuzzleMaker DLL/LIB to the client DLL):
PUZZLEMAKER_EXPORT IPuzzleMaker * g_pPuzzleMaker;
// Global puzzlemaker gamesystem singleton (implemented in vpuzzlemaker.cpp in the client dll)
extern CBaseGameSystem* g_pPuzzleMakerGameSystem;
// CPuzzleMakerFrame - the fullscreen UI frame which wraps the puzzlemaker
// (implemented in vpuzzlemaker.cpp in the client dll)
class CPuzzleMakerFrame : public vgui::Frame
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPuzzleMakerFrame, vgui::Frame );
CPuzzleMakerFrame( void );
virtual ~CPuzzleMakerFrame();
virtual void Paint() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PrecacheSound( const char *pszSoundName );
virtual int PlaySoundEffect( const char *pszSoundName );
virtual void StopSoundByGUID( int nGUID );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PerformLayout( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnThink( void ) OVERRIDE;
// Forward input events to g_pPuzzleMaker (from our parent panel):
// [NOTE: MOUSE_WHEEL_UP and MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN are received by OnMousePressed (with no associated 'release' event), OnMouseWheeled is not called]
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); }
virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnKeyCodeReleased( code ); }
virtual void OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnMousePressed( code ); }
virtual void OnMouseReleased( vgui::MouseCode code ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnMouseReleased( code ); }
virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnMouseDoublePressed(code ); }
virtual void OnMouseWheeled( int delta ) OVERRIDE { g_pPuzzleMaker->OnMouseWheeled( delta ); }
virtual void OnCursorMoved( int x, int y );
// Forward the 'show' message to g_pPuzzleMaker (from our parent panel):
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnShow, "Show", show ) { g_pPuzzleMaker->Show( !!show ); }
void AdjustBounds( void );
bool ShadowMapPreRender( FlashlightState_t &flashlightState, CTextureReference &shadowDepthTexture, CTextureReference &shadowColorTexture, VMatrix &worldToShadow );
vgui::VPANEL m_hLastFocusPanel;