57 lines
1.7 KiB
57 lines
1.7 KiB
// Project Script
$Macro SRCDIR "..\.."
$Macro OUTBINDIR "$SRCDIR\devtools\bin"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_exe_con_win32_base.vpc"
// Various projects like vpc and remotemirror use copies of the binlaunch.exe, so when binlaunch is built,
// it copies to those exes.
$CommandLine "$BASE" "\n" \
"\n" \
"echo ... Copying BINLAUNCH.EXE to REMOTEMIRROR.EXE" "\n" \
"call $SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\remotemirror.exe $SRCDIR" "\n" \
"copy $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName) $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\remotemirror.exe" "\n" \
"if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BinLaunchCopyFailed" "\n" \
"\n" \
"echo ... Copying BINLAUNCH.EXE to SCHEMACOMPILER.EXE" "\n" \
"call $SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\schemacompiler.exe $SRCDIR" "\n" \
"copy $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName) $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\schemacompiler.exe" "\n" \
"if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BinLaunchCopyFailed" "\n" \
"\n" \
"goto BinLaunchCopyOK" "\n" \
"\n" \
":BinLaunchCopyFailed" "\n" \
"echo *** ERROR! binlaunch copy step failed." "\n" \
"del /q $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetFileName)" "\n" \
"exit 1" "\n" \
"\n" \
":BinLaunchCopyOK" "\n" \
$Project "binlaunch"
$Folder "Source Files"
$File "binlaunch.cpp"
-$File "$SRCDIR\public\tier0\memoverride.cpp"
$Folder "Link Libraries"
-$ImpLib tier0
-$Lib tier1
-$ImpLib vstdlib