2969 lines
96 KiB
2969 lines
96 KiB
//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "studiorender.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "materialsystem/imorph.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
#include "studiorendercontext.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
//#include "tier0/miniprofiler.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
typedef void (*SoftwareProcessMeshFunc_t)( const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld,
CCachedRenderData &vertexCache, CMeshBuilder& meshBuilder, int numVertices, unsigned short* pGroupToMesh, unsigned int nAlphaMask,
IMaterial *pMaterial);
// Forward declarations
class IClientEntity;
static int boxpnt[6][4] =
{ 0, 4, 6, 2 }, // +X
{ 0, 1, 5, 4 }, // +Y
{ 0, 2, 3, 1 }, // +Z
{ 7, 5, 1, 3 }, // -X
{ 7, 3, 2, 6 }, // -Y
{ 7, 6, 4, 5 }, // -Z
static TableVector hullcolor[8] =
{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 },
{ 0.5, 1.0, 0.5 },
{ 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 },
{ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 },
{ 1.0, 0.5, 1.0 },
{ 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
static unsigned int s_nTranslucentModelHullCache = 0;
static unsigned int s_nSolidModelHullCache = 0;
void CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawHulls( int hitboxset, bool translucent )
int i, j;
// float lv;
Vector tmp;
Vector p[8];
mstudiobbox_t *pbbox;
IMaterialVar *colorVar;
mstudiohitboxset_t *s = m_pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( hitboxset );
if ( !s )
pbbox = s->pHitbox( 0 );
if ( !pbbox )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
if( translucent )
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterialTranslucentModelHulls );
colorVar = m_pMaterialTranslucentModelHulls->FindVarFast( "$color", &s_nTranslucentModelHullCache );
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterialSolidModelHulls );
colorVar = m_pMaterialSolidModelHulls->FindVarFast( "$color", &s_nSolidModelHullCache );
for (i = 0; i < s->numhitboxes; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
tmp[0] = (j & 1) ? pbbox[i].bbmin[0] : pbbox[i].bbmax[0];
tmp[1] = (j & 2) ? pbbox[i].bbmin[1] : pbbox[i].bbmax[1];
tmp[2] = (j & 4) ? pbbox[i].bbmin[2] : pbbox[i].bbmax[2];
VectorTransform( tmp, m_pBoneToWorld[pbbox[i].bone], p[j] );
j = (pbbox[i].group % 8);
if( colorVar )
if( translucent )
colorVar->SetVecValue( 0.2f * hullcolor[j].x, 0.2f * hullcolor[j].y, 0.2f * hullcolor[j].z );
colorVar->SetVecValue( hullcolor[j].x, hullcolor[j].y, hullcolor[j].z );
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
#if 0
tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0;
tmp[j % 3] = (j < 3) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
// R_StudioLighting( &lv, pbbox[i].bone, 0, tmp ); // BUG: not updated
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh();
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
meshBuilder.Position3fv( p[boxpnt[j][k]].Base() );
void CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawBones (void)
int i, j, k;
// float lv;
Vector tmp;
Vector p[8];
Vector up, right, forward;
Vector a1;
const mstudiobone_t *pbones;
Vector positionArray[4];
pbones = m_pStudioHdr->pBone( 0 );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHdr->numbones; i++)
if (pbones[i].parent == -1)
k = pbones[i].parent;
a1[0] = a1[1] = a1[2] = 1.0;
up[0] = m_pBoneToWorld[i][0][3] - m_pBoneToWorld[k][0][3];
up[1] = m_pBoneToWorld[i][1][3] - m_pBoneToWorld[k][1][3];
up[2] = m_pBoneToWorld[i][2][3] - m_pBoneToWorld[k][2][3];
if (up[0] > up[1])
if (up[0] > up[2])
a1[0] = 0.0;
a1[2] = 0.0;
if (up[1] > up[2])
a1[1] = 0.0;
a1[2] = 0.0;
CrossProduct( up, a1, right );
VectorNormalize( right );
CrossProduct( up, right, forward );
VectorNormalize( forward );
VectorScale( right, 2.0, right );
VectorScale( forward, 2.0, forward );
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
p[j][0] = m_pBoneToWorld[k][0][3];
p[j][1] = m_pBoneToWorld[k][1][3];
p[j][2] = m_pBoneToWorld[k][2][3];
if (j & 1)
VectorSubtract( p[j], right, p[j] );
VectorAdd( p[j], right, p[j] );
if (j & 2)
VectorSubtract( p[j], forward, p[j] );
VectorAdd( p[j], forward, p[j] );
if (j & 4)
VectorAdd( p[j], up, p[j] );
VectorNormalize( up );
VectorNormalize( right );
VectorNormalize( forward );
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterialModelBones );
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
switch( j)
case 0: VectorCopy( right, tmp ); break;
case 1: VectorCopy( forward, tmp ); break;
case 2: VectorCopy( up, tmp ); break;
case 3: VectorScale( right, -1, tmp ); break;
case 4: VectorScale( forward, -1, tmp ); break;
case 5: VectorScale( up, -1, tmp ); break;
// R_StudioLighting( &lv, -1, 0, tmp ); // BUG: not updated
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh();
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
meshBuilder.Position3fv( p[boxpnt[j][k]].Base() );
int CStudioRender::R_StudioRenderModel( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, int skin,
int body, int hitboxset, void /*IClientEntity*/ *pEntity,
IMaterial **ppMaterials, int *pMaterialFlags, int flags, int boneMask, int lod, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes )
int nDrawGroup = flags & STUDIORENDER_DRAW_GROUP_MASK;
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.drawEntities == 2 )
R_StudioDrawBones( );
return 0;
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.drawEntities == 3 )
R_StudioDrawHulls( hitboxset, false );
return 0;
// BUG: This method is crap, though less crap than before. It should just sort
// the materials though it'll need to sort at render time as "skin"
// can change what materials a given mesh may use
int numFacesRendered = 0, numPasses = 0;
// Build list of submodels
BodyPartInfo_t *pBodyPartInfo = (BodyPartInfo_t*)stackalloc( m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts * sizeof(BodyPartInfo_t) );
for ( int i=0 ; i < m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; ++i )
pBodyPartInfo[i].m_nSubModelIndex = R_StudioSetupModel( i, body, &pBodyPartInfo[i].m_pSubModel, m_pStudioHdr );
// mark possible translucent meshes
// we're going to render the opaque meshes, so these will get counted in that pass
m_bSkippedMeshes = false;
m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels = false;
numFacesRendered += R_StudioRenderFinal( pRenderContext, skin, m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts, pBodyPartInfo,
pEntity, ppMaterials, pMaterialFlags, boneMask, lod, pColorMeshes );
m_bSkippedMeshes = true;
if ( m_bSkippedMeshes && nDrawGroup != STUDIORENDER_DRAW_OPAQUE_ONLY )
m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels = true;
numFacesRendered += R_StudioRenderFinal( pRenderContext, skin, m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts, pBodyPartInfo,
pEntity, ppMaterials, pMaterialFlags, boneMask, lod, pColorMeshes );
#ifndef _CERT
static ConVarRef mat_rendered_faces_count( "mat_rendered_faces_count" );
static ConVarRef mat_print_top_model_vert_counts( "mat_print_top_model_vert_counts" );
if ( numPasses && ( mat_rendered_faces_count.GetBool() || mat_print_top_model_vert_counts.GetBool() ) )
// Each model counts how many rendered faces it accounts for each frame:
m_pStudioHWData->UpdateFacesRenderedCount( m_pStudioHdr, m_ModelFaceCountHash, lod, 1, numFacesRendered );
#endif // !_CERT
return numFacesRendered;
// Generate morph accumulator
void CStudioRender::GenerateMorphAccumulator( mstudiomodel_t *pSubModel )
// Deal with all flexes
// FIXME: HW Morphing doesn't work with translucent models yet
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.m_bEnableHWMorph || !m_pRC->m_Config.bFlex || m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels ||
!g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->HasFastVertexTextures() )
int nActiveMeshCount = 0;
mstudiomesh_t *ppMeshes[512];
// First, build the list of meshes that need morphing
for ( int i = 0; i < pSubModel->nummeshes; ++i )
mstudiomesh_t *pMesh = pSubModel->pMesh(i);
studiomeshdata_t *pMeshData = &m_pStudioMeshes[pMesh->meshid];
Assert( pMeshData );
int nFlexCount = pMesh->numflexes;
if ( !nFlexCount )
for ( int j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j )
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
bool bIsDeltaFlexed = (pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED) != 0;
if ( !bIsDeltaFlexed )
ppMeshes[nActiveMeshCount++] = pMesh;
Assert( nActiveMeshCount < 512 );
if ( nActiveMeshCount == 0 )
// HACK - Just turn off scissor for this model if it is doing morph accumulation
// DisableScissor();
// Next, accumulate morphs for appropriate meshes
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
for ( int i = 0; i < nActiveMeshCount; ++i )
mstudiomesh_t *pMesh = ppMeshes[i];
studiomeshdata_t *pMeshData = &m_pStudioMeshes[pMesh->meshid];
int nFlexCount = pMesh->numflexes;
MorphWeight_t *pWeights = (MorphWeight_t*)stackalloc( nFlexCount * sizeof(MorphWeight_t) );
ComputeFlexWeights( nFlexCount, pMesh->pFlex(0), pWeights );
for ( int j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j )
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
if ( !pGroup->m_pMorph )
pRenderContext->AccumulateMorph( pGroup->m_pMorph, nFlexCount, pWeights );
// Computes eyeball state
void CStudioRender::ComputeEyelidStateFACS( mstudiomodel_t *pSubModel )
for ( int j = 0; j < pSubModel->numeyeballs; j++ )
// FIXME: This might not be necessary...
R_StudioEyeballPosition( pSubModel->pEyeball( j ), &m_pEyeballState[ j ] );
R_StudioEyelidFACS( pSubModel->pEyeball(j), &m_pEyeballState[j] );
outputs: returns the number of triangles rendered.
int CStudioRender::R_StudioRenderFinal( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext,
int skin, int nBodyPartCount, BodyPartInfo_t *pBodyPartInfo, void /*IClientEntity*/ *pClientEntity,
IMaterial **ppMaterials, int *pMaterialFlags, int boneMask, int lod, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes )
int numFacesRendered = 0;
for ( int i=0 ; i < nBodyPartCount; i++ )
m_pSubModel = pBodyPartInfo[i].m_pSubModel;
// NOTE: This has to run here because it effects flex targets,
// so therefore it must happen prior to GenerateMorphAccumulator.
ComputeEyelidStateFACS( m_pSubModel );
GenerateMorphAccumulator( m_pSubModel );
// Set up SW flex
m_VertexCache.SetBodyPart( i );
m_VertexCache.SetModel( pBodyPartInfo[i].m_nSubModelIndex );
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawPoints( pRenderContext, skin, pClientEntity,
ppMaterials, pMaterialFlags, boneMask, lod, pColorMeshes );
return numFacesRendered;
ConVar r_flashlightscissor( "r_flashlightscissor", "0", FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD );
void CStudioRender::PushScissor( FlashlightState_t *state )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Only scissor into the backbuffer
if ( r_flashlightscissor.GetBool() && state->DoScissor() && ( pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget() == NULL ) )
pRenderContext->PushScissorRect( state->GetLeft(), state->GetTop(), state->GetRight(), state->GetBottom() );
void CStudioRender::PopScissor( FlashlightState_t *state )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Only scissor into the backbuffer
if ( r_flashlightscissor.GetBool() && state->DoScissor() && ( pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget() == NULL ) )
// Draw shadows
void CStudioRender::DrawShadows( const DrawModelInfo_t& info, int flags, int boneMask )
if ( !m_ShadowState.Count() )
IMaterial* pForcedMat = m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial[ 0 ];
OverrideType_t nForcedType = m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType;
// Here, we have to redraw the model one time for each flashlight
// Having a material of NULL means that we are a light source.
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Bail if we're using single-pass flashlight
if ( IsGameConsole() || pRenderContext->SinglePassFlashlightModeEnabled() )
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( true );
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_ShadowState.Count(); ++i )
if( !m_ShadowState[i].m_pMaterial )
Assert( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState && m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture );
if ( ( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState && m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture ) )
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightStateEx( *m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState, *m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture, m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightDepthTexture );
m_pCurrentFlashlight = m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState;
PushScissor( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState );
R_StudioRenderModel( pRenderContext, info.m_Skin, info.m_Body, info.m_HitboxSet, info.m_pClientEntity,
info.m_pHardwareData->m_pLODs[info.m_Lod].pMaterialFlags, flags, boneMask, info.m_Lod, info.m_pColorMeshes );
PopScissor( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState );
m_pCurrentFlashlight = NULL;
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( false );
// Here, we have to redraw the model one time for each shadow
for (int i = 0; i < m_ShadowState.Count(); ++i )
if( m_ShadowState[i].m_pMaterial )
m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial[ 0 ] = m_ShadowState[i].m_pMaterial;
m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType = OVERRIDE_NORMAL;
R_StudioRenderModel( pRenderContext, 0, info.m_Body, 0, m_ShadowState[i].m_pProxyData,
NULL, NULL, flags, boneMask, info.m_Lod, NULL );
// Restore the previous forced material
m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial[ 0 ] = pForcedMat;
m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType = nForcedType;
void CStudioRender::DrawStaticPropShadows( const DrawModelInfo_t &info, const StudioRenderContext_t &rc, const matrix3x4_t& rootToWorld, int flags )
memcpy( &m_StaticPropRootToWorld, &rootToWorld, sizeof(matrix3x4_t) );
memcpy( &m_PoseToWorld[0], &rootToWorld, sizeof(matrix3x4_t) );
m_pRC = const_cast< StudioRenderContext_t* >( &rc );
m_pBoneToWorld = &m_StaticPropRootToWorld;
m_pStudioHdr = info.m_pStudioHdr;
m_pStudioMeshes = info.m_pHardwareData->m_pLODs[info.m_Lod].m_pMeshData;
m_pStudioHWData = info.m_pHardwareData;
DrawShadows( info, flags, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );
m_pRC = NULL;
m_pBoneToWorld = NULL;
m_pStudioHdr = NULL;
m_pStudioMeshes = NULL;
m_pStudioHWData = NULL;
// Draw flashlight lighting on decals.
void CStudioRender::DrawFlashlightDecals( const DrawModelInfo_t& info, int lod )
if ( !m_ShadowState.Count() || IsGameConsole() ) // game console implies single pass flashlight
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( true );
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_ShadowState.Count(); ++i )
// This isn't clear. This means that this is a flashlight if the material is NULL. FLASHLIGHTFIXME
if( !m_ShadowState[i].m_pMaterial )
Assert( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState && m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture );
if ( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState && m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture )
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightStateEx( *m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState, *m_ShadowState[i].m_pWorldToTexture, m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightDepthTexture );
PushScissor( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState );
DrawDecal( info, lod, info.m_Body );
PopScissor( m_ShadowState[i].m_pFlashlightState );
pRenderContext->SetFlashlightMode( false );
matrix3x4_t *ComputeSkinMatrix( mstudioboneweight_t &boneweights, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, matrix3x4_t &scratchMatrix )
float flWeight0, flWeight1, flWeight2;
switch( boneweights.numbones )
case 1:
return &pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
case 2:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
flWeight0 = boneweights.weight[0];
flWeight1 = boneweights.weight[1];
// NOTE: Inlining here seems to make a fair amount of difference
scratchMatrix[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[0][3] = boneMat0[0][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][3] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[1][3] = boneMat0[1][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][3] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1;
scratchMatrix[2][3] = boneMat0[2][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][3] * flWeight1;
return &scratchMatrix;
case 3:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
flWeight0 = boneweights.weight[0];
flWeight1 = boneweights.weight[1];
flWeight2 = boneweights.weight[2];
scratchMatrix[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[0][3] = boneMat0[0][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][3] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[1][3] = boneMat0[1][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][3] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2;
scratchMatrix[2][3] = boneMat0[2][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][3] * flWeight2;
return &scratchMatrix;
case 4:
Assert( 0 ); // results undefined for numbones == 4, as MAX_NUM_BONES_PER_VERT is 3
return &scratchMatrix;
return NULL;
static void ComputeSkinMatrixToMemory( mstudioboneweight_t &boneweights, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, matrix3x4_t &result )
float flWeight0, flWeight1, flWeight2;
switch( boneweights.numbones )
case 1:
memcpy( &result, &pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]], sizeof(matrix3x4_t) );
case 2:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
flWeight0 = boneweights.weight[0];
flWeight1 = boneweights.weight[1];
// NOTE: Inlining here seems to make a fair amount of difference
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1;
result[0][3] = boneMat0[0][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][3] * flWeight1;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1;
result[1][3] = boneMat0[1][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][3] * flWeight1;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1;
result[2][3] = boneMat0[2][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][3] * flWeight1;
case 3:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
flWeight0 = boneweights.weight[0];
flWeight1 = boneweights.weight[1];
flWeight2 = boneweights.weight[2];
result[0][0] = boneMat0[0][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][0] * flWeight2;
result[0][1] = boneMat0[0][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][1] * flWeight2;
result[0][2] = boneMat0[0][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][2] * flWeight2;
result[0][3] = boneMat0[0][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[0][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[0][3] * flWeight2;
result[1][0] = boneMat0[1][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][0] * flWeight2;
result[1][1] = boneMat0[1][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][1] * flWeight2;
result[1][2] = boneMat0[1][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][2] * flWeight2;
result[1][3] = boneMat0[1][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[1][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[1][3] * flWeight2;
result[2][0] = boneMat0[2][0] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][0] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][0] * flWeight2;
result[2][1] = boneMat0[2][1] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][1] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][1] * flWeight2;
result[2][2] = boneMat0[2][2] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][2] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][2] * flWeight2;
result[2][3] = boneMat0[2][3] * flWeight0 + boneMat1[2][3] * flWeight1 + boneMat2[2][3] * flWeight2;
case 4:
Assert( 0 ); // results undefined for numbones == 4, as MAX_NUM_BONES_PER_VERT is 3
void ComputeSkinMatrixToMemorySSE( mstudioboneweight_t &boneweights, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, matrix3x4_t &result )
// NOTE: pPoseToWorld, being cache aligned, doesn't need explicit initialization
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _WIN64 ) && !defined( _X360 )
switch( boneweights.numbones )
case 1:
memcpy( &result, &pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]], sizeof(matrix3x4_t) );
case 2:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [result]
// Fill xmm6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up all rows of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm6
mulps xmm1, xmm7
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
mulps xmm4, xmm6
mulps xmm5, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm4, xmm5
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm4
case 3:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm5, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 8] ; boneweights.weight[2]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [boneMat2]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [result]
// Fill xmm5, 6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up the first row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
// Load up the second row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 16]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm0
// Load up the third row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm0
case 4:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat3 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[3]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm4, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm5, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax + 8] ; boneweights.weight[2]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 12] ; boneweights.weight[3]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [boneMat2]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [boneMat3]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [result]
// Fill xmm5, 6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm4, xmm4, 0
shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up the first row of the four matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
// Load up the second row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 16]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi + 16]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm0
// Load up the third row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 32]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm0
#elif POSIX || _WIN64
ComputeSkinMatrixToMemory( boneweights, pPoseToWorld, result );
#elif defined( _X360 )
ComputeSkinMatrixToMemory( boneweights, pPoseToWorld, result );
matrix3x4_t *ComputeSkinMatrixSSE( mstudioboneweight_t &boneweights, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, matrix3x4_t &scratchMatrix )
// NOTE: pPoseToWorld, being cache aligned, doesn't need explicit initialization
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _WIN64 ) && !defined( _X360 )
switch( boneweights.numbones )
case 1:
return &pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
case 2:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [scratchMatrix]
// Fill xmm6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up all rows of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm6
mulps xmm1, xmm7
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
mulps xmm4, xmm6
mulps xmm5, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm4, xmm5
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm4
return &scratchMatrix;
case 3:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm5, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 8] ; boneweights.weight[2]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [boneMat2]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [scratchMatrix]
// Fill xmm5, 6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up the first row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
// Load up the second row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 16]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm0
// Load up the third row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm5
mulps xmm1, xmm6
mulps xmm2, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm0
return &scratchMatrix;
case 4:
matrix3x4_t &boneMat0 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[0]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat1 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[1]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat2 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[2]];
matrix3x4_t &boneMat3 = pPoseToWorld[boneweights.bone[3]];
float *pWeights = boneweights.weight;
mov eax, DWORD PTR [pWeights]
movss xmm4, dword ptr[eax] ; boneweights.weight[0]
movss xmm5, dword ptr[eax + 4] ; boneweights.weight[1]
movss xmm6, dword ptr[eax + 8] ; boneweights.weight[2]
movss xmm7, dword ptr[eax + 12] ; boneweights.weight[3]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [boneMat0]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [boneMat1]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [boneMat2]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [boneMat3]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [scratchMatrix]
// Fill xmm5, 6, and 7 with all the bone weights
shufps xmm4, xmm4, 0
shufps xmm5, xmm5, 0
shufps xmm6, xmm6, 0
shufps xmm7, xmm7, 0
// Load up the first row of the four matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0
// Load up the second row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 16]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 16]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 16]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi + 16]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 16], xmm0
// Load up the third row of the three matrices
movaps xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [eax + 32]
movaps xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [ecx + 32]
movaps xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [edx + 32]
movaps xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esi + 32]
// Multiply the rows by the weights
mulps xmm0, xmm4
mulps xmm1, xmm5
mulps xmm2, xmm6
mulps xmm3, xmm7
addps xmm0, xmm1
addps xmm2, xmm3
addps xmm0, xmm2
movaps XMMWORD PTR [edi + 32], xmm0
return &scratchMatrix;
#ifndef LINUX
#pragma message("ComputeSkinMatrixSSE C implementation only")
return ComputeSkinMatrix( boneweights, pPoseToWorld, scratchMatrix );
Assert( 0 );
return NULL;
// Designed for inter-module draw optimized calling, requires R_InitLightEffectWorld3()
// Compute the lighting at a point and normal
// Uses the set function pointer
// Final lighting is in gamma space
static lightpos_t lightpos[MAXLOCALLIGHTS];
inline void CStudioRender::R_ComputeLightAtPoint3( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal, Vector &color )
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.fullbright )
color.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
// Set up lightpos[i].dot, lightpos[i].falloff, and lightpos[i].delta for all lights
R_LightStrengthWorld( pos, m_pRC->m_NumLocalLights, m_pRC->m_LocalLights, lightpos );
// calculate ambient values from the ambient cube given a normal.
R_LightAmbient_4D( normal, m_pRC->m_LightBoxColors, color );
// Calculate color given lightpos_t lightpos, a normal, and the ambient
// color from the ambient cube calculated above.
R_LightEffectsWorld3( m_pRC->m_LocalLights, lightpos, normal, color );
// define SPECIAL_SSE_MESH_PROCESSOR to enable code which contains a special optimized SSE lighting loop, significantly
// improving software vertex processing performace.
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// false: MAX(0,L*N) true: .5*(L.N)+.5. set based on material
static bool SSELightingHalfLambert;
// These variables are used by the special SSE lighting path. The
// lighting path calculates them everytime it processes a mesh so their
// is no need to keep them in sync with changes to the other light variables
static fltx4 OneOver_ThetaDot_Minus_PhiDot[MAXLOCALLIGHTS]; // 1/(theta-phi)
void CStudioRender::R_MouthLighting( fltx4 fIllum, const FourVectors& normal, const FourVectors& forward, FourVectors &light )
fltx4 dot = SubSIMD(Four_Zeros,normal*forward);
light *= dot;
inline void CStudioRender::R_ComputeLightAtPoints3( const FourVectors &pos, const FourVectors &normal, FourVectors &color )
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.fullbright )
color.DuplicateVector( Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
R_LightAmbient_4D( normal, m_pRC->m_LightBoxColors, color );
// now, add in contribution from all lights
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pRC->m_NumLocalLights; i++)
FourVectors delta;
LightDesc_t const *wl = m_pRC->m_LocalLights+i;
switch (wl->m_Type)
fltx4 falloff = R_WorldLightDistanceFalloff( wl, delta);
fltx4 strength=delta*normal;
if (SSELightingHalfLambert)
// half-lambert
fltx4 dot2=SubSIMD(Four_Zeros,delta*wl->m_Direction); // dot position with spot light dir for cone falloff
fltx4 cone_falloff_scale=MulSIMD(OneOver_ThetaDot_Minus_PhiDot[i],
if ((wl->m_Falloff!=0.0) && (wl->m_Falloff!=1.0))
// !!speed!! could compute integer exponent needed by powsimd and store in light
// now, zero out lighting where dot2<phidot. This will mask out any invalid results
// from pow function, etc
fltx4 OutsideMask=CmpGtSIMD(dot2,ReplicateX4(wl->m_PhiDot)); // outside light cone?
// Optimized for low-end hardware
#pragma warning (disable:4701)
// NOTE: I'm using this crazy wrapper because using straight template functions
// doesn't appear to work with function tables
template< int nHasTangentSpace, int nDoFlex, int nLighting >
class CProcessMeshWrapper
static void R_TransformVert( const Vector *pSrcPos, const Vector *pSrcNorm, const Vector4D *pSrcTangentS,
matrix3x4_t *pSkinMat, VectorAligned &pos, Vector &norm, Vector4DAligned &tangentS )
// NOTE: Could add SSE stuff here, if we knew what SSE stuff could make it faster
pos.x = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2] + (*pSkinMat)[0][3];
norm.x = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2];
pos.y = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2] + (*pSkinMat)[1][3];
norm.y = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2];
pos.z = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2] + (*pSkinMat)[2][3];
norm.z = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2];
if ( nHasTangentSpace )
tangentS.x = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2];
tangentS.y = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2];
tangentS.z = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2];
tangentS.w = pSrcTangentS->w;
static void R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh( const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData, matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld,
CCachedRenderData &vertexCache, CMeshBuilder& meshBuilder, int numVertices, unsigned short* pGroupToMesh, unsigned int nAlphaMask,
IMaterial* pMaterial)
Vector color;
Vector4D *pStudioTangentS;
Vector4DAligned tangentS;
Vector *pSrcPos;
Vector *pSrcNorm;
Vector4D *pSrcTangentS = NULL;
ALIGN16 ModelVertexDX8_t dstVertex;
dstVertex.m_vecUserData.Init( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
ALIGN16 matrix3x4_t temp;
ALIGN16 matrix3x4_t *pSkinMat;
Assert( numVertices > 0 );
mstudiovertex_t *pVertices = vertData->Vertex( 0 );
if (nHasTangentSpace)
pStudioTangentS = vertData->TangentS( 0 );
Assert( pStudioTangentS->w == -1.0f || pStudioTangentS->w == 1.0f );
// Mouth related stuff...
float fIllum = 1.0f;
Vector forward;
if (nLighting == LIGHTING_MOUTH)
g_StudioRender.R_MouthComputeLightingValues( fIllum, forward );
if ((nLighting == LIGHTING_MOUTH) || (nLighting == LIGHTING_SOFTWARE))
#ifdef _DEBUG
// In debug, clear it out to ensure we aren't accidentially calling
// the last setup for R_ComputeLightForPoint3.
g_StudioRender.R_LightEffectsWorld3 = NULL;
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// Precaches the data
_mm_prefetch( (char*)((int)pGroupToMesh & (~0x1F)), _MM_HINT_NTA );
for ( int i = 0; i < PREFETCH_VERT_COUNT; ++i )
ntemp[i] = pGroupToMesh[i];
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
char *pMem = (char*)&pVertices[ntemp[i]];
_mm_prefetch( pMem, _MM_HINT_NTA );
_mm_prefetch( pMem + 32, _MM_HINT_NTA );
if ( nHasTangentSpace )
_mm_prefetch( (char*)&pStudioTangentS[ntemp[i]], _MM_HINT_NTA );
int n, idx;
for ( int j=0; j < numVertices; ++j )
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
char *pMem = (char*)&pGroupToMesh[j + PREFETCH_VERT_COUNT + 1];
_mm_prefetch( (char*)((int)pMem & (~0x1F)), _MM_HINT_NTA );
idx = j & (PREFETCH_VERT_COUNT-1);
n = ntemp[idx];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
ntemp[idx] = pGroupToMesh[j + PREFETCH_VERT_COUNT];
// Compute the skinning matrix
pSkinMat = ComputeSkinMatrixSSE( vert.m_BoneWeights, pPoseToWorld, temp );
// transform into world space
if ( nDoFlex && vertexCache.IsVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNormTan_t* pFlexedVertex = vertexCache.GetFlexVertex(n);
pSrcPos = &pFlexedVertex->m_Position.AsVector3D();
pSrcNorm = &pFlexedVertex->m_Normal.AsVector3D();
if ( nHasTangentSpace )
pSrcTangentS = &pFlexedVertex->m_TangentS;
Assert( pSrcTangentS->w == -1.0f || pSrcTangentS->w == 1.0f );
pSrcPos = &vert.m_vecPosition;
pSrcNorm = &vert.m_vecNormal;
if ( nHasTangentSpace )
pSrcTangentS = &pStudioTangentS[n];
Assert( pSrcTangentS->w == -1.0f || pSrcTangentS->w == 1.0f );
// Transform the vert into world space
R_TransformVert( pSrcPos, pSrcNorm, pSrcTangentS, pSkinMat,
*(VectorAligned*)&dstVertex.m_vecPosition, dstVertex.m_vecNormal, *(Vector4DAligned*)&dstVertex.m_vecUserData );
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
_mm_prefetch( (char*)&pVertices[ntemp[idx]], _MM_HINT_NTA);
_mm_prefetch( (char*)&pVertices[ntemp[idx]] + 32, _MM_HINT_NTA );
if ( nHasTangentSpace )
_mm_prefetch( (char*)&pStudioTangentS[ntemp[idx]], _MM_HINT_NTA );
dstVertex.m_vecTexCoord = vert.m_vecTexCoord;
#if !defined( _X360 )
Assert( dstVertex.m_vecUserData.w == -1.0f || dstVertex.m_vecUserData.w == 1.0f );
meshBuilder.FastVertexSSE( dstVertex );
meshBuilder.VertexDX8ToX360( dstVertex );
meshBuilder.FastAdvanceNVertices( numVertices );
static int NotCloseEnough( float a, float b )
// check if 2 linear lighting values are close enough between the sse and non see lighting model
// no point being more precise than 1% since it all maps to 8 bit anyway
float thresh=0.1f*fabs( a );
if ( thresh < 0.1f )
thresh = 0.1f;
return ( fabs( a-b ) > thresh );
// this special version of the vertex processor does 4 vertices at once, so that they can be lit using SSE instructions. This provides
// a >2x speedup in the lit case
static void R_PerformVectorizedLightingSSE( const FourVectors &forward, fltx4 fIllum, ModelVertexDX8_t *dst, unsigned int nAlphaMask)
if ( nLighting == LIGHTING_SOFTWARE )
// if ( (g_StudioRender.m_NumLocalLights==1) &&
// ( (g_StudioRender.m_LocalLights[0].m_Type==MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT)))
// {
// // ihvtest doesn't use different exponents for its spots,
// // so i mess with the exponents when testing
// static int ctr=0;
// static float exps[8]={0,1,2,3,4,4.5,5.25,2.5};
// ctr=(ctr+1)&7;
// g_StudioRender.m_LocalLights[0].m_Falloff=exps[ctr];
// }
FourVectors Position;
FourVectors Normal(dst[0].m_vecNormal,dst[1].m_vecNormal,dst[2].m_vecNormal,dst[3].m_vecNormal);
FourVectors Color;
g_StudioRender.R_ComputeLightAtPoints3( Position, Normal, Color);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
Vector color;
// debug - check sse version against "real" version
g_StudioRender.R_ComputeLightAtPoint3( dst[i].m_vecPosition,dst[i].m_vecNormal, color );
if ( NotCloseEnough(color.x,Color.X(i)) ||
NotCloseEnough(color.y,Color.Y(i)) ||
// recompute so can step in debugger
g_StudioRender.R_ComputeLightAtPoints3( Position,Normal,Color);
g_StudioRender.R_ComputeLightAtPoint3( dst[i].m_vecPosition,dst[i].m_vecNormal, color );
unsigned char r = LinearToLightmap( Color.X(i) );
unsigned char g = LinearToLightmap( Color.Y(i) );
unsigned char b = LinearToLightmap( Color.Z(i) );
dst[i].m_nColor = b | (g << 8) | (r << 16) | nAlphaMask;
else if ( nLighting == LIGHTING_MOUTH )
FourVectors Position;
FourVectors Normal(dst[0].m_vecNormal,dst[1].m_vecNormal,dst[2].m_vecNormal,dst[3].m_vecNormal);
FourVectors Color;
g_StudioRender.R_ComputeLightAtPoints3( Position, Normal, Color);
g_StudioRender.R_MouthLighting( fIllum, Normal, forward, Color );
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
unsigned char r = LinearToLightmap( Color.X(i) );
unsigned char g = LinearToLightmap( Color.Y(i) );
unsigned char b = LinearToLightmap( Color.Z(i) );
dst[i].m_nColor = b | (g << 8) | (r << 16) | nAlphaMask;
// Draws the mesh using software vertex transformation
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, false, LIGHTING_HARDWARE > ProcessMesh00H_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, false, LIGHTING_SOFTWARE > ProcessMesh00S_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, false, LIGHTING_MOUTH > ProcessMesh00M_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, true, LIGHTING_HARDWARE > ProcessMesh01H_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, true, LIGHTING_SOFTWARE > ProcessMesh01S_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< false, true, LIGHTING_MOUTH > ProcessMesh01M_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, false, LIGHTING_HARDWARE > ProcessMesh10H_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, false, LIGHTING_SOFTWARE > ProcessMesh10S_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, false, LIGHTING_MOUTH > ProcessMesh10M_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, true, LIGHTING_HARDWARE > ProcessMesh11H_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, true, LIGHTING_SOFTWARE > ProcessMesh11S_t;
typedef CProcessMeshWrapper< true, true, LIGHTING_MOUTH > ProcessMesh11M_t;
static SoftwareProcessMeshFunc_t g_SoftwareProcessMeshFunc[] =
inline const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t * GetFatVertexData( mstudiomesh_t * pMesh, studiohdr_t * pStudioHdr )
if ( !pMesh->pModel()->CacheVertexData( pStudioHdr ) )
// not available yet
return NULL;
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *pVertData = pMesh->GetVertexData( pStudioHdr );
Assert( pVertData );
if ( !pVertData )
static unsigned int warnCount = 0;
if ( warnCount++ < 20 )
Warning( "ERROR: model verts have been compressed or you don't have them in memory on a console, cannot render! (use \"-no_compressed_vvds\")" );
return pVertData;
void CStudioRender::R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh( mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, CMeshBuilder& meshBuilder,
int numVertices, unsigned short* pGroupToMesh, StudioModelLighting_t lighting, bool doFlex, float r_blend,
bool bNeedsTangentSpace, IMaterial *pMaterial )
unsigned int nAlphaMask = RoundFloatToInt( r_blend * 255.0f );
nAlphaMask = clamp( nAlphaMask, (uint)0, (uint)255 );
nAlphaMask <<= 24;
// FIXME: Use function pointers to simplify this?!?
int idx = bNeedsTangentSpace * 6 + doFlex * 3 + lighting;
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *pVertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( pVertData )
// invoke the software mesh processing handler
g_SoftwareProcessMeshFunc[idx]( pVertData, m_PoseToWorld, m_VertexCache, meshBuilder, numVertices, pGroupToMesh, nAlphaMask, pMaterial );
static void R_SlowTransformVert( const Vector *pSrcPos, const Vector *pSrcNorm,
matrix3x4_t *pSkinMat, VectorAligned &pos, VectorAligned &norm )
pos.x = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2] + (*pSkinMat)[0][3];
norm.x = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2];
pos.y = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2] + (*pSkinMat)[1][3];
norm.y = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2];
pos.z = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2] + (*pSkinMat)[2][3];
norm.z = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2];
static void R_SlowTransformVert( const Vector *pSrcPos, const Vector *pSrcNorm, const Vector4D *pSrcTangentS,
matrix3x4_t *pSkinMat, VectorAligned &pos, VectorAligned &norm, VectorAligned &tangentS )
pos.x = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2] + (*pSkinMat)[0][3];
norm.x = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2];
tangentS.x = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[0][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[0][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[0][2];
pos.y = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2] + (*pSkinMat)[1][3];
norm.y = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2];
tangentS.y = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[1][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[1][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[1][2];
pos.z = pSrcPos->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcPos->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcPos->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2] + (*pSkinMat)[2][3];
norm.z = pSrcNorm->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcNorm->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcNorm->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2];
tangentS.z = pSrcTangentS->x * (*pSkinMat)[2][0] + pSrcTangentS->y * (*pSkinMat)[2][1] + pSrcTangentS->z * (*pSkinMat)[2][2];
void CStudioRender::R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh_NormalsBatched(IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup,
StudioModelLighting_t lighting, bool doFlex, float r_blend, bool bShowNormals, bool bShowTangent )
//Batch up and render normals and tangents so that we don't blow the maximum vertex buffer size.
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( false );
int nMaxVertices, nMaxIndices;
pRenderContext->GetMaxToRender( pMesh, false, &nMaxVertices, &nMaxIndices );
int numPrimativesPerVertex = ( (bShowNormals ? 1 : 0) + (bShowTangent ? 2 : 0) );
if ( numPrimativesPerVertex == 0 )
int numLineSegVertsPerVertex = 2 * numPrimativesPerVertex;
const int maxVertsPerPass = nMaxVertices / numLineSegVertsPerVertex;
int startVertex = 0;
int numVertsLeftToDraw = pGroup->m_NumVertices;
while ( numVertsLeftToDraw > 0 )
int numVertsInThisPass = numVertsLeftToDraw;
if ( numVertsInThisPass > maxVertsPerPass )
numVertsInThisPass = maxVertsPerPass;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, numVertsInThisPass * numPrimativesPerVertex );
R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh_Normals( pmesh, meshBuilder, startVertex, numVertsInThisPass, pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex, lighting, doFlex, r_blend, bShowNormals, bShowTangent, bShowTangent );
meshBuilder.End( );
numVertsLeftToDraw -= numVertsInThisPass;
startVertex += numVertsInThisPass;
void CStudioRender::R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh_Normals( mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, CMeshBuilder& meshBuilder, int startVertex,
int numVertices, unsigned short* pGroupToMesh, StudioModelLighting_t lighting, bool doFlex, float r_blend,
bool bShowNormals, bool bShowTangentS, bool bShowTangentT )
ALIGN16 matrix3x4_t temp;
ALIGN16 matrix3x4_t *pSkinMat;
Vector *pSrcPos = NULL;
Vector *pSrcNorm = NULL;
Vector4D *pSrcTangentS = NULL;
VectorAligned norm, pos, tangentS, tangentT;
// Gets at the vertex data
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( !vertData )
// not available
// Don't even try to show tangent data if we don't have any
if ( !vertData->HasTangentData() )
bShowTangentS = bShowTangentT = false;
mstudiovertex_t *pVertices = vertData->Vertex( 0 );
Vector4D *pTangentS = NULL;
Vector4D tang;
if ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT )
pTangentS = vertData->TangentS( 0 );
for ( int j=startVertex; j < startVertex + numVertices; j++ )
int n = pGroupToMesh[j];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
if ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT )
tang = pTangentS[n];
pSkinMat = ComputeSkinMatrix( vert.m_BoneWeights, m_PoseToWorld, temp );
// transform into world space
if ( m_VertexCache.IsVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNormTan_t* pFlexedVertex = m_VertexCache.GetFlexVertex(n);
pSrcPos = &pFlexedVertex->m_Position.AsVector3D();
pSrcNorm = &pFlexedVertex->m_Normal.AsVector3D();
if ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT )
pSrcTangentS = &pFlexedVertex->m_TangentS;
pSrcPos = &vert.m_vecPosition;
pSrcNorm = &vert.m_vecNormal;
if ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT )
pSrcTangentS = &tang;
// Transform the vert into world space
if ( ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT ) && ( pSrcTangentS != NULL ) )
R_SlowTransformVert( pSrcPos, pSrcNorm, pSrcTangentS, pSkinMat, pos, norm, tangentS );
R_SlowTransformVert( pSrcPos, pSrcNorm, pSkinMat, pos, norm );
if ( bShowNormals )
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
Vector normalPos;
normalPos = pos + norm * 0.5f;
meshBuilder.Position3fv( normalPos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if ( ( bShowTangentS || bShowTangentT ) && ( pSrcTangentS != NULL) )
if ( bShowTangentS )
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
Vector vTangentSPos;
vTangentSPos = pos + tangentS * 0.5f;
meshBuilder.Position3fv( vTangentSPos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
if ( bShowTangentT )
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
// Compute tangentT from normal and tangentS
CrossProduct( norm, tangentS, tangentT );
Vector vTangentTPos;
vTangentTPos = pos + tangentT * 0.5f;
meshBuilder.Position3fv( vTangentTPos.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
} // end tacking on tangentS and tangetT line segments
#pragma warning (default:4701)
static int r_studioProcess_maxVerts = 100;
//DLL_IMPORT CLinkedMiniProfiler *g_pOtherMiniProfilers;
//CLinkedMiniProfiler g_mp_flexV("flexV", &g_pOtherMiniProfilers);
//CLinkedMiniProfiler g_mp_flexW("flexW", &g_pOtherMiniProfilers);
void CStudioRender::R_StudioProcessFlexedMesh_StreamOffset( mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, int lod )
VPROF_BUDGET( "ProcessFlexedMesh_SO", _T("HW_Morphing") );
if ( m_VertexCache.IsFlexComputationDone() )
int vertCount = pmesh->vertexdata.numLODVertexes[lod];
m_VertexCache.SetupComputation( pmesh, true );
mstudioflex_t *pflex = pmesh->pFlex( 0 );
for (int i = 0; i < pmesh->numflexes; i++)
float w1 = RampFlexWeight( pflex[i], m_pFlexWeights[ pflex[i].flexdesc ] );
float w2 = RampFlexWeight( pflex[i], m_pFlexDelayedWeights[ pflex[i].flexdesc ] );
float w3, w4;
if ( pflex[i].flexpair != 0)
w3 = RampFlexWeight( pflex[i], m_pFlexWeights[ pflex[i].flexpair ] );
w4 = RampFlexWeight( pflex[i], m_pFlexDelayedWeights[ pflex[i].flexpair ] );
w3 = w1;
w4 = w2;
// Move on if the weights for this flex are sufficiently small
if (w1 > -0.001 && w1 < 0.001 && w2 > -0.001 && w2 < 0.001)
if (w3 > -0.001 && w3 < 0.001 && w4 > -0.001 && w4 < 0.001)
if ( pflex[i].vertanimtype == STUDIO_VERT_ANIM_NORMAL )
//CMiniProfilerGuard mpguard(&g_mp_flexV,pflex[i].numverts);
// the most likely path
mstudiovertanim_t *pvanim = pflex[i].pVertanim( 0 );
if(pflex[i].numverts > r_studioProcess_maxVerts)
int numVerts = pflex[i].numverts;
r_studioProcess_maxVerts = numVerts;
char szFileName[64];
sprintf(szFileName, "d:\\BigFlex%u.gl", r_studioProcess_maxVerts);
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open(szFileName, "wt");
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t * pVertData = pmesh->GetVertexData(m_pStudioHdr);
g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf(fh, "// %d vertices, here goes:\n", numVerts);
for(int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
int vertIndex = pvanim[i].index;
Vector pos = *pVertData->Position(vertIndex);
Vector flexPos = pos + pvanim[i].GetDeltaFloat() + *(pVertData->Normal(vertIndex)) * 0.1f;
"2\n%g %g %g 1 1 1\n%g %g %g 1 1 0\n",
flexPos.x, flexPos.y, flexPos.z
m_VertexCache.ComputeFlexedVertex_StreamOffset_Optimized( m_pStudioHdr, &pflex[i], pvanim, vertCount, w1, w2, w3, w4 );
//CMiniProfilerGuard mpguard(&g_mp_flexW,pflex[i].numverts);
mstudiovertanim_wrinkle_t *pvanim = pflex[i].pVertanimWrinkle( 0 );
m_VertexCache.ComputeFlexedVertexWrinkle_StreamOffset_Optimized( m_pStudioHdr, &pflex[i], pvanim, vertCount, w1, w2, w3, w4 );
// Purpose:
// ** Only execute this function if device supports stream offset **
// Input : pGroup - pointer to a studio mesh group
// Output : none
void CStudioRender::R_StudioFlexMeshGroup( studiomeshgroup_t *pGroup )
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
int nVertexOffsetInBytes = 0;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetFlexMesh();
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_HETEROGENOUS, pGroup->m_NumVertices, 0, &nVertexOffsetInBytes );
// Just pos and norm deltas (tangents use same deltas as normals)
for ( int j=0; j < pGroup->m_NumVertices; j++)
int n = pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex[j];
if ( m_VertexCache.IsThinVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNorm_t *pIn = m_VertexCache.GetThinFlexVertex(n);
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pIn->m_Position.Base() );
meshBuilder.NormalDelta3fv( pIn->m_Normal.Base() );
meshBuilder.Wrinkle1f( pIn->m_Position.w );
meshBuilder.Position3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.NormalDelta3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.Wrinkle1f( 0.0f );
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS | VTX_HAVENORMAL, 0>();
meshBuilder.End( false, false );
pGroup->m_pMesh->SetFlexMesh( pMesh, nVertexOffsetInBytes );
// Processes a flexed mesh to be hw skinned
void CStudioRender::R_StudioProcessFlexedMesh( mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, CMeshBuilder& meshBuilder,
int numVertices, unsigned short* pGroupToMesh )
Vector4D *pStudioTangentS;
// get the vertex data
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( !vertData )
// not available
mstudiovertex_t *pVertices = vertData->Vertex( 0 );
if ( vertData->HasTangentData() )
pStudioTangentS = vertData->TangentS( 0 );
Assert( pStudioTangentS->w == -1.0f || pStudioTangentS->w == 1.0f );
for ( int j=0; j < numVertices ; j++)
int n = pGroupToMesh[j];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
// FIXME: For now, flexed hw-skinned meshes can only have one bone
// The data must exist in the 0th hardware matrix
// Here, we are doing HW skinning, so we need to simply copy over the flex
if ( m_VertexCache.IsVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNormTan_t* pFlexedVertex = m_VertexCache.GetFlexVertex(n);
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pFlexedVertex->m_Position.Base() );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 0, 1.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 1, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 2, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 3, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 0, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 1, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 2, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 3, 0 );
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( pFlexedVertex->m_Normal.Base() );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, vert.m_vecTexCoord.Base() );
Assert( pFlexedVertex->m_TangentS.w == -1.0f || pFlexedVertex->m_TangentS.w == 1.0f );
meshBuilder.UserData( pFlexedVertex->m_TangentS.Base() );
meshBuilder.Position3fv( vert.m_vecPosition.Base() );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 0, 1.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 1, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 2, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 3, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 0, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 1, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 2, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 3, 0 );
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( vert.m_vecNormal.Base() );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, vert.m_vecTexCoord.Base() );
Assert( pStudioTangentS[n].w == -1.0f || pStudioTangentS[n].w == 1.0f );
meshBuilder.UserData( pStudioTangentS[n].Base() );
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS | VTX_HAVENORMAL, 1>();
// no TangentS, replicated code to save inner conditional
for ( int j=0; j < numVertices ; j++)
int n = pGroupToMesh[j];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
// FIXME: For now, flexed hw-skinned meshes can only have one bone
// The data must exist in the 0th hardware matrix
// Here, we are doing HW skinning, so we need to simply copy over the flex
if ( m_VertexCache.IsVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNormTan_t* pFlexedVertex = m_VertexCache.GetFlexVertex(n);
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pFlexedVertex->m_Position.Base() );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 0, 1.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 1, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 2, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 3, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 0, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 1, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 2, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 3, 0 );
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( pFlexedVertex->m_Normal.Base() );
meshBuilder.Position3fv( vert.m_vecPosition.Base() );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 0, 1.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 1, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 2, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneWeight( 3, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 0, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 1, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 2, 0 );
meshBuilder.BoneMatrix( 3, 0 );
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( vert.m_vecNormal.Base() );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, vert.m_vecTexCoord.Base() );
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS | VTX_HAVENORMAL, 1>();
// Restores the static mesh
template<VertexCompressionType_t T> void CStudioRender::R_StudioRestoreMesh( mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, studiomeshgroup_t* pMeshData )
Vector4D *pStudioTangentS;
// get at the vertex data
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( !vertData )
// not available
mstudiovertex_t *pVertices = vertData->Vertex( 0 );
if (vertData->HasTangentData())
pStudioTangentS = vertData->TangentS( 0 );
pStudioTangentS = NULL;
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
meshBuilder.BeginModify( pMeshData->m_pMesh );
meshBuilder.SetCompressionType( T );
for ( int j=0; j < meshBuilder.VertexCount() ; j++)
int n = pMeshData->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex[j];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
meshBuilder.Position3fv( vert.m_vecPosition.Base() );
meshBuilder.CompressedNormal3fv<T>( vert.m_vecNormal.Base() );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, vert.m_vecTexCoord.Base() );
if (pStudioTangentS)
Assert( pStudioTangentS[n].w == -1.0f || pStudioTangentS[n].w == 1.0f );
meshBuilder.CompressedUserData<T>( pStudioTangentS[n].Base() );
meshBuilder.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
// Draws a mesh using hardware + software skinning
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawGroupHWSkin( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup, IMesh* pMesh, ColorMeshInfo_t * pColorMeshInfo )
int numFacesRendered = 0;
char szPIXEventName[128];
sprintf( szPIXEventName, "R_StudioDrawGroupHWSkin (%s)", m_pStudioHdr->name ); // PIX
PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, szPIXEventName );
if ( m_pStudioHdr->numbones == 1 )
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
pRenderContext->LoadMatrix( m_PoseToWorld[0] );
// a single bone means all verts rigidly assigned
// any bonestatechange would needlessly re-load the same matrix
// xbox can skip further hw skinning, seems ok for pc too
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
if ( pColorMeshInfo )
pMesh->SetColorMesh( pColorMeshInfo->m_pMesh, pColorMeshInfo->m_nVertOffsetInBytes );
pMesh->SetColorMesh( NULL, 0 );
Vector4D vecDiffuseModulation;
ComputeDiffuseModulation( &vecDiffuseModulation );
for (int j = 0; j < pGroup->m_NumStrips; ++j)
OptimizedModel::StripHeader_t* pStrip = &pGroup->m_pStripData[j];
if ( m_pStudioHdr->numbones > 1 )
// Reset bone state if we're hardware skinning
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( pStrip->numBones );
for (int k = 0; k < pStrip->numBoneStateChanges; ++k)
OptimizedModel::BoneStateChangeHeader_t* pStateChange = pStrip->pBoneStateChange(k);
if ( pStateChange->newBoneID < 0 )
pRenderContext->LoadBoneMatrix( pStateChange->hardwareID, m_PoseToWorld[pStateChange->newBoneID] );
pMesh->SetPrimitiveType( GetPrimitiveTypeForStripHeaderFlags( pStrip->flags ) );
pMesh->DrawModulated( vecDiffuseModulation, pStrip->indexOffset, pStrip->numIndices );
numFacesRendered += pGroup->m_pUniqueFaces[j];
pMesh->SetColorMesh( NULL, 0 );
return numFacesRendered;
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawGroupSWSkin( studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup, IMesh* pMesh )
int numFacesRendered = 0;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Disable skinning
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
Vector4D vecDiffuseModulation;
ComputeDiffuseModulation( &vecDiffuseModulation );
for (int j = 0; j < pGroup->m_NumStrips; ++j)
OptimizedModel::StripHeader_t* pStrip = &pGroup->m_pStripData[j];
// Choose our primitive type
pMesh->SetPrimitiveType( GetPrimitiveTypeForStripHeaderFlags( pStrip->flags ) );
pMesh->DrawModulated( vecDiffuseModulation, pStrip->indexOffset, pStrip->numIndices );
numFacesRendered += pGroup->m_pUniqueFaces[j];
return numFacesRendered;
// Sets up the hw flex mesh
void CStudioRender::ComputeFlexWeights( int nFlexCount, mstudioflex_t *pFlex, MorphWeight_t *pWeights )
for ( int i = 0; i < nFlexCount; ++i, ++pFlex )
MorphWeight_t &weight = pWeights[i];
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT] = RampFlexWeight( *pFlex, m_pFlexWeights[ pFlex->flexdesc ] );
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_LAGGED] = RampFlexWeight( *pFlex, m_pFlexDelayedWeights[ pFlex->flexdesc ] );
if ( pFlex->flexpair != 0 )
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_STEREO] = RampFlexWeight( *pFlex, m_pFlexWeights[ pFlex->flexpair ] );
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_STEREO_LAGGED] = RampFlexWeight( *pFlex, m_pFlexDelayedWeights[ pFlex->flexpair ] );
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_STEREO] = weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT];
weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_STEREO_LAGGED] = weight.m_pWeight[MORPH_WEIGHT_LAGGED];
// Draws the mesh as tristrips using hardware
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawStaticMesh( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, mstudiomesh_t* pmesh,
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup, StudioModelLighting_t lighting,
float r_blend, IMaterial* pMaterial, int lod, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes )
MatSysQueueMark( g_pMaterialSystem, "R_StudioDrawStaticMesh\n" );
VPROF( "R_StudioDrawStaticMesh" );
int numFacesRendered = 0;
bool bDoSoftwareLighting = !pColorMeshes &&
((m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareSkin != 0) || m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawNormals || m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawTangentFrame ||
(pMaterial ? pMaterial->NeedsSoftwareSkinning() : false) ||
(m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareLighting != 0) ||
((lighting != LIGHTING_HARDWARE) && (lighting != LIGHTING_MOUTH) ));
// software lighting case
if ( bDoSoftwareLighting )
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.bNoSoftware )
return 0;
bool bTangentSpace = pMaterial ? pMaterial->NeedsTangentSpace() : false;
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
// Hardcode the vertex format to a well-known format to make sw skin code faster
VertexFormat_t fmt = VERTEX_FORMAT_STANDARD;
Assert( ( pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED ) == 0 );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMeshEx( fmt, false, 0, pGroup->m_pMesh );
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_HETEROGENOUS, pGroup->m_NumVertices, 0 );
R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh( pmesh, meshBuilder,
pGroup->m_NumVertices, pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex,
lighting, false, r_blend, bTangentSpace, pMaterial );
numFacesRendered = R_StudioDrawGroupSWSkin( pGroup, pMesh );
MatSysQueueMark( g_pMaterialSystem, "END R_StudioDrawStaticMesh\n" );
return numFacesRendered;
// Needed when we switch back and forth between hardware + software lighting
if ( IsPC() && pGroup->m_MeshNeedsRestore )
VertexCompressionType_t compressionType = CompressionType( pGroup->m_pMesh->GetVertexFormat() );
switch ( compressionType )
R_StudioRestoreMesh<VERTEX_COMPRESSION_ON>( pmesh, pGroup );
R_StudioRestoreMesh<VERTEX_COMPRESSION_NONE>( pmesh, pGroup );
pGroup->m_MeshNeedsRestore = false;
// Build separate flex stream containing deltas, which will get copied into another vertex stream
bool bUseHWFlex = m_pRC->m_Config.m_bEnableHWMorph && pGroup->m_pMorph && !m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels;
bool bUseSOFlex = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SupportsStreamOffset() && !bUseHWFlex;
if ( (pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED) && m_pRC->m_Config.bFlex )
PIXEVENT( pRenderContext, "Delta Flex Processing" );
if ( bUseHWFlex )
pRenderContext->BindMorph( pGroup->m_pMorph );
if ( bUseSOFlex )
R_StudioProcessFlexedMesh_StreamOffset( pmesh, lod );
R_StudioFlexMeshGroup( pGroup );
// Draw it baby
if ( pColorMeshes && ( pGroup->m_ColorMeshID != -1 ) )
// draw using specified color mesh
numFacesRendered = R_StudioDrawGroupHWSkin( pRenderContext, pGroup, pGroup->m_pMesh, &(pColorMeshes[pGroup->m_ColorMeshID]) );
numFacesRendered = R_StudioDrawGroupHWSkin( pRenderContext, pGroup, pGroup->m_pMesh, NULL );
if ( ( pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED ) && m_pRC->m_Config.bFlex )
if ( bUseHWFlex )
pRenderContext->BindMorph( NULL );
if ( bUseSOFlex )
pGroup->m_pMesh->DisableFlexMesh(); // clear flex stream
MatSysQueueMark( g_pMaterialSystem, "END2 R_StudioDrawStaticMesh\n" );
return numFacesRendered;
// Draws a dynamic mesh
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawDynamicMesh( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, mstudiomesh_t* pmesh,
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup, StudioModelLighting_t lighting,
float r_blend, IMaterial* pMaterial, int lod )
VPROF( "R_StudioDrawDynamicMesh" );
bool bDoFlex = ((pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED) != 0) && m_pRC->m_Config.bFlex;
bool bQuadList = ( pGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_EXTRA ) ||
( pGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_REG ) != 0;
bool bDoSoftwareLighting = (m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareLighting != 0) ||
((lighting != LIGHTING_HARDWARE) && (lighting != LIGHTING_MOUTH) );
bool bSWSkin = bDoSoftwareLighting || m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawNormals || m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawTangentFrame ||
((pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_HWSKINNED) == 0) ||
m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareSkin || bQuadList ||
( pMaterial ? pMaterial->NeedsSoftwareSkinning() : false );
if ( !bDoFlex && !bSWSkin )
return R_StudioDrawStaticMesh( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, r_blend, pMaterial, lod, NULL );
// ---- Drawers before this might not need the vertices, so don't pay the penalty of getting them ----
// -------- Everybody else past this point (flex and/or sw skinning) expects to read vertices --------
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( !vertData )
return 0; // not available
MatSysQueueMark( g_pMaterialSystem, "R_StudioDrawDynamicMesh\n" );
int numFacesRendered = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char *pDebugMaterialName = NULL;
if ( pMaterial )
pDebugMaterialName = pMaterial->GetName();
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
// Software flex verts (not a delta stream)
if ( bDoFlex )
R_StudioFlexVerts( pmesh, lod, bQuadList );
// Map quad mesh to Bicubic Bezier Patches
if ( bQuadList )
GenerateBicubicPatches( pmesh, pGroup, bDoFlex );
IMesh* pMesh;
bool bTangentSpace = pMaterial ? pMaterial->NeedsTangentSpace() : false;
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMeshEx( fmt, false, 0, pGroup->m_pMesh);
if ( bQuadList )
int TotalFaces = 0;
for ( int s=0; s<pGroup->m_NumStrips; ++s )
TotalFaces += pGroup->m_pUniqueFaces[s];
// We're de-indexing the quad mesh, so we need to multiply the number of vertices by 4 here
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_HETEROGENOUS, TotalFaces * 4, 0 );
SoftwareProcessQuadMesh( pmesh, meshBuilder, TotalFaces,
pGroup->m_pTopologyIndices, bTangentSpace, bDoFlex );
else if ( bSWSkin )
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_HETEROGENOUS, pGroup->m_NumVertices, 0 );
R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh( pmesh, meshBuilder, pGroup->m_NumVertices,
pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex, lighting, bDoFlex,
r_blend, bTangentSpace, pMaterial );
else if ( bDoFlex )
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_HETEROGENOUS, pGroup->m_NumVertices, 0 );
R_StudioProcessFlexedMesh( pmesh, meshBuilder, pGroup->m_NumVertices,
pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex );
if ( !bSWSkin )
numFacesRendered = R_StudioDrawGroupHWSkin( pRenderContext, pGroup, pMesh );
numFacesRendered = R_StudioDrawGroupSWSkin( pGroup, pMesh );
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterialTangentFrame );
R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh_NormalsBatched( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, bDoFlex, r_blend, m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawNormals, m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawTangentFrame );
pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial );
MatSysQueueMark( g_pMaterialSystem, "END R_StudioDrawDynamicMesh\n" );
return numFacesRendered;
// Sets the material vars for the eye vertex shader
static unsigned int eyeOriginCache = 0;
static unsigned int eyeUpCache = 0;
static unsigned int irisUCache = 0;
static unsigned int irisVCache = 0;
static unsigned int glintUCache = 0;
static unsigned int glintVCache = 0;
void CStudioRender::SetEyeMaterialVars( IMaterial* pMaterial, mstudioeyeball_t* peyeball,
Vector const& eyeOrigin, const matrix3x4_t& irisTransform, const matrix3x4_t& glintTransform )
if ( !pMaterial )
IMaterialVar* pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$eyeorigin", &eyeOriginCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( eyeOrigin.Base(), 3 );
pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$eyeup", &eyeUpCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( peyeball->up.Base(), 3 );
pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$irisu", &irisUCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( irisTransform[0], 4 );
pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$irisv", &irisVCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( irisTransform[1], 4 );
pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$glintu", &glintUCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( glintTransform[0], 4 );
pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$glintv", &glintVCache );
if (pVar)
pVar->SetVecValue( glintTransform[1], 4 );
// Specialized routine to draw the eyeball
static unsigned int glintCache = 0;
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawEyeball( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, studiomeshdata_t* pMeshData,
StudioModelLighting_t lighting, IMaterial *pMaterial, int lod )
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bEyes )
return 0;
int j;
int numFacesRendered = 0;
// See if any meshes in the group want to go down the static path...
bool bFlexStatic = false;
bool bIsHardwareSkinnedData = false;
bool bQuadList = false;
for (j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j)
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
if ( pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_DELTA_FLEXED )
bFlexStatic = true;
if ( pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_HWSKINNED )
bIsHardwareSkinnedData = true;
if ( pGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_EXTRA ||
pGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_REG )
bIsHardwareSkinnedData = false;
bQuadList = true;
// Take the static path for new flexed models on DX9 hardware
bool bShouldHardwareSkin = bIsHardwareSkinnedData && bFlexStatic &&
( lighting != LIGHTING_SOFTWARE ) && ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareSkin );
// PORTAL2 CONSOLE: Vertex/Index data will never be read again (no model decals or load-time lighting), so discard the VVD data and create a new header
// If we ever have a flexed eye vert on a model on the console, badness will ensue (ie. won't flex).
if ( IsGameConsole() )
bShouldHardwareSkin = true;
bFlexStatic = false;
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
// Software flex eyeball verts (not a delta stream)
if ( bFlexStatic && !bShouldHardwareSkin )
R_StudioFlexVerts( pmesh, lod, bQuadList );
mstudioeyeball_t *peyeball = m_pSubModel->pEyeball(pmesh->materialparam);
// We'll need this to compute normals
Vector org;
VectorTransform( peyeball->org, m_pBoneToWorld[peyeball->bone], org );
// Compute the glint projection
matrix3x4_t glintMat;
ComputeGlintTextureProjection( &m_pEyeballState[pmesh->materialparam], m_pRC->m_ViewRight, m_pRC->m_ViewUp, glintMat );
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe )
// Compute the glint procedural texture
IMaterialVar* pGlintVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$glint", &glintCache );
if (pGlintVar)
R_StudioEyeballGlint( &m_pEyeballState[pmesh->materialparam], pGlintVar, m_pRC->m_ViewRight, m_pRC->m_ViewUp, m_pRC->m_ViewOrigin );
SetEyeMaterialVars( pMaterial, peyeball, org, m_pEyeballState[pmesh->materialparam].mat, glintMat );
if ( bShouldHardwareSkin )
for ( j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j )
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawStaticMesh( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, m_pRC->m_AlphaMod, pMaterial, lod, NULL );
return numFacesRendered;
// FIXME: We could compile a static vertex buffer in this case
// if there's no flexed verts.
const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = GetFatVertexData( pmesh, m_pStudioHdr );
if ( !vertData )
// not available
return 0;
mstudiovertex_t *pVertices = vertData->Vertex( 0 );
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
m_VertexCache.SetupComputation( pmesh );
int nAlpnaInt = RoundFloatToInt( m_pRC->m_AlphaMod * 255 );
unsigned char a = clamp( nAlpnaInt, 0, 255 );
Vector position, normal, color;
// setup the call
Vector4D vecDiffuseModulation;
ComputeDiffuseModulation( &vecDiffuseModulation );
// Render the puppy
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
bool bTangentSpace = pMaterial ? pMaterial->NeedsTangentSpace() : false;
bool useHWLighting = m_pRC->m_Config.m_bSupportsVertexAndPixelShaders && !m_pRC->m_Config.bSoftwareLighting;
// Draw all the various mesh groups...
for ( j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j )
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMeshEx( fmt, false, 0, pGroup->m_pMesh );
if ( bQuadList )
int TotalFaces = 0;
for ( int s=0; s<pGroup->m_NumStrips; ++s )
TotalFaces += pGroup->m_pUniqueFaces[s];
// Map quad mesh to Bicubic Bezier Patches
GenerateBicubicPatches( pmesh, pGroup, bFlexStatic );
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_SUBD_QUADS_EXTRA, TotalFaces, 0 );
SoftwareProcessQuadMesh( pmesh, meshBuilder, TotalFaces,
pGroup->m_pTopologyIndices, bTangentSpace, bFlexStatic );
// garymcthack! need to look at the strip flags to figure out what it is.
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, pmesh->numvertices, 0 );
// meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, pmesh->numvertices, 0 );
//VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "TransformFlexVerts", pGroup->m_NumVertices );
for ( int i=0; i < pGroup->m_NumVertices; ++i)
int n = pGroup->m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex[i];
mstudiovertex_t &vert = pVertices[n];
CachedPosNorm_t* pWorldVert = m_VertexCache.CreateWorldVertex(n);
// transform into world space
if ( m_VertexCache.IsVertexFlexed(n) )
CachedPosNormTan_t* pFlexVert = m_VertexCache.GetFlexVertex(n);
R_StudioTransform( pFlexVert->m_Position.AsVector3D(), &vert.m_BoneWeights, m_PoseToWorld, pWorldVert->m_Position.AsVector3D() );
R_StudioRotate( pFlexVert->m_Normal.AsVector3D(), &vert.m_BoneWeights, m_PoseToWorld, pWorldVert->m_Normal.AsVector3D() );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.x >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.x <= 1.05f );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.y >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.y <= 1.05f );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.z >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.z <= 1.05f );
R_StudioTransform( vert.m_vecPosition, &vert.m_BoneWeights, m_PoseToWorld, pWorldVert->m_Position.AsVector3D() );
R_StudioRotate( vert.m_vecNormal, &vert.m_BoneWeights, m_PoseToWorld, pWorldVert->m_Normal.AsVector3D() );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.x >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.x <= 1.05f );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.y >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.y <= 1.05f );
Assert( pWorldVert->m_Normal.z >= -1.05f && pWorldVert->m_Normal.z <= 1.05f );
// Don't bother to light in software when we've got vertex + pixel shaders.
meshBuilder.Position3fv( pWorldVert->m_Position.Base() );
if (useHWLighting)
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( pWorldVert->m_Normal.Base() );
R_StudioEyeballNormal( peyeball, org, pWorldVert->m_Position.AsVector3D(), pWorldVert->m_Normal.AsVector3D() );
// This isn't really used, but since the meshbuilder checks for messed up
// normals, let's do this here in debug mode.
// DX7 needs these for the flashlight.
meshBuilder.Normal3fv( pWorldVert->m_Normal.Base() );
R_ComputeLightAtPoint3( pWorldVert->m_Position.AsVector3D(), pWorldVert->m_Normal.AsVector3D(), color );
unsigned char r = LinearToLightmap( color.x );
unsigned char g = LinearToLightmap( color.y );
unsigned char b = LinearToLightmap( color.z );
meshBuilder.Color4ub( r, g, b, a );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, vert.m_vecTexCoord.Base() );
meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS | VTX_HAVENORMAL | VTX_HAVECOLOR, 1>();
pMesh->DrawModulated( vecDiffuseModulation );
for ( int k=0; k<pGroup->m_NumStrips; k++ )
numFacesRendered += pGroup->m_pUniqueFaces[k];
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterialTangentFrame );
R_StudioSoftwareProcessMesh_NormalsBatched( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, true, false, m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawNormals, m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawTangentFrame );
pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial );
return numFacesRendered;
// Draws a mesh
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawMesh( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, mstudiomesh_t* pmesh, studiomeshdata_t* pMeshData,
StudioModelLighting_t lighting, IMaterial *pMaterial,
ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes, int lod )
VPROF( "R_StudioDrawMesh" );
int numFacesRendered = 0;
// Draw all the various mesh groups...
for ( int j = 0; j < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; ++j )
studiomeshgroup_t* pGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[j];
// Use the hardware if the mesh is hw skinned and we can put flexes on another stream
// Otherwise, we gotta do some expensive locks
bool bIsHardwareSkinnedData = ( pGroup->m_Flags & MESHGROUP_IS_HWSKINNED ) != 0;
bool bIsQuadMesh = ( pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_EXTRA ) ||
( pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup->m_pStripData[0].flags & OptimizedModel::STRIP_IS_QUADLIST_REG ) != 0;
bool bShouldHardwareSkin = bIsHardwareSkinnedData && !bIsQuadMesh && ( lighting != LIGHTING_SOFTWARE );
if ( bShouldHardwareSkin && !m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawNormals && !m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawTangentFrame && !m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe )
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bNoHardware )
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawStaticMesh( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, m_pRC->m_AlphaMod, pMaterial, lod, pColorMeshes );
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bNoSoftware )
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawDynamicMesh( pRenderContext, pmesh, pGroup, lighting, m_pRC->m_AlphaMod, pMaterial, lod );
return numFacesRendered;
// Inserts translucent mesh into list
template< class T >
void InsertRenderable( int mesh, T val, int count, int* pIndices, T* pValList )
// Compute insertion point...
int i;
for ( i = count; --i >= 0; )
if (val < pValList[i])
// Shift down
pIndices[i + 1] = pIndices[i];
pValList[i+1] = pValList[i];
// Insert at insertion point
pValList[i] = val;
pIndices[i] = mesh;
// Sorts the meshes
int CStudioRender::SortMeshes( int* pIndices, IMaterial **ppMaterials,
short* pskinref, Vector const& vforward, Vector const& r_origin )
int numMeshes = 0;
if (m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels)
// float* pDist = (float*)stackalloc( m_pSubModel->nummeshes * sizeof(float) );
// Sort each model piece by it's center, if it's translucent
for (int i = 0; i < m_pSubModel->nummeshes; ++i)
// Don't add opaque materials
mstudiomesh_t* pmesh = m_pSubModel->pMesh(i);
IMaterial *pMaterial = ppMaterials[pskinref[pmesh->material]];
if( !pMaterial || !pMaterial->IsTranslucent() )
// FIXME: put the "center" of the mesh into delta
// Vector delta;
// VectorSubtract( delta, r_origin, delta );
// float dist = DotProduct( delta, vforward );
// Add it to our lists
// InsertRenderable( i, dist, numMeshes, pIndices, pDist );
// One more mesh
IMaterial** ppMat = (IMaterial**)stackalloc( m_pSubModel->nummeshes * sizeof(IMaterial*) );
// Sort by material type
for (int i = 0; i < m_pSubModel->nummeshes; ++i)
mstudiomesh_t* pmesh = m_pSubModel->pMesh(i);
IMaterial *pMaterial = ppMaterials[pskinref[pmesh->material]];
if( !pMaterial )
// Don't add translucent materials
if (( !m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe ) && pMaterial->IsTranslucent() )
// Add it to our lists
InsertRenderable( i, pMaterial, numMeshes, pIndices, ppMat );
// One more mesh
return numMeshes;
// R_StudioDrawPoints
// Returns the number of triangles rendered.
#pragma warning (disable:4189)
int CStudioRender::R_StudioDrawPoints( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, int skin, void /*IClientEntity*/ *pClientEntity,
IMaterial **ppMaterials, int *pMaterialFlags, int boneMask, int lod, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes )
VPROF( "R_StudioDrawPoints" );
int i;
int numFacesRendered = 0;
#if 0 // garymcthack
if ( m_pSubModel->numfaces == 0 )
return 0;
// happens when there's a model load failure
if ( m_pStudioMeshes == 0 )
return 0;
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe && m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels )
return 0;
// ConDMsg("%d: %d %d\n", pimesh->numFaces, pimesh->numVertices, pimesh->numNormals );
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.skin )
skin = m_pRC->m_Config.skin;
if ( skin >= m_pStudioHdr->numskinfamilies )
skin = 0;
// get skinref array
short *pskinref = m_pStudioHdr->pSkinref( 0 );
if ( skin > 0 && skin < m_pStudioHdr->numskinfamilies )
pskinref += ( skin * m_pStudioHdr->numskinref );
// FIXME: Activate sorting on a mesh level
// int* pIndices = (int*)stackalloc( m_pSubModel->nummeshes * sizeof(int) );
// int numMeshes = SortMeshes( pIndices, ppMaterials, pskinref, vforward, r_origin );
bool bHasMaterialOverride = ( m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial[ 0 ] || ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE ) );
// draw each mesh
for ( i = 0; i < m_pSubModel->nummeshes; ++i)
mstudiomesh_t *pmesh = m_pSubModel->pMesh(i);
studiomeshdata_t *pMeshData = &m_pStudioMeshes[pmesh->meshid];
Assert( pMeshData );
if ( !pMeshData->m_NumGroup )
if ( !pMaterialFlags )
StudioModelLighting_t lighting = LIGHTING_HARDWARE;
int materialFlags = pMaterialFlags[pskinref[pmesh->material]];
IMaterial* pMaterial = R_StudioSetupSkinAndLighting( pRenderContext, pskinref[ pmesh->material ], ppMaterials, materialFlags, pClientEntity, pColorMeshes, lighting );
if ( !pMaterial )
#ifdef _DEBUG
char const *materialName = pMaterial->GetName();
// Set up flex data - this is the CPU flex cache...do we really need this at all if we're morphing?
m_VertexCache.SetMesh( i );
// The following are special cases that can't be covered with the normal static/dynamic methods due to optimization reasons
// NOTE: If we have a material override, we don't need to do eyeballs differently
int nType = bHasMaterialOverride ? 0 : pmesh->materialtype;
switch( nType )
case 1: // eyeballs
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawEyeball( pRenderContext, pmesh, pMeshData, lighting, pMaterial, lod );
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawMesh( pRenderContext, pmesh, pMeshData, lighting, pMaterial, pColorMeshes, lod );
// Reset this state so it doesn't hose other parts of rendering
pRenderContext->SetNumBoneWeights( 0 );
return numFacesRendered;
#pragma warning (default:4189)