2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

110 lines
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#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>
// This class provides a way of using VGUI panels with a joypad. Instead of specific joypad responses being coded
// into every control and panel, this class allows the joypad to manipulate any set of panels that respond to
// IsCursorOver and OnMousePressed/Released events. Panels that want to allow joypad manipulation simply have to
// register themselves with this on creation and remove themselves from this on destruction.
// holds a list of vgui panels that can have joypad cursor focus
// along with the currently focused one
// responds to joypad codes to move this focus about and cause mouseclicks when a confirm button is pressed
#define NUM_JF_KEYS 6
namespace vgui
class ImagePanelColored;
class CJoypadOutline;
class CJoypadFocus
enum JoypadFocusKey
JF_KEY_UP = 0,
struct FocusArea
vgui::PHandle hPanel;
bool bClickOnFocus;
bool bModal;
// registering for focus
void AddToFocusList(vgui::Panel* pPanel, bool bClickOnFocus=false, bool bModal=false);
void RemoveFromFocusList(vgui::Panel* pPanel);
// changing focus
void SetFocusPanel(int index);
void SetFocusPanel(vgui::Panel* pPanel, bool bClickOnFocus=false);
vgui::Panel* GetFocusPanel();
int FindNextPanel(vgui::Panel *pSource, float angle);
// clicking
bool OnJoypadButtonPressed(int keynum);
bool OnJoypadButtonReleased(int keynum);
void CheckKeyRepeats();
void ClickFocusPanel(bool bDown, bool bRightMouse);
void DoubleClickFocusPanel(bool bRightMouse);
void SetJoypadCodes(int iUpCode, int iDownCode, int iLeftCode, int iRightCode, int iConfirmCode, int iCancelCode);
void SetJoypadMode(bool b) { m_bJoypadMode = b; }
bool IsJoypadMode() { return m_bJoypadMode; }
// checks a panel and all its parents are visible
static bool IsPanelReallyVisible(vgui::Panel *pPanel);
// KF_ numbers for the joypad buttons
int m_KeyNum[NUM_JF_KEYS];
// status of the joypad buttons
bool m_bKeyDown[NUM_JF_KEYS];
float m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[NUM_JF_KEYS];
// list of panels that have registered themselves for joypad focus
CUtlVector<FocusArea> m_FocusAreas;
FocusArea m_CurrentFocus;
vgui::DHANDLE<CJoypadOutline> m_hOutline;
int m_iModal; // how many modal-type focus panels we have. If there are more than 1, all non-modal panels will be ignored when moving around
bool m_bJoypadMode;
bool m_bDebugOutput;
CJoypadFocus* GetJoypadFocus();
// graphical representaion of joypad cursor focus - attaches to the focus' parent and puts itself
// in front of the focus, sized to match
class CJoypadOutline : public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CJoypadOutline, vgui::Panel );
CJoypadOutline(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name);
void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme* pScheme);
virtual void OnThink();
virtual void Paint();
void SizeTo(int x, int y, int w, int t);
virtual void GetCornerTextureSize( int& w, int& h );
vgui::ImagePanelColored* m_pImagePanel;
vgui::PHandle m_hLastFocusPanel;