61 lines
1.9 KiB
61 lines
1.9 KiB
see parsifal.h for copyright info
#ifndef XMLVECTOR__H
#define XMLVECTOR__H
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef XMLAPI
#define XMLAPI
#ifndef BYTE
#define BYTE unsigned char
#define COUNTBUFSIZE(cBytes, blocksize) \
((!(cBytes)) ? (blocksize) : (!( (cBytes) % (blocksize) ) ? (int)(cBytes) : (int)( (((cBytes) / (blocksize)) + 1) * (blocksize) )) )
typedef struct tagXMLVECTOR
int length;
int capacity;
int capacityIncrement;
int itemSize;
BYTE *array;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
LPXMLVECTOR XMLAPI XMLVector_Create(LPXMLVECTOR *vector, int initialCapacity, int itemSize);
void XMLAPI *XMLVector_Replace(LPXMLVECTOR vector, int index, void *item);
int XMLAPI XMLVector_Remove(LPXMLVECTOR vector, int index);
void XMLAPI *XMLVector_Get(LPXMLVECTOR vector, int index);
int XMLAPI XMLVector_Resize(LPXMLVECTOR vector, int newsize);
void XMLAPI *XMLVector_Append(LPXMLVECTOR vector, void *item);
void XMLAPI *XMLVector_InsertBefore(LPXMLVECTOR vector, int index, void *item);
void XMLAPI XMLVector_Free(LPXMLVECTOR vector);
#define _XMLVector_RemoveAll(v) (XMLVector_Resize((v), 0))
#define _XMLVector_Get(v,index) \
(((index) < 0 || (index) > ((v)->length - 1)) ? NULL : (((v)->array+((index)*(v)->itemSize))))
#define _XMLVector_GetP(vect,i,ptype) (*((ptype##**)XMLVector_Get(((LPXMLVECTOR)vect), ((int)i))))
/* e.g. _XMLVector_GetP(v, 0, FILE); expands to *((FILE**)XMLVector_Get(v, 0)) */
#define _XMLVector_GetIterP(v, iterP) ( (iterP) = (void*)((LPXMLVECTOR)v)->array, \
((LPXMLVECTOR)v)->array + (((LPXMLVECTOR)v)->length*((LPXMLVECTOR)v)->itemSize) )
/* GetIterP returns pointer to past the end of v->array, param 2 sets pointer to start */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* XMLVECTOR__H */