2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

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//===== Copyright © Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// This is a declaration of an abstraction of data used to generate collision mesh and potentially other physics data
#include "mathlib/aabb.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlstringtoken.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "meshutils/mesh.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemodel.h"
#include "mathlib/transform.h"
class CMesh;
enum VertEnumFlagEnum_t
FLAG_ENUMERATE_VERTICES_WITH_SUBTREE = 1 << 0, // enumerate vertices belonging to the given bone and its children
void ComputeSubtree( const CDmeModel *pDmeModel, int nSubtreeTipBone, CVarBitVec *pSubtree );
// this is an adaptor class so that we can use render mesh or
class CPhysModelSource
class CModel; // Source2 model; not supported in Source1
m_pRenderModel( NULL ),
m_pDmeModel( NULL )
CPhysModelSource( const CModel *pModel ):
m_pRenderModel( pModel ),
m_pDmeModel( NULL )
CPhysModelSource( CDmeModel *pModel ):
m_pRenderModel( NULL ),
m_pDmeModel( pModel )
CPhysModelSource( const CPhysModelSource &source ):
m_pRenderModel( source.m_pRenderModel ),
m_pDmeModel( source.m_pDmeModel )
void SetRenderModel ( const CModel *pModel )
m_pRenderModel = pModel;
void SetDmeModel( CDmeModel *pModel )
m_pDmeModel = pModel;
const CModel *const GetRenderModel() const { return m_pRenderModel; }
CDmeModel *GetDmeModel() const { return m_pDmeModel; }
void Purge()
m_pDmeModel = NULL;
m_pRenderModel = NULL;
bool IsValid()const
return m_pRenderModel || m_pDmeModel;
int GetBoneCount()const;
const char *GetBoneNameByIndex( int nIndex )const;
int FindBoneByName( const char *pName )const
for ( int i = 0; i < GetBoneCount(); ++i )
if ( !V_stricmp( GetBoneNameByIndex( i ), pName ) )
return i;
return -1;
void GetBoneTriangles( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, float flMinWeight, CUtlVector<Vector> &arrVertices, CUtlVector<uint> &arrIndices )const;
bool BoneHasMeat( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, const CTransform &bindPose ) const;
AABB_t GetBoneInfluenceBbox( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, const CTransform &bindPose, float flMinWeight = 0.5f )const;
static bool IsBitInSet( int nBit, const CVarBitVec &bonesInSubtree )
return uint( nBit ) < uint( bonesInSubtree.GetNumBits() ) && bonesInSubtree.IsBitSet( nBit );
template <typename Fn>
void EnumerateBoneVerts( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, Fn functor )const
if( GetRenderModel() )
::EnumerateBoneVerts( GetRenderModel(), joint, nFlags, functor );
else */if( m_pDmeModel )
int nMeshBoneIndex = m_pDmeModel->GetJointIndex( joint );
for( int nMesh = 0; nMesh < m_DmeMeshCache.Count(); ++nMesh )
CMesh *pMesh = m_DmeMeshCache[nMesh];
CMesh::SkinningDataFields_t skinData;
CVarBitVec bonesInSubtree( m_pDmeModel->GetJointCount() );
if( nMeshBoneIndex >= 0 )
bonesInSubtree.Set( nMeshBoneIndex );
skinData = pMesh->GetSkinningDataFields();
ComputeSubtree( m_pDmeModel, nMeshBoneIndex, &bonesInSubtree );
if( ( nFlags & FLAG_ENUMERATE_VERTICES_ALL ) || ( !skinData.HasSkinningData() && IsBitInSet( GetDmeDagIndex( nMesh ), bonesInSubtree ) ) )
for( int nVert = 0; nVert < pMesh->VertexCount(); ++nVert )
// this vertex belongs to this joint
functor( pMesh->GetVertexPosition( nVert ), 1.0f );
else if( skinData.HasSkinningData() )
for( int nVert = 0; nVert < pMesh->VertexCount(); ++nVert )
// this vertex belongs to this joint
float flWeight = pMesh->GetVertexJointSumWeight( skinData, nVert, bonesInSubtree );
functor( pMesh->GetVertexPosition( nVert ), flWeight );
struct Stats_t
int m_nVertCount;
int m_nTriCount;
int m_nMeshCount;
m_nVertCount = 0;
m_nTriCount = 0;
m_nMeshCount = 0;
void operator += ( const Stats_t &that )
m_nTriCount += that.m_nTriCount;
m_nVertCount += that.m_nVertCount;
m_nMeshCount += that.m_nMeshCount;
Stats_t GetStats( )const;
int GetParentJoint( int nJoint )const;
void GetBoneSubtree( int nBone, CVarBitVec *pSubtree ) const; // this is O(N) algorithm : starting from the given bone, it finds all (grand)children of that bone and sets corresponding bits in pSubtree; pSubtree must be pre-allocated with the desired number of bones
CTransform GetBindPoseParentTransform( int nJointIndex )const;
void GetBindPoseWorldTransforms( CUtlVector< CTransform > &transforms )const;
bool GetAnimFrame( const char *pAnimName, float flCycle, CUtlVector< CTransform > *pTransformsOut )const;
int GetDmeDagIndex( int nMesh )const;
void CreateDmeModelCache()const;
const CModel *m_pRenderModel;
CDmeModel *m_pDmeModel;
mutable CUtlVector< CMesh* > m_DmeMeshCache;
mutable CUtlVector< int > m_DmeDagIndexCache; // for each DmeMesh, this is the index of DmeDag in the Dme Model
inline void AdjustLegacyDotaOrientation( CUtlVector< CTransform > &transforms )
float sin45 = sqrtf( .5f );
CTransform root( vec3_origin, Quaternion( 0, 0, sin45, sin45 ) * Quaternion( sin45, 0, 0, sin45 ) );
for ( int nBone = 0; nBone < transforms.Count( ); ++nBone )
transforms[ nBone ] = ConcatTransforms( root, transforms[ nBone ] );
//void GetBoneTriangles( const CModel *pModel, CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, float flMinWeight, CUtlVector<Vector> &arrVertices, CUtlVector<uint> &arrIndices );