2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

124 lines
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//===== Copyright c 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
class IMatchFramework;
class IMatchSession;
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
#include "inetchannel.h"
#include "imatchasync.h"
#include "imatchtitle.h"
#include "imatchnetworkmsg.h"
#include "imatchextensions.h"
#include "imatchevents.h"
#include "imatchsystem.h"
#include "iplayermanager.h"
#include "iplayer.h"
#include "iservermanager.h"
#include "imatchvoice.h"
#include "isearchmanager.h"
#include "idatacenter.h"
#include "idlcmanager.h"
typedef void (*RankedMatchStartCallback)( KeyValues *pSettings, uint32 volatile *pResult );
abstract_class IMatchFramework : public IAppSystem
// Run frame of the matchmaking framework
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
// Get matchmaking extensions
virtual IMatchExtensions * GetMatchExtensions() = 0;
// Get events container
virtual IMatchEventsSubscription * GetEventsSubscription() = 0;
// Get the matchmaking title interface
virtual IMatchTitle * GetMatchTitle() = 0;
// Get the match session interface of the current match framework type
virtual IMatchSession * GetMatchSession() = 0;
// Get the network msg encode/decode factory
virtual IMatchNetworkMsgController * GetMatchNetworkMsgController() = 0;
// Get the match system
virtual IMatchSystem * GetMatchSystem() = 0;
// Send the key values back to the server
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues* keyValues ) = 0;
// Entry point to create session
virtual void CreateSession( KeyValues *pSettings ) = 0;
// Entry point to match into a session
virtual void MatchSession( KeyValues *pSettings ) = 0;
// Accept invite
virtual void AcceptInvite( int iController ) = 0;
// Close the session
virtual void CloseSession() = 0;
// Checks to see if the current game is being played online ( as opposed to locally against bots )
virtual bool IsOnlineGame( void ) = 0;
// Called by the client to notify matchmaking that it should update matchmaking properties based
// on player distribution among the teams.
virtual void UpdateTeamProperties( KeyValues *pTeamProperties ) = 0;
abstract_class IMatchSession
// Get an internal pointer to session system-specific data
virtual KeyValues * GetSessionSystemData() = 0;
// Get an internal pointer to session settings
virtual KeyValues * GetSessionSettings() = 0;
// Update session settings, only changing keys and values need
// to be passed and they will be updated
virtual void UpdateSessionSettings( KeyValues *pSettings ) = 0;
// Issue a session command
virtual void Command( KeyValues *pCommand ) = 0;
// Get the lobby or XSession ID
virtual uint64 GetSessionID() = 0;
// Callback when team changes
virtual void UpdateTeamProperties( KeyValues *pTeamProperties ) = 0;