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//========== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========//
// DYNAMIC: "UBERLIGHT" "0..1" [ps30] [PC]
#include "common_flashlight_fxc.h"
#include "shader_constant_register_map.h"
const float4 g_PackedParams : register( c0 );
const float4 g_NoiseScroll : register( c1 );
const float4 g_ShadowTweaks : register( PSREG_ENVMAP_TINT__SHADOW_TWEAKS ); // c2
const float4 g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors : register( PSREG_FLASHLIGHT_ATTENUATION );
const float4 g_FlashlightPos : register( PSREG_FLASHLIGHT_POSITION_RIM_BOOST );
#define g_NoiseStrength g_PackedParams.x
#define g_PerPlaneFactor g_PackedParams.y
const float3 g_vSmoothEdge0 : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_0 );
const float3 g_vSmoothEdge1 : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_1 );
const float3 g_vSmoothOneOverWidth : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SMOOTH_EDGE_OOW );
const float4 g_vShearRound : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_SHEAR_ROUND );
const float4 g_aAbB : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_AABB );
const float4x4 g_FlashlightWorldToLight : register( PSREG_UBERLIGHT_WORLD_TO_LIGHT );
sampler FlashlightCookieSampler : register( s0 );
sampler ShadowDepthSampler : register( s1 );
sampler RandRotSampler : register( s2 );
sampler NoiseSampler : register( s3 );
#if defined(_PS3)
// Needed for optimal shadow filter code generation on PS3.
#pragma texformat ShadowDepthSampler DEPTH_COMPONENT24
struct PS_INPUT
float3 vWorldPos : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vProjPos : TEXCOORD1;
float4 spotTexCoord : TEXCOORD2;
float4 uberLightPos : TEXCOORD3; // not currently actually used
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
float3 flashlightColor = DoFlashlight( g_FlashlightPos, i.vWorldPos, i.spotTexCoord,
float3(1,0,0), g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.xyz, g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.w,
FlashlightCookieSampler, ShadowDepthSampler, RandRotSampler,
FLASHLIGHTDEPTHFILTERMODE, FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS, i.vProjPos.xy / i.vProjPos.w, false, g_ShadowTweaks, false );
float4 uberLightPosition = mul( float4( i.vWorldPos, 1.0f ), g_FlashlightWorldToLight ).yzxw;
flashlightColor *= uberlight( uberLightPosition, g_vSmoothEdge0, g_vSmoothEdge1,
g_vSmoothOneOverWidth, g_vShearRound.xy, g_aAbB, g_vShearRound.zw );
// Scrolling noise with adjustable strength
float fNoise = tex2D( NoiseSampler, (i.spotTexCoord.xy / i.spotTexCoord.w) + g_NoiseScroll.xy ).x;
fNoise *= tex2D( NoiseSampler, (i.spotTexCoord.xy / i.spotTexCoord.w) + g_NoiseScroll.zw ).y;
fNoise = lerp( 1.0, fNoise, g_NoiseStrength );
// Pre-tonemapped result
float4 vResult = float4( flashlightColor * 0.005f * g_PerPlaneFactor * fNoise, 1 );
// Tone map on the way out (no fog and no depthwrite)
return FinalOutput( vResult, 0.0f, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR, false, 0 );