2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

469 lines
16 KiB

//===== Copyright © 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include "mm_framework.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef _X360
// Purpose: Adjust our rate based on our quality of service
static ConVar mm_clientrateupdate_enabled( "mm_clientrateupdate_enabled", "1", 0, "Automatically update the client rate based on Xbox LIVE QoS" );
static ConVar mm_clientrateupdate_adjust( "mm_clientrateupdate_adjust", "0.6", 0, "Downstream rate adjustment" );
static ConVar mm_clientrateupdate_minimum( "mm_clientrateupdate_minimum", "20000", 0, "Minimum supported rate, Xbox TCR requires 40kbps" );
static ConVar mm_clientrateupdate_maximum( "mm_clientrateupdate_maximum", "30000", 0, "Maximum supported rate" );
static ConVar mm_clientrateupdate_qos_timeout( "mm_clientrateupdate_qos_timeout", "20", 0, "How long to wait for QOS to be determined" );
static void AdjustClientRateBasedOnQoS( DWORD dwDnBitsPerSec )
if ( !mm_clientrateupdate_enabled.GetBool() )
static ConVarRef cl_rate( "rate" );
int desiredRate = (int)( ( dwDnBitsPerSec / 8.0f ) * mm_clientrateupdate_adjust.GetFloat() );
desiredRate = clamp( desiredRate, mm_clientrateupdate_minimum.GetInt(), mm_clientrateupdate_maximum.GetInt() );
// Update the client rate
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), "[QoS] Bandwidth %d bps, Updating client rate to %d\n", dwDnBitsPerSec, desiredRate );
cl_rate.SetValue( desiredRate );
struct RateAdjustmentAsyncCall
// X360 peer
XNADDR apxna;
XNADDR const *papxna;
XNKID apxnkid;
XNKID const *papxnkid;
XNKEY apxnkey;
XNKEY const *papxnkey;
// XLSP server
IN_ADDR ina;
DWORD dwServiceId;
// QOS handle
// Time when QOS probe started
float flTimeStarted;
*g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall = NULL;
void MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Release()
if ( !g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall )
if ( g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS )
g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetQosRelease( g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS );
delete g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall = NULL;
// Keeps adjusting client side rate setting based on QOS with server
void MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate()
if ( !g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall )
if ( g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS->cxnqosPending &&
Plat_FloatTime() < g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->flTimeStarted + mm_clientrateupdate_qos_timeout.GetFloat() )
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), "[QoS] Rate adjustment query %s\n", g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS->cxnqosPending ? "timed out" : "completed" );
// QOS finished or timed out
XNQOSINFO &xni = g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS->axnqosinfo[0];
AdjustClientRateBasedOnQoS( xni.dwDnBitsPerSec );
void MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( IN_ADDR const &ina )
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall = new RateAdjustmentAsyncCall;
ZeroMemory( g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall, sizeof( *g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall ) );
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->ina = ina;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->dwServiceId = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleServiceID();
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->flTimeStarted = Plat_FloatTime();
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), "[QoS] Rate adjustment query scheduled for XLSP server: %08X\n", ina.s_addr );
INT ret = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetQosLookup(
1, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->ina, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->dwServiceId,
2, 0, 0, NULL, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS );
if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS )
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->flTimeStarted = 0.0f;
void MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( XSESSION_INFO const &xsi )
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall = new RateAdjustmentAsyncCall;
ZeroMemory( g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall, sizeof( *g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall ) );
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxna = xsi.hostAddress;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxna = &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxna;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxnkid = xsi.sessionID;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxnkid = &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxnkid;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxnkey = xsi.keyExchangeKey;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxnkey = &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->apxnkey;
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->flTimeStarted = Plat_FloatTime();
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), "[QoS] Rate adjustment query scheduled for Xbox 360 peer: %08X/%08X\n", xsi.hostAddress.ina.s_addr, xsi.hostAddress.inaOnline.s_addr );
INT ret = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetQosLookup(
1, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxna, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxnkid, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->papxnkey,
2, 0, 0, NULL, &g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->pQOS );
if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS )
g_pRateAdjustmentAsyncCall->flTimeStarted = 0.0f;
void MatchSession_BroadcastSessionSettingsUpdate( KeyValues *pUpdateDeletePackage )
KeyValues *notify = new KeyValues( "OnMatchSessionUpdate" );
notify->SetString( "state", "updated" );
if ( KeyValues *kvUpdate = pUpdateDeletePackage->FindKey( "update" ) )
notify->AddSubKey( kvUpdate->MakeCopy() );
if ( KeyValues *kvDelete = pUpdateDeletePackage->FindKey( "delete" ) )
notify->AddSubKey( kvDelete->MakeCopy() );
g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( notify );
void MatchSession_PrepareClientForConnect( KeyValues *pSettings, uint64 uiReservationCookieOverride )
char chSession[64];
sprintf( chSession, "$%llx", uiReservationCookieOverride ? uiReservationCookieOverride :
GetUint64( "xuidReserve", 0ull ) );
cl_session.SetValue( chSession );
g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->PrepareClientForConnect( pSettings );
static bool MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_DsResult( KeyValues *pSettings, CSysSessionBase *pSysSession,
MatchSessionServerInfo_t &info, uint uiResolveFlags, uint64 ullCrypt )
#ifdef _X360
// On dedicated servers host should have given us an insecure
// address representing our Title Server
char const *szInsecureServerAddr = pSettings->GetString( "server/adrInsecure" );
netadr_t inetInsecure;
inetInsecure.SetFromString( szInsecureServerAddr );
IN_ADDR inaddrInsecure;
inaddrInsecure.s_addr = inetInsecure.GetIPNetworkByteOrder();
if ( ( uiResolveFlags & ( info.RESOLVE_DSRESULT | info.RESOLVE_QOS_RATE_PROBE ) ) == info.RESOLVE_QOS_RATE_PROBE )
// We are not required to resolve the DSRESULT, just submit the QOS rate probe
MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( inaddrInsecure );
return true;
char const *szServerType = pSettings->GetString( "server/server", "listen" );
if ( !Q_stricmp( szServerType, "listen" ) )
info.m_dsResult.m_bDedicated = false;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( szServerType, "externalpeer" ) )
info.m_dsResult.m_bDedicated = false;
return true;
Q_strncpy( info.m_dsResult.m_szInsecureSendableServerAddress,
ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szInsecureSendableServerAddress ) );
// Map it to a secure address
IN_ADDR inaddrSecure;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-xlsp_fake_gateway" ) )
inaddrSecure = inaddrInsecure;
ret = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetServerToInAddr( inaddrInsecure, g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleServiceID(), &inaddrSecure );
if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS )
DevWarning( "Failed to resolve XLSP secure address (code = 0x%08X, insecure = %s/%s)!\n",
ret, inetInsecure.ToString(), szInsecureServerAddr );
return false;
netadr_t inetSecure = inetInsecure;
inetSecure.SetIP( inaddrSecure.s_addr );
DevMsg( "Resolved XLSP secure address %s, insecure address was %s.\n",
inetSecure.ToString(), szInsecureServerAddr );
Q_strncpy( info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString,
ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString ) );
info.m_dsResult.m_bDedicated = true;
// Start QOS rate calculation for the dedicated XLSP server
MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( inaddrInsecure );
#elif !defined( NO_STEAM )
char const *szAddress = pSettings->GetString( "server/adronline", "" );
if ( char const *szDecrypted = MatchSession_DecryptAddressString( szAddress, ullCrypt ) )
szAddress = szDecrypted;
Q_strncpy( info.m_dsResult.m_szPublicConnectionString, szAddress,
ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szPublicConnectionString ) );
szAddress = pSettings->GetString( "server/adrlocal", "" );
if ( char const *szDecrypted = MatchSession_DecryptAddressString( szAddress, ullCrypt ) )
szAddress = szDecrypted;
Q_strncpy( info.m_dsResult.m_szPrivateConnectionString, szAddress,
ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szPrivateConnectionString ) );
return true;
static bool MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_ConnectString( KeyValues *pSettings, CSysSessionBase *pSysSession, MatchSessionServerInfo_t &info, uint uiResolveFlags )
// Prepare the connect command
#ifdef _X360
char const *szServerType = pSettings->GetString( "server/server", "listen" );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "externalpeer", szServerType ) && !( uiResolveFlags & info.RESOLVE_ALLOW_EXTPEER ) )
pSysSession = NULL;
char const *szConnectionString = info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString;
if ( info.m_dsResult.m_bDedicated )
info.m_szSecureServerAddress = info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString;
else if ( CSysSessionClient *pSysSessionClient = dynamic_cast< CSysSessionClient * >( pSysSession ) )
XSESSION_INFO xsi = {0};
szConnectionString = pSysSessionClient->GetHostNetworkAddress( xsi );
if ( !szConnectionString )
DevWarning( "MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_ConnectString::GetHostNetworkAddress failed!\n" );
return false;
// Start QOS rate calculation for our session host X360 xnaddr
MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( xsi );
else if ( char const *szSessionInfo = pSettings->GetString( "server/sessioninfo", NULL ) )
// We don't have a dedicated server and don't allow to use external peer directly,
// register security keys
XSESSION_INFO xsi = {0};
MMX360_SessionInfoFromString( xsi, szSessionInfo );
// Resolve XNADDR
IN_ADDR inaddrRemote;
g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetRegisterKey( &xsi.sessionID, &xsi.keyExchangeKey );
if ( int err = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetXnAddrToInAddr( &xsi.hostAddress, &xsi.sessionID, &inaddrRemote ) )
DevWarning( "MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_ConnectString::XNetXnAddrToInAddr"
" failed to resolve XNADDR ( code 0x%08X, sessioninfo = %s )\n",
err, szSessionInfo );
g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetUnregisterKey( &xsi.sessionID );
return false;
// Initiate secure connection and key exchange
if ( int err = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetConnect( inaddrRemote ) )
DevWarning( "MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_ConnectString::XNetConnect"
" failed to start key exchange ( code 0x%08X, sessioninfo = %s )\n",
err, szSessionInfo );
// Secure IN_ADDR associations are removed implicitly when their key gets unregistered
g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XNetUnregisterKey( &xsi.sessionID );
return false;
// Prepare connection string
netadr_t inetAddr;
inetAddr.SetType( NA_IP );
inetAddr.SetIPAndPort( inaddrRemote.s_addr, 0 );
// Now we know the address for the game to connect
Q_strncpy( info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString, inetAddr.ToString( true ), ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szConnectionString ) );
// Remember all the settings needed to deallocate the secure association
info.m_szSecureServerAddress = info.m_dsResult.m_szInsecureSendableServerAddress;
Q_snprintf( info.m_dsResult.m_szInsecureSendableServerAddress,
ARRAYSIZE( info.m_dsResult.m_szInsecureSendableServerAddress ),
"SESSIONINFO %s", szSessionInfo );
// Start QOS rate calculation for opponents session host X360 remote xnaddr
MatchSession_RateAdjustmentUpdate_Start( xsi );
return false;
Q_snprintf( info.m_szConnectCmd, sizeof( info.m_szConnectCmd ),
"connect_splitscreen %s %s %d\n",
XBX_GetNumGameUsers() );
#elif !defined( NO_STEAM )
Q_snprintf( info.m_szConnectCmd, sizeof( info.m_szConnectCmd ),
"connect %s %s\n",
info.m_dsResult.m_szPrivateConnectionString );
info.m_xuidJingle = pSettings->GetUint64( "server/xuid", 0ull );
if ( uint64 uiReservationCookieOverride = pSettings->GetUint64( "server/reservationid", 0ull ) )
info.m_uiReservationCookie = uiReservationCookieOverride;
else if ( pSysSession )
info.m_uiReservationCookie = pSysSession->GetReservationCookie();
info.m_uiReservationCookie = 0ull;
return true;
bool MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo( KeyValues *pSettings, CSysSessionBase *pSysSession, MatchSessionServerInfo_t &info, uint uiResolveFlags, uint64 ullCrypt )
if ( ( uiResolveFlags & ( info.RESOLVE_DSRESULT | info.RESOLVE_QOS_RATE_PROBE ) ) &&
!MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_DsResult( pSettings, pSysSession, info, uiResolveFlags, ullCrypt ) )
return false;
if ( ( uiResolveFlags & info.RESOLVE_CONNECTSTRING ) &&
!MatchSession_ResolveServerInfo_Helper_ConnectString( pSettings, pSysSession, info, uiResolveFlags ) )
return false;
return true;
ConVar mm_tu_string( "mm_tu_string", "00000000" );
uint64 MatchSession_GetMachineFlags()
uint64 uiFlags = 0;
if ( IsPS3() )
return uiFlags;
char const * MatchSession_GetTuInstalledString()
return mm_tu_string.GetString();
char const * MatchSession_EncryptAddressString( char const *szAddress, uint64 ullCrypt )
if ( !szAddress || !*szAddress )
return NULL;
if ( !ullCrypt )
return NULL;
if ( szAddress[0] == ':' )
return NULL;
if ( szAddress[ 0 ] == '$' )
return NULL;
static unsigned char s_chData[256];
int nLen = Q_strlen( szAddress );
if ( nLen >= ARRAYSIZE( s_chData )/2 - 1 )
return NULL;
// Copy the address
s_chData[0] = '$';
for ( int j = 0; j < nLen; ++ j )
uint8 uiVal = uint8( szAddress[j] ) ^ uint8( reinterpret_cast< uint8 * >(&ullCrypt)[ j % sizeof( uint64 ) ] );
Q_snprintf( (char*)( s_chData + 1 + 2*j ), 3, "%02X", ( uint32 ) uiVal );
return (char*) s_chData;
char const * MatchSession_DecryptAddressString( char const *szAddress, uint64 ullCrypt )
if ( !szAddress || !*szAddress )
return NULL;
if ( !ullCrypt )
return NULL;
if ( szAddress[ 0 ] != '$' )
return NULL;
static unsigned char s_chData[ 256 ];
int nLen = Q_strlen( szAddress );
if ( nLen*2 + 2 >= ARRAYSIZE( s_chData ) )
return NULL;
// Copy the address
for ( int j = 0; j < nLen/2; ++j )
uint32 uiVal;
if ( !sscanf( szAddress + 1 + 2*j, "%02X", &uiVal ) )
return NULL;
if ( uiVal > 0xFF )
return NULL;
uiVal = uint8( uiVal ) ^ uint8( reinterpret_cast< uint8 * >(&ullCrypt)[ j % sizeof( uint64 ) ] );
if ( !uiVal )
return NULL;
s_chData[j] = uiVal;
s_chData[nLen/2] = 0;
return (char*) s_chData;
CON_COMMAND( mm_debugprint, "Show debug information about current matchmaking session" )
if ( IMatchSession *pIMatchSession = g_pMMF->GetMatchSession() )
( ( IMatchSessionInternal * ) pIMatchSession )->DebugPrint();
DevMsg( "No match session.\n" );