2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

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//================ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ===========================
#include "movecontroller_ps3.h"
#include <cell/camera.h> // PS3 eye camera
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vjobs/root.h>
#include <tier1/convar.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#include "input_device.h"
#include "inputsystem.h"
#include <vectormath/cpp/vectormath_aos.h>
using namespace Vectormath::Aos;
// time in microseconds between gyro samples (gyro samples are updated at approximately 180 Hz = ~5556 usec)
// [dkorus] lifted this define from the samples/sdk/gem/sharpshooter demo
extern IVJobs * g_pVJobs;
CMoveController g_moveController;
CMoveController* g_pMoveController = &g_moveController;
ConVar ps3_move_roll_trigger( "ps3_move_roll_trigger", "45.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "amount of roll to trigger R/L shoulder button press in degrees" );
ConVar ps3_move_enabled( "ps3_move_enabled", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "0 => Disabled, 1 => Enabled." );
ConVar ps3_move_filter_method( "ps3_move_filter_method", "6", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Which filter method to use. 0 to 6 (none, low_pass, moving_average, gyro_atten_low_pass, gyro_corrector, distance_falloff)." );
ConVar ps3_move_cursor_sampling( "ps3_move_cursor_sampling", "0.5", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "0 to 1. Larger numbers = more samples, smoother, more lag.", true, 0.0f, true, 1.0f );
ConVar mc_cursor_sensitivity( "mc_cursor_sensitivity", "0.5", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "0.0 to 1.0", true, 0.0f, true, 1.0f );
ConVar mc_min_cursor_sensitivity( "mc_min_cursor_sensitivity", "0.25", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "0.0 to 1.0", true, 0.0f, true, 1.0f );
ConVar mc_max_cursor_sensitivity( "mc_max_cursor_sensitivity", "1.25", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "0.0 to 4.0", true, 0.0f, true, 4.0f );
static sys_ppu_thread_t s_gemThread;
static bool s_bGemThreadExit = false;
static sys_memory_container_t s_camContainer;
struct { float left, right, bottom, top; } static s_tracker_plane_extents[MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS]; /**< @brief tracking region extents for each controller */
static int s_nCalibrationStep = 0;
// GemThreadState contains motion controller state
// written to by Gem update thread
// read by main thread
struct GemThreadState
CellGemInfo m_CellGemInfo;
CellGemState m_aCellGemState[MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS];
int32 m_aStatus[MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS]; // associated getState return values
uint64 m_aStatusFlags[MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS];
int32 m_camStatus;
Quaternion m_quat[MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS];
static GemThreadState s_gemThreadState;
static void UpdateGemThread(uint64 args);
static float getPitch( vec_float4 q )
Vectormath::Aos::Quat quat( q );
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 home_dir( 0, 0, -1 );
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 new_dir = Vectormath::Aos::rotate( quat, home_dir );
float x = new_dir[0], y = new_dir[1], z = new_dir[2];
return atan2f( y, sqrtf( x * x + z * z) );
// Yaw - Rotation of the controller pointing axis, if it were projected into the x-z plane
// Same as telescope azimuth angle.
static float getYaw( vec_float4 q )
Vectormath::Aos::Quat quat( q );
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 home_dir( 0, 0, -1 );
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 new_dir = Vectormath::Aos::rotate( quat, home_dir );
new_dir[1] = 0; // portion on x-z plane
return atan2f( -new_dir[0], -new_dir[2] );
//Performs a raw ray cast into the tracker plane extents down the -Z axis of the controller
static void MoveKitPointerIntersectWithTrackerPlane(VmathVector3 position, VmathQuat orientation, float* pointerX, float* pointerY)
// given the gem position and orientation, form a ray from the ball down the gem -Z axis (direction of pointing)
VmathVector3 rayStart;
VmathVector3 rayDir;
vmathV3Copy(&rayStart, &position);
vmathV3MakeFromElems(&rayDir, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
// rotate the direction into the orientation of the controller
vmathQRotate(&rayDir, &orientation, &rayDir);
// intersect the ray with the display plane (at z=0):
// isect.z = rayStart.z + rayDir.z * t, so t = (0 - rayStart.z) / rayDir.z
float t = -vmathV3GetZ(&rayStart) / vmathV3GetZ(&rayDir);
*pointerX = vmathV3GetX(&rayStart) + vmathV3GetX(&rayDir)*t;
*pointerY = vmathV3GetY(&rayStart) + vmathV3GetY(&rayDir)*t;
/** @brief Calculates position of cursor in screen space.
* Takes the most recent position and orientation of the given controller and converts the pointed at location in the display plane to screen space.
* @param[in] gem_num index of controller we're calculating for
* @param[in] position 3D position of controller from most recently queried state
* @param[in] orientation orientation of controller from most recently queried state
* @param[out] pointerX normalized but unclamped X position of pointer in screen space
* @param[out] pointerY normalized but unclamped Y position of pointer in screen space
* @post pointerX and pointerY contain normalized (but unclamped) screen positions based on the specified state
* @see MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState
void MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRaw(int gem_num, VmathVector3 position, VmathQuat orientation, float* pointerX, float* pointerY)
MoveKitPointerIntersectWithTrackerPlane(position, orientation, pointerX, pointerY);
*pointerX = -1.0f + 2.0f*((*pointerX-s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].left)/(s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].right-s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].left));
*pointerY = -1.0f + 2.0f*((*pointerY-s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].bottom)/(s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].top-s_tracker_plane_extents[gem_num].bottom));
// ReadCamera
// Init camera if required and read image data for latest frame using cellCameraReadEx
// Returns the cellCameraReadEx return code
static int32 ReadCamera(CellCameraReadEx *pCamReadEx)
int32 camStatus = cellCameraReadEx(0,pCamReadEx);
CellCameraType type;
cellCameraGetType(0, &type);
if (type == CELL_CAMERA_EYETOY2)
sys_memory_container_create(&s_camContainer, 0x100000);
CellCameraInfoEx camera_info;
cellCameraOpenEx(0, &camera_info);
camStatus = cellCameraReadEx(0,pCamReadEx);
// Prepare camera using exposure and image quality settings
// for best tracking performance (see PS3 docs)
camStatus = cellCameraReadEx(0,pCamReadEx);
return camStatus;
static void StartUpdateGemThread(GemThreadState *pState)
s_bGemThreadExit = false;
sys_ppu_thread_create( &s_gemThread, UpdateGemThread, (uint64)pState,
1001, // PRIORITY 0-3071, 0 highest
16*1024, // Stack size, multiple of 4 KB
static inline void FlashSphere(const int controllerNum)
const int speed = (1<<18)-1;
float t = M_PI * (float)((int)clock()%speed) / (speed-1); // t in range [0,PI]
float ft = exp(-t*t); // f(t) = 1 / e^(t^2) in range [1,0)
static bool CheckForSharpshooterConnected( int controllerId )
unsigned int ext_id;
cellGemReadExternalPortDeviceInfo( controllerId, &ext_id, ext_info);
bool sharpshooterConnected = g_pInputSystem->IsInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER );
if (ext_id == SHARP_SHOOTER_DEVICE_ID &&
!sharpshooterConnected )
Msg("Sharp Shooter is connected and ready!\n");
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER, true );
return true;
else if( !sharpshooterConnected )
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER, false );
Msg("Sharp Shooter is disconnected2!\n");
return false;
bool CheckForMoveConnected( int controllerId )
CellGemState gemState;
int32 gemStatus = cellGemGetState(controllerId, CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_LATEST_IMAGE_TIME, 0, &gemState);
return true;
return false;
/** @brief Calculates position of cursor in screen space.
* Takes the state of the given controller and converts the pointed at location in the display plane to screen space.
* @param[in] gem_num index of controller corresponding to specified state
* @param[in] state the most recently queried gem state for the specified controller
* @param[out] pointerX normalized but unclamped X position of pointer in screen space
* @param[out] pointerY normalized but unclamped Y position of pointer in screen space
* @post pointerX and pointerY contain normalized (but unclamped) screen positions based on the specified state
* @see MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRaw
void MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(int gem_num, CellGemState* state, float* pointerX, float* pointerY)
VmathQuat orientation;
vmathQMakeFrom128(&orientation, state->quat);
VmathVector3 position;
vmathV3MakeFrom128(&position, state->pos);
return MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRaw(gem_num, position, orientation, pointerX, pointerY);
/** @brief Implementation of simple low-pass filter
* Blend the current pointer position with previous samples.
* The blend weight controls the amount of lag and smoothness.
* Higher blend weight (alpha) favors the new position while
* lower favors the older (smoother).
* @note
* The canonical "sluggish feeling" filter.
* @param[out] filteredX X component of filtered pointer position
* @param[out] filteredY Y component of filtered pointer position
* @param screenWidth currently unused
* @param screenHeight currently unused
* @param[in] whichGem index of controller we're filtering [0-3]
* @param[in] numSamples number of consecutive samples to include in filtering calculation, including current sample
* @param[in] alpha blend weight [0.0-1.0]
* @returns return code from last \a cellGemGetState call
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_LowPass(float &filteredX, float &filteredY,
const int whichGem, const int numSamples, const float alpha)
// grab the current gem state time stamp
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME,CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET,&gemState);
system_time_t startTimeStamp = gemState.timestamp;
// blend numSamples consecutive samples
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*(numSamples-1),&gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &filteredX, &filteredY);
for (int i=numSamples-2; i>=0; i--)
float x, y;
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*i,&gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &x, &y);
filteredX = (x * alpha) + (filteredX * (1-alpha));
filteredY = (y * alpha) + (filteredY * (1-alpha));
/** @brief Implementation of moving average filter
* Collect a history of N samples and average them.
* @note
* Increasing the number of samples increases the smoothness as well as the latency.
* @note
* More responsive than the simple low pass and nearly as stable.
* @note
* Optimal at removing "white noise" while preserving sharp transitions. http://www.dspguide.com/ch15/2.htm
* @param[out] filteredX X component of filtered pointer position
* @param[out] filteredY Y component of filtered pointer position
* @param screenWidth currently unused
* @param screenHeight currently unused
* @param[in] whichGem index of controller we're filtering [0-3]
* @param[in] numSamples number of consecutive samples to include in filtering calculation, including current sample
* @returns return code from last \a cellGemGetState call
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_MovingAvg(float &filteredX, float &filteredY, const int whichGem, const int numSamples)
// grab the current gem state time stamp
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME,CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET,&gemState);
system_time_t startTimeStamp = gemState.timestamp;
// average numSamples consecutive samples
int numActualSamples = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numSamples; i++)
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*i,&gemState);
if ( retVal == 0 )
float x=0.0f, y=0.0f;
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &x, &y);
filteredX +=x;
filteredY +=y;
numActualSamples ++;
if ( numActualSamples > 1 )
filteredX /= (float)numActualSamples;
filteredY /= (float)numActualSamples;
/** @brief Implementation of exponential moving average filter
* Same as the moving average, but weights newer points in the average higher
* than the older ones. The weights drop off exponentially, so for 4 samples:
* 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125
* @note
* More responsive than the moving average, but also less smooth
* @param[out] filteredX X component of filtered pointer position
* @param[out] filteredY Y component of filtered pointer position
* @param screenWidth currently unused
* @param screenHeight currently unused
* @param[in] whichGem index of controller we're filtering [0-3]
* @param[in] numSamples number of consecutive samples to include in filtering calculation, including current sample
* @param[in] expMovAvgExponent exponential drop-off for samples
* @returns return code from last \a cellGemGetState call
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_ExpMovingAvg(float &filteredX, float &filteredY,
const int whichGem, const int numSamples, const float expMovAvgExponent)
// grab the current gem state time stamp
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME,CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET,&gemState);
system_time_t startTimeStamp = gemState.timestamp;
// average numSamples consecutive samples
float totalWeight=0;
for (int i=0; i<numSamples; i++)
float x, y;
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*i,&gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &x, &y);
float weight = 1.f / powf(expMovAvgExponent, i);
filteredX += (x * weight);
filteredY += (y * weight);
totalWeight += weight;
filteredX /= totalWeight;
filteredY /= totalWeight;
/** @brief Implementation of gyro attentuated low pass filter
* Uses the magnitude of the gyro signal to guide a simple low-pass filter.
* Faster gyro motion allows the filter to be more responsive, slower
* motion smooths the signal. The intended behavior is that when the
* user is moving slowly, the response is smoother. While this introduces
* latency, its not as noticeable at slow speeds, where smoothness and
* stability are more important. During fast motions, the gyro magnitude
* is high, which allows the filter to pass the signal through "raw" so
* there is no latency or smooth. Fast motions tend to be imprecise,
* so low latency is more important than smoothness. Slow motions are
* assumed to be "precision" adjustments, which can have some latency
* at the cost of smoothing.
* @note
* I think this filter feels best for twitchy precise motions. If the
* user does a lot of fine corrections, or a lot of "medium speed" motions
* it will feel sluggish. But for a precise user, it acts fast when
* twitching and then stabilizes on the local area.
* @param[out] filteredX X component of filtered pointer position
* @param[out] filteredY Y component of filtered pointer position
* @param screenWidth currently unused
* @param screenHeight currently unused
* @param[in] whichGem index of controller we're filtering [0-3]
* @param[in] numSamples number of consecutive samples to include in filtering calculation, including current sample
* @param[in] maxGyroAngVel speed at which the blend param = 1, in radians
* @returns return code from last \a cellGemGetState call
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_GyroAttenLowPass(float &filteredX, float &filteredY,
const int whichGem, const int numSamples, const float maxGyroAngVel)
// grab the current gem state time stamp
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME,CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET,&gemState);
system_time_t startTimeStamp = gemState.timestamp;
// blend numSamples consecutive samples
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*(numSamples-1),&gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &filteredX, &filteredY);
for (int i=numSamples-2; i>=0; i--)
float x, y;
retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP,startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*i,&gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &x, &y);
float angVel = sqrtf( gemState.angvel[0]*gemState.angvel[0] + gemState.angvel[1]*gemState.angvel[1] + gemState.angvel[2]*gemState.angvel[2] );
angVel = (angVel>maxGyroAngVel) ? maxGyroAngVel : angVel;
float alpha = angVel / maxGyroAngVel;
filteredX = (x * alpha) + (filteredX * (1-alpha));
filteredY = (y * alpha) + (filteredY * (1-alpha));
static inline double rotationAngle(const Quat& u, const Quat& v)
double udotv = dot(u, v);
return (fabsf(udotv)>1.0f) ? 0.0f : 2.0f*acosf(udotv);
/** @brief Implementation of gyro-based predictor/corrector filter
* This filter prevents spurious angular corrections (like from the
* magnetometer or the internal gem filtering system) that are inconsistent
* with the current gyro measurements. Corrections should always be
* proportional to the magnitude of motions read from the gyros, and when
* it is motionless, stray corrections should not occur.
* This check is performed as follows:
* 1) Directly integrates the angular velocity from the gyros (the gemState angvel)
* 2) Compare the gyro motion to the "correction" motion (between the current
* state and the integrated result)
* 3) limit the amount of correction proportional to the amount of actual gyro motion.
* @note
* This is technically not a motion filter, but rather a spurious motion check
* that could be combined with other filters.
* @param[out] filteredX X component of filtered pointer position
* @param[out] filteredY Y component of filtered pointer position
* @param[in] whichGem index of controller we're filtering [0-3]
* @returns return code from last \a cellGemGetState call
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_GyroPredictorCorrector(float &filteredX, float &filteredY,
const int whichGem)
static Quat laserQuat[4] = { Quat(0,0,0,1), Quat(0,0,0,1), Quat(0,0,0,1), Quat(0,0,0,1) }; // quat integration accumulators
static system_time_t lastStateTimestamp[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState(whichGem,CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME,CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET,&gemState);
float dt = (gemState.timestamp - lastStateTimestamp[whichGem]) * 1e-6f; // in seconds
lastStateTimestamp[whichGem] = gemState.timestamp;
if (dt < 3.0f/60.0f) // update normally if time between last sampling is less than a few frames
// this crazy math integrates the world-space angular velocity (which happens to come from the gyros only), and adds it to laserQuat.
Vector3 angVel(gemState.angvel);
Quat angVelQuat(angVel, 0.0f);
Quat quatDot = (0.5f * angVelQuat) * laserQuat[whichGem];
Quat integrationResult = normalize(laserQuat[whichGem] + quatDot*dt);
Quat stateQuat(gemState.quat);
float integrationAngle = fabsf(rotationAngle(laserQuat[whichGem], integrationResult)); // magnitude of the motion-due to gyros
float stateDiffAngle = fabsf(rotationAngle(integrationResult, stateQuat)); // magnitude of the correction that would be needed to match the gyro-based result to libgem's result
// limit the amount of "correction" that occurs to 0.1 * amount of the gyro motion, so as to hide it
// the big benefit of this is that no "correction" occurs if there is no gyro motion, so the pointer
// only moves when the gyros say there is motion occurring
float angleLimit = (stateDiffAngle > 0.1f*integrationAngle)? 0.1f*integrationAngle : stateDiffAngle;
// rotate the integrationResult by the correction amount. this is the new output quat
if (stateDiffAngle > 1e-10f)
laserQuat[whichGem] = slerp(angleLimit/stateDiffAngle, integrationResult, stateQuat);
laserQuat[whichGem] = integrationResult;
gemState.quat = laserQuat[whichGem].get128();
else // if too long since last sample, set the integration accumulator quat to the current gem state quat
laserQuat[whichGem] = Quat(gemState.quat);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &filteredX, &filteredY);
// Weights samples based on their distance to the latest sample.
int32_t calcFilteredPointerPos_DistanceFalloff(float &filteredX, float &filteredY, const int whichGem)
// The higher the sampling (more lag), the smaller we want fRangeScale to be since a smaller range will include more samples and give them higher weights.
// So we use 1.0 - ps3_move_cursor_sampling.
const float fRangeScale = (float)(0x1 << (int)( (1.0f - ps3_move_cursor_sampling.GetFloat()) * 10.0f));
float latestSampleX=0.0f, latestSampleY=0.0f;
// grab the current gem state time stamp
CellGemState gemState;
int32_t retVal = cellGemGetState( whichGem, CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME, CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET, &gemState );
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(whichGem, &gemState, &latestSampleX, &latestSampleY);
system_time_t startTimeStamp = gemState.timestamp;
// average numSamples consecutive samples
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i<MC_MAX_NUM_SAMPLES; i++)
retVal = cellGemGetState( whichGem, CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_TIMESTAMP, startTimeStamp-GYRO_SAMPLE_SPACING*i, &gemState );
if ( retVal == 0 )
float x=0.0f, y=0.0f;
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState( whichGem, &gemState, &x, &y );
float dx = x - latestSampleX;
float dy = y - latestSampleY;
float weight = 1.0f - ( sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy) * fRangeScale );
weight = clamp(weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
filteredX += x*weight;
filteredY += y*weight;
fTotalWeight += weight;
if ( fTotalWeight > 0.0f )
filteredX /= (float)fTotalWeight;
filteredY /= (float)fTotalWeight;
static void GetFilteredPointerPosition( int gem_num, float *cursorX, float *cursorY )
CellGemState gemState;
float filter_lowpass_alpha = 0.1f; //parameter for low pass filter
float filter_exp_moving_avg_exponent = 0.1f; //parameter for exponential moving average filter
float filter_max_gyro_ang_vel = 0.1f; //parameter for gyro attenuated low pass filter
int retVal = -1;
FilterModeType filter_type = (FilterModeType)ps3_move_filter_method.GetInt();
// Higher sampling means use more samples (more smooth and laggy).
int filter_numsamples = (int)( ps3_move_cursor_sampling.GetFloat() * (float)MC_MAX_NUM_SAMPLES);
if (filter_numsamples < 1)
filter_numsamples = 1;
switch (filter_type)
case NONE:
retVal = cellGemGetState(gem_num, CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME, CELL_GEM_LATENCY_OFFSET, &gemState);
MoveKitPointerCalcPointerNormalizedRawFromState(gem_num, &gemState, cursorX, cursorY);
case LOW_PASS:
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_LowPass(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num, filter_numsamples, filter_lowpass_alpha);
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_MovingAvg(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num, filter_numsamples);
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_ExpMovingAvg(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num, filter_numsamples, filter_exp_moving_avg_exponent);
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_GyroAttenLowPass(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num, filter_numsamples, filter_max_gyro_ang_vel);
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_GyroPredictorCorrector(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num);
retVal = calcFilteredPointerPos_DistanceFalloff(*cursorX, *cursorY, gem_num);
*cursorX = 0.0f;
*cursorY = 0.0f;
const float fMinCursorSensitivity = mc_min_cursor_sensitivity.GetFloat();
const float fCursorSensitivity = fMinCursorSensitivity + (mc_max_cursor_sensitivity.GetFloat() - fMinCursorSensitivity) * mc_cursor_sensitivity.GetFloat();
(*cursorX) *= fCursorSensitivity;
(*cursorY) *= fCursorSensitivity;
// the main gem update function (this can be called in a thread or directly)
static void GemFrameUpdate()
// Read move controller state if camera is ok
if (s_gemThreadState.m_camStatus == CELL_OK)
bool moveConnected = g_pInputSystem->IsInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE );
bool sharpshooterConnected = g_pInputSystem->IsInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER );
if ( !moveConnected && !sharpshooterConnected )
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CONTROLLER_NOT_CONNECTED );
for (int ii=0; ii<MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS; ++ii)
CellGemState gemState;
int32 gemStatus = cellGemGetState( ii, CELL_GEM_STATE_FLAG_CURRENT_TIME, 0, &gemState );
uint64 gemStatusFlags = 0;
cellGemGetStatusFlags( ii, &gemStatusFlags );
// check for sharpshooter connection:
if( !sharpshooterConnected && gemState.ext.status != 0 )
CheckForSharpshooterConnected( ii );
else if ( sharpshooterConnected && gemState.ext.status == 0 )
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER, false );
Msg("Sharp Shooter is disconnected!\n");
if( !moveConnected )
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE, true );
if (gemStatus == CELL_GEM_HUE_NOT_SET)
// if the gem needs a color and the sphere calibration is complete
// pick a color (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue for 0-360 hue value description)
#define HUE_BLUE 200
unsigned int hues[] = {HUE_BLUE,HUE_BLUE,HUE_BLUE,HUE_BLUE};
cellGemTrackHues(hues, NULL);
if ( g_pInputSystem->GetMotionControllerDeviceStatus() != INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CONTROLLER_ERROR )
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CONTROLLER_NOT_CALIBRATED );
if (gemStatus == CELL_GEM_SPHERE_CALIBRATING) { // several frames are needed to finish calibration
// several frames are needed to finish calibration
FlashSphere( ii );
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CONTROLLER_CALIBRATING );
if ( gemStatus == CELL_OK )
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_OK );
//// handle buttons ////
uint16 lastpadbuttons = s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii].pad.digitalbuttons;
uint16 pressedbuttons = gemState.pad.digitalbuttons & ~lastpadbuttons;
if ( pressedbuttons & CELL_GEM_CTRL_MOVE &&
gemStatus != CELL_OK )
{ // Calibrates when pointing at the camera if it's not already calibrated
//DevMsg("gem calibration started...\n");
// dkorus note: we should handle failure conditions on the PS move for PSMove calibration
else if( g_pInputSystem->IsInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE ) )
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE, false );
// [dkorus] without the MOVE, we certainly can't have the sharpshooter connected
g_pInputSystem->SetInputDeviceConnected( INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER, false );
if ( g_pInputSystem->GetMotionControllerDeviceStatus() == INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_OK )
// Do not display these notices while calibrating
if ( (s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii].tracking_flags & CELL_GEM_TRACKING_FLAG_VISIBLE) !=
( gemState.tracking_flags & CELL_GEM_TRACKING_FLAG_VISIBLE ) )
// if status changes, send over a message
InputEvent_t event;
memset( &event, 0, sizeof(event) );
event.m_nTick = g_pInputSystem->GetPollTick();
event.m_nType = IE_PS_Move_OutOfView;
event.m_nData = gemState.tracking_flags & CELL_GEM_TRACKING_FLAG_VISIBLE;
g_pInputSystem->PostUserEvent( event );
// handle the red light if we're using the sharpshooter or move
if ( g_pInputSystem->GetCurrentInputDevice() == INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE ||
g_pInputSystem->GetCurrentInputDevice() == INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER )
bool redLightOn = false;
if ( !event.m_nData )
redLightOn = true;
// set m_nData to 1 (TRUE) if in view
cellCameraSetAttribute( 0, CELL_CAMERA_LED, ( int ) redLightOn, 0 );
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CONTROLLER_ERROR );
s_gemThreadState.m_aStatus[ii] = gemStatus;
s_gemThreadState.m_aStatusFlags[ii] = gemStatusFlags;
s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii] = gemState;
if ( s_nCalibrationStep == 4 )
// We've calibrated the cursor, so now we can filter it.
GetFilteredPointerPosition( ii, &s_gemThreadState.m_posX[ii], &s_gemThreadState.m_posY[ii] );
VmathVector3 position;
VmathQuat orientation;
vmathV3MakeFrom128(&position, s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii].pos);
vmathQMakeFrom128(&orientation, s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii].quat);
MoveKitPointerIntersectWithTrackerPlane( position, orientation, &s_gemThreadState.m_posX[ii], &s_gemThreadState.m_posY[ii] );
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CAMERA_NOT_CONNECTED );
static void UpdateGemThread(uint64 args)
sys_ipc_key_t ipckey = 0xabcdefab;
sys_event_queue_t eventQueue;
sys_event_queue_attribute_t evattr;
sys_event_queue_create(&eventQueue, &evattr, ipckey, 10);
sys_event_t event;
// timeout after 4 frames
int receive_ret = sys_event_queue_receive(eventQueue, &event, 4*1000000/60);
//Assert(receive_ret == CELL_OK);
// if(receive_ret == ETIMEDOUT) {
// Msg("ERROR: UpdateGemThread timeout!\n");
// } else if(receive_ret != CELL_OK) {
// Msg("ERROR: UpdateGemThread failed\n");
// }
if (receive_ret == CELL_OK)
// read the camera
CellCameraReadEx camReadEx;
int32 camStatus = ReadCamera(&camReadEx);
if ( s_gemThreadState.m_camStatus != camStatus )
// if status changes, send over a message
InputEvent_t event;
memset( &event, 0, sizeof(event) );
event.m_nTick = g_pInputSystem->GetPollTick();
event.m_nType = IE_PS_CameraUnplugged;
event.m_nData = camStatus;
g_pInputSystem->PostUserEvent( event );
// analyze the image / update gem (do this regardless of the pseye status)
CellCameraInfoEx camera_info;
camera_info.buffer=0; // set to NULL just in case the camera isn't ready
cellGemUpdateStart(camera_info.buffer, camReadEx.timestamp);
s_gemThreadState.m_camStatus = camStatus;
sys_event_queue_destroy(eventQueue, 0);
static void EndUpdateGemThread()
s_bGemThreadExit = true;
uint64 threadRet;
sys_ppu_thread_join(s_gemThread, &threadRet);
void CMoveController::Init()
// Init PS Eye lib
cellSysmoduleLoadModule( CELL_SYSMODULE_CAMERA );
// Load Move controller lib and alloc memory for it
// (but can't complete init until SPURS instance is available)
cellSysmoduleLoadModule( CELL_SYSMODULE_GEM );
m_iSizeGemMem = cellGemGetMemorySize(MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS);
m_pGemMem = malloc(m_iSizeGemMem);
// Move controller lib requires a SPURS instance, so register with VJobs
g_pVJobs->Register( this );
void CMoveController::Shutdown()
g_pVJobs->Unregister( this );
m_pGemMem = NULL;
// note: rumbleVal should represent between 0 and 255 to match cellGemSetRumble
void CMoveController::Rumble( unsigned char rumbleVal )
for ( int ii = 0; ii < MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS; ++ii )
int32_t result = cellGemSetRumble( ii, rumbleVal );
Warning( "CMoveController::Rumble invalid paramater for rumble \n" );
void CMoveController::OnVjobsInit()
// Init move controller lib using VJobs SPURS instance
CellGemAttribute gem_attr;
cellGemAttributeInit(&gem_attr, 1, m_pGemMem, &m_pRoot->m_spurs, ( uint8_t* )&m_pRoot->m_nGemWorkloadPriority);
int res = cellGemInit(&gem_attr);
Assert(res == CELL_OK);
if (res!= CELL_OK) Msg("Error on cellGemInit %d", res);
// Start Gem update thread (must run at 60Hz for accurate tracking performance)
s_gemThread = 0;
m_bEnabled = false;
m_bEnabled = true;
void CMoveController::OnVjobsShutdown()
m_bEnabled = false;
// End move controller lib
void CMoveController::ReadState( MoveControllerState* pState )
pState->m_CellGemInfo = s_gemThreadState.m_CellGemInfo;
pState->m_camStatus = s_gemThreadState.m_camStatus;
for(int ii=0; ii< MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS; ++ii)
pState->m_aCellGemState[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_aCellGemState[ii];
pState->m_aStatus[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_aStatus[ii];
pState->m_aStatusFlags[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_aStatusFlags[ii];
pState->m_pos[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_pos[ii];
pState->m_quat[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_quat[ii];
pState->m_posX[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_posX[ii];
pState->m_posY[ii] = s_gemThreadState.m_posY[ii];
// Disable (for debugging)
void CMoveController::Disable()
m_bEnabled = false;
// Enable (for debugging)
void CMoveController::Enable()
m_bEnabled = true;
void CMoveController::InvalidateCalibration( void )
for ( int ii = 0; ii < MAX_PS3_MOVE_CONTROLLERS; ++ii )
cellGemClearStatusFlags( ii, CELL_GEM_ALL_FLAGS );
cellGemInvalidateCalibration( ii );
cellGemReset( ii );
g_pInputSystem->SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( INPUT_DEVICE_MC_STATE_CAMERA_NOT_CONNECTED );
void CMoveController::ResetMotionControllerScreenCalibration( void )
s_nCalibrationStep = 0;
void CMoveController::StepMotionControllerCalibration( void )
float pointerX = 0.0;
float pointerY = 0.0;
VmathVector3 position;
VmathQuat orientation;
MoveControllerState currentState;
ReadState( &currentState );
switch ( s_nCalibrationStep )
case 0: // left
s_tracker_plane_extents[0].left = currentState.m_posX[0];
case 1: // right
s_tracker_plane_extents[0].right = currentState.m_posX[0];
case 2: // bottom
s_tracker_plane_extents[0].bottom = currentState.m_posY[0];
case 3: // top
s_tracker_plane_extents[0].top = currentState.m_posY[0];
AssertMsg( false, "Invalid step.\n" );
if ( s_nCalibrationStep <= 3 )