2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "predicted_viewmodel.h"
#include "prediction.h"
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
#include "c_cs_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( PredictedViewModel, DT_PredictedViewModel )
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS_ALIASED( predicted_viewmodel, PredictedViewModel );
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE( CPredictedViewModel, DT_PredictedViewModel )
// Purpose:
CPredictedViewModel::CPredictedViewModel() : m_LagAnglesHistory("CPredictedViewModel::m_LagAnglesHistory")
m_LagAnglesHistory.Setup( &m_vLagAngles, INTERPOLATE_LINEAR_ONLY );
m_flInaccuracyTilt = 0;
m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed = 0;
// Purpose:
ConVar cl_wpn_sway_interp( "cl_wpn_sway_interp", "0.1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
ConVar cl_wpn_sway_scale( "cl_wpn_sway_scale", "1.6", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL|FCVAR_CHEAT );
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
extern ConVar cl_use_new_headbob;
#endif //CSTRIKE15
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: Adds head bob for off hand models
void CPredictedViewModel::AddViewModelBob( CBasePlayer *owner, Vector& eyePosition, QAngle& eyeAngles )
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
if ( cl_use_new_headbob.GetBool() == false )
// if we are an off hand view model (index 1) and we have a model, add head bob.
// (Head bob for main hand model added by the weapon itself.)
if ( ViewModelIndex() == 1 && m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy )
CalcViewModelBobHelper( owner, &m_BobState, 1 );
AddViewModelBobHelper( eyePosition, eyeAngles, &m_BobState );
void CPredictedViewModel::CalcViewModelLag( Vector& origin, QAngle& angles, QAngle& /*original_angles*/ )
float interp = cl_wpn_sway_interp.GetFloat();
if ( !interp || m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy )
if ( prediction->InPrediction() && !prediction->IsFirstTimePredicted() )
origin += m_vPredictedOffset;
// Calculate our drift
Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, &up );
// Add an entry to the history.
m_vLagAngles = angles;
m_LagAnglesHistory.NoteChanged( gpGlobals->curtime, gpGlobals->curtime, interp, false );
// Interpolate back 100ms.
m_LagAnglesHistory.Interpolate( gpGlobals->curtime, interp );
// Now take the 100ms angle difference and figure out how far the forward vector moved in local space.
Vector vLaggedForward;
QAngle angleDiff = m_vLagAngles - angles;
AngleVectors( -angleDiff, &vLaggedForward, 0, 0 );
Vector vForwardDiff = Vector(1,0,0) - vLaggedForward;
if ( ShouldFlipModel() )
right = -right;
// Now offset the origin using that.
vForwardDiff *= cl_wpn_sway_scale.GetFloat();
m_vPredictedOffset = forward*vForwardDiff.x + right*-vForwardDiff.y + up*vForwardDiff.z;
// reduce offset as viewmodel angle approaches nearly vertical
float flMult = clamp( abs(DotProduct(up, Vector(0,0,1))) - 0.02f, 0, 1 );
origin += (m_vPredictedOffset * flMult);
ConVar cl_gunlowerangle( "cl_gunlowerangle", "2", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
ConVar cl_gunlowerspeed( "cl_gunlowerspeed", "0.1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
void CPredictedViewModel::ApplyViewModelPitchAndDip( CBasePlayer *owner, Vector& vecNewOrigin, QAngle& vecNewAngles )
//orients and moves weapon to provide visual feedback on weapon accuracy and player motion (like jumping and landing)
// Check for lowering the weapon
// C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( owner );
// Assert( pPlayer );
bool bJumping = !( owner->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND );
bool bLowered = bJumping;//pPlayer->IsWeaponLowered();
QAngle vecLoweredAngles(0,0,0);
m_vLoweredWeaponOffset.x = Approach( bLowered ? cl_gunlowerangle.GetFloat() : 0, m_vLoweredWeaponOffset.x, cl_gunlowerspeed.GetFloat() );
vecLoweredAngles.x += m_vLoweredWeaponOffset.x;
vecNewAngles -= vecLoweredAngles * 0.2f;
vecNewOrigin.z -= vecLoweredAngles.x * 0.4f; // translation offset looks more natural than rotation
float flDipAddAmt = 0.0f;
float flOldFallVel = owner->m_Local.m_flOldFallVelocity;
// This does the dip when you land
// m_Local.m_bInLanding gets set on the client in baseplayer_shared.cpp -- mtw
if ( owner && owner->m_Local.m_bInLanding == true )
float flDipAmt = 0.005;//weapon_land_dip_amt.GetFloat();
float landseconds = MAX(gpGlobals->curtime - (owner->m_Local.m_flLandingTime - 0.1f), 0.0f);
float landFraction = SmoothCurve( landseconds / 0.25f );
clamp( landFraction, 0.0f, 1.0f );
float flDipAmount = (1 / flOldFallVel) * flDipAmt;
int dipHighOffset = 64;
int dipLowOffset = dipHighOffset - flDipAmt;
Vector temp = owner->GetViewOffset();
temp.z = ( ( dipLowOffset - flDipAmount ) * landFraction ) +
( dipHighOffset * ( 1 - landFraction ) );
if ( temp.z > dipHighOffset )
temp.z = dipHighOffset;
flDipAddAmt = ( dipHighOffset - temp.z );
// Replaced with CL #2056767 code in baseviewmodel_shared.cpp
// that applies aimpunch to viewmodel angle
// C_WeaponCSBase *pWeapon = ( C_WeaponCSBase * )GetOwningWeapon();
// // pitch the viewmodel up to match where the bullets are going
// if ( pWeapon )
// {
// float flMaxMultiplier = 40;
// float flMultiplier = flMaxMultiplier;
// if ( !m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy )
// flMultiplier -= MAX( 0, (gpGlobals->curtime - pWeapon->m_flNextPrimaryAttack) * flMaxMultiplier );
// float flMultMinClamp = 0;
// if ( bJumping )
// flMultMinClamp = 5.0f;
// flMultiplier = clamp( flMultiplier, flMultMinClamp, flMaxMultiplier );
// // get the player's default accuracy
// float flBaseAccuracy = pWeapon->GetCSWpnData().GetInaccuracyStand( 0, pWeapon->GetAttributeContainer()->GetItem() );
// // get the current accuracy of the player
// float flAccuracy = m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy ? 0 : pWeapon->GetInaccuracy();
// //float flAccuracyFishtail = m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy ? 0 : pWeapon->GetAccuracyFishtail();
// // get the difference between the two
// float flAccuracyDiff = m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy ? 0 : abs((flAccuracy - flBaseAccuracy) * flMultiplier);
// float flApproachSpeed = 25.0f;
// // if we are in the air, we just jumped, we are running really fast,
// // adjust the appraoch speed based on how fast it changed
// // this avoids big visual pops
// if ( bJumping || (!m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy && owner->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() > 150.0f) )// && flAccuracyDiff > m_flOldAccuracyDiff )
// {
// float flMax = 7.5f;
// float flDiv = 10.0f;
// // if we're on the ground and moving fast
// if ( owner->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() > 150.0f && !bJumping )
// {
// flMax = 25.0f;
// flDiv = 5.0f;
// }
// float flOldToNewDiff = abs( ((flAccuracyDiff - m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed) / flDiv) * flApproachSpeed );
// // small differences, we go faster, large differences and we go slower
// flApproachSpeed = clamp( flApproachSpeed - flOldToNewDiff, 5.0f, flMax );
// }
// // save off the accuracy difference
// m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed = Approach( flAccuracyDiff, m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed, abs( ((flAccuracyDiff)-m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed )*gpGlobals->frametime) * 0.5f );
// // smooth out the tilting
// m_flInaccuracyTilt = Approach( flAccuracyDiff, m_flInaccuracyTilt, abs( (flAccuracyDiff-m_flInaccuracyTilt)*gpGlobals->frametime) * flApproachSpeed );
// m_flInaccuracyTilt = MIN( m_flInaccuracyTilt, 3.0f );
// //Msg ( "owner->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() = %f, flAccuracyDiff = %f, m_flInaccuracyTilt = %f, flMultiplier = %f\n", owner->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D(), flAccuracyDiff, m_flInaccuracyTilt, flMultiplier );
// //Msg ( "flApproachSpeed = %f, flAccuracyDiff = %f, m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed = %f\n", flApproachSpeed, flAccuracyDiff, m_flOldAccuracyDiffSmoothed );
// vecNewAngles.x -= m_flInaccuracyTilt;
// //vecNewAngles.y += flAccuracyFishtail;
// // dip the gun just a bit as well
// vecNewOrigin.z -= (m_flInaccuracyTilt * 0.5f) + flDipAddAmt;
// }
#ifdef CSTRIKE15
void CPredictedViewModel::CalcViewModelView( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& eyePosition, const QAngle& eyeAngles )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
if ( cl_use_new_headbob.GetBool() == false )
return BaseClass::CalcViewModelView( owner, eyePosition, eyeAngles );
Vector vecNewOrigin = eyePosition;
QAngle vecNewAngles = eyeAngles;
ApplyViewModelPitchAndDip( owner, vecNewOrigin, vecNewAngles );
BaseClass::CalcViewModelView( owner, vecNewOrigin, vecNewAngles );
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
CWeaponCSBase *pWeapon = ( CWeaponCSBase * )GetOwningWeapon();
if ( pWeapon )
CIronSightController* pIronSightController = pWeapon->GetIronSightController();
if ( pIronSightController )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
Vector vecEyeOrigin = eyePosition;
QAngle angEyeAngles = eyeAngles;
if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
//Retrieve ironsight position and angles, then lerp the weapon there if we're at all ironsighted
pIronSightController->ApplyIronSightPositioning( vecEyeOrigin, angEyeAngles, GetLocalOrigin(), GetLocalAngles() );
if ( pIronSightController->IsInIronSight() )
SetLocalOrigin( Lerp( pIronSightController->GetIronSightAmountGained(), GetLocalOrigin(), vecEyeOrigin ) );
SetLocalAngles( Lerp( pIronSightController->GetIronSightAmountGained(), GetLocalAngles(), angEyeAngles ) );
#endif //IRONSIGHT
// bias the position of the viewmodel during observer camera interpolation
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverInterpState() != C_BasePlayer::OBSERVER_INTERP_NONE )
C_CSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pLocalPlayer );
if ( pCSPlayer )
Vector vecOffset = pCSPlayer->GetObserverInterpolatedOffsetVector();
// pull up from offscreen a little
vecOffset.z -= vecOffset.Length() * 0.2f;
// dampen overall
vecOffset *= 0.5f;
SetLocalOrigin( GetLocalOrigin() + vecOffset );
#endif //CSTRIKE15