2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

237 lines
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//===== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// CGameClient: represents a player client in a game server
#ifndef SV_CLIENT_H
#define SV_CLIENT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "const.h"
#include "bitbuf.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "checksum_crc.h"
#include "event_system.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include <inetmsghandler.h>
#include "baseclient.h"
#include "clientframe.h"
#include <soundinfo.h>
struct HltvReplayStats_t
enum FailEnum_t
uint nClients;
uint nStartRequests;
uint nSuccessfulStarts;
uint nStopRequests;
uint nAbortStopRequests;
uint nUserCancels;
uint nFullReplays;
uint nNetAbortReplays;
uint nFailedReplays[NUM_FAILURES];
void Reset()
V_memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) );
nClients = 1;
void operator += ( const HltvReplayStats_t &other )
this->nClients += other.nClients;
this->nStartRequests += other.nStartRequests;
this->nSuccessfulStarts += other.nSuccessfulStarts;
this->nStopRequests += other.nStopRequests;
this->nUserCancels += other.nUserCancels;
this->nAbortStopRequests += other.nAbortStopRequests;
this->nFullReplays += other.nFullReplays;
this->nNetAbortReplays += other.nNetAbortReplays;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FAILURES; ++i )
this->nFailedReplays[i] += other.nFailedReplays[i];
const char *AsString()const;
// Forward declarations
class INetChannel;
class CClientFrame;
class CFrameSnapshot;
class CClientMsgHandler;
struct edict_t;
struct SoundInfo_t;
class KeyValues;
class CHLTVServer;
class CReplayServer;
class CPerClientLogoInfo;
class CCommand;
class CSVCMsg_Sounds;
class CHLTVClient;
// CGameClient: represents a player client in a game server
class CGameClient : public CBaseClient, public CClientFrameManager
typedef CBaseClient BaseClass;
CGameClient(int slot, CBaseServer *pServer);
// INetMsgHandler interface
void ConnectionClosing( const char *reason );
void ConnectionCrashed(const char *reason);
void PacketStart (int incoming_sequence, int outgoing_acknowledged);
void PacketEnd( void );
void FileReceived( const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool bIsReplayDemoFile = false );
void FileRequested(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool bIsReplayDemoFile = false );
void FileDenied( const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool bIsReplayDemoFile = false );
void FileSent( const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID, bool bIsReplayDemoFile = false );
bool ProcessConnectionlessPacket( netpacket_t *packet );
// IClient interface
void Connect(const char * szName, int nUserID, INetChannel *pNetChannel, bool bFakePlayer, CrossPlayPlatform_t clientPlatform, const CMsg_CVars *pVecCvars ) OVERRIDE;
void Inactivate( void );
void Reconnect( void );
void Disconnect( const char *reason ) OVERRIDE;
bool CheckConnect( void );
void SetRate( int nRate, bool bForce );
void SetUpdateRate( float fUpdateRate, bool bForce ); // override;
virtual bool IsHearingClient( int index ) const;
virtual bool IsProximityHearingClient( int index ) const;
void Clear( void );
bool SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable = false, bool bVoice = false );
bool ExecuteStringCommand( const char *s );
// IGameEventListener
void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) OVERRIDE;
public: // IClientMessageHandlers
virtual bool CLCMsg_ClientInfo( const CCLCMsg_ClientInfo& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_Move( const CCLCMsg_Move& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_VoiceData( const CCLCMsg_VoiceData& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_RespondCvarValue( const CCLCMsg_RespondCvarValue& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_FileCRCCheck( const CCLCMsg_FileCRCCheck& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_CmdKeyValues( const CCLCMsg_CmdKeyValues& msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CLCMsg_HltvReplay( const CCLCMsg_HltvReplay &msg ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SVCMsg_UserMessage( const CSVCMsg_UserMessage &msg ) OVERRIDE;
void UpdateUserSettings( void );
bool UpdateAcknowledgedFramecount(int tick);
void WriteGameSounds( bf_write &buf, int nMaxSounds );
virtual bool ProcessSignonStateMsg(int state, int spawncount);
bool SendSnapshot( CClientFrame *pFrame ) OVERRIDE;
bool SendHltvReplaySnapshot( CClientFrame * pFrame );
bool ShouldSendMessages( void );
void SpawnPlayer( void );
bool SendSignonData( void );
void ActivatePlayer( void );
void SetupHltvFrame( int nServerTick );
void SetupPackInfo( CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot );
void SetupPrevPackInfo();
void DownloadCustomizations();
void WriteViewAngleUpdate( void );
CClientFrame *GetDeltaFrame( int nTick );
CClientFrame *GetSendFrame();
void SendSound( SoundInfo_t &sound, bool isReliable );
void GetReplayData( int& ticks, int& entity);
bool IgnoreTempEntity( CEventInfo *event );
const CCheckTransmitInfo* GetPrevPackInfo();
virtual bool StartHltvReplay( const HltvReplayParams_t &params ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanStartHltvReplay() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ResetReplayRequestTime() OVERRIDE;
void StepHltvReplayStatus( int nServerTick );
virtual int GetHltvReplayDelay() OVERRIDE { return m_nHltvReplayDelay; }
virtual const char * GetHltvReplayStatus()const OVERRIDE { return m_HltvReplayStats.AsString(); }
virtual void StopHltvReplay() OVERRIDE;
bool IsHltvReplay() { return m_nHltvReplayDelay > 0; }
//CHLTVServer *GetCurrentHltvReplayServerSource() { return IsHltvReplay() ? m_pHltvReplayServer : NULL; }
virtual CBaseClient *GetPropCullClient() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PerformDisconnection( const char *pReason );
bool IsEngineClientCommand( const CCommand &args ) const;
int FillSoundsMessage( CSVCMsg_Sounds &msg, int nMaxSounds );
bool m_bVoiceLoopback; // if true, client wants own voice loopback
CPlayerBitVec m_VoiceStreams; // Which other clients does this guy's voice stream go to?
CPlayerBitVec m_VoiceProximity; // Should we use proximity for this guy?
int m_LastMovementTick; // for move commands
int m_nSoundSequence; // increases with each reliable sound
// Identity information.
edict_t *edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1)
CUtlVector<SoundInfo_t> m_Sounds; // game sounds
const edict_t *m_pViewEntity; // View Entity (camera or the client itself)
CClientFrame *m_pCurrentFrame; // last added frame
CCheckTransmitInfo m_PackInfo;
bool m_bIsInReplayMode;
CCheckTransmitInfo m_PrevPackInfo; // Used to speed up CheckTransmit.
CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS> m_PrevTransmitEdict;
float m_flTimeClientBecameFullyConnected;
double m_flLastClientCommandQuotaStart;
int m_numClientCommandsInQuota;
int m_nHltvReplayDelay;
CHLTVServer *m_pHltvReplayServer;
int m_nHltvReplayStopAt;
int m_nHltvReplayStartAt;
int m_nHltvReplaySlowdownBeginAt;
int m_nHltvReplaySlowdownEndAt;
float m_flHltvReplaySlowdownRate;
int m_nHltvLastSendTick; // last send tick, don't send ticks twice
float m_flHltvLastReplayRequestTime; // tick at which the last time replay was requested
CUtlVector< INetMessage * > m_HltvQueuedMessages; // it'd probably be more optimal, memory-wise, to make a linked list, but a vector is more readable and debuggable
HltvReplayStats_t m_HltvReplayStats;
#endif // SV_CLIENT_H