7579 lines
230 KiB
7579 lines
230 KiB
//===== Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Model loading / unloading interface
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "render_pch.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "modelloader.h"
#include "sysexternal.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "edict.h"
#include "cmodel_engine.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "iscratchpad3d.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "gl_rsurf.h"
#include "avi/iavi.h"
#include "avi/ibik.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "Overlay.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "mempool.h"
#include "r_decal.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#include "gl_drawlights.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "engine/ivmodelrender.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "lumpfiles.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "../utils/common/bsplib.h"
#include "ibsppack.h"
#include "utlsortvector.h"
#include "utlhashtable.h"
#include "UtlStringMap.h"
#include "callqueue.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "ifilelist.h"
#include "LoadScreenUpdate.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#elif defined( _PS3 )
#include "ps3/ps3_console.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "engine_model_client.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Uncomment this line to break down Map_LoadModel into
// smaller, individual scopes.
ConVar mat_loadtextures( "mat_loadtextures", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar mod_touchalldata( "mod_touchalldata", "1", 0, "Touch model data during level startup" );
static ConVar mod_forcetouchdata( "mod_forcetouchdata", "1", 0, "Forces all model file data into cache on model load." );
ConVar mat_excludetextures( "mat_excludetextures", "0", 0 );
ConVar r_unloadlightmaps( "r_unloadlightmaps", "0" );
ConVar r_hunkalloclightmaps( "r_hunkalloclightmaps", "1" );
// Not compatible for PC (due to ALT+TAB req's), mutually exclusive and similar to "unloadlightmaps", but keeps only
// the styled lightmaps for animated light updates and discards the static portion of the lightmaps
// (after lightmap page setup), so dlight support is severed when this is enabled.
ConVar r_keepstyledlightmapsonly( "r_keepstyledlightmapsonly", IsGameConsole() ? "1" : "0" );
// keep this many weapon view models resident, LRU purge others
// clamped to minimum player inventory to prevent LRU and needing to
ConVar mod_weaponviewmodelcache( "mod_WeaponViewModelCache", "8", 0, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
// keep this many weapon world models resident, LRU purge others
ConVar mod_weaponworldmodelcache( "mod_WeaponWorldModelCache", "10", 0, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar mod_weaponworldmodelminage( "mod_WeaponWorldModelMinAge", "3000", 0, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
extern ConVar r_lightcache_zbuffercache;
bool g_bHunkAllocLightmaps;
bool g_bClearingClientState = false;
extern CGlobalVars g_ServerGlobalVariables;
extern IMaterial *g_materialEmpty;
extern ConVar r_rootlod;
model_t *g_pSimpleWorldModel = NULL;
model_t *g_pSimpleWorldModelWater = NULL;
bool g_bLoadedMapHasBakedPropLighting = false;
bool g_bBakedPropLightingNoSeparateHDR = false; // Some maps only have HDR lighting on props, contained in the file for non-hdr light data
bool g_bHasLightmapAlphaData = false;
bool g_bBakedPropLightingStreams3 = false;
bool g_bHasLightmapAlphaData3 = false; // newer alpha data for CSM blending
bool g_bHasIndirectOnlyInLightingStreams = false;
bool g_bLightstylesWithCSM = false;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTime;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeStudio;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeStaticMesh;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeBrush;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeSprite;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideSync;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideAsync;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVirtualModel;
double g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeMaterialNamesOnly;
static ConVar mod_dynamicunloadtime( "mod_dynamicunloadtime", "150", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
static ConVar mod_dynamicunloadtextures( "mod_dynamicunloadtex", "1", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
static ConVar mod_dynamicloadpause( "mod_dynamicloadpause", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
static ConVar mod_dynamicloadthrottle( "mod_dynamicloadthrottle", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
static ConVar mod_dynamicloadspew( "mod_dynamicloadspew", "0", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
#define DynamicModelDebugMsg(...) ( mod_dynamicloadspew.GetBool() ? Msg(__VA_ARGS__) : (void)0 )
// A dictionary used to store where to find game lump data in the .bsp file
// Extended from the on-disk struct to include uncompressed size and stop propagation of bogus signed values
struct dgamelump_internal_t
dgamelump_internal_t( dgamelump_t &other, unsigned int nCompressedSize )
: id( other.id )
, flags( other.flags )
, version( other.version )
, offset( Max( other.fileofs, 0 ) )
, uncompressedSize( Max( other.filelen, 0 ) )
, compressedSize( nCompressedSize )
GameLumpId_t id;
unsigned short flags;
unsigned short version;
unsigned int offset;
unsigned int uncompressedSize;
unsigned int compressedSize;
static CUtlVector< dgamelump_internal_t > g_GameLumpDict;
static char g_GameLumpFilename[MAX_PATH];
void Con_ColorPrintf( const Color& clr, const char *fmt, ... );
void NotifyHunkBeginMapLoad( const char *pszMapName )
// Set the estimated hunk size. For maps where there's versus versions, using the larger of the two
struct EstimatedHunkSize_t
const char *pszMapRoot;
int nBytes;
// These hunk sizes are used to set the initial commit amount.
// They are an optimization and they don't need to be perfect. Setting
// them a little bit low ensures that there is no wasted commit.
static EstimatedHunkSize_t EstimatedHunkSizes[] =
// TODO: if Portal 2 map hunk sizes end up being highly variable, add entries here for maps
// requiring > HUNK_COMMIT_FLOOR (defined in zone.cpp), to avoid fragmentation issues
//{ "hospital01", 9568256 },
{ NULL, 1024*1024 },
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(EstimatedHunkSizes); i++ )
if ( !EstimatedHunkSizes[i].pszMapRoot || V_stristr( pszMapName, EstimatedHunkSizes[i].pszMapRoot ) )
Hunk_OnMapStart( EstimatedHunkSizes[i].nBytes );
// FIXME/TODO: Right now Host_FreeToLowMark unloads all models including studio
// models that have Cache_Alloc data, too. This needs to be fixed before shipping
bool Model_LessFunc( FileNameHandle_t const &a, FileNameHandle_t const &b )
return a < b;
struct ViewWeaponEntry_t
ViewWeaponEntry_t( bool bIsViewModel )
m_nAgeTime = 0;
m_bStudioHWDataResident = false;
m_bViewModel = bIsViewModel;
m_hAsyncVTXControl = NULL;
m_hAsyncVVDControl = NULL;
CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_Materials;
unsigned int m_nAgeTime;
bool m_bStudioHWDataResident;
bool m_bViewModel;
FSAsyncControl_t m_hAsyncVTXControl;
FSAsyncControl_t m_hAsyncVVDControl;
// Purpose: Implements IModelLoader
class CModelLoader : public IModelLoader
friend class CMDLCacheNotify;
// Implement IModelLoader interface
CModelLoader() :
m_ModelPool( sizeof( model_t ), MAX_KNOWN_MODELS, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_FAST, "CModelLoader::m_ModelPool" ),
m_Models( 0, 0, Model_LessFunc ),
m_WeaponModelCache( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( model_t* ) )
void Init( void );
void Shutdown( void );
int GetCount( void );
model_t *GetModelForIndex( int i );
// Look up name for model
const char *GetName( model_t const *model );
// Check cache for data, reload model if needed
void *GetExtraData( model_t *model );
int GetModelFileSize( char const *name );
// Finds the model, and loads it if it isn't already present. Updates reference flags
model_t *GetModelForName( const char *name, REFERENCETYPE referencetype );
// Mark as referenced by name
model_t *ReferenceModel( const char *name, REFERENCETYPE referencetype );
// Unmasks the referencetype field for the model
void UnreferenceModel( model_t *model, REFERENCETYPE referencetype );
// Unmasks the specified reference type across all models
void UnreferenceAllModels( REFERENCETYPE referencetype );
// For any models with referencetype blank, frees all memory associated with the model
// and frees up the models slot
void UnloadUnreferencedModels( void );
void PurgeUnusedModels( void );
void UnMountCompatibilityPaths( void );
void AddCompatibilityPath( const char *szNewCompatibilityPath );
bool Map_GetRenderInfoAllocated( void );
void Map_SetRenderInfoAllocated( bool allocated );
virtual void Map_LoadDisplacements( model_t *pModel, bool bRestoring );
// Validate version/header of a .bsp file
bool Map_IsValid( char const *mapname, bool bQuiet = false );
virtual void RecomputeSurfaceFlags( model_t *mod );
virtual void Studio_ReloadModels( ReloadType_t reloadType );
void Print( void );
// Is a model loaded?
virtual bool IsLoaded( const model_t *mod );
virtual bool LastLoadedMapHasHDRLighting(void);
virtual bool LastLoadedMapHasLightmapAlphaData( void );
void DumpVCollideStats();
// Returns the map model, otherwise NULL, no load or create
model_t *FindModelNoCreate( const char *pModelName );
// Finds the model, builds a model entry if not present
model_t *FindModel( const char *name );
modtype_t GetTypeFromName( const char *pModelName );
// start with -1, list terminates with -1
int FindNext( int iIndex, model_t **ppModel );
void UnloadModel( model_t *pModel );
virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload );
// Dynamic model loading
virtual void UpdateDynamicModels() { InternalUpdateDynamicModels(false); }
virtual void FlushDynamicModels() { InternalUpdateDynamicModels(true); }
virtual void ForceUnloadNonClientDynamicModels();
virtual model_t *GetDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientOnly );
virtual model_t *GetDynamicCombinedModel( const char *name, bool bClientOnly );
virtual void UpdateDynamicCombinedModel( model_t *pModel, MDLHandle_t Handle, bool bClientSide );
virtual bool SetCombineModels( model_t* pModel, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine );
virtual bool FinishCombinedModel( model_t *pModel, CombinedModelLoadedCallback pFunc, void *pUserData );
virtual bool IsDynamicModelLoading( model_t *pModel );
virtual void AddRefDynamicModel( model_t *pModel, bool bClientSideRef );
virtual void ReleaseDynamicModel( model_t *pModel, bool bClientSideRef );
virtual bool RegisterModelLoadCallback( model_t *pModel, IModelLoadCallback *pCallback, bool bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded );
virtual void UnregisterModelLoadCallback( model_t *pModel, IModelLoadCallback *pCallback );
virtual void Client_OnServerModelStateChanged( model_t *pModel, bool bServerLoaded );
void DebugPrintDynamicModels();
void DebugCombinerInfo( );
byte *GetLightstyles( model_t *pModel );
void AllocateLightstyles( model_t *pModel, byte *pStyles, int nStyleCount );
virtual void UpdateViewWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels );
virtual void TouchWorldWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels );
void DumpWeaponModelCache( bool bViewModelsOnly );
virtual bool IsModelInWeaponCache( const model_t *pModel );
virtual void EvictAllWeaponsFromModelCache( bool bLoadingComplete );
virtual bool IsViewWeaponModelResident( const model_t *pModel );
bool ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations();
// Internal types
// TODO, flag these and allow for UnloadUnreferencedModels to check for allocation type
// so we don't have to flush all of the studio models when we free the hunk
// Internal methods
// Set reference flags and load model if it's not present already
model_t *LoadModel( model_t *model, REFERENCETYPE *referencetype );
// Unload models ( won't unload referenced models if checkreferences is true )
void UnloadAllModels( bool checkreference );
void SetupSubModels( model_t *model, CUtlVector<mmodel_t> &list );
// World/map
void Map_LoadModel( model_t *mod );
void Map_LoadModelGuts( model_t *mod );
void Map_UnloadModel( model_t *mod );
void Map_UnloadCubemapSamples( model_t *mod );
void Map_UnloadSimpleWorldModel( model_t *mod );
// World loading helper
void SetWorldModel( model_t *mod );
void ClearWorldModel( void );
bool IsWorldModelSet( void );
int GetNumWorldSubmodels( void );
// Sprites
void Sprite_LoadModel( model_t *mod );
void Sprite_UnloadModel( model_t *mod );
// Studio models
void Studio_LoadModel( model_t *mod, bool bTouchAllData );
void Studio_UnloadModel( model_t *mod );
// Byteswap
int UpdateOrCreate( const char *pSourceName, char *pTargetName, int maxLen, bool bForce );
// Dynamic model state
void InternalUpdateDynamicModels( bool bForceFlushUnreferenced );
// Dynamic load queue
class CDynamicModelInfo;
void QueueDynamicModelLoad( CDynamicModelInfo *dyn, model_t *mod );
bool CancelDynamicModelLoad( CDynamicModelInfo *dyn, model_t *mod );
void UpdateDynamicModelLoadQueue();
void FinishDynamicModelLoadIfReady( CDynamicModelInfo *dyn, model_t *mod );
void EvictWeaponModel( int CacheIndex, bool bForce );
void RestoreWeaponModel( int CacheIndex );
// Internal data
struct ModelEntry_t
model_t *modelpointer;
CUtlMap< FileNameHandle_t, ModelEntry_t > m_Models;
CUtlMemoryPool m_ModelPool;
CUtlVector<model_t> m_InlineModels;
model_t *m_pWorldModel;
public: // HACKHACK
worldbrushdata_t m_worldBrushData;
// local base name of current loading model
// generally used for debugging spew where only the name is desired, not the disk path
char m_szBaseName[64];
bool m_bMapRenderInfoLoaded;
bool m_bMapHasHDRLighting;
// Dynamic model support:
class CDynamicModelInfo
QUEUED = 0x01,
LOADING = 0x02,
LOCKED = 0x04,
READY = 0x10,
COMBINED = 0x40,
}; // flags
CDynamicModelInfo() : m_iRefCount(0), m_iClientRefCount(0), m_nLoadFlags(INVALIDFLAG), m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256(0) { }
int16 m_iRefCount;
int16 m_iClientRefCount; // also doublecounted in m_iRefCount
uint32 m_nLoadFlags : 8;
uint32 m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 : 24;
CUtlVector< IModelLoadCallback * > m_Callbacks;
CUtlHashtable< model_t * , CDynamicModelInfo > m_DynamicModels;
CUtlHashtable< IModelLoadCallback * , int > m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks;
// Dynamic model load queue
CUtlVector< model_t* > m_DynamicModelLoadQueue;
bool m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive;
CUtlVector<byte> m_LightStyleList;
CMemoryStack m_WorldLightingDataStack;
bool m_bAllowWeaponModelCache;
bool m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction;
bool m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction;
CUtlMap< model_t *, ViewWeaponEntry_t * > m_WeaponModelCache;
int m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident;
struct compatibility_path_t
CUtlString mPath;
CUtlString mPathId;
CUtlVector< compatibility_path_t > m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths;
// Expose interface
static CModelLoader g_ModelLoader;
IModelLoader *modelloader = ( IModelLoader * )&g_ModelLoader;
// Globals used by the CMapLoadHelper
static BSPHeader_t s_MapHeader;
static FileHandle_t s_MapFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE;
static char s_szMapPathName[MAX_PATH];
static char s_szMapPathNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
static worldbrushdata_t *s_pMap = NULL;
static int s_nMapLoadRecursion = 0;
CMemoryStack s_MapBuffer;
// Lump files are patches for a shipped map
// List of lump files found when map was loaded. Each entry is the lump file index for that lump id.
struct lumpfiles_t
FileHandle_t file;
int lumpfileindex;
lumpfileheader_t header;
static lumpfiles_t s_MapLumpFiles[ HEADER_LUMPS ];
CON_COMMAND( mem_vcollide, "Dumps the memory used by vcollides" )
CON_COMMAND( mod_DumpWeaponWiewModelCache, "Dumps the weapon view model cache contents" )
g_ModelLoader.DumpWeaponModelCache( true );
CON_COMMAND( mod_DumpWeaponWorldModelCache, "Dumps the weapon world model cache contents" )
g_ModelLoader.DumpWeaponModelCache( false );
// Get the map name with the appropriate platform extension. Used to hide
// the expected platform suffix, which is desired to be private. The code
// on all platforms generally expects the PC name and only changes it before i/o.
char *GetMapPathNameOnDisk( char *pDiskName, const char *pFullMapName, unsigned int nDiskNameSize )
if ( !IsGameConsole() )
// pc names are as is
if ( pFullMapName != pDiskName )
V_strncpy( pDiskName, pFullMapName, nDiskNameSize );
// expecting the input name to be maps/foo.bsp
V_StripExtension( pFullMapName, pDiskName, nDiskNameSize );
V_strncat( pDiskName, PLATFORM_EXT ".bsp", nDiskNameSize );
return pDiskName;
// Returns the ref count for this bsp
int CMapLoadHelper::GetRefCount()
return s_nMapLoadRecursion;
// Setup a BSP loading context, maintains a ref count.
void CMapLoadHelper::Init( model_t *pMapModel, const char *pPathName )
if ( ++s_nMapLoadRecursion > 1 )
s_pMap = NULL;
V_memset( &s_MapHeader, 0, sizeof( s_MapHeader ) );
V_memset( &s_MapLumpFiles, 0, sizeof( s_MapLumpFiles ) );
if ( !pMapModel )
Q_strncpy( s_szMapPathName, pPathName, sizeof( s_szMapPathName ) );
Q_strncpy( s_szMapPathName, pMapModel->szPathName, sizeof( s_szMapPathName ) );
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, s_szMapPathName, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
s_MapFileHandle = g_pFileSystem->OpenEx( szNameOnDisk, "rb", IsGameConsole() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, IsGameConsole() ? "GAME" : NULL );
if ( !g_bClearingClientState )
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, unable to open %s\n", szNameOnDisk );
g_pFileSystem->Read( &s_MapHeader, sizeof( BSPHeader_t ), s_MapFileHandle );
if ( s_MapHeader.ident != IDBSPHEADER )
g_pFileSystem->Close( s_MapFileHandle );
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, map %s has wrong identifier\n", szNameOnDisk );
if ( s_MapHeader.m_nVersion < MINBSPVERSION || s_MapHeader.m_nVersion > BSPVERSION )
g_pFileSystem->Close( s_MapFileHandle );
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, map %s has wrong version (%i when expecting %i)\n", szNameOnDisk,
s_MapHeader.m_nVersion, BSPVERSION );
// Store map version, but only do it once so that the communication between the engine and Hammer isn't broken. The map version
// is incremented whenever a Hammer to Engine session is established so resetting the global map version each time causes a problem.
if ( 0 == g_ServerGlobalVariables.mapversion )
g_ServerGlobalVariables.mapversion = s_MapHeader.mapRevision;
InitDLightGlobals( s_MapHeader.m_nVersion );
s_pMap = &g_ModelLoader.m_worldBrushData;
if ( IsPC() )
// Now find and open our lump files, and create the master list of them.
for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < MAX_LUMPFILES; iIndex++ )
lumpfileheader_t lumpHeader;
char lumpfilename[MAX_PATH];
GenerateLumpFileName( s_szMapPathName, lumpfilename, MAX_PATH, iIndex );
if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( lumpfilename ) )
// Open the lump file
FileHandle_t lumpFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( lumpfilename, "rb" );
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, failed to load lump file %s\n", lumpfilename );
// Read the lump header
memset( &lumpHeader, 0, sizeof( lumpHeader ) );
g_pFileSystem->Read( &lumpHeader, sizeof( lumpfileheader_t ), lumpFile );
if ( lumpHeader.lumpID >= 0 && lumpHeader.lumpID < HEADER_LUMPS )
// We may find multiple lump files for the same lump ID. If so,
// close the earlier lump file, because the later one overwrites it.
if ( s_MapLumpFiles[lumpHeader.lumpID].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
g_pFileSystem->Close( s_MapLumpFiles[lumpHeader.lumpID].file );
s_MapLumpFiles[lumpHeader.lumpID].file = lumpFile;
s_MapLumpFiles[lumpHeader.lumpID].lumpfileindex = iIndex;
memcpy( &(s_MapLumpFiles[lumpHeader.lumpID].header), &lumpHeader, sizeof(lumpHeader) );
Warning( "Found invalid lump file '%s'. Lump Id: %d\n", lumpfilename, lumpHeader.lumpID );
// Setup a BSP loading context from a supplied buffer
void CMapLoadHelper::InitFromMemory( model_t *pMapModel, const void *pData, int nDataSize )
// valid for consoles only
// consoles have reorganized bsp format and no external lump files
Assert( IsGameConsole() && pData && nDataSize );
// the memory should be contained in s_MapBuffer
Assert( ( pData == s_MapBuffer.GetBase() ) && ( nDataSize == s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() ) );
if ( ++s_nMapLoadRecursion > 1 )
s_pMap = NULL;
V_memset( &s_MapHeader, 0, sizeof( s_MapHeader ) );
V_memset( &s_MapLumpFiles, 0, sizeof( s_MapLumpFiles ) );
// mimic the expected globals, as if loading from disk
V_strncpy( s_szMapPathName, pMapModel->szPathName, sizeof( s_szMapPathName ) );
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, s_szMapPathName, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
g_ModelLoader.m_worldBrushData.m_nBSPFileSize = nDataSize;
V_memcpy( &s_MapHeader, pData, sizeof( BSPHeader_t ) );
if ( s_MapHeader.ident != IDBSPHEADER )
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, map %s has wrong identifier\n", szNameOnDisk );
if ( s_MapHeader.m_nVersion < MINBSPVERSION || s_MapHeader.m_nVersion > BSPVERSION )
Host_Error( "CMapLoadHelper::Init, map %s has wrong version (%i when expecting %i)\n", szNameOnDisk, s_MapHeader.m_nVersion, BSPVERSION );
// Store map version
g_ServerGlobalVariables.mapversion = s_MapHeader.mapRevision;
InitDLightGlobals( s_MapHeader.m_nVersion );
s_pMap = &g_ModelLoader.m_worldBrushData;
// Shutdown a BSP loading context.
void CMapLoadHelper::Shutdown( void )
if ( --s_nMapLoadRecursion > 0 )
g_pFileSystem->Close( s_MapFileHandle );
if ( IsPC() )
// Close our open lump files
for ( int i = 0; i < HEADER_LUMPS; i++ )
if ( s_MapLumpFiles[i].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
g_pFileSystem->Close( s_MapLumpFiles[i].file );
V_memset( &s_MapLumpFiles, 0, sizeof( s_MapLumpFiles ) );
s_szMapPathName[ 0 ] = '\0';
V_memset( &s_MapHeader, 0, sizeof( s_MapHeader ) );
s_pMap = NULL;
// discard from memory
if ( s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() )
// Free the lighting lump (increases free memory during loading on 360)
void CMapLoadHelper::FreeLightingLump( void )
if ( IsGameConsole() && ( s_MapFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) && s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() )
// Should never have both lighting lumps on 360
Assert( ( lightingLump == LUMP_LIGHTING ) || ( LumpSize( LUMP_LIGHTING ) == 0 ) );
if ( LumpSize( lightingLump ) )
// Check that the lighting lump is next to the last one in the BSP
// The pak file is expected to be last
int lightingOffset = LumpOffset( lightingLump );
for ( int i = 0; i < HEADER_LUMPS; i++ )
if ( ( LumpOffset( i ) > lightingOffset ) && ( i != LUMP_PAKFILE ) )
Warning( "CMapLoadHelper: Cannot free lighting lump (should be last before the PAK lump).\n" );
Warning( "Lumps may be now be incorrectly ordered. Regenerate the " PLATFORM_EXT ".bsp file with MakeGameData.\n" );
// Flag the lighting chunk as gone from the BSP (principally, this sets 'filelen' to 0)
V_memset( &s_MapHeader.lumps[ lightingLump ], 0, sizeof( lump_t ) );
// Shrink the buffer to free up the space that was used by the lighting lump
// The pak file is not part of the original allocation
s_MapBuffer.FreeToAllocPoint( (MemoryStackMark_t)lightingOffset );
// Returns the size of a particular lump without loading it...
int CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( int lumpId )
// If we have a lump file for this lump, return its length instead
if ( IsPC() && s_MapLumpFiles[lumpId].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
return s_MapLumpFiles[lumpId].header.lumpLength;
lump_t *pLump = &s_MapHeader.lumps[ lumpId ];
Assert( pLump );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// a compressed lump hides the uncompressed size in the unused fourCC
// otherwise, the data has to be loaded to determine original size
// all knowledge of compression is private, they expect and get the original size
int originalSize = BigLong( *((int *)s_MapHeader.lumps[lumpId].fourCC) );
if ( originalSize )
return originalSize;
return pLump->filelen;
// Returns the offset of a particular lump without loading it...
int CMapLoadHelper::LumpOffset( int lumpID )
// If we have a lump file for this lump, return
// the offset to move past the lump file header.
if ( IsPC() && s_MapLumpFiles[lumpID].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
return s_MapLumpFiles[lumpID].header.lumpOffset;
lump_t *pLump = &s_MapHeader.lumps[ lumpID ];
Assert( pLump );
return pLump->fileofs;
// Loads one element in a lump.
void CMapLoadHelper::LoadLumpElement( int nElemIndex, int nElemSize, void *pData )
if ( !nElemSize || !m_nLumpSize )
// supply from memory
if ( nElemIndex * nElemSize + nElemSize <= m_nLumpSize )
V_memcpy( pData, m_pData + nElemIndex * nElemSize, nElemSize );
// out of range
Assert( 0 );
// Loads one element in a lump.
void CMapLoadHelper::LoadLumpData( int offset, int size, void *pData )
if ( !size || !m_nLumpSize )
if ( offset + size <= m_nLumpSize )
V_memcpy( pData, m_pData + offset, size );
// out of range
Assert( 0 );
// Purpose:
// Input : mapfile -
// lumpToLoad -
CMapLoadHelper::CMapLoadHelper( int lumpToLoad, bool bUncompress )
if ( lumpToLoad < 0 || lumpToLoad >= HEADER_LUMPS )
Sys_Error( "Can't load lump %i, range is 0 to %i!!!", lumpToLoad, HEADER_LUMPS - 1 );
m_nLumpID = lumpToLoad;
m_nLumpSize = 0;
m_nLumpOffset = -1;
m_pData = NULL;
m_pRawData = NULL;
m_pUncompressedData = NULL;
m_nUncompressedLumpSize = 0;
m_bUncompressedDataExternal = false;
// Load raw lump from disk
lump_t *lump = &s_MapHeader.lumps[ lumpToLoad ];
Assert( lump );
m_nLumpSize = lump->filelen;
m_nLumpOffset = lump->fileofs;
m_nLumpVersion = lump->version;
FileHandle_t fileToUse = s_MapFileHandle;
// If we have a lump file for this lump, use it instead
if ( IsPC() && s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
fileToUse = s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].file;
m_nLumpSize = s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].header.lumpLength;
m_nLumpOffset = s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].header.lumpOffset;
m_nLumpVersion = s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].header.lumpVersion;
// Store off the lump file name
GenerateLumpFileName( s_szMapPathName, m_szLumpFilename, sizeof( m_szLumpFilename ), s_MapLumpFiles[lumpToLoad].lumpfileindex );
if ( !m_nLumpSize )
// this lump has no data
if ( s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() )
// bsp is in memory
m_pData = (unsigned char*)s_MapBuffer.GetBase() + m_nLumpOffset;
Sys_Error( "Can't load map from invalid handle!!!" );
unsigned nOffsetAlign, nSizeAlign, nBufferAlign;
bool bTryOptimal = g_pFileSystem->GetOptimalIOConstraints( fileToUse, &nOffsetAlign, &nSizeAlign, &nBufferAlign );
if ( bTryOptimal )
bTryOptimal = ( m_nLumpOffset % 4 == 0 ); // Don't return badly aligned data
unsigned int alignedOffset = m_nLumpOffset;
unsigned int alignedBytesToRead = ( ( m_nLumpSize ) ? m_nLumpSize : 1 );
if ( bTryOptimal )
alignedOffset = AlignValue( ( alignedOffset - nOffsetAlign ) + 1, nOffsetAlign );
alignedBytesToRead = AlignValue( ( m_nLumpOffset - alignedOffset ) + alignedBytesToRead, nSizeAlign );
m_pRawData = (byte *)g_pFileSystem->AllocOptimalReadBuffer( fileToUse, alignedBytesToRead, alignedOffset );
if ( !m_pRawData && m_nLumpSize )
Sys_Error( "Can't load lump %i, allocation of %i bytes failed!!!", lumpToLoad, m_nLumpSize + 1 );
if ( m_nLumpSize )
g_pFileSystem->Seek( fileToUse, alignedOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );
g_pFileSystem->ReadEx( m_pRawData, alignedBytesToRead, alignedBytesToRead, fileToUse );
m_pData = m_pRawData + ( m_nLumpOffset - alignedOffset );
m_nUncompressedLumpSize = m_nLumpSize;
if ( IsGameConsole() )
CLZMA lzma;
if ( lzma.IsCompressed( m_pData ) )
m_nUncompressedLumpSize = lzma.GetActualSize( m_pData );
if ( bUncompress )
// Purpose:
CMapLoadHelper::~CMapLoadHelper( void )
if ( IsGameConsole() && m_pUncompressedData && !m_bUncompressedDataExternal )
free( m_pUncompressedData );
if ( m_pRawData )
g_pFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( m_pRawData );
// Purpose: decompress a compressed lump
void CMapLoadHelper::UncompressLump( void *pExternalBuffer )
Assert( !m_pUncompressedData );
if ( m_pUncompressedData )
return; // Already uncompressed!
if ( pExternalBuffer )
m_pUncompressedData = (unsigned char *)pExternalBuffer;
m_bUncompressedDataExternal = true;
m_pUncompressedData = (unsigned char *)malloc( m_nUncompressedLumpSize );
m_bUncompressedDataExternal = false;
CLZMA lzma;
int decodedLength;
if ( IsGameConsole() && lzma.IsCompressed( m_pData ) )
// Uncompress into the dest buffer
decodedLength = lzma.Uncompress( m_pData, m_pUncompressedData );
Assert( decodedLength == m_nUncompressedLumpSize );
// Copy into the dest buffer
Assert( m_nLumpSize == m_nUncompressedLumpSize );
memcpy( m_pUncompressedData, m_pData, m_nUncompressedLumpSize );
// a user of the class sees the uncompressed data
m_pData = m_pUncompressedData;
m_nLumpSize = m_nUncompressedLumpSize;
// Purpose:
// Output : model_t
worldbrushdata_t *CMapLoadHelper::GetMap( void )
Assert( s_pMap );
return s_pMap;
// Purpose:
// Output : const char
const char *CMapLoadHelper::GetMapPathName( void )
return s_szMapPathName;
// Return the path for the lump, can be the map path or an atomic lump file
// override.
char *CMapLoadHelper::GetLoadName( void )
// If we have a custom lump file for the lump this helper
// is loading, return it instead.
if ( IsPC() && s_MapLumpFiles[m_nLumpID].file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
return m_szLumpFilename;
return s_szMapPathName;
// Hides possible platform extension.
char *CMapLoadHelper::GetDiskName( void )
return GetMapPathNameOnDisk( s_szMapPathNameOnDisk, GetLoadName(), sizeof( s_szMapPathNameOnDisk ) );
// Purpose:
// Output : byte
byte *CMapLoadHelper::LumpBase( void )
return m_pData;
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize()
return m_nLumpSize;
int CMapLoadHelper::UncompressedLumpSize()
return m_nUncompressedLumpSize;
int CMapLoadHelper::LumpOffset()
return m_nLumpOffset;
int CMapLoadHelper::LumpVersion() const
return m_nLumpVersion;
void EnableHDR( bool bEnable )
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDREnabled() == bEnable )
g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SetHDREnabled( bEnable );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// cannot do what the pc does and ditch resources, we're loading!
// can safely do the state update only, knowing that the state change won't affect 360 resources
((MaterialSystem_Config_t *)g_pMaterialSystemConfig)->SetFlag( MATSYS_VIDCFG_FLAGS_ENABLE_HDR, bEnable );
// And this is okay here!
// Grah. This is terrible. changin mat_hdr_enabled at the commandline
// will by definition break because the release/restore methods don't call
// ShutdownWellKnownRenderTargets/InitWellKnownRenderTargets.
// Also, this forces two alt-tabs, one for InitWellKnownRenderTargets, one
// for UpdateMaterialSystemConfig.
// Worse, since we need to init+shutdown render targets here, we can't
// rely on UpdateMaterialSystemConfig to release + reacquire resources
// because it could be called at any time. We have to precisely control
// when hdr is changed since this is the only time the code can handle it.
// Determine feature flags
void Map_CheckFeatureFlags()
g_bLoadedMapHasBakedPropLighting = false;
g_bBakedPropLightingNoSeparateHDR = false;
g_bHasLightmapAlphaData = false;
g_bBakedPropLightingStreams3 = false;
g_bHasIndirectOnlyInLightingStreams = false;
g_bLightstylesWithCSM = false;
if ( CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_MAP_FLAGS ) > 0 )
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_MAP_FLAGS );
dflagslump_t flags_lump;
flags_lump = *( (dflagslump_t *)( lh.LumpBase() ) );
// check if loaded map has baked static prop lighting
g_bLoadedMapHasBakedPropLighting =
( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_BAKED_STATIC_PROP_LIGHTING_NONHDR ) != 0 ||
( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_BAKED_STATIC_PROP_LIGHTING_HDR ) != 0;
g_bBakedPropLightingNoSeparateHDR =
( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_BAKED_STATIC_PROP_LIGHTING_HDR ) == 0;
g_bHasLightmapAlphaData = ( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_LIGHTMAP_ALPHA ) != 0;
g_bBakedPropLightingStreams3 = ( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_BAKED_STATIC_PROP_LIGHTING_3 ) != 0;
g_bHasLightmapAlphaData3 = ( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_LIGHTMAP_ALPHA_3 ) != 0;
g_bHasIndirectOnlyInLightingStreams = ( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_BAKED_STATIC_PROP_LIGHTING_3_NO_SUN ) != 0;
g_bLightstylesWithCSM = ( flags_lump.m_LevelFlags & LVLFLAGS_LIGHTSTYLES_WITH_CSM ) != 0;
// set num static light streams value
ConVarRef r_staticlight_streams( "r_staticlight_streams" );
r_staticlight_streams.SetValue( g_bBakedPropLightingStreams3 ? 3 : 1 );
ConVarRef r_staticlight_streams_indirect_only( "r_staticlight_streams_indirect_only" );
r_staticlight_streams_indirect_only.SetValue( g_bHasIndirectOnlyInLightingStreams );
g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SetCSMAccurateBlending( g_bHasLightmapAlphaData3 );
// Parse the map header for HDR ability. Returns the presence of HDR data only,
// not the HDR enable state.
bool Map_CheckForHDR( model_t *pModel, const char *pMapPathName )
// parse the map header only
CMapLoadHelper::Init( pModel, pMapPathName );
bool bHasHDR = false;
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// If this is true, the 360 MUST use HDR, because the LDR data gets stripped out.
bHasHDR = CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_LIGHTING_HDR ) > 0;
// might want to also consider the game lumps GAMELUMP_DETAIL_PROP_LIGHTING_HDR
bHasHDR = CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_LIGHTING_HDR ) > 0 &&
CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS_HDR ) > 0;
// Mod_GameLumpSize( GAMELUMP_DETAIL_PROP_LIGHTING_HDR ) > 0 // fixme
if ( s_MapHeader.m_nVersion >= 20 && CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_LIGHTING_HDR ) == 0 )
// This lump only exists in version 20 and greater, so don't bother checking for it on earlier versions.
bHasHDR = false;
bool bEnableHDR = ( IsGameConsole() && bHasHDR ) ||
bHasHDR &&
( mat_hdr_level.GetInt() >= 2 ) &&
( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHardwareHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE );
EnableHDR( bEnableHDR );
// this data really should have been in the header, but it isn't
// establish the features now, before the real bsp load commences
return bHasHDR;
// Allocates, frees lighting data
static void AllocateLightingData( worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData, int nSize )
g_bHunkAllocLightmaps = ( !r_keepstyledlightmapsonly.GetBool() && !r_unloadlightmaps.GetBool() && r_hunkalloclightmaps.GetBool() );
if ( g_bHunkAllocLightmaps )
pBrushData->lightdata = (ColorRGBExp32 *)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "Lightmaps", false );
else if ( r_keepstyledlightmapsonly.GetBool() && !r_unloadlightmaps.GetBool() && pBrushData->m_pLightingDataStack )
// the lighting data is allocated from a memory stack
// this is to facilitate the decommit after compaction due to discarding lightmaps
pBrushData->m_pLightingDataStack->Init( "LightingData", nSize );
pBrushData->lightdata = (ColorRGBExp32 *)pBrushData->m_pLightingDataStack->Alloc( nSize );
// Specifically *not* adding it to the hunk.
// If this malloc changes, also change the free in CacheAndUnloadLightmapData()
pBrushData->lightdata = (ColorRGBExp32 *)malloc( nSize );
pBrushData->m_nLightingDataSize = nSize;
pBrushData->m_bUnloadedAllLightmaps = false;
void DeallocateLightingData( worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData )
if ( pBrushData && pBrushData->lightdata )
if ( !g_bHunkAllocLightmaps )
if ( pBrushData->m_pLightingDataStack && pBrushData->m_pLightingDataStack->GetSize() )
// the lighting data was placed in the memory stack
free( pBrushData->lightdata );
pBrushData->lightdata = NULL;
pBrushData->m_nLightingDataSize = 0;
static int ComputeLightmapSize( dface_t *pFace, mtexinfo_t *pTexInfo )
bool bNeedsBumpmap = false;
if( pTexInfo[pFace->texinfo].flags & SURF_BUMPLIGHT )
bNeedsBumpmap = true;
int lightstyles;
for (lightstyles=0; lightstyles < MAXLIGHTMAPS; lightstyles++ )
if ( pFace->styles[lightstyles] == 255 )
int nLuxels = (pFace->m_LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0]+1) * (pFace->m_LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1]+1);
if( bNeedsBumpmap )
return nLuxels * 4 * lightstyles * ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 );
return nLuxels * 4 * lightstyles;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadLighting( bool bLoadHDR )
// NOTE: we tell CMapLoadHelper to NOT decompress the lighting lump, since we want to allocate the final buffer here:
bool bDontDecompress = false;
CMapLoadHelper lh( bLoadHDR ? LUMP_LIGHTING_HDR : LUMP_LIGHTING, bDontDecompress );
if ( !lh.LumpSize() )
lh.GetMap()->lightdata = NULL;
Assert ( lh.LumpVersion() != 0 );
AllocateLightingData( lh.GetMap(), lh.UncompressedLumpSize() );
if ( !lh.GetMap()->lightdata )
// TERROR: If we fail this huge malloc, don't crash on a memcpy. We'll rely on the fact that lightdata
// can be NULL if the lump is 0 bytes above, and hope that we won't crash. No worse than the
// guaranteed crash below if we don't bail.
// Now pass in our buffer for decompression to occur (just a memcpy if the data is not compressed):
lh.UncompressLump( lh.GetMap()->lightdata );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// Free the lighting lump, to increase the amount of memory free during the rest of loading
void Mod_LoadFaceBrushes()
if ( !lh.LumpSize() )
lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushes = NULL;
lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushList = NULL;
lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushList = (dfacebrushlist_t *)Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), "FaceBrushLists", false );
memcpy( lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushList, lh.LumpBase(), lh.LumpSize() );
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_FACEBRUSHES );
lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushes = (uint16 *)Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), "FaceBrushes", false );
memcpy( lh.GetMap()->m_pSurfaceBrushes, lh.LumpBase(), lh.LumpSize() );
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadWorldlights( CMapLoadHelper &lh, bool bIsHDR )
lh.GetMap()->shadowzbuffers = NULL;
if ( !lh.LumpSize() )
lh.GetMap()->numworldlights = 0;
lh.GetMap()->worldlights = NULL;
switch ( lh.LumpVersion() )
lh.GetMap()->numworldlights = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof( dworldlight_t );
lh.GetMap()->worldlights = (dworldlight_t *)Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "worldlights" ) );
memcpy( lh.GetMap()->worldlights, lh.LumpBase(), lh.LumpSize() );
case 0:
int nNumWorldLights = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof( dworldlight_version0_t );
lh.GetMap()->numworldlights = nNumWorldLights;
lh.GetMap()->worldlights = (dworldlight_t *)Hunk_AllocName( nNumWorldLights * sizeof( dworldlight_t ), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "worldlights" ) );
dworldlight_version0_t* RESTRICT pOldWorldLight = reinterpret_cast<dworldlight_version0_t*>( lh.LumpBase() );
dworldlight_t* RESTRICT pNewWorldLight = lh.GetMap()->worldlights;
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumWorldLights; i++ )
pNewWorldLight->origin = pOldWorldLight->origin;
pNewWorldLight->intensity = pOldWorldLight->intensity;
pNewWorldLight->normal = pOldWorldLight->normal;
pNewWorldLight->shadow_cast_offset.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
pNewWorldLight->cluster = pOldWorldLight->cluster;
pNewWorldLight->type = pOldWorldLight->type;
pNewWorldLight->style = pOldWorldLight->style;
pNewWorldLight->stopdot = pOldWorldLight->stopdot;
pNewWorldLight->stopdot2 = pOldWorldLight->stopdot2;
pNewWorldLight->exponent = pOldWorldLight->exponent;
pNewWorldLight->radius = pOldWorldLight->radius;
pNewWorldLight->constant_attn = pOldWorldLight->constant_attn;
pNewWorldLight->linear_attn = pOldWorldLight->linear_attn;
pNewWorldLight->quadratic_attn = pOldWorldLight->quadratic_attn;
pNewWorldLight->flags = pOldWorldLight->flags;
pNewWorldLight->texinfo = pOldWorldLight->texinfo;
pNewWorldLight->owner = pOldWorldLight->owner;
Host_Error( "Invalid worldlight lump version!\n" );
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( r_lightcache_zbuffercache.GetInt() )
size_t zbufSize = lh.GetMap()->numworldlights * sizeof( lightzbuffer_t );
lh.GetMap()->shadowzbuffers = ( lightzbuffer_t *)Hunk_AllocName( zbufSize, va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "shadowzbuffers" ) );
memset( lh.GetMap()->shadowzbuffers, 0, zbufSize ); // mark empty
// Fixup for backward compatability
for ( int i = 0; i < lh.GetMap()->numworldlights; i++ )
if ( lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].type == emit_spotlight )
if ((lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].constant_attn == 0.0) &&
(lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].linear_attn == 0.0) &&
(lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].quadratic_attn == 0.0))
lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].quadratic_attn = 1.0;
if ( lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].exponent == 0.0 )
lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].exponent = 1.0;
else if ( lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].type == emit_point )
// To match earlier lighting, use quadratic...
if ((lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].constant_attn == 0.0) &&
(lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].linear_attn == 0.0) &&
(lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].quadratic_attn == 0.0))
lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].quadratic_attn = 1.0;
// I replaced the cuttoff_dot field (which took a value from 0 to 1)
// with a max light radius. Radius of less than 1 will never happen,
// so I can get away with this. When I set radius to 0, it'll
// run the old code which computed a radius
if ( lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].radius < 1 )
lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i].radius = ComputeLightRadius( &lh.GetMap()->worldlights[i], bIsHDR );
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadVertices( void )
dvertex_t *in;
mvertex_t *out;
int i, count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_VERTEXES );
in = (dvertex_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if ( lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in) )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadVertices: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName() );
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mvertex_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "vertexes" ) );
lh.GetMap()->vertexes = out;
lh.GetMap()->numvertexes = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->position[0] = in->point[0];
out->position[1] = in->point[1];
out->position[2] = in->point[2];
// Purpose:
// Input : mins -
// maxs -
// Output : float
static float RadiusFromBounds (Vector& mins, Vector& maxs)
int i;
Vector corner;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
corner[i] = fabs(mins[i]) > fabs(maxs[i]) ? fabs(mins[i]) : fabs(maxs[i]);
return VectorLength( corner );
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadSubmodels( CUtlVector<mmodel_t> &submodelList )
dmodel_t *in;
int i, j, count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_MODELS );
in = (dmodel_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error("Mod_LoadSubmodels: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
submodelList.SetCount( count );
lh.GetMap()->numsubmodels = count;
// first submodel is the world, copy out the face count
lh.GetMap()->nWorldFaceCount = in->numfaces;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
{ // spread the mins / maxs by a pixel
submodelList[i].mins[j] = in->mins[j] - 1;
submodelList[i].maxs[j] = in->maxs[j] + 1;
submodelList[i].origin[j] = in->origin[j];
submodelList[i].radius = RadiusFromBounds (submodelList[i].mins, submodelList[i].maxs);
submodelList[i].headnode = in->headnode;
submodelList[i].firstface = in->firstface;
submodelList[i].numfaces = in->numfaces;
// Purpose:
// Output : medge_t *Mod_LoadEdges
medge_t *Mod_LoadEdges ( void )
dedge_t *in;
medge_t *out;
int i, count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_EDGES );
in = (dedge_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadEdges: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
medge_t *pedges = new medge_t[count];
out = pedges;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->v[0] = in->v[0];
out->v[1] = in->v[1];
// delete this in the loader
return pedges;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadOcclusion( void )
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_OCCLUSION );
worldbrushdata_t *b = lh.GetMap();
b->numoccluders = 0;
b->occluders = NULL;
b->numoccluderpolys = 0;
b->occluderpolys = NULL;
b->numoccludervertindices = 0;
b->occludervertindices = NULL;
if ( !lh.LumpSize() )
CUtlBuffer buf( lh.LumpBase(), lh.LumpSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
switch( lh.LumpVersion() )
b->numoccluders = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccluders)
int nSize = b->numoccluders * sizeof(doccluderdata_t);
b->occluders = (doccluderdata_t*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder data" );
buf.Get( b->occluders, nSize );
b->numoccluderpolys = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccluderpolys)
int nSize = b->numoccluderpolys * sizeof(doccluderpolydata_t);
b->occluderpolys = (doccluderpolydata_t*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder poly data" );
buf.Get( b->occluderpolys, nSize );
b->numoccludervertindices = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccludervertindices)
int nSize = b->numoccludervertindices * sizeof(int);
b->occludervertindices = (int*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder vertices" );
buf.Get( b->occludervertindices, nSize );
case 1:
b->numoccluders = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccluders)
int nSize = b->numoccluders * sizeof(doccluderdata_t);
b->occluders = (doccluderdata_t*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder data" );
doccluderdataV1_t temp;
for ( int i = 0; i < b->numoccluders; ++i )
buf.Get( &temp, sizeof(doccluderdataV1_t) );
memcpy( &b->occluders[i], &temp, sizeof(doccluderdataV1_t) );
b->occluders[i].area = 1;
b->numoccluderpolys = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccluderpolys)
int nSize = b->numoccluderpolys * sizeof(doccluderpolydata_t);
b->occluderpolys = (doccluderpolydata_t*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder poly data" );
buf.Get( b->occluderpolys, nSize );
b->numoccludervertindices = buf.GetInt();
if (b->numoccludervertindices)
int nSize = b->numoccludervertindices * sizeof(int);
b->occludervertindices = (int*)Hunk_AllocName( nSize, "occluder vertices" );
buf.Get( b->occludervertindices, nSize );
case 0:
Host_Error("Invalid occlusion lump version!\n");
// UNDONE: Really, it's stored 2 times because the texture system keeps a
// copy of the name too. I guess we'll get rid of this when we have a material
// system that works without a graphics context. At that point, everyone can
// reference the name in the material, or just the material itself.
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadTexdata( void )
// Don't bother loading these again; they're already stored in the collision model
// which is guaranteed to be loaded at this point
s_pMap->numtexdata = GetCollisionBSPData()->numtextures;
s_pMap->texdata = GetCollisionBSPData()->map_surfaces.Base();
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadTexinfo( CMapLoadHelper &lh )
texinfo_t *in;
mtexinfo_t *out;
int i, j, count;
// UNDONE: Fix this
in = (texinfo_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadTexinfo: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mtexinfo_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "texinfo" ) );
s_pMap->texinfo = out;
s_pMap->numtexinfo = count;
#if defined( DEVELOPMENT_ONLY ) || defined( ALLOW_TEXT_MODE )
static bool s_bTextMode = CommandLine()->HasParm( "-textmode" );
const bool s_bTextMode = false;
bool loadtextures = mat_loadtextures.GetBool() && !s_bTextMode;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; ++i, ++in, ++out )
for (j=0; j<2; ++j)
for (int k=0 ; k<4 ; ++k)
out->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[j][k] = in->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[j][k];
out->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[j][k] = in->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[j][k] ;
// assume that the scale is the same on both s and t.
out->luxelsPerWorldUnit = VectorLength( out->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D() );
// Protect against divide-by-zero
if ( out->luxelsPerWorldUnit != 0 )
out->worldUnitsPerLuxel = 1.0f / out->luxelsPerWorldUnit;
out->flags = in->flags;
out->texinfoFlags = 0;
if ( loadtextures )
if ( in->texdata >= 0 )
out->material = GL_LoadMaterial( lh.GetMap()->texdata[ in->texdata ].name, TEXTURE_GROUP_WORLD );
if ( out->material->IsErrorMaterial() == true )
Msg( "Missing map material: %s\n", lh.GetMap()->texdata[ in->texdata ].name );
DevMsg( "Mod_LoadTexinfo: texdata < 0 (index==%i/%i)\n", i, count );
out->material = NULL;
if ( !out->material )
out->material = g_materialEmpty;
out->material = g_materialEmpty;
// code to scan the lightmaps for empty lightstyles
static void LinearToGamma( unsigned char *pDstRGB, const float *pSrcRGB )
pDstRGB[0] = LinearToScreenGamma( pSrcRGB[0] );
pDstRGB[1] = LinearToScreenGamma( pSrcRGB[1] );
pDstRGB[2] = LinearToScreenGamma( pSrcRGB[2] );
static void CheckSurfaceLighting( SurfaceHandle_t surfID, worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
host_state.worldbrush = pBrushData;
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = SurfaceLighting( surfID, pBrushData );
if ( !pLighting->m_pSamples )
int smax = ( pLighting->m_LightmapExtents[0] ) + 1;
int tmax = ( pLighting->m_LightmapExtents[1] ) + 1;
int size = smax * tmax;
int offset = size;
if ( SurfHasBumpedLightmaps( surfID ) )
offset *= ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 );
// for old maps revert to data layout before lightstyles were fixed to work with CSM's
// this is so as not to break modders who used lightstyles in way that worked for them (i.e. no env_cascade light)
if ( g_bLightstylesWithCSM )
// extra CSM alpha data - for new maps
offset += size;
// how many additional lightmaps does this surface have?
int maxLightmapIndex = 0;
for (int maps = 1 ; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] != 255 ; ++maps)
maxLightmapIndex = maps;
if ( maxLightmapIndex < 1 )
// can't purge the base lightmap
// iterate and test each lightmap
for ( int maps = maxLightmapIndex; maps != 0; maps-- )
ColorRGBExp32 *pLightmap = pLighting->m_pSamples + (maps * offset);
float maxLen = -1;
Vector maxLight;
for ( int i = 0; i < offset; i++ )
Vector c;
ColorRGBExp32ToVector( pLightmap[i], c );
if ( c.Length() > maxLen )
maxLight = c;
maxLen = c.Length();
unsigned char color[4];
LinearToGamma( color, maxLight.Base() );
const int minLightVal = 1;
if ( color[0] <= minLightVal && color[1] <= minLightVal && color[2] <= minLightVal )
// found a lightmap that is too dark, remove it and shift over the subsequent maps/styles
for ( int i = maps; i < maxLightmapIndex; i++ )
ColorRGBExp32 *pLightmapOverwrite = pLighting->m_pSamples + ( i * offset );
memcpy( pLightmapOverwrite, pLightmapOverwrite+offset, offset * sizeof( ColorRGBExp32 ) );
pLighting->m_nStyles[i] = pLighting->m_nStyles[i+1];
// shift 'up' avgcolor values
// the '-' is correct, the avgcolors are stored behind the lightmaps and in reverse order
pLighting->m_pSamples[-( i + 1 )] = pLighting->m_pSamples[-( i + 2 )];
// mark end lightstyle as removed, decrement max index
pLighting->m_nStyles[maxLightmapIndex] = 255;
// we removed all of the lightstyle maps so clear the flag
if ( maxLightmapIndex == 0 )
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *s -
// Output : void CalcSurfaceExtents
static void CalcSurfaceExtents( CMapLoadHelper& lh, SurfaceHandle_t surfID )
float textureMins[2], textureMaxs[2], val;
int i,j, e;
mvertex_t *v;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
int bmins[2], bmaxs[2];
textureMins[0] = textureMins[1] = 999999;
textureMaxs[0] = textureMaxs[1] = -99999;
worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData = lh.GetMap();
tex = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID, pBrushData );
for (i=0 ; i<MSurf_VertCount( surfID ); i++)
e = pBrushData->vertindices[MSurf_FirstVertIndex( surfID )+i];
v = &pBrushData->vertexes[e];
for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
val = v->position[0] * tex->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[j][0] +
v->position[1] * tex->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[j][1] +
v->position[2] * tex->textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[j][2] +
if (val < textureMins[j])
textureMins[j] = val;
if (val > textureMaxs[j])
textureMaxs[j] = val;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if( MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID, pBrushData )[i] == 0 && !MSurf_Samples( surfID, pBrushData ) )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NOLIGHT;
bmins[i] = Float2Int( textureMins[i] );
bmaxs[i] = Ceil2Int( textureMaxs[i] );
MSurf_TextureMins( surfID, pBrushData )[i] = bmins[i];
MSurf_TextureExtents( surfID, pBrushData )[i] = ( bmaxs[i] - bmins[i] );
if ( !(tex->flags & SURF_NOLIGHT) && MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID, pBrushData )[i] > MSurf_MaxLightmapSizeWithBorder( surfID ) )
Sys_Error ("Bad surface extents on texture %s", tex->material->GetName() );
// Input : *pModel -
// *pLump -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadVertNormals( void )
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_VERTNORMALS );
// get a pointer to the vertex normal data.
Vector *pVertNormals = ( Vector * )lh.LumpBase();
// verify vertnormals data size
if( lh.LumpSize() % sizeof( *pVertNormals ) )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadVertNormals: funny lump size in %s!\n", lh.GetMapPathName() );
int count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*pVertNormals);
Vector *out = (Vector *)Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "vertnormals" ) );
memcpy( out, pVertNormals, lh.LumpSize() );
lh.GetMap()->vertnormals = out;
lh.GetMap()->numvertnormals = count;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadVertNormalIndices( void )
// get a pointer to the vertex normal data.
unsigned short *pIndices = ( unsigned short * )lh.LumpBase();
int count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*pIndices);
unsigned short *out = (unsigned short *)Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "vertnormalindices" ) );
memcpy( out, pIndices, lh.LumpSize() );
lh.GetMap()->vertnormalindices = out;
lh.GetMap()->numvertnormalindices = count;
// OPTIMIZE: Water surfaces don't need vertex normals?
int normalIndex = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < lh.GetMap()->numsurfaces; i++ )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( i, lh.GetMap() );
MSurf_FirstVertNormal( surfID, lh.GetMap() ) = normalIndex;
normalIndex += MSurf_VertCount( surfID );
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadPrimitives( void )
dprimitive_t *in;
mprimitive_t *out;
int i, count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_PRIMITIVES );
in = (dprimitive_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadPrimitives: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mprimitive_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "primitives" ) );
memset( out, 0, count * sizeof( mprimitive_t ) );
lh.GetMap()->primitives = out;
lh.GetMap()->numprimitives = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->firstIndex = in->firstIndex;
out->firstVert = in->firstVert;
out->indexCount = in->indexCount;
out->type = in->type;
out->vertCount = in->vertCount;
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadPrimVerts( void )
dprimvert_t *in;
mprimvert_t *out;
int i, count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_PRIMVERTS );
in = (dprimvert_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadPrimVerts: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mprimvert_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "primverts" ) );
memset( out, 0, count * sizeof( mprimvert_t ) );
lh.GetMap()->primverts = out;
lh.GetMap()->numprimverts = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->pos = in->pos;
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadPrimIndices( void )
unsigned short *in;
unsigned short *out;
int count;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_PRIMINDICES );
in = (unsigned short *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadPrimIndices: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (unsigned short *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va("%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "primindices" ) );
memset( out, 0, count * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
lh.GetMap()->primindices = out;
lh.GetMap()->numprimindices = count;
memcpy( out, in, count * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
// This allocates memory for a lump and copies the lump data in.
void Mod_LoadLump(
model_t *loadmodel,
int iLump,
char *loadname,
int elementSize,
void **ppData,
int *nElements )
CMapLoadHelper lh( iLump );
if ( lh.LumpSize() % elementSize )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadLump: funny lump size in %s", loadmodel->szPathName );
// How many elements?
*nElements = lh.LumpSize() / elementSize;
// Make room for the data and copy the data in.
*ppData = Hunk_AllocName( lh.LumpSize(), loadname );
memcpy( *ppData, lh.LumpBase(), lh.LumpSize() );
// Sets up the msurfacelighting_t structure
bool Mod_LoadSurfaceLighting( msurfacelighting_t *pLighting, dface_t *in, ColorRGBExp32 *pBaseLightData )
// Get lightmap extents from the file.
pLighting->m_LightmapExtents[0] = in->m_LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0];
pLighting->m_LightmapExtents[1] = in->m_LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1];
pLighting->m_LightmapMins[0] = in->m_LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[0];
pLighting->m_LightmapMins[1] = in->m_LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[1];
int lightOffset = in->lightofs;
if ( ( lightOffset == -1 ) || !pBaseLightData )
pLighting->m_pSamples = NULL;
// Can't have *any* lightstyles if we have no samples
for ( int i = 0; i < MAXLIGHTMAPS; ++i )
pLighting->m_nStyles[i] = 255;
pLighting->m_pSamples = (ColorRGBExp32 *)( ((byte *)pBaseLightData) + lightOffset );
for ( int i = 0; i<MAXLIGHTMAPS; ++i )
pLighting->m_nStyles[i] = in->styles[i];
return ((pLighting->m_nStyles[0] != 0) && (pLighting->m_nStyles[0] != 255)) || (pLighting->m_nStyles[1] != 255);
void *Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear_( int size, int alignment, const char *pHunkName )
void *pMem = Hunk_AllocName( alignment + size, pHunkName );
memset( pMem, 0, size + alignment );
pMem = (void *)( ( ( ( unsigned long )pMem ) + (alignment-1) ) & ~(alignment-1) );
return pMem;
// Allocates a block of T from the hunk. Aligns as specified and clears the memory
template< typename T >
T *Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear( int count, int alignment, const char *pHunkName )
return (T *)Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear_( alignment + count * sizeof(T), alignment, pHunkName );
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadFaces( void )
dface_t *in;
int count, surfnum;
int planenum;
int ti, di;
int face_lump_to_load = LUMP_FACES;
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE &&
CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_FACES_HDR ) > 0 )
face_lump_to_load = LUMP_FACES_HDR;
CMapLoadHelper lh( face_lump_to_load );
in = (dface_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadFaces: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
// align these allocations
// If you trip one of these, you need to rethink the alignment of the struct
Assert( sizeof(msurface1_t) == 16 );
Assert( sizeof(msurface2_t) == 32 );
Assert( sizeof(msurfacelighting_t) == 32 );
msurface1_t *out1 = Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear< msurface1_t >( count, 16, va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surface1" ) );
msurface2_t *out2 = Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear< msurface2_t >( count, 32, va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surface2" ) );
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear< msurfacelighting_t >( count, 32, va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surfacelighting" ) );
lh.GetMap()->surfaces1 = out1;
lh.GetMap()->surfaces2 = out2;
lh.GetMap()->surfacelighting = pLighting;
lh.GetMap()->surfacenormals = Hunk_AllocNameAlignedClear< msurfacenormal_t >( count, 2, va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surfacenormal" ) );
lh.GetMap()->numsurfaces = count;
worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData = lh.GetMap();
for ( surfnum=0 ; surfnum<count ; ++surfnum, ++in, ++out1, ++out2, ++pLighting )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( surfnum, pBrushData );
MSurf_FirstVertIndex( surfID ) = in->firstedge;
int vertCount = in->numedges;
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) = 0;
Assert( vertCount <= 255 );
MSurf_SetVertCount( surfID, vertCount );
planenum = in->planenum;
if ( in->onNode )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NODE;
if ( in->side )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_PLANEBACK;
#ifndef _PS3
out2->plane = lh.GetMap()->planes + planenum;
out2->m_plane = *(lh.GetMap()->planes + planenum);
ti = in->texinfo;
if (ti < 0 || ti >= lh.GetMap()->numtexinfo)
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadFaces: bad texinfo number" );
surfID->texinfo = ti;
surfID->m_bDynamicShadowsEnabled = in->AreDynamicShadowsEnabled();
mtexinfo_t *pTex = lh.GetMap()->texinfo + ti;
// big hack!
if ( !pTex->material )
pTex->material = g_materialEmpty;
// lighting info
if ( Mod_LoadSurfaceLighting( pLighting, in, lh.GetMap()->lightdata ) )
// set the drawing flags flag
if ( pTex->flags & SURF_NOLIGHT )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NOLIGHT;
if ( pTex->flags & SURF_NOSHADOWS )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NOSHADOWS;
if ( pTex->flags & SURF_WARP )
if ( pTex->flags & SURF_SKY )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_SKY;
if ( pTex->flags & SURF_NOPAINT )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NOPAINT;
di = in->dispinfo;
out2->pDispInfo = NULL;
if( di != -1 )
// out->origSurfaceID = in->origFace;
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_HAS_DISP;
// non-displacement faces shouldn't come out of VBSP if they have nodraw.
Assert( !(pTex->flags & SURF_NODRAW) );
out1->prims.numPrims = in->GetNumPrims();
out1->prims.firstPrimID = in->firstPrimID;
if ( in->GetNumPrims() )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_HAS_PRIMS;
mprimitive_t *pPrim = &pBrushData->primitives[in->firstPrimID];
if ( pPrim->vertCount > 0 )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_DYNAMIC;
// No shadows on the surface to start with
// No overlays on the surface to start with
out2->m_nFirstOverlayFragment = OVERLAY_FRAGMENT_INVALID;
CalcSurfaceExtents( lh, surfID );
// check and purge needless lightmaps
CheckSurfaceLighting( surfID, pBrushData );
// Purpose:
// Input : *node -
// *parent -
// Output : void Mod_SetParent
void Mod_SetParent (mnode_t *node, mnode_t *parent)
node->parent = parent;
if (node->contents >= 0)
Mod_SetParent (node->children[0], node);
Mod_SetParent (node->children[1], node);
// Mark an entire subtree as being too small to bother with
static void MarkSmallNode( mnode_t *node )
if (node->contents >= 0)
node->contents = -2;
MarkSmallNode (node->children[0]);
MarkSmallNode (node->children[1]);
static void CheckSmallVolumeDifferences( mnode_t *pNode, const Vector &parentSize )
if (pNode->contents >= 0)
Vector delta;
VectorSubtract( parentSize, pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal, delta );
if ((delta.x < 5) && (delta.y < 5) && (delta.z < 5))
pNode->contents = -3;
CheckSmallVolumeDifferences( pNode->children[0], parentSize );
CheckSmallVolumeDifferences( pNode->children[1], parentSize );
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadNodes( void )
Vector mins( 0, 0, 0 ), maxs( 0, 0, 0 );
int i, j, count, p;
dnode_t *in;
mnode_t *out;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_NODES );
in = (dnode_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadNodes: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mnode_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "nodes" ) );
lh.GetMap()->nodes = out;
lh.GetMap()->numnodes = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
mins[j] = in->mins[j];
maxs[j] = in->maxs[j];
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, out->m_vecCenter );
out->m_vecCenter *= 0.5f;
VectorSubtract( maxs, out->m_vecCenter, out->m_vecHalfDiagonal );
p = in->planenum;
out->plane = lh.GetMap()->planes + p;
out->firstsurface = in->firstface;
out->numsurfaces = in->numfaces;
out->area = in->area;
out->contents = -1; // differentiate from leafs
for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
p = in->children[j];
if (p >= 0)
out->children[j] = lh.GetMap()->nodes + p;
out->children[j] = (mnode_t *)(lh.GetMap()->leafs + (-1 - p));
Mod_SetParent (lh.GetMap()->nodes, NULL); // sets nodes and leafs
// Check for small-area parents... no culling below them...
mnode_t *pNode = lh.GetMap()->nodes;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; ++i, ++pNode)
if (pNode->contents == -1)
if ((pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal.x <= 50) && (pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal.y <= 50) &&
(pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal.z <= 50))
// Mark all children as being too small to bother with...
MarkSmallNode( pNode->children[0] );
MarkSmallNode( pNode->children[1] );
CheckSmallVolumeDifferences( pNode->children[0], pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal );
CheckSmallVolumeDifferences( pNode->children[1], pNode->m_vecHalfDiagonal );
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadLeafs_Version_0( CMapLoadHelper &lh )
Vector mins( 0, 0, 0 ), maxs( 0, 0, 0 );
dleaf_version_0_t *in;
mleaf_t *out;
int i, j, count, p;
in = (dleaf_version_0_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mleaf_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "leafs" ) );
lh.GetMap()->leafs = out;
lh.GetMap()->numleafs = count;
// one sample per leaf
lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient = (mleafambientindex_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count * sizeof(*lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient), "LeafAmbient" );
lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples = (mleafambientlighting_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count * sizeof(*lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples), "LeafAmbientSamples" );
mleafambientindex_t *pTable = lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient;
mleafambientlighting_t *pSamples = lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
mins[j] = in->mins[j];
maxs[j] = in->maxs[j];
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, out->m_vecCenter );
out->m_vecCenter *= 0.5f;
VectorSubtract( maxs, out->m_vecCenter, out->m_vecHalfDiagonal );
pTable[i].ambientSampleCount = 1;
pTable[i].firstAmbientSample = i;
pSamples[i].x = pSamples[i].y = pSamples[i].z = 128;
pSamples[i].pad = 0;
Q_memcpy( &pSamples[i].cube, &in->m_AmbientLighting, sizeof(pSamples[i].cube) );
p = in->contents;
out->contents = p;
out->cluster = in->cluster;
out->area = in->area;
out->flags = in->flags;
out->firstmarksurface = lh.GetMap()->marksurfaces + in->firstleafface;
out->firstmarksurface = in->firstleafface;
out->nummarksurfaces = in->numleaffaces;
out->parent = NULL;
out->dispCount = 0;
out->leafWaterDataID = in->leafWaterDataID;
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadLeafs_Version_1( CMapLoadHelper &lh, CMapLoadHelper &ambientLightingLump, CMapLoadHelper &ambientLightingTable )
Vector mins( 0, 0, 0 ), maxs( 0, 0, 0 );
dleaf_t *in;
mleaf_t *out;
int i, j, count, p;
in = (dleaf_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mleaf_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "leafs" ) );
lh.GetMap()->leafs = out;
lh.GetMap()->numleafs = count;
if ( ambientLightingLump.LumpVersion() != LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_LIGHTING_VERSION || ambientLightingTable.LumpSize() == 0 )
// convert from previous version
CompressedLightCube *inLightCubes = NULL;
if ( ambientLightingLump.LumpSize() )
inLightCubes = ( CompressedLightCube * )ambientLightingLump.LumpBase();
Assert( ambientLightingLump.LumpSize() % sizeof( CompressedLightCube ) == 0 );
Assert( ambientLightingLump.LumpSize() / sizeof( CompressedLightCube ) == lh.LumpSize() / sizeof( dleaf_t ) );
lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient = (mleafambientindex_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count * sizeof(*lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient), "LeafAmbient" );
lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples = (mleafambientlighting_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count * sizeof(*lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples), "LeafAmbientSamples" );
mleafambientindex_t *pTable = lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient;
mleafambientlighting_t *pSamples = lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples;
Vector gray(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
ColorRGBExp32 grayColor;
VectorToColorRGBExp32( gray, grayColor );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
pTable[i].ambientSampleCount = 1;
pTable[i].firstAmbientSample = i;
pSamples[i].x = pSamples[i].y = pSamples[i].z = 128;
pSamples[i].pad = 0;
if ( inLightCubes )
Q_memcpy( &pSamples[i].cube, &inLightCubes[i], sizeof(pSamples[i].cube) );
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
pSamples[i].cube.m_Color[j] = grayColor;
Assert( ambientLightingLump.LumpSize() % sizeof( dleafambientlighting_t ) == 0 );
Assert( ambientLightingTable.LumpSize() % sizeof( dleafambientindex_t ) == 0 );
Assert((ambientLightingTable.LumpSize() / sizeof(dleafambientindex_t)) == (unsigned)count); // should have one of these per leaf
lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient = (mleafambientindex_t *)Hunk_AllocName( ambientLightingTable.LumpSize(), "LeafAmbient" );
lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples = (mleafambientlighting_t *)Hunk_AllocName( ambientLightingLump.LumpSize(), "LeafAmbientSamples" );
Q_memcpy( lh.GetMap()->m_pLeafAmbient, ambientLightingTable.LumpBase(), ambientLightingTable.LumpSize() );
Q_memcpy( lh.GetMap()->m_pAmbientSamples, ambientLightingLump.LumpBase(), ambientLightingLump.LumpSize() );
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++ )
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
mins[j] = in->mins[j];
maxs[j] = in->maxs[j];
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, out->m_vecCenter );
out->m_vecCenter *= 0.5f;
VectorSubtract( maxs, out->m_vecCenter, out->m_vecHalfDiagonal );
p = in->contents;
out->contents = p;
out->cluster = in->cluster;
out->area = in->area;
out->flags = in->flags;
out->firstmarksurface = lh.GetMap()->marksurfaces + in->firstleafface;
out->firstmarksurface = in->firstleafface;
out->nummarksurfaces = in->numleaffaces;
out->parent = NULL;
out->dispCount = 0;
out->leafWaterDataID = in->leafWaterDataID;
void Mod_LoadLeafs( void )
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_LEAFS );
switch( lh.LumpVersion() )
case 0:
Mod_LoadLeafs_Version_0( lh );
case 1:
if( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE &&
CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_LIGHTING_HDR ) > 0 )
Mod_LoadLeafs_Version_1( lh, mlh, mlhTable );
CMapLoadHelper mlhTable( LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_INDEX );
Mod_LoadLeafs_Version_1( lh, mlh, mlhTable );
Assert( 0 );
Error( "Unknown LUMP_LEAFS version\n" );
worldbrushdata_t *pMap = lh.GetMap();
cleaf_t *pCLeaf = GetCollisionBSPData()->map_leafs.Base();
for ( int i = 0; i < pMap->numleafs; i++ )
pMap->leafs[i].dispCount = pCLeaf[i].dispCount;
pMap->leafs[i].dispListStart = pCLeaf[i].dispListStart;
// HACKHACK: Copy over the shared global list here. Hunk_Alloc a copy?
pMap->m_pDispInfoReferences = GetCollisionBSPData()->map_dispList.Base();
pMap->m_nDispInfoReferences = GetCollisionBSPData()->numdisplist;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadLeafWaterData( void )
dleafwaterdata_t *in;
mleafwaterdata_t *out;
int count, i;
in = (dleafwaterdata_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mleafwaterdata_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "leafwaterdata" ) );
lh.GetMap()->leafwaterdata = out;
lh.GetMap()->numleafwaterdata = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->minZ = in->minZ;
out->surfaceTexInfoID = in->surfaceTexInfoID;
out->surfaceZ = in->surfaceZ;
out->firstLeafIndex = -1;
if ( count == 1 )
worldbrushdata_t *brush = lh.GetMap();
for ( i = 0; i < brush->numleafs; i++ )
if ( brush->leafs[i].leafWaterDataID >= 0 )
brush->leafwaterdata[0].firstLeafIndex = i;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadCubemapSamples( void )
char textureName[512];
char loadName[ MAX_PATH ];
dcubemapsample_t *in;
mcubemapsample_t *out;
int count, i;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_CUBEMAPS );
V_StripExtension( lh.GetLoadName(), loadName, sizeof(loadName) );
in = (dcubemapsample_t *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadCubemapSamples: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (mcubemapsample_t *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "cubemapsample" ) );
lh.GetMap()->m_pCubemapSamples = out;
lh.GetMap()->m_nCubemapSamples = count;
// We have separate HDR versions of the textures. In order to deal with this,
// we have blahenvmap.hdr.vtf and blahenvmap.vtf.
char *pHDRExtension = "";
if( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE )
pHDRExtension = ".hdr";
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, in++, out++)
out->origin.Init( ( float )in->origin[0], ( float )in->origin[1], ( float )in->origin[2] );
out->size = in->size;
Q_snprintf( textureName, sizeof( textureName ), "%s/c%d_%d_%d%s", loadName, ( int )in->origin[0],
( int )in->origin[1], ( int )in->origin[2], pHDRExtension );
out->pTexture = materials->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
if ( IsErrorTexture( out->pTexture ) )
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE )
Warning( "Couldn't get HDR '%s' -- ", textureName );
// try non hdr version
Q_snprintf( textureName, sizeof( textureName ), "%s/c%d_%d_%d", loadName, ( int )in->origin[0],
( int )in->origin[1], ( int )in->origin[2]);
Warning( "Trying non HDR '%s'\n", textureName);
out->pTexture = materials->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
if ( IsErrorTexture( out->pTexture ) )
Q_snprintf( textureName, sizeof( textureName ), "%s/cubemapdefault", loadName );
out->pTexture = materials->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
if ( IsErrorTexture( out->pTexture ) )
out->pTexture = materials->FindTexture( "engine/defaultcubemap", TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
Warning( "Failed, using default cubemap '%s'\n", out->pTexture->GetName() );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
if ( count )
pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( lh.GetMap()->m_pCubemapSamples[0].pTexture );
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-requirecubemaps" ) )
Sys_Error( "Map \"%s\" does not have cubemaps!", lh.GetMapPathName() );
ITexture *pTexture;
Q_snprintf( textureName, sizeof( textureName ), "%s/cubemapdefault", loadName );
pTexture = materials->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
if ( IsErrorTexture( pTexture ) )
pTexture = materials->FindTexture( "engine/defaultcubemap", TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP, true );
pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( pTexture );
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadSimpleWorldModel( const char *pMapBaseName )
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// We only load the world imposter models for specific maps on cstrike15
if( !( V_stristr( pMapBaseName, "de_lake" ) ||
V_stristr( pMapBaseName, "de_stmarc" ) ||
V_stristr( pMapBaseName, "de_aztec" ) ) )
// We only load the world imposter models for multiplayer maps on consoles
// Note: This seems super-sketchy, but apparently we use the map name to decide if we are co-op or not in portal 2.
if ( !V_stristr( pMapBaseName, "mp_coop_" ) && IsGameConsole() )
char modelPath[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( modelPath, MAX_PATH, "models/maps/%s/simpleworldmodel.mdl", pMapBaseName );
char modelPathWater[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( modelPathWater, MAX_PATH, "models/maps/%s/simpleworldmodel_water.mdl", pMapBaseName );
g_pSimpleWorldModel = g_ModelLoader.GetModelForName( modelPath, referenceType );
g_pSimpleWorldModelWater = g_ModelLoader.GetModelForName( modelPathWater, referenceType );
if ( !g_pSimpleWorldModel )
// This is BAD: it implies an image-building failure, and will cause huge perf regressions!
"## (perf will be terrible) ##\n"
"## (image is broken) ##\n"
"###########################################\n\n\n" );
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadLeafMinDistToWater( void )
unsigned short *pTmp = ( unsigned short * )lh.LumpBase();
int i;
bool foundOne = false;
for( i = 0; i < ( int )( lh.LumpSize() / sizeof( *pTmp ) ); i++ )
if( pTmp[i] != 65535 ) // FIXME: make a marcro for this.
foundOne = true;
if( !foundOne || lh.LumpSize() == 0 || !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig )
// We don't bother keeping this if:
// 1) there is no water in the map
// 2) we don't have this lump in the bsp file (old bsp file)
// 3) we aren't going to use it because we are on old hardware.
lh.GetMap()->m_LeafMinDistToWater = NULL;
int count;
unsigned short *in;
unsigned short *out;
in = (unsigned short *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadLeafMinDistToWater: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
out = (unsigned short *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "leafmindisttowater" ) );
memcpy( out, in, sizeof( out[0] ) * count );
lh.GetMap()->m_LeafMinDistToWater = out;
// Purpose:
void Mod_LoadMarksurfaces( void )
int i, j, count;
unsigned short *in;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_LEAFFACES );
in = (unsigned short *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadMarksurfaces: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
SurfaceHandle_t *tempDiskData = new SurfaceHandle_t[count];
worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData = lh.GetMap();
pBrushData->marksurfaces = tempDiskData;
pBrushData->nummarksurfaces = count;
// read in the mark surfaces, count out how many we'll actually need to store
int realCount = 0;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
j = in[i];
if (j >= lh.GetMap()->numsurfaces)
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadMarksurfaces: bad surface number");
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( j, pBrushData );
tempDiskData[i] = surfID;
if ( !SurfaceHasDispInfo( surfID ) && !(MSurf_Flags(surfID) & SURFDRAW_NODRAW) )
// now allocate the permanent list, and copy the non-terrain, non-nodraw surfs into it
SurfaceHandle_t *surfList = (SurfaceHandle_t *)Hunk_AllocName( realCount*sizeof(SurfaceHandle_t), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surfacehandle" ) );
int outCount = 0;
mleaf_t *pLeaf = pBrushData->leafs;
for ( i = 0; i < pBrushData->numleafs; i++ )
int firstMark = outCount;
int numMark = 0;
bool foundDetail = false;
int numMarkNode = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < pLeaf[i].nummarksurfaces; j++ )
// write a new copy of the mark surfaces for this leaf, strip out the nodraw & terrain
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = tempDiskData[pLeaf[i].firstmarksurface+j];
if ( !SurfaceHasDispInfo( surfID ) && !(MSurf_Flags(surfID) & SURFDRAW_NODRAW) )
surfList[outCount++] = surfID;
if ( MSurf_Flags(surfID) & SURFDRAW_NODE )
// this assert assures that all SURFDRAW_NODE surfs appear coherently
Assert( !foundDetail );
foundDetail = true;
// update the leaf count
pLeaf[i].nummarksurfaces = numMark;
pLeaf[i].firstmarksurface = firstMark;
pLeaf[i].nummarknodesurfaces = numMarkNode;
// write out the compacted array
pBrushData->marksurfaces = surfList;
pBrushData->nummarksurfaces = realCount;
// remove the temp copy of the disk data
delete[] tempDiskData;
//Msg("Must check %d / %d faces\n", checkCount, pModel->brush.numsurfaces );
// Purpose:
// Input : *pedges -
// *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadSurfedges( medge_t *pedges )
int i, count;
int *in;
unsigned short *out;
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_SURFEDGES );
in = (int *)lh.LumpBase();
if (lh.LumpSize() % sizeof(*in))
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadSurfedges: funny lump size in %s", lh.GetMapPathName());
count = lh.LumpSize() / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1 || count >= MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES)
Host_Error ("Mod_LoadSurfedges: bad surfedges count in %s: %i",
lh.GetMapPathName(), count);
out = (unsigned short *)Hunk_AllocName( count*sizeof(*out), va( "%s [%s]", lh.GetLoadName(), "surfedges" ) );
lh.GetMap()->vertindices = out;
lh.GetMap()->numvertindices = count;
for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
int edge = in[i];
int index = 0;
if ( edge < 0 )
edge = -edge;
index = 1;
out[i] = pedges[edge].v[index];
delete[] pedges;
// Purpose:
// Input : *loadmodel -
// *l -
// *loadname -
void Mod_LoadPlanes( void )
// Don't bother loading them, they're already stored
s_pMap->planes = GetCollisionBSPData()->map_planes.Base();
s_pMap->numplanes = GetCollisionBSPData()->numplanes;
// Returns game lump version
int Mod_GameLumpVersion( int lumpId )
for ( int i = g_GameLumpDict.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if ( g_GameLumpDict[i].id == lumpId )
return g_GameLumpDict[i].version;
return 0;
// Returns game lump size
int Mod_GameLumpSize( int lumpId )
for ( int i = g_GameLumpDict.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if ( g_GameLumpDict[i].id == lumpId )
return g_GameLumpDict[i].uncompressedSize;
return 0;
// Loads game lumps
bool Mod_LoadGameLump( int lumpId, void *pOutBuffer, int size )
int i;
for ( i = g_GameLumpDict.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if ( g_GameLumpDict[i].id == lumpId )
if ( i < 0 )
// unknown
return false;
byte *pData;
bool bIsCompressed = ( g_GameLumpDict[i].flags & GAMELUMPFLAG_COMPRESSED ) != 0;
int dataLength;
int outSize;
if ( bIsCompressed )
// lump data length is always original uncompressed size
// compressed lump data length is determined from next dictionary entry offset
dataLength = g_GameLumpDict[i].compressedSize;
outSize = g_GameLumpDict[i].uncompressedSize;
dataLength = outSize = g_GameLumpDict[i].uncompressedSize;
if ( size < 0 || size < outSize )
// caller must supply a buffer that is large enough to hold the data
return false;
if ( s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() )
// data is in memory
Assert( CMapLoadHelper::GetRefCount() );
if ( g_GameLumpDict[i].offset + dataLength > (unsigned int)s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() )
// out of range
Assert( 0 );
return false;
pData = (unsigned char *)s_MapBuffer.GetBase() + g_GameLumpDict[i].offset;
if ( !bIsCompressed )
V_memcpy( pOutBuffer, pData, outSize );
return true;
// Load file into buffer
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, g_GameLumpFilename, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFileSystem->OpenEx( szNameOnDisk, "rb", IsGameConsole() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, IsGameConsole() ? "GAME" : NULL );
return false;
g_pFileSystem->Seek( fileHandle, g_GameLumpDict[i].offset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );
if ( !bIsCompressed )
// read directly into user's buffer
bool bOK = ( g_pFileSystem->Read( pOutBuffer, outSize, fileHandle ) > 0 );
g_pFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
return bOK;
// data is compressed, read into temporary
pData = (byte *)malloc( dataLength );
bool bOK = ( g_pFileSystem->Read( pData, dataLength, fileHandle ) > 0 );
g_pFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
if ( !bOK )
free( pData );
return false;
// NOTE: TF2 added support for compressed lumps on PC (see CL#2898466 & CL#2898683 in //Valve mainline), but we'll keep it disabled in CS:GO
// We'll fall though to here through here if we're compressed
bool bResult = false;
if ( !CLZMA::IsCompressed( pData ) || CLZMA::GetActualSize( (unsigned char *)pData ) != g_GameLumpDict[i].uncompressedSize )
Warning( "Failed loading game lump %i: lump claims to be compressed but metadata does not match\n", lumpId );
// uncompress directly into caller's buffer
int outputLength = CLZMA::Uncompress( pData, ( unsigned char * ) pOutBuffer );
bResult = ( outputLength > 0 && ( unsigned int ) outputLength == g_GameLumpDict[ i ].uncompressedSize );
if ( !s_MapBuffer.Base() )
// done with temporary buffer
free( pData );
return bResult;
// only 360 has compressed gamelumps
Assert( 0 );
return false;
// Loads game lump dictionary
void Mod_LoadGameLumpDict( void )
CMapLoadHelper lh( LUMP_GAME_LUMP );
// FIXME: This is brittle. If we ever try to load two game lumps
// (say, in multiple BSP files), the dictionary info I store here will get whacked
Q_strncpy( g_GameLumpFilename, lh.GetMapPathName(), sizeof( g_GameLumpFilename ) );
unsigned int lhSize = (unsigned int)Max( lh.LumpSize(), 0 );
if ( lhSize >= sizeof( dgamelumpheader_t ) )
dgamelumpheader_t* pGameLumpHeader = (dgamelumpheader_t*)lh.LumpBase();
// Ensure (lumpsize * numlumps + headersize) doesn't overflow
const int nMaxGameLumps = ( INT_MAX - sizeof( dgamelumpheader_t ) ) / sizeof( dgamelump_t );
if ( pGameLumpHeader->lumpCount < 0 ||
pGameLumpHeader->lumpCount > nMaxGameLumps ||
sizeof( dgamelumpheader_t ) + sizeof( dgamelump_t ) * pGameLumpHeader->lumpCount > lhSize )
Warning( "Bogus gamelump header in map, rejecting\n" );
// Load in lumps
dgamelump_t* pGameLump = (dgamelump_t*)(pGameLumpHeader + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < pGameLumpHeader->lumpCount; ++i )
if ( pGameLump[ i ].fileofs >= 0 &&
( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i ].fileofs >= ( unsigned int ) lh.LumpOffset() &&
( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i ].fileofs < ( unsigned int ) lh.LumpOffset() + lhSize &&
pGameLump[ i ].filelen > 0 )
unsigned int compressedSize = 0;
if ( i + 1 < pGameLumpHeader->lumpCount &&
pGameLump[ i + 1 ].fileofs > pGameLump[ i ].fileofs &&
pGameLump[ i + 1 ].fileofs >= 0 &&
( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i + 1 ].fileofs <= ( unsigned int ) lh.LumpOffset() + lhSize )
compressedSize = ( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i + 1 ].fileofs - ( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i ].fileofs;
compressedSize = ( unsigned int ) lh.LumpOffset() + lhSize - ( unsigned int ) pGameLump[ i ].fileofs;
g_GameLumpDict.AddToTail( { pGameLump[ i ], compressedSize } );
// Re-Loads all of a model's peer data
void Mod_TouchAllData( model_t *pModel, int nServerCount )
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
virtualmodel_t *pVirtualModel = g_pMDLCache->GetVirtualModel( pModel->studio );
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVirtualModel += ( t2 - t1 );
if ( pVirtualModel && nServerCount >= 1 )
// ensure all sub models get current count to avoid purge
// mark first to prevent re-entrant issues during possible reload
// skip self, start at children
for ( int i=1; i<pVirtualModel->m_group.Count(); ++i )
MDLHandle_t childHandle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pVirtualModel->m_group[i].cache );
model_t *pChildModel = (model_t *)g_pMDLCache->GetUserData( childHandle );
if ( pChildModel )
// child inherits parent reference
pChildModel->nLoadFlags |= ( pModel->nLoadFlags & IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_REFERENCEMASK );
pChildModel->nLoadFlags |= IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_LOADED;
pChildModel->nLoadFlags &= ~IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD;
pChildModel->nServerCount = nServerCount;
// don't touch all the data
if ( !mod_forcetouchdata.GetBool() )
g_pMDLCache->TouchAllData( pModel->studio );
// Callbacks to get called when various data is loaded or unloaded
class CMDLCacheNotify : public IMDLCacheNotify
virtual void OnDataLoaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle );
virtual void OnCombinerPreCache( MDLHandle_t OldHandle, MDLHandle_t NewHandle );
virtual void OnDataUnloaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle );
virtual bool ShouldSupressLoadWarning( MDLHandle_t handle );
void ComputeModelFlags( model_t* mod, MDLHandle_t handle );
// Sets the bounds from the studiohdr
void SetBoundsFromStudioHdr( model_t *pModel, MDLHandle_t handle );
static CMDLCacheNotify s_MDLCacheNotify;
// Computes model flags
void CMDLCacheNotify::ComputeModelFlags( model_t* pModel, MDLHandle_t handle )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( handle );
// Clear out those flags we set...
bool bForceOpaque = (pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_FORCE_OPAQUE) != 0;
if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_USES_FB_TEXTURE )
if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_STATIC_PROP )
if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_AMBIENT_BOOST )
IMaterial *materials[ 128 ];
int materialCount = Mod_GetModelMaterials( pModel, ARRAYSIZE( materials ), materials );
for ( int i = 0; i < materialCount; ++i )
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials[ i ];
if ( !pMaterial )
if ( pMaterial->IsVertexLit() )
if ( !bForceOpaque && pMaterial->IsTranslucent() )
//Msg("Translucent material %s for model %s\n", pLODData->ppMaterials[i]->GetName(), pModel->name );
if ( pMaterial->HasProxy() )
if ( pMaterial->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( false ) ) // The false checks if it will ever need the frame buffer, not just this frame
// Sets the bounds from the studiohdr
void CMDLCacheNotify::SetBoundsFromStudioHdr( model_t *pModel, MDLHandle_t handle )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( handle );
VectorCopy( pStudioHdr->hull_min, pModel->mins );
VectorCopy( pStudioHdr->hull_max, pModel->maxs );
pModel->radius = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( fabs(pModel->mins[i]) > pModel->radius )
pModel->radius = fabs(pModel->mins[i]);
if ( fabs(pModel->maxs[i]) > pModel->radius )
pModel->radius = fabs(pModel->maxs[i]);
// Callbacks to get called when various data is loaded or unloaded
void CMDLCacheNotify::OnDataLoaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle )
model_t *pModel = (model_t*)g_pMDLCache->GetUserData( handle );
// NOTE: A NULL model can occur for dependent MDLHandle_ts (like .ani files)
if ( !pModel )
switch( type )
// FIXME: This code only works because it assumes StudioHdr
// is loaded before VCollide.
SetBoundsFromStudioHdr( pModel, handle );
SetBoundsFromStudioHdr( pModel, handle );
// Expand the model bounds to enclose the collision model (should be done in studiomdl)
vcollide_t *pCollide = g_pMDLCache->GetVCollide( handle );
if ( pCollide )
Vector mins, maxs;
physcollision->CollideGetAABB( &mins, &maxs, pCollide->solids[0], vec3_origin, vec3_angle );
AddPointToBounds( mins, pModel->mins, pModel->maxs );
AddPointToBounds( maxs, pModel->mins, pModel->maxs );
ComputeModelFlags( pModel, handle );
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( g_ModelLoader.m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
int nMapIndex = g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex != g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_bStudioHWDataResident = true;
void CMDLCacheNotify::OnCombinerPreCache( MDLHandle_t OldHandle, MDLHandle_t NewHandle )
model_t *pModel = ( model_t * )g_pMDLCache->GetUserData( OldHandle );
if ( !pModel )
Assert( 0 );
pModel->studio = NewHandle;
g_pMDLCache->SetUserData( OldHandle, NULL );
g_pMDLCache->SetUserData( NewHandle, pModel );
void CMDLCacheNotify::OnDataUnloaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle )
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC ) || defined( DEDICATED )
// NOTE: This is because CMDLCache::UnloadQueuedHardwareData() FUNDAMENTALLY broke the modelcache due to its
// need to break the "flush" dependency. I did not investigate the validity of WHY THAT needed to be done.
// Since CMDLCache::ShutdownStudioData() breaks the dependency, the higher code does the m_MDLDict.RemoveAt( handle );
// not realizing the flush has been deferred, along comes the flush later and all sorts of code that expected
// the MDLHandle_t to be valid (now it's invalid) via the removal from underlying dictionary and code crashes.
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( g_ModelLoader.m_bAllowWeaponModelCache && type == MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA )
model_t *pModel = (model_t*)g_pMDLCache->GetUserData( handle );
if ( pModel )
int nMapIndex = g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex != g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_bStudioHWDataResident = false;
bool CMDLCacheNotify::ShouldSupressLoadWarning( MDLHandle_t handle )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( g_ModelLoader.m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
// the QL wants to warn about loading data outside its awareness
// weapon models are explicitly prevented from the QL path
model_t *pModel = (model_t*)g_pMDLCache->GetUserData( handle );
if ( pModel )
int nMapIndex = g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex != g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
// model is part of weapon model cache
// any QL load warnings are benign and should be suppressed
return true;
return false;
// Hooks the cache notify into the MDL cache system
void ConnectMDLCacheNotify( )
g_pMDLCache->SetCacheNotify( &s_MDLCacheNotify );
void DisconnectMDLCacheNotify( )
g_pMDLCache->SetCacheNotify( NULL );
// Initialize studiomdl state
void InitStudioModelState( model_t *pModel )
Assert( pModel->type == mod_studio );
if ( g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ) )
s_MDLCacheNotify.OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, pModel->studio );
if ( g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ) )
s_MDLCacheNotify.OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, pModel->studio );
if ( g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE ) )
s_MDLCacheNotify.OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE, pModel->studio );
// Resource loading for models
class CResourcePreloadModel : public CResourcePreload
static void QueuedLoaderMapCallback( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError )
if ( loaderError == LOADERERROR_NONE )
// 360 mounts its bsp entirely into memory
// this data is discarded at the conclusion of the entire load process
Assert( CMapLoadHelper::GetRefCount() == 0 );
CMapLoadHelper::InitFromMemory( (model_t *)pContext, pData, nSize );
virtual bool CreateResource( const char *pName )
modtype_t modType = g_ModelLoader.GetTypeFromName( pName );
// each model type resource has entirely differnt schemes for loading/creating
if ( modType == mod_brush )
// expect to be the map bsp model
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( "CResourcePreloadModel(BSP)" );
model_t *pMapModel = g_ModelLoader.FindModelNoCreate( pName );
if ( pMapModel )
Assert( CMapLoadHelper::GetRefCount() == 0 );
// 360 reads its specialized bsp into memory up to the pack lump, guaranteed last
// the real size of the i/o operation is up to pack lump
CMapLoadHelper::Init( pMapModel, pMapModel->szPathName );
int nBytesToRead = CMapLoadHelper::LumpOffset( LUMP_PAKFILE );
void *pTargetData = NULL;
Assert( ( s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() == 0 ) && ( s_MapBuffer.GetMaxSize() >= nBytesToRead ) );
if ( ( ( s_MapBuffer.GetUsed() == 0 ) && ( s_MapBuffer.GetMaxSize() >= nBytesToRead ) ) )
pTargetData = s_MapBuffer.Alloc( nBytesToRead );
// create a loader job to perform i/o operation to mount the .bsp
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, pMapModel->szPathName, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
LoaderJob_t loaderJobBSP;
loaderJobBSP.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk;
loaderJobBSP.m_pPathID = "GAME";
loaderJobBSP.m_pCallback = QueuedLoaderMapCallback;
loaderJobBSP.m_pContext = (void *)pMapModel;
loaderJobBSP.m_pTargetData = pTargetData;
loaderJobBSP.m_nBytesToRead = nBytesToRead;
g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJobBSP );
bool bPreventAIN = false;
const char *pGame = V_UnqualifiedFileName( com_gamedir );
bPreventAIN = StringHasPrefix( pGame, "csgo" ) ||
StringHasPrefix( pGame, "cstrike" ) ||
StringHasPrefix( pGame, "portal2" ) ||
StringHasPrefix( pGame, "left4dead" );
if ( !bPreventAIN )
// create an anonymous job to perform i/o operation to mount the .ain
// the .ain gets claimed later
char szLoadName[MAX_PATH];
V_FileBase( pMapModel->szPathName, szLoadName, sizeof( szLoadName ) );
V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "maps/graphs/%s" PLATFORM_EXT ".ain", szLoadName );
LoaderJob_t loaderJobAIN;
loaderJobAIN.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk;
loaderJobAIN.m_pPathID = "GAME";
g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJobAIN );
return true;
else if ( modType == mod_studio )
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( "CResourcePreloadModel(MDL)" );
char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
V_ComposeFileName( "models", pName, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
// find model or create empty entry
model_t *pModel = g_ModelLoader.FindModel( szFilename );
if ( g_ModelLoader.IsModelInWeaponCache( pModel ) )
// ignore it, these cannot be loaded now
return true;
// mark as touched
pModel->nLoadFlags |= IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_TOUCHED_BY_PRELOAD;
if ( pModel->nLoadFlags & ( IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_LOADED|IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD ) )
// already loaded or preloaded
return true;
// the model in not supposed to be in memory
Assert( pModel->type == mod_bad );
// set its type
pModel->type = mod_studio;
// mark the model so that the normal studio load path can perform a final fixup
pModel->nLoadFlags |= IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD;
// setup the new entry for preload to operate
pModel->studio = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModel->szPathName );
// the model is not supposed to be in memory
// if this hits, the mdlcache is out of sync with the modelloder
// if this hits, the mdlcache has the model, but the modelloader doesn't think so
// if the refcounts go haywire, bad evil bugs will occur
Assert( g_pMDLCache->GetRef( pModel->studio ) == 1 );
g_pMDLCache->SetUserData( pModel->studio, pModel );
// get it into the cache
g_pMDLCache->PreloadModel( pModel->studio );
return true;
// unknown
return false;
void PurgeModels( bool bPurgeAll )
bool bSpew = ( g_pQueuedLoader->GetSpewDetail() & LOADER_DETAIL_PURGES ) != 0;
// purge any model that was not touched by the preload process
int iIndex = -1;
CUtlVector< model_t* > firstList;
CUtlVector< model_t* > otherList;
for ( ;; )
model_t *pModel;
iIndex = g_ModelLoader.FindNext( iIndex, &pModel );
if ( iIndex == -1 || !pModel )
// end of list
if ( pModel->type == mod_studio )
// models that were touched during the preload stay, otherwise purged
bool bDoPurge = bPurgeAll || !( pModel->nLoadFlags & IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_TOUCHED_BY_PRELOAD );
pModel->nLoadFlags &= ~IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_TOUCHED_BY_PRELOAD;
if ( bDoPurge )
if ( bSpew )
Msg( "CResourcePreloadModel: Purging: %s\n", pModel->szPathName );
// Models that have virtual models have to unload first to
// ensure they properly unreference their virtual models.
if ( g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_VIRTUALMODEL ) )
firstList.AddToTail( pModel );
otherList.AddToTail( pModel );
for ( int i=0; i<firstList.Count(); i++ )
g_ModelLoader.UnloadModel( firstList[i] );
for ( int i=0; i<otherList.Count(); i++ )
g_ModelLoader.UnloadModel( otherList[i] );
if ( bPurgeAll || !g_pQueuedLoader->IsSameMapLoading() )
// Called before queued loader i/o jobs are actually performed. Must free up memory
// to ensure i/o requests have enough memory to succeed. The models that were
// touched by the CreateResource() are the ones to keep, all others get purged.
virtual void PurgeUnreferencedResources()
PurgeModels( false );
virtual void PurgeAll()
PurgeModels( true );
virtual void OnEndMapLoading( bool bAbort )
// discard the memory mounted bsp
Assert( CMapLoadHelper::GetRefCount() == 0 );
#if defined( _PS3 )
virtual bool RequiresRendererLock()
return true;
#endif // _PS3
static CResourcePreloadModel s_ResourcePreloadModel;
bool ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations()
return g_ModelLoader.ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations();
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::Init( void )
m_pWorldModel = NULL;
m_bMapRenderInfoLoaded = false;
m_bMapHasHDRLighting = false;
g_bLoadedMapHasBakedPropLighting = false;
g_bBakedPropLightingStreams3 = false;
g_bHasIndirectOnlyInLightingStreams = false;
m_worldBrushData.m_pLightingDataStack = &m_WorldLightingDataStack;
// Make sure we have physcollision and physprop interfaces
if ( IsGameConsole() && g_pQueuedLoader )
g_pQueuedLoader->InstallLoader( RESOURCEPRELOAD_MODEL, &s_ResourcePreloadModel );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
s_MapBuffer.Init( "s_MapBuffer", 32*1024*1024, 64*1024 );
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC ) || defined( DEDICATED )
// not compatible for any platform but the game consoles due to at least CMDLCache::UnloadQueuedHardwareData() concepts
m_bAllowWeaponModelCache = false;
m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction = false;
m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction = false;
// on for 360 by default
m_bAllowWeaponModelCache = IsX360() || IsPS3() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-weaponmodelcache" ) != 0;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noweaponmodelcache" ) != 0 )
// explicit opt-out
m_bAllowWeaponModelCache = false;
m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction = true;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-keepweaponverts" ) != 0 )
// explicit opt-out
m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction = false;
m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction = true;
// now invalid due to m_Models purge
m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident = 0;
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( IsGameConsole() && m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction && g_pMaterialSystem )
g_pMaterialSystem->AddEndFramePriorToNextContextFunc( ::ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations );
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::Shutdown( void )
m_pWorldModel = NULL;
UnloadAllModels( false );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
if ( IsGameConsole() && m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction && g_pMaterialSystem )
g_pMaterialSystem->RemoveEndFramePriorToNextContextFunc( ::ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations );
int CModelLoader::GetCount( void )
return m_Models.Count();
model_t *CModelLoader::GetModelForIndex( int i )
if ( i < 0 || (unsigned)i >= m_Models.Count() )
return NULL;
return m_Models[i].modelpointer;
// Purpose: Look up name for model
// Input : *model -
// Output : const char
const char *CModelLoader::GetName( const model_t *pModel )
if ( pModel )
return pModel->szPathName;
return NULL;
// Purpose: Finds the model, builds entry if not present, always returns a model
// Input : *name -
// referencetype -
// Output : model_t
model_t *CModelLoader::FindModel( const char *pName )
if ( !pName || !pName[0] )
Sys_Error( "CModelLoader::FindModel: NULL name" );
// inline models are grabbed only from worldmodel
if ( pName[0] == '*' )
int modelNum = atoi( pName + 1 );
if ( !IsWorldModelSet() )
Warning( "bad inline model number %i, worldmodel not yet setup\n", modelNum );
return NULL;
if ( modelNum < 1 || modelNum >= GetNumWorldSubmodels() )
Warning( "bad inline model number %i\n", modelNum );
return NULL;
return &m_InlineModels[modelNum];
model_t *pModel = NULL;
// get a handle suitable to use as the model key
// handles are insensitive to case and slashes
FileNameHandle_t fnHandle = g_pFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( pName );
int i = m_Models.Find( fnHandle );
if ( i == m_Models.InvalidIndex() )
pModel = (model_t *)m_ModelPool.Alloc();
Assert( pModel );
memset( pModel, 0, sizeof( model_t ) );
pModel->fnHandle = fnHandle;
// Mark that we should load from disk
// Copy in name and normalize!
// Various other subsystems fetch this 'object' name to do dictionary lookups,
// which are usually case insensitive, but not to slashes or dotslashes.
Q_strncpy( pModel->szPathName, pName, sizeof( pModel->szPathName ) );
V_RemoveDotSlashes( pModel->szPathName, '/' );
// Model censoring for perfect world, banlist loads here
static struct BannedMDLs_t
bool bLoadBannedWords = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-perfectworld" );
bLoadBannedWords |= !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-usebanlist" );
if ( bLoadBannedWords )
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( "banmdls.res", "MOD", buf ) )
while ( buf.IsValid() )
char chModel[ 256 ] = {};
buf.GetString( chModel, sizeof( chModel ) - 1 );
if ( chModel[0] )
m_map.AddString( chModel );
#ifdef _DEBUG
DevMsg( "Banned MDL: %s\n", chModel );
CUtlSymbolTable m_map;
} s_BannedMDLs;
// Check the banlist and flag models as render disabled
if ( s_BannedMDLs.m_map.GetNumStrings() > 0 )
if ( s_BannedMDLs.m_map.Find( pModel->szPathName ).IsValid() )
#ifdef _DEBUG
DevMsg( "Render disabled for banned MDL: %s\n", pModel->szPathName );
// Proceed with inserting this model entry
ModelEntry_t entry;
entry.modelpointer = pModel;
m_Models.Insert( fnHandle, entry );
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
// setup for tracking weapon models BEFORE anything else happens
// need the entries established before any data starts to arrive
if ( V_stristr( pModel->szPathName, "weapons/v_" ) != NULL )
// track weapon view models
int nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex == m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Insert( pModel );
m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex] = new ViewWeaponEntry_t( true );
else if ( V_stristr( pModel->szPathName, "weapons/w_" ) != NULL )
// track weapon world models
int nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex == m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Insert( pModel );
m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex] = new ViewWeaponEntry_t( false );
pModel = m_Models[i].modelpointer;
// notify the reslist generator that this model may be referenced later in the level
// (does nothing if reslist generation is not enabled)
MapReslistGenerator().OnModelPrecached( pName );
Assert( pModel );
return pModel;
// Purpose: Finds the model, and loads it if it isn't already present. Updates reference flags
// Input : *name -
// referencetype -
// Output : model_t
model_t *CModelLoader::GetModelForName( const char *name, REFERENCETYPE referencetype )
// find or build new entry
model_t *model = FindModel( name );
if ( !model )
return NULL;
// touch and load if not present
model_t *retval = LoadModel( model, &referencetype );
return retval;
// Purpose: Add a reference to the model in question
// Input : *name -
// referencetype -
model_t *CModelLoader::ReferenceModel( const char *name, REFERENCETYPE referencetype )
model_t *model = FindModel( name );
model->nLoadFlags |= referencetype;
return model;
static void QueuedLoaderBeginMapLoadingCallback( int nStage )
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// unload lightmap textures before loading the next map (PC does this in CMatLightmaps::BeginLightmapAllocation)
#ifdef _PS3
// Reclaim the space from unloaded lightmaps and (if the queued loader ran) pre-purged assets not used by the next map
g_pMaterialSystem->CompactRsxLocalMemory( "BEGIN MAP LOADING" );
// Purpose:
// Input : *entry -
// referencetype -
model_t *CModelLoader::LoadModel( model_t *mod, REFERENCETYPE *pReferencetype )
if ( pReferencetype )
mod->nLoadFlags |= *pReferencetype;
// during initial load mark the model with an unique session ticket
// at load end, models that have a mismatch count are considered candidates for purge
// models that get marked, touch *all* their sub data to ensure the cache is pre-populated
// and hitches less during gameplay
bool bTouchAllData = false;
int nServerCount = Host_GetServerCount();
if ( mod->nServerCount != nServerCount )
// server has changed
mod->nServerCount = nServerCount;
bTouchAllData = true;
// Check if the studio model is in cache.
// The model type will not be set for first time models that need to fall through to the load path.
// A model that needs a post precache fixup will fall through to the load path.
if ( mod->type == mod_studio && !( mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD ) )
// in cache
Verify( g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( mod->studio ) != 0 );
Assert( FMODELLOADER_LOADED & mod->nLoadFlags );
if ( bTouchAllData )
// Touch all related .ani files and sub/dependent models
// only touches once, when server changes
Mod_TouchAllData( mod, nServerCount );
return mod;
// Check if brushes or sprites are loaded
if ( FMODELLOADER_LOADED & mod->nLoadFlags )
return mod;
// model needs to be loaded
double st = Plat_FloatTime();
// Set the name of the current model we are loading
V_FileBase( mod->szPathName, m_szBaseName, sizeof( m_szBaseName ) );
// load the file
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading: %s\n", mod->szPathName );
mod->type = GetTypeFromName( mod->szPathName );
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading type: %d\n", mod->type );
if ( mod->type == mod_bad )
mod->type = mod_studio;
// finalize the model data
switch ( mod->type )
case mod_sprite:
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
Sprite_LoadModel( mod );
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeSprite += ( t2 - t1 );
case mod_studio:
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
Studio_LoadModel( mod, bTouchAllData );
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeStudio += ( t2 - t1 );
case mod_brush:
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading brush, compacting heap...\n" );
// the training map needs ALL the world weapons at high-res on a display wall
m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction = ( V_stristr( m_szBaseName, "training1" ) == NULL );
// This is necessary on dedicated clients. On listen + dedicated servers, it's called twice.
// The second invocation is harmless.
// Add to file system before loading so referenced objects in map can use the filename.
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, mod->szPathName, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading map: %s\n", szNameOnDisk );
g_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szNameOnDisk, "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD );
// the map may have explicit texture exclusion
// the texture state needs to be established before any loading work
if ( IsGameConsole() || mat_excludetextures.GetBool() )
#if defined( PORTAL2 )
char szExcludePath[MAX_PATH] = "";
// PORTAL2: we aren't using per-map excludes, we just need a few textures excluded in SP
if ( V_stristr( m_szBaseName, "sp_" ) )
v_snprintf( szExcludePath, sizeof( szExcludePath ), "//MOD/maps/sp_exclude.lst" );
char szExcludePath[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( szExcludePath, sizeof( szExcludePath ), "//MOD/maps/%s_exclude.lst", m_szBaseName );
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Setting excluded textures: %s\n", szExcludePath );
g_pMaterialSystem->SetExcludedTextures( szExcludePath, m_bAllowWeaponModelCache );
NotifyHunkBeginMapLoad( m_szBaseName );
bool bQueuedLoader = false;
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// must establish the bsp feature set first to ensure proper state during queued loading
Map_CheckForHDR( mod, mod->szPathName );
// Do not optimize map-to-same-map loading in TF
// FIXME/HACK: this fixes a bug (when shipping Orange Box) where static props would sometimes
// disappear when a client disconnects and reconnects to the same map+server
// (static prop lighting data persists when loading map A after map A)
bool bIsTF = !V_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "tf" );
bool bIsCSGO = !V_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "csgo" );
bool bOptimizeMapReload = !bIsTF && !bIsCSGO;
// start the queued loading process
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading map: BeginMapLoading...\n" );
bQueuedLoader = g_pQueuedLoader && g_pQueuedLoader->BeginMapLoading( mod->szPathName, g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDREnabled(), bOptimizeMapReload, QueuedLoaderBeginMapLoadingCallback );
if ( !bQueuedLoader )
if ( IsGameConsole() || mat_excludetextures.GetBool() )
// the queued loader process needs to own the actual texture update
// This needs to get run if the queued loader did not call it:
QueuedLoaderBeginMapLoadingCallback( 1 );
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading map: BeginLoadingUpdates...\n" );
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 )
DevMsg( "Loading map: Map_LoadModel...\n" );
Map_LoadModel( mod );
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeBrush += (t2 - t1);
Assert( 0 );
float dt = ( Plat_FloatTime() - st );
COM_TimestampedLog( "Load of %s took %.3f msec", mod->szPathName, 1000.0f * dt );
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTime += dt;
return mod;
// Purpose: Creates the name of the sprite
static void BuildSpriteLoadName( const char *pName, char *pOut, int outLen, bool &bIsAVI, bool &bIsBIK )
// If it's a .vmt and they put a path in there, then use the path.
// Otherwise, use the old method of prepending the sprites directory.
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( pName );
bIsAVI = !Q_stricmp( pExt, "avi" );
bIsBIK = !Q_stricmp( pExt, "bik" );
bool bIsVMT = !Q_stricmp( pExt, "vmt" );
if ( ( bIsAVI || bIsBIK || bIsVMT ) && ( strchr( pName, '/' ) || strchr( pName, '\\' ) ) )
// The material system cannot handle a prepended "materials" dir
// Keep .avi extensions on the material to load avi-based materials
if ( bIsVMT )
const char *pNameStart = pName;
if ( Q_stristr( pName, "materials/" ) == pName ||
Q_stristr( pName, "materials\\" ) == pName )
// skip past materials/
pNameStart = &pName[10];
Q_StripExtension( pNameStart, pOut, outLen );
// name is good as is
Q_strncpy( pOut, pName, outLen );
char szBase[MAX_PATH];
Q_FileBase( pName, szBase, sizeof( szBase ) );
Q_snprintf( pOut, outLen, "sprites/%s", szBase );
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : int
int CModelLoader::GetModelFileSize( char const *name )
if ( !name || !name[ 0 ] )
return -1;
model_t *model = FindModel( name );
int size = -1;
if ( Q_stristr( model->szPathName, ".spr" ) || Q_stristr( model->szPathName, ".vmt" ) )
char spritename[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_StripExtension( va( "materials/%s", model->szPathName ), spritename, MAX_PATH );
Q_DefaultExtension( spritename, ".vmt", sizeof( spritename ) );
size = COM_FileSize( spritename );
size = COM_FileSize( name );
return size;
// Purpose: Unmasks the referencetype field for the model
// Input : *model -
// referencetype -
void CModelLoader::UnreferenceModel( model_t *model, REFERENCETYPE referencetype )
model->nLoadFlags &= ~referencetype;
// Purpose: Unmasks the specified reference type across all models
// Input : referencetype -
void CModelLoader::UnreferenceAllModels( REFERENCETYPE referencetype )
int i;
model_t *mod;
// UNDONE: If we ever free a studio model, write code to free the collision data
// UNDONE: Reference count collision data?
int c = m_Models.Count();
for ( i=0 ; i < c ; i++ )
mod = m_Models[ i ].modelpointer;
UnreferenceModel( mod, referencetype );
void CModelLoader::ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload )
int c = m_Models.Count();
for ( int i=0 ; i < c ; i++ )
model_t *pModel = m_Models[i].modelpointer;
if ( pModel->type != mod_studio )
if ( !IsLoaded( pModel ) )
if ( pModel->type != mod_studio )
if ( pFilesToReload->IsFileInList( pModel->szPathName ) )
// Flush out the model cache
// Don't flush vcollides since the vphysics system currently
// has no way of indicating they refer to vcollides
// Get the studiohdr into the cache
g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
// force the collision to load
g_pMDLCache->GetVCollide( pModel->studio );
if ( g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ) )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
if ( pStudioHdr )
// Ok, we didn't have to do a full reload, but if any of our materials changed, flush out the studiohwdata because the
// vertex format may have changed.
IMaterial *pMaterials[128];
int nMaterials = g_pStudioRender->GetMaterialList( pStudioHdr, ARRAYSIZE( pMaterials ), &pMaterials[0] );
for ( int j=0; j < nMaterials; j++ )
if ( pMaterials[j] && pMaterials[j]->WasReloadedFromWhitelist() )
g_pMDLCache->Flush( pModel->studio, MDLCACHE_FLUSH_STUDIOHWDATA );
// Purpose: For any models with referencetype blank (if checking), frees all memory associated with the model
// and frees up the models slot
void CModelLoader::UnloadAllModels( bool bCheckReference )
int i;
model_t *model;
int c = m_Models.Count();
for ( i=0 ; i < c ; i++ )
model = m_Models[ i ].modelpointer;
if ( bCheckReference )
if ( model->type == mod_studio && !IsModelInWeaponCache( model ) )
g_pMDLCache->MarkAsLoaded( model->studio );
// Wipe current flags
if ( IsGameConsole() &&
g_pQueuedLoader && g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() &&
// models preloaded by the queued loader are not initially claimed and MUST remain until the end of the load process
// unclaimed models get unloaded during the post load purge
UnloadModel( model );
// Purpose: For any models with referencetype blank (if checking), frees all memory associated with the model
// and frees up the models slot
void CModelLoader::UnloadUnreferencedModels( void )
// unload all unreferenced models
UnloadAllModels( true );
void CModelLoader::AddCompatibilityPath( const char* szNewCompatibilityPath )
g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szNewCompatibilityPath, "COMPAT:GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD );
compatibility_path_t tNewCompatibilityPath;
tNewCompatibilityPath.mPath = szNewCompatibilityPath;
tNewCompatibilityPath.mPathId = "COMPAT:GAME";
m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths.AddToTail( tNewCompatibilityPath );
void CModelLoader::UnMountCompatibilityPaths( void )
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths, i )
DevWarning( "UnMounting content compatibility path [%s] %s.\n", m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths[i].mPathId.Get(), m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths[i].mPath.Get() );
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveSearchPath( m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths[i].mPath.Get(), m_vecSzCompatibilityPaths[i].mPathId.Get() );
// Called at the conclusion of loading.
// Frees all memory associated with models (and their materials) that are not
// marked with the current session.
void CModelLoader::PurgeUnusedModels( void )
int nServerCount = Host_GetServerCount();
int count = m_Models.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
model_t *pModel = m_Models[i].modelpointer;
// Don't purge the simple world model here; it's managed separately
if ( ( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED ) && ( pModel->nServerCount != nServerCount ) && !( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_SIMPLEWORLD ) )
// mark as unreferenced
// unload unreferenced models only
UnloadAllModels( true );
// now purge unreferenced materials
materials->UncacheUnusedMaterials( true );
byte *CModelLoader::GetLightstyles( model_t *pModel )
if ( pModel->brush.nLightstyleCount != 0 )
byte *pLightstyles = &m_LightStyleList[pModel->brush.nLightstyleIndex];
return pLightstyles;
return NULL;
void CModelLoader::AllocateLightstyles( model_t *pModel, byte *pStyles, int nStyleCount )
unsigned short nLast = m_LightStyleList.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nStyleCount; i++ )
m_LightStyleList.AddToTail( pStyles[i] );
pModel->brush.nLightstyleCount = nStyleCount;
pModel->brush.nLightstyleIndex = nLast;
bool Mod_NeedsLightstyleUpdate( model_t *pModel )
#ifndef SWDS
if ( pModel->brush.nLightstyleCount != 0 )
byte *pLightstyles = g_ModelLoader.GetLightstyles( pModel );
int nCount = pModel->brush.nLightstyleCount;
int nLastComputed = pModel->brush.nLightstyleLastComputedFrame;
for( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
if( d_lightstyleframe[pLightstyles[i]] > nLastComputed )
return true;
return false;
// Compute whether this submodel uses material proxies or not
static void Mod_ComputeBrushModelFlags( model_t *mod )
Assert( mod );
worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData = mod->brush.pShared;
// Clear out flags we're going to set
mod->flags = MODELFLAG_HAS_DLIGHT; // force this check the first time
int i;
int scount = mod->brush.nummodelsurfaces;
bool bHasOpaqueSurfaces = false;
bool bHasTranslucentSurfaces = false;
mod->brush.nLightstyleIndex = 0;
mod->brush.nLightstyleCount = 0;
CUtlVector<byte> lightStyles;
for ( i = 0; i < scount; ++i )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( mod->brush.firstmodelsurface + i, pBrushData );
// Clear out flags we're going to set
mtexinfo_t *pTex = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID, pBrushData );
IMaterial* pMaterial = pTex->material;
if ( pMaterial->HasProxy() )
if ( pMaterial->NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( false ) ) // The false checks if it will ever need the frame buffer, not just this frame
// Deactivate culling if the material is two sided
if ( pMaterial->IsTwoSided() )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NOCULL;
if ( (pTex->flags & SURF_TRANS) || pMaterial->IsTranslucent() )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_TRANS;
bHasTranslucentSurfaces = true;
bHasOpaqueSurfaces = true;
// Certain surfaces don't want decals at all
if ( (pTex->flags & SURF_NODECALS) || pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_SUPPRESS_DECALS ) || pMaterial->IsAlphaTested() )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_NODECALS;
if ( pMaterial->IsAlphaTested() )
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= SURFDRAW_ALPHATEST;
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = SurfaceLighting( surfID, pBrushData );
for (int maps = 0; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] != 255 ; ++maps )
byte nStyle = pLighting->m_nStyles[maps];
if ( lightStyles.Find(nStyle) == -1 )
lightStyles.AddToTail( nStyle );
if ( bHasOpaqueSurfaces && bHasTranslucentSurfaces )
if ( lightStyles.Count() )
mod->brush.nLightstyleLastComputedFrame = 0;
g_ModelLoader.AllocateLightstyles( mod, lightStyles.Base(), lightStyles.Count() );
// Recomputes translucency for the model...
RenderableTranslucencyType_t Mod_ComputeTranslucencyType( model_t* mod, int nSkin, int nBody )
switch( mod->type )
case mod_brush:
if ( ( mod->flags & MODELFLAG_TRANSLUCENT ) == 0 )
case mod_studio:
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( mod->studio );
if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_FORCE_OPAQUE )
if ( IsGameConsole() && !g_ModelLoader.IsViewWeaponModelResident( mod ) )
// best guess
// purposely preventing any request that would cause the hwmesh to load
IMaterial *pMaterials[ 128 ];
int materialCount = g_pStudioRender->GetMaterialListFromBodyAndSkin( mod->studio, nSkin, nBody, ARRAYSIZE( pMaterials ), pMaterials );
for ( int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++ )
if ( pMaterials[i] == NULL )
bool bIsTranslucent = pMaterials[i]->IsTranslucent();
if ( bIsTranslucent )
case mod_sprite:
// returns the material count...
int Mod_GetMaterialCount( model_t* mod )
switch( mod->type )
case mod_brush:
CUtlVector<IMaterial*> uniqueMaterials( 0, 32 );
for (int i = 0; i < mod->brush.nummodelsurfaces; ++i)
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( mod->brush.firstmodelsurface + i, mod->brush.pShared );
if ( MSurf_Flags( surfID ) & SURFDRAW_NODRAW )
IMaterial* pMaterial = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID, mod->brush.pShared )->material;
// Try to find the material in the unique list of materials
// if it's not there, then add it
if (uniqueMaterials.Find(pMaterial) < 0)
return uniqueMaterials.Count();
case mod_studio:
// FIXME: This should return the list of all materials
// across all LODs if we every decide to implement this
// unimplemented
return 0;
// returns the first n materials.
int Mod_GetModelMaterials( model_t* pModel, int count, IMaterial** ppMaterials )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr;
int found = 0;
int i;
switch( pModel->type )
case mod_brush:
for ( i = 0; i < pModel->brush.nummodelsurfaces; ++i)
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( pModel->brush.firstmodelsurface + i, pModel->brush.pShared );
if ( MSurf_Flags( surfID ) & SURFDRAW_NODRAW )
IMaterial* pMaterial = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID, pModel->brush.pShared )->material;
// Try to find the material in the unique list of materials
// if it's not there, then add it
int j = found;
while ( --j >= 0 )
if ( ppMaterials[j] == pMaterial )
if (j < 0)
ppMaterials[found++] = pMaterial;
// Stop when we've gotten count materials
if ( found >= count )
return found;
case mod_studio:
// Get the studiohdr into the cache
pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
// Get the list of materials
found = g_pStudioRender->GetMaterialList( pStudioHdr, count, ppMaterials );
// unimplemented
Assert( 0 );
return found;
// Used to compute which surfaces are in water or not
static void MarkWaterSurfaces_ProcessLeafNode( mleaf_t *pLeaf )
int i;
int flags = ( pLeaf->leafWaterDataID == -1 ) ? SURFDRAW_ABOVEWATER : SURFDRAW_UNDERWATER;
SurfaceHandle_t *pHandle = &host_state.worldbrush->marksurfaces[pLeaf->firstmarksurface];
for( i = 0; i < pLeaf->nummarksurfaces; i++ )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = pHandle[i];
if( MSurf_Flags( surfID ) & SURFDRAW_WATERSURFACE )
if (SurfaceHasDispInfo( surfID ))
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= flags;
// FIXME: This is somewhat bogus, but I can do it quickly, and it's
// not clear I need to solve the harder problem.
// If any portion of a displacement surface hits a water surface,
// I'm going to mark it as being in water, and vice versa.
for ( i = 0; i < pLeaf->dispCount; i++ )
IDispInfo *pDispInfo = MLeaf_Disaplcement( pLeaf, i );
SurfaceHandle_t parentSurfID = pDispInfo->GetParent();
MSurf_Flags( parentSurfID ) |= flags;
void MarkWaterSurfaces_r( mnode_t *node )
// no polygons in solid nodes
if (node->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID)
return; // solid
// if a leaf node, . .mark all the polys as to whether or not they are in water.
if (node->contents >= 0)
MarkWaterSurfaces_ProcessLeafNode( (mleaf_t *)node );
MarkWaterSurfaces_r( node->children[0] );
MarkWaterSurfaces_r( node->children[1] );
// Computes the sort group for a particular face
static int SurfFlagsToSortGroup( SurfaceHandle_t surfID, int flags )
static int warningcount = 0;
if ( ++warningcount < 10 )
Vector vecCenter;
Surf_ComputeCentroid( surfID, &vecCenter );
DevWarning( "SurfFlagsToSortGroup: unhandled flags (%X) (%s)!\n", flags, MSurf_TexInfo(surfID)->material->GetName() );
DevWarning( "- This implies you have a surface (usually a displacement) embedded in solid.\n" );
DevWarning( "- Look near (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)\n", vecCenter.x, vecCenter.y, vecCenter.z );
//Assert( 0 );
// Computes sort group
bool Mod_MarkWaterSurfaces( model_t *pModel )
bool bHasWaterSurfaces = false;
model_t *pSaveModel = host_state.worldmodel;
// garymcthack!!!!!!!!
// host_state.worldmodel isn't set at this point, so. . . .
host_state.SetWorldModel( pModel );
MarkWaterSurfaces_r( pModel->brush.pShared->nodes );
for ( int i = 0; i < pModel->brush.pShared->numsurfaces; i++ )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( i, pModel->brush.pShared );
int sortGroup = SurfFlagsToSortGroup( surfID, MSurf_Flags( surfID ) );
bHasWaterSurfaces = true;
MSurf_SetSortGroup( surfID, sortGroup );
host_state.SetWorldModel( pSaveModel );
return bHasWaterSurfaces;
// Marks identity brushes as being in fog volumes or not
class CBrushBSPIterator : public ISpatialLeafEnumerator
CBrushBSPIterator( model_t *pWorld, model_t *pBrush )
m_pWorld = pWorld;
m_pBrush = pBrush;
m_pShared = pBrush->brush.pShared;
m_count = 0;
bool EnumerateLeaf( int leaf, intp )
// garymcthack - need to test identity brush models
int flags = ( m_pShared->leafs[leaf].leafWaterDataID == -1 ) ? SURFDRAW_ABOVEWATER : SURFDRAW_UNDERWATER;
MarkModelSurfaces( flags );
return true;
void MarkModelSurfaces( int flags )
// Iterate over all this models surfaces
int surfaceCount = m_pBrush->brush.nummodelsurfaces;
for (int i = 0; i < surfaceCount; ++i)
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( m_pBrush->brush.firstmodelsurface + i, m_pShared );
MSurf_Flags( surfID ) |= flags;
void CheckSurfaces()
if ( !m_count )
model_t* m_pWorld;
model_t* m_pBrush;
worldbrushdata_t *m_pShared;
int m_count;
static void MarkBrushModelWaterSurfaces( model_t* world,
Vector const& mins, Vector const& maxs, model_t* brush )
// HACK: This is a totally brutal hack dealing with initialization order issues.
// I want to use the same box enumeration code so I don't have multiple
// copies, but I want to use it from modelloader. host_state.worldmodel isn't
// set up at that time however, so I have to fly through these crazy hoops.
// Massive suckage.
model_t* pTemp = host_state.worldmodel;
CBrushBSPIterator brushIterator( world, brush );
host_state.SetWorldModel( world );
g_pToolBSPTree->EnumerateLeavesInBox( mins, maxs, &brushIterator, (intp)brush );
host_state.SetWorldModel( pTemp );
// Purpose:
// Input : *mod -
// *buffer -
void CModelLoader::Map_LoadModel( model_t *mod )
if ( sv.IsDedicated() )
BeginWatchdogTimer( 4 * 60 ); // reset watchdog timer to allow 4 minutes for map load
Assert( !( mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED ) );
COM_TimestampedLog( "Map_LoadModel: Start" );
double startTime = Plat_FloatTime();
SetWorldModel( mod );
// point at the shared world/brush data
mod->brush.pShared = &m_worldBrushData;
mod->brush.renderHandle = 0;
mod->type = mod_brush;
CMapLoadHelper::Init( mod, mod->szPathName );
Map_LoadModelGuts( mod );
// Close map file, etc.
double elapsed = Plat_FloatTime() - startTime;
COM_TimestampedLog( "Map_LoadModel: Finish - loading took %.4f seconds", elapsed );
if ( sv.IsDedicated() )
int g_nMapLoadCount = 0;
// do all of the I/O. This is broken out to bracket the MapLoadHelper::Init/Shutdown
void CModelLoader::Map_LoadModelGuts( model_t *mod )
// HDR and features must be established first
COM_TimestampedLog( " Map_CheckForHDR" );
m_bMapHasHDRLighting = Map_CheckForHDR( mod, mod->szPathName );
if ( IsGameConsole() && !m_bMapHasHDRLighting )
Warning( "Map '%s' lacks exepected HDR data! 360 does not support accurate LDR visuals.\n", mod->szPathName );
// load the texinfo lump (used by many subsequent lumps in raw form)
CMapLoadHelper lhTexinfo( LUMP_TEXINFO );
texinfo_t *pTexinfo = (texinfo_t *)lhTexinfo.LumpBase();
if ( lhTexinfo.LumpSize() % sizeof( *pTexinfo ) )
Host_Error( "Map_LoadModelGuts: bad LUMP_TEXINFO size in %s", mod->szPathName );
int texinfoCount = lhTexinfo.LumpSize() / sizeof( *pTexinfo );
if ( texinfoCount < 1 )
if ( !g_bClearingClientState )
Sys_Error( "Map_LoadModelGuts: Map with no texinfo, %s", mod->szPathName );
if ( texinfoCount > MAX_MAP_TEXINFO )
Sys_Error( "Map_LoadModelGuts: Map has too many surfaces, %s", mod->szPathName );
// Load the collision model
COM_TimestampedLog( " CM_LoadMap" );
unsigned int checksum;
CM_LoadMap( mod->szPathName, false, pTexinfo, texinfoCount, &checksum );
// The MEM_ALLOC_CREDITs here will be overridden and credited to Map_LoadModel()
// unless you #define MEM_DETAILED_ACCOUNTING_MAP_LOADMODEL at the top of this file.
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadVertices" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadEdges" );
medge_t *pedges = Mod_LoadEdges();
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadSurfedges" );
Mod_LoadSurfedges( pedges );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadPlanes" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadOcclusion" );
// texdata needs to load before texinfo
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadTexdata" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadTexinfo" );
Mod_LoadTexinfo( lhTexinfo );
// Until BSP version 19, this must occur after loading texinfo
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadLighting" );
bool bLoadHDR = ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE ) &&
( CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_LIGHTING_HDR ) > 0 );
Mod_LoadLighting( bLoadHDR );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadPrimitives" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadPrimVerts" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadPrimIndices" );
// faces need to be loaded before vertnormals
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadFaces" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadVertNormals" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadVertNormalIndices" );
// note leafs must load befor marksurfaces
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadLeafs" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadMarksurfaces" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadNodes" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadLeafWaterData" );
// UNDONE: Does the cmodel need worldlights?
COM_TimestampedLog( " OverlayMgr()->LoadOverlays" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadLeafMinDistToWater" );
Mod_LoadLump( mod,
va( "%s [%s]", m_szBaseName, "clipportalverts" ),
&m_worldBrushData.m_nClipPortalVerts );
COM_TimestampedLog( " LUMP_AREAPORTALS" );
Mod_LoadLump( mod,
va( "%s [%s]", m_szBaseName, "areaportals" ),
&m_worldBrushData.m_nAreaPortals );
COM_TimestampedLog( " LUMP_AREAS" );
Mod_LoadLump( mod,
va( "%s [%s]", m_szBaseName, "areas" ),
&m_worldBrushData.m_nAreas );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadWorldlights" );
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE &&
CMapLoadHelper::LumpSize( LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS_HDR ) > 0 )
Mod_LoadWorldlights( mlh, true );
CMapLoadHelper mlh( LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS );
Mod_LoadWorldlights( mlh, false );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadCubemapSamples" );
#if defined( PORTAL2 ) || defined( CSTRIKE15 )
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadSimpleWorldModel" );
Mod_LoadSimpleWorldModel( m_szBaseName );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadGameLumpDict" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Mod_LoadSubmodels" );
CUtlVector<mmodel_t> submodelList;
Mod_LoadSubmodels( submodelList );
COM_TimestampedLog( " SetupSubModels" );
SetupSubModels( mod, submodelList );
COM_TimestampedLog( " RecomputeSurfaceFlags" );
RecomputeSurfaceFlags( mod );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Map_VisClear" );
COM_TimestampedLog( " Map_SetRenderInfoAllocated" );
Map_SetRenderInfoAllocated( false );
void CModelLoader::Map_UnloadCubemapSamples( model_t *mod )
int i;
for ( i=0 ; i < mod->brush.pShared->m_nCubemapSamples ; i++ )
mcubemapsample_t *pSample = &mod->brush.pShared->m_pCubemapSamples[i];
void CModelLoader::Map_UnloadSimpleWorldModel( model_t *mod )
if ( g_pSimpleWorldModel )
UnloadModel( g_pSimpleWorldModel );
if ( g_pSimpleWorldModelWater )
UnloadModel( g_pSimpleWorldModelWater );
g_pSimpleWorldModel = NULL;
g_pSimpleWorldModelWater = NULL;
// Recomputes surface flags
void CModelLoader::RecomputeSurfaceFlags( model_t *mod )
for (int i=0 ; i<mod->brush.pShared->numsubmodels ; i++)
model_t *pSubModel = &m_InlineModels[i];
// Compute whether this submodel uses material proxies or not
Mod_ComputeBrushModelFlags( pSubModel );
// Mark if brush models are in water or not; we'll use this
// for identity brushes. If the brush is not an identity brush,
// then we'll not have to worry.
if ( i != 0 )
MarkBrushModelWaterSurfaces( mod, pSubModel->mins, pSubModel->maxs, pSubModel );
// Setup sub models
void CModelLoader::SetupSubModels( model_t *mod, CUtlVector<mmodel_t> &list )
int i;
m_InlineModels.SetCount( m_worldBrushData.numsubmodels );
for (i=0 ; i<m_worldBrushData.numsubmodels ; i++)
model_t *starmod;
mmodel_t *bm;
bm = &list[i];
starmod = &m_InlineModels[i];
*starmod = *mod;
starmod->brush.firstmodelsurface = bm->firstface;
starmod->brush.nummodelsurfaces = bm->numfaces;
starmod->brush.firstnode = bm->headnode;
if ( starmod->brush.firstnode >= m_worldBrushData.numnodes )
Sys_Error( "Inline model %i has bad firstnode", i );
VectorCopy(bm->maxs, starmod->maxs);
VectorCopy(bm->mins, starmod->mins);
starmod->radius = bm->radius;
if (i == 0)
*mod = *starmod;
Q_snprintf( starmod->szPathName, sizeof( starmod->szPathName ), "*%d", i );
starmod->fnHandle = g_pFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( starmod->szPathName );
// Purpose:
// Input : *mod -
void CModelLoader::Map_UnloadModel( model_t *mod )
Assert( !( mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_REFERENCEMASK ) );
mod->nLoadFlags &= ~FMODELLOADER_LOADED;
DeallocateLightingData( &m_worldBrushData );
DispInfo_ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects( mod );
Map_UnloadSimpleWorldModel( mod );
Map_UnloadCubemapSamples( mod );
// Free decals in displacements.
R_DecalTerm( &m_worldBrushData, true, true );
if ( m_worldBrushData.hDispInfos )
DispInfo_DeleteArray( m_worldBrushData.hDispInfos );
m_worldBrushData.hDispInfos = NULL;
// Model loader loads world model materials, unload them here
for( int texinfoID = 0; texinfoID < m_worldBrushData.numtexinfo; texinfoID++ )
mtexinfo_t *pTexinfo = &m_worldBrushData.texinfo[texinfoID];
if ( pTexinfo )
GL_UnloadMaterial( pTexinfo->material );
// Don't store any reference to it here
Map_SetRenderInfoAllocated( false );
// Computes dimensions + frame count of a material
static void GetSpriteInfo( const char *pName, bool bIsAVI, bool bIsBIK, int &nWidth, int &nHeight, int &nFrameCount )
nFrameCount = 1;
nWidth = nHeight = 1;
// FIXME: The reason we are putting logic related to AVIs here,
// logic which is duplicated in the client DLL related to loading sprites,
// is that this code gets run on dedicated servers also.
IMaterial *pMaterial = NULL;
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_CONSOLE )
if ( bIsAVI )
hAVIMaterial = avi->CreateAVIMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" );
avi->GetFrameSize( hAVIMaterial, &nWidth, &nHeight );
nFrameCount = avi->GetFrameCount( hAVIMaterial );
pMaterial = avi->GetMaterial( hAVIMaterial );
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_CONSOLE )
else if ( bIsBIK )
hBIKMaterial = bik->CreateMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" );
bik->GetFrameSize( hBIKMaterial, &nWidth, &nHeight );
nFrameCount = bik->GetFrameCount( hBIKMaterial );
pMaterial = bik->GetMaterial( hBIKMaterial );
pMaterial = GL_LoadMaterial( pName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
if ( pMaterial )
// Store off our source height, width, frame count
nWidth = pMaterial->GetMappingWidth();
nHeight = pMaterial->GetMappingHeight();
nFrameCount = pMaterial->GetNumAnimationFrames();
if ( pMaterial == g_materialEmpty )
DevMsg( "Missing sprite material %s\n", pName );
avi->DestroyAVIMaterial( hAVIMaterial );
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_CONSOLE )
bik->DestroyMaterial( hBIKMaterial );
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::Sprite_LoadModel( model_t *mod )
Assert( !( mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED ) );
// The hunk data is not used on the server
byte* pSprite = NULL;
if ( g_ClientDLL )
int nSize = g_ClientDLL->GetSpriteSize();
if ( nSize )
pSprite = ( byte * )new byte[ nSize ];
mod->type = mod_sprite;
mod->sprite.sprite = (CEngineSprite *)pSprite;
// Fake the bounding box. We need it for PVS culling, and we don't
// know the scale at which the sprite is going to be rendered at
// when we load it
mod->mins = mod->maxs = Vector(0,0,0);
// Figure out the real load name..
char loadName[MAX_PATH];
bool bIsAVI, bIsBIK;
BuildSpriteLoadName( mod->szPathName, loadName, MAX_PATH, bIsAVI, bIsBIK );
GetSpriteInfo( loadName, bIsAVI, bIsBIK, mod->sprite.width, mod->sprite.height, mod->sprite.numframes );
if ( g_ClientDLL && mod->sprite.sprite )
g_ClientDLL->InitSprite( mod->sprite.sprite, loadName );
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::Sprite_UnloadModel( model_t *mod )
Assert( !( mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_REFERENCEMASK ) );
mod->nLoadFlags &= ~FMODELLOADER_LOADED;
char loadName[MAX_PATH];
bool bIsAVI, bIsBIK;
BuildSpriteLoadName( mod->szPathName, loadName, sizeof( loadName ), bIsAVI, bIsBIK );
IMaterial *mat = materials->FindMaterial( loadName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
if ( !IsErrorMaterial( mat ) )
GL_UnloadMaterial( mat );
if ( g_ClientDLL && mod->sprite.sprite )
g_ClientDLL->ShutdownSprite( mod->sprite.sprite );
delete[] (byte *)mod->sprite.sprite;
mod->sprite.sprite = 0;
mod->sprite.numframes = 0;
// Purpose: Flush and reload models. Intended for use when lod changes.
void CModelLoader::Studio_ReloadModels( CModelLoader::ReloadType_t reloadType )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( g_ClientDLL )
#endif // DEDICATED
if ( serverGameDLL )
// ensure decals have no stale references to invalid lods
modelrender->RemoveAllDecalsFromAllModels( false );
// ensure static props have no stale references to invalid lods
// Flush out the model cache
// Don't flush vcollides since the vphysics system currently
// has no way of indicating they refer to vcollides
// Load the critical pieces now
// The model cache will re-populate as models render
int c = m_Models.Count();
for ( int i=0 ; i < c ; i++ )
model_t *pModel = m_Models[ i ].modelpointer;
if ( !IsLoaded( pModel ) )
if ( pModel->type != mod_studio )
// Get the studiohdr into the cache
g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
// force the collision to load
g_pMDLCache->GetVCollide( pModel->studio );
struct modelsize_t
const char *pName;
int size;
class CModelsize_Less
bool Less( const modelsize_t& src1, const modelsize_t& src2, void *pCtx )
return ( src1.size < src2.size );
void CModelLoader::DumpVCollideStats()
int i;
CUtlSortVector< modelsize_t, CModelsize_Less > list;
for ( i = m_Models.Count(); --i >= 0; )
model_t *pModel = m_Models[ i ].modelpointer;
if ( pModel && pModel->type == mod_studio )
int size = 0;
bool loaded = g_pMDLCache->GetVCollideSize( pModel->studio, &size );
if ( loaded && size )
modelsize_t elem;
elem.pName = pModel->szPathName;
elem.size = size;
list.Insert( elem );
for ( i = m_InlineModels.Count(); --i >= 0; )
vcollide_t *pCollide = CM_VCollideForModel( i+1, &m_InlineModels[i] );
if ( pCollide )
int size = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < pCollide->solidCount; j++ )
size += physcollision->CollideSize( pCollide->solids[j] );
size += pCollide->descSize;
if ( size )
modelsize_t elem;
elem.pName = m_InlineModels[i].szPathName;
elem.size = size;
list.Insert( elem );
Msg("VCollides loaded: %d\n", list.Count() );
int totalVCollideMemory = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++ )
Msg("%8d bytes:%s\n", list[i].size, list[i].pName);
totalVCollideMemory += list[i].size;
int bboxCount, bboxSize;
physcollision->GetBBoxCacheSize( &bboxSize, &bboxCount );
Msg( "%8d bytes BBox physics: %d boxes\n", bboxSize, bboxCount );
totalVCollideMemory += bboxSize;
Msg( "--------------\n%8d bytes total VCollide Memory\n", totalVCollideMemory );
// Is the model loaded?
bool CModelLoader::IsLoaded( const model_t *mod )
return (mod->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED) != 0;
bool CModelLoader::LastLoadedMapHasHDRLighting(void)
return m_bMapHasHDRLighting;
bool CModelLoader::LastLoadedMapHasLightmapAlphaData( void )
return g_bHasLightmapAlphaData;
// Loads a studio model
void CModelLoader::Studio_LoadModel( model_t *pModel, bool bTouchAllData )
if ( !mod_touchalldata.GetBool() )
bTouchAllData = false;
// a preloaded model requires specific fixup behavior
bool bPreLoaded = ( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD ) != 0;
bool bLoadPhysics = true;
if ( pModel->nLoadFlags == FMODELLOADER_STATICPROP )
// this is the first call in loading as a static prop (load bit not set), don't load physics yet
// the next call in causes the physics to load
bLoadPhysics = false;
// mark as loaded and fixed up
pModel->nLoadFlags |= FMODELLOADER_LOADED;
if ( !bPreLoaded )
pModel->studio = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModel->szPathName );
g_pMDLCache->SetUserData( pModel->studio, pModel );
InitStudioModelState( pModel );
// Get the studiohdr into the cache
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
// a preloaded model already has its physics data resident
if ( bLoadPhysics && !bPreLoaded )
// load the collision data now
bool bSynchronous = bTouchAllData;
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_pMDLCache->GetVCollideEx( pModel->studio, bSynchronous );
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( bSynchronous )
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideSync += ( t2 - t1 );
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeVCollideAsync += ( t2 - t1 );
// querying materials forces sync setup operations (materials/shaders) to build out now during load and not at runtime
double t1 = Plat_FloatTime();
IMaterial *pMaterials[128];
int nMaterials = g_pStudioRender->GetMaterialList( pStudioHdr, ARRAYSIZE( pMaterials ), &pMaterials[0] );
if ( nMaterials > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < nMaterials; i++ )
// Up the reference to all of this model's materials (decremented during UnloadModel)
// otherwise the post-load purge will discard materials whose meshes are not yet in the cache.
// track the refcount bump
double t2 = Plat_FloatTime();
g_flAccumulatedModelLoadTimeMaterialNamesOnly += ( t2 - t1 );
// a preloaded model must touch its children
if ( bTouchAllData || bPreLoaded )
Mod_TouchAllData( pModel, Host_GetServerCount() );
// track weapon models and their materials
int nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nMapIndex != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
if ( nMaterials > 0 && !m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_Materials.Count() )
m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_Materials.AddMultipleToTail( nMaterials );
for ( int i = 0; i < nMaterials; i++ )
m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_Materials[i] = pMaterials[i]->GetName();
// this is truly unfortunate, but the act of getting the material dependencies, built out all the model's resources
// evict now because the aggregate memory for the view models has been allocated elsewhere
EvictWeaponModel( nMapIndex, true );
// Purpose:
// Input : *mod -
void CModelLoader::Studio_UnloadModel( model_t *pModel )
// remove the added reference to all of this model's materials
IMaterial *pMaterials[128];
int nMaterials = Mod_GetModelMaterials( pModel, ARRAYSIZE( pMaterials ), &pMaterials[0] );
for ( int j=0; j<nMaterials; j++ )
// leave these flags alone since we are going to return from alt-tab at some point.
// Assert( !( mod->needload & FMODELLOADER_REFERENCEMASK ) );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
// 360 doesn't need to keep the reference flags, but the PC does
int nRef =
g_pMDLCache->Release( pModel->studio );
// the refcounts must be as expected, or evil latent bugs will occur
Assert( InEditMode() || ( nRef == 0 ) );
pModel->studio = MDLHANDLE_INVALID;
pModel->type = mod_bad;
// Purpose:
// Input : *mod -
void CModelLoader::SetWorldModel( model_t *mod )
Assert( mod );
m_pWorldModel = mod;
// host_state.SetWorldModel( mod ); // garymcthack
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::ClearWorldModel( void )
m_pWorldModel = NULL;
// zero out the world brush data and restore any embedded pointers
memset( &m_worldBrushData, 0, sizeof( m_worldBrushData ) );
m_worldBrushData.m_pLightingDataStack = &m_WorldLightingDataStack;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CModelLoader::IsWorldModelSet( void )
return m_pWorldModel ? true : false;
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CModelLoader::GetNumWorldSubmodels( void )
if ( !IsWorldModelSet() )
return 0;
return m_worldBrushData.numsubmodels;
// Purpose: Check cache or union data for info, reload studio model if needed
// Input : *model -
void *CModelLoader::GetExtraData( model_t *model )
if ( !model )
return NULL;
switch ( model->type )
case mod_sprite:
// sprites don't use the real cache yet
if ( model->type == mod_sprite )
// The sprite got unloaded.
if ( !( FMODELLOADER_LOADED & model->nLoadFlags ) )
return NULL;
return model->sprite.sprite;
case mod_studio:
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( model->studio );
case mod_brush:
// Should never happen
Assert( 0 );
return NULL;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CModelLoader::Map_GetRenderInfoAllocated( void )
return m_bMapRenderInfoLoaded;
// Purpose:
void CModelLoader::Map_SetRenderInfoAllocated( bool allocated )
m_bMapRenderInfoLoaded = allocated;
// Purpose:
// Input : *mod -
void CModelLoader::Map_LoadDisplacements( model_t *pModel, bool bRestoring )
if ( !pModel )
Assert( false );
V_FileBase( pModel->szPathName, m_szBaseName, sizeof( m_szBaseName ) );
CMapLoadHelper::Init( pModel, pModel->szPathName );
DispInfo_LoadDisplacements( pModel, bRestoring );
// Purpose: List the model dictionary
void CModelLoader::Print( void )
ConMsg( "Models:\n" );
int c = m_Models.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
model_t *pModel = m_Models[i].modelpointer;
if ( pModel->type == mod_studio || pModel->type == mod_bad )
// studio models have ref counts
// bad models are unloaded models which need to be listed
int refCount = ( pModel->type == mod_studio ) ? g_pMDLCache->GetRef( pModel->studio ) : 0;
ConMsg( "%4d: Flags:0x%8.8x RefCount:%2d %s\n", i, pModel->nLoadFlags, refCount, pModel->szPathName );
ConMsg( "%4d: Flags:0x%8.8x %s\n", i, pModel->nLoadFlags, pModel->szPathName );
// Calls utility function to create .360 version of a file.
int CModelLoader::UpdateOrCreate( const char *pSourceName, char *pTargetName, int targetLen, bool bForce )
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
return ::UpdateOrCreate( pSourceName, pTargetName, targetLen, NULL, NULL, bForce );
// Purpose: Determine if specified .bsp is valid
// Input : *mapname -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CModelLoader::Map_IsValid( char const *pBaseMapName, bool bQuiet /* = false */ )
static char s_szBaseMapName[MAX_PATH];
if ( !pBaseMapName || !pBaseMapName[0] )
if ( !bQuiet )
ConMsg( "CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: Empty mapname!!!\n" );
return false;
if ( ( IsGameConsole() || sv.IsDedicated() ) && !V_stricmp( pBaseMapName, s_szBaseMapName ) )
// already been checked, no reason to do multiple i/o validations
return true;
FileHandle_t mapfile;
char mapname[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( mapname, sizeof( mapname ), "maps/%s.bsp", pBaseMapName );
V_FixSlashes( mapname );
if ( IsGameConsole() )
char szMapName360[MAX_PATH];
UpdateOrCreate( mapname, szMapName360, sizeof( szMapName360 ), false );
Q_strncpy( mapname, szMapName360, sizeof( mapname ) );
mapfile = g_pFileSystem->OpenEx( mapname, "rb", IsGameConsole() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, "GAME" );
BSPHeader_t header;
memset( &header, 0, sizeof( header ) );
g_pFileSystem->Read( &header, sizeof( BSPHeader_t ), mapfile );
g_pFileSystem->Close( mapfile );
if ( header.ident == IDBSPHEADER )
if ( header.m_nVersion >= MINBSPVERSION && header.m_nVersion <= BSPVERSION )
V_strncpy( s_szBaseMapName, pBaseMapName, sizeof( s_szBaseMapName ) );
return true;
if ( !bQuiet )
Warning( "CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: Map '%s' bsp version %i, expecting %i\n", mapname, header.m_nVersion, BSPVERSION );
if ( !bQuiet )
Warning( "CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: '%s' is not a valid BSP file\n", mapname );
if ( !bQuiet )
Warning( "CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map '%s'\n", mapname );
// Get outta here if we are checking vidmemstats.
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-dumpvidmemstats" ) )
Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), "quit\n" );
return false;
model_t *CModelLoader::FindModelNoCreate( const char *pModelName )
FileNameHandle_t fnHandle = g_pFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( pModelName );
int i = m_Models.Find( fnHandle );
if ( i != m_Models.InvalidIndex() )
return m_Models[i].modelpointer;
// not found
return NULL;
modtype_t CModelLoader::GetTypeFromName( const char *pModelName )
// HACK HACK, force sprites to correctly
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( pModelName );
if ( pExt )
if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "spr" ) || !V_stricmp( pExt, "vmt" ) || !V_stricmp( pExt, "avi" ) || !V_stricmp( pExt, "bik" ) )
return mod_sprite;
else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "bsp" ) )
return mod_brush;
else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) )
return mod_studio;
return mod_bad;
int CModelLoader::FindNext( int iIndex, model_t **ppModel )
if ( iIndex == -1 && m_Models.Count() )
iIndex = m_Models.FirstInorder();
else if ( !m_Models.Count() || !m_Models.IsValidIndex( iIndex ) )
*ppModel = NULL;
return -1;
*ppModel = m_Models[iIndex].modelpointer;
iIndex = m_Models.NextInorder( iIndex );
if ( iIndex == m_Models.InvalidIndex() )
// end of list
iIndex = -1;
return iIndex;
void CModelLoader::UnloadModel( model_t *pModel )
switch ( pModel->type )
case mod_brush:
// Let it free data and call destructors.
Map_UnloadModel( pModel );
// Re-write .bsp if networkstringtable dictionary was updated.
// Remove from file system
char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH];
GetMapPathNameOnDisk( szNameOnDisk, pModel->szPathName, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ) );
g_pFileSystem->RemoveSearchPath( szNameOnDisk, "GAME" );
case mod_studio:
Studio_UnloadModel( pModel );
case mod_sprite:
Sprite_UnloadModel( pModel );
if ( pModel->m_pKeyValues )
pModel->m_pKeyValues = NULL;
bool CModelLoader::IsModelInWeaponCache( const model_t *pModel )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
int nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( (model_t*)pModel );
return ( nMapIndex != g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() );
return false;
bool CModelLoader::IsViewWeaponModelResident( const model_t *pModel )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( m_bAllowWeaponModelCache && ( pModel->flags & MODELFLAG_VIEW_WEAPON_MODEL ) )
// only view weapon models might have their verts evicted
int nMapIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( (model_t*)pModel );
if ( nMapIndex != g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
return g_ModelLoader.m_WeaponModelCache[nMapIndex]->m_bStudioHWDataResident;
return true;
void CModelLoader::EvictAllWeaponsFromModelCache( bool bLoadingComplete )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
// for reliability, ensure the studiohwdata presence is accurate
// only need to do this once as the baseline eviction state is established
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bStudioHWDataResident = g_pMDLCache->IsDataLoaded( m_WeaponModelCache.Key( i )->studio, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA );
// forcefully evict all the known weapon models
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
EvictWeaponModel( i, true );
if ( bLoadingComplete && !m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction )
// loading is complete, put all the world weapons back
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
// ignore non-desired model type
// ensure world model is restored
RestoreWeaponModel( i );
void CModelLoader::UpdateViewWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
// age any orphaned view models
// owned view models will have their age reset below
int nNumResident = 0;
m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident = 0;
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime == UINT_MAX )
// one time age tag
// the oldest will be the smallest and identify a LRU (i.e. thrown out from the player's inventory)
m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime = Plat_MSTime();
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
else if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bStudioHWDataResident )
// not resident, but hw mesh is and it should not be
// retry eviction after any weapons have been restored
for ( int i = 0; i < nWeaponModels; i++ )
// resolve from name to model
model_t* pModel = FindModelNoCreate( ppWeaponModels[i] );
if ( !pModel )
// find view model
int nIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nIndex != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[nIndex]->m_bViewModel )
RestoreWeaponModel( nIndex );
// LRU bump any known player inventory view models
// all view model's currently within primary player's inventory do not age AT ALL
// marked uniquely to not be subject to any LRU eviction
// this ensures that weapon switching avoids any restore latency
m_WeaponModelCache[nIndex]->m_nAgeTime = UINT_MAX;
// drive the view model cache down to its desired size
while ( mod_weaponviewmodelcache.GetInt() && nNumResident > mod_weaponviewmodelcache.GetInt() )
// find suitable candidates for discard
// will NOT consider view model's in the primary inventory (i.e at UINT_MAX)
unsigned int nOldestTime = UINT_MAX;
int nOldestIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex();
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel && m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime && nOldestTime > m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
nOldestIndex = i;
nOldestTime = m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime;
if ( nOldestIndex == m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
// there was no suitable oldest candidate this frame
EvictWeaponModel( nOldestIndex, false );
void CModelLoader::TouchWorldWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache || !m_bAllowWorldWeaponEviction )
// touch the world weapons
unsigned int nCurrentTime = Plat_MSTime();
for ( int i = 0; i < nWeaponModels; i++ )
// resolve from name to model
model_t* pModel = FindModelNoCreate( ppWeaponModels[i] );
if ( !pModel )
// touch world model
int nIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.Find( pModel );
if ( nIndex != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[nIndex]->m_bViewModel )
RestoreWeaponModel( nIndex );
m_WeaponModelCache[nIndex]->m_nAgeTime = nCurrentTime;
int nNumResident = 0;
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
// drive the world model cache down to its desired size
while ( mod_weaponworldmodelcache.GetInt() && nNumResident > mod_weaponworldmodelcache.GetInt() )
// find suitable candidates for discard
unsigned int nOldestTime = UINT_MAX;
int nOldestIndex = m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex();
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime && nOldestTime > m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
// prevent world model thrashing by only considering for purging aged world models beyond a minimum age
if ( nCurrentTime - m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime >= (unsigned int)mod_weaponworldmodelminage.GetInt() )
nOldestIndex = i;
nOldestTime = m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime;
if ( nOldestIndex == m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex() )
// there was no suitable oldest candidate this frame
EvictWeaponModel( nOldestIndex, false );
void CModelLoader::EvictWeaponModel( int nCacheIndex, bool bForce )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache || !m_WeaponModelCache.IsValidIndex( nCacheIndex ) )
if ( !bForce && !m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_nAgeTime )
// already evicted
if ( m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->studio == MDLHANDLE_INVALID )
// this model was explicitly unloaded
// ignore this model until the model loader restores it
DevMsg( "Evicting: %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->szPathName );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials.Count(); i++ )
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials[i].Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, false );
if ( !pMaterial || pMaterial->IsErrorMaterial() )
// cannot evict the material that should have been there
AssertMsg( false, CFmtStr( "EvictWeaponModel( %s ): Could not find expected valid material %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->szPathName, m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials[i].Get() ).Access() );
// force material to temporarily consume less memory
// force worldmodels and viewmodels to be very small versions
// as viewmodels are restored they will render temporarily with their small versions, but the pop is not noticeable
pMaterial->SetTempExcluded( true, 16 );
// mark as evicted, the actual mesh eviction is deferred until frame boundary in ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations()
m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_nAgeTime = 0;
if ( bForce )
// Force the model processing operations to do the evict (which can only be done when rendering is stopped (i.e. at least no queued model draws) ).
m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident = 1;
void CModelLoader::RestoreWeaponModel( int nCacheIndex )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache || !m_WeaponModelCache.IsValidIndex( nCacheIndex ) )
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_nAgeTime )
// already restored
if ( m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->studio == MDLHANDLE_INVALID )
// this model was explicitly unloaded
// ignore this model until the model loader restores it
DevMsg( "Restoring: %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->szPathName );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials.Count(); i++ )
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials[i].Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, false );
if ( !pMaterial || pMaterial->IsErrorMaterial() )
// cannot restore the material that should have been there
AssertMsg( false, CFmtStr( "RestoreWeaponModel( %s ): Could not find expected valid material %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->szPathName, m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_Materials[i].Get() ).Access() );
// force material back to its original memory state
pMaterial->SetTempExcluded( false );
// only view model weapons could have had their vertexes evicted
if ( m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction && m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_bViewModel && !m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_bStudioHWDataResident )
g_pMDLCache->RestoreHardwareData( m_WeaponModelCache.Key( nCacheIndex )->studio, &m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_hAsyncVTXControl, &m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_hAsyncVVDControl );
// mark as restored
m_WeaponModelCache[nCacheIndex]->m_nAgeTime = Plat_MSTime();
bool CModelLoader::ProcessWeaponModelCacheOperations()
bool bMeshedRestored = false;
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !ThreadInMainThread() )
// must be on main thread to do any of the mesh eviction/restore
return false;
if ( m_bAllowWeaponVertexEviction )
// restore all the pending meshes
bMeshedRestored |= g_pMDLCache->ProcessPendingHardwareRestore();
// avoid doing any work unless pre-qualified by UpdateViewModelCache() that evictions need to occur
if ( m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident )
// It's possible that the hw mesh eviction could not occur due to frame lock or
// it was accessed by code that was unaware of this violation and restored it.
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime && m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bStudioHWDataResident )
// expect model to be evicted but hw mesh is still resident and it should not be
DevMsg( "*** Evicting: %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( i )->szPathName );
// ensure any outstanding prior async hwdata restore is complete
// cannot have an outstanding async restore operation in-flight while trying to evict
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl || m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl )
// do the sync finish in sequence to ensure the io callback completes
// if the async operation have already completed, these will do nothing as expected
g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncFinish( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl, true );
g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncFinish( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl, true );
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl )
// further safety to ensure the async i/o operation completed as requested
FSAsyncStatus_t status = g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncStatus( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl );
// operation was completed
// release the handle to avoid leak
g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRelease( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl );
m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl = NULL;
if ( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl )
// further safety to ensure the async i/o operation completed as requested
FSAsyncStatus_t status = g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncStatus( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl );
// operation was completed
// release the handle to avoid leak
g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRelease( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl );
m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl = NULL;
if ( !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVTXControl && !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_hAsyncVVDControl )
// This is unfortunate and ideally is a no-op. The AsyncFinish() only finished the i/o and not the actual mesh restore.
// The mesh must be restored for the evict logic to work properly. ALL the pending restores must be drained to ensure this
// possible mesh (whose i/o was just forced to complete) performs its build out. In practice this list should be nominally
// empty or one, and not really more than that.
bMeshedRestored |= g_pMDLCache->ProcessPendingHardwareRestore();
// only an evicted view model can flush all their vertexes because we don't expect it to render or be queried
// the expected contract is that an evicted viewmodel won't be rendering anytime soon
// it's possible that the eviction does not occur due to frame locks or some other preventing condition
// the next UpdateViewWeaponModelCache() will catch these for another retry
// assume all evicted, the UpdateViewModelCache() will update
m_nNumWeaponsPartialResident = 0;
return bMeshedRestored;
void CModelLoader::DumpWeaponModelCache( bool bViewModelsOnly )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( !m_bAllowWeaponModelCache )
Color defaultColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
Color anomalyColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
Msg( "Weapon %s Model Cache:\n", bViewModelsOnly ? "View" : "World" );
Msg( "------------------------\n" );
for ( int nPass = 0; nPass < 2; nPass++ )
if ( !nPass )
Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), "\nEvicted:--------------------------------\n" );
Con_ColorPrintf( Color( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), "\nResident:-------------------------------\n" );
for ( int i = m_WeaponModelCache.FirstInorder(); i != m_WeaponModelCache.InvalidIndex(); i = m_WeaponModelCache.NextInorder( i ) )
if ( bViewModelsOnly != m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bViewModel )
// ignore non-desired model type
if ( !nPass && m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
// ignore resident
else if ( nPass && !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime )
// ignore evicted
Color color = defaultColor;
if ( bViewModelsOnly && !m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime && m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bStudioHWDataResident )
color = anomalyColor;
Con_ColorPrintf( color, "\nModel: %s\n", m_WeaponModelCache.Key( i )->szPathName );
Con_ColorPrintf( defaultColor, " Age: %u\n", m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_nAgeTime );
if ( bViewModelsOnly )
Con_ColorPrintf( defaultColor, " %sStudioHWData\n", m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_bStudioHWDataResident ? "+" : "-");
for ( int j = 0; j < m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_Materials.Count(); j++ )
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_Materials[j].Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, false );
Con_ColorPrintf( defaultColor, " Material: %s (Ref: %d)\n", m_WeaponModelCache[i]->m_Materials[j].Get(), pMaterial->GetReferenceCount() );
int nMatParamCount = pMaterial->ShaderParamCount();
IMaterialVar **ppMatVars = pMaterial->GetShaderParams();
for ( int nParam = 0; nParam < nMatParamCount; nParam++ )
IMaterialVar *pVar = ppMatVars[nParam];
if ( !pVar ||
pVar->IsTextureValueInternalEnvCubemap() )
// not possible to temp exclude these, so not interested
ITexture *pTex = pVar->GetTextureValue();
if ( !pTex )
// not possible to temp exclude these, so not interested
pTex->CanBeTempExcluded() ? Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) : Color( 255, 255, 0, 255 ),
" %sTexture: %s (Ref: %d)\n",
pTex->IsTempExcluded() ? "-" : "+",
pTex->GetReferenceCount() );
model_t *CModelLoader::GetDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientOnly )
model_t *pModel = FindModel( name );
Assert( pModel );
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ m_DynamicModels.Insert( pModel ) ]; // Insert returns existing if key is already set
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags == CDynamicModelInfo::INVALIDFLAG )
dyn.m_nLoadFlags = 0;
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] registered\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName );
dyn.m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 = Plat_MSTime() >> 8;
return pModel;
model_t *CModelLoader::GetDynamicCombinedModel( const char *name, bool bClientOnly )
model_t *pModel = FindModel( name );
Assert( pModel );
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ m_DynamicModels.Insert( pModel ) ]; // Insert returns existing if key is already set
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags == CDynamicModelInfo::INVALIDFLAG )
dyn.m_nLoadFlags = CDynamicModelInfo::COMBINED | CDynamicModelInfo::READY;
pModel->type = mod_studio;
dyn.m_iRefCount = 1;
dyn.m_iClientRefCount = ( bClientOnly ? 1 : 0 );
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] registered\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName );
dyn.m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 = Plat_MSTime() >> 8;
return pModel;
void CModelLoader::UpdateDynamicCombinedModel( model_t *pModel, MDLHandle_t Handle, bool bClientSide )
if ( pModel->studio != MDLHANDLE_INVALID && pModel->studio != Handle )
UnloadModel( pModel );
pModel->studio = Handle;
pModel->type = mod_studio;
pModel->nServerCount = Host_GetServerCount();
g_pMDLCache->SetUserData( pModel->studio, pModel );
bool CModelLoader::SetCombineModels( model_t *pModel, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine )
if ( !pModel )
return false;
return g_pMDLCache->SetCombineModels( pModel->studio, vecModelsToCombine );
bool CModelLoader::FinishCombinedModel( model_t *pModel, CombinedModelLoadedCallback pFunc, void *pUserData )
return g_pMDLCache->FinishCombinedModel( pModel->studio, pFunc, pUserData );
void CModelLoader::UpdateDynamicModelLoadQueue()
if ( mod_dynamicloadpause.GetBool() )
static double s_LastDynamicLoadTime = 0.0;
if ( mod_dynamicloadthrottle.GetFloat() > 0 && Plat_FloatTime() < s_LastDynamicLoadTime + mod_dynamicloadthrottle.GetFloat() )
if ( m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive )
Assert( m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.Count() >= 1 );
MaterialLock_t matLock = g_pMaterialSystem->Lock(); // ASDFADFASFASEGAafliejsfjaslaslgsaigas
bool bComplete = true;
//bool bComplete = g_pQueuedLoader->CompleteDynamicLoad();
if ( bComplete )
model_t *pModel = m_DynamicModelLoadQueue[0];
m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive = false;
Assert( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_DYNAMIC );
Assert( pModel->type == mod_bad || ( pModel->nLoadFlags & (FMODELLOADER_LOADED | FMODELLOADER_LOADED_BY_PRELOAD) ) );
(void) LoadModel( pModel, NULL );
Assert( pModel->type == mod_studio );
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
Assert( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() );
if ( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[hDyn];
Assert( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED );
Assert( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING );
dyn.m_nLoadFlags &= ~( CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED | CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING );
g_pMDLCache->LockStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
dyn.m_nLoadFlags |= CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED;
dyn.m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 = Plat_MSTime() >> 8;
FinishDynamicModelLoadIfReady( &dyn, pModel );
s_LastDynamicLoadTime = Plat_FloatTime();
// If we're not working, and we have work to do, and the queued loader is open for business...
if ( !m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive && m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.Count() > 0 && g_pQueuedLoader->IsFinished() )
model_t *pModel = m_DynamicModelLoadQueue[0];
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
Assert( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() );
if ( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive = true;
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[hDyn];
Assert( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED );
Assert( !(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING) );
Assert( !(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED) );
dyn.m_nLoadFlags |= CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING;
// the queued loader is very ... particular about path names. it doesn't like leading "models/"
const char* pName = pModel->szPathName;
int nLen = V_strlen( "models" );
if ( StringHasPrefix( pName, "models" ) && ( pName[nLen] == '/' || pName[nLen] == '\\' ) )
pName += ( nLen + 1 );
MaterialLock_t matLock = g_pMaterialSystem->Lock();
//g_pQueuedLoader->DynamicLoadMapResource( pName );
void CModelLoader::FinishDynamicModelLoadIfReady( CDynamicModelInfo *pDyn, model_t *pModel )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = *pDyn;
if ( ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED ) && !( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::SERVERLOADING ) )
// There ought to be a better way to plumb this through, but this should be ok...
if ( sv.m_pDynamicModelTable )
int netidx = sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->FindStringIndex( pModel->szPathName );
if ( netidx != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
char nIsLoaded = 1;
sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->SetStringUserData( netidx, 1, &nIsLoaded );
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] loaded\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName );
dyn.m_nLoadFlags |= CDynamicModelInfo::READY;
while ( dyn.m_Callbacks.Count() > 0 )
IModelLoadCallback* pCallback = dyn.m_Callbacks.Tail();
UnregisterModelLoadCallback( pModel, pCallback );
pCallback->OnModelLoadComplete( pModel );
bool CModelLoader::RegisterModelLoadCallback( model_t *pModel, IModelLoadCallback *pCallback, bool bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded )
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
Assert( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() );
if ( hDyn == m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
return false;
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ hDyn ];
AssertMsg( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0, "RegisterModelLoadCallback requires non-zero model refcount" );
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::READY )
if ( !bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded )
return false;
pCallback->OnModelLoadComplete( pModel );
if ( !dyn.m_Callbacks.HasElement( pCallback ) )
dyn.m_Callbacks.AddToTail( pCallback );
// Set registration count for callback pointer
m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks[ m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks.Insert( pCallback, 0 ) ]++;
return true;
bool CModelLoader::IsDynamicModelLoading( model_t *pModel )
Assert( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_DYNAMIC );
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
Assert( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() );
if ( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ hDyn ];
AssertMsg( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0, "dynamic model state cannot be queried with zero refcount" );
if ( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0 )
return !( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::READY );
return false;
void CModelLoader::AddRefDynamicModel( model_t *pModel, bool bClientSideRef )
extern IVModelInfo* modelinfo;
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Insert( pModel );
CDynamicModelInfo& dyn = m_DynamicModels[ hDyn ];
dyn.m_iClientRefCount += ( bClientSideRef ? 1 : 0 );
Assert( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0 );
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] addref %d (%d)\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName, dyn.m_iRefCount, dyn.m_iClientRefCount );
if ( !( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & ( CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED | CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED ) ) )
QueueDynamicModelLoad( &dyn, pModel );
// Try to kick it off asap if we aren't already busy.
if ( !m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive )
void CModelLoader::ReleaseDynamicModel( model_t *pModel, bool bClientSideRef )
Assert( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_DYNAMIC );
UtlHashHandle_t hDyn = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
if ( hDyn != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ hDyn ];
Assert( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0 );
if ( dyn.m_iRefCount > 0 )
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] release %d (%dc)\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName, dyn.m_iRefCount, dyn.m_iClientRefCount );
dyn.m_iClientRefCount -= ( bClientSideRef ? 1 : 0 );
Assert( dyn.m_iClientRefCount >= 0 );
if ( dyn.m_iClientRefCount < 0 )
dyn.m_iClientRefCount = 0;
dyn.m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 = Plat_MSTime() >> 8;
void CModelLoader::UnregisterModelLoadCallback( model_t *pModel, IModelLoadCallback *pCallback )
if ( int *pCallbackRegistrationCount = m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks.GetPtr( pCallback ) )
if ( pModel )
UtlHashHandle_t i = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
if ( i != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ i ];
if ( dyn.m_Callbacks.FindAndFastRemove( pCallback ) )
if ( dyn.m_Callbacks.Count() == 0 )
if ( --(*pCallbackRegistrationCount) == 0 )
m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks.Remove( pCallback );
for ( UtlHashHandle_t i = m_DynamicModels.FirstHandle(); i != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle(); i = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle(i) )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[ i ];
if ( dyn.m_Callbacks.FindAndFastRemove( pCallback ) )
if ( dyn.m_Callbacks.Count() == 0 )
if ( --(*pCallbackRegistrationCount) == 0 )
m_RegisteredDynamicCallbacks.Remove( pCallback );
void CModelLoader::QueueDynamicModelLoad( CDynamicModelInfo *dyn, model_t *mod )
Assert( !(dyn->m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED) );
// Client-side entities have priority over server-side entities
// because they are more likely to be used in UI elements. --henryg
if ( dyn->m_iClientRefCount > 0 && m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.Count() > 1 )
m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.InsertAfter( 0, mod );
m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.AddToTail( mod );
dyn->m_nLoadFlags |= CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED;
mod->nLoadFlags |= ( dyn->m_iClientRefCount > 0 ? FMODELLOADER_DYNCLIENT : FMODELLOADER_DYNSERVER );
bool CModelLoader::CancelDynamicModelLoad( CDynamicModelInfo *dyn, model_t *mod )
int i = m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.Find( mod );
Assert( (i < 0) == !(dyn->m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED) );
if ( i >= 0 )
if ( i == 0 && m_bDynamicLoadQueueHeadActive )
// can't remove head of queue
return false;
Assert( dyn->m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED );
m_DynamicModelLoadQueue.Remove( i );
dyn->m_nLoadFlags &= ~CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED;
return true;
return false;
void CModelLoader::InternalUpdateDynamicModels( bool bForceFlushUnreferenced )
const uint now = Plat_MSTime();
const uint delay = bForceFlushUnreferenced ? 0 : (int)( clamp( mod_dynamicunloadtime.GetFloat(), 1.f, 600.f ) * 1000 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerServer;
bool bPrevStringTableLockState = networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( false );
// Scan for models to unload. TODO: accelerate with a "models to potentially unload" list?
UtlHashHandle_t i = m_DynamicModels.FirstHandle();
while ( i != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
model_t *pModel = m_DynamicModels.Key( i );
CDynamicModelInfo& dyn = m_DynamicModels[ i ];
// UNLOAD THIS MODEL if zero refcount and not currently loading, and either timed out or never loaded
if ( dyn.m_iRefCount <= 0 && !(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING) &&
( ( now - (dyn.m_uLastTouchedMS_Div256 << 8) ) >= delay || !( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED ) ) )
// Remove from load queue
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED )
if ( !CancelDynamicModelLoad( &dyn, pModel ) )
// Couldn't remove from queue, advance to next entry and do not remove
i = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle(i);
// Unlock studiohdr_t
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED )
g_pMDLCache->UnlockStudioHdr( pModel->studio );
// There ought to be a better way to plumb this through, but this should be ok...
if ( sv.m_pDynamicModelTable )
int netidx = sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->FindStringIndex( pModel->szPathName );
if ( netidx != INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
char nIsLoaded = 0;
sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->SetStringUserData( netidx, 1, &nIsLoaded );
if ( pModel->nLoadFlags & FMODELLOADER_DYNAMIC )
pModel->nLoadFlags &= ~FMODELLOADER_DYNAMIC;
// Actually unload the model if all system references are gone
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] unload - deferred: non-dynamic reference\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName );
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "model %p [%s] unload\n", pModel, pModel->szPathName );
Studio_UnloadModel( pModel );
if ( mod_dynamicunloadtextures.GetBool() )
if ( ICallQueue* pCallQueue = materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() )
pCallQueue->QueueCall( materials, &IMaterialSystem::UncacheUnusedMaterials, false );
// Remove from table, advance to next entry
i = m_DynamicModels.RemoveAndAdvance(i);
// Advance to next entry in table
i = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle(i);
#ifdef _DEBUG
networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( bPrevStringTableLockState );
void CModelLoader::Client_OnServerModelStateChanged( model_t *pModel, bool bServerLoaded )
// Listen server don't distinguish between server and client ready, never use SERVERLOADING flag
if ( sv.IsActive() )
UtlHashHandle_t i = m_DynamicModels.Find( pModel );
if ( i != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[i];
if ( !bServerLoaded )
if ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::READY )
DynamicModelDebugMsg( "dynamic model [%s] loaded on client but not server! is this bad? unknown...", pModel->szPathName );
// The client side model may still be in use while the server side model is unloaded.
// We don't clear the READY flag for this reason. This means that new dynamic uses of
// the model on the client will trigger READY before the server is ready to show the
// model, and the client may show wrong animation state or body groups temporarily.
// Is this a real problem? We would require the ability for a model to be marked both
// as client-side AND networked in order to fix it, with separate refcounts...
//dyn.m_nLoadFlags &= ~CDynamicModelInfo::READY;
dyn.m_nLoadFlags |= CDynamicModelInfo::SERVERLOADING;
dyn.m_nLoadFlags &= ~CDynamicModelInfo::SERVERLOADING;
FinishDynamicModelLoadIfReady( &dyn, pModel );
void CModelLoader::ForceUnloadNonClientDynamicModels()
UtlHashHandle_t i = m_DynamicModels.FirstHandle();
while ( i != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle() )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[i];
dyn.m_iRefCount = dyn.m_iClientRefCount;
i = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle( i );
// Flush everything
InternalUpdateDynamicModels( true );
// reconstruct the ambient lighting for a leaf at the given position in worldspace
void Mod_LeafAmbientColorAtPos( Vector *pOut, const Vector &pos, int leafIndex )
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
mleafambientindex_t *pAmbient = &host_state.worldbrush->m_pLeafAmbient[leafIndex];
if ( !pAmbient->ambientSampleCount && pAmbient->firstAmbientSample )
// this leaf references another leaf, move there (this leaf is a solid leaf so it borrows samples from a neighbor)
leafIndex = pAmbient->firstAmbientSample;
pAmbient = &host_state.worldbrush->m_pLeafAmbient[leafIndex];
int count = pAmbient->ambientSampleCount;
if ( count > 0 )
int start = host_state.worldbrush->m_pLeafAmbient[leafIndex].firstAmbientSample;
mleafambientlighting_t *pSamples = host_state.worldbrush->m_pAmbientSamples + start;
mleaf_t *pLeaf = &host_state.worldbrush->leafs[leafIndex];
float totalFactor = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// do an inverse squared distance weighted average of the samples to reconstruct
// the original function
// the sample positions are packed as leaf bounds fractions, compute
Vector samplePos = pLeaf->m_vecCenter - pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal;
samplePos.x += float(pSamples[i].x) * pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal.x * (2.0f / 255.0f);
samplePos.y += float(pSamples[i].y) * pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal.y * (2.0f / 255.0f);
samplePos.z += float(pSamples[i].z) * pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal.z * (2.0f / 255.0f);
float dist = (samplePos - pos).LengthSqr();
float factor = 1.0f / (dist + 1.0f);
totalFactor += factor;
for ( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
Vector v;
ColorRGBExp32ToVector( pSamples[i].cube.m_Color[j], v );
pOut[j] += v * factor;
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
pOut[i] *= (1.0f / totalFactor);
#if defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 ) || defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC )
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC )
struct xModelList_t
char name[MAX_PATH];
int dataSize;
int numVertices;
int triCount;
int dataSizeLod0;
int numVerticesLod0;
int triCountLod0;
int numBones;
int numParts;
int numLODs;
int numMeshes;
int ComputeSize( studiohwdata_t *hwData, int *numVerts, int *pTriCount, bool onlyTopLod = false )
unsigned size = 0;
Assert(hwData && numVerts);
int max_lod = (onlyTopLod ? 1 : hwData->m_NumLODs);
*pTriCount = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < max_lod; i++ )
studioloddata_t *pLOD = &hwData->m_pLODs[i];
for ( int j = 0; j < hwData->m_NumStudioMeshes; j++ )
studiomeshdata_t *pMeshData = &pLOD->m_pMeshData[j];
for ( int k = 0; k < pMeshData->m_NumGroup; k++ )
studiomeshgroup_t *pMeshGroup = &pMeshData->m_pMeshGroup[k];
IMesh* mesh = pMeshGroup->m_pMesh;
size += mesh->ComputeMemoryUsed();
// This doesn't seem relevant since it has no bearing on GPU memory, but keeping it here
// on the PC, since the reason it's being aded back in is to look at differences between
// main and portal2.
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC )
size += 2 * pMeshGroup->m_NumVertices; // Size of m_pGroupIndexToMeshIndex[] array
*numVerts += mesh->VertexCount();
Assert( mesh->VertexCount() == pMeshGroup->m_NumVertices );
for ( int l = 0; l < pMeshGroup->m_NumStrips; ++l )
OptimizedModel::StripHeader_t *pStripData = &pMeshGroup->m_pStripData[l];
*pTriCount += pStripData->numIndices / 3;
return size;
// APSFIXME: needs to only do models that are resident, sizes might be wrong, i.e lacking compressed vert state?
CON_COMMAND( vx_model_list, "Dump models to VXConsole" )
CUtlVector< xModelList_t > modelList;
modelList.SetCount( modelloader->GetCount() );
int numActualModels = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < modelList.Count(); i++ )
const char* name = "Unknown";
int dataSizeLod0 = 0;
int dataSize = 0;
int numParts = 0;
int numBones = 0;
int numVertsLod0 = 0;
int numVerts = 0;
int numLODs = 0;
int numMeshes = 0;
int nTriCount = 0;
int nTriCountLod0 = 0;
model_t* model = modelloader->GetModelForIndex( i );
if ( model )
// other model types are not interesting
if ( model->type != mod_studio )
name = model->szPathName;
studiohwdata_t *hwData = g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( model->studio );
if ( hwData )
numMeshes = hwData->m_NumStudioMeshes;
numLODs = hwData->m_NumLODs;
dataSize = ComputeSize( hwData, &numVerts, &nTriCount, false );
dataSizeLod0 = ComputeSize( hwData, &numVertsLod0, &nTriCountLod0, true );
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)modelloader->GetExtraData( model );
numBones = pStudioHdr->numbones;
numParts = pStudioHdr->numbodyparts;
xModelList_t &modelInfo = modelList[numActualModels];
strcpy( modelInfo.name, name );
modelInfo.dataSize = dataSize;
modelInfo.numVertices = numVerts;
modelInfo.triCount = nTriCount;
modelInfo.dataSizeLod0 = dataSizeLod0;
modelInfo.numVerticesLod0 = numVertsLod0;
modelInfo.triCountLod0 = nTriCountLod0;
modelInfo.numParts = numParts;
modelInfo.numBones = numBones;
modelInfo.numLODs = numLODs;
modelInfo.numMeshes = numMeshes;
#if defined( _X360 )
XBX_rModelList( numActualModels, modelList.Base() );
#elif defined( _PS3 )
g_pValvePS3Console->ModelList( numActualModels, modelList.Base() ); // super stupid, it just gets copied into yet another cutlvec on the other side, but that's the way the 360 ver does it.
#elif defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC )
extern IVEngineClient *engineClient;
char csvFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_snprintf( csvFileName, MAX_PATH, "modellist_%s.csv", engineClient->GetLevelNameShort() );
Msg( "Writing model list to ""%s""...\n", csvFileName );
FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( csvFileName, "w" );
g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "Model,DataSize,Tris,Verts,DataSize (LOD0),Tris (LOD0),Verts (LOD0),Parts,Bones,LODs,Meshes\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < numActualModels; ++ i )
g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( fileHandle, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
modelList[ i ].name, modelList[ i ].dataSize, modelList[ i ].triCount, modelList[ i ].numVertices, modelList[ i ].dataSizeLod0, modelList[ i ].triCountLod0, modelList[ i ].numVerticesLod0,
modelList[ i ].numParts, modelList[ i ].numBones, modelList[ i ].numLODs, modelList[ i ].numMeshes );
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
#endif // _X360 || PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC
CON_COMMAND_F( mod_dynamicmodeldebug, "debug spew for dynamic model loading", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD )
#include "server.h"
#include "client.h"
void CModelLoader::DebugPrintDynamicModels()
Msg( "network table (server):\n" );
if ( sv.m_pDynamicModelTable )
for ( int i = 0; i < sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->GetNumStrings(); ++i )
int dummy = 0;
char* data = (char*) sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->GetStringUserData( i, &dummy );
bool bLoadedOnServer = !(data && dummy && data[0] == 0);
Msg( "%3i: %c %s\n", i, bLoadedOnServer ? '*' : ' ', sv.m_pDynamicModelTable->GetString(i) );
Msg( "\nnetwork table (client):\n" );
if ( GetBaseLocalClient().m_pDynamicModelTable )
for ( int i = 0; i < GetBaseLocalClient().m_pDynamicModelTable->GetNumStrings(); ++i )
int dummy = 0;
char* data = (char*) GetBaseLocalClient().m_pDynamicModelTable->GetStringUserData( i, &dummy );
bool bLoadedOnServer = !(data && dummy && data[0] == 0);
Msg( "%3i: %c %s\n", i, bLoadedOnServer ? '*' : ' ', GetBaseLocalClient().m_pDynamicModelTable->GetString(i) );
extern IVModelInfo *modelinfo;
extern IVModelInfoClient *modelinfoclient;
Msg( "\ndynamic models:\n" );
for ( UtlHashHandle_t h = m_DynamicModels.FirstHandle(); h != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle(); h = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle(h) )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[h];
int idx = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( m_DynamicModels.Key(h)->szPathName );
if ( idx == -1 ) idx = modelinfoclient->GetModelIndex( m_DynamicModels.Key(h)->szPathName );
Msg( "%d (%d%c): %s [ref: %d (%dc)] %s%s%s%s%s\n", idx, ((-2 - idx) >> 1), (idx & 1) ? 'c' : 's',
m_DynamicModels.Key(h)->szPathName, dyn.m_iRefCount, dyn.m_iClientRefCount,
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED) ? " QUEUED" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING) ? " LOADING" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED) ? " LOCKED" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::READY) ? " READY" : "" ,
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::COMBINED) ? " COMBINED" : "" );
#if !defined ( _CERT )
CON_COMMAND( mod_combiner_info, "debug spew for Combiner Info" )
void CModelLoader::DebugCombinerInfo()
extern IVModelInfo *modelinfo;
extern IVModelInfoClient *modelinfoclient;
Msg( "Dynamic Combined Models:\n" );
for ( UtlHashHandle_t h = m_DynamicModels.FirstHandle(); h != m_DynamicModels.InvalidHandle(); h = m_DynamicModels.NextHandle(h) )
CDynamicModelInfo &dyn = m_DynamicModels[h];
if ( ( dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::COMBINED ) == 0 )
int idx = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( m_DynamicModels.Key( h )->szPathName );
if ( idx == -1 ) idx = modelinfoclient->GetModelIndex( m_DynamicModels.Key( h )->szPathName );
Msg( "%d ( %d : %s ): %s [ reference count: %d / %d client ] %s%s%s%s%s\n", idx, ((-2 - idx) >> 1), (idx & 1) ? "client" : "server",
m_DynamicModels.Key(h)->szPathName, dyn.m_iRefCount, dyn.m_iClientRefCount,
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::QUEUED) ? " QUEUED" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOADING) ? " LOADING" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::LOCKED) ? " LOCKED" : "",
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::READY) ? " READY" : "" ,
(dyn.m_nLoadFlags & CDynamicModelInfo::COMBINED) ? " COMBINED" : "" );
Msg( "\n" );