4566 lines
128 KiB
4566 lines
128 KiB
//========= Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// baseserver.cpp: implementation of the CBaseServer class.
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360)
#include "winlite.h" // FILETIME
#elif defined(OSX) || defined(CYGWIN)
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#elif defined(LINUX)
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <asm/param.h> // for HZ
#include <netinet/in.h>
#elif defined(_X360)
#elif defined(_PS3)
#error "Includes for CPU usage calcs here"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "baseserver.h"
#include "hltvserver.h"
#include "sysexternal.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "master.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
#include "sv_packedentities.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "dt_recv_eng.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "SteamUserIDValidation.h"
#include <proto_oob.h>
#include <vstdlib/random.h>
#include <irecipientfilter.h>
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <tier0/vprof.h>
#include <cdll_int.h>
#include <eiface.h>
#include <client_class.h>
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "sv_ipratelimit.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "mathlib/IceKey.H"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "sv_plugin.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CThreadFastMutex g_svInstanceBaselineMutex;
// BUGBUG: JAY: Leaving this here for some of the matchmaking code. I don't want to delete the code or enable it
// in other games yet. (came over in the merge and will be rationalized later)
#define IsLeft4Dead() false
// Give new data to Steam's master server updater every N seconds.
// This is NOT how often packets are sent to master servers, only how often the
// game server talks to Steam's master server updater (which is on the game server's
// machine, not the Steam servers).
// Steam has a matching one in matchmakingtypes.h
bool g_bSteamMasterHeartbeatsEnabled = false;
int SortServerTags( char* const *p1, char* const *p2 )
return ( Q_strcmp( *p1, *p2 ) > 0 );
struct NoReentry_t
NoReentry_t( int *pn ) : m_pn( pn ) { ++ *m_pn; }
~NoReentry_t() { -- *m_pn; }
int *m_pn;
static void ServerTagsCleanUp( void )
static int s_nNoReentry = 0;
if ( s_nNoReentry )
NoReentry_t noReentry( &s_nNoReentry );
CUtlVector<char*> TagList;
ConVarRef sv_tags( "sv_tags" );
if ( sv_tags.IsValid() )
int i;
char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
tmptags[0] = '\0';
V_SplitString( sv_tags.GetString(), ",", TagList );
// make a pass on the tags to eliminate preceding whitespace and empty tags
for ( i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
char *pChar = TagList[i];
while ( *pChar && *pChar == ' ' )
// make sure we don't have an empty string (all spaces or ,,)
if ( *pChar )
Q_strncat( tmptags, pChar, MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
// reset our lists and sort the tags
V_SplitString( tmptags, ",", TagList );
TagList.Sort( SortServerTags );
tmptags[0] = '\0';
// create our new, sorted list of tags
for ( i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
Q_strncat( tmptags, TagList[i], MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
// set our convar and purge our list
if ( Q_strcmp( tmptags, sv_tags.GetString() ) )
sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );
static void SvTagsChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
if ( sv.IsActive() )
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, "heartbeat\n" );
static void SvGameDataChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
// TODO: sv.UpdateGameData();
if ( sv.IsActive() )
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, "heartbeat\n" );
extern ConVar sv_search_key;
extern ConVar sv_lan;
extern ConVar cl_hideserverip;
ConVar sv_region( "sv_region","-1", FCVAR_NONE | FCVAR_RELEASE, "The region of the world to report this server in." );
static ConVar sv_instancebaselines( "sv_instancebaselines", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead." );
static ConVar sv_stats( "sv_stats", "1", 0, "Collect CPU usage stats" );
static ConVar sv_enableoldqueries( "sv_enableoldqueries", "0", 0, "Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries" );
static ConVar sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment( "sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Adjust server tickrate upon reservation" );
static void SvPasswordChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
ConVarRef cvref( pConVar );
bool bOldPassword = ( pOldValue && pOldValue[0] && Q_stricmp( pOldValue, "none" ) );
char const *pNewValue = cvref.GetString();
bool bNewPassword = ( pNewValue && pNewValue[0] && Q_stricmp( pNewValue, "none" ) );
if ( ( sv.GetNumHumanPlayers() > 0 ) || sv.IsReserved() )
if ( !bOldPassword && bNewPassword )
Msg( "Cannot require sv_password when server is already reserved or clients connected!\n" );
cvref.SetValue( "" );
static ConVar sv_password( "sv_password", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_PROTECTED | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Server password for entry into multiplayer games", SvPasswordChangeCallback );
ConVar sv_tags( "sv_tags", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.", SvTagsChangeCallback );
ConVar sv_visiblemaxplayers( "sv_visiblemaxplayers", "-1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients" );
ConVar sv_alternateticks( "sv_alternateticks", ( IsX360() ) ? "1" : "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.\n" );
ConVar sv_allow_wait_command( "sv_allow_wait_command", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server." );
#if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// We are switching CStrike to always have lobbies associated with servers for community matchmaking
ConVar sv_allow_lobby_connect_only( "sv_allow_lobby_connect_only", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "If set, players may only join this server from matchmaking lobby, may not connect directly." );
static ConVar sv_reservation_timeout( "sv_reservation_timeout", "45", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.", true, 5.0f, true, 180.0f );
static ConVar sv_reservation_grace( "sv_reservation_grace", "5", 0, "Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.", true, 3.0f, true, 30.0f );
ConVar sv_steamgroup( "sv_steamgroup", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_RELEASE, "The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community.", SvGameDataChangeCallback );
ConVar sv_steamgroup_exclusive( "sv_steamgroup_exclusive", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players." );
static void SvMmQueueReservationChanged( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
if ( serverGameDLL )
ConVar sv_mmqueue_reservation( "sv_mmqueue_reservation", "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "Server queue reservation", SvMmQueueReservationChanged );
ConVar sv_mmqueue_reservation_timeout( "sv_mmqueue_reservation_timeout", "21", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Time in seconds before mmqueue reservation expires.", true, 5.0f, true, 180.0f );
ConVar sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout( "sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout", "21", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Extended time in seconds before mmqueue reservation expires.", true, 5.0f, true, 180.0f );
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerServer;
extern ConVar sv_stressbots;
int g_CurGameServerID = 1;
static void SetMasterServerKeyValue( ISteamGameServer *pGameServer, IConVar *pConVar )
ConVarRef var( pConVar );
// For protected cvars, don't send the string
if ( var.IsFlagSet( FCVAR_PROTECTED ) )
// If it has a value string and the string is not "none"
if ( ( strlen( var.GetString() ) > 0 ) &&
stricmp( var.GetString(), "none" ) )
pGameServer->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), "1" );
pGameServer->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), "0" );
pGameServer->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), var.GetString() );
if ( Steam3Server().BIsActive() )
static KeyValues *g_pKVrulesConvars = NULL;
static void ServerNotifyVarChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
if ( !pConVar->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NOTIFY ) )
if ( !g_pKVrulesConvars->GetBool( pConVar->GetName() ) )
ISteamGameServer *pGameServer = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
if ( !pGameServer )
// This will force it to send all the rules whenever the master server updater is there.
SetMasterServerKeyValue( pGameServer, pConVar );
// Construction/Destruction
CBaseServer::CBaseServer() :
m_ServerQueryChallenges( 0, 1024 ), // start with 1K of entries, and alloc in 1K chunks
m_BaselineHandles( DefLessFunc( int ) ),
m_flFlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdownTime( 0 )
// Just get a unique ID to talk to the steam master server updater.
m_bRestartOnLevelChange = false;
m_StringTables = NULL;
m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL;
m_pLightStyleTable = NULL;
m_pUserInfoTable = NULL;
m_pServerStartupTable = NULL;
m_pDownloadableFileTable = NULL;
m_fLastCPUCheckTime = 0;
m_fStartTime = 0;
m_fCPUPercent = 0;
m_Socket = NS_SERVER;
m_nTickCount = 0;
m_szMapname[0] = 0;
m_szBaseMapname[0] = 0;
m_szMapGroupName[0] = 0;
m_szSkyname[0] = 0;
m_Password[0] = 0;
worldmapCRC = 0;
clientDllCRC = 0;
stringTableCRC = 0;
serverclasses = serverclassbits = 0;
m_nMaxclients = m_nSpawnCount = 0;
m_flTickInterval = 0.03;
m_flTimescale = 1.0f;
m_nUserid = 0;
m_bIsDedicated = false;
m_bIsDedicatedForXbox = false;
m_bIsDedicatedForPS3 = false;
m_fCPUPercent = 0;
m_fLastCPUCheckTime = 0;
m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = true;
m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime = 0;
m_nReservationCookie = 0;
m_pnReservationCookieSession = NULL;
m_flReservationExpiryTime = -1.0f;
m_flTimeLastClientLeft = -1.0f;
m_numGameSlots = 0;
m_flTimeReservationGraceStarted = -1.0f;
m_GameDataVersion = 0;
m_nMatchId = 0;
Make sure connecting client is not spoofing
bool CBaseServer::CheckChallengeNr( const ns_address &adr, int nChallengeValue )
// See if the challenge is valid
// Don't care if it is a local address.
if ( adr.IsLoopback() )
return true;
// X360TBD: network
if ( IsX360() || IsDedicatedForXbox() )
return true;
for (int i=0 ; i<m_ServerQueryChallenges.Count() ; i++)
if ( adr.CompareAdr(m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].adr, true) ) // base adr only
if (nChallengeValue != m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].challenge)
return false;
if ( net_time > ( m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].time+ CHALLENGE_LIFETIME) ) // allow challenge values to last for 1 hour
ConMsg( "Old challenge from %s.\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
return false;
return true;
// clean up any old entries
if ( net_time > ( m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].time+ CHALLENGE_LIFETIME) )
i--; // backup one as we just shifted the whole vector back by the deleted element
if ( nChallengeValue != -1 )
ConDMsg( "No challenge from %s.\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() ); // this is a common message
return false;
bool CBaseServer::CanAcceptChallengesFrom( const ns_address &adrFrom ) const
// check timeout
if ( m_flTimeReservationGraceStarted < 0 )
return true;
if ( ( net_time - m_flTimeReservationGraceStarted ) > sv_reservation_grace.GetFloat() )
return true;
// otherwise can only accept from a single address
return adrFrom.CompareAdr( m_adrReservationGraceStarted );
const char *CBaseServer::GetPassword() const
const char *password = sv_password.GetString();
// if password is empty or "none", return NULL
if ( !password[0] || !Q_stricmp(password, "none" ) )
return NULL;
return password;
void CBaseServer::SetPassword(const char *password)
if ( password != NULL )
Q_strncpy( m_Password, password, sizeof(m_Password) );
m_Password[0] = 0; // clear password
int CBaseServer::GetNextUserID()
// Note: we'll usually exit on the first pass of this loop..
for ( int i=0; i < m_Clients.Count()+1; i++ )
int nTestID = (m_nUserid + i + 1) % SHRT_MAX;
// Make sure no client has this user ID.
int iClient;
for ( iClient=0; iClient < m_Clients.Count(); iClient++ )
if ( m_Clients[iClient]->GetUserID() == nTestID )
// Ok, no client has this ID, so return it.
if ( iClient == m_Clients.Count() )
return nTestID;
Assert( !"GetNextUserID: can't find a unique ID." );
return m_nUserid + 1;
bool CBaseServer::IsSinglePlayerGame() const
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
if ( sv.IsDedicated() )
return false;
if ( m_nMaxclients <= 1 )
return true;
#if !defined( PORTAL2 ) && !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// Portal 2 offline splitscreen games should NOT be paused
// transition movies during loading rely on player think functions
// See bugbait 81253: https://bugbait.valvesoftware.com/show_bug.cgi?id=81253
if ( IMatchSession *pIMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
if ( KeyValues *pSettings = pIMatchSession->GetSessionSettings() )
char const *szNetwork = pSettings->GetString( "system/network", "" );
if ( szNetwork && !Q_stricmp( szNetwork, "offline" ) )
return true;
return false;
Initializes a CSVClient for a new net connection. This will only be called
once for a player each game, not once for each level change.
IClient *CBaseServer::ConnectClient ( const ns_address &adr, int protocol, int challenge, int authProtocol,
const char *name, const char *password, const char *hashedCDkey, int cdKeyLen,
CUtlVector< CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t * > & splitScreenClients, bool isClientLowViolence, CrossPlayPlatform_t clientPlatform,
const byte *pbEncryptionKey, int nEncryptionKeyIndex )
ns_address_render sAdr( adr );
#ifdef IHV_DEMO
if ( !adr.IsLoopback() )
Warning( "This demo version only works as a listen server. Ignoring connection request from %s\n", adr.ToString() );
return NULL;
DevMsg( "IHV Demo Version - Connected to loopback client.\n");
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient" );
if ( !IsActive() )
DevMsg( "Server not active, ignoring %s\n", sAdr.String() );
return NULL;
if ( !name || !password || !hashedCDkey )
DevMsg( "Bad auth data from %s\n", sAdr.String() );
return NULL;
// Make sure protocols match up
if ( !CheckProtocol( adr, protocol ) )
DevMsg( "Protocol error from %s\n", sAdr.String() );
return NULL;
if ( !CheckChallengeNr( adr, challenge ) )
RejectConnection( adr, "Bad challenge.\n");
return NULL;
bool bIsLocalConnection = adr.IsLocalhost() || adr.IsLoopback();
#ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections() && !IsReserved() && !bIsLocalConnection )
RejectConnection( adr, "Server only accepting connections from game lobby %s %d.\n", sAdr.String(), challenge );
return NULL;
// Listen server level background map is always a single
// player map, don't allow shenanigans or mayhem.
// Also, if the user started a "single player" campaign, don't let anyone else join
if ( !IsDedicated() &&
!bIsLocalConnection )
if ( sv.IsLevelMainMenuBackground() )
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Background_Map" );
return NULL;
if ( IsSinglePlayerGame() )
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Single_Player" );
return NULL;
if ( ShouldHideServer() )
// Right now, hidden means commentary, "solo" or background map (l4d), the former of which are covered above.
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Hidden_Game" );
return NULL;
// SourceTV checks password & restrictions later once we know
// if its a normal spectator client or a relay proxy
if ( !IsHLTV() && !IsReplay() )
#ifndef NO_STEAM
// LAN servers restrict to class b IP addresses
if ( !CheckIPRestrictions( adr, authProtocol ) )
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_LAN_Game");
return NULL;
if ( !CheckPassword( adr, password, name ) )
// failed
ConMsg ( "%s: password failed.\n", sAdr.String() );
// Special rejection handler.
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Bad_Password" );
return NULL;
if ( m_numGameSlots )
int numSlotsRequested = splitScreenClients.Count();
if ( GetNumClients() - GetNumFakeClients() + numSlotsRequested > m_numGameSlots )
bool bClientReconnecting = false;
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < m_Clients.Count() ; slot++ )
CBaseClient *client = m_Clients[slot];
if ( client->IsFakeClient() )
if ( client->IsConnected() && adr.CompareAdr ( client->m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress() ) )
ConMsg ( "%s:reconnect\n", sAdr.String() );
bClientReconnecting = true;
if ( ( numSlotsRequested == 1 ) && bClientReconnecting )
// Allow client to proceed with the connection normally and take over their self
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Server_Full" );
return NULL; // cannot accept, exceeding game mode slot count
// Let a GOTV server redirect the client immediately without further
// handshake and netchannel work if the redirect is known to be required
// at this point.
ns_address netAdrRedirect;
if ( GetRedirectAddressForConnectClient( adr, splitScreenClients, &netAdrRedirect ) )
if ( netAdrRedirect.IsValid() )
RejectConnection( adr, "ConnectRedirectAddress:%s\n", ns_address_render( netAdrRedirect ).String() );
return NULL;
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient: GetFreeClient" );
CBaseClient *client = GetFreeClient( adr );
if ( !client )
RejectConnection( adr, "#Valve_Reject_Server_Full" );
return NULL; // no free slot found
int nNextUserID = GetNextUserID();
if ( !CheckChallengeType( client, nNextUserID, adr, authProtocol, hashedCDkey, cdKeyLen ) ) // we use the client pointer to track steam requests
return NULL;
#ifndef _HLTVTEST
if ( !FinishCertificateCheck( adr, authProtocol, hashedCDkey ) )
return NULL;
// Make sure client user info carries correct cookie
bool bValidatedUserInfo = false;
if ( GetReservationCookie() != 0u )
if ( splitScreenClients.Count() )
const CMsg_CVars& convars = splitScreenClients[0]->convars();
for ( int i = 0; i< convars.cvars_size(); ++i )
const char *cvname = NetMsgGetCVarUsingDictionary( convars.cvars(i) );
const char *value = convars.cvars(i).value().c_str();
if ( stricmp( cvname, "cl_session" ) )
uint64 uid;
if ( sscanf( value, "$%llx", &uid ) != 1 )
Warning( "failed to parse session id %s\n", value );
if ( uid == GetReservationCookie() )
bValidatedUserInfo = true;
Warning( "mismatching cookie from %s, client %llx, server %llx!\n",
sAdr.String(), uid, GetReservationCookie() );
bValidatedUserInfo = true;
// If we failed to validate user info - reject
if ( !bValidatedUserInfo )
RejectConnection( adr, "Invalid user info.\n" );
return NULL;
// Final validation chance by server.dll
if ( char const *szGameServerError = serverGameDLL->ClientConnectionValidatePreNetChan( ( this == &sv ), sAdr.String(), authProtocol, client->m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64() ) )
RejectConnection( adr, "%s", szGameServerError );
return NULL;
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient: NET_CreateNetChannel" );
// Fix the empty name from FCVAR_USERINFO data
// for ( int k = 0; !name[ 0 ] && ( k < splitScreenPlayers.Count() ); ++k )
char const *pchClientConnectionName = name;
if ( !pchClientConnectionName[ 0 ] && splitScreenClients.Count() )
for ( int iCvar = 0; iCvar < splitScreenClients[ 0 ]->convars().cvars().size(); ++iCvar )
CMsg_CVars::CVar const &rCvarInfo = splitScreenClients[ 0 ]->convars().cvars( iCvar );
if ( !V_strcmp( "name", NetMsgGetCVarUsingDictionary( rCvarInfo ) ) )
pchClientConnectionName = rCvarInfo.value().c_str();
// Use an override for connection name
pchClientConnectionName = serverGameClients->ClientNameHandler( client->m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64(), pchClientConnectionName );
// create network channel
// Encryption keys for the client must have been received previously
INetChannel * netchan = NET_CreateNetChannel( m_Socket, &adr, pchClientConnectionName, client, pbEncryptionKey, false );
if ( !netchan )
RejectConnection( adr, "Failed to create net channel.\n");
return NULL;
// setup netchannl settings
netchan->SetChallengeNr( challenge );
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient: client->Connect" );
// make sure client is reset and clear
client->Connect( pchClientConnectionName, nNextUserID, netchan,
false, // real client
(splitScreenClients.Count() > 0) ? &splitScreenClients[0]->convars() : NULL ); // userinfo if supplied
client->m_bLowViolence = isClientLowViolence;
m_nUserid = nNextUserID;
// Will get reset from userinfo, but this value comes from sv_updaterate ( the default )
client->m_fSnapshotInterval = 1.0f/20.0f;
client->m_fNextMessageTime = net_time + client->m_fSnapshotInterval;
// Force a full delta update on first packet.
client->m_nDeltaTick = -1;
client->m_nSignonTick = 0;
client->m_nStringTableAckTick = 0;
client->m_pLastSnapshot = NULL;
// Tell client connection worked, now use netchannels
NET_OutOfBandPrintf ( m_Socket, adr, "%c.%08X.0000.0000.0000.0000.", S2C_CONNECTION, nEncryptionKeyIndex );
// Set up client structure.
if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY )
// use hased CD key as player GUID
Q_strncpy ( client->m_GUID, hashedCDkey, SIGNED_GUID_LEN );
client->m_GUID[SIGNED_GUID_LEN] = '\0';
else if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
// StartSteamValidation() above initialized the clients networkid
//now process the split screen clients who came in with this client
for( int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex < splitScreenClients.Count(); ++ playerIndex )
ConMsg( "Processing Split Screen connection packet.\n" );
client->CLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect( *splitScreenClients[ playerIndex ] );
if ( netchan && !netchan->IsLoopback() )
ConMsg("Client \"%s\" connected (%s).\n", client->GetClientName(), cl_hideserverip.GetInt()>0 ? "<ip hidden>" : netchan->GetAddress() );
// Once someone is successfully on the server, it'll hibernate when client count goes to zero
m_flReservationExpiryTime = 0.0f;
m_flTimeLastClientLeft = -1.0f;
return client;
Return true if this server query must provide a valid challenge number
bool CBaseServer::RequireValidChallenge( const ns_address &adr )
if ( sv_enableoldqueries.GetBool() == true )
return false; // don't enforce challenge numbers
return true;
Return true if this challenge number is correct for this host (for server queries)
bool CBaseServer::ValidChallenge( const ns_address & adr, int challengeNr )
if ( !IsActive() ) // Must be running a server.
return false ;
if ( !IsMultiplayer() ) // ignore in single player
return false ;
if ( RequireValidChallenge( adr) )
if ( !CheckChallengeNr( adr, challengeNr ) )
ReplyServerChallenge( adr );
return false;
return true;
bool CBaseServer::ValidInfoChallenge( const ns_address & adr, const char *nugget )
if ( !IsActive() ) // Must be running a server.
return false ;
if ( !IsMultiplayer() ) // ignore in single player
return false ;
if ( RequireValidChallenge( adr) )
if ( Q_stricmp( nugget, A2S_KEY_STRING ) ) // if the string isn't equal then fail out
return false;
return true;
bool CBaseServer::ProcessConnectionlessPacket(netpacket_t * packet)
// NOTE: msg is copy-constructed from packet->message, so reading
// from "msg" will not advance read-pointer in "packet->message"!!!
// ... and vice-versa, hence passing "packet" to a nested function
// will make that function receive the original unprocessed message.
// [ this differs from client-side connectionless packet processing ]
if ( !CheckConnectionLessRateLimits( packet->from ) )
return false;
bf_read msg = packet->message; // handy shortcut
char c = msg.ReadChar();
if ( !IsActive() || !Host_ShouldRun() )
// Server should not be processing most of the traffic in this
// state except client LAN searches
if ( IsDedicated() )
return true;
if ( c != 0 )
return true;
switch ( c )
case A2A_PING : NET_OutOfBandPrintf (packet->source, packet->from, "%c00000000000000", A2A_ACK );
case A2A_PRINT : // Don't spew to server console, this was being used to spam the server console since we publish server public IP addresses...
case A2A_ACK : ConMsg ("A2A_ACK from %s\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String() );
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
// Drop packet if we don't yet have our Steam ID
// because we're still logging on
if ( !Steam3Server().BHasLogonResult() )
ReplyChallenge( packet->from, msg );
case A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE: ReplyServerChallenge( packet->from );
int protocol = msg.ReadLong();
uint64 uiXuid = msg.ReadLongLong();
uint64 uiSessionId = msg.ReadLongLong();
Msg( "C2S_VALIDATE_SESSION from %llx, session %llx, protocol %d.\n", uiXuid, uiSessionId, protocol );
if ( GetHostVersion() == protocol )
extern void HostValidateSessionImpl();
case C2S_CONNECT : { char cdkey[STEAM_KEYSIZE];
char name[256] = {};
char password[256] = {};
int protocol = msg.ReadLong();
int authProtocol = msg.ReadLong();
int challengeNr = msg.ReadLong();
msg.ReadString( name, sizeof(name) );
msg.ReadString( password, sizeof(password) );
//decode split screen player info from the message
int numPlayers = msg.ReadByte();
if ( numPlayers > host_state.max_splitscreen_players || numPlayers < 0 )
{ // Make sure we reject connection early, otherwise it will trigger Disconnect
// freeing client inside ConnectClient and cause memory access violation
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s, players = %u.\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String(), numPlayers );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "No more split screen slots!" );
struct AutoCleanupVectorPlayers_t : public CUtlVector< CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t * >
{ ~AutoCleanupVectorPlayers_t() { PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } }
if( numPlayers > 0 )
for( int playerCount = 0; playerCount < numPlayers; ++ playerCount ) // get CLC_SplitPlayerConnect msg for all players even if only one is connecting
msg.ReadVarInt32(); //the packet type.
CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t *pSplitPlayerConnect = new CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t;
splitScreenPlayers.AddToTail( pSplitPlayerConnect );
if ( !pSplitPlayerConnect->ReadFromBuffer( msg ) )
numPlayers = -1; // Trigger an error
else if ( pSplitPlayerConnect->convars().cvars_size() )
{ // Make sure convars are expanded using dictionary
for ( int iCV = 0; iCV < pSplitPlayerConnect->convars().cvars_size(); ++ iCV )
CMsg_CVars::CVar *convar = pSplitPlayerConnect->mutable_convars()->mutable_cvars( iCV );
NetMsgExpandCVarUsingDictionary( convar );
if ( numPlayers < 0 )
{ // Catch malformed user info
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s, malformed userinfo.\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String() );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "No more split screen slots!" );
bool isClientLowViolence = msg.ReadOneBit() != 0;
uint64 nReservationCookie = msg.ReadLongLong();
CrossPlayPlatform_t clientPlatform = (CrossPlayPlatform_t)msg.ReadByte();
if( (clientPlatform == CROSSPLAYPLATFORM_UNKNOWN) || (clientPlatform > CROSSPLAYPLATFORM_LAST) )
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s, client's cross-play platform is unrecognized.\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String() );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "Invalid cross-play platform id\n" );
bool bIsLocalConnection = packet->from.IsLocalhost() || packet->from.IsLoopback();
// On a listen server, local player always gets on regardless of cookie
if ( IsDedicated() || !bIsLocalConnection )
if ( IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections() &&
m_nReservationCookie != nReservationCookie )
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s, client's reservation cookie %llx does not match servers's cookie %llx.\n",
ns_address_render( packet->from ).String(), nReservationCookie, m_nReservationCookie );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "#Valve_Reject_Connect_From_Lobby" );
// if this server is currently reserved, only allow connection if the client provides the cookie the server was reserved with
if ( IsReserved() && m_nReservationCookie != nReservationCookie )
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s (reservation cookie 0x%llx), server is reserved with reservation cookie 0x%llx "
"for %.1f more seconds\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String(), nReservationCookie, m_nReservationCookie,
( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "#Valve_Reject_Reserved_For_Lobby" );
// Check if we are running with a special flag and not advertise to Steam
if ( !V_strcmp( g_pLaunchOptions->GetFirstSubKey()->GetNextKey()->GetNextKey()->GetString(), "server_is_unavailable" ) )
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s (reservation cookie 0x%llx), server is reserved with reservation cookie 0x%llx "
"for %.1f more seconds, running with tag server_is_unavailable\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String(), nReservationCookie, m_nReservationCookie,
( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "#Valve_Reject_Workshop_Loading" );
// Get client certificate
const byte *pbNetEncryptPrivateKey = NULL;
int cbNetEncryptPrivateKey = 0;
bool bNetEncryptPrivateKey = NET_CryptGetNetworkCertificate( k_ENetworkCertificate_PrivateKey, &pbNetEncryptPrivateKey, &cbNetEncryptPrivateKey );
// Read whether the client would like to use encryption key?
byte *pbClientPlainKey = NULL;
int nEncryptionKeyIndex = msg.ReadLong();
// Peek into client-supplied speculative accountid
static bool s_bExternalCryptKeys = ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-externalnetworkcryptkey" ) != NULL );
AccountID_t unAccountIDfor3rdParties = 0;
if ( s_bExternalCryptKeys && splitScreenPlayers.Count() )
const CMsg_CVars& convars = splitScreenPlayers[ 0 ]->convars();
for ( int i = 0; i < convars.cvars_size(); ++i )
const char *cvname = NetMsgGetCVarUsingDictionary( convars.cvars( i ) );
const char *value = convars.cvars( i ).value().c_str();
if ( stricmp( cvname, "accountid" ) )
if ( unAccountIDfor3rdParties )
unAccountIDfor3rdParties = 0;
unAccountIDfor3rdParties = Q_atoi( value );
// Community-servers feature to manage encryption keys in their secure clients
if ( s_bExternalCryptKeys )
bool bClientWantsToUseCryptKey = ( nEncryptionKeyIndex != 0 );
bNetEncryptPrivateKey = g_pServerPluginHandler->BNetworkCryptKeyCheckRequired( packet->from.GetIP(), packet->from.GetPort(),
unAccountIDfor3rdParties, bClientWantsToUseCryptKey );
if ( nEncryptionKeyIndex )
int numEncryptedBytes = msg.ReadLong();
if ( ( numEncryptedBytes > 0 ) && ( numEncryptedBytes <= 256 ) )
byte *pbEncryptedKey = ( byte * ) stackalloc( numEncryptedBytes );
msg.ReadBytes( pbEncryptedKey, numEncryptedBytes );
// Community-servers feature to manage encryption keys in their secure clients
if ( s_bExternalCryptKeys )
// Client can send whatever gibberish they want, plugins manage the encryption keys
byte chPlainKey[ 1024 ] = {};
if ( g_pServerPluginHandler->BNetworkCryptKeyValidate( packet->from.GetIP(), packet->from.GetPort(), unAccountIDfor3rdParties,
nEncryptionKeyIndex, numEncryptedBytes, pbEncryptedKey, chPlainKey ) )
pbClientPlainKey = ( byte * ) stackalloc( NET_CRYPT_KEY_LENGTH );
Q_memcpy( pbClientPlainKey, chPlainKey, NET_CRYPT_KEY_LENGTH );
// Server will send the certificate and its signature down to the client
byte chPlainKey[ 1024 ] = {};
if ( bNetEncryptPrivateKey && NET_CryptVerifyClientSessionKey( serverGameDLL->IsValveDS(),
pbNetEncryptPrivateKey, cbNetEncryptPrivateKey,
pbEncryptedKey, numEncryptedBytes,
chPlainKey, Q_ARRAYSIZE( chPlainKey ) ) )
pbClientPlainKey = ( byte * ) stackalloc( NET_CRYPT_KEY_LENGTH );
Q_memcpy( pbClientPlainKey, chPlainKey, NET_CRYPT_KEY_LENGTH );
if ( ( this == &sv ) && bNetEncryptPrivateKey && !pbClientPlainKey )
DevMsg( "Rejecting connection request from %s, no certificate.\n", ns_address_render( packet->from ).String() );
RejectConnection( packet->from, "Invalid certificate\n" );
if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
int keyLen = msg.ReadShort();
if ( keyLen < 0 || keyLen > sizeof(cdkey) )
RejectConnection( packet->from, "Invalid Steam key length\n" );
msg.ReadBytes( cdkey, keyLen );
ConnectClient( packet->from, protocol,
challengeNr, authProtocol, name, password, cdkey, keyLen, splitScreenPlayers, isClientLowViolence, clientPlatform,
pbClientPlainKey, nEncryptionKeyIndex ); // cd key is actually a raw encrypted key
msg.ReadString( cdkey, sizeof(cdkey) );
ConnectClient( packet->from, protocol,
challengeNr, authProtocol, name, password, cdkey, strlen(cdkey), splitScreenPlayers, isClientLowViolence, clientPlatform,
pbClientPlainKey, nEncryptionKeyIndex );
case A2A_CUSTOM : // TODO fire game event with string and adr so 3rd party tool can get it
case A2S_RESERVE : ReplyReservationRequest( packet->from, msg );
case A2S_RESERVE_CHECK : ReplyReservationCheckRequest( packet->from, msg );
case A2S_PING:
if ( msg.ReadLong() == GetHostVersion() )
uint32 token = msg.ReadLong();
char buffer[64];
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
msg.WriteByte( S2A_PING_RESPONSE );
msg.WriteLong( GetHostVersion() );
msg.WriteLong( token );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, packet->from, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
case 0 :
// Feed into matchmaking
KeyValues *notify = new KeyValues( "OnNetLanConnectionlessPacket" );
notify->SetPtr( "rawpkt", packet );
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( notify );
case A2S_INFO:
// Handle A2S_INFO ourselves, we are concealing SteamID of the game server and report players differently
if ( g_bSteamMasterHeartbeatsEnabled )
extern ConVar host_info_show;
switch ( host_info_show.GetInt() )
case 2:
goto steam3server_oob_packet_handler;
case 1:
// Validate challenge
char nugget[ 64 ];
if ( !msg.ReadString( nugget, sizeof( nugget ) ) )
if ( !ValidInfoChallenge( packet->from, nugget ) )
// Respond
extern AppId_t g_unSteamAppID;
AppId_t appIdResponse = g_unSteamAppID ? g_unSteamAppID : 730;
CUtlBuffer buf;
buf.EnsureCapacity( MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD );
buf.PutUnsignedInt( LittleDWord( CONNECTIONLESS_HEADER ) );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( S2A_INFO_SRC );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 17 ); // Hardcoded protocol version number
extern ConVar host_name_store;
buf.PutString( host_name_store.GetBool() ? GetName() : "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" );
buf.PutString( GetMapName() );
buf.PutString( "csgo" );
buf.PutString( "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" );
// The next field is a 16-bit version of the AppID. If our AppID < 65536,
// then let's go ahead and put in in there, to maximize compatibility
// with old clients who might be only using this field but not the new one.
// However, if our AppID won't fit, there's no way we can be compatible,
// anyway, so just put in a zero, which is better than a bogus AppID.
uint16 usAppIdShort = ( uint16 ) appIdResponse;
buf.PutShort( LittleWord( usAppIdShort ) );
// player info
buf.PutUnsignedChar( GetNumPlayers() );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( GetMaxHumanPlayers() );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( MAX( 0, GetNumFakeClients() - GetNumProxies() ) );
// NOTE: This key's meaning is changed in the new version. Since we send gameport and specport,
// it knows whether we're running SourceTV or not. Then it only needs to know if we're a dedicated or listen server.
if ( IsDedicated() )
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 'd' ); // d = dedicated server
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 'l' ); // l = listen server
#if defined(_WIN32)
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 'w' );
#elif defined(OSX)
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 'm' );
#else // LINUX?
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 'l' );
// Password?
buf.PutUnsignedChar( GetPassword() ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( Steam3Server().BSecure() ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutString( GetHostVersionString() );
// Write a byte with some flags that describe what is to follow.
byte nNewFlags = 0;
// if ( GetSteamID().IsValid() )
extern bool CanShowHostTvStatus();
CHLTVServer *hltv = NULL;
for ( CActiveHltvServerIterator it; it; it.Next() )
if ( CanShowHostTvStatus() )
hltv = it;
// pass spectator data (port and name)
if ( m_GameType.String()[ 0 ] != '\0' )
buf.PutUnsignedChar( nNewFlags );
// Write the rest of the data.
buf.PutShort( LittleWord( GetUDPPort() ) );
buf.PutShort( LittleWord( hltv->GetUDPPort() ) );
buf.PutString( host_name_store.GetBool() ? GetName() : "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" );
buf.PutString( m_GameType.String() );
if ( nNewFlags & S2A_EXTRA_DATA_GAMEID )
// !FIXME! Is there a reason we aren't using the other half
// of this field? Shouldn't we put the game mod ID in there, too?
// We have the game dir.
buf.PutInt64( LittleQWord( CGameID( appIdResponse ).ToUint64() ) );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, packet->from, ( unsigned char * ) buf.Base(), buf.TellPut() );
case A2S_PLAYER:
// Handle A2S_PLAYER ourselves, we are concealing SteamID of the game server and report players differently
if ( g_bSteamMasterHeartbeatsEnabled )
extern ConVar host_players_show;
switch ( host_players_show.GetInt() )
case 2:
goto steam3server_oob_packet_handler;
case 1:
CUtlBuffer buf;
buf.EnsureCapacity( MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD );
buf.PutUnsignedInt( LittleDWord( CONNECTIONLESS_HEADER ) );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( S2A_PLAYER );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 1 );
buf.PutUnsignedChar( 0 );
buf.PutString( "Max Players" );
buf.PutInt( GetMaxHumanPlayers() );
if ( m_fStartTime == 0 ) // record when we started
m_fStartTime = Sys_FloatTime();
float flTime = Sys_FloatTime() - m_fStartTime;
float flLittleTime;
LittleFloat( &flLittleTime, &flTime );
buf.PutFloat( flLittleTime );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, packet->from, ( unsigned char * ) buf.Base(), buf.TellPut() );
case A2S_RULES:
if ( g_bSteamMasterHeartbeatsEnabled )
extern ConVar host_rules_show;
if ( host_rules_show.GetBool() )
goto steam3server_oob_packet_handler;
static bool s_bEnableLegacyPackets = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-enablelegacypackets" );
if ( !s_bEnableLegacyPackets )
// We don't understand it, let the master server updater at it.
if ( packet->from.IsType< netadr_t >() && Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() && Steam3Server().IsMasterServerUpdaterSharingGameSocket() )
const netadr_t &adr = packet->from.AsType< netadr_t>();
// This is where it will usually want to respond to something immediately by sending some
// packets, so check for that immediately.
return true;
int CBaseServer::GetNumFakeClients() const
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Clients[i]->IsConnected() &&
m_Clients[i]->IsFakeClient() )
return count;
void SV_CountPlayers
Counts number of connections. Clients includes regular connections
int CBaseServer::GetNumClients( void ) const
int count = 0;
for (int i=0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsConnected() )
return count;
void SV_CountPlayers
Counts number of HLTV and Replay connections. Clients includes regular connections
int CBaseServer::GetNumProxies( void ) const
int count = 0;
for (int i=0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsConnected() && (m_Clients[ i ]->IsHLTV()
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
|| m_Clients[ i ]->IsReplay()
) )
return count;
int CBaseServer::GetNumPlayers()
int count = 0;
if ( !GetUserInfoTable())
return 0;
const int maxPlayers = GetUserInfoTable()->GetNumStrings();
for ( int i=0; i < maxPlayers; i++ )
const player_info_t *pi = (const player_info_t *) m_pUserInfoTable->GetStringUserData( i, NULL );
// WARNING: using raw bytes access to player info instead of GetPlayerInfo to save server CPU when
// responding to server info queries. Structure not byteswapped, must use GetPlayerInfo.
if ( !pi )
if ( pi->fakeplayer )
continue; // don't count bots
return count;
bool CBaseServer::GetPlayerInfo( int nClientIndex, player_info_t *pinfo )
if ( !pinfo || !GetUserInfoTable() )
return false;
if ( nClientIndex < 0 || nClientIndex >= GetUserInfoTable()->GetNumStrings() )
Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
return false;
player_info_t *pi = (player_info_t*) GetUserInfoTable()->GetStringUserData( nClientIndex, NULL );
if ( !pi )
Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
return false;
Q_memcpy( pinfo, pi, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
// Fixup from network order (big endian)
CByteswap byteswap;
byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( true );
byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pinfo );
return true;
void CBaseServer::UserInfoChanged( int nClientIndex )
if ( !m_pUserInfoTable )
player_info_t pi;
bool oldlock = networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( false );
if ( m_Clients[ nClientIndex ]->FillUserInfo( pi ) )
// Fixup to network order (big endian)
CByteswap byteswap;
byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( true );
byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( &pi );
// update user info settings
m_pUserInfoTable->SetStringUserData( nClientIndex, sizeof(pi), &pi );
// delete user data settings
m_pUserInfoTable->SetStringUserData( nClientIndex, 0, NULL );
networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( oldlock );
void CBaseServer::FillServerInfo(CSVCMsg_ServerInfo &serverinfo)
char gamedir[MAX_OSPATH];
Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );
serverinfo.set_protocol( GetHostVersion() );
serverinfo.set_server_count( GetSpawnCount() );
serverinfo.set_map_crc( worldmapCRC );
serverinfo.set_client_crc( clientDllCRC );
serverinfo.set_string_table_crc( CRC32_ConvertToUnsignedLong( &stringTableCRC ) );
serverinfo.set_max_clients( GetMaxClients() );
serverinfo.set_max_classes( serverclasses );
serverinfo.set_is_dedicated( IsDedicated() );
#ifdef _WIN32
serverinfo.set_c_os( 'W' );
serverinfo.set_c_os( 'L' );
// HACK to signal that the server is "new"
serverinfo.set_c_os( tolower( serverinfo.c_os() ) );
serverinfo.set_tick_interval( GetTickInterval() );
serverinfo.set_game_dir( gamedir );
serverinfo.set_map_name( GetMapName() );
serverinfo.set_map_group_name( GetMapGroupName() );
serverinfo.set_sky_name( m_szSkyname );
extern ConVar host_name_store;
serverinfo.set_host_name( host_name_store.GetBool() ? GetName() : "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" );
serverinfo.set_is_hltv( IsHLTV() );
serverinfo.set_is_redirecting_to_proxy_relay( false );
char szMapPath[MAX_PATH];
V_ComposeFileName( "maps", GetMapName(), szMapPath, sizeof(szMapPath) );
serverinfo.set_ugc_map_id( serverGameDLL->GetUGCMapFileID( szMapPath ) );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
serverinfo.set_is_replay( IsReplay() );
// Don't expose server public IP in the server info, the client is already connected, so there's no reason to store it either
// if( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() == NULL )
// serverinfo.set_public_ip( NULL );
// else
// serverinfo.set_public_ip( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->GetPublicIP() );
Returns a challenge number that can be used
in a subsequent client_connect command.
We do this to prevent denial of service attacks that
flood the server with invalid connection IPs. With a
challenge, they must give a valid IP address.
void CBaseServer::ReplyChallenge( const ns_address &adr, bf_read &inmsg )
if ( !CanAcceptChallengesFrom( adr ) )
// Silently swallow the challenge request
// Check if we are running with a special flag and not advertise to Steam
if ( !V_strcmp( g_pLaunchOptions->GetFirstSubKey()->GetNextKey()->GetNextKey()->GetString(), "server_is_unavailable" ) )
DevMsg( "Server running with server_is_unavailable, ignoring challenge from %s\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
char ALIGN4 buffer[512] ALIGN4_POST;
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
char context[ 256 ] = { 0 };
inmsg.ReadString( context, sizeof( context ) );
// get a free challenge number
int challengeNr = GetChallengeNr( adr );
int authprotocol = GetChallengeType( adr );
msg.WriteByte( S2C_CHALLENGE );
msg.WriteLong( challengeNr );
msg.WriteLong( authprotocol );
bool bWroteInfo = false;
uint64 ullSteamIDGS = 0ull;
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
ullSteamIDGS = Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID().ConvertToUint64();
if ( authprotocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
msg.WriteShort( 0 ); // steam2 encryption key not there anymore
msg.WriteLongLong( ullSteamIDGS );
msg.WriteByte( Steam3Server().BSecure() );
bWroteInfo = true;
if ( !bWroteInfo )
msg.WriteShort( 1 );
msg.WriteLongLong( ullSteamIDGS );
msg.WriteByte( 0 );
bool bReloadServerMap = false;
if ( StringHasPrefix( context, "connect" ) )
bool bIsLocalConnection = adr.IsLoopback() || adr.IsLocalhost();
// A local player never has to enter a PW
bool bWillRequirePassword = ( GetPassword() != NULL ) &&
// Validate the challenge if the challenge was passed as part of connect
// packet:
unsigned long nChallenge = 0;
char const *pszValidate = context + Q_strlen( "connect" );
if ( pszValidate[0] == '0' && pszValidate[1] == 'x' )
char chValidateChallenge[ 9 ] = {0};
Q_strncpy( chValidateChallenge, pszValidate + 2, sizeof( chValidateChallenge ) );
nChallenge = strtoul( chValidateChallenge, NULL, 16 );
bool bAllowDC = !serverGameDLL->IsValveDS(); // Official DS direct connect disabled
if ( bAllowDC )
bAllowDC = serverGameDLL->ShouldAllowDirectConnect(); // let the ongoing game overrule direct connect
if ( bAllowDC )
// Game server must be logged on with a persistent GSLT unless LAN case
static const bool s_bAllowLanWhitelist = !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ignorelanwhitelist" );
bool bWhitelistedClient = bIsLocalConnection // localhost/loopback
|| ( s_bAllowLanWhitelist && (
adr.IsReservedAdr() // LAN RFC 1918
|| ( ( adr.GetAddressType() == NSAT_NETADR ) && ( adr.GetIP() == Steam3Server().GetPublicIP() ) ) // same public IP (pinhole NAT or same host in DMZ)
) );
bool bPersistentGameServerAccount = !sv_lan.GetBool() && !Steam3Server().BLanOnly()
&& Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID().IsValid() && Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID().BPersistentGameServerAccount();
if ( IsDedicated() && !bWhitelistedClient && !bPersistentGameServerAccount )
bAllowDC = false; // just fail direct connect
if ( IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections() && !GetReservationCookie() )
// Server is in the state when it requires lobby connection, but
// is unreserved.
// For untrusted clients: we need to tell them to retry with
// a valid challenge
if ( nChallenge != ( unsigned long ) challengeNr )
msg.WriteString( "connect-retry" );
// For trusted clients: give them a grace period to establish
// the required lobby and submit a reservation request
if ( !bAllowDC )
if ( serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() )
// Do not allow direct-connect to Valve dedicated servers
msg.WriteString( "connect-matchmaking-only" );
DevMsg( "Cannot direct-connect to Valve CS:GO Server\n" );
// Do not allow direct-connect to this community server
msg.WriteString( "connect-lan-only" );
DevMsg( "Cannot direct-connect to community CS:GO Server, visit http://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers\n" );
static bool s_bPrintedInfo = false;
if ( sv.IsDedicated() && !s_bPrintedInfo )
s_bPrintedInfo = true;
Warning( "****************************************************\n" );
Warning( "* Client connections are restricted to LAN only. *\n" );
Warning( "* Double-check your sv_setsteamaccount setting. *\n" );
Warning( "* To create a game server account go to *\n" );
Warning( "* http://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers *\n" );
Warning( "****************************************************\n" );
msg.WriteString( "connect-granted" );
m_flTimeReservationGraceStarted = net_time;
m_adrReservationGraceStarted = adr;
DevMsg( "Server requires lobby reservation and is unreserved: granting reservation grace period to %s\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
if ( m_pnReservationCookieSession && *m_pnReservationCookieSession )
// Reserve in place
m_flReservationExpiryTime = net_time + sv_mmqueue_reservation_timeout.GetFloat();
SetReservationCookie( *m_pnReservationCookieSession, "[R] Connect from %s", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
bReloadServerMap = true;
// Reply with whatever context was requested
msg.WriteString( context );
DevMsg( "Server is not connected to matchmaking backend, ignoring challenge from %s\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
// Otherwise just reply with whatever context was requested
msg.WriteString( context );
char const *pszLobbyType = "";
if ( IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections() )
pszLobbyType = "public";
if ( sv_steamgroup_exclusive.GetBool() || GetPassword() )
pszLobbyType = "friends";
msg.WriteLong( GetHostVersion() );
msg.WriteString( pszLobbyType );
msg.WriteByte( bWillRequirePassword ? 1 : 0 );
if ( !bAllowDC )
msg.WriteLongLong( (uint64)-1 );
msg.WriteByte( 0 );
if ( !IsHLTV() )
msg.WriteLongLong( sv.GetReservationCookie() );
msg.WriteLongLong( 0 );
static ConVar *dcFriendsReqd = cvar->FindVar( "sv_dc_friends_reqd" );
if ( !IsHLTV() && dcFriendsReqd )
msg.WriteByte( dcFriendsReqd->GetInt() );
msg.WriteByte( 0 );
msg.WriteLongLong( ( uint64 ) -1 );
msg.WriteByte( 0 );
msg.WriteByte( serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() ? 1 : 0 );
// Server will send the certificate and its signature down to the client
const byte *pbNetEncryptPublic = NULL;
int cbNetEncryptPublic = 0;
const byte *pbNetEncryptSignature = NULL;
int cbNetEncryptSignature = 0;
bool bServerRequiresEncryptedChannels = ( ( this == &sv ) &&
NET_CryptGetNetworkCertificate( k_ENetworkCertificate_PublicKey, &pbNetEncryptPublic, &cbNetEncryptPublic ) &&
NET_CryptGetNetworkCertificate( k_ENetworkCertificate_Signature, &pbNetEncryptSignature, &cbNetEncryptSignature ) );
msg.WriteByte( bServerRequiresEncryptedChannels ? 1 : 0 );
if ( bServerRequiresEncryptedChannels )
msg.WriteLong( cbNetEncryptPublic );
msg.WriteBytes( pbNetEncryptPublic, cbNetEncryptPublic );
msg.WriteLong( cbNetEncryptSignature );
msg.WriteBytes( pbNetEncryptSignature, cbNetEncryptSignature );
msg.WriteString( context );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
// Force the map to be reloaded upon first connection
if ( bReloadServerMap && IsDedicated() )
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, CFmtStr( "nextlevel %s\n", GetMapName() ) ); // gamerules will clean it up when they construct for the next map
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, CFmtStr( "map %s reserved\n", GetMapName() ) );
Returns a challenge number that can be used
in a subsequent server query commands.
We do this to prevent DDoS attacks via bandwidth
void CBaseServer::ReplyServerChallenge(const ns_address &adr)
char buffer[16];
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
// get a free challenge number
int challengeNr = GetChallengeNr( adr );
msg.WriteByte( S2C_CHALLENGE );
msg.WriteLong( challengeNr );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
// Purpose: encrypts an 8-byte sequence
static inline void Decrypt8ByteSequence( IceKey& cipher, const unsigned char *cipherText, unsigned char *plainText )
cipher.decrypt( cipherText, plainText );
// Purpose:
static void DecryptBuffer( IceKey& cipher, unsigned char *bufData, uint bufferSize)
unsigned char *cipherText = bufData;
unsigned char *plainText = bufData;
uint bytesEncrypted = 0;
while (bytesEncrypted < bufferSize)
// encrypt 8 byte section
Decrypt8ByteSequence( cipher, cipherText, plainText );
bytesEncrypted += 8;
cipherText += 8;
plainText += 8;
// Purpose: Replies to a reservation request sent by the client
void CBaseServer::ReplyReservationRequest( const ns_address &adr, bf_read &msgIn )
if ( msgIn.ReadLong() != GetHostVersion() )
byte decrypted[ 1024 ];
bool bAccepted = false;
static char const * s_pchTournamentServer = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tournament", ( char const * ) NULL );
if ( s_pchTournamentServer )
DevMsg( "Reservation request from %s rejected: server running in tournament mode for '%s'\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String(), s_pchTournamentServer );
else if ( IsReserved() )
// Special case -- server is reserved, but takes too long
// to switch the map, client is retrying meanwhile, we don't want
// to blow them off with a failure code!
if ( m_ReservationStatus.m_bActive && m_ReservationStatus.m_bSuccess && m_ReservationStatus.m_Remote.CompareAdr( adr ) )
DevMsg( "Ignoring follow-up reservation request from %s: server reservation transition in progress (for %d more seconds)\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String(), (int) ( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
SendReservationStatus( kEReservationStatusPending );
DevMsg( "Reservation request from %s rejected: server already reserved (for %d more seconds)\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String(), (int) ( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
else if ( GetNumClients() - GetNumFakeClients() > 0 )
DevMsg( "Reservation request from %s rejected: server not empty\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
else if ( !V_strcmp( g_pLaunchOptions->GetFirstSubKey()->GetNextKey()->GetNextKey()->GetString(), "server_is_unavailable" ) )
DevMsg( "Reservation request from %s rejected: server is running with flag server_is_unavailable\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
bool bOkay = true;
if ( !IsX360() && !IsDedicatedForXbox() )
int nChallengeNr = GetChallengeNr( adr );
if ( !CanAcceptChallengesFrom( adr ) )
DevMsg( "Reservation request from address %s, but challenges exclusive for %s\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String(), m_adrReservationGraceStarted.ToString() );
bOkay = false;
else if ( !nChallengeNr )
DevMsg( "Reservation request from unknown address %s\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
bOkay = false;
int payloadSize = msgIn.ReadLong();
if ( payloadSize <= 0 || payloadSize > sizeof( decrypted ) || ( payloadSize % 8 ) )
DevMsg( "ReplyReservationRequest: Reservation request with bogus payload size from %s [%d bytes]\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String(), payloadSize );
bOkay = false;
IceKey cipher(1); /* medium encryption level */
unsigned char ucEncryptionKey[8] = { 0 };
*( int * )&ucEncryptionKey[ 0 ] = LittleDWord( nChallengeNr ^ 0x5ef8ce12 );
*( int * )&ucEncryptionKey[ 4 ] = LittleDWord( nChallengeNr ^ 0xaa98e42c );
cipher.set( ucEncryptionKey );
msgIn.ReadBytes( decrypted, payloadSize );
// Try and decrypt it
DecryptBuffer( cipher, decrypted, payloadSize );
// Rewind and use decrypted payload
msgIn.StartReading( decrypted, payloadSize );
unsigned int nMagic = msgIn.ReadLong();
if ( nMagic == 0xfeedbeef )
bOkay = true;
Msg( "ReplyReservationRequest: Reservation request with bogus payload data from %s [%d bytes]\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String(), payloadSize );
if ( bOkay )
// Parse the incoming message
uint64 nReservationCookie;
int nSettingsSize;
nReservationCookie = msgIn.ReadLongLong();
nSettingsSize = msgIn.ReadLong();
float flExpiryTime = sv_reservation_timeout.GetFloat();
DevMsg( "Reservation request from %s accepted: server reserved with reservation cookie 0x%llx for %.1f seconds\n",
ns_address_render( adr ).String(), nReservationCookie, flExpiryTime );
DevMsg( " settings size = %d\n", nSettingsSize );
// Establish reservation time
bAccepted = true;
// This time will be held until the first client connects, at which time the reservation will stay
// in effect until the last client leaves the server
m_flReservationExpiryTime = net_time + flExpiryTime;
SetReservationCookie( nReservationCookie, "ReplyReservationRequest" );
// Process game settings
m_numGameSlots = 0;
if ( nSettingsSize > 0 )
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues("");
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pKV( pKV );
Assert( nSettingsSize <= sizeof( tmp ) );
if ( nSettingsSize <= sizeof( tmp ) )
// convert from binary to keyvalues
CUtlBuffer buf;
msgIn.ReadBytes( tmp, nSettingsSize );
buf.Put( tmp, nSettingsSize );
pKV->ReadAsBinary( buf );
if ( sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment.GetInt() > 0 )
float fDesiredTickInterval = 1.0f / sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment.GetInt();
// quantize tick intervals to the nearest N / 512 fraction
float fNumerator = floorf(fDesiredTickInterval * 512.0f + 0.5f);
host_state.interval_per_tick = fNumerator / 512.0f;
host_state.interval_per_tick = clamp( host_state.interval_per_tick, MINIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL, MAXIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL );
DevMsg( "Reservation tickrate adjustment to %.0f ticks %.6f ms\n", floorf( 1.0f/host_state.interval_per_tick ), host_state.interval_per_tick );
if ( host_state.interval_per_tick < MINIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL ||
host_state.interval_per_tick > MAXIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL )
Sys_Error( "GetTickInterval returned bogus tick interval (%f)[%f to %f is valid range]", host_state.interval_per_tick,
extern ConVar sv_maxupdaterate;
extern ConVar sv_maxcmdrate;
sv_maxupdaterate.SetValue(1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick);
sv_maxcmdrate.SetValue(1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick);
// let the game know the settings
serverGameDLL->ApplyGameSettings( pKV );
// adjust the game slots
m_numGameSlots = pKV->GetInt( "members/numSlots", 0 );
#ifdef PORTAL2 // HACK: PORTAL2 uses maxclients instead of GAMERULES
SetMaxClients( m_numGameSlots );
m_ReservationStatus.m_bActive = true;
m_ReservationStatus.m_bSuccess = bAccepted;
m_ReservationStatus.m_Remote = adr;
// Send the status right away
SendReservationStatus( bAccepted ? kEReservationStatusPending : kEReservationStatusRejected );
void CBaseServer::ReplyReservationCheckRequest( const ns_address &adr, bf_read &msgIn )
if ( msgIn.ReadLong() != GetHostVersion() )
uint32 token = msgIn.ReadLong();
uint32 uiReservationStage = msgIn.ReadLong();
uint64 nReservationCookie= msgIn.ReadLongLong();
bool reservationMatch = ( nReservationCookie == GetReservationCookie() );
uint64 uiClientSteamID = msgIn.ReadLongLong();
uint8 uiAwaitingClients = 0x7F; // large positive int8 number
if ( uiReservationStage && reservationMatch && uiClientSteamID && sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString()[0] == 'Q' )
DevMsg( "Reservation from client %u: %u\n", uint32( uiClientSteamID ), uiReservationStage );
// For queue reservation client ID must match
bool bThisClientShouldJoin = false, bThisClientJustConfirmed = false;
uint8 uiActualAwaitingClients = 0;
for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrReservationPlayers.Count(); ++ k )
QueueMatchPlayer_t &qmp = m_arrReservationPlayers[k];
if ( qmp.m_uiAccountID == CSteamID( uiClientSteamID ).GetAccountID() )
bThisClientShouldJoin = true;
qmp.m_adr = adr;
qmp.m_uiToken = token;
if ( qmp.m_uiReservationStage < uiReservationStage )
bThisClientJustConfirmed = true;
qmp.m_uiReservationStage = uiReservationStage;
if ( qmp.m_uiReservationStage < uiReservationStage )
uiActualAwaitingClients += 1;
// Reservation matches, report to this client how many more clients we are awaiting
if ( bThisClientShouldJoin )
uiAwaitingClients = uiActualAwaitingClients;
if ( bThisClientJustConfirmed && serverGameDLL )
// Report to the GC the new level of confirmations
CUtlVector< uint32 > arrConfirmedAccounts;
arrConfirmedAccounts.EnsureCapacity( m_arrReservationPlayers.Count() );
uint32 uiMinReservationLevel = 0xFFFFu;
for ( int jj = 0; jj < m_arrReservationPlayers.Count(); ++ jj )
if ( m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiReservationStage < uiMinReservationLevel )
uiMinReservationLevel = m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiReservationStage;
for ( int jj = 0; jj < m_arrReservationPlayers.Count(); ++ jj )
if ( ( m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiReservationStage >= 2 ) ||
( m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiReservationStage > uiMinReservationLevel ) )
arrConfirmedAccounts.AddToTail( m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiAccountID );
DevMsg( "Match start status: %u/%u\n", uiMinReservationLevel, arrConfirmedAccounts.Count() );
serverGameDLL->ReportGCQueuedMatchStart( uiMinReservationLevel, arrConfirmedAccounts.Base(), arrConfirmedAccounts.Count() );
if ( !uiActualAwaitingClients )
// Extend the reservation a little bit more since the match is now confirmed to be starting
m_flReservationExpiryTime = net_time + sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout.GetFloat();
DevMsg( "Reservation time extended +%d sec\n", sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout.GetInt() );
if ( uiReservationStage && reservationMatch && uiClientSteamID && sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString()[ 0 ] == 'G' )
DevMsg( "Reservation from in-progress client %u: %u\n", uint32( uiClientSteamID ), uiReservationStage );
// Reservation matches, report to this client how many more clients we are awaiting
uiAwaitingClients = 0;
// Extend the reservation a little bit more since the match is now confirmed to be starting
m_flReservationExpiryTime = net_time + sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout.GetFloat();
DevMsg( "Reservation time extended +%d sec\n", sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout.GetInt() );
// Send response to this client
char buffer[64];
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
msg.WriteLong( GetHostVersion() );
msg.WriteLong( token );
msg.WriteLong( uiReservationStage );
msg.WriteByte( uiAwaitingClients );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
// Send response to all clients too when this packet is really important
if ( !uiAwaitingClients )
// Make sure we send this notification to all clients to force them to connect
// to our server as soon as everybody confirmed
for ( int jj = 0; jj < m_arrReservationPlayers.Count(); ++ jj )
char buffer[64];
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
msg.WriteLong( GetHostVersion() );
msg.WriteLong( m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_uiToken );
msg.WriteLong( uiReservationStage );
msg.WriteByte( uiAwaitingClients );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, m_arrReservationPlayers[jj].m_adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
void CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus()
m_ReservationStatus.m_bActive = false;
void CBaseServer::FlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdown()
m_flFlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdownTime = Plat_FloatTime();
void CBaseServer::SendReservationStatus( EReservationStatus_t kEReservationStatus )
if ( !m_ReservationStatus.m_bActive )
char buffer[32];
bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
msg.WriteByte( S2A_RESERVE_RESPONSE );
msg.WriteLong( GetHostVersion() );
msg.WriteByte( kEReservationStatus );
msg.WriteOneBit( ( serverGameDLL && serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() ) ? 1 : 0 ); // whether we are running ValveDS
msg.WriteLong( m_numGameSlots ); // number of game slots actually set on the server
DevMsg( "Reservation response to %s: %u, server reserved for %d more seconds\n",
ns_address_render( m_ReservationStatus.m_Remote ).String(), kEReservationStatus, (int) ( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, m_ReservationStatus.m_Remote, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
if ( kEReservationStatus != kEReservationStatusPending )
const char *CBaseServer::GetName( void ) const
return host_name.GetString();
bool UseCDKeyAuth()
#ifdef NO_STEAM
return true;
// if we are physically on a 360 (360 listen server) or we are on a PC dedicated server for 360 clients, don't require Steam auth
if ( IsX360() || NET_IsDedicatedForXbox() )
return true;
// for single player games that don't use Steam features, don't require Steam auth
if ( !serverGameDLL->ShouldPreferSteamAuth() && Host_IsSinglePlayerGame() )
return true;
// for listen servers, if the Steam interface is not available (Steam not running), OK to not require Steam auth
if ( !sv.IsDedicated() && !Steam3Client().SteamUser() )
return true;
// require Steam auth
return false;
int CBaseServer::GetChallengeType( const ns_address &adr)
if ( UseCDKeyAuth() )
int CBaseServer::GetChallengeNr ( const ns_address &adr)
int oldest = 0;
float oldestTime = FLT_MAX;
// see if we already have a challenge for this ip
for (int i = 0 ; i < m_ServerQueryChallenges.Count() ; i++)
if ( adr.CompareAdr (m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].adr, true) )
// reuse challenge number, but update time
m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].time = net_time;
return m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].challenge;
if (m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].time < oldestTime)
// remember oldest challenge
oldestTime = m_ServerQueryChallenges[i].time;
oldest = i;
if ( m_ServerQueryChallenges.Count() > MAX_CHALLENGES )
m_ServerQueryChallenges.FastRemove( oldest );
int newEntry = m_ServerQueryChallenges.AddToTail();
// note the 0x0FFF of the top 16 bits, so that -1 will never be sent as a challenge
m_ServerQueryChallenges[newEntry].challenge = (RandomInt(0,0x0FFF) << 16) | RandomInt(0,0xFFFF);
m_ServerQueryChallenges[newEntry].adr = adr;
m_ServerQueryChallenges[newEntry].time = net_time;
return m_ServerQueryChallenges[newEntry].challenge;
void CBaseServer::GetNetStats( float &avgIn, float &avgOut )
avgIn = avgOut = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
// Fake clients get killed in here.
if ( cl->IsFakeClient() )
if ( !cl->IsConnected() )
INetChannel *netchan = cl->GetNetChannel();
avgIn += netchan->GetAvgData(FLOW_INCOMING);
avgOut += netchan->GetAvgData(FLOW_OUTGOING);
void CBaseServer::CalculateCPUUsage( void )
if ( !sv_stats.GetBool() )
// record when we started
if( Sys_FloatTime () > m_fLastCPUCheckTime+1)
// only do this every 1 second
#if defined ( _WIN32 )
static float lastAvg=0;
static __int64 lastTotalTime=0,lastNow=0;
HANDLE handle;
FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime, nowTime;
__int64 totalTime,now;
handle = GetCurrentProcess ();
// get CPU time
GetProcessTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
&kernelTime, &userTime);
m_fCPUPercent = (double)(totalTime-lastTotalTime)/(double)(now-lastNow);
// now save this away for next time
if(Sys_FloatTime () > lastAvg+5)
// only do it every 5 seconds, so we keep a moving average
#elif defined ( _PS3 )
m_fCPUPercent = 0.1;
#elif defined ( LINUX )
m_fCPUPercent = 0.1;
#elif defined ( POSIX )
// linux CPU % code here :)
static int32 lastrunticks,lastcputicks;
static float lastAvg=0;
struct sysinfo infos;
int32 dummy;
int length;
char statFile[PATH_MAX];
int32 now = time(NULL);
int32 ctime,stime,start_time;
FILE *pFile;
int32 runticks,cputicks;
// we can't use FS_Open() cause its outside our dir
pFile = fopen(statFile, "r");
if ( pFile == NULL )
goto end;
"%d %s %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu \
%lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %lu \
%lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu \
%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy, // end of first line
&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy, // end of second
&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy, // end of third
runticks = infos.uptime*HZ -start_time; // time the process has been running
cputicks = stime+ctime;
m_fCPUPercent = (float)(cputicks-lastcputicks)/(float)(runticks-lastrunticks);
//ConMsg("%f %li %li %li %li\n",cpuPercent,
// cputicks,(cputicks-lastcputicks),
// (runticks-lastrunticks),runticks);
static struct rusage s_lastUsage;
static float lastAvg = 0;
struct rusage currentUsage;
if ( getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, ¤tUsage ) == 0 )
double flTimeDiff = (double)( currentUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec - s_lastUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec ) + (double)(( currentUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec - s_lastUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec )/1000000);
m_fCPUPercent = flTimeDiff/(m_fLastCPUCheckTime - lastAvg);
// now save this away for next time
if( m_fLastCPUCheckTime > lastAvg+5)
s_lastUsage = currentUsage;
lastAvg = m_fLastCPUCheckTime;
// limit checking :)
if( m_fCPUPercent > 0.999 )
m_fCPUPercent = 0.999;
if( m_fCPUPercent < 0 )
m_fCPUPercent = 0;
// Purpose: Prepare for level transition, etc.
void CBaseServer::InactivateClients( void )
for (int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
// Fake clients get killed in here (but split screen users don't)
if ( cl->IsFakeClient() && !cl->IsSplitScreenUser() && !cl->IsHLTV()
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
&& !cl->IsReplay()
// If we don't do this, it'll have a bunch of extra steam IDs for unauthenticated users.
Steam3Server().NotifyClientDisconnect( cl );
else if ( !cl->IsConnected() )
void CBaseServer::ReconnectClients( void )
for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[i];
if ( cl->IsConnected() )
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signon( cl->GetSignonState(), -1 );
cl->FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signon );
cl->SendNetMsg( signon );
If a packet has not been received from a client in sv_timeout.GetFloat()
seconds, drop the conneciton.
When a client is normally dropped, the CSVClient goes into a zombie state
for a few seconds to make sure any final reliable message gets resent
if necessary
void CBaseServer::CheckTimeouts (void)
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; ++i )
IClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
if ( cl->IsFakeClient() || !cl->IsConnected() )
INetChannel *netchan = cl->GetNetChannel();
if ( !netchan )
// Don't timeout in _DEBUG builds
#if !defined( _DEBUG )
if ( netchan->IsTimedOut() )
if ( this == &sv )
if ( CGameClient *pGameClient = dynamic_cast< CGameClient * >( cl ) )
serverGameDLL->OnEngineClientNetworkEvent( pGameClient->edict, pGameClient->m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64(), INetChannelInfo::k_ENetworkEventType_TimedOut, NULL );
cl->Disconnect( CFmtStr( "%s timed out", cl->GetClientName() ) );
// Handle steam socket disconnection
if ( netchan->IsRemoteDisconnected() )
cl->Disconnect( CFmtStr( "%s disconnected", cl->GetClientName() ) );
else if ( netchan->IsOverflowed() )
cl->Disconnect( CFmtStr( "%s overflowed reliable channel", cl->GetClientName() ) );
// ==================
// check if clients update thier user setting (convars) and call
// ==================
void CBaseServer::UpdateUserSettings(void)
for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
if ( cl->m_bConVarsChanged )
// ==================
// check if clients need the serverinfo packet sent
// ==================
void CBaseServer::SendPendingServerInfo()
for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
if ( cl->m_bSendServerInfo )
void CBaseServer::OnSteamServerLogonSuccess( uint32 externalIP )
for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
cl->OnSteamServerLogonSuccess( externalIP );
Make sure connecting client is using proper protocol
bool CBaseServer::CheckProtocol( const ns_address &adr, int nProtocol )
if ( nProtocol != GetHostVersion() )
// Client is newer than server
if ( nProtocol > GetHostVersion() )
RejectConnection( adr, "This server is using an older protocol ( %i ) than your client ( %i ).\n",
GetHostVersion(), nProtocol );
// Server is newer than client
RejectConnection( adr, "This server is using a newer protocol ( %i ) than your client ( %i ).\n",
GetHostVersion(), nProtocol );
return false;
// Success
return true;
Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
bool CBaseServer::CheckChallengeType( CBaseClient * client, int nNewUserID, const ns_address &adr, int nAuthProtocol, const char *pchLogonCookie, int cbCookie )
// Check protocol ID
if ( ( nAuthProtocol <= 0 ) || ( nAuthProtocol > PROTOCOL_LASTVALID ) )
RejectConnection( adr, "Invalid connection.\n");
return false;
if ( ( nAuthProtocol == PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY ) && (Q_strlen( pchLogonCookie ) <= 0 || Q_strlen(pchLogonCookie) != 32 ) )
RejectConnection( adr, "Invalid authentication certificate length.\n" );
return false;
if ( IsDedicatedForXbox() )
return true;
if ( nAuthProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
// Dev hack to allow 360/Steam PC cross platform play
// int ip0 = 207;
// int ip1 = 173;
// int ip2 = 179;
// int ip3Min = 230;
// int ip3Max = 245;
// if ( adr.ip[0] == ip0 &&
// adr.ip[1] == ip1 &&
// adr.ip[2] == ip2 &&
// adr.ip[3] >= ip3Min &&
// adr.ip[3] <= ip3Max )
// {
// return true;
// }
client->SetSteamID( CSteamID() ); // set an invalid SteamID
// Convert raw certificate back into data
if ( cbCookie <= 0 || cbCookie >= STEAM_KEYSIZE )
RejectConnection( adr, "STEAM certificate length error! %i/%i\n", cbCookie, STEAM_KEYSIZE );
return false;
ns_address checkAdr = adr;
if ( adr.IsLoopback() || adr.IsLocalhost() )
checkAdr.AsType<netadr_t>().SetIP( net_local_adr.GetIPHostByteOrder() );
if ( !Steam3Server().NotifyClientConnect( client, nNewUserID, checkAdr, pchLogonCookie, cbCookie )
&& !Steam3Server().BLanOnly() ) // the userID isn't alloc'd yet so we need to fill it in manually
RejectConnection( adr, "STEAM validation rejected\n" );
return false;
if ( !Steam3Server().NotifyLocalClientConnect( client ) ) // the userID isn't alloc'd yet so we need to fill it in manually
RejectConnection( adr, "GSCreateLocalUser failed\n" );
return false;
return true;
bool CBaseServer::CheckIPRestrictions( const ns_address &adr, int nAuthProtocol )
// Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
if ( adr.IsLoopback() )
return true;
// X360TBD: network
if ( IsX360() )
return true;
// allow other users if they're on the same ip range
if ( Steam3Server().BLanOnly() )
if ( !adr.IsType<netadr_t>() )
return false;
// allow connection, if client is in the same subnet
if ( adr.AsType<netadr_t>().CompareClassBAdr( net_local_adr ) )
return true;
// allow connection, if client has a private IP
if ( adr.AsType<netadr_t>().IsReservedAdr() )
return true;
// reject connection
return false;
return true;
void CBaseServer::SetMasterServerRulesDirty()
m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = true;
bool CBaseServer::CheckPassword( const ns_address &adr, const char *password, const char *name )
// If a server is reserved, then we ignore PW checks
// if ( GetReservationCookie() != 0ull )
// return true;
const char *server_password = GetPassword();
if ( !server_password )
return true; // no password set
if ( adr.IsLocalhost() || adr.IsLoopback() )
return true; // local client can always connect
int iServerPassLen = Q_strlen(server_password);
if ( iServerPassLen != Q_strlen(password) )
return false; // different length cannot be equal
if ( Q_strncmp( password, server_password, iServerPassLen ) == 0)
return true; // passwords are equal
return false; // all test failed
float CBaseServer::GetTime() const
return m_nTickCount * m_flTickInterval;
float CBaseServer::GetFinalTickTime() const
return (m_nTickCount + (host_frameticks - host_currentframetick)) * m_flTickInterval;
void CBaseServer::DisconnectClient(IClient *client, const char *reason )
client->Disconnect( reason );
void CBaseServer::ClearBaselineHandles( void )
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_BaselineHandles, i )
g_pSerializedEntities->ReleaseSerializedEntity( m_BaselineHandles[ i ] );
void CBaseServer::Clear( void )
if ( m_StringTables )
m_StringTables = NULL;
m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL;
m_pLightStyleTable = NULL;
m_pUserInfoTable = NULL;
m_pServerStartupTable = NULL;
m_State = ss_dead;
m_nTickCount = 0;
Q_memset( m_szMapname, 0, sizeof( m_szMapname ) );
Q_memset( m_szBaseMapname, 0, sizeof( m_szBaseMapname ) );
Q_memset( m_szMapGroupName, 0, sizeof( m_szMapGroupName ) );
Q_memset( m_szSkyname, 0, sizeof( m_szSkyname ) );
clientDllCRC = 0;
worldmapCRC = 0;
stringTableCRC = 0;
// Use a different limit on the signon buffer, so we can save some memory in SP (for xbox).
if ( IsMultiplayer() || IsDedicated() )
m_SignonBuffer.EnsureCapacity( NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
m_SignonBuffer.EnsureCapacity( 16384 );
m_Signon.StartWriting( m_SignonBuffer.Base(), m_SignonBuffer.Count() );
m_Signon.SetDebugName( "m_Signon" );
serverclasses = 0;
serverclassbits = 0;
Rejects connection request and sends back a message
void CBaseServer::RejectConnection( const ns_address &adr, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[1024];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
Q_vsnprintf ( text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
NET_OutOfBandPrintf( m_Socket, adr, "%c%s", S2C_CONNREJECT, text );
Warning( "RejectConnection: %s - %s\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String(), text );
void CBaseServer::SetPaused( bool paused )
// pause request can be rejected, unpause needs to fall through
if ( m_State != ss_paused && !IsPausable() )
if ( !IsActive() )
if ( paused )
m_State = ss_paused;
m_State = ss_active;
CSVCMsg_SetPause_t setpause;
setpause.set_paused( paused );
BroadcastMessage( setpause );
void CBaseServer::SetTimescale( float flTimescale )
m_flTimescale = flTimescale;
// Purpose: General initialization of the server
void CBaseServer::Init( bool bIsDedicated )
m_nMaxclients = 0;
m_nSpawnCount = 0;
m_nUserid = 1;
m_bIsDedicated = bIsDedicated;
m_bIsDedicatedForXbox = bIsDedicated && ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-xlsp" ) != 0 );
m_bIsDedicatedForPS3 = bIsDedicated && ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ps3ds" ) != 0 );
m_Socket = NS_SERVER;
m_Signon.SetDebugName( "m_Signon" );
if ( !g_pKVrulesConvars )
g_pKVrulesConvars = new KeyValues( "NotifyRulesCvars" );
if ( !g_pKVrulesConvars->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "gamerulescvars.txt", "MOD" ) )
Warning( "Failed to load gamerulescvars.txt, game rules cvars might not be reported to management tools.\n" );
g_pCVar->InstallGlobalChangeCallback( ServerNotifyVarChangeCallback );
INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetInstanceBaselineTable( void )
if ( m_pInstanceBaselineTable == NULL )
m_pInstanceBaselineTable = m_StringTables->FindTable( INSTANCE_BASELINE_TABLENAME );
return m_pInstanceBaselineTable;
INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetLightStyleTable( void )
if ( m_pLightStyleTable == NULL )
m_pLightStyleTable= m_StringTables->FindTable( LIGHT_STYLES_TABLENAME );
return m_pLightStyleTable;
INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetUserInfoTable( void )
if ( m_pUserInfoTable == NULL )
if ( m_StringTables == NULL )
return NULL;
m_pUserInfoTable = m_StringTables->FindTable( USER_INFO_TABLENAME );
return m_pUserInfoTable;
bool CBaseServer::GetClassBaseline( ServerClass *pClass, SerializedEntityHandle_t *pHandle )
if ( sv_instancebaselines.GetInt() )
ErrorIfNot( pClass->m_InstanceBaselineIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX,
("SV_GetInstanceBaseline: missing instance baseline for class '%s'", pClass->m_pNetworkName)
AUTO_LOCK_FM( g_svInstanceBaselineMutex );
int nSlot = m_BaselineHandles.Find( pClass->m_InstanceBaselineIndex );
ErrorIfNot( nSlot != m_BaselineHandles.InvalidIndex(), ( "CBaseServer::GetClassBaseline: for %s failed\n", pClass->GetName() ) );
*pHandle = m_BaselineHandles[ nSlot ];
return true;
bool CBaseServer::ShouldUpdateMasterServer()
// If the game server itself is ever running, then it's the one who gets to update the master server.
// (SourceTV will not update it in this case).
return true;
void CBaseServer::CheckMasterServerRequestRestart()
if ( !( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-fake_stale_server" ) ) )
if ( !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() || !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->WasRestartRequested() )
// Connection was rejected by the HLMaster (out of date version)
// hack, vgui console looks for this string;
Msg("%cMasterRequestRestart\n", 3);
#ifndef _WIN32
if (CommandLine()->FindParm(AUTO_RESTART))
Msg("Your server is out of date and will be shutdown during hibernation or changelevel, whichever comes first.\n");
Log_Msg( LOG_SERVER_LOG, "Your server is out of date and will be shutdown during hibernation or changelevel, whichever comes first.\n");
SetRestartOnLevelChange( true );
Cbuf_AddText(CBUF_SERVER, "sv_shutdown\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (g_pFileSystem->IsSteam())
else if ( 1 ) // under linux assume steam
Msg("Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\n");
Log_Msg( LOG_SERVER_LOG, "Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\n");
Msg("Your server is out of date. Please update and restart.\n");
if ( serverGameDLL && serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noautoupdate" ) )
{ // Valve DS always posts sv_shutdown when out of date
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, "sv_shutdown\n" );
void CBaseServer::UpdateMasterServer()
if ( !ShouldUpdateMasterServer() )
if ( !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
// Call this every frame
// Only update every so often.
double flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( flCurTime - m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime < MASTER_SERVER_UPDATE_INTERVAL )
m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime = flCurTime;
// If we are not in legacy mode then make sure server tags still get updated every so often.
// In legacy mode this is done by heartbeat code
if ( NET_IsDedicated() && sv_region.GetInt() == -1 )
sv_region.SetValue( 255 ); // HACK!HACK! undo me once we want to enforce regions
//Log_Printf( "You must set sv_region in your server.cfg or use +sv_region on the command line\n" );
//Con_Printf( "You must set sv_region in your server.cfg or use +sv_region on the command line\n" );
//Cbuf_AddText( "quit\n" );
static bool bUpdateMasterServers = !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nomaster" );
if ( bUpdateMasterServers )
bool bActive = IsActive() && IsMultiplayer() && g_bEnableMasterServerUpdater && !IsSinglePlayerGame();
if ( ShouldHideFromMasterServer() )
bActive = false;
g_bSteamMasterHeartbeatsEnabled = bActive;
Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->EnableHeartbeats( bActive );
if ( bActive )
if ( serverGameDLL && Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID().IsValid() )
void CBaseServer::UpdateMasterServerRules()
// Only do this if the rules vars are dirty.
if ( !m_bMasterServerRulesDirty )
ISteamGameServer *pGameServer = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
if ( !pGameServer )
// Need to respond with game directory, game name, and any server variables that have been set that
// affect rules. Also, probably need a hook into the .dll to respond with additional rule information.
ICvar::Iterator iter( g_pCVar );
for ( iter.SetFirst() ; iter.IsValid() ; iter.Next() )
ConCommandBase *var = iter.Get();
if ( !(var->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NOTIFY ) ) )
ConVar *pConVar = dynamic_cast< ConVar* >( var );
if ( !pConVar )
if ( !g_pKVrulesConvars->GetBool( pConVar->GetName() ) )
SetMasterServerKeyValue( pGameServer, pConVar );
if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
// Ok.. it's all updated, only send incremental updates now until we decide they're all dirty.
m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = false;
void CBaseServer::ForwardPacketsFromMasterServerUpdater()
ISteamGameServer *p = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
if ( !p )
while ( 1 )
uint32 netadrAddress;
uint16 netadrPort;
unsigned char packetData[16 * 1024];
int len = p->GetNextOutgoingPacket( packetData, sizeof( packetData ), &netadrAddress, &netadrPort );
if ( len <= 0 )
// Send this packet for them..
netadr_t adr( netadrAddress, netadrPort );
NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, packetData, len );
Read's packets from clients and executes messages as appropriate.
#define PARENT_PROCESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL ( 10.0 ) // every 10 seconds
void UpdateParentProcess( void )
#ifdef _LINUX
static double s_flNextParentProcessUpdate = -1;
float flNow = Sys_FloatTime();
if ( flNow >= s_flNextParentProcessUpdate )
s_flNextParentProcessUpdate = flNow + PARENT_PROCESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
char sbuf[2048];
sprintf( sbuf, "status map=%s;players=%d", sv.GetMapName(), sv.GetNumClients() );
SendStringToParentProcess( sbuf );
void CBaseServer::RunFrame( void )
NET_ProcessSocket( m_Socket, this );
CheckTimeouts(); // drop clients that timeed out
UpdateUserSettings(); // update client settings
SendPendingServerInfo(); // send outstanding signon packets after ALL user settings have been updated
CalculateCPUUsage(); // update CPU usage
if ( IsChildProcess() )
UpdateParentProcess(); // sned status to the parent process occasionally
if ( m_bMasterServerRulesDirty )
m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = false;
void CBaseServer::ProcessVoice( void )
//This call will improve voice transmission with a slowed host_timescale. But will also send data to the clients too frequently depending on network throttling.
//It can cause prediction errors when not throttled. There is no throttling for listen server loopback connections. Thusly, listen server hosts have prediction errors.
//SendClientMessages( false );
CBaseClient * CBaseServer::GetFreeClient( const ns_address &adr )
CBaseClient *client = GetFreeClientInternal( adr );
return client;
// Purpose:
// Input : *adr -
// *pslot -
// **ppClient -
// Output : int
CBaseClient * CBaseServer::GetFreeClientInternal( const ns_address &adr )
CBaseClient *freeclient = NULL;
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < m_Clients.Count() ; slot++ )
CBaseClient *client = m_Clients[slot];
if ( client->IsFakeClient() )
if ( client->IsConnected() )
if ( adr.CompareAdr ( client->m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress() ) )
ConMsg ( "%s:reconnect\n", ns_address_render( adr ).String() );
for ( int k = host_state.max_splitscreen_players; k -- > 1; )
// Processing split screen users in reverse order
CBaseClient *& pSsUser = client->m_SplitScreenUsers[ k ];
if ( !pSsUser )
RemoveClientFromGame( pSsUser );
// perform a silent netchannel shutdown, don't send disconnect msg
pSsUser->m_NetChannel->Shutdown( NULL );
pSsUser->m_NetChannel = NULL;
// Mark the split screen slot as empty
pSsUser = NULL;
RemoveClientFromGame( client );
// perform a silent netchannel shutdown, don't send disconnect msg
client->m_NetChannel->Shutdown( NULL );
client->m_NetChannel = NULL;
return client;
// use first found free slot
if ( !freeclient )
freeclient = client;
if ( !freeclient )
int count = m_Clients.Count();
if ( count >= m_nMaxclients )
return NULL; // server full
// we have to create a new client slot
freeclient = CreateNewClient( count );
m_Clients.AddToTail( freeclient );
// Success
return freeclient;
void CBaseServer::SendClientMessages ( bool bSendSnapshots )
for (int i=0; i< m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
CBaseClient* client = m_Clients[i];
// Update Host client send state...
if ( !client->ShouldSendMessages() )
// Connected, but inactive, just send reliable, sequenced info.
if ( client->m_NetChannel )
Msg("Client has no netchannel.\n");
CBaseClient *CBaseServer::CreateFakeClient(const char *name)
ns_address adr; // it's an empty address
adr.Clear(); // sets NA_NULL
CBaseClient *fakeclient = GetFreeClient( adr );
if ( !fakeclient )
// server is full
return NULL;
INetChannel *netchan = NULL;
if ( sv_stressbots.GetBool() )
netchan = NET_CreateNetChannel( m_Socket, &adr, ns_address_render( adr ).String(), fakeclient, NULL, true );
// a NULL netchannel signals a fakeclient
m_nUserid = GetNextUserID();
fakeclient->Connect( name, m_nUserid, netchan, true, CROSSPLAYPLATFORM_THISPLATFORM );
// fake some cvar settings
//fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "name", name ); // set already by Connect()
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "rate", CFmtStr( "%d", DEFAULT_RATE ) );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_updaterate", CFmtStr( "%d", (int)( 1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick ) ) );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_cmdrate", CFmtStr( "%d", (int)( 1.0f / host_state.interval_per_tick ) ) );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interp_ratio", "1.0" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interp", "0.1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interpolate", "0" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_predict", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_predictweapons", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_lagcompensation", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "closecaption","0" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "english", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_clanid", "0" );
// fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_team", "blue" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "hud_classautokill", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "tf_medigun_autoheal", "0" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_autorezoom", "1" );
fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "fov_desired", "75" );
// create client in game.dll
fakeclient->m_nSignonTick = m_nTickCount;
return fakeclient;
void CBaseServer::Shutdown( void )
g_pCVar->RemoveGlobalChangeCallback( ServerNotifyVarChangeCallback );
if ( !IsActive() )
m_State = ss_dead;
CUtlVector< CBaseClient * > vecDelete;
// Let reliable messages go out
for ( int retry = 0; retry < 3; ++ retry )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); ++ i )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[i];
if ( INetChannel *pChannel = cl->GetNetChannel() )
Sys_Sleep( 10 );
// Only drop clients if we have not cleared out entity data prior to this.
for( int i=m_Clients.Count()-1; i>=0; i-- )
CBaseClient * cl = m_Clients[ i ];
if ( cl->IsConnected() )
// Hack, but this forces instant cleanup
if ( cl->IsSplitScreenUser() )
cl->m_bSplitScreenUser = false;
cl->Disconnect( "Server shutting down" );
// free any memory do this out side here in case the reason the server is shutting down
// is because the listen server client typed disconnect, in which case we won't call
// cl->DropClient, but the client might have some frame snapshot references left over, etc.
vecDelete.AddToTail( cl );
m_Clients.Remove( i );
// Let drop messages go out
Sys_Sleep( 100 );
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( !IsHLTV() )
if ( m_flFlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdownTime && ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_flFlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdownTime < 1.0 ) )
;// Server was flagged for shutdown and SteamID reuse, don't LogOff
// Reset the shutdown flag
m_flFlagForSteamIDReuseAfterShutdownTime = 0;
// Let drop messages go out
Sys_Sleep( 100 );
for ( int i = 0; i < vecDelete.Count(); ++i )
delete vecDelete[ i ];
// clear everthing
// Purpose: Sends text to all active clients
// Input : *fmt -
// ... -
void CBaseServer::BroadcastPrintf (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr,fmt);
Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof( string ), fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
CSVCMsg_Print_t print;
print.set_text( string );
BroadcastMessage( print );
void CBaseServer::BroadcastMessage( INetMessage &msg, bool onlyActive, bool reliable )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];
if ( (onlyActive && !cl->IsActive()) || !cl->IsSpawned() )
if ( !cl->SendNetMsg( msg, reliable ) )
if ( msg.IsReliable() || reliable )
DevMsg( "BroadcastMessage: Reliable broadcast message overflow for client %s", cl->GetClientName() );
void CBaseServer::BroadcastMessage( INetMessage &msg, IRecipientFilter &filter )
if ( filter.IsInitMessage() )
// This really only applies to the first player to connect, but that works in single player well enought
if ( IsActive() )
ConDMsg( "SV_BroadcastMessage: Init message being created after signon buffer has been transmitted\n" );
if ( !msg.WriteToBuffer( m_Signon ) )
Sys_Error( "SV_BroadcastMessage: Init message would overflow signon buffer!\n" );
msg.SetReliable( filter.IsReliable() );
int num = filter.GetRecipientCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
int index = filter.GetRecipientIndex( i );
if ( index < 1 || index > m_Clients.Count() )
Msg( "SV_BroadcastMessage: Recipient Filter for message type %i (reliable: %s, init: %s) with bogus client index (%i) in list of %i clients\n",
filter.IsReliable() ? "yes" : "no",
filter.IsInitMessage() ? "yes" : "no",
index, num );
if ( msg.IsReliable() )
Host_Error( "Reliable message (type %i) discarded.", msg.GetType() );
CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ index - 1 ];
if ( !cl->IsSpawned() )
if ( !cl->SendNetMsg( msg ) )
if ( msg.IsReliable() )
DevMsg( "BroadcastMessage: Reliable filter message overflow for client %s\n", cl->GetClientName() );
// Purpose: Writes events to the client's network buffer
// Input : *cl -
// *pack -
// *msg -
static ConVar sv_debugtempentities( "sv_debugtempentities", "0", 0, "Show temp entity bandwidth usage." );
// 8 KB should be far more than is needed -- in fact less than 100 bytes seems to be sufficient
const int kTempEntityBufferSize = 8192;
void CBaseServer::WriteTempEntities( CBaseClient *client, CFrameSnapshot *pCurrentSnapshot, CFrameSnapshot *pLastSnapshot,
CSVCMsg_TempEntities_t &msg, int ev_max )
// allocate the temp buffer for the temp ents
char ALIGN4 tempEntityData[kTempEntityBufferSize] ALIGN4_POST;
bf_write buffer( &tempEntityData[0], ARRAYSIZE(tempEntityData) );
bool bDebug = sv_debugtempentities.GetBool();
// Container which calls ReleaseReference on all snapshots in list on exit of function scope
CReferencedSnapshotList snapshotlist;
// Builds list and calls AddReference on each item in list (uses a mutex to be thread safe)
framesnapshotmanager->BuildSnapshotList( pCurrentSnapshot, pLastSnapshot, CFrameSnapshotManager::knDefaultSnapshotSet, snapshotlist );
//keep count of the number of entities that we write out (since some can be omitted by the client)
int32 nNumEntitiesWritten = 0;
CEventInfo *pLastEvent = NULL;
// Build list of events sorted by send table classID (makes the delta work better in cases with a lot of the same message type )
for ( int nSnapShotIndex = 0;
nSnapShotIndex < snapshotlist.m_vecSnapshots.Count();
++nSnapShotIndex )
CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot = snapshotlist.m_vecSnapshots[ nSnapShotIndex ];
for( int i = 0; i < pSnapshot->m_nTempEntities; ++i )
CEventInfo *event = pSnapshot->m_pTempEntities[ i ];
if ( client->IgnoreTempEntity( event ) )
continue; // event is not seen by this player
//we are writing this entity so update our count so the receiver knows how many to parse
if ( event->fire_delay == 0.0f )
buffer.WriteOneBit( 0 );
buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 );
buffer.WriteSBitLong( event->fire_delay*100.0f, 8 );
if ( pLastEvent &&
pLastEvent->classID == event->classID )
buffer.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // delta against last temp entity
int startBit = bDebug ? buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() : 0;
SendTable_WriteAllDeltaProps( event->pSendTable, pLastEvent->m_Packed, event->m_Packed, -1, &buffer );
if ( bDebug )
int length = buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() - startBit;
DevMsg("TE %s delta bits: %i\n", event->pSendTable->GetName(), length );
// full update, just compressed against zeros in MP
buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 );
int startBit = bDebug ? buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() : 0;
buffer.WriteUBitLong( event->classID, GetClassBits() );
// Will write all non-zero fields
SendTable_WriteAllDeltaProps( event->pSendTable, SERIALIZED_ENTITY_HANDLE_INVALID, event->m_Packed, -1, &buffer );
if ( bDebug )
int length = buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() - startBit;
DevMsg("TE %s full bits: %i\n", event->pSendTable->GetName(), length );
if ( IsMultiplayer() )
// in single player, don't used delta compression, lastEvent remains NULL
pLastEvent = event;
//don't do any more work if we didn't write anything out
if( nNumEntitiesWritten <= 0 )
if ( buffer.IsOverflowed() )
Warning( "WriteTempOverflow! Discarding all ents!\n" );
// Copy the data to the message buffer. This copying is unfortunate but at least
// it has a cost that is proportional to the message size. The alternative is to
// initially set the buffer size larger and then resize it down, but the initial
// setting of the buffer size will require zeroing all of its bytes which is
// more expensive (as seen on CS:GO server profiles on Linux).
const int nBytesWritten = Bits2Bytes( buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() );
msg.set_entity_data( &tempEntityData[0], nBytesWritten );
// set num entries
msg.set_num_entries( nNumEntitiesWritten );
void CBaseServer::SetMaxClients( int number )
m_nMaxclients = clamp( number, 1, ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT );
// Purpose:
void CBaseServer::RecalculateTags( void )
if ( IsHLTV() || IsReplay() )
// We're going to modify the sv_tags convar here, which will cause this to be called again. Prevent recursion.
static bool bRecalculatingTags = false;
if ( bRecalculatingTags )
bRecalculatingTags = true;
// Games without this interface will have no tagged cvars besides "increased_maxplayers"
if ( serverGameTags )
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "GameTags" );
serverGameTags->GetTaggedConVarList( pKV );
KeyValues *p = pKV->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( p )
ConVar *pConVar = g_pCVar->FindVar( p->GetString("convar") );
if ( pConVar )
const char *pszDef = pConVar->GetDefault();
const char *pszCur = pConVar->GetString();
if ( Q_strcmp( pszDef, pszCur ) )
AddTag( p->GetString("tag") );
RemoveTag( p->GetString("tag") );
p = p->GetNextKey();
// Check maxplayers
int minmaxplayers = 1;
int maxmaxplayers = ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT;
int defaultmaxplayers = 1;
serverGameClients->GetPlayerLimits( minmaxplayers, maxmaxplayers, defaultmaxplayers );
int nHumans;
int nMaxHumans;
int nBots;
GetMasterServerPlayerCounts( nHumans, nMaxHumans, nBots );
if ( nMaxHumans > maxmaxplayers )
AddTag( "increased_maxplayers" );
RemoveTag( "increased_maxplayers" );
if ( g_bLowViolence )
AddTag( "low_violence" );
RemoveTag( "low_violence" );
// Group name
const char *pszGroupName = sv_steamgroup.GetString();
if ( !pszGroupName || !pszGroupName[0] )
RemoveTag( "*grp:", true );
char chGroupNameBuf[64] = {0};
Q_snprintf( chGroupNameBuf, sizeof( chGroupNameBuf ) - 2, "%si", pszGroupName );
AddTag( "*grp:", chGroupNameBuf );
bRecalculatingTags = false;
// Purpose:
void CBaseServer::AddTag( const char *pszTag, const char *pszSubTagValue )
CSplitString TagList( sv_tags.GetString(), "," );
for ( int i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
if ( pszSubTagValue )
// See if the subtag matches
if ( StringHasPrefix( TagList[i], pszTag ) )
// Ok, see if the tag value matches
if ( Q_stricmp(TagList[i]+strlen(pszTag),pszSubTagValue) == 0 )
// They have a subtag specified, but it's wrong. Remove it.
RemoveTag( pszTag, true );
// Already in the tag list?
if ( !Q_stricmp(TagList[i],pszTag) )
// Append it
char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
tmptags[0] = '\0';
Q_strncpy( tmptags, pszTag, MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
if ( pszSubTagValue )
Q_strncat( tmptags, pszSubTagValue, MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
Q_strncat( tmptags, sv_tags.GetString(), MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );
// Purpose:
void CBaseServer::RemoveTag( const char *pszTag, bool bSubTag )
const char *pszTags = sv_tags.GetString();
if ( !pszTags || !pszTags[0] )
char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
tmptags[0] = '\0';
CSplitString TagList ( sv_tags.GetString(), "," );
bool bFoundIt = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
bool bMatched = false;
if ( bSubTag )
bMatched = StringHasPrefix( TagList[i], pszTag );
bMatched = Q_stricmp(TagList[i],pszTag) == 0;
// Keep any tags other than the specified one
if ( !bMatched )
Q_strncat( tmptags, TagList[i], MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
bFoundIt = true;
// Didn't find it in our list?
if ( !bFoundIt )
sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );
CBaseClient *CBaseServer::CreateSplitClient( const CMsg_CVars& vecUserInfo, CBaseClient *pAttachedTo )
// signifies a split client. It'll plumb all the way down to winsock calls but it won't make them.
ns_address adr;
CBaseClient *pSplitClient = GetFreeClient( adr );
if ( !pSplitClient )
// server is full
return NULL;
INetChannel *netchan = NULL;
// [ NET ENCRYPT ] Split clients don't configure an encryption key because the master channel will network
netchan = NET_CreateNetChannel( m_Socket, &adr, ns_address_render( adr ).String(), pSplitClient, NULL, true );
m_nUserid = GetNextUserID();
// Name will be pulled from vecUserInfo!!!
pSplitClient->Connect( "split", m_nUserid, netchan, true, pAttachedTo->m_ClientPlatform, &vecUserInfo );
Assert( pSplitClient->m_bFakePlayer == true );
pSplitClient->m_bSplitScreenUser = true;
pSplitClient->m_pAttachedTo = pAttachedTo;
pSplitClient->m_nSignonTick = m_nTickCount;
pSplitClient->m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = true;
if ( !pSplitClient->CheckConnect() )
pSplitClient->m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = false;
return NULL;
pSplitClient->m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = false;
return pSplitClient;
CBaseClient *CBaseServer::GetBaseUserForSplitClient( CBaseClient *pSplitUser )
if ( pSplitUser->m_pAttachedTo )
return pSplitUser->m_pAttachedTo;
return pSplitUser;
void CBaseServer::QueueSplitScreenDisconnect( CBaseClient *pSplitHost, CBaseClient *pSplitUser )
SplitDisconnect_t disc;
disc.m_pUser = pSplitHost;
disc.m_pSplit = pSplitUser;
m_QueuedForDisconnect.AddToTail( disc );
void CBaseServer::ProcessSplitScreenDisconnects()
// Destroy it
for ( int i = 0; i < m_QueuedForDisconnect.Count(); ++i )
SplitDisconnect_t &disc = m_QueuedForDisconnect[ i ];
CBaseClient *pClient = disc.m_pUser;
for ( int j = 0; j < host_state.max_splitscreen_players; ++j )
if ( pClient->m_SplitScreenUsers[ j ] != disc.m_pSplit )
pClient->m_SplitScreenUsers[ j ] = NULL;
disc.m_pSplit->m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = true;
disc.m_pSplit->Disconnect( "leaving splitscreen" );
disc.m_pSplit->m_bSplitScreenUser = false;
// Exposing state of the server to the client code
ConVar sv_hosting_lobby( "sv_hosting_lobby", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED );
void CBaseServer::UpdateReservedState()
if ( ( m_flReservationExpiryTime && !IsReserved() ) ||
( m_flReservationExpiryTime < net_time ) )
m_flReservationExpiryTime = 0.0f;
if ( m_flTimeLastClientLeft != -1.0f )
uint64 CBaseServer::GetReservationCookie() const
return m_nReservationCookie;
bool CBaseServer::ReserveServerForQueuedGame( char const *szReservationPayload )
if ( !szReservationPayload )
return false;
switch ( szReservationPayload[0] )
case 'Q': // Queued competitive, locked game from the start
case 'G': // Joinable in progress game
case 'R':
sscanf( szReservationPayload + 1, "%p", &m_pnReservationCookieSession );
return true;
return false;
extern bool sv_ShutDown_WasRequested();
if ( sv_ShutDown_WasRequested() )
Warning( "Rejecting reservation because sv_shutdown was requested.\n" );
return false; // don't accept new reservations if we are in sv_shutdown mode
uint64 uiReservationCookie = 0;
uint64 uiMatchID = 0;
int32 bReserve = 0;
sscanf( szReservationPayload+1, "%llx,%llx,%d:", &uiReservationCookie, &uiMatchID, &bReserve );
if ( !uiReservationCookie || !uiMatchID )
return false;
m_nMatchId = uiMatchID;
if ( bReserve )
if ( !IsReserved() || ( GetReservationCookie() == uiReservationCookie ) )
m_flReservationExpiryTime = net_time + sv_mmqueue_reservation_timeout.GetFloat();
sv_mmqueue_reservation.SetValue( szReservationPayload );
SetReservationCookie( uiReservationCookie, "ReserveServerForQueuedGame: %s", szReservationPayload );
return true;
return false;
if ( IsReserved() && ( GetReservationCookie() == uiReservationCookie ) )
return true;
return !IsReserved();
void CBaseServer::SetReservationCookie( uint64 uiCookie, char const *pchReasonFormat, ... )
if ( uiCookie != m_nReservationCookie )
char reason[ 256 ] = { 0 };
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, pchReasonFormat );
Q_vsnprintf( reason, sizeof( reason ), pchReasonFormat, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 255, 255 ), "-> Reservation cookie %llx: reason %s\n", uiCookie, reason );
if ( !uiCookie )
sv_mmqueue_reservation.SetValue( "" );
else if ( StringHasPrefix( sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString(), CFmtStr( "Q%llx,", uiCookie ) ) )
// Set reservation players
for ( char const *pszPrev = sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString(), *pszNext = pszPrev;
( pszNext = strchr( pszPrev, '[' ) ) != NULL; pszPrev = pszNext + 1 )
uint32 uiAccountId = 0;
sscanf( pszNext, "[%x]", &uiAccountId );
if ( uiAccountId )
QueueMatchPlayer_t qmp;
qmp.m_uiAccountID = uiAccountId;
qmp.m_uiToken = 0;
qmp.m_uiReservationStage = 0;
m_arrReservationPlayers.AddToTail( qmp );
// Set the number of expected humans
m_numGameSlots = m_arrReservationPlayers.Count();
// Tournament servers need additional slots for casters
static char const * s_pchTournamentServer = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tournament", ( char const * ) NULL );
if ( s_pchTournamentServer )
int numCasters = 0;
for ( char const *pszPrev = sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString(), *pszNext = pszPrev;
( pszNext = strchr( pszPrev, '{' ) ) != NULL; pszPrev = pszNext + 1 )
uint32 uiAccountId = 0;
sscanf( pszNext, "{%x}", &uiAccountId );
if ( uiAccountId )
++ numCasters;
// Allow launch parameter to limit number of caster slots
static int s_nTournamentExtraCastersSlots = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tournament_extra_casters_slots", 2 );
numCasters = MAX( 0, MIN( s_nTournamentExtraCastersSlots, numCasters ) );
m_numGameSlots += numCasters;
else if ( StringHasPrefix( sv_mmqueue_reservation.GetString(), CFmtStr( "G%llx,", uiCookie ) ) )
// Set reservation players
// Set the number of expected humans
m_numGameSlots = 0;
// Set exposed reservation variable
sv_mmqueue_reservation.SetValue( CFmtStr( "0x%llx", uiCookie ) );
m_nReservationCookie = uiCookie;
// Expose the current reservation state via a replicated convar to clients
sv_hosting_lobby.SetValue( IsReserved() );
void CBaseServer::Unreserve()
if ( IsReserved() )
Msg( "Server was reserved for %d more seconds. Reservation cleared.\n", (int) ( m_flReservationExpiryTime - net_time ) );
m_flReservationExpiryTime = 0.0f;
Msg( "Server is not currently reserved.\n" );
char const *CBaseServer::GetGameType() const
return m_GameType.String();
char const *CBaseServer::GetGameData() const
return m_GameData.Base();
int CBaseServer::GetGameDataVersion() const
return m_GameDataVersion;
void CBaseServer::ClearTagStrings()
m_GameType = "";
static void BuildTokenList( char const *pchString, char chDelim, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &list )
// Have to split up the string
int len = Q_strlen( pchString );
char *szCritBuf = (char *)stackalloc( len + 1 );
Q_strncpy( szCritBuf, pchString, len + 1 );
char *pszTok = strchr( szCritBuf, chDelim );
char *pszPrevTok = szCritBuf;
while ( pszTok && pszPrevTok )
// Save character
char szTemp = *pszTok;
*pszTok = 0;
if ( *pszPrevTok )
list.AddToTail( CUtlString( pszPrevTok ) );
// Restore and advance to next token after delim
*pszTok = szTemp;
pszPrevTok = pszTok + 1;
pszTok = strchr( pszPrevTok, chDelim );
// Close off any trailing token w/o a delim at the end
if ( pszPrevTok && *pszPrevTok )
list.AddToTail( CUtlString( pszPrevTok ) );
void CBaseServer::AddTagString( CUtlString &dest, char const *pchString )
if ( !pchString || !*pchString )
char *chDelim = ",";
if ( Q_strstr( pchString, chDelim ) )
CUtlVector< CUtlString > list;
BuildTokenList( pchString, *chDelim, list );
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i )
AddTagString( dest, list[ i ].String() );
if ( !dest.IsEmpty() )
dest += chDelim;
dest += pchString;
void CBaseServer::UpdateGameType()
CUtlString tags;
if ( serverGameDLL )
char szMatchMakingTags[ 1024 ] = { 0 };
serverGameDLL->GetMatchmakingTags( szMatchMakingTags, sizeof( szMatchMakingTags ) );
if ( szMatchMakingTags[ 0 ] )
AddTagString( m_GameType, szMatchMakingTags );
bool bHaveAnyClients = GetNumHumanPlayers() > 0;
if ( !bHaveAnyClients )
AddTagString( m_GameType, "empty" );
static ConVarRef var( "sv_tags" );
if ( var.IsValid() && var.GetString()[ 0 ] )
AddTagString( m_GameType, var.GetString() );
// Is this server "secure"?
#if !defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
AddTagString( m_GameType, Steam3Server().BSecure() ? "secure" : "insecure" );
// if ( IsDedicated() && serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() && !IsX360() && !IsDedicatedForXbox() &&
// !bHaveAnyClients &&
// !IsReserved() && !( GetNumClients() - GetNumFakeClients() ) &&
// !sv_steamgroup_exclusive.GetBool() )
// {
// AddTagString( va( "*sv_search_key_%s%d", sv_search_key.GetString(), GetHostVersion() ) );
// }
if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->SetGameTags( m_GameType.String() );
void CBaseServer::UpdateGameData()
const int nPacketSize = MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD - 128; // The packet has to fit into NET_SendPacket and there's some data sent before the tags too
// Remember old data
CUtlVector< char > oldGameData;
oldGameData.EnsureCapacity( m_GameData.Count() );
oldGameData.AddMultipleToTail( m_GameData.Count(), m_GameData.Base() );
// Generate new data
m_GameData.EnsureCapacity( nPacketSize );
m_GameData.AddMultipleToTail( nPacketSize );
memset( m_GameData.Base(), 0, m_GameData.Count() );
// Add search key
CUtlString utlKey;
if ( serverGameDLL && IsDedicated() && !IsX360() && !IsDedicatedForXbox() &&
( GetNumHumanPlayers() <= 0 ) &&
!IsReserved() && !( GetNumClients() - GetNumFakeClients() ) &&
!sv_steamgroup_exclusive.GetBool() && !GetPassword() )
AddTagString( utlKey, CFmtStr( "%skey:%s%d",
serverGameDLL->IsValveDS() ? "v" : "c",
sv_search_key.GetString(), GetHostVersion() ) );
if ( utlKey.Length() > m_GameData.Count() - 3 )
Warning( "GameData: sv_search_key too long, cannot advertise server!\n" );
// Group name
CUtlString utlGroups;
const char *pszGroupName = sv_steamgroup.GetString();
CUtlVector< CUtlString > list;
char *chDelim = ",";
BuildTokenList( pszGroupName, *chDelim, list );
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i )
AddTagString( utlGroups, CFmtStr( "grp:%si", list[ i ].String() ) );
if ( utlKey.Length() + utlGroups.Length() > m_GameData.Count() - 3 )
Warning( "GameData: Too many Steam groups set for sv_steamgroup, not advertising Steam groups affiliation.\n" );
if ( serverGameDLL )
serverGameDLL->GetMatchmakingGameData( m_GameData.Base(), m_GameData.Count() - 1 - utlKey.Length() - utlGroups.Length() - 2 );
int nLen = Q_strlen( m_GameData.Base() );
char *pszWrite = m_GameData.Base() + nLen;
int numBytes = m_GameData.Count() - nLen;
Q_snprintf( pszWrite, numBytes - 1, "%s%s%s%s",
nLen ? "," : "",
utlGroups.Get(), utlGroups.Length() ? "," : "",
utlKey.Get() );
// Always update Steam
if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->SetGameData( m_GameData.Base() );
// Increment data version if changed
if ( oldGameData.Count() != m_GameData.Count() ||
memcmp( oldGameData.Base(), m_GameData.Base(), m_GameData.Count() ) )
++ m_GameDataVersion;
bool CBaseServer::IsPlayingSoloAgainstBots() const
if ( sv.IsActive() && sv.IsMultiplayer() )
int nNumHumanPlayers = sv.GetNumClients() - sv.GetNumFakeClients();
if ( nNumHumanPlayers == 1 )
return true;
return false;
bool CBaseServer::IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections() const
#ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( !IsDedicated() )
return false;
#if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// We are switching CStrike to always have lobbies associated with servers for community matchmaking
if ( !sv_allow_lobby_connect_only.GetBool() )
return false;
if ( sv_lan.GetBool() )
return false;
return true;
return false;
// CON_COMMAND( sv_unreserve, "Clears any lobby reservation for this server\n" )
// {
// sv.Unreserve();
// }
bool CBaseServer::ShouldHideServer() const
if ( serverGameDLL &&
serverGameDLL->ShouldHideServer() )
return true;
return false;
// If a server is hidden from master server it won't show up on public internet (server browser, steam server list)
// but it can still respond to LAN info, players, rules queries etc.
bool CBaseServer::ShouldHideFromMasterServer() const
// UNDONE: MATCHMAKING: Left4Dead keeps passworded, listen and cheat servers off the master server. TF2 does not.
extern ConVar sv_cheats;
if ( !IsDedicated() && (!IsHLTV()) )
return true;
return ShouldHideServer();
void CBaseServer::OnPasswordChanged()
if ( IsActive() )
Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, "heartbeat\n" );
int CBaseServer::GetMaxClients() const
return m_nMaxclients;
int CBaseServer::GetMaxHumanPlayers() const
if ( serverGameClients )
int nMaxHuman = serverGameClients->GetMaxHumanPlayers();
if ( nMaxHuman != -1 )
return nMaxHuman;
return GetMaxClients();
int CBaseServer::GetNumHumanPlayers( void ) const
int count = 0;
for (int i=0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsHumanPlayer() )
return count;
void CBaseServer::GetMasterServerPlayerCounts( int &nHumans, int &nMaxHumanSlots, int &nBots )
// count active users
nHumans = GetNumHumanPlayers();
nMaxHumanSlots = GetMaxHumanPlayers();
nBots = sv.GetNumFakeClients();
if ( sv_visiblemaxplayers.GetInt() > 0 )
nMaxHumanSlots = sv_visiblemaxplayers.GetInt();
extern bool CanShowHostTvStatus();
if ( !CanShowHostTvStatus() && ( nBots > 0 ) )
for ( CActiveHltvServerIterator hltv; hltv; hltv.Next() )
nBots--; // reduce the bot count by HLTV bot
void CBaseServer::ShowTags() const
Msg( "Tags:\n" );
Msg( "Public : %s\n", GetGameType() );
Msg( "Private: %s\n", GetGameData() );
CON_COMMAND( sv_showtags, "Describe current gametags." )
const ConVar &GetIndexedConVar( const ConVar &cv, int nIndex )
if ( nIndex == 0 )
return cv;
const ConVar *pIndexedCV = g_pCVar->FindVar( va( "%s%d", cv.GetBaseName(), nIndex ) );
if ( pIndexedCV )
return *pIndexedCV;
return cv;
} |