2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00

2293 lines
61 KiB

//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: baseclient.cpp: implementation of the CBaseClient class.
#include "server_pch.h"
#include "baseclient.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
#include "GameEventManager.h"
#include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "sv_remoteaccess.h" // NotifyDedicatedServerUI()
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "sv_main.h"
#include "host_state.h"
#include "net_chan.h"
#include "hltvserver.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IServerGameDLL *serverGameDLL;
ConVar sv_reliableavatardata( "sv_reliableavatardata", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_RELEASE, "When enabled player avatars are exchanged via gameserver (0: off, 1: players, 2: server)" );
ConVar sv_duplicate_playernames_ok( "sv_duplicate_playernames_ok", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_RELEASE, "When enabled player names won't have the (#) in front of their names its the same as another player." );
// Construction/Destruction
// init all pointers
m_NetChannel = NULL;
m_ConVars = NULL;
m_Server = NULL;
m_pBaseline = NULL;
m_bIsHLTV = false;
m_pHltvSlaveServer = NULL;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
m_bIsReplay = false;
m_bConVarsChanged = false;
m_bSendServerInfo = false;
m_bFullyAuthenticated = false;
m_nSignonState = SIGNONSTATE_NONE;
m_bSplitScreenUser = false;
m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = false;
m_bSplitPlayerDisconnecting = false;
m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = 0;
m_pAttachedTo = NULL;
Q_memset( m_SplitScreenUsers, 0, sizeof( m_SplitScreenUsers ) );
m_SplitScreenUsers[ 0 ] = this;
// first remove the client as listener
g_GameEventManager.RemoveListener( this );
void CBaseClient::SetRate(int nRate, bool bForce )
if ( m_NetChannel )
m_NetChannel->SetDataRate( nRate );
int CBaseClient::GetRate( void ) const
if ( m_NetChannel )
return m_NetChannel->GetDataRate();
return 0;
bool CBaseClient::FillUserInfo( player_info_s &userInfo )
Q_memset( &userInfo, 0, sizeof(userInfo) );
if ( !IsConnected() )
return false; // inactive user, no more data available
Q_strncpy( userInfo.name, GetClientName(), MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH );
Q_strncpy( userInfo.guid, GetNetworkIDString(), SIGNED_GUID_LEN + 1 );
userInfo.friendsID = m_SteamID.GetAccountID();
userInfo.xuid = GetClientXuid();
Q_strncpy( userInfo.friendsName, m_FriendsName, sizeof(m_FriendsName) );
userInfo.userID = GetUserID();
userInfo.fakeplayer = ( IsFakeClient() && !IsSplitScreenUser() );
userInfo.ishltv = IsHLTV();
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
userInfo.isreplay = IsReplay();
for( int i=0; i< MAX_CUSTOM_FILES; i++ )
userInfo.customFiles[i] = m_nCustomFiles[i].crc;
userInfo.filesDownloaded = m_nFilesDownloaded;
return true;
// Purpose: Send text to client
// Input : *fmt -
// ... -
void CBaseClient::ClientPrintf (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr,fmt);
Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof( string ), fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
CSVCMsg_Print_t print;
print.set_text( string );
SendNetMsg( print, print.IsReliable(), false );
// Purpose: Send text to client
// Input : *fmt -
// ... -
bool CBaseClient::SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice )
if ( !m_NetChannel )
return true;
// Send the actual message that was passed
int nStartBit = m_NetChannel->GetNumBitsWritten( msg.IsReliable() || bForceReliable );
bool bret = m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( msg, bForceReliable, bVoice );
if ( IsTracing() )
int nBits = m_NetChannel->GetNumBitsWritten( msg.IsReliable() || bForceReliable ) - nStartBit;
TraceNetworkMsg( nBits, "NetMessage %s", msg.ToString() );
return bret;
CHLTVServer * CBaseClient::GetHltvServer()
if ( m_Server->IsHLTV() )
return static_cast< CHLTVServer* >( m_Server );
Assert( !m_bIsHLTV || m_pHltvSlaveServer ); // if we have m_bIsHLTV mark, it means we connect to HLTV data source, either as a client listening to the HLTV port, or as a master client of HLTV Slave server. We can't be m_bIsHLTV and not be connected to any HLTV server from any end
return NULL;
CHLTVServer * CBaseClient::GetAnyConnectedHltvServer()
if ( m_pHltvSlaveServer )
Assert( !m_Server->IsHLTV() ); // we shouldn't cascade hltv->hltv within the same process
return m_pHltvSlaveServer;
return GetHltvServer();
char const *CBaseClient::GetUserSetting( char const *cvar ) const
if ( !m_ConVars || !cvar || !cvar[0] )
return "";
const char * value = m_ConVars->GetString( cvar, "" );
if ( value[0]==0 )
// For non FCVAR_SS fields, defer to the player 0 value
if ( m_bSplitScreenUser )
return m_pAttachedTo->GetUserSetting( cvar );
// // check if this var even existed
// if ( m_ConVars->GetDataType( cvar ) == KeyValues::TYPE_NONE )
// {
// DevMsg( "GetUserSetting: cvar '%s' unknown.\n", cvar );
// }
return value;
void CBaseClient::SetUserCVar( const char *cvar, const char *value)
if ( !cvar || !value )
m_ConVars->SetString( cvar, value );
void CBaseClient::SetUpdateRate( float fUpdateRate, bool bForce)
fUpdateRate = clamp( fUpdateRate, 1, 128.0f );
m_fSnapshotInterval = 1.0f / fUpdateRate;
float CBaseClient::GetUpdateRate(void) const
if ( m_fSnapshotInterval > 0 )
return 1.0f / m_fSnapshotInterval;
return 0.0f;
void CBaseClient::FreeBaselines()
if ( m_pBaseline )
m_pBaseline = NULL;
m_nBaselineUpdateTick = -1;
m_nBaselineUsed = 0;
void CBaseClient::SetSignonState( int nState )
bool bOldIsConnected = IsConnected();
m_nSignonState = nState;
bool bNewIsConnected = IsConnected();
if ( ( bOldIsConnected != bNewIsConnected ) && ( !IsFakeClient() || IsSplitScreenUser() ) )
{ // SetSignonState can be called in the callstack of an existing client
// and we don't want to trigger full hibernation and cause all clients
// to disconnect as a result, and come back into a callstack with a bad "this" CBaseClient pointer.
// So we just defer hibernation update till next SV_Think frame
// ( Also note that disconnecting GOTV clients can trigger a hibernation update on the main game server )
void CBaseClient::Clear()
// Throw away any residual garbage in the channel.
if ( m_NetChannel )
m_NetChannel->Shutdown("Disconnect by server.\n");
m_NetChannel = NULL;
if ( m_ConVars )
m_ConVars = NULL;
// This used to be a memset, but memset will screw up any embedded classes
// and we want to preserve some things like index.
m_nDeltaTick = -1;
m_nSignonTick = 0;
m_nStringTableAckTick = 0;
m_pLastSnapshot = NULL;
m_nForceWaitForTick = -1;
m_bFakePlayer = false;
m_bLowViolence = false;
m_bSplitScreenUser = false;
m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect = false;
m_bSplitPlayerDisconnecting = false;
m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = 0;
m_pAttachedTo = NULL;
m_bIsHLTV = false;
//???TODO: do we need to disconnect slave hltv server?
//m_pHltvSlaveServer = NULL;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
m_bIsReplay = false;
m_fNextMessageTime = 0;
m_fSnapshotInterval = 0;
m_bReceivedPacket = false;
m_UserID = 0;
m_Name[0] = 0;
strcpy(m_Name, "EMPTY");
m_FriendsName[0] = 0;
m_nSendtableCRC = 0;
m_nBaselineUpdateTick = -1;
m_nBaselineUsed = 0;
m_nFilesDownloaded = 0;
m_bConVarsChanged = false;
m_bSendServerInfo = false;
m_nLoadingProgress = 0;
m_bFullyAuthenticated = false;
Q_memset( m_nCustomFiles, 0, sizeof(m_nCustomFiles) );
bool CBaseClient::ProcessSignonStateMsg(int state, int spawncount)
if ( IsSplitScreenUser() )
return true;
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseClient::ProcessSignonStateMsg: %s : %d", GetClientName(), GetSignonState() );
switch( GetSignonState() )
case SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED : // client is connected, leave client in this state and let SendPendingSignonData do the rest
m_bSendServerInfo = true;
case SIGNONSTATE_NEW : // client got server info, send prespawn datam_Client->SendServerInfo()
if ( !SendSignonData() )
return false;
case SIGNONSTATE_PRESPAWN : SpawnPlayer();
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS; ++i )
if ( m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ] )
m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ]->ActivatePlayer();
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS; ++i )
if ( m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ] )
m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ]->SendFullConnectEvent();
// My net channel
INetChannel *pMyNetChannel = GetNetChannel();
// Force load known avatars for the users when they fully connect
if ( ( GetServer() == &sv ) &&
( sv_reliableavatardata.GetInt() == 2 ) &&
!this->IsFakeClient() && !this->IsHLTV() &&
m_SteamID.IsValid() )
// Try to load the avatar data for this player
CUtlBuffer bufAvatarData;
CUtlBuffer bufAvatarDataDefault;
CUtlBuffer *pbufUseRgb = NULL;
if ( !pbufUseRgb &&
g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( CFmtStr( "avatars/%llu.rgb", m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64() ), "MOD", bufAvatarData ) &&
( bufAvatarData.TellPut() == 64*64*3 ) )
pbufUseRgb = &bufAvatarData;
if ( !pbufUseRgb &&
g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( "avatars/default.rgb", "MOD", bufAvatarDataDefault ) &&
( bufAvatarDataDefault.TellPut() == 64 * 64 * 3 ) )
pbufUseRgb = &bufAvatarDataDefault;
if ( pbufUseRgb )
m_msgAvatarData.set_rgb( pbufUseRgb->Base(), pbufUseRgb->TellPut() );
m_msgAvatarData.set_accountid( m_SteamID.GetAccountID() );
// Since we are forcing this avatar inform the user about it
if ( pMyNetChannel )
pMyNetChannel->EnqueueVeryLargeAsyncTransfer( m_msgAvatarData );
// Also broadcast to this user all avatars that we have from other players!
if ( ( GetServer() == &sv ) && pMyNetChannel )
// Broadcast to this user avatars of all other users who already uploaded their avatars
for ( int iClient = 0; iClient < sv.GetClientCount(); ++iClient )
CBaseClient *pClient = dynamic_cast< CBaseClient * >( sv.GetClient( iClient ) );
if ( !pClient->IsConnected() )
// In debug build we can set to echo my own avatar back to client
if ( pClient == this )
if ( pClient->m_msgAvatarData.rgb().size() != 64 * 64 * 3 )
pMyNetChannel->EnqueueVeryLargeAsyncTransfer( pClient->m_msgAvatarData );
return true;
void CBaseClient::Reconnect( void )
ConMsg("Forcing client reconnect (%i)\n", GetSignonState() );
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signon( GetSignonState(), -1 );
FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signon );
m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( signon );
void CBaseClient::Inactivate( void )
m_nDeltaTick = -1;
m_nSignonTick = 0;
m_nStringTableAckTick = 0;
m_pLastSnapshot = NULL;
m_nForceWaitForTick = -1;
if ( m_NetChannel )
// don't do that for fakeclients
if ( NET_IsMultiplayer() && !IsSplitScreenUser() )
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signon( GetSignonState(), m_Server->GetSpawnCount() );
FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signon );
SendNetMsg( signon );
// force sending message now
// don't receive event messages anymore
g_GameEventManager.RemoveListener( this );
void CBaseClient::SetName(const char * name)
if ( StringHasPrefix( name, m_Name ) )
return; // didn't change
int i;
int dupc = 1;
char *p, *val;
// remove evil char '%'
char *pFrom = (char *)name;
char *pTo = m_Name;
char *pLimit = &m_Name[sizeof(m_Name)-1];
while ( *pFrom && pTo < pLimit )
// Don't copy '%' or '~' chars across
// Don't copy '#' chars across if they would go into the first position in the name
if ( *pFrom != '%' &&
*pFrom != '~' &&
( *pFrom != '#' || pTo != &m_Name[0] ) )
*pTo++ = *pFrom;
*pTo++ = '?';
*pTo = 0;
if ( Q_strlen( m_Name ) <= 0 )
Q_snprintf( m_Name, sizeof(m_Name), "unnamed" );
val = m_Name;
// Don't care about duplicate names on the xbox. It can only occur when a player
// is reconnecting after crashing, and we don't want to ever show the (X) then.
// We also don't care for tournaments to use (1) in names since names are baked into the GC schema
// also don't care in coop because bots can have the same names
static char const * s_pchTournamentServer = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tournament", ( char const * ) NULL );
if ( !s_pchTournamentServer && !IsX360() && !NET_IsDedicatedForXbox() && !sv_duplicate_playernames_ok.GetBool() )
// Check to see if another user by the same name exists
while ( true )
for ( i = 0; i < m_Server->GetClientCount(); i++ )
IClient *client = m_Server->GetClient( i );
if( !client->IsConnected() || client == this )
if( !Q_stricmp( client->GetClientName(), val ) )
if (i >= m_Server->GetClientCount())
p = val;
if (val[0] == '(')
if (val[2] == ')')
p = val + 3;
else if (val[3] == ')') //assumes max players is < 100
p = val + 4;
Q_snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "(%d)%-.*s", dupc++, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH - 4, p );
Q_strncpy(m_Name, newname, sizeof(m_Name));
val = m_Name;
m_ConVars->SetString( "name", m_Name );
m_Server->UserInfoChanged( m_nClientSlot );
void CBaseClient::ActivatePlayer()
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseClient::ActivatePlayer" );
// tell server to update the user info table (if not already done)
m_Server->UserInfoChanged( m_nClientSlot );
// update the UI
void CBaseClient::SpawnPlayer( void )
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseClient::SpawnPlayer" );
if ( !IsFakeClient() )
// free old baseline snapshot
// create baseline snapshot for real clients
m_pBaseline = framesnapshotmanager->CreateEmptySnapshot(
CFmtStr( "CBaseClient[%d,%s]::SpawnPlayer", m_nClientSlot, GetClientName() ).Access(),
// Set client clock to match server's
CNETMsg_Tick_t tick( m_Server->GetTick(), host_frameendtime_computationduration, host_frametime_stddeviation, host_framestarttime_stddeviation );
if ( GetHltvReplayDelay() )
tick.set_hltv_replay_flags( 1 );
SendNetMsg( tick, true );
// Spawned into server, not fully active, though
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signonState( GetSignonState(), m_Server->GetSpawnCount() );
FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signonState );
SendNetMsg( signonState );
bool CBaseClient::SendSignonData( void )
COM_TimestampedLog( " CBaseClient::SendSignonData" );
EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SENDSIGNONDATA, false );
if ( m_Server->m_Signon.IsOverflowed() )
Host_Error( "Signon buffer overflowed %i bytes!!!\n", m_Server->m_Signon.GetNumBytesWritten() );
return false;
m_NetChannel->SendData( m_Server->m_Signon );
S_PreventSound( false ); //it is now safe to use audio again.
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signonState( GetSignonState(), m_Server->GetSpawnCount() );
FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signonState );
return m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( signonState );
void CBaseClient::Connect( const char *szName, int nUserID, INetChannel *pNetChannel, bool bFakePlayer, CrossPlayPlatform_t clientPlatform, const CMsg_CVars *pVecCvars /*= NULL*/ )
COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseClient::Connect" );
if ( !bFakePlayer )
EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SIGNONCONNECT, false);
m_UserID = nUserID;
m_ConVars = new KeyValues("userinfo");
if ( pVecCvars )
ApplyConVars( *pVecCvars, true ); // set all initial user info cvars
char const *pchName = GetUserSetting( "name" );
pchName = serverGameClients->ClientNameHandler( m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64(), pchName );
SetName( ( pchName && *pchName ) ? pchName : szName );
szName = serverGameClients->ClientNameHandler( m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64(), szName );
SetName( szName );
m_bFakePlayer = bFakePlayer;
if ( bFakePlayer )
Steam3Server().NotifyLocalClientConnect( this );
m_NetChannel = pNetChannel;
if ( m_NetChannel && m_Server && m_Server->IsMultiplayer() )
m_NetChannel->SetCompressionMode( true );
m_ClientPlatform = clientPlatform;
// Purpose: Drops client from server, with explanation
// Input : *cl -
// crash -
// *fmt -
// ... -
void CBaseClient::PerformDisconnection( const char *pReason )
#if !defined( DEDICATED ) && defined( ENABLE_RPT )
SV_NotifyRPTOfDisconnect( m_nClientSlot );
Steam3Server().NotifyClientDisconnect( this );
// Make sure the client is valid to be disconnected
// Splitscreen parasites end up disconnecting twice
// sometimes which may cause havoc because
// m_Clients is accessed at the wrong index -- Vitaliy
if ( m_nClientSlot < 0 ||
m_nClientSlot >= m_Server->GetClientCount() ||
m_Server->GetClient( m_nClientSlot ) != ( IClient * ) this )
m_Server->UserInfoChanged( m_nClientSlot );
// L4D: don't print when bots remove themselves
if ( developer.GetInt() > 1 || !IsFakeClient() || IsSplitScreenUser() )
ConMsg("Dropped %s from server: %s\n", GetClientName(), pReason );
// remove the client as listener
g_GameEventManager.RemoveListener( this );
if ( m_pAttachedTo && m_pAttachedTo->GetNetChannel() )
m_pAttachedTo->GetNetChannel()->DetachSplitPlayer( m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot );
m_pAttachedTo = NULL;
// Send the remaining reliable buffer so the client finds out the server is shutting down.
if ( m_NetChannel )
m_NetChannel->Shutdown( pReason );
m_NetChannel = NULL;
Clear(); // clear state
void CBaseClient::Disconnect( const char *fmt )
if ( GetSignonState() == SIGNONSTATE_NONE )
return; // no recursion
// Make sure the client is valid to be disconnected
// During server shutdown splitscreen parasites end up
// disconnecting twice sometimes which may cause havoc because
// m_Clients is accessed at the wrong index -- Vitaliy
if ( m_nClientSlot < 0 ||
m_nClientSlot >= m_Server->GetClientCount() ||
m_Server->GetClient( m_nClientSlot ) != ( IClient * ) this )
if ( IsSplitScreenUser() && !m_bSplitAllowFastDisconnect )
CNETMsg_StringCmd_t stringCmd( va( "ss_disconnect %d\n", m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot ) );
SendNetMsg( stringCmd, true );
// Need to have all splitscreen parasites go away too
if ( !IsSplitScreenUser() )
for ( int j = host_state.max_splitscreen_players; j -- > 1; )
if ( !m_SplitScreenUsers[ j ] )
m_SplitScreenUsers[ j ]->PerformDisconnection( "leaving splitscreen" );
m_SplitScreenUsers[ j ] = NULL;
// Strip trailing return character
// while ( len > 0 )
// {
// if ( string[ len - 1 ] != '\n' )
// {
// break;
// }
// string[ len - 1 ] = 0;
// --len;
// }
PerformDisconnection( fmt );
Steam3Server().SendUpdatedServerDetails(); // Update the master server.
void CBaseClient::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event, bool bPassthrough )
CSVCMsg_GameEvent_t eventMsg;
// create bitstream from KeyValues
if ( g_GameEventManager.SerializeEvent( event, &eventMsg ) )
if ( m_NetChannel )
if ( bPassthrough )
eventMsg.set_passthrough( 1 );
m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( eventMsg, event->IsReliable() );
// This is our last chance to deliver this message out since the
// secure channels will be closed!
if ( !Q_stricmp( event->GetName(), "server_pre_shutdown" ) )
DevMsg("GameEventManager: failed to serialize event '%s'.\n", event->GetName() );
int CBaseClient::GetEventDebugID( void )
return m_nDebugID;
bool CBaseClient::SendServerInfo( void )
COM_TimestampedLog( " CBaseClient::SendServerInfo: %s : %d", GetClientName(), GetSignonState() );
// supporting smaller stack
net_scratchbuffer_t scratch;
bf_write msg( "SV_SendServerinfo->msg", scratch.GetBuffer(), scratch.Size() );
// Only send this message to developer console, or multiplayer clients.
if ( developer.GetBool() || m_Server->IsMultiplayer() )
char devtext[ 2048 ];
int nHumans;
int nMaxHumans;
int nBots;
sv.GetMasterServerPlayerCounts( nHumans, nMaxHumans, nBots );
Q_snprintf( devtext, sizeof( devtext ),
"\n%s\nMap: %s\nPlayers: %i (%i bots) / %i humans\nBuild: %d\nServer Number: %i\n\n",
nHumans, nBots, nMaxHumans,
m_Server->GetSpawnCount() );
CSVCMsg_Print_t printMsg;
printMsg.set_text( devtext );
printMsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// write additional server payload
if ( KeyValues *kvExtendedServerInfo = serverGameDLL->GetExtendedServerInfoForNewClient() )
// This field must be always set when sending the packet to client,
// because kvExtendedServerInfo describes the game and is cached in server.dll,
// but the clients can connect on SERVER port or on GOTV port and must
// receive appropriate server info for the port that they are using
kvExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "gotv", m_Server->IsHLTV() );
CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t cmdExtendedServerInfo;
CmdKeyValuesHelper::SVCMsg_SetKeyValues( cmdExtendedServerInfo, kvExtendedServerInfo );
cmdExtendedServerInfo.WriteToBuffer( msg );
CSVCMsg_ServerInfo_t serverinfo; // create serverinfo message
serverinfo.set_player_slot( m_nClientSlot ); // own slot number
m_Server->FillServerInfo( serverinfo ); // fill rest of info message
serverinfo.WriteToBuffer( msg );
if ( g_pMatchFramework && !sv.GetReservationCookie() )
KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "OnEngineListenServerStarted" );
if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
kvUpdate->SetInt( "externalIP", Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->GetPublicIP() );
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( kvUpdate );
// send first tick
m_nSignonTick = m_Server->m_nTickCount;
CNETMsg_Tick_t signonTick( m_nSignonTick, 0, 0, 0 );
signonTick.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// Write replicated ConVars to non-listen server clients only
if ( !m_NetChannel->IsLoopback() )
CNETMsg_SetConVar_t convars;
Host_BuildConVarUpdateMessage( convars.mutable_convars(), FCVAR_REPLICATED, true );
if ( m_Server->IsHLTV() )
static_cast< CHLTVServer* >( m_Server )->FixupConvars( convars );
convars.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// write stringtable baselines
m_Server->m_StringTables->WriteBaselines( m_Server->GetMapName(), msg );
m_bSendServerInfo = false;
// send signon state
SetSignonState( SIGNONSTATE_NEW );
CNETMsg_SignonState_t signonMsg( GetSignonState(), m_Server->GetSpawnCount() );
FillSignOnFullServerInfo( signonMsg );
signonMsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// send server info as one data block
DevMsg( "Sending server info signon packet for %s: %u / %u buffer %s\n",
m_NetChannel->GetAddress(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten(), NET_MAX_PAYLOAD,
( msg.IsOverflowed() ? " OVERFLOW" : "" ) );
if ( msg.IsOverflowed() ||
!m_NetChannel->SendData( msg ) )
Disconnect("Server info data overflow");
return false;
COM_TimestampedLog( " CBaseClient::SendServerInfo(finished)" );
return true;
void CBaseClient::OnSteamServerLogonSuccess( uint32 externalIP )
if ( g_pMatchFramework && !sv.GetReservationCookie() )
KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "OnEngineListenServerStarted" );
kvUpdate->SetInt( "externalIP", externalIP );
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( kvUpdate );
CClientFrame *CBaseClient::GetDeltaFrame( int nTick )
Assert( 0 ); // derive moe
return NULL; // CBaseClient has no delta frames
void CBaseClient::WriteGameSounds(bf_write &buf, int nMaxSounds )
// CBaseClient has no events
void CBaseClient::ConnectionStart(INetChannel *chan)
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_Tick ].Bind< CNETMsg_Tick_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::NETMsg_Tick ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_StringCmd ].Bind< CNETMsg_StringCmd_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::NETMsg_StringCmd ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SignonState ].Bind< CNETMsg_SignonState_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::NETMsg_SignonState ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SetConVar ].Bind< CNETMsg_SetConVar_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::NETMsg_SetConVar ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_PlayerAvatarData ].Bind< CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_ClientInfo ].Bind< CCLCMsg_ClientInfo_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_ClientInfo ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_Move ].Bind< CCLCMsg_Move_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_Move ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_VoiceData ].Bind< CCLCMsg_VoiceData_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_VoiceData ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_BaselineAck ].Bind< CCLCMsg_BaselineAck_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_BaselineAck ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_ListenEvents ].Bind< CCLCMsg_ListenEvents_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_ListenEvents ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_RespondCvarValue ].Bind< CCLCMsg_RespondCvarValue_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_RespondCvarValue ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_FileCRCCheck ].Bind< CCLCMsg_FileCRCCheck_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_FileCRCCheck ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SplitPlayerConnect ].Bind< CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_LoadingProgress ].Bind< CCLCMsg_LoadingProgress_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_LoadingProgress ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_CmdKeyValues ].Bind< CCLCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_CmdKeyValues ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_HltvReplay ].Bind< CCLCMsg_HltvReplay_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::CLCMsg_HltvReplay ) );
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_UserMessage ].Bind< CSVCMsg_UserMessage_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CBaseClient::SVCMsg_UserMessage ) );
void CBaseClient::ConnectionStop( )
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_Tick ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_StringCmd ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SignonState ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SetConVar ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_PlayerAvatarData ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_ClientInfo ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_Move ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_VoiceData ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_BaselineAck ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_ListenEvents ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_RespondCvarValue ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_FileCRCCheck ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_SplitPlayerConnect ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_LoadingProgress ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_CmdKeyValues ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_HltvReplay ].Unbind();
m_NetMessages[ NETMSG_UserMessage ].Unbind();
bool CBaseClient::NETMsg_Tick( const CNETMsg_Tick& msg )
// framerate stats is the same whether we're in replay or not
CNETMsg_Tick_t::FrametimeToFloat( msg.host_computationtime() ),
CNETMsg_Tick_t::FrametimeToFloat( msg.host_computationtime_std_deviation() ),
CNETMsg_Tick_t::FrametimeToFloat( msg.host_framestarttime_std_deviation() ) );
int nTick = msg.tick();
if ( nTick == -1 // tick == -1 is a call from client to send the full frame update, the client may be in bad state w.r.t. hltv replay
|| !msg.hltv_replay_flags() == !GetHltvReplayDelay() ) // the ack should be from the frame from the same timeline as we're feeding the player. Real-time-line acks shouldn't mix up with Replay-time-line acks
return UpdateAcknowledgedFramecount( nTick );
// we're fine, the ack is probably from the frame before switching to/from replay
return true;
bool CBaseClient::NETMsg_StringCmd( const CNETMsg_StringCmd& msg )
ExecuteStringCommand( msg.command().c_str() );
return true;
bool CBaseClient::NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData( const CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData& msg )
if ( sv_reliableavatardata.GetInt() != 1 )
return true;
if ( ( GetServer() == &sv ) && ( msg.rgb().size() == 64*64*3 ) )
m_msgAvatarData.CopyFrom( msg );
m_msgAvatarData.set_accountid( m_SteamID.GetAccountID() );
return true;
void CBaseClient::OnPlayerAvatarDataChanged()
// Broadcast this user's avatar to all other users who already got other updates
for ( int iClient = 0; iClient < sv.GetClientCount(); ++iClient )
CBaseClient *pClient = dynamic_cast< CBaseClient * >( sv.GetClient( iClient ) );
if ( !pClient->IsActive() )
// In debug build we can set to echo my own avatar back to client
if ( pClient == this )
// If this is a GOTV thunk then forward them the raw data
if ( pClient->IsHLTV() )
if ( CHLTVServer *hltv = pClient->GetAnyConnectedHltvServer() )
hltv->NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData( m_msgAvatarData );
if ( INetChannel *pNetChannel = pClient->GetNetChannel() )
pNetChannel->EnqueueVeryLargeAsyncTransfer( m_msgAvatarData );
void CBaseClient::ApplyConVars( const CMsg_CVars& list, bool bCreateIfNotExisting )
int convars_size = list.cvars_size();
for ( int i = 0; i < convars_size; ++i )
const char *name = NetMsgGetCVarUsingDictionary( list.cvars(i) );
const char *value = list.cvars(i).value().c_str();
if ( !V_stricmp( name, "name" ) )
value = serverGameClients->ClientNameHandler( m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64(), value );
if ( !bCreateIfNotExisting && !m_ConVars->FindKey( name ) )
static double s_dblLastWarned = 0.0;
double dblTimeNow = Plat_FloatTime();
#ifndef _DEBUG // warn all the time in debug build
if ( dblTimeNow - s_dblLastWarned > 10 )
s_dblLastWarned = dblTimeNow;
Warning( "Client \"%s\" SteamID %s userinfo ignored: \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n",
this->GetClientName(), CSteamID( this->GetClientXuid() ).Render(), name, value );
m_ConVars->SetString( name, value );
m_bConVarsChanged = true;
bool CBaseClient::NETMsg_SetConVar( const CNETMsg_SetConVar& msg )
ApplyConVars( msg.convars(), false ); // followup cvars, must be set on connect
return true;
bool CBaseClient::NETMsg_SignonState( const CNETMsg_SignonState& msg )
if ( msg.signon_state() == SIGNONSTATE_CHANGELEVEL )
return true; // ignore this message
if ( msg.signon_state() > SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED )
if ( msg.spawn_count() != (uint32)m_Server->GetSpawnCount() )
return true;
// client must acknowledge our current state, otherwise start again
if ( msg.signon_state() != (uint32)GetSignonState() )
return true;
return ProcessSignonStateMsg( msg.signon_state(), msg.spawn_count() );
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_ClientInfo( const CCLCMsg_ClientInfo& msg )
m_nSendtableCRC = msg.send_table_crc();
m_bIsHLTV = msg.is_hltv();
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
m_bIsReplay = msg.is_replay();
m_nFilesDownloaded = 0;
Q_strncpy( m_FriendsName, msg.friends_name().c_str(), sizeof(m_FriendsName) );
for ( int i=0; i<MAX_CUSTOM_FILES; i++ )
CRC32_t crc = ( i < msg.custom_files_size() ) ? msg.custom_files( i ) : 0;
m_nCustomFiles[i].crc = crc;
m_nCustomFiles[i].reqID = 0;
if ( msg.server_count() != ( uint32 )m_Server->GetSpawnCount() )
Reconnect(); // client still in old game, reconnect
return true;
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_LoadingProgress( const CCLCMsg_LoadingProgress& msg )
m_nLoadingProgress = msg.progress();
return true;
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_BaselineAck( const CCLCMsg_BaselineAck& msg )
if ( msg.baseline_tick() != m_nBaselineUpdateTick )
// This occurs when there are multiple ack's queued up for processing from a client.
return true;
if ( msg.baseline_nr() != m_nBaselineUsed )
DevMsg("CBaseClient::ProcessBaselineAck: wrong baseline nr received (%i)\n", msg.baseline_tick() );
return true;
Assert( m_pBaseline );
// copy ents send as full updates this frame into baseline stuff
CClientFrame *frame = GetDeltaFrame( m_nBaselineUpdateTick );
if ( frame == NULL )
// Will get here if we have a lot of packet loss and finally receive a stale ack from
// remote client. Our "window" could be well beyond what it's acking, so just ignore the ack.
DevMsg( "Dropping baseline ack %d\n", m_nBaselineUpdateTick );
return true;
CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot = frame->GetSnapshot();
if ( pSnapshot == NULL )
// TODO if client lags for a couple of seconds the snapshot is lost
// fix: don't remove snapshots that are labled a possible basline candidates
// or: send full update
DevMsg("CBaseClient::ProcessBaselineAck: invalid frame snapshot (%i)\n", m_nBaselineUpdateTick );
return false;
int index = m_BaselinesSent.FindNextSetBit( 0 );
while ( index >= 0 )
// get new entity
PackedEntityHandle_t hNewEntity = pSnapshot->m_pEntities[index].m_pPackedData;
DevMsg("CBaseClient::ProcessBaselineAck: invalid packet handle (%i)\n", index );
return false;
PackedEntityHandle_t hOldEntity = m_pBaseline->m_pEntities[index].m_pPackedData;
// remove reference before overwriting packed entity
framesnapshotmanager->RemoveEntityReference( hOldEntity );
// increase reference
framesnapshotmanager->AddEntityReference( hNewEntity );
// copy entity handle, class & serial number to
m_pBaseline->m_pEntities[index] = pSnapshot->m_pEntities[index];
// go to next entity
index = m_BaselinesSent.FindNextSetBit( index + 1 );
m_pBaseline->m_nTickCount = m_nBaselineUpdateTick;
// flip used baseline flag
m_nBaselineUsed = (m_nBaselineUsed==1)?0:1;
m_nBaselineUpdateTick = -1; // ready to update baselines again
return true;
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_ListenEvents( const CCLCMsg_ListenEvents& msg )
// first remove the client as listener
g_GameEventManager.RemoveListener( this );
for( int i = 0; i < msg.event_mask_size(); i++ )
EventArray.SetDWord( i, msg.event_mask( i ) );
int index = EventArray.FindNextSetBit( 0 );
while( index >= 0 )
CGameEventDescriptor *descriptor = g_GameEventManager.GetEventDescriptor( index );
if ( descriptor )
g_GameEventManager.AddListener( this, descriptor, CGameEventManager::CLIENTSTUB );
DevMsg("ProcessListenEvents: game event %i not found.\n", index );
return false;
index = EventArray.FindNextSetBit( index + 1 );
return true;
bool CBaseClient::IsTracing() const
return m_Trace.m_nMinWarningBytes != 0;
void CBaseClient::StartTrace( bf_write &msg )
if ( !IsTracing() )
m_Trace.m_nStartBit = msg.GetNumBitsWritten();
m_Trace.m_nCurBit = m_Trace.m_nStartBit;
#define SERVER_PACKETS_LOG "netspike.txt"
void CBaseClient::EndTrace( bf_write &msg )
if ( !IsTracing() )
int bits = m_Trace.m_nCurBit - m_Trace.m_nStartBit;
if ( bits < ( m_Trace.m_nMinWarningBytes << 3 ) )
CNetChan *chan = static_cast< CNetChan * >( m_NetChannel );
if ( chan )
int bufReliable = chan->GetBuffer( CNetChan::BUF_RELIABLE ).GetNumBitsWritten();
int bufUnreliable = chan->GetBuffer( CNetChan::BUF_UNRELIABLE ).GetNumBitsWritten();
int bufVoice = chan->GetBuffer( CNetChan::BUF_VOICE ).GetNumBitsWritten();
TraceNetworkMsg( bufReliable, "[Reliable payload]" );
TraceNetworkMsg( bufUnreliable, "[Unreliable payload]" );
TraceNetworkMsg( bufVoice, "[Voice payload]" );
CUtlBuffer logData( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
logData.Printf( "%f/%d Player [%s][%d][adr:%s] was sent a datagram %d bits (%8.3f bytes)\n",
bits, (float)bits / 8.0f );
const int WriteSize = 10*1024;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_Trace.m_Records.Count() ; ++i )
Spike_t &sp = m_Trace.m_Records[ i ];
logData.Printf( "%64.64s : %8d bits (%8.3f bytes)\n", sp.m_szDesc, sp.m_nBits, (float)sp.m_nBits / 8.0f );
if ( logData.TellPut() > WriteSize && i != m_Trace.m_Records.Count()-1 )
COM_LogString( SERVER_PACKETS_LOG, (char *)logData.Base() );
COM_LogString( SERVER_PACKETS_LOG, (char *)logData.Base() );
void CBaseClient::TraceNetworkData( bf_write &msg, char const *fmt, ... )
if ( !IsTracing() )
char buf[ 64 ];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
Spike_t t;
Q_strncpy( t.m_szDesc, buf, sizeof( t.m_szDesc ) );
t.m_nBits = msg.GetNumBitsWritten() - m_Trace.m_nCurBit;
m_Trace.m_Records.AddToTail( t );
m_Trace.m_nCurBit = msg.GetNumBitsWritten();
void CBaseClient::TraceNetworkMsg( int nBits, char const *fmt, ... )
if ( !IsTracing() )
char buf[ 64 ];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
Spike_t t;
Q_strncpy( t.m_szDesc, buf, sizeof( t.m_szDesc ) );
t.m_nBits = nBits;
m_Trace.m_Records.AddToTail( t );
void CBaseClient::SetTraceThreshold( int nThreshold )
m_Trace.m_nMinWarningBytes = nThreshold;
static ConVar sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities( "sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities", "32" );
ConVar sv_multiplayer_maxsounds( "sv_multiplayer_sounds", "20" );
bool CBaseClient::SendSnapshot( CClientFrame *pFrame )
SNPROF( "SendSnapshot" );
// never send the same snapshot twice
if ( m_pLastSnapshot == pFrame->GetSnapshot() )
return false;
// if we send a full snapshot (no delta-compression) before, wait until client
// received and acknowledge that update. don't spam client with full updates
if ( m_nForceWaitForTick > 0 )
// just continue transmitting reliable data
return false;
net_scratchbuffer_t scratch;
bf_write msg( "CBaseClient::SendSnapshot",
scratch.GetBuffer(), scratch.Size() );
TRACE_PACKET( ( "SendSnapshot(%d)\n", pFrame->tick_count ) );
// now create client snapshot packet
CClientFrame * deltaFrame = m_nDeltaTick < 0 ? NULL : GetDeltaFrame( m_nDeltaTick ); // NULL if delta_tick is not found
if ( !deltaFrame )
// We need to send a full update and reset the instanced baselines
char reason[ 128 ];
Q_snprintf( reason, sizeof( reason ), "%s can't find frame from tick %d", GetClientName(), m_nDeltaTick );
OnRequestFullUpdate( reason );
if ( IsTracing() )
StartTrace( msg );
// send tick time
CNETMsg_Tick_t tickmsg( pFrame->tick_count, host_frameendtime_computationduration, host_frametime_stddeviation, host_framestarttime_stddeviation );
if ( !tickmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg ) )
Disconnect( "#GameUI_Disconnect_TickMessage" );
return false;
if ( IsTracing() )
TraceNetworkData( msg, "NET_Tick" );
// in LocalNetworkBackdoor mode we updated the stringtables already in SV_ComputeClientPacks()
if ( !g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor )
// Update shared client/server string tables. Must be done before sending entities
m_Server->m_StringTables->WriteUpdateMessage( this, GetMaxAckTickCount(), msg );
int nDeltaStartBit = 0;
if ( IsTracing() )
nDeltaStartBit = msg.GetNumBitsWritten();
// send entity update, delta compressed if deltaFrame != NULL
m_Server->WriteDeltaEntities( this, pFrame, deltaFrame, m_packetmsg );
if ( !m_packetmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg ) )
Disconnect( "#GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage" );
return false;
if ( IsTracing() )
int nBits = msg.GetNumBitsWritten() - nDeltaStartBit;
TraceNetworkMsg( nBits, "Total Delta" );
// send all unreliable temp entities between last and current frame
// send max 64 events in multi player, 255 in SP
int nMaxTempEnts = m_Server->IsMultiplayer() ? sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities.GetInt() : 255;
m_Server->WriteTempEntities( this, pFrame->GetSnapshot(), m_pLastSnapshot.GetObject(), m_tempentsmsg, nMaxTempEnts );
if ( m_tempentsmsg.num_entries() )
m_tempentsmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
if ( IsTracing() )
TraceNetworkData( msg, "Temp Entities" );
int nMaxSounds = m_Server->IsMultiplayer() ? sv_multiplayer_maxsounds.GetInt() : 255;
WriteGameSounds( msg, nMaxSounds );
if ( IsTracing() )
TraceNetworkMsg( 0, "Finished [delta %s]", deltaFrame ? "yes" : "no" );
EndTrace( msg );
// write message to packet and check for overflow
if ( msg.IsOverflowed() )
if ( !deltaFrame )
// if this is a reliable snapshot, drop the client
Disconnect( "ERROR! Reliable snaphsot overflow." );
return false;
// unreliable snapshots may be dropped
ConMsg ("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s\n", m_Name);
// remember this snapshot
m_pLastSnapshot = pFrame->GetSnapshot();
// Don't send the datagram to fakeplayers unless sv_stressbots is on (which will make m_NetChannel non-null).
if ( m_bFakePlayer && !m_NetChannel )
m_nDeltaTick = pFrame->tick_count;
m_nStringTableAckTick = m_nDeltaTick;
return true;
bool bSendOK;
// is this is a full entity update (no delta) ?
if ( !deltaFrame )
// transmit snapshot as reliable data chunk
bSendOK = m_NetChannel->SendData( msg );
bSendOK = bSendOK && m_NetChannel->Transmit();
// remember this tickcount we send the reliable snapshot
// so we can continue sending other updates if this has been acknowledged
m_nForceWaitForTick = pFrame->tick_count;
// just send it as unreliable snapshot
bSendOK = m_NetChannel->SendDatagram( &msg ) > 0;
if ( !bSendOK )
Disconnect( "ERROR! Couldn't send snapshot." );
return false;
return true;
bool CBaseClient::ExecuteStringCommand( const char *pCommand )
if ( !pCommand || !pCommand[0] )
return false;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "demorestart" ) )
// trick, dont return true, so serverGameClients gets this command too
return false;
return false;
void CBaseClient::DemoRestart()
bool CBaseClient::ShouldSendMessages( void )
if ( !IsConnected() )
return false;
// if the reliable message overflowed, drop the client
if ( m_NetChannel && m_NetChannel->IsOverflowed() )
Disconnect( CFmtStr( "%s overflowed reliable buffer\n", m_Name ) );
return false;
// check, if it's time to send the next packet
bool bSendMessage = m_fNextMessageTime <= net_time ;
// don't throttle loopback connections
if ( m_NetChannel && m_NetChannel->IsLoopback() )
bSendMessage = true;
if ( !bSendMessage && !IsActive() )
// if we are in signon modem instantly reply if
// we got a answer and have reliable data waiting
if ( m_bReceivedPacket && m_NetChannel && m_NetChannel->HasPendingReliableData() )
bSendMessage = true;
if ( bSendMessage && m_NetChannel && !m_NetChannel->CanPacket() )
// we would like to send a message, but bandwidth isn't available yet
// tell netchannel that we are choking a packet
// Record an ETW event to indicate that we are throttling.
bSendMessage = false;
return bSendMessage;
void CBaseClient::UpdateSendState( void )
// wait for next incoming packet
m_bReceivedPacket = false;
// in single player mode always send messages
if ( !m_Server->IsMultiplayer() && !host_limitlocal.GetFloat() )
m_fNextMessageTime = net_time; // send ASAP and
m_bReceivedPacket = true; // don't wait for incoming packets
else if ( IsActive() ) // multiplayer mode
// snapshot mode: send snapshots frequently
float maxDelta = MIN( m_Server->GetTickInterval(), m_fSnapshotInterval );
float delta = clamp( net_time - m_fNextMessageTime, 0.0f, maxDelta );
m_fNextMessageTime = net_time + m_fSnapshotInterval - delta;
else // multiplayer signon mode
if ( m_NetChannel && m_NetChannel->HasPendingReliableData() &&
m_NetChannel->GetTimeSinceLastReceived() < 1.0f )
// if we have pending reliable data send as fast as possible
m_fNextMessageTime = net_time;
// signon mode: only respond on request or after 1 second
m_fNextMessageTime = net_time + 1.0f;
void CBaseClient::UpdateUserSettings()
// set user name
SetName( m_ConVars->GetString( "name", "unnamed") );
// set server to client network rate
SetRate( m_ConVars->GetInt( "rate", DEFAULT_RATE ), false );
// set server to client update rate
SetUpdateRate( m_ConVars->GetFloat( "cl_updaterate", 64 ), false );
SetMaxRoutablePayloadSize( m_ConVars->GetInt( "net_maxroutable", MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD ) );
m_Server->UserInfoChanged( m_nClientSlot );
m_bConVarsChanged = false;
void CBaseClient::OnRequestFullUpdate( char const *pchReason )
// client requests a full update
m_pLastSnapshot = NULL;
// free old baseline snapshot
// and create new baseline snapshot
m_pBaseline = framesnapshotmanager->CreateEmptySnapshot(
CFmtStr( "CBaseClient[%d,%s]::OnRequestFullUpdate(%s)", m_nClientSlot, GetClientName(), pchReason ).Access(),
DevMsg("Sending full update to Client %s (%s)\n", GetClientName(), pchReason );
// Purpose:
// Input : *cl -
bool CBaseClient::UpdateAcknowledgedFramecount(int tick)
if ( IsFakeClient() )
// fake clients are always fine
m_nDeltaTick = tick;
m_nStringTableAckTick = tick;
return true;
// are we waiting for full reliable update acknowledge
if ( m_nForceWaitForTick > 0 )
if ( tick > m_nForceWaitForTick )
// we should never get here since full updates are transmitted as reliable data now
ConDMsg( "Acknowledging reliable snapshot failed: ack %d while waiting for %d.\n", tick, m_nForceWaitForTick );
return true;
else if ( tick == -1 )
if( !m_NetChannel->HasPendingReliableData() )
// that's strange: we sent the client a full update, and it was fully received ( no reliable data in waiting buffers )
// but the client is requesting another full update.
// This can happen if they request full updates in succession really quickly (using cl_fullupdate or "record X;stop" quickly).
// There was a bug here where if we just return out, the client will have nuked its entities and we'd send it
// a supposedly uncompressed update but m_nDeltaTick was not -1, so it was delta'd and it'd miss lots of stuff.
// Led to clients getting full spectator mode radar while their player was not a spectator.
ConDMsg("Client forced immediate full update.\n");
m_nForceWaitForTick = m_nDeltaTick = -1;
OnRequestFullUpdate( "forced immediate full update" );
return true;
else if ( tick < m_nForceWaitForTick )
// keep on waiting, do nothing
return true;
else // ( tick == m_nForceWaitForTick )
// great, the client acknowledge the tick we send the full update
m_nForceWaitForTick = -1;
// continue sending snapshots...
if ( m_nDeltaTick == -1 )
// we still want to send a full update, don't change delta_tick from -1
return true;
if ( tick == -1 )
OnRequestFullUpdate( "client ack'd -1" );
if ( m_nDeltaTick > tick )
// client already acknowledged new tick and now switch back to older
// thats not allowed since we always delete older frames
Disconnect("Client delta ticks out of order.\n");
return false;
// get acknowledged client frame
m_nDeltaTick = tick;
if ( m_nDeltaTick > -1 )
m_nStringTableAckTick = m_nDeltaTick;
if ( (m_nBaselineUpdateTick > -1) && (m_nDeltaTick > m_nBaselineUpdateTick) )
// server sent a baseline update, but it wasn't acknowledged yet so it was probably lost.
m_nBaselineUpdateTick = -1;
return true;
// Purpose: return a string version of the userid
const char *GetUserIDString( const USERID_t& id )
static char idstr[ MAX_NETWORKID_LENGTH ];
idstr[ 0 ] = 0;
switch ( id.idtype )
TSteamGlobalUserID nullID;
Q_memset( &nullID, 0, sizeof( TSteamGlobalUserID ) );
if ( Steam3Server().BLanOnly() && !Q_memcmp( &id.uid.steamid, &nullID, sizeof( TSteamGlobalUserID ) ) )
strcpy( idstr, "STEAM_ID_LAN" );
else if ( !Q_memcmp( &id.uid.steamid, &nullID, sizeof( TSteamGlobalUserID ) ))
strcpy( idstr, "STEAM_ID_PENDING" );
Q_snprintf( idstr, sizeof( idstr ) - 1, "STEAM_%u:%u:%u", (SteamInstanceID_t)id.uid.steamid.m_SteamInstanceID,
(unsigned int)((SteamLocalUserID_t)id.uid.steamid.m_SteamLocalUserID.Split.High32bits),
(unsigned int)((SteamLocalUserID_t)id.uid.steamid.m_SteamLocalUserID.Split.Low32bits ));
idstr[ sizeof( idstr ) - 1 ] = '\0';
strcpy( idstr, "HLTV" );
strcpy( idstr, "REPLAY" );
strcpy( idstr, "UNKNOWN" );
return idstr;
// Purpose: return a string version of the userid
const char *CBaseClient::GetNetworkIDString() const
if ( IsFakeClient() )
return "BOT";
#if defined( _X360 )
if ( m_ConVars )
#elif defined( SERVER_XLSP )
if ( NET_IsDedicatedForXbox() && m_ConVars )
if ( 0 )
const char * value = m_ConVars->GetString( "networkid_force", "" );
if ( value && *value )
return value;
return ( GetUserIDString( GetNetworkID() ) );
uint64 CBaseClient::GetClientXuid() const
// For 2nd SS player IsFakeClient() == true, so need to short-circuit it straight into forced network_id -- Vitaliy
const char * value = NULL;
#if defined( _X360 )
if ( m_ConVars )
#elif defined( SERVER_XLSP )
if ( NET_IsDedicatedForXbox() && m_ConVars )
if ( 0 )
value = m_ConVars->GetString( "networkid_force", NULL );
if ( value && *value && strlen( value ) > 10 )
return ( uint64( strtoul( value, NULL, 16 ) ) << 32 ) | uint64( strtoul( value + 9, NULL, 16 ) );
if ( IsFakeClient() )
return 0ull;
return m_SteamID.ConvertToUint64();
bool CBaseClient::IgnoreTempEntity( CEventInfo *event )
int iPlayerIndex = GetPlayerSlot()+1;
return !event->filter.IncludesPlayer( iPlayerIndex );
const USERID_t CBaseClient::GetNetworkID() const
USERID_t userID;
m_SteamID.ConvertToSteam2( &userID.uid.steamid );
userID.idtype = IDTYPE_STEAM;
userID.uid.steamid.m_SteamInstanceID = 1;
return userID;
void CBaseClient::SetSteamID( const CSteamID &steamID )
m_SteamID = steamID;
void CBaseClient::SetMaxRoutablePayloadSize( int nMaxRoutablePayloadSize )
if ( m_NetChannel )
m_NetChannel->SetMaxRoutablePayloadSize( nMaxRoutablePayloadSize );
int CBaseClient::GetMaxAckTickCount() const
int nMaxTick = m_nSignonTick;
if ( m_nDeltaTick > nMaxTick )
nMaxTick = m_nDeltaTick;
if ( m_nStringTableAckTick > nMaxTick )
nMaxTick = m_nStringTableAckTick;
return nMaxTick;
int CBaseClient::GetAvailableSplitScreenSlot() const
for ( int i = 1; i < host_state.max_splitscreen_players; ++i )
if ( m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ] )
return i;
return -1;
void CBaseClient::SendFullConnectEvent()
IGameEvent *event = g_GameEventManager.CreateEvent( "player_connect_full" );
if ( event )
event->SetInt( "userid", m_UserID );
event->SetInt( "index", m_nClientSlot );
g_GameEventManager.FireEvent( event );
void CBaseClient::FillSignOnFullServerInfo( CNETMsg_SignonState_t &state )
// FillSignOnFullServerInfo
// fills the signon state message with full information about
// server clients connected to it at the moment
if ( IsX360() || sv.IsDedicatedForXbox() )
// We only do this on X360 listen server and X360-dedicated server
state.set_num_server_players (sv.GetClientCount());
for ( int j = 0 ; j < sv.GetClientCount() ; j++ )
IClient *client = sv.GetClient( j );
char const *szNetworkId = client->GetNetworkIDString();
state.add_players_networkids( szNetworkId );
const char *pMapname = HostState_GetNewLevel();
state.set_map_name( pMapname ? pMapname : "" );
struct SessionClient_t
uint64 xSession;
int numPlayers;
CCopyableUtlVector< IClient * > arrClients;
bool operator == ( const SessionClient_t & x ) const
return xSession == x.xSession;
static int Less( const SessionClient_t *a, const SessionClient_t *b )
// Groups with invalid session id should absolutely
// get dropped
if ( a->xSession != b->xSession )
if ( !a->xSession )
return 1;
if ( !b->xSession )
return -1;
// Keep more players if possible
if ( a->numPlayers != b->numPlayers )
return ( a->numPlayers > b->numPlayers ) ? -1 : 1;
// Keep more clients if possible
if ( a->arrClients.Count() != b->arrClients.Count() )
return ( a->arrClients.Count() > b->arrClients.Count() ) ? -1 : 1;
// Prefer to preserve the clients that have the original
// reservation session (that's the lobby leader)
if ( a->xSession != b->xSession )
if ( a->xSession == sv.GetReservationCookie() )
return -1;
if ( b->xSession == sv.GetReservationCookie() )
return 1;
// Otherwise keep the client that came first
return ( a->arrClients[0]->GetUserID() < b->arrClients[0]->GetUserID() ) ? -1 : 1;
void HostValidateSessionImpl()
if ( !sv.IsDedicatedForXbox() )
Msg( "[SESSION] Validating Session Information...\n" );
CUtlVector< SessionClient_t > arrSessions;
// Collect all connected clients by their sessions
for ( int j = 0 ; j < sv.GetClientCount() ; j++ )
IClient *client = sv.GetClient( j );
if( !client )
if ( !client->IsConnected() )
if ( client->IsFakeClient() )
if ( client->IsSplitScreenUser() )
// Now we have a client who is a real human client
const char *szSession = client->GetUserSetting( "cl_session" );
uint64 uid = 0;
if ( sscanf( szSession, "$%llx", &uid ) != 1 )
Warning( "couldn't parse cl_session %s\n", szSession );
SessionClient_t sc;
sc.xSession = uid;
sc.numPlayers = 0;
int idx = arrSessions.Find( sc );
if ( idx == arrSessions.InvalidIndex() )
idx = arrSessions.AddToTail( sc );
arrSessions[idx].arrClients.AddToTail( client );
arrSessions[idx].numPlayers += client->GetNumPlayers();
// Sort the sessions
if ( !arrSessions.Count() )
Msg( "[SESSION] No clients.\n" );
arrSessions.Sort( &SessionClient_t::Less );
// Set the new reservation cookie and drop the rest
int iDropIndex = 0;
if ( arrSessions[0].xSession )
Msg( "[SESSION] Updating reservation cookie: %llx, keeping %d players.\n",
arrSessions[0].xSession, arrSessions[0].numPlayers );
sv.SetReservationCookie( arrSessions[0].xSession, "HostValidateSession" );
iDropIndex = 1;
for ( int k = iDropIndex; k < arrSessions.Count(); ++ k )
for ( int clIdx = 0; clIdx < arrSessions[k].arrClients.Count(); ++ clIdx )
arrSessions[k].arrClients[clIdx]->Disconnect( "Session migrated" );
bool CBaseClient::CheckConnect()
return true;
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect( const CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect& msg )
int slot = GetAvailableSplitScreenSlot();
if ( slot == -1 )
Warning( "no more split screen slots!\n" );
Disconnect( "No more split screen slots!" );
return true;
CBaseClient *pSplitClient = sv.CreateSplitClient( msg.convars(), this );
if ( pSplitClient )
Assert( pSplitClient->m_bSplitScreenUser );
pSplitClient->m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = slot;
Assert( slot < ARRAYSIZE(m_SplitScreenUsers) );
m_SplitScreenUsers[ slot ] = pSplitClient;
CSVCMsg_SplitScreen_t splitscreenmsg;
splitscreenmsg.set_player_index( pSplitClient->m_nEntityIndex );
splitscreenmsg.set_slot( slot );
splitscreenmsg.set_type( MSG_SPLITSCREEN_ADDUSER );
m_NetChannel->AttachSplitPlayer( slot, pSplitClient->m_NetChannel );
SendNetMsg( splitscreenmsg, true );
if ( pSplitClient->m_pAttachedTo->IsActive() )
//only activate if the main player is in a state where we would want to, otherwise the client will take care of it later.
return true;
bool CBaseClient::CLCMsg_CmdKeyValues( const CCLCMsg_CmdKeyValues& msg )
return true;
void CBaseClient::SplitScreenDisconnect( const CCommand &args )
// Fixme, this will work for 2 players, but not 4 right now
int nSlot = 1;
if ( args.ArgC() > 1 )
nSlot = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
if ( nSlot <= 0 )
nSlot = 1;
if ( m_SplitScreenUsers[ nSlot ] != NULL )
CBaseClient *pSplitClient = m_SplitScreenUsers[ nSlot ];
DisconnectSplitScreenUser( pSplitClient );
void CBaseClient::DisconnectSplitScreenUser( CBaseClient *pSplitClient )
sv.QueueSplitScreenDisconnect( this, pSplitClient );
CSVCMsg_SplitScreen_t msg;
msg.set_player_index( pSplitClient->m_nEntityIndex );
msg.set_slot( pSplitClient->m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot );
m_NetChannel->DetachSplitPlayer( pSplitClient->m_nSplitScreenPlayerSlot );
SendNetMsg( msg, true );
bool CBaseClient::ChangeSplitscreenUser( int nSplitScreenUserSlot )
if ( IsSplitScreenUser() )
return m_pAttachedTo->ChangeSplitscreenUser( nSplitScreenUserSlot );
int other = nSplitScreenUserSlot;
bool success = false;
if ( other == -1 )
// Revert to self
success = m_NetChannel->SetActiveChannel( m_NetChannel );
if ( ( other >= 0 ) && ( other < ARRAYSIZE(m_SplitScreenUsers) ) && m_SplitScreenUsers[ other ] )
success = m_NetChannel->SetActiveChannel( m_SplitScreenUsers[ other ]->m_NetChannel );
if ( !success )
if ( !NET_IsDedicated() )
Msg( "Unable to set SetActiveChannel to user in slot %d\n", nSplitScreenUserSlot );
Assert( 0 );
return false;
return true;
bool CBaseClient::IsSplitScreenPartner( const CBaseClient *pOther ) const
if ( !pOther )
return false;
if ( pOther->IsSplitScreenUser() &&
pOther->m_pAttachedTo == this )
return true;
if ( IsSplitScreenUser() &&
m_pAttachedTo == pOther )
return true;
return false;
int CBaseClient::GetNumPlayers()
if ( IsSplitScreenUser() )
if ( m_pAttachedTo )
return m_pAttachedTo->GetNumPlayers();
return 0;
int numPlayers = 0;
for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( m_SplitScreenUsers ); ++ k )
if ( m_SplitScreenUsers[k] )
++ numPlayers;
return numPlayers;
// Is an actual human player or splitscreen player (not a bot and not a HLTV slot)
bool CBaseClient::IsHumanPlayer() const
if ( !IsConnected() )
return false;
if ( IsHLTV() )
return false;
if ( IsFakeClient() && !IsSplitScreenUser() )
return false;
return true;