476 lines
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476 lines
18 KiB
//========= Copyright © 1996-2004, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
//lint -save -e1931 -e1927 -e1924 -e613 -e726
// This header file defines the interface between the calling application and the code that
// knows how to communicate with the connection manager (CM) from the Steam service
// This header file is intended to be portable; ideally this 1 header file plus a lib or dll
// is all you need to integrate the client library into some other tree. So please avoid
// including or requiring other header files if possible. This header should only describe the
// interface layer, no need to include anything about the implementation.
#include "steamtypes.h"
#ifndef NETADR_H
class netadr_t;
class ICMInterface; // forward declaration
class ICMCallback; // forward declaration
class IVConnCallback; // forward declaration
extern "C" {
ICMInterface * CreateCMInterface( ICMCallback * pCMCallback ); // global function to create an interface object
typedef ICMInterface * (* LPCREATECMINTERFACEPROC)( ICMCallback * ); // typedef for function pointer (for GetProcAddress)
void DestroyCMInterface( ICMInterface * pCMInterface ); // global function to destroy and free an interface object
typedef void (* LPDESTROYCMINTERFACEPROC)( ICMInterface * ); // typedef for function pointer (for GetProcAddress)
// General result codes
enum EResult
k_EResultOK = 1, // success
k_EResultFail = 2, // generic failure
k_EResultNoConnection = 3, // no/failed network connection
k_EResultNoConnectionRetry = 4, // no/failed network connection, will retry
k_EResultInvalidPassword = 5, // password/ticket is invalid
k_EResultLoggedInElsewhere = 6, // same user logged in elsewhere
k_EResultInvalidProtocolVer = 7, // protocol version is incorrect
k_EResultInvalidParam = 8, // a parameter is incorrect
k_EResultFileNotFound = 9, // file was not found
k_EResultBusy = 10, // called method busy - action not taken
k_EResultInvalidState = 11, // called object was in an invalid state
k_EResultInvalidName = 12, // name is invalid
k_EResultInvalidEmail = 13, // email is invalud
k_EResultDuplicateName = 14, // name is not unique
k_EResultAccessDenied = 15, // access is denied
k_EResultTimeout = 16, // operation timed out
// Result codes to GSHandleClientDeny/Kick
typedef enum
k_EDenyInvalidVersion = 1,
} EDenyReason;
// Server flags.
const uint k_unServerFlagNone = 0;
const uint k_unServerFlagActive = 1;
const uint k_unServerFlagInsecure = 2;
// Steam universes. Each universe is a self-contained Steam instance.
enum EUniverse
k_EUniverseInvalid = 0,
k_EUniversePublic = 1,
k_EUniverseTestPublic = 2,
k_EUniverseInternal = 3,
EUniverse EUniverseFromName( const char * pchUniverseName );
const char * PchNameFromEUniverse( EUniverse eUniverse );
// Steam account types
enum EAccountType
k_EAccountTypeInvalid = 0,
k_EAccountTypeIndividual = 1, // single user account
k_EAccountTypeMultiseat = 2, // multiseat (e.g. cybercafe) account
k_EAccountTypeGameServer = 3, // game server account
k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer = 4, // anonomous game server account
k_EAccountTypePending = 5 // pending
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
// Steam ID structure (64 bits total)
class CSteamID
// Purpose: Constructor
CSteamID( )
m_unAccountID = 0;
m_EAccountType = k_EAccountTypeInvalid;
m_EUniverse = k_EUniverseInvalid;
m_unAccountInstance = 0;
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : unAccountID - 32-bit account ID
// eUniverse - Universe this account belongs to
// eAccountType - Type of account
CSteamID( uint32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType )
Set( unAccountID, eUniverse, eAccountType );
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : unAccountID - 32-bit account ID
// unAccountInstance - instance
// eUniverse - Universe this account belongs to
// eAccountType - Type of account
CSteamID( uint32 unAccountID, unsigned int unAccountInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType )
InstancedSet( unAccountID, unAccountInstance, eUniverse, eAccountType );
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : ulSteamID - 64-bit representation of a Steam ID
CSteamID( uint64 ulSteamID )
SetFromUint64( ulSteamID );
// Purpose: Sets parameters for steam ID
// Input : unAccountID - 32-bit account ID
// eUniverse - Universe this account belongs to
// eAccountType - Type of account
void Set( uint32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType )
m_unAccountID = unAccountID;
m_EUniverse = eUniverse;
m_EAccountType = eAccountType;
m_unAccountInstance = 1;
// Purpose: Sets parameters for steam ID
// Input : unAccountID - 32-bit account ID
// eUniverse - Universe this account belongs to
// eAccountType - Type of account
void InstancedSet( uint32 unAccountID, uint32 unInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType )
m_unAccountID = unAccountID;
m_EUniverse = eUniverse;
m_EAccountType = eAccountType;
m_unAccountInstance = unInstance;
// Purpose: Initializes a steam ID from its 52 bit parts and universe/type
// Input : ulIdentifier - 52 bits of goodness
void FullSet( uint64 ulIdentifier, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType )
m_unAccountID = ( ulIdentifier & 0xFFFFFFFF ); // account ID is low 32 bits
m_unAccountInstance = ( ( ulIdentifier >> 32 ) & 0xFFFFF ); // account instance is next 20 bits
m_EUniverse = eUniverse;
m_EAccountType = eAccountType;
// Purpose: Initializes a steam ID from its 64-bit representation
// Input : ulSteamID - 64-bit representation of a Steam ID
void SetFromUint64( uint64 ulSteamID )
m_unAccountID = ( ulSteamID & 0xFFFFFFFF ); // account ID is low 32 bits
m_unAccountInstance = ( ( ulSteamID >> 32 ) & 0xFFFFF ); // account instance is next 20 bits
m_EAccountType = ( EAccountType ) ( ( ulSteamID >> 52 ) & 0xF ); // type is next 4 bits
m_EUniverse = ( EUniverse ) ( ( ulSteamID >> 56 ) & 0xFF ); // universe is next 8 bits
// Purpose: Initializes a steam ID from a Steam2 ID structure
// Input: pTSteamGlobalUserID - Steam2 ID to convert
// eUniverse - universe this ID belongs to
void SetFromSteam2( TSteamGlobalUserID *pTSteamGlobalUserID, EUniverse eUniverse )
m_unAccountID = pTSteamGlobalUserID->m_SteamLocalUserID.Split.Low32bits * 2 +
m_EUniverse = eUniverse; // set the universe
m_EAccountType = k_EAccountTypeIndividual; // Steam 2 accounts always map to account type of individual
m_unAccountInstance = 1; // individual accounts always have an account instance ID of 1
// Purpose: Converts steam ID to its 64-bit representation
// Output : 64-bit representation of a Steam ID
uint64 ConvertToUint64( ) const
return (uint64) ( ( ( (uint64) m_EUniverse ) << 56 ) + ( ( (uint64) m_EAccountType ) << 52 ) +
( ( (uint64) m_unAccountInstance ) << 32 ) + m_unAccountID );
// Purpose: Fills out a Steam2 ID structure
// Input: pTSteamGlobalUserID - Steam2 ID to write to
void ConvertToSteam2( TSteamGlobalUserID *pTSteamGlobalUserID ) const
// only individual accounts have any meaning in Steam 2, only they can be mapped
// Assert( m_EAccountType == k_EAccountTypeIndividual );
pTSteamGlobalUserID->m_SteamInstanceID = 0;
pTSteamGlobalUserID->m_SteamLocalUserID.Split.High32bits = m_unAccountID % 2;
pTSteamGlobalUserID->m_SteamLocalUserID.Split.Low32bits = m_unAccountID / 2;
// Purpose: Converts the static parts of a steam ID to a 64-bit representation.
// For multiseat accounts, all instances of that account will have the
// same static account key, so they can be grouped together by the static
// account key.
// Output : 64-bit static account key
uint64 GetStaticAccountKey( ) const
// note we do NOT include the account instance (which is a dynamic property) in the static account key
return (uint64) ( ( ( (uint64) m_EUniverse ) << 56 ) + ((uint64) m_EAccountType << 52 ) + m_unAccountID );
// Purpose: create an anonomous game server login to be filled in by the AM
void CreateBlankAnonLogon( )
m_unAccountID = 0;
m_EAccountType = k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer;
m_EUniverse = k_EUniversePublic;
m_unAccountInstance = 0;
// Purpose: Is this an anonomous game server login that will be filled in?
bool BBlankAnonAccount( )
return m_unAccountID == 0 &&
m_EAccountType == k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer &&
m_EUniverse == k_EUniversePublic &&
m_unAccountInstance == 0;
// Purpose: Is this a game server account id?
bool BGameServerAccount( )
return m_EAccountType == k_EAccountTypeGameServer || m_EAccountType == k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer;
// simple accessors
void SetAccountID( uint32 unAccountID ) { m_unAccountID = unAccountID; }
uint32 GetAccountID( ) const { return m_unAccountID; }
uint32 GetUnAccountInstance( ) const { return m_unAccountInstance; }
EAccountType GetEAccountType( ) const { return m_EAccountType; }
EUniverse GetEUniverse( ) const { return m_EUniverse; }
bool IsValid( ) const { return m_EAccountType != k_EAccountTypeInvalid; }
// this set of functions is hidden, will be moved out of class
CSteamID( char *pchSteamID );
void SetFromString( char *pchSteamID );
char * Render( ) const; // renders this steam ID to string
static char * Render( uint64 ulSteamID ); // static method to render a uint64 representation of a steam ID to a string
// DEBUG function
bool BValidExternalSteamID( void );
// 64 bits total
uint32 m_unAccountID : 32; // unique account identifier
unsigned int m_unAccountInstance : 20; // dynamic instance ID (used for multiseat type accounts only)
EAccountType m_EAccountType : 4; // type of account
EUniverse m_EUniverse : 8; // universe this account belongs to
#pragma pack( pop )
// ICMCallback
// Anyone who owns a CMInterface object should implement this to receive callbacks.
class ICMCallback
ICMCallback( ) { };
virtual ~ICMCallback( ) { };
virtual void OnLogonSuccess( void ) = 0 ;
virtual void OnLogonFailure( EResult eResult ) = 0;
virtual void OnLoggedOff( EResult eResult ) = 0;
// Called during logon to get encrypted user ticket
virtual bool GetEncryptedUserTicket( unsigned int unIPPublic, unsigned int unIPPrivate,
const void * pubEncryptionKey, unsigned int cubEncryptionKey,
void * pubEncryptedTicket, unsigned int cubEncryptedTicketBuf, unsigned int * pcubEncryptedTicketSize ) = 0;
// Called when we receive a VAC challenge
virtual void HandleVACChallenge( int nClientGameID, uint8 *pubChallenge, int cubChallenge ) = 0;
// Called when we receive a VAC kick message
virtual void HandleVACKick( int nClientGameID ) = 0;
// Methods to read/write to owner's persistent storage (e.g. config file)
virtual bool GetValue( const char * pwzName, char * pwzValue, const int cchValue ) = 0;
virtual bool SetValue( const char * pwzName, const char * pwzValue ) = 0;
// called when a GS is getting responses to requests or user status
virtual void GSHandleClientApprove( CSteamID & steamID ) = 0;
virtual void GSHandleClientDeny( CSteamID & steamID, EDenyReason eDenyReason ) = 0;
virtual void GSHandleClientKick( CSteamID & steamID, EDenyReason eDenyReason ) = 0;
#ifdef _SERVER
virtual void TEST_ReportAuthKey( uint8 * pubAuthKey, uint32 cubAuthKey ) = 0;
virtual void TEST_ReportMsgRecieved( int32 m_EMsg ) = 0;
#endif // _SERVER
// CMInterface
// This connects the client to the CM.
class ICMInterface
ICMInterface() {};
virtual ~ICMInterface() {};
// Manage ClientGames
virtual int NClientGameIDAdd( int nGameID ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveClientGame( int nClientGameID ) = 0;
virtual void SetClientGameServer( int nClientGameID, uint unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer ) = 0;
// Set CM IP and port -- currently only for debugging!
virtual void SetCMs( const netadr_t *pNetAdrCMs, int nNetAdrCMs ) = 0;
// Log on and off
virtual void LogOff( void ) = 0;
virtual void LogOn( CSteamID & steamID ) = 0;
// Our mainloop
virtual bool BMainLoop( ) = 0;
// Send a VAC response to the CM
virtual bool SendVACResponse( int nClientGameID, uint8 *pubResponse, int cubResponse ) = 0;
// Send an authentication packet to the CM
virtual bool SendAuth( uint8 *pubAuth, int cubAuth ) = 0;
virtual bool BLoggedOn( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetSpewLevel( int nSpewLevel ) = 0;
virtual EUniverse GetEUniverse( ) = 0;
virtual void SetEUniverse( EUniverse eUniverse ) = 0;
// Game Server methods
virtual bool GSSendLogonRequest( CSteamID & steamID ) = 0;
virtual bool GSSendDisconnect( CSteamID & steamID ) = 0;
virtual bool GSSendStatusResponse( CSteamID & steamID, int nSecondsConnected, int nSecondsSinceLast ) = 0;
virtual bool GSSetStatus( int32 uAppIdServed, uint uServerFlags, int cPlayers, int cPlayersMax ) = 0;
virtual void TEST_SetFakePrivateIP( uint unIPPrivate ) = 0;
virtual void TEST_SendBigMessage( void ) = 0; // send a big (multi-packet) message to the server to test packetization code
virtual bool TEST_BBigMessageResponseReceived( void ) = 0; // returns TRUE if a big test message response has been sent back from the server
virtual void TEST_SetPktLossPct( int nPct ) = 0; // sets a simulated packet loss percentage for testing
virtual void TEST_SetForceTCP( bool bForceTCP ) = 0; // forces client to use TCP connection
virtual void TEST_SetTCPFallback( bool bTCPFallback ) = 0; // causes client to connect over TCP, send a fallback message, and disconnect
virtual int TEST_GetOurConnectionID( ) = 0; // returns our connection ID for this connection
virtual void TEST_HeartBeat( ) = 0; // send a heartbeat to the CM
virtual IVConnCallback * TEST_GetVConnCallback( ) =0; // returns our vconn callback interface
virtual void TEST_FakeDisconnect() = 0;
virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName ) = 0; // Validate our internal structures
// This is the wrapper class for all VAC functionaility in the client
class IVAC
virtual bool BVACCreateProcess(
DWORD cbBlobSize,
LPCTSTR lpApplicationName,
LPTSTR lpCommandLine,
BOOL bInheritHandles,
DWORD dwCreationFlags,
LPVOID lpEnvironment,
LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
) = 0;
virtual void KillAllVAC( void ) = 0;
virtual void ProcessVAC( ICMInterface *pCMInterface ) = 0;
virtual void RealHandleVACChallenge( ICMInterface *pCMInterface, int nClientGameID, uint8 *pubChallenge, int cubChallenge) = 0;
virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName ) = 0; // Validate our internal structures
// this is a bogus number picked to be beyond any real steam2 uAppID
const int k_nGameIDNotepad = 65535;
// this is the real steam2 uAppID for Counter-Strike Source
const int k_nGameIDCSS = 240;
IVAC * IVACGet( void );
void ReleaseIVAC( IVAC *pIVAC );
BYTE *PbLoadVacBlob( int *pcbVacBlob );
void FreeVacBlob( BYTE *pbVacBlob );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void SetUseDllForIVAC( void );
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // VAC_ENABLED
//lint -restore