// To deploy: C:\bin\putty\pscp.exe D:\csgo\trunk\src\engine\hltvbroadcastrelay.js sergiy@sdr-04.iad.valve.net:/home/sergiy/csgo_relay/hltvbroadcastrelay.js var http = require('http'); var accounts = {}; var url = require('url'); var fs = require("fs"); var os = require("os"); var adminCookie = Math.random(); var anonymousGetAllowance = 10; // this is how many GET requests are currently allowed (goes up with every POST up to a point) without the Akamai x-origin-auth header function zeroArray(len) { var arr = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = 0; return arr; } var stats = { post_field: 0, get_field: 0, get_start: 0, get_frag_meta: 0, sync: 0, not_found: 0, new_acct: 0, err: zeroArray(8), requests: 0, started: Date.now(), version: 5 }; "use strict"; var port = 8080; function datasize( obj, field ) { var f = obj[field]; if (f == null) return ''; if (typeof f === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer( f ) ) return f.length; else if (f == null) return ''; else return typeof f; } function listAllAccounts() { var uptime = ( Date.now() - stats.started ) / 1000; var html = '

Uptime ' + Math.floor((uptime / 60 / 60) % 60) + ':' + Math.floor((uptime / 60) % 60) + ':' + Math.floor(uptime % 60) + '


Stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats) + '

\n'; html += '
'; for (var acct in accounts) { var acc = accounts[acct]; html += '

' + acct + ' -> ' + acc.length + ' frames, map ' + ( acc[0] == null ? "unknown" : acc[0].map ) + '

\n'; } return html; } function listSingleAccount( accId, acc ) { var title = ''; if (acc[0]){ title += '

map ' + acc[0].map; title += ' started ' + new Date(acc[0].timestamp).toUTCString(); if (acc[0].signup_fragment) title += ', signup fragment ' + acc[0].signup_fragment; title += '

playcast "http://csgo-broadcast.akamai.steamstatic.com/' + accId + '"'; title += '
'; } var html = '

' + title + '

'; html += "\n"; var last_frag = 0; for (var fragment in acc) { if (last_frag + 1 < fragment) html += '\n'; last_frag = parseInt(fragment); html += ''; var f = acc[fragment]; if (f) { html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '\n' } else html += ''; } html += "
fragment ticks start full delta timestamp
' + (last_frag + 1) + ' ... ' + (fragment - 1) + 'missing
' + fragment + '' + (f.tick ? f.tick : "") + ' - ' + (f.endtick ? f.endtick : "") + '' + datasize(f, 'start'); if (acc[0] != null && acc[0].signup_fragment == fragment) html += 'signup'; html += '' + datasize(f, 'full') + '' + datasize(f, 'delta') + '' + (f.timestamp ? new Date(f.timestamp).toUTCString() : '') + '
"; return html; } function respondSimpleHtml( response, htmlBody ) { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); response.end('' + htmlBody + ''); } function respondSimpleError(uri, response, code, explanation) { // if( uri ) console.log( uri + " => " + code + " " + explanation ); response.writeHead(code, explanation); response.end(); } function getAccountBufferSize( acc ){ var totalSize = 0; for (var fragment in acc ) { for (var field in acc[fragment]) { var length = acc[fragment][field].length; if( length ) totalSize += length; } } return totalSize; } function isSyncReady( f ) { return f != null && typeof( f ) == "object" && f.full != null && f.delta != null && f.tick != null && f.endtick != null; } function respondAccSync( param, uri, response, acc ) { var nowMs = Date.now(); response.setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=3'); response.setHeader( 'Expires', new Date( nowMs + 3000 ).toUTCString() ); // whatever we find out, this information is going to be stale 3-5 seconds from now var acc0 = acc[0]; if (acc0 != null && acc0.start != null) { var fragment = param.query.fragment, frag = null; if( fragment == null ) { // skip the last 3-4 fragments, to let the front-running clients get 404, and akamai wait for 3+ seconds, and re-try that fragment again // then go back another 3 fragments that are the buffer size for the client - we want to have the full 3 fragments ahead of whatever the user is streaming for the smooth experience // if we don't, then legit in-sync clients will often hit akamai-cached 404 on buffered fragments fragment = acc.length - 8; if (fragment >= 0 && fragment >= acc0.signup_fragment) { // can't serve anything before the start fragment var f = acc[fragment]; if ( isSyncReady(f) ) frag = f; } } else { if (fragment < acc0.signup_fragment) fragment = acc0.signup_fragment; for (; fragment < acc.length; fragment++) { var f = acc[fragment]; if (isSyncReady(f)) { frag = f; break; } } } if( frag ) { console.log("Sync fragment " + fragment); // found the fragment that we want to send out response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); if (acc0.protocol == null) acc0.protocol = 4; response.end(JSON.stringify({ tick:frag.tick, endtick: frag.endtick, rtdelay: ( nowMs - frag.timestamp ) / 1000, // delay of this fragment from real-time, in seconds rcvage: ( nowMs - acc[acc.length - 1].timestamp ) / 1000, // Receive age: how many seconds since relay last received data from game server fragment: fragment, signup_fragment: acc0.signup_fragment, tps: acc0.tps, keyframe_interval: acc0.keyframe_interval, map: acc0.map, protocol: acc0.protocol })); return; // success! } // not found response.writeHead(405, "Fragment not found, please check back soon"); } else response.writeHead(404, "Broadcast has not started yet"); response.end(); } function postField( request, param, response, acc, fragment, field ) { // decide on what exactly the response code is - we have enough info now if (field == "start") { console.log("Start tick " + param.query.tick + " in fragment " + fragment); response.writeHead(200); if (acc[0] == null) acc[0] = {}; if (acc[0].signup_fragment > fragment) console.log("UNEXPECTED new start fragment " + fragment + " after " + acc[0].signup_fragment); acc[0].signup_fragment = fragment; fragment = 0; // keep the start in the fragment 0 } else { if (acc[0] == null) { console.log("205 - need start fragment"); response.writeHead(205); } else { if (acc[0].start == null) { console.log("205 - need start data"); response.writeHead(205); } else { response.writeHead(200); } } if (acc[fragment] == null) { //console.log("Creating fragment " + fragment + " in account " + path[1]); acc[fragment] = {}; } } for (q in param.query) { var v = param.query[q], n = parseInt( v ); acc[fragment][q] = ( v == n ? n : v ); } var body = []; request.on('data', function (data) { body.push( data ); }); request.on('end', function () { var totalBufer = Buffer.concat(body) acc[fragment][field] = totalBufer; acc[fragment].timestamp = Date.now(); if( field == "start") console.log("Received [" + fragment + "]." + field + ", " + totalBufer.length + " bytes in " + body.length + " pieces"); response.end(); }); } function serveBlob( request, response, blob ) { if (blob == null) { response.writeHead(404, "Field not found"); response.end(); } else {// we have data to serve if (Buffer.isBuffer(blob)) { response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream' }); //console.log("Serving " + blob.length + " bytes: " + request.url); response.end(blob); } else { response.writeHead(404, "Unexpected field type " + typeof (blob)); // we only serve strings console.log("Unexpected Field type " + typeof (blob)); // we only serve strings response.end(); } } } function getStart(request, response, acc, fragment, field) { if (acc[0] == null || acc[0].signup_fragment != fragment) { respondSimpleError(request.url, response, 404, "Invalid or expired start fragment, please re-sync"); } else{ // always take start data from the 0th fragment serveBlob(request, response, acc[0][field]); } } function getField(request, response, acc, fragment, field) { serveBlob( request, response, acc[fragment][field] ); } function getFragmentMetadata(response, acc, fragment) { var res = {}; for( var field in acc[ fragment ] ) { var f = acc[fragment][field]; if( typeof( f ) == 'number' ) res[ field] = f; else if( Buffer.isBuffer( f ) ) res[ field ] = f.length; } response.writeHead( 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}); response.end(JSON.stringify(res)); } function getSaveStateFileName() { if( os.type() == 'Linux' ) return '/var/log/csgo-relay-save/' + Date.now() + '.json'; else return 'hltvbroadcastrelay_server_state.json'; } function getLoadStateFileName() { if (os.type() == 'Linux') return '/var/log/csgo-relay-save/autoload.json'; else return 'hltvbroadcastrelay_server_state.json'; } fs.readFile(getLoadStateFileName(), "utf8", function (err, data) { if (err == null) { if (accounts.length > 0) console.log("Cannot replace accounts array because accounts has already been modified"); else { accounts = JSON.parse(data); var accDigest = []; for (var a in accounts) { var acc = accounts[a]; for (var f in acc) { var fragment = acc[f]; for (var ff in fragment) { var field = fragment[ff]; if (typeof (field) == 'object') { if (Array.isArray(field)) { fragment[ff] = new Buffer(field); } else if (field.type == 'Buffer' && typeof (field.data) == 'object') { fragment[ff] = new Buffer(field.data); } else console.log("Cannot recover fragment field " + f + "/" + ff + ": it's an object, and I can't guess how to restore it to Buffer object"); } } } accDigest.push(a + '[' + acc.length + ']'); } console.log("Restored accounts: " + accDigest.join(',')); } } }); function checkOriginAuth( originAuth, expected ) { return typeof (originAuth) == 'string' && (originAuth == expected || originAuth.indexOf(expected) >= 0); } function processRequestUnprotected(request, response) { // https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage var uri, isAdmin = false, isAkamai = false; if (request.url == '/idebug?admin') { adminCookie = Math.floor( Math.random() * 1e9 ); console.log("Authenticating new admin: " + adminCookie ); isAdmin = true; uri = '/'; } else { uri = decodeURI(request.url); var cookies = request.headers.cookie; if (cookies) cookies.split(';').forEach(function (cookie) { var parts = cookie.split('='); if (parts[0].trim() == 'admin') { if (parts[1].trim() == adminCookie) isAdmin = true; else console.log('Admin cookie out of date: ' + adminCookie); } }); } if (isAdmin) { console.log('Admin ' + request.method + uri); response.setHeader('Set-Cookie', 'admin=' + adminCookie); } var param = url.parse(uri, true); var path = param.pathname.split("/"); path.shift(); // the first element is always empty, because the path starts with / response.httpVersion = '1.0'; var prime = path.shift(); if( prime == null || prime == '' || prime == 'index.html') { if( isAdmin ) respondSimpleHtml( response, listAllAccounts()); else respondSimpleError(uri, response, 401, 'Unauthorized'); return; } var isPost, originAuth = request.headers['x-origin-auth']; if (request.method == 'POST') { isPost = true; if (isAdmin) { if (prime == 'save' ) { var str = JSON.stringify(accounts); var fileName = getSaveStateFileName(); var printout = 'Saving server state into ' + fileName + ', ' + str.length + ' bytes'; console.log(printout); fs.writeFile( fileName, str, "utf8", function (err) { if (err) console.log(err); else console.log("Current server state saved"); }); respondSimpleHtml(response, printout); return; } } else { if (checkOriginAuth(originAuth, "hMugYm7Lv4o5")) { if (anonymousGetAllowance < 20) anonymousGetAllowance += 2; } else { console.log("Unauthorized POST to " + request.url + ", origin auth " + originAuth); respondSimpleError(uri, response, 403, "Not Authorized"); return; } } } else if (request.method == 'GET') { if ( checkOriginAuth( originAuth, 'c93a737c6aeab43b7f4ce18394f9374332c8f935' ) ) isAkamai = true; else if (!isAdmin) { if (anonymousGetAllowance <= 0) { respondSimpleError(uri, response, 403, "Not Authorized"); return; } else { anonymousGetAllowance--; console.log('Non-Akamai GET (' + originAuth + ') allowed (' + anonymousGetAllowance + ') ' + uri); } } isPost = false; } else { respondSimpleError(uri, response, 404, "Only POST or GET in this API"); return; } var acc = accounts[ prime ]; if( acc == null ) { // the account does not exist if( isPost ) { // it's ok, we'll create a new account console.log("Creating account '" + prime + "'"); accounts[prime] = acc = []; stats.new_acct++; }else{ // GET requests don't create new accounts; but we can add more routing here later respondSimpleError(uri, response, 404, "Account " + prime + " not found"); // invalid account stats.err[0]++; return; } } var subAcc = path.shift(); if( subAcc == null || subAcc == '' ) { if (isPost) { respondSimpleError(uri, response, 405, "Invalid POST: no fragment or field"); stats.err[1]++; } else if (isAdmin) respondSimpleHtml(response, listSingleAccount(prime, acc)); else respondSimpleError(uri, response, 401, "Unauthorized"); return; } stats.requests++; var fragment = parseInt(subAcc); if (fragment != subAcc ) { if( subAcc == "sync" ) { respondAccSync(param, uri, response, acc); stats.sync++; } else if( subAcc == "size" ) respondSimpleHtml(response, "Account " + prime + " all buffers use: " + getAccountBufferSize(acc) + " bytes"); else if (subAcc == "delete") { if (isPost) { delete accounts[prime]; respondSimpleHtml(response, "

Account " + prime + " and all its buffers are deleted

" + listAllAccounts()); } else respondSimpleError(uri, response, 405, "Fragment delete must be a POST request"); } else { respondSimpleError(uri, response, 405, "Fragment is not an int or pseudo-fragment name (sync, size)"); stats.err[2]++; } return; } var field = path.shift(); if( isPost ) { stats.post_field++; if (field != null) { postField(request, param, response, acc, fragment, field); var fragRemove = fragment - 1200; //if (fragRemove > 100 && acc[fragRemove] != null) { // keep the first 100 fragments for reference/debugging; keep the last 1200 (1 hour worth of data, ~200Mb at most) because we have enough memory for that. In actuality we only need ~15-20 last fragments and fragment [0] // delete acc[fragRemove]; // free the memory //} } else if (param.query.delete == "fragment" && isAdmin) { acc[fragment] = null respondSimpleHtml(response, "

Fragment " + fragment + " is deleted

" + listSingleAccount(prime, acc)); } else { respondSimpleError(uri, response, 405, "Cannot post fragment without field name"); stats.err[3]++; } } else { if (field == 'start') { getStart(request, response, acc, fragment, field); stats.get_start++; } else if( acc[ fragment ] == null ) { stats.err[4]++; response.writeHead(404, "Fragment " + fragment + " not found"); response.end(); } else if (field == null || field == '') { getFragmentMetadata(response, acc, fragment); stats.get_frag_meta++; } else { getField(request, response, acc, fragment, field); stats.get_field++; } } } function processRequest(request, response) { try{ processRequestUnprotected(request, response); } catch (err) { console.log(( new Date ).toUTCString() + " Exception when processing request " + request.url); console.log(err); console.log(err.stack); } } var newServer = http.createServer(processRequest).listen(port); if( newServer) console.log(( new Date() ).toUTCString() + " Started in " + os.type() + " at " + __dirname + " on port " + port); else console.log(( new Date() ).toUTCString() + " Failed to start on port " + port);