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2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00
//====== Copyright <20> 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Declaration of CDmeGraphEditorState, a data model element which stores
// the active state data for the graph editor.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "sfmobjects/dmegrapheditorcurve.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmebookmark.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
// Function declaration for bookmark update callbacks.
typedef void (*FnUpdateBookmarks)( const CDmaElementArray< CDmeBookmark > &bookmarkSet, void *pData );
typedef void (*FnOnBookmarkTimeChange )( DmeTime_t oldTime, DmeTime_t newTime, void *pData );
// The CDmeGraphEditorState class is a data model element which represents the
// active state of the CGraphEditor class. It contains the visible curve set,
// selection, and curve handle data. It provides access to selection and
// handles, but does not perform any data manipulation.
class CDmeGraphEditorState : public CDmElement
DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeGraphEditorState, CDmElement );
// Remove all curves from the list of active curves
void RemoveAllCurves();
// Add or update the specified channel for editing.
CDmeGraphEditorCurve *AddCurve( CDmeChannel *pChannel, DmeFramerate_t framerate, bool bFrameSnap, const DmeClipStack_t &clipstack );
// Find the graph editor curve for the specified channel
CDmeGraphEditorCurve *FindCurve( const CDmeChannel *pChannel ) const;
// Find the graph editor curve for the specified channel within the active set.
CDmeGraphEditorCurve *FindActiveCurve( const CDmeChannel *pChannel ) const;
// Find the graph editor curve with in the active set that is associated with a channel of the specified name.
CDmeGraphEditorCurve *FindActiveCurveByChannelName( const char *name ) const;
// Remove all curves from the list of active curves
void DeactiveateAllCurves();
// Remove and curves which do not remove to a valid channel
void RemoveInvalidCurves();
// Add the specified curve to the list of active curves
void MakeCurveActive( CDmeGraphEditorCurve *pCurve, LogComponents_t nComponents );
// Clear the current key selection
void ClearSelection();
// Select the specified keys according to the specified selection mode
void SelectKeys( const CUtlVector< CDmeCurveKey * > &keyList, SelectionMode_t selectionMode );
// Find the index of the the key in the selection set
int FindSelectedKey( const CDmeCurveKey *pKey ) const;
// Set the tangent selection for the specified keys
void SelectKeyTangents( const CUtlVector< CDmeCurveKey * > &keyList, const CUtlVector< bool > &inList,
const CUtlVector< bool > &outList, SelectionMode_t selectionMode );
// Select the specified component of the specified curve and all the keys on the component
void SelectCurveComponents( const CUtlVector< CDmeGraphEditorCurve * > &curveList, const CUtlVector < LogComponents_t > &nComponentFlagsList, SelectionMode_t selectionMode );
// Add a bookmark to the set at the specified time
CDmeBookmark *AddBookmark( DmeTime_t time, bool bAddToSet = true );
// Find a bookmark with the specified time
CDmeBookmark *FindBookmark( DmeTime_t time ) const;
// Remove all of the current bookmarks from the bookmark set
void ClearBookmarkSet();
// Rebuild the bookmark set from the specified list of times
void SetAllBookmarks( const CUtlVector< DmeTime_t > &times );
// Accessors
bool ShouldDisplayGrid() const { return m_bDisplayGrid; }
CDmaElementArray< CDmeBookmark > &GetBookmarkSet() { return m_BookmarkSet; }
const CDmaElementArray< CDmeBookmark > &GetBookmarkSet() const { return m_BookmarkSet; }
const CDmaElementArray< CDmeGraphEditorCurve > &GetFullCurveList() const { return m_CurveList; }
const CDmaElementArray< CDmeGraphEditorCurve > &GetActiveCurveList() const { return m_ActiveCurveList; }
const CDmaElementArray< CDmeCurveKey > &GetSelectedKeys() const { return m_SelectedKeys; }
// Select the specified key according to the specified selection mode
void SelectKey( CDmeCurveKey *pKey, bool bInTangent, bool bOutTangent, SelectionMode_t selectionMode );
// Add the specified key to the selection
void AddKeyToSelection( CDmeCurveKey *pKey, bool bInSelection, bool bOutSelection );
// Remove the specified key from the selection
void RemoveKeyFromSelection( CDmeCurveKey *pKey, bool bInSelection, bool bOutSelection );
// Toggle the selection of the specified key
void ToggleKeySelection( CDmeCurveKey *pKey, bool bInSelection, bool bOutSelection );
// Remove the invalid curves from the specified array
static void RemoveInvalidCurves( CDmaElementArray< CDmeGraphEditorCurve > &curveList );
CDmaElementArray< CDmeGraphEditorCurve > m_CurveList; // "curveList" : Array of all curves currently available to the graph editor
CDmaElementArray< CDmeGraphEditorCurve > m_ActiveCurveList; // "activeCurveList" : Array of curves visible in the graph editor which will be modified by operations
CDmaElementArray< CDmeCurveKey > m_SelectedKeys; // "selectedKeys" : Array of curve keys that are currently selected
CDmaElementArray< CDmeBookmark > m_BookmarkSet; // "bookmarkSet" : Array of bookmark elements generated from the active log bookmarks
CDmaVar< bool > m_bDisplayGrid; // "displayGrid" : Flag indicating if the graph grid should be displayed
friend class CUndoGraphEditorSelectKeys;