359 lines
13 KiB
359 lines
13 KiB
//========= Copyright <20> Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Forward server log lines to remote listeners
#include "cbase.h"
#include "server_log_http_dispatcher.h"
#include "gameinterface.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "engine/inetsupport.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CServerLogDestination
CServerLogDestination( const char* szDestAddress )
m_sURI.Set( szDestAddress );
m_flTimeout = 10.0f;
m_bIsFinished = false;
m_unMaxUpdateStringSizeBytes = 250 * k_nKiloByte;
m_lluUniqueToken = 0llu;
static ConVarRef rev_LogAddrSecret( "logaddress_token_secret" );
const char* szSecret = rev_LogAddrSecret.GetString();
// HACK: Same code in sv_log, but not worth plumbing that through to share for this kinda feature... Doesn't really matter if they drift
if ( szSecret && !StringIsEmpty( szSecret ) )
CRC64_ProcessBuffer( &m_lluUniqueToken, szSecret, V_strlen( szSecret ) );
if ( !m_lluUniqueToken )
m_lluUniqueToken = 1;
if ( m_hHTTPRequestHandle )
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->ReleaseHTTPRequest( m_hHTTPRequestHandle );
bool BRequestPending( void ) const { return m_hHTTPRequestHandle != INVALID_HTTPREQUEST_HANDLE; }
bool BIsFinished( void ) const { return m_bIsFinished; }
bool SendUpdate( int32 iFromTIck, int32 iToTick, CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t idxEndOfUpdate, const char* pLogLines, size_t unUpdateStrLenBytes );
CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t LastUpdateIndex() const { return m_idxLastAcknowledgedUpdate; }
void Reset( void ) // Called during cleanup between maps or at shutdown
m_idxPendingUpdate = CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex();
m_idxLastAcknowledgedUpdate = CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex();
if ( m_hHTTPRequestHandle )
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->ReleaseHTTPRequest( m_hHTTPRequestHandle );
m_hHTTPRequestHandle = NULL;
size_t MaxUpdateStringSizeBytes() const { return m_unMaxUpdateStringSizeBytes; }
void DumpStatusToConsole( void ) const;
void Steam_OnHTTPRequestCompleted( HTTPRequestCompleted_t *p, bool bError );
CUtlString m_sURI; // Base url for this destination
// Keep track of the linked list node from the last successful update so we can continue where we left off
CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t m_idxLastAcknowledgedUpdate;
CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t m_idxPendingUpdate;
HTTPRequestHandle m_hHTTPRequestHandle; // Pending request if any
float m_flTimeout; // Timeout passed to steamhttp callbacks
size_t m_unMaxUpdateStringSizeBytes;
bool m_bIsFinished; // This listener is done for some reason, remove us from queue next update
uint64 m_lluUniqueToken; // Some unique string set before adding a listener to be sent along with the request. Here to match behavior of udp system.
// SteamHTTP members for callback handling
CCallResult< CServerLogDestination, HTTPRequestCompleted_t > m_CallbackOnHTTPRequestCompleted;
static CServerLogHTTPDispatcher g_ServerLogHTTPDispatcher;
CServerLogHTTPDispatcher* GetServerLogHTTPDispatcher( void ) { return &g_ServerLogHTTPDispatcher; }
CON_COMMAND( logaddress_add_http, "Set URI of a listener to receive logs via http post. Wrap URI in double quotes." )
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 )
ConMsg( "logaddress_add_http: Invalid parameters, must be URI of a listener to receive logs wrapped in quotes, eg \"\"\n" );
GetServerLogHTTPDispatcher()->AddListener( args[ 1 ] );
CON_COMMAND( logaddress_delall_http, "Remove all http listeners from the dispatch list." )
CON_COMMAND( logaddress_list_http, "List all URIs currently receiving server logs" )
CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( "ServerLogHTTPDispatcher" )
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::BuildTimestampString( void )
double flTimeSpentLogging = Plat_FloatTime() - m_loggingStartPlatTime;
tm now;
Plat_ConvertToLocalTime( ( m_localTimeLoggingStart + (uint32)flTimeSpentLogging ), &now );
uint32 msecs = ( flTimeSpentLogging - ( uint32 )flTimeSpentLogging ) * 1000;
m_strTimeStampPrefix.Format( "%02u/%02u/%04u - %02u:%02u:%02u.%03u",
now.tm_mon + 1, now.tm_mday, 1900 + now.tm_year,
now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, msecs );
bool CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogForHTTPListeners( const char* szLogLine )
if ( !szLogLine || StringIsEmpty( szLogLine ) )
return false;
if ( m_strLogLinesThisTick.IsEmpty() )
m_strLogLinesThisTick.AppendFormat( "%s - %s", m_strTimeStampPrefix.Get(), szLogLine );
return true;
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::AddListener( const char* szURI )
m_vecListeners.AddToTail( new CServerLogDestination( szURI ) );
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::RemoveAllListeners( void )
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::DumpListenersToConsole( void ) const
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecListeners, i )
CServerLogDestination *pDest = m_vecListeners[ i ];
if ( pDest )
ConMsg( "\tlast acknowledged tick %d\n", m_llLogPerTick[ pDest->LastUpdateIndex() ].iTick );
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::Shutdown()
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LevelInitPreEntity()
#if 0 // autoadd self for debugging
if ( m_vecListeners.Count() == 0 )
engine->ServerCommand( "log on;logaddress_add_http \"\"\n" );
m_localTimeLoggingStart = Plat_GetTime();
m_loggingStartPlatTime = Plat_FloatTime();
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LevelShutdownPreEntity()
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::Reset( void )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecListeners, i )
#if defined DBGFLAG_ASSERT
m_dbgLastAllocedHandle = LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex();
void CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::PreClientUpdate()
if ( m_vecListeners.Count() == 0 )
// Can't do any work before we have steamhttp
if ( steamgameserverapicontext == NULL || !steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP() || !steamgameserverapicontext->SteamGameServer() )
AssertOnce( engine->IsLogEnabled() );
static bool bWarnOnce = false;
if ( !engine->IsLogEnabled() && !bWarnOnce )
Warning( "Server log http listener registered, but logging is not turned on for this server! Start recording the log before registering any http destinations\n" );
bWarnOnce = true;
// If we've crossed a tick boundary, add the spew for that period to the in-memory log
int32 iTickLastLogged = m_llLogPerTick.Tail() != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() ? m_llLogPerTick [ m_llLogPerTick.Tail() ].iTick : 0;
if ( gpGlobals->tickcount > iTickLastLogged && !m_strLogLinesThisTick.IsEmpty() )
// Record offset from start of our log string for this tick's lines and its length.
LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t newIdx = m_llLogPerTick.AddToTail( LogLineStartForTick_t ( gpGlobals->tickcount, m_strServerLog.Length(), m_strLogLinesThisTick.Length() ) );
// Never reuse handles in this LL unless we tear down the log between levels or otherwise know there are no listeners holding on to them
NOTE_UNUSED( newIdx );
#if defined DBGFLAG_ASSERT
Assert( newIdx > m_dbgLastAllocedHandle || m_dbgLastAllocedHandle == LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() );
m_dbgLastAllocedHandle = newIdx;
// Append this tick's lines to the log and clear
m_strServerLog.Append( m_strLogLinesThisTick.Get() );
// Don't free memory for this as it's a frequently used bucket. Keep alloc at whatever high water mark its reached until level transition
m_strLogLinesThisTick.SetLength( 0 );
// Mark this as the most recent tick for any updates being sent below
iTickLastLogged = gpGlobals->tickcount;
if ( m_llLogPerTick.Tail() != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() )
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecListeners, i )
CServerLogDestination* pDest = m_vecListeners[ i ];
if ( pDest->BRequestPending() ) // Skip requests still waiting to hear back or time out
if ( pDest->BIsFinished() ) // Clean up listeners no longer needing updates
delete m_vecListeners[ i ];
m_vecListeners.Remove( i );
// If we have new lines for this listener, send an update
LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t idxLast = pDest->LastUpdateIndex();
if ( idxLast == m_llLogPerTick.Tail() )
continue; // they have the latest
LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t idxFrom = LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex();
if ( idxLast == LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() )
idxFrom = m_llLogPerTick.Head(); // never acknowledged an update
idxFrom = m_llLogPerTick.Next( idxLast ); // start with the next entry after their last acknowledgment
Assert( idxFrom != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() );
LogLineStartForTick_t &updateStart = m_llLogPerTick[ idxFrom ];
Assert( updateStart.iTick <= iTickLastLogged );
LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t idxTo = idxFrom;
size_t unUpdateStringSize = updateStart.unLength;
while ( unUpdateStringSize < pDest->MaxUpdateStringSizeBytes() && m_llLogPerTick.Next( idxTo ) != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() )
idxTo = m_llLogPerTick.Next( idxTo );
unUpdateStringSize += m_llLogPerTick[ idxTo ].unLength;
Assert( idxFrom != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() && idxTo != LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex() );
pDest->SendUpdate( updateStart.iTick, m_llLogPerTick[idxTo].iTick, idxTo , m_strServerLog.Get() + updateStart.unOffsetStart, unUpdateStringSize );
bool CServerLogDestination::SendUpdate( int32 iFromTick, int32 iToTick, CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::IndexType_t idxEndOfUpdate, const char* pLogLines, size_t unUpdateStrLenBytes )
m_hHTTPRequestHandle = steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->CreateHTTPRequest( k_EHTTPMethodPOST, m_sURI.Get() );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, m_flTimeout );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-Tick-Start", CNumStr( iFromTick ).String() );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-Tick-End", CNumStr( iToTick ).String() );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-SteamID", steamgameserverapicontext->SteamGameServer()->GetSteamID().Render() );
INetSupport::ServerInfo_t serverInfo;
if ( INetSupport *pINetSupport = ( INetSupport * )g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchExtensions()->GetRegisteredExtensionInterface( INETSUPPORT_VERSION_STRING ) )
pINetSupport->GetServerInfo( &serverInfo );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-Server-Addr", serverInfo.m_netAdr.ToString() );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-Timestamp", CNumStr( Plat_MSTime() ).String() );
if ( m_lluUniqueToken )
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "X-Server-Unique-Token", CNumStr( m_lluUniqueToken ).String() );
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, "text/plain", ( uint8* )pLogLines, unUpdateStrLenBytes );
SteamAPICall_t hCall = NULL;
if ( m_hHTTPRequestHandle && steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->SendHTTPRequest( m_hHTTPRequestHandle, &hCall ) && hCall )
m_CallbackOnHTTPRequestCompleted.Set( hCall, this, &CServerLogDestination::Steam_OnHTTPRequestCompleted );
m_idxPendingUpdate = idxEndOfUpdate;
if ( m_hHTTPRequestHandle )
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->ReleaseHTTPRequest( m_hHTTPRequestHandle );
m_hHTTPRequestHandle = NULL;
Steam_OnHTTPRequestCompleted( NULL, true );
return false;
return true;
void CServerLogDestination::DumpStatusToConsole( void ) const
ConMsg( "%s - %s pending request\n", m_sURI.Get(), BRequestPending() ? "has" : "no" );
void CServerLogDestination::Steam_OnHTTPRequestCompleted( HTTPRequestCompleted_t *p, bool bError )
if ( !m_hHTTPRequestHandle || !p || ( p->m_hRequest != m_hHTTPRequestHandle ) )
bool bSuccess = !bError && p->m_eStatusCode == k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK;
if ( bSuccess )
m_idxLastAcknowledgedUpdate = m_idxPendingUpdate;
switch ( p->m_eStatusCode )
case k_EHTTPStatusCodeInvalid:
Msg( "Internal HTTP error posting to url %s\n", m_sURI.Get() );
case k_EHTTPStatusCode410Gone:
Msg( "Listener %s sent code 410, removing from update list.\n", m_sURI.Get() );
m_bIsFinished = true;
case k_EHTTPStatusCode205ResetContent:
m_idxLastAcknowledgedUpdate = CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex(); // Destination is requesting entire log again
Msg( "Error posting to url %s, error code %d\n", m_sURI.Get(), p->m_eStatusCode );
m_idxPendingUpdate = CServerLogHTTPDispatcher::LogLinesList_t::InvalidIndex();
steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP()->ReleaseHTTPRequest( p->m_hRequest );
m_hHTTPRequestHandle = NULL;