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2021-07-24 21:11:47 -07:00
#include "tier1/timeutils.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlbufferutil.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// DmeFramerate_t
// exact (rational) representation of common framerates - any integral or ntsc framerate
DmeFramerate_t::DmeFramerate_t( float fps )
SetFramerate( fps );
DmeFramerate_t::DmeFramerate_t( int fps /*= 0*/ ) :
m_num( fps ), m_den( 10000 )
DmeFramerate_t::DmeFramerate_t( int nNumerator, int nDenominator ) :
m_num( nNumerator ), m_den( nDenominator * 10000 )
void DmeFramerate_t::SetFramerate( float flFrameRate )
if ( IsIntegralValue( flFrameRate ) )
SetFramerate( RoundFloatToInt( flFrameRate ) );
else if ( IsIntegralValue( flFrameRate * 1001.0f / 1000.0f, 0.01f ) ) // 1001 is the ntsc divisor (30*1000/1001 = 29.97, etc)
SetFramerateNTSC( RoundFloatToInt( flFrameRate * 1001.0f / 1000.0f ) );
Assert( 0 );
SetFramerate( RoundFloatToInt( flFrameRate ) );
void DmeFramerate_t::SetFramerate( int fps )
m_num = fps;
m_den = 10000;
// other (uncommon) options besides 30(29.97 - ntsc video) are 24 (23.976 - ntsc film) and 60 (59.94 - ntsc progressive)
void DmeFramerate_t::SetFramerateNTSC( int multiplier /*= 30*/ )
// ntsc = 30 fps * 1000 / 1001
// = ( 30 / 10000 fptms ) * 1000 / 1001
// = 30 / 10010
m_num = multiplier;
m_den = 10010;
float DmeFramerate_t::GetFramesPerSecond() const
return 10000.0f * m_num / float( m_den );
DmeTime_t DmeFramerate_t::GetTimePerFrame() const
return DmeTime_t( m_den / m_num );
// DmeTime_t
// representing time as integral tenths of a millisecond (tms)
DmeTime_t::DmeTime_t( int frame, DmeFramerate_t framerate )
int64 num = int64( framerate.m_num );
int64 prod = frame * int64( framerate.m_den );
// add signed offset to force integer truncation (towards 0) to give us truncation towards -inf
if ( frame < 0 )
prod -= num - 1;
m_tms = int( prod / num ); // round tms towards 0
// float operators - comment these out to find potentially incorrect uses of DmeTime_t
DmeTime_t DmeTime_t::operator*=( float f )
m_tms = int( floor( m_tms * f + 0.5f ) );
return *this;
DmeTime_t DmeTime_t::operator/=( float f )
m_tms = int( floor( m_tms / f + 0.5f ) );
return *this;
// helper methods
void DmeTime_t::Clamp( DmeTime_t lo, DmeTime_t hi )
m_tms = clamp( m_tms, lo.m_tms, hi.m_tms );
bool DmeTime_t::IsInRange( DmeTime_t lo, DmeTime_t hi ) const
return m_tms >= lo.m_tms && m_tms < hi.m_tms;
// helper functions
float GetFractionOfTimeBetween( DmeTime_t t, DmeTime_t start, DmeTime_t end, bool bClamp /*= false*/ )
return GetFractionOfTime( t - start, end - start, bClamp );
float GetFractionOfTime( DmeTime_t t, DmeTime_t duration, bool bClamp /*= false*/ )
if ( duration == DMETIME_ZERO )
return 0.0f;
if ( bClamp )
t.Clamp( DMETIME_ZERO, duration );
return t.m_tms / float( duration.m_tms );
int FrameForTime( DmeTime_t t, DmeFramerate_t framerate )
return t.CurrentFrame( framerate );
// framerate-dependent conversions to/from frames
int DmeTime_t::CurrentFrame( DmeFramerate_t framerate, RoundStyle_t roundStyle /*=ROUND_DOWN*/ ) const
int64 den = int64( framerate.m_den );
int64 num = int64( framerate.m_num );
int64 prod = int64( m_tms ) * num;
// times within this range are considered on a frame: (frame*den/num - 1, frame*den/num]
// this follows from the truncation towards -inf behavior of the frame,framerate constructor above
// the following logic is there to ensure the above rule,
// while working around the truncation towards 0 behavior of integer divide
if ( m_tms < 0 )
if ( roundStyle == ROUND_NEAREST )
return int( ( prod - den/2 + num ) / den );
if ( roundStyle == ROUND_DOWN )
return int( ( prod - den + num ) / den );
if ( roundStyle == ROUND_NEAREST )
return int( ( prod + den/2 ) / den ); // this is intentionally not symmetric with the negative case, s.t. nearest always rounds up at half-frames (rather than always towards 0)
if ( roundStyle == ROUND_UP )
return int( ( prod + den - num ) / den );
if ( roundStyle == ROUND_DOWN )
return int( ( prod + num ) / den );
return int( prod / den );
DmeTime_t DmeTime_t::TimeAtCurrentFrame( DmeFramerate_t framerate, RoundStyle_t roundStyle /*=ROUND_DOWN*/ ) const
int frame = CurrentFrame( framerate, roundStyle );
return DmeTime_t( frame, framerate );
DmeTime_t DmeTime_t::TimeAtNextFrame( DmeFramerate_t framerate ) const
// since we always round towards -inf, go to next frame whether we're on a frame or not
int frame = CurrentFrame( framerate, ROUND_DOWN );
return DmeTime_t( frame + 1, framerate );
DmeTime_t DmeTime_t::TimeAtPrevFrame( DmeFramerate_t framerate ) const
int frame = CurrentFrame( framerate, ROUND_UP );
return DmeTime_t( frame - 1, framerate ); // we're exactly on a frame
int DmeTime_t::RoundSecondsToTMS( float sec )
return (int)floor( 10000.0f * sec + 0.5f ); // round at half-tms boundary
int DmeTime_t::RoundSecondsToTMS( double sec )
return (int)floor( 10000.0 * sec + 0.5 ); // round at half-tms boundary
bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, const DmeTime_t &src )
int tms = src.GetTenthsOfMS();
if ( buf.IsText() )
#if 1
double tms = src.GetTenthsOfMS();
buf.Printf( "%.04f", tms / 10000 );
int tms = src.GetTenthsOfMS();
uint postms = tms; // can't just negate tms, since -INT_MIN == INT_MIN
if ( tms < 0 )
buf.PutChar( '-' );
postms = -tms;
int seconds = postms / 10000;
int remainder = postms % 10000;
buf.Printf( "%d.%04d", seconds, remainder );
buf.PutInt( tms );
return buf.IsValid();
bool Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, DmeTime_t &dest )
if ( buf.IsText() )
#if 1
double tms = buf.GetDouble() * 10000;
if ( !buf.IsValid() )
return false;
if ( tms < INT_MIN || tms > INT_MAX )
return false;
dest.SetTenthsOfMS( ( int )floor( tms + 0.5 ) );
char str[ 16 ];
buf.GetString( str, sizeof( str ) );
if ( !buf.IsValid() )
return false;
char *p = str;
bool bNegative = *p == '-';
if ( bNegative )
bool bSeenDigit = false;
bool bOverflow = false;
int seconds = 0;
while ( isdigit( *p ) )
seconds = seconds * 10 + *p++ - '0';
bSeenDigit = true;
bOverflow = seconds > INT_MAX / 10000; // once this goes invalid, it stays that way, so no extra check is needed
int remainder = 0;
if ( *p == '.' )
int multiplier = 1000;
while ( isdigit( *p ) )
remainder += multiplier * ( *p++ - '0' );
multiplier /= 10;
bSeenDigit = true;
uint tms = seconds * 10000 + remainder;
if ( bOverflow || !bSeenDigit || ( tms > ( bNegative ? ( uint )-INT_MIN : INT_MAX ) ) )
return false;
dest.SetTenthsOfMS( bNegative ? -tms : tms );
return true;
int tms = buf.GetInt();
if ( !buf.IsValid() )
return false;
dest.SetTenthsOfMS( tms );
return true;
// DmeTime_t serialization/unserialization tests
#if 0 // not as necessary now that CUtlBuffer::GetDouble() works
class CTestTimeSerialization
TestSerialization( DMETIME_INVALID );
TestSerialization( DMETIME_MINTIME );
TestSerialization( DMETIME_MAXTIME );
TestSerialization( DMETIME_MINDELTA );
TestSerialization( DMETIME_ZERO );
TestSerialization( "214748.3647" );
TestSerialization( "214748.3648", NULL, false );
TestSerialization( "500000.0000", NULL, false );
TestSerialization( "-214748.3648" );
TestSerialization( "-214748.3649", NULL, false );
TestSerialization( "-500000.0000", NULL, false );
TestSerialization( "1.2", "1.2000" );
TestSerialization( "1", "1.0000" );
TestSerialization( "1.", "1.0000" );
TestSerialization( ".2", "0.2000" );
TestSerialization( "-1.2", "-1.2000" );
TestSerialization( "-1.", "-1.0000" );
TestSerialization( "-1", "-1.0000" );
TestSerialization( "-.2", "-0.2000" );
TestSerialization( "1.23456", "1.2345" );
TestSerialization( "-1.23456", "-1.2345" );
void TestSerialization( DmeTime_t time )
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 20, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
Serialize( buf, time );
DmeTime_t test;
if ( !Unserialize( buf, test ) )
Msg( "TestUnserialize: %d failed\n", time.GetTenthsOfMS() );
if ( time != test )
Msg( "TestUnserialize: %d != %d\n", test.GetTenthsOfMS(), time.GetTenthsOfMS() );
void TestSerialization( const char *pStr, const char *pExpectedStr = NULL, bool bExpectedSuccess = true )
CUtlBuffer buf( pStr, V_strlen( pStr ) + 1, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER | CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
DmeTime_t time;
if ( !Unserialize( buf, time ) )
if ( bExpectedSuccess )
Msg( "TestUnserialize: %s failed\n", pStr );
CUtlBuffer testbuf( 0, 20, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
Serialize( testbuf, time );
char pTestStr[ 20 ];
testbuf.GetString( pTestStr, sizeof( pTestStr ) );
if ( !pExpectedStr )
pExpectedStr = pStr;
if ( V_strcmp( pTestStr, pExpectedStr ) )
Msg( "TestUnserialize: %s != %s\n", pTestStr, pExpectedStr );
CTestTimeSerialization g_testTimeSerialization;