175 lines
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175 lines
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//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "mathlib/camera.h"
#include "rendersystem/irenderdevice.h"
#include "rendersystem/irendercontext.h"
#include "rendersystem/indexdata.h"
#include "rendersystem/vertexdata.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"
#include "rendersystem/schema/renderbuffer.g.h"
#include "rendersystem/schema/renderable.g.h"
// Forward declarations
class CSceneObject; // something that can be rendered
class CSceneParticleObject;
class CSceneMonitorObject;
class CSceneObjectList; // a set of objects which pass some
// test (for example, being in the
// frustum. generated by traversal
class CSceneView; // describes one scene render, such as
// a splitscreen view, a shadow map
// frustum, etc.
enum MaterialDrawMode_t
MATDRAWMODE_REGULAR = 0, // full forward rendering
MATDRAWMODE_LIGHTPREPASS = 1, // output to a gbuffer
MATDRAWMODE_LIGHTPOSTPASS = 2, // 2nd pass deferred
// placeholder
struct Mat2DrawModeDescriptor_t
HRenderTextureStrong m_hTextureToBind;
RenderShaderHandle_t m_hVertexShader;
RenderShaderHandle_t m_hPixelShader;
class IMat2
Mat2DrawModeDescriptor_t m_drawDescriptors[MATDRAWMODE_NUMMODES];
RenderInputLayout_t m_hLayout;
uint m_nPassFlags; // SCENEOBJECTFLAG_ flags about which material this pass renders in.
void Bind( IRenderContext *pCtx, MaterialDrawMode_t nMode, RenderInputLayout_t hLayout = RENDER_INPUT_LAYOUT_INVALID );
struct ModelVertexXFormStream_t
Vector4D m_matTransform0;
Vector4D m_matTransform1;
Vector4D m_matTransform2;
struct CMeshDrawPrimitive_t
uint32 m_nSortKey;
matrix3x4_t *m_pTransform;
MaterialDrawDescriptor_t const *m_pDrawOp;
CSceneObject *m_pObject;
class ISceneObjectDesc
virtual CSceneObject *Create( void ) = 0;
virtual void DrawArray( class IRenderContext *pCtx, CMeshDrawPrimitive_t *pRenderList, int nNumRenderablesToDraw,
class CSceneView const *pView, class CSceneLayer *pLayer ) {}
// generate the simple static vb primitives for this object. may be called with a non 0
// nStartPrimitive multiple times if there is a buffer overflow (this should be a rare
// occurrence
virtual int GeneratePrimitives( CSceneObject *pObject, int nStartPrimitive, int nMaxOutputPrimitives, CMeshDrawPrimitive_t *pOutBuf,
CSceneView const *pView, CSceneLayer *pLayer ) { return 0; }
class CSceneLayer;
typedef void (*LAYERDRAWFN)( class ISceneView *pView, IRenderContext *pCtx, CSceneLayer *pLayer );
class ISceneView // this class is going to become concrete
virtual CSceneLayer *AddRenderLayer( RenderViewport_t const &viewport, MaterialDrawMode_t eShaderMode ) =0;
virtual CSceneLayer *AddProceduralLayer( RenderViewport_t const &viewport, LAYERDRAWFN pFnToRender ) =0;
virtual ~ISceneView( void ) {}
abstract_class ISceneSystem : public IAppSystem
// creating renderables
virtual CSceneObject *CreateSceneObject( ISceneObjectDesc *pDesc, uint nFlags ) =0;
// finding and adding renderable types
virtual ISceneObjectDesc *GetSceneObjectDesc( char const *pName ) = 0;
virtual void AddSceneObjectType( char const *pName, ISceneObjectDesc *pDescriptor ) =0;
virtual CSceneObject *CreateSceneObject( uint nFlags ) =0;
// rendering. First call beginRenderingViews, then call AddRenerView on all of the views you
// want to render, and then call FinishRenderingViews which will kick off all of the threads.
// since rendering is asynchronous, you need to call WaitForRenderingToComplete() before
// starting another render or changing the state of sceneobjects, etc.
virtual void BeginRenderingViews( IRenderDevice *pDevice ) = 0;
virtual ISceneView *AddView( CFrustum const &frustum ) = 0;
virtual void BeginRenderingDynamicView( ISceneView *pView ) = 0; // only call this on views created during rendering
virtual void FinishRenderingViews( void ) = 0;
virtual void WaitForRenderingToComplete( void ) = 0;
virtual void InitSystem( void ) =0;
// general obejct stuff
virtual void SetObjectBounds( CSceneObject *pObj, Vector const &vecMins, Vector const &vecMaxes ) =0;
// particles
virtual CSceneParticleObject *CreateParticleObject( const char *pParticleSystemName, float flDelay = 0.0f, int nRandomSeed = 0 ) =0;
virtual CSceneMonitorObject *CreateMonitorObject( void ) =0;
virtual CParticleSystemMgr *ParticleMgr( void ) =0;
virtual bool ReadParticleConfigFile( const char *pFileName, bool bPrecache, bool bDecommitTempMemory = true ) =0;
// create a particle system by name. returns null if one of that name does not exist
virtual CParticleCollection *CreateParticleCollection( const char *pParticleSystemName, float flDelay = 0.0f, int nRandomSeed = 0 ) =0;
virtual CParticleCollection *CreateParticleCollection( ParticleSystemHandle_t particleSystemName, float flDelay = 0.0f, int nRandomSeed = 0 ) =0;
virtual void Shutdown( void ) =0;
virtual ~ISceneSystem( void ) {}