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//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// cglmtex.h
// GLMgr textures
#ifndef CGLMTEX_H
#define CGLMTEX_H
#pragma once
#ifdef OSX
#include "glmgr/glmgrbasics.h"
#include "tier1/utlhash.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
// forward declarations
class GLMContext;
class GLMTester;
class CGLMTexLayoutTable;
class CGLMTex;
class CGLMFBO;
class IDirect3DSurface9;
struct GLMTexFormatDesc
const char *m_formatSummary; // for debug visibility
D3DFORMAT m_d3dFormat; // what D3D knows it as; see public/bitmap/imageformat.h
GLenum m_glIntFormat; // GL internal format
GLenum m_glIntFormatSRGB; // internal format if SRGB flavor
GLenum m_glDataFormat; // GL data format
GLenum m_glDataType; // GL data type
int m_chunkSize; // 1 or 4 - 4 is used for compressed textures
int m_bytesPerSquareChunk; // how many bytes for the smallest quantum (m_chunkSize x m_chunkSize)
// this description lets us calculate size cleanly without conditional logic for compression
const GLMTexFormatDesc *GetFormatDesc( D3DFORMAT format );
// utility function for generating slabs of texels. mostly for test.
typedef struct
// in
D3DFORMAT m_format;
void *m_dest; // dest address
int m_chunkCount; // square chunk count (single texels or compressed blocks)
int m_byteCountLimit; // caller expectation of max number of bytes to write out
float r,g,b,a; // color desired
// out
int m_bytesWritten;
} GLMGenTexelParams;
// return true if successful
bool GLMGenTexels( GLMGenTexelParams *params );
struct GLMTexLayoutSlice
int m_xSize,m_ySize,m_zSize; //texel dimensions of this slice
int m_storageOffset; //where in the storage slab does this slice live
int m_storageSize; //how much storage does this slice occupy
enum EGLMTexFlags
kGLMTexMipped = 0x01,
kGLMTexMippedAuto = 0x02,
kGLMTexRenderable = 0x04,
kGLMTexIsStencil = 0x08,
kGLMTexIsDepth = 0x10,
kGLMTexSRGB = 0x20,
kGLMTexUnused = 0x40, // UNUSED
kGLMTexMultisampled = 0x80, // has an RBO backing it. Cannot combine with Mipped, MippedAuto. One slice maximum, only targeting GL_TEXTURE_2D.
// actually not 100% positive on the mipmapping, the RBO itself can't be mipped, but the resulting texture could
// have mipmaps generated.
struct GLMTexLayoutKey
// input values: held const, these are the hash key for the form map
GLenum m_texGLTarget; // flavor of texture: GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GLTEXTURE_CUBE_MAP
D3DFORMAT m_texFormat; // D3D texel format
unsigned long m_texFlags; // mipped, autogen mips, render target, ... ?
unsigned long m_texSamples; // zero for a plain tex, 2/4/6/8 for "MSAA tex" (RBO backed)
int m_xSize,m_ySize,m_zSize; // size of base mip
bool LessFunc_GLMTexLayoutKey( const GLMTexLayoutKey &a, const GLMTexLayoutKey &b );
#define GLM_TEX_MAX_MIPS 14
struct GLMTexLayout
char *m_layoutSummary; // for debug visibility
// const inputs used for hashing
GLMTexLayoutKey m_key;
// refcount
int m_refCount;
// derived values:
GLMTexFormatDesc *m_format; // format specific info
int m_mipCount; // derived by starying at base size and working down towards 1x1
int m_faceCount; // 1 for 2d/3d, 6 for cubemap
int m_sliceCount; // product of faces and mips
int m_storageTotalSize; // size of storage slab required
// slice array
GLMTexLayoutSlice m_slices[0]; // dynamically allocated 2-d array [faces][mips]
class CGLMTexLayoutTable
GLMTexLayout *NewLayoutRef( GLMTexLayoutKey *key ); // pass in a pointer to layout key - receive ptr to completed layout
void DelLayoutRef( GLMTexLayout *layout ); // pass in pointer to completed layout. refcount is dropped.
void DumpStats( void );
CUtlMap< GLMTexLayoutKey, GLMTexLayout* > m_layoutMap;
// a sampler specifies desired state for drawing on a given sampler index
// this is the combination of a texture choice and a set of sampler parameters
// see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb172602(VS.85).aspx
struct GLMTexSamplingParams
GLenum m_addressModes[3]; // S, T, R
GLfloat m_borderColor[4]; // R,G,B,A
GLenum m_magFilter;
GLenum m_minFilter;
GLfloat m_mipmapBias;
GLint m_minMipLevel;
GLint m_maxMipLevel;
GLint m_maxAniso;
GLenum m_compareMode; // only used for depth and stencil type textures
bool m_srgb; // srgb texture read...
struct GLMTexLockParams
// input params which identify the slice of interest
CGLMTex *m_tex;
int m_face;
int m_mip;
// identifies the region of the slice
GLMRegion m_region;
// tells GLM to force re-read of the texels back from GL
// i.e. "I know I stepped on those texels with a draw or blit - the GLM copy is stale"
bool m_readback;
struct GLMTexLockDesc
GLMTexLockParams m_req; // form of the lock request
bool m_active; // set true at lock time. cleared at unlock time.
int m_sliceIndex; // which slice in the layout
int m_sliceBaseOffset; // where is that in the texture data
int m_sliceRegionOffset; // offset to the start (lowest address corner) of the region requested
typedef CBitVec<GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT> CTexBindMask;
enum EGLMTexSliceFlag
kSliceValid = 0x01, // slice has been teximage'd in whole at least once - set to 0 initially
kSliceStorageValid = 0x02, // if backing store is available, this slice's data is a valid copy - set to 0 initially
kSliceLocked = 0x04, // are one or more locks outstanding on this slice
kSliceFullyDirty = 0x08, // does the slice need to be fully downloaded at unlock time (disregard dirty rects)
class CGLMTex
void Lock( GLMTexLockParams *params, char** addressOut, int* yStrideOut, int *zStrideOut );
void Unlock( GLMTexLockParams *params );
friend class GLMContext; // only GLMContext can make CGLMTex objects
friend class GLMTester;
friend class CGLMFBO;
friend class IDirect3DDevice9;
friend class IDirect3DBaseTexture9;
friend class IDirect3DTexture9;
friend class IDirect3DSurface9;
friend class IDirect3DCubeTexture9;
friend class IDirect3DVolumeTexture9;
CGLMTex( GLMContext *ctx, GLMTexLayout *layout, GLMTexSamplingParams *sampling, const char *debugLabel = NULL );
~CGLMTex( );
int CalcSliceIndex( int face, int mip );
void CalcTexelDataOffsetAndStrides( int sliceIndex, int x, int y, int z, int *offsetOut, int *yStrideOut, int *zStrideOut );
void ApplySamplingParams( GLMTexSamplingParams *params, bool noCheck=FALSE );
void ReadTexels( GLMTexLockDesc *desc, bool readWholeSlice=true );
void WriteTexels( GLMTexLockDesc *desc, bool writeWholeSlice=true, bool noDataWrite=false );
// last param lets us send NULL data ptr (only legal with uncompressed formats, beware)
// this helps out ResetSRGB.
void ResetSRGB( bool srgb, bool noDataWrite );
// re-specify texture format to match desired sRGB form
// noWrite means send NULL for texel source addresses instead of actual data - ideal for RT's
GLMTexLayout *m_layout; // layout of texture (shared across all tex with same layout)
int m_minActiveMip;//index of lowest mip that has been written. used to drive setting of GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL.
int m_maxActiveMip;//index of highest mip that has been written. used to drive setting of GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL.
GLMTexSamplingParams m_sampling; // mirror of sampling params currently embodied in the texture
// (consult this at draw time, in order to know if changes need to be made)
GLMContext *m_ctx; // link back to parent context
GLuint m_texName; // name of this texture in the context
bool m_texClientStorage; // was CS selecetd for texture
bool m_texPreloaded; // has it been kicked into VRAM with GLMContext::PreloadTex yet
GLuint m_rboName; // name of MSAA RBO backing the tex if MSAA enabled (or zero)
bool m_rboDirty; // has RBO been drawn on - i.e. needs to be blitted back to texture if texture is going to be sampled from
CTexBindMask m_bindPoints; // true for each place in the parent ctx where currently
// bound (indexed via EGLMTexCtxBindingIndex)
int m_rtAttachCount; // how many RT's have this texture attached somewhere
char *m_backing; // backing storage if available
int m_lockCount; // lock reqs are stored in the GLMContext for tracking
CUtlVector<unsigned char> m_sliceFlags;
char *m_debugLabel; // strdup() of debugLabel passed in, or NULL